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Sex ratio adaptations to local mate competition in a parasitic wasp   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Werren JH 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1980,208(4448):1157-1159
Females of the parasitic wasp Nasonia vitripennis adjust the sex ratio of their broods according to whether they are a first or second wasp to parasitize a host. The first wasp produces a strong daughter bias. The second wasp adjusts the prorportion of sons to the relative level of local mate competition, as predicted by a natural selection model. The results provide a quantitative test of sex ratio theory.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that local mate competition (LMC) favors the evolution of female-biased sex ratios. Empirical support of this prediction is indirect and comes from comparative studies or from studies showing that individuals can adjust their offspring sex ratio in response to varying LMC intensities. Replicate lines from a population of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae were selected under three LMC intensities for up to 54 generations. Within each selection regime, the final sex ratio matched theoretical predictions. Furthermore, the ability of individuals to adjust their offspring sex ratio diminished in females evolving under strict LMC, but not in females evolving under relaxed LMC levels. These results provide direct experimental evidence for the evolutionary process by which LMC modifies sex-allocation strategies and suggest that evolution under strict and constant LMC may lead to a loss of phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

Efforts to develop formulas for contrasting genetic interests of workers and queens in social Hymenoptera are complicated by many factors, including multiple matings by queens, oviposition by unmated females, and mating rivalry among genetic relatives (Hamilton's "local mate competition"). Because of haplodiploid sex determination in Hymenoptera, when such influences are absent, queens benefit from 1:1 sex ratios of investment (male: female) in reproductive offspring, workers from 1:3 ratios among reproductive siblings. Reports of variable ratios, including many well above 1:3, and female biases in nonsocial Hymenoptera and diplodiploid termites, implicate local mate competition and raises questions about previous interpretations that workers have their way.  相似文献   

为在山区五莲引进推广无花果栽培,本研究依托山东五莲本地历年汇编气象资料及近年气象数据,结合无花果的生物学特性,开展山东五莲无花果栽培气候适宜性分析,并对常见气象灾害及其防御进行探讨,分析五莲主要气候条件对无花果生长的影响。结果表明,对气象灾害采取适当的防范和补救,五莲气候条件基本满足无花果的生长发育。研究为进一步推广五莲县无花果的栽培,防御气象灾害,振兴农村经济提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Competition between female kin for local limiting resources may explain a male-biased secondary sex ratio in the prosimian Galago crassicaudatus. Data demonstrating the skewed sex ratio, a brief summary of field observations on the species, and a simple mathematical statement of the hypothesis are presented. Local resource competition may influence sex ratio in other mammals.  相似文献   

[目的]研究绵山天幕毛虫求偶和交配行为,为发展利用性信息素防控绵山天幕毛虫提供理论依据。[方法]通过室内和野外观察,研究绵山天幕毛虫成虫求偶行为的发生过程、求偶周期、不同雌雄比及种群密度对绵山天幕毛虫交配率的影响。[结果]虫卵越冬次年4月下旬幼虫开始孵化,5月上旬为孵化盛期,5月中旬孵化结束全部进入幼虫期,幼虫期大约70d,共6~7龄。幼虫老熟后于7月上旬开始下树,7月中下旬为化蛹盛期,蛹期约20d。7月下旬开始羽化,羽化时间一般为11:00~18:00,9月中旬产卵结束,进入滞育越冬状态。室内饲养绵山天幕毛虫成虫最早在7月中旬出现,比自然羽化时间提前,可能是由于室内平均温度较野外高。室内饲养的绵山天幕毛虫雌雄比约为1∶1.8,比野外雌雄比例有所减少,可能是由于室内的环境条件所致。自然界中绵山天幕毛虫雌雄比为1∶1.2,实验室饲养的绵山天幕毛虫雌雄比则为1∶1.8。在自然条件下,雌虫求偶最早出现在18:00,从19:00以后雌虫求偶率明显上升,19:00~21:00达到高峰,以后求偶率逐渐下降。雌虫求偶行为主要发生在羽化后的第1和第2天,第1天的求偶率达90%,第2天求偶率明显下降。不同比例及种群密度对雌雄蛾交配行为影响较大,且种群密度过高不利于其繁殖;绵山天幕毛虫雌、雄蛾一生均只交配1次。[结论]利用性信息素防治绵山天幕毛虫具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

李咏玲  曹天文  王瑞  韩福生  张金桐 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(7):3483-3484,3505
[目的]研究绵山天幕毛虫求偶和交配行为,为发展利用性信息素防控绵山天幕毛虫提供理论依据。[方法]通过室内和野外观察,研究绵山天幕毛虫成虫求偶行为的发生过程、求偶周期、不同雌雄比及种群密度对交配率的影响。[结果]自然界中绵山天幕毛虫雌雄比为1.0∶1.2,实验室饲养的绵山天幕毛虫雌雄比则为1.0∶1.8;绵山天幕毛虫的求偶高峰发生在19:00-21:00;不同比例及种群密度对雌雄蛾交配行为影响较大,且种群密度过高不利于其繁殖;绵山天幕毛虫雌、雄蛾一生均只交配1次。[结论]利用性信息素防治绵山天幕毛虫具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

为了对二点委夜蛾性信息素田间应用的可能性提供理论依据,在温度(26±1)℃、相对湿度50%±10%、光周期14 h∶10 h(L∶D)条件下对二点委夜蛾的交配行为和能力进行了研究,并对性信息素应用以及二点委夜蛾暴发为害性及其成虫防控技术进行了综合分析。结果表明:成虫一般在羽化后1 d进行交配和产卵。雄蛾和雌蛾均可以多次交配,交配能力和产卵量均受性比影响。雌蛾交配能力与产卵量呈显著正相关,雌雄比为1∶5时单雌平均产卵量为501头;雄蛾交配能力则与雌蛾产卵量呈显著负相关,雌雄比为5∶1时单雌平均产卵量降低为227头。应用性诱剂诱杀二点委夜蛾雄蛾可以降低雌蛾的产卵量,但由于雌蛾产卵量大,因此仍需结合其他措施同时降低雌雄蛾数量才能达到更好的防治效果。  相似文献   

Current explanations for why sexual ornaments are found in both sexes include genetic correlation, same sex competition, and mutual mate choice. In this study, we report developmental plasticity in mating behavior as induced by temperature during development in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana. Males and females reciprocally change their sexual roles depending on their larval rearing temperatures. This switch is correlated with a change in mating benefits to females and costs to males. The discrete seasonal environments, wet season and dry season, are known to produce the two developmental forms and as a consequence impose alternating, symmetrical patterns of sexual selection, one season on male ornaments, the following season on female ornaments. Thus, reciprocal selection through time may result in mutual sexual ornamentation.  相似文献   

以玉米地方品种“青神”及它与外来综合种“墨白94”组配成的“青神×墨白”两套基础材料,采用四种不同近交方式,按常规选系标准和同等选择强度经四代选择,得到32个近交系。用它们及它们与四个纯合自交系按不完全双列杂交方式组配成的32×4=128个测交种为试验材料。分别考察了其主要性状十四个。以表型值、GCA、表型值变异度和遗传变异度为衡量选育优良自交系效率的指标。研究不同近交方式对选得优系率效的影响。结果表明:近交方式能显著地影响所选系部份性状的选优效率。适度近交能在一定程度上弥补常规选系法的选系可靠性差、选优效率低的缺陷。能有效地提高所选系的生活力、生产力和GCA,其变异度也不显著高于连续自交所选系。因此有较高的选优效率。  相似文献   

笔管榕为桑科榕属落叶乔木,雌雄同株,为福建地区的常见树种。笔管榕榕果内生活着多种榕小蜂,它们与笔管榕共同构成了榕树-榕小蜂共生体系。通过全年(2011年7月至2012年7月间)对福州地区不同样地的30株笔管榕进行的定时、定点、定株观察与采集,在15批次830个榕果中,共收集到50817头榕小蜂。笔管榕榕果内有7种小蜂,隶属于小蜂总科中的6个科(亚科)7个属,其中榕小蜂科的Platyscapa ishiiana为传粉小蜂,其余6种为非传粉小蜂,分别属于金小蜂科、广肩小蜂科、姬小蜂科及隐针榕小蜂亚科。非传粉小蜂中的Philotrypesis sp.、Acophila mikii、Otitesella akoSycophila sp.和Sycobiomorpha sp.小蜂几乎在全年的每个月都可采集到,属常见种。Aprostocetus sp.全年仅收集到2头,为偶见种。笔管榕榕果内的榕小蜂种类在不同月份、不同季节没有明显变化,但不同种类榕小蜂的数量变化明显。在笔管榕榕小蜂群落结构中,全年有9个月均是传粉小蜂占优势,但在1月、9月和11月的采集批次中,非传粉小蜂占优势。非传粉小蜂(Acophila mikiiSycophila sp.、Philotrypesis sp.和Otitesella ako)常呈爆发性发生,每批次中往往是1-2种的非传粉小蜂数量较多,但不同批次,数量较多的非传粉小蜂种类往往不同,因此在小蜂群落结构中未见某种非传粉小蜂占明显优势。福州地区笔管榕榕果内小蜂群落的的多样性指数为0.72,均匀度指数为0.37,丰富度指数为0.55,优势集中性指数为0.68。分析了6种小蜂的性比,结果表明:传粉小蜂的性比极度偏雌,非传粉小蜂虽然也偏性,但均高于传粉小蜂,推测榕小蜂性比与雄蜂的翅型和交配场所有关。非传粉小蜂的数量和传粉小蜂总数、雌蜂数和雄蜂数均呈极显著负相关,和性比呈极显著正相关关系,说明非传粉小蜂对传粉小蜂的雌、雄蜂都有负面影响,且传粉小蜂雌蜂减少的幅度大于传粉小蜂雄蜂,从而导致其性比升高。非传粉小蜂中Acophila mikiiSycobiomorpha sp.、Otitesella ako Ishii为造瘿类群,Philotrypesis sp.、Sycophila sp.属于寄居者或寄生者类群,非传粉小蜂中的寄生或寄居类群与造瘿类群相比,对传粉小蜂的负面影响更大。研究结果为榕-蜂协同进化研究,以及城市绿化和生物多样性保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Acorn woodpeckers (Melanerpes formicivorus) live in family groups within which more than one female may lay eggs communally in a single nest. Communally nesting females are usually closely related and share evenly in nesting activities. Although birds of either sex may breed in their natal territory, reproductive inhibition of offspring by the presence of their parent of the opposite sex and dispersal by unisexual sibling units ensure that inbreeding between close relatives is rare.  相似文献   

河曲藏獒保种措施的探讨   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
在河曲藏獒保种群中,实施各家系等数、公母比例不等的留种方法。使保种群犬群结构达到最佳配置,群体有效含量为239.8,世代间隔2.5年,世代近交系数的增量被控制在0.002以下,公母比例为1♂ : 3♀,同步开展了对河曲藏獒的保护与选育。  相似文献   

氯化镉对小鼠精液品质和仔鼠性比的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了探讨不同剂量氯化镉对小鼠雄性生殖及性别比例的影响,取32只雄性昆明小鼠,分成4组,每组每日每千克体重分别皮下注射CdCl20、0.5、1.02、.0 mg,连续5周,然后检测精液品质。结果发现,各试验组小鼠附睾内精子浓度以及精子活力显著下降,精子畸形率显著升高,并呈剂量依赖关系。将以上处理公鼠按1∶2比例与雌鼠交配,计算配种受胎率、妊娠率、窝产仔数和仔鼠性别比例,发现这些指标随处理剂量的增加呈下降趋势,雌/雄性比则呈升高趋势。以上结果表明,镉对小鼠精子生成及精液品质有明显毒性作用,可在一定程度上提高雌性后代的比例。  相似文献   

Herre EA 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1993,259(5100):1442-1445
It is often assumed that parasitic and disease-producing organisms tend to evolve benign relationships with their hosts over time. In contrast, theoretical arguments suggest that increased opportunities for parasite transmission will promote the evolution of increased virulence. The natural history of species-specific nematodes that parasitize fig-pollinating wasps permits the testing of these predictions in natural populations. For 11 species of Panamanian fig wasps, those species characterized by population structures that result in increased opportunities for parasite transmission harbor more virulent species of nematodes. In addition, differences in population structure are also associated with differences in other intra- and interspecific phenomena, including sex ratios among the fig wasp species, the degree of tension in the wasp-fig mutualism, and lethal combat among the males of parasitic wasps.  相似文献   

Two pig populations were simulated with Monte Carlo method; each consisted of 5 boars and 50 sows per generation. Genetic connectedness between herds was established by randomly selecting 1 or 2 boars from one population to mate sows of the other population. Breeding pigs were selected within populations according to animal model BLUP. The benefits of genetic connectedness between herds were examined. The results showed that, the average coefficients of inbreeding decreased, while the cumulative selection responses of populations increased, and the higher response occurred randomly in the two populations at generation 5 with the increase of the genetic connectedness between herds. Selection response was affected by genetic connectedness and trait heritability, the lower heritability and higher connectedness, the better selection results. When the number of exchanged litters between populations per generation was 6 litters, the selection results reached a reflection point; if the number of exchanged litters between populations increased further from this point, neither the increase of the cumulative selection responses nor the decrease of coefficients of inbreeding was significant.  相似文献   

从温度、降水、土壤、光照等方面对荣成市无花果种植的自然条件进行了分析,并就无花果生长期可能遇到的气象灾害进行了讨论,提出要充分利用当地的气候资源,趋利避害,提高无花果的产量。为荣成市无花果的生产和管理及进一步推广提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

同源四倍体茄子自交亲和性遗传的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
同源四倍体茄子诱变低代存在着严重的自交不亲和现象,C2代花期和蕾期人工自交,种果的无籽果实率平均为57.65%。花期自交亲和系数平均为0.0483,蕾期平均为0.0261;有籽果实平均单果种子数花期为13.26粒,蕾期为12.67粒,平均自交传递系数分别为0.0957与0.0914。在多亲本轮回自然选择条件下,4个圆果四倍体的C20代选系花期自交亲和系数平均上升为0.2326,自交传递系数为0.2938,自交平均单果种子数增长为80.18粒。平均自交单果种子数的广义遗传率h2B=(99.34±0.66)%,遗传变异系数GCV为14.69%。5%和1%选择强度的相对遗传进度为30.16%与39.08%。C20代自交亲和系数仍然是花期高于蕾期,且差距进一步增大,蕾期自交亲和系数和自交传递系数仅为花期的1/3.5。多亲本轮回自然选择对提高同源四倍体茄子的自交亲和力有显著效果。蕾期自交对四倍体茄子自交不亲和性的改善有害而无益,这间接说明,同源四倍体茄子的自交不亲和性与S基因及S-RNase的累积无关。此外,本文还对自交亲和系数及自交传递系数的概念以及自然选择条件下自交亲和力增强的生物学意义等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Theories about the evolution of sex and the effects of inbreeding depend on knowledge of the mutation rate and dominance level of deleterious alleles affecting total fitness. In two species of largely self-fertilizing annual plants, minimal estimates of such mutation rates were found to be 0.24 to 0.87 per sporophyte genome per generation, but confidence intervals exceeded 1.0 in each of the four populations. Dominance levels were near zero in one species and intermediate (0.28 to 0.35) in the other. These results suggest that the detrimental effects of inbreeding are a result of new partially recessive mutations rather than overdominance.  相似文献   

Multicellular organisms use the products of highly polymorphic genes to distinguish self from conspecific nonself cells or tissues. These allorecognition polymorphisms may regulate somatic interactions between hosts and pathogens or between competitors (to avoid various forms of parasitism), as well as reproductive interactions between mates or between gametes (to avoid inbreeding). In both cases, rare alleles may be advantageous, but it remains unclear which mechanism maintains the genetic polymorphism for specificity in self/nonself recognition. Contrary to earlier reports, we show that mate selection cannot be a strong force maintaining allorecognition polymorphism in two colonial marine invertebrates. Instead, the regulation of intraspecific competitive interactions appears to promote the evolution of polymorphisms in these species.  相似文献   

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