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Oxygen-18 (delta(18)O) variations in a 36-centimeter-long core (DH-11) of vein calcite from Devils Hole, Nevada, yield an uninterrupted 500,000-year paleotemperature record that closely mimics all major features in the Vostok (Antarctica) paleotemperature and marine delta(18)O ice-volume records. The chronology for this continental record is based on 21 replicated mass-spectrometric uranium-series dates. Between the middle and latest Pleistocene, the duration of the last four glacial cycles recorded in the calcite increased from 80,000 to 130,000 years; this variation suggests that major climate changes were aperiodic. The timing of specific climatic events indicates that orbitally controlled variations in solar insolation were not a major factor in triggering deglaciations. Interglacial climates lasted about 20,000 years. Collectively, these observations are inconsistent with the Milankovitch hypothesis for the origin of the Pleistocene glacial cycles but they are consistent with the thesis that these cycles originated from internal nonlinear feedbacks within the atmosphere-ice sheet-ocean system.  相似文献   

During Deep Sea Drilling Project-International Program of Ocean Drilling leg 64, December 1978 to January 1979, the initial test of the Deep Sea Drilling Project's hydraulic piston corer obtained an almost undisturbed section from a 152-meter hole into the sediments of the oxygen minimum zone at a depth of 655 meters along the Guaymas slope in the central Gulf of California. The section records variations in climate, productivity, and circulation for more than 250,000 years of Late Pleistocene to Holocene history with recordings of seasonal variations in these parameters in the laminated sections.  相似文献   

A record of oxygen isotopes in biogenic opal, 4200 to 1200 calibrated years before the present, from a high-altitude proglacial lake on Mount Kenya, East Africa, exhibits short-term fluctuations on a time scale of centuries as well as long-term variations. The short-term fluctuations are attributed to changes in the glacier meltwater input, and the long-term variations are related to changes in lake temperature. The record indicates that the climate was warm in Equatorial East Africa from 2300 to 1500 years before the present.  相似文献   

Supercooled droplets in cirrus uncinus cell heads between -40 degrees and -50 degrees C are identified from Project FIRE [First ISCCP (International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project) Regional Experiment] polarization lidar measurements. Although short-lived, complexes of these small liquid cells seem to have contributed importantly to the formation of the cirrus. Freezing-point depression effects in solution droplets, apparently resulting from relatively large cloud condensation nuclei of volcanic origin, can be used to explain this rare phenomenon. An unrecognized volcano-cirrus cloud climate feedback mechanism is implied by these findings.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon and thorium-230 dates of uplifted coral reef terraces on New Guinea appear to support theories of glaciation which utilize Milankovitch cycles as a controlling trigger mechanism. In addition to high sealevel stands recognized by other workers, the New Guinea data clearly indicate a marine transgression between 50,000 and 35,000 years before the present. A eustatic sea level curve reconstructed from field observations and radiometric dates shows a close correlation with temperature fluctuations in high latitudes as predicted by astronomical data.  相似文献   

We present a sea-ice record from northern Greenland covering the past 10,000 years. Multiyear sea ice reached a minimum between ~8500 and 6000 years ago, when the limit of year-round sea ice at the coast of Greenland was located ~1000 kilometers to the north of its present position. The subsequent increase in multiyear sea ice culminated during the past 2500 years and is linked to an increase in ice export from the western Arctic and higher variability of ice-drift routes. When the ice was at its minimum in northern Greenland, it greatly increased at Ellesmere Island to the west. The lack of uniformity in past sea-ice changes, which is probably related to large-scale atmospheric anomalies such as the Arctic Oscillation, is not well reproduced in models. This needs to be further explored, as it is likely to have an impact on predictions of future sea-ice distribution.  相似文献   

Lunar soils have been thought to contain two solar noble gas components with distinct isotopic composition. One has been identified as implanted solar wind, the other as higher-energy solar particles. The latter was puzzling because its relative amounts were much too large compared with present-day fluxes, suggesting periodic, very high solar activity in the past. Here we show that the depth-dependent isotopic composition of neon in a metallic glass exposed on NASA's Genesis mission agrees with the expected depth profile for solar wind neon with uniform isotopic composition. Our results strongly indicate that no extra high-energy component is required and that the solar neon isotope composition of lunar samples can be explained as implantation-fractionated solar wind.  相似文献   

High-precision uranium-thorium mass spectrometric chronology and (18)O-(13)C isotopic analysis of speleothem calcite from Cold Water Cave in northeast Iowa have been used to chart mid-Holocene climate change. Significant shifts in dagger(18)O and dagger(13)C isotopic values coincide with well-documented Holocene vegetation changes. Temperature estimates based on (18)O/(16)O ratios suggest that the climate warmed rapidly by about 3 degrees C at 5900 years before present and then cooled by 4 degrees C at 3600 years before present. Initiation of a gradual increase in dagger(13)C at 5900 years before present suggests that turnover of the forest soil biomass was slow and that equilibrium with prairie vegetation was not attained by 3600 years before present.  相似文献   

Core Y72 II I (43 degrees 15'N, 126 degrees 22'W) contains sediment of oxygen isotope stages I through 6 (substages 5a through 5e are well developed) and abundant pollen from the nearby continent, enabling us for the first time to obtain a direct marine-continental correlation of events in the last interglacial sensu lato. From stage 6 to substage 5e the vegetational record resembles that during the waning of the last glacial. During substage 5e, after a rapid increase of alder, western hemlock was abundant and significant amounts of redwood, oak, and Douglas fir appeared. These results suggest that vegetation on the adjacent continent during substage 5e was similar to that of the temperate conifer forests which developed in the Pacific Northwest during the Holocene. The vegetation record since that brief episode (which like the Eemian in northwest Europe lasted only afew thousand years) has been complex.  相似文献   

Models for extension-related magmatism based on decompression melting of asthenospheric mantle poorly simulate fluxes and bulk compositions of magmas produced during early stages of continental extension. For the Great Basin of western North America, it is proposed that magmatism proceeded in two stages, the first involving melting of lithospheric mantle sources between 40 and approximately 5 million years ago (Ma), followed (since approximately 5 Ma) by melting of upwelling asthenospheric mantle in areas where extension has exceeded about 100 percent. This transition in magma sources is diachronous, depending on initial variations in lithosphere thickness and on rates of lithospheric thinning.  相似文献   

Two ice cores, covering 1500 years of climatic information, from the summit (5670 meters) of the tropical Quelccaya ice cap, in the Andes of southern Peru, provide information on general environmental conditions including droughts, volcanic activity, moisture sources, temperature, and glacier net balance. The net balance record reconstructed from these cores reflects major precipitation trends for the southern Andes of Peru. These records indicate extended dry periods between 1720 and 1860, 1250 and 1310, and 570 and 610; wet conditions prevailed between 1500 and 1720. Establishing a tropical precipitation record may help explain climatic fluctuations since the tropical evaporation-precipitation cycle is a principal mechanism driving the atmospheric circulation.  相似文献   

Oscillations of Pinus (pine) pollen in a 50,000-year sequence from Lake Tulane, Florida, indicate that there were major vegetation shifts during the last glacial cycle. Episodes of abundant Pinus populations indicate a climate that was more wet than intervening phases dominated by Quercus (oak) and Ambrosia-type (ragweed and marsh-elder). The Pinus episodes seem to be temporally correlated with the North Atlantic Heinrich events, which were massive, periodic advances of ice streams from the eastern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Possible links between the Tulane Pinus and Heinrich events include hemispheric cooling, the influences of Mississippi meltwater on sea-surface temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico, and the effects of North Atlantic thermohaline circulation on currents in the Gulf.  相似文献   

A record from Wanxiang Cave, China, characterizes Asian Monsoon (AM) history over the past 1810 years. The summer monsoon correlates with solar variability, Northern Hemisphere and Chinese temperature, Alpine glacial retreat, and Chinese cultural changes. It was generally strong during Europe's Medieval Warm Period and weak during Europe's Little Ice Age, as well as during the final decades of the Tang, Yuan, and Ming Dynasties, all times that were characterized by popular unrest. It was strong during the first several decades of the Northern Song Dynasty, a period of increased rice cultivation and dramatic population increase. The sign of the correlation between the AM and temperature switches around 1960, suggesting that anthropogenic forcing superseded natural forcing as the major driver of AM changes in the late 20th century.  相似文献   

The maximum size of thrust earthquakes at the world's subduction zones appears to be limited by anelastic deformation of the overriding plate. Anelastic strain in weak forearcs and roughness of the plate interface produced by faults cutting the forearc may limit the size of thrust earthquakes by inhibiting the buildup of elastic strain energy or slip propagation or both. Recently discovered active strike-slip faults in the submarine forearc of the Cascadia subduction zone show that the upper plate there deforms rapidly in response to arc-parallel shear. Thus, Cascadia, as a result of its weak, deforming upper plate, may be the type of subduction zone at which great (moment magnitude approximately 9) thrust earthquakes do not occur.  相似文献   

 报道了发现于浙江乌岩岭国家级自然保护区的浙江新记录种,即安息香科Styracaceae安息香属Styrax L.的越南安息香Styrax tonkinensis (Pierre) Craib ex Hartw.,对其经济价值和利用途径作了讨论。参10  相似文献   

报道了发现于浙江清凉峰国家级自然保护区的1种浙江新记录植物——华榛Corylus chinensis Franch。  相似文献   

记述了采自河南新郑寄生日本龟蜡蚧Ceroplastes japomicus Green的一种啮小蜂--蜡蚧褐腰啮小蜂Tetrastichus murakamii Sugonjaev的形态特征、寄主、标本记录等.  相似文献   

We examined the circumstances of death and injury among victims of the tornado that struck Wichita Falls, Texas, on 10 April 1979. We also assessed the protective measures taken by a representative sample of community residents who suffered no major injury in order to estimate the relative risk of injury to people directly in the tornado's path. Twenty-six (60 percent) of the 43 traumatic deaths and 30 (51 percent) of the 59 serious injuries occurred in people who, despite ample warning, went to their cars to drive out of the storm's path. These people had a risk of serious or fatal injury of 23 per 1000. People who remained indoors and in stationary homes were at relatively low risk (3 per 1000) if they took simple precautions; people in mobile homes were at greatest risk (85 per 1000). Current safety recommendations and housing codes for single family homes and mobile homes need to be amended to decrease the impact of future tornadoes on human health.  相似文献   

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