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A greenhouse experiment was carried out to determine the growth, photosynthetic activity, and mineral composition in two ornamental shrubs [Viburnum lucidum L. (arrow-wood) and Callistemon citrinus (Curtis) Stapf. (red bottlebrush)] that had been treated or not treated with 2.5 mM glycine betaine (GB) or 5.0 mM proline (Pro). Plants were supplied with a non-salinised or salinised nutrient solution containing 200 mM NaCl. Salinity caused reductions in plant growth parameters, shoot biomass production, and net CO2 assimilation in both species. Neither Pro nor GB were able to mitigate the adverse effects of salinity in bottlebrush, whereas GB reduced the deleterious effects of salt stress on arrow-wood, indicating a differential species-specific response to these osmolytes. The application of GB to salt-stressed arrow-wood increased apical and lateral shoot lengths, the number of leaves per plant, and shoot dry biomass by 222%, 113%, 238%, and 49%, respectively, compared to untreated or Pro-treated plants. The improved performance of salt-stressed arrow-wood plants whose roots were treated with 2.5 mM GB was attributed to partial suppression of Na uptake, higher chlorophyll concentrations, and the better nutritional status (higher K) of shoots.  相似文献   

Calcium intake into tomato fruits was greater when nights were humid rather than dry and nutrient solutions dilute rather than concentrated.The concentration of calcium in the wall tissue of the distal segment of fruits damaged by blossom-end rot was 0.03% of dry matter, but was 2- to 3-fold greater in the most favourable conditions of humidity and solution concentration, when fruits were undamaged.Adding extra calcium to the nutrient solution increased the calcium concentration in the proximal, but not in the middle or distal, segments of the fruit.The results support the hypothesis that a positive root pressure at night promotes transport of calcium into tissues and organs that have restricted transpiration.  相似文献   

以6年生‘沙红’和‘燕红’桃树为试材,研究不同骨干枝角度对桃树生长和果实品质的影响。结果表明:‘沙红’直立树和‘燕红’骨干枝倾斜30°的总枝量,中枝、短枝和花束状枝总和以及枝条生长量明显高于其他2个处理;同一部位,‘沙红’直立树和‘燕红’骨干枝倾斜30°的总枝量处于较高的水平,高于其他2个处理;同一方向,‘沙红’和‘燕红’3个处理均是平侧枝总枝量最高。同一部位,‘沙红’直立树和‘燕红’骨干枝倾斜30°的果实品质好于其他2个处理;同一方向,‘沙红’和‘燕红’3个处理的结果数均是平侧枝最多;‘沙红’直立树和‘燕红’骨干枝倾斜30°的果实品质和产量显著高于其他2个处理。因此,‘沙红’骨干枝适宜的倾斜角度为0°,而‘燕红’骨干枝适宜的倾斜角度为30°。  相似文献   

Oil cake, widely used as an organic source of nutrients in horticultural production in South Korea, is a by-product when oil is extracted from various oilseeds. Split applications of oil cake were supplied to evaluate their effects on tree growth and fruit production in organic, non-astringent persimmon (Diospyros × kaki Thunb.) trees in 2009 and in 2010. Treatments included a single annual application of oil cake at 150 kg N ha?1 in April (single application), two applications in April and July (105 and 45 kg N ha?1, respectively; two-split application), or three applications in April, June, and August (60, 45, and 45 kg N ha?1, respectively; three-split application), as well as zero application of oil cake (control). All applications of oil cake significantly increased the amount of ground-cover vegetation compared to the control. The single and two-split applications increased soil organic matter (OM), K2O, CaO, and MgO concentrations, and cation exchange capacity to a soil depth of 0–30 cm in 2010. Oil cake applications increased soil porosity in 2010, as well as overall chlorophyll (SPAD values) and macronutrient concentrations in leaves in 2009 and 2010. Single and two-split applications stimulated water-sprout development, reduced the light intensity inside the tree canopy, and increased fruit drop. Fruit yield was higher in the two-split [24.7 metric tonnes (MT) ha?1] and three-split application trees (25.0 MT ha?1) compared to zero application control trees (19.8 MT ha?1) and single application trees (21.0 MT ha?1) in 2010. A single application resulted in soft fruit and slow skin colouration during maturation. Total soluble solids contents were higher in the control and three-split application trees in both years. The three-split application in 2010 increased the estimated production income by approx. 21% compared to the zero application, and by approx. 33% compared to a single application of oil cake.  相似文献   

以12年生的凯特杏为试材,连续3年进行了施有机肥处理对其果实品质和产量的影响试验,结果表明,在凯特杏果园施肥管理中应注重有机肥施入,即每667 m~2施2 800kg有机肥,可保证果实生长发育,增加果园产量和品质。  相似文献   

Alpine strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.) was grown in hydroponics with the nutrient film technique, in order to evaluate the effects of four buffer concentrations (1.3, 1.6, 1.9, 2.2 mS cm−1) and two cultural cycles (summer-spring versus autumn-spring) in terms of growth, yield and fruit quality (dry and optical residues, sugars, acids, antioxidants, mineral composition). The longer summer-spring cycle gave a correspondingly higher yield than the autumn-spring one. The 1.3 mS cm−1 nutrient solution was the most effective in terms of overall and spring production. However, the autumn and winter yields were not affected by the buffer EC. Fruit quality did not change with the cultural cycle, but the berries harvested in the spring had higher vitamin C and sucrose content and lower nitrate content compared with berries picked up in the winter. Fruit quality was also improved when the nutrient solution concentration increased. From the productive point of view, the cultural cycle choice should be made considering that 71% of the yield of the more productive summer-spring cycle derived from the spring harvest. Moreover, as regards the nutrient solution strength, 1.3 mS cm−1 EC should be preferred during the spring season, whereas the 2.2 mS cm−1 EC proved to be best in the winter in terms of fruit quality.  相似文献   

以0.2%的氮磷钾复合肥与0.003%的纳米几丁质水悬浮液按不同体积比例混配,于圆黄梨幼果期喷施2次,中间间隔10天,研究其对梨果品质的影响。结果表明,二者以0.75∶1混配喷施,比喷施其他混配比例、单喷复合肥、单喷纳米几丁质的果实综合品质指标均佳。比单喷0.2%复合肥的单果重提高12%;果实中蔗糖含量提高42.2%;蔗糖合成酶活性提高1.1倍;蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性提高1.08倍,均差异显著。说明纳米几丁质与肥料配施具有协同增效的作用,起到改善果实品质的效果,且比常规施肥节肥。  相似文献   

通过对桃树良种叶面喷施有机液肥旱地龙与大量元素肥料结果综合分析得出,采取综合叶面喷洒与单一喷洒均可提高桃果品质与产量,促进着色,与对照相比差异极显著。对果品色泽的测试分析得出,果实着红色是多因素综合作用的结果,所以采取多种栽培措施,促进着色在桃树栽培中具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

果园地面覆盖对苹果果实品质和矿质营养的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以‘华红’苹果为试材,研究了果园地面覆盖方式对果实品质和矿质营养含量的影响。结果表明,覆盖能降低果实可滴定酸含量,提高单果重、可溶性固形物含量和维生素C含量,改善果实质地,增加果实磷、钙、镁、硼、铁、铜含量。稻壳炭覆盖、秸秆覆盖和生草覆盖可溶性固形物含量和可溶性糖含量分别比清耕(对照)高2.69%和4.77%以上。稻壳炭覆盖果皮穿刺强度最大,地布覆盖果肉坚实度和果肉纤维指数最大。果实钾、钙、镁含量以稻壳炭覆盖最高,氮、磷、铁含量以生草覆盖最高,钙、硼含量以秸秆覆盖最高。  相似文献   

以嘎拉/M26/平邑甜茶为试材,探讨有机物料发酵物对连作苹果园果实品质及土壤微生物的影响,为防治苹果连作障碍提供依据。结果表明:有机物料发酵物处理后果实单果重和单株产量分别增加57.8%、386.5%;果皮中花青苷、类胡萝卜素含量分别增加386.3%、91.7%,叶绿素含量减少58.6%;总糖含量和糖酸比分别增加48.1%、193.1%,苹果酸含量、果实硬度分别降低49.3%、20.3%,差异均达显著性水平;重茬果实中含有7种特征香气,分别为乙酸己酯、乙酸丁酯、乙酸-2-甲基丁酯、乙酸戊酯、2-甲基丁酸己酯、己醛和(E)-2-己烯醛,有机物料发酵产物使连作园果实增加了2-甲基丁酸丁酯、丙酸己酯、丁酸丁酯和丙酸丁酯4种酯类特征香气,减少了(E)-2-己烯醛1种醛类特征香气,处理后果实含有10种特征香气,且酯类香气物质含量均高于重茬果实。处理后土壤中细菌数量增加,而真菌数量减少。  相似文献   

Processing tomato is a high water demanding crop, thus requiring irrigation throughout growing season in arid and semiarid areas. The application of deficit irrigation (DI) strategies to this crop may greatly contribute to save irrigation water. A two-year study was carried out in order to assess the effects of DI upon water productivity, final biomass, fruit yield and some quality traits of open-field processing tomato cv. Brigade in a typical semi-arid Mediterranean environment of South Italy. Four irrigation treatments were studied: no irrigation following plant establishment (V0); 100% (V100) or 50% (V50) evapotranspiration (ETc) restoration up to fruit maturity, 100% ETc restoration up to flowering, then 50% ETc restoration (V100-50). Total dry biomass accumulation was significantly depressed by early soil water deficit in V0; irrigation at a reduced rate (50% ETc) from initial stages (V50) or from flowering onwards (V100-50) did not induce any losses in final dry biomass. The marketable yield did not significantly differ among plots irrigated, but an averaged irrigation water saving of 30.4% in V100-50 and 46.2% in V50 was allowed as compared to V100. Marketable yield was negatively affected by the early water shortage in V0, due to the high fruit losses (>44%). The effects of DI on fruit quality were generally the converse of those on fruit yield. DI improved total soluble solids content, titratable acidity and vitamin C content. Water use efficiency was positively affected by DI, suggesting that the crop does not benefits from the water when this last is supplied to fulfil total crop requirements for the whole season. Yield response factor, which indicates the level of tolerance of a crop to water stress, was 0.49 for total dry biomass (Kss) and 0.76 for marketable yield (Ky), indicating that in both cases the reduction in crop productivity is proportionally less than the relative ET deficit. In conclusion, the adoption of DI strategies where a 50% reduction of ETc restored is applied for the whole growing season or part of it could be suggested in processing tomato, to save water improving its use efficiency, minimizing fruit losses and maintaining high fruit quality levels. This aspect is quite important in semi-arid environments, where water scarcity is an increasing concern and water costs are continuously rising.  相似文献   

多胺在果实生长发育中的作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李建勇  卢钢  任彦 《果树学报》2005,22(3):256-260
多胺是广泛存在于植物体内的具有生物学活性的低分子量脂肪族含氮碱。它在植物的胚胎发育、花和果实的发育等生长发育过程具有重要的调控作用,同时在延缓植物衰老和抗逆境等方面也具有重要意义。近几年的研究表明多胺代谢同植物开花坐果、果实发育甚至果实品质特性密切相关。概述了多胺对果实坐果,膨大与衰老等果实发育生理过程的影响,并对多胺在果实逆境发育中的作用进行了探讨,对多胺在果实发育过程中可能的调控作用机理以及外源多胺在植物开花坐果上的应用潜力进行了讨论,并展望了多胺作用分子机理的研究前景。  相似文献   

为了估测番茄种质资源外观果实性状对番茄果实中番茄红素含量和可溶性固形物含量构成的相对重要性,在对番茄种质资源数量性状相关性分析的基础上,对50份国内外番茄种质资源的10个果实外观性状与2个内在品质性状进行了通径分析。结果表明:果梗洼大小、果柄长度、果实硬度对于番茄果实番茄红素含量和可溶性固形物含量的直接效应较大,且受其它性状的间接影响较小。  相似文献   

为了研究营养液浓度对海南冬春季椰糠基质培养网纹甜瓜生长、裂果和品质的影响,用1.0S、1.5S、2.0S、2.5S、3.0S、3.5S、4.0S浓度的营养液对网纹甜瓜进行滴灌处理。结果表明,适当提高营养液浓度能不同程度地促进网纹甜瓜的植株生长,增强果实抗裂性并提高果实品质,1.5S~3.5S之间的5个处理主蔓生长最快;3.5S和4.0S处理降低裂果的效果最为显著,其次是1.5S和2.0S处理;结果率和果皮厚度都以1.5S和2.0S处理最高;果形指数以1.5S最高,与3.0S、3.5S、4.0S处理差异不显著;营养液浓度对坐果节位无显著影响;提高营养液浓度可以不同程度地提高网纹甜瓜的茎粗;从采收时的单瓜质量来看,以1.5S、2.0S、2.5S处理的单瓜质量最大,且显著高于其他处理;甜瓜品质指标来看,以1.5S处理的表现最优,2.0S处理的次之。综合甜瓜植株生长、坐果、裂果和产量、品质等因素,在海南冬春季节,设施椰糠基质培养网纹甜瓜在海南冬春季节适宜的营养液浓度为本试验所用标准营养液浓度的1.5倍。  相似文献   

A tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) crop was grown in four greenhouses during the dry season 2005/06 in Central Thailand. Sidewalls and roof vents of two greenhouses were covered with nets and these greenhouses were mechanically ventilated when air temperature exceeded 30 °C (NET). The other two greenhouses were covered with polyethylene film and equipped with a fan and pad cooling system (EVAP). Overall mean air temperature was significantly reduced by 2.6 and 3.2 °C (day) and 1.2 and 2.3 °C (night) in EVAP as compared to NET and outside air, respectively. Temperature maxima in EVAP averaged about 4 °C lower than in NET and outside. The relative humidity was around 20 and 30% (day) and 10 and 15% (night) higher in EVAP than in NET or outside, respectively. Vapour pressure deficit averaged 0.25 kPa in EVAP, 1.03 kPa in NET and 1.48 kPa outside. The crop water-consumption was significantly lower in EVAP (1.2) than in NET (1.8 L plant−1 day−1), which is ascribed to reduced transpiration in EVAP. Total fruit yield was similar in NET (6.4 kg plant−1) and EVAP (6.3 kg plant−1). The quantity of undersized (mostly parthenocarpic) and blossom-end rot (BER)-affected fruits was reduced in EVAP. However, the proportion of marketable yield was significantly higher in NET (4.5 kg plant−1) than in EVAP (3.8 kg plant−1), owing largely to an increased incidence of fruit cracking (FC) in EVAP. Higher FC but lower BER incidence coincided with higher fresh weight and Ca concentration in the fruits in EVAP. It is concluded that in regions with high atmospheric relative humidity evaporative cooling without technical modifications allowing dehumidification will not improve protected tomato production.  相似文献   

在土壤和基质栽培方式下,通过控制每株每天灌水量将土壤水分控制在不同水平下,研究水分胁迫对樱桃番茄植株生长和果实品质的影响.结果表明:随水分胁迫强度的增强,番茄的株高、茎粗、叶面积、产量、单果重都逐渐下降;水分胁迫提高了番茄果实可溶性固形物、总糖、有机酸、维生素C等含量,并明显提高了水分生产率.  相似文献   

有机无机肥料对大棚西瓜生长、养分含量及品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用等量的氮、磷、钾施用量,研究施用有机肥、无机肥和配施有机无机肥对大棚西瓜生长、叶片养分含量、西瓜产量、果实成分和品质的影响。结果表明,植株生长,功能叶养分含量,西瓜产量,果实性状、各种糖分、有机酸含量及糖酸比在3种施肥处理间均无显著差异,但纯施有机肥的西瓜口感更好。施用有机肥的西瓜肥料成本比常规栽培高,但经济效益好。667m2施用商品有机肥1000kg可以满足西瓜生长发育对矿质养分的需求。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of branch and tree thinning on growth, yield and fruit quality in 8-year-old non-astringent persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.f.) trees in a high-density orchard over 6 years in Korea. Adjacent trees in the rows were removed in 2008 (first-year thinning) or in 2010 (gradual thinning). Trees in the second treatment also had 25% of the main scaffold branches removed in the first two seasons. Control plots were left unthinned. First-year thinning elevated leaf macro-nutrient concentrations, increased the production of short fruiting shoots (less than 20 cm) per tree, decreased water sprout development and weight of pruned biomass, and increased fruit set compared with values recorded on control trees and with gradual thinning. First-year thinning gave higher photosynthetic photon flux in the centre of the canopy and better fruit quality. There were generally only small differences in total yield across the three treatments in individual years, but much higher total marketable yield from 2010 to 2013 in the first-year thinning plots. First-year thinning improved overall tree productivity, and the gross returns were 80% higher than those of control from 2008 to 2013 when the extra cost of the thinning was taken into account.  相似文献   

[目的]以福建省平和县特色柑橘品种琯溪蜜柚为实验材料,进行不同分级花的形态和落花落果的养分含量及其脱落损耗的养分定量化研究,以期为蜜柚开花坐果期的养分管理和合理施肥提供科学依据.[方法]在平和县坂仔镇优势种植区选取盛果期琯溪蜜柚(8~15年生),分别开展不同分级花(Ⅰ-Ⅴ级)的形态、生物量、养分浓度特性以及落花落果的动...  相似文献   

[目的]研究不同杂交柑橘(杂柑)游离氨基酸(free amino acid,FAA)组分含量特征及其对风味品质的影响.[方法]采用高效液相色谱法对浙江省引种的15种杂柑的17种FAA含量进行检测,同时采用味道强度值(TAV)、主成分分析(PCA)及聚类分析进行综合评价.[结果]15种杂柑均检出17种游离氨基酸(FAA)...  相似文献   

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