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Millon R 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1970,170(3962):1077-1082
The detailed archeological map of Teotihuacán, near Mexico City, demonstrates what the prehistoric city was like from its densely crowded center to its more sparsely settled peripheries. The city's population lived in crowded one-story apartment compounds, grouped into neighborhoods based at least partly on occupation. At its height the city had a minimum population of 75,000, a probable population of 125,000, and a possible population of more than 200,000. Those involved in craft production and associated activities may have numbered in the tens of thousands. The scope and intensity of urbanization at Teotihuacán is not paralleled in other contemporary New World centers. The growth potential of the obsidian and other industries, the rise of Teotihuacán as a market and trade center, and its attraction as a religious center may have combined in a self-generating process that led to the creation of Teotihuacán's unique urban society.  相似文献   

Hirth K 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1984,225(4662):579-586
The appearance of regional city-states in pre-Hispanic Central Mexico corresponds with the disruption of socioeconomic relationships throughout Teotihuacán's political domain after 650 A.D. Surface reconnaissance and mapping at Xochicalco provided information on the growth and organization of one of these urban centers. The data indicate that Xochicalco was a well-planned urban center and capital of a regional city-state that extended its domain throughout western Morelos by military conquest.  相似文献   

对传统农业的深入理解无疑有助于对农业现代化的推进。稻渔共生产业作为优秀传统农业的典范,对于推进中国农业现代化进程与可持续发展和世界稻渔共生产业的健康发展具有重要的启迪作用。本文从人类文明发展历程,尤其是中国传统农业文明发展历程的回顾切入,简要介绍了重要农业文化遗产的概念、内涵、实施及意义,并以传统稻鱼共生系统为例,深刻分析其传衍数千年的科学机制,讨论了稻渔共生产业发展面临的技术挑战及未来发展战略。研究指出,农耕文明的核心理念在华夏文明发展过程中具有重大的现实意义,而于20世纪60年年代初期兴起并不断强化的石油农业则可能存在包括农业生物多样性简化、农用化学品依赖、生产成本增高、资源竞争激烈、环境压力增大以及这些工业化的现代农业对发展中国家传统农业产生的不对等的利益竞争和负面影响显而易见。在政府政策激励以及来自科技工作者、技术人员和从农者的共同努力下,从中国优秀传统农业的典范传统稻鱼共生系统逐渐衍生、演变形成的稻渔共生生态种养产业在提高水土资源利用效率、丰富稻田产出、提高农民收入、减少面源污染等方面独具优势。研究表明,相关从业人员需要高度关注现阶段稻渔共生产业发展过程中所遇到的诸如模式选用、景观与农业生物多样性布设、种养协调、肥力调控、产品营销等技术细节问题并加以用心对待、科学掌握。因此提出,未来稻渔共生产业的发展还需要解决农艺机械化、投施精准化、农事省力化等新挑战,并呼吁学界、业界和政策制定部门等聚焦合力解决。  相似文献   

约束条件下森林资源可持续采伐的动态经济模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
该文探讨在保证为社会提供生态产品的前提下实现森林资源的可持续采伐问题,从生物资源最大持续利用原理出发,建立森林资源可持续采伐的动态经济模型,利用常微分方程、变分法、最大值原理等数学方法求解得到最优资源存量水平和最优采伐策略.探讨了森林资源可持续采伐的动态经济模型,并求得这一模型的最优资源存量水平、最优采伐策略和最佳投入劳动量.根据引入约束条件前后最优收获策略的差距,测算了由于为社会提供了生态产品而对森林资源经营者造成的直接经济损失.最后对影响建立实证模型的因素,如森林资源的分布、森林经营产品的价格和社会贴现率等进行了补充说明.   相似文献   

The Republic of Mexico has an ambitious and effective national water program. The Secretaria de Recursos Hidraulicos (SRH), whose director has cabinet rank in the federal government, is one of the most professionally distinguished government agencies of its kind in the Americas. Resources for the Future, Inc., has been assisting the World Bank with a water planning study which the Bank is undertaking jointly with the Mexican government. The study is intended to provide guidelines for the development of government policies and projects designed to bring about the most efficient use of Mexico's water resources. However, to date, their study has not been directed toward the growing problems of the northern Yucatáan Peninsula which are discussed here. LeGrand (13) suggested that man has inherited a harsh environment in carbonate terranes. In the case of the northern Yucatán Peninsula, the physical environment creates a set of hydrogeologic constraints to future economic and social development. Planning for intermediate and long-range land use on the peninsula must be related directly to the limited and fragile groundwater source. Continued contamination will make future aquifer management a difficult challenge for federal, state, and territorial agencies. We conclude that any strategy for long-range land use in the study area should include establishment of a regional aquifermonitoring network for long-term measurements of key hydrogeologic parameters, including precipitation, evapotranspiration, water table elevations, and water quality. Information from this network would flow into a central facility for storage, interpretation, and analysis. At present the SRH is collecting some of these data. Expansion of the existing program to provide sound information for regional planning will greatly benefit present as well as future generations. If such a program is implemented, it will represent a model for regional planning in other tropical and subtropical karstic terrains.  相似文献   

文红  唐德彪 《安徽农业科学》2007,35(9):2700-2702,2715
旅游开发使民族文化多样性的保护日显重要.文化生态旅游是生态旅游的重要方面.民族文化生态旅游开发是对一定区域的民族特色的文化景观适度开发.将生态学的有关理论和方法运用到民族文化旅游开发中来,在提出文化生态旅游开发原则的基础上,强调从文化生态建设的角度进行民族文化旅游资源的可持续开发.  相似文献   

随着ChatGPT的爆火和AIGC的发展,新一代人工智能技术引发了人们关于数字内容生产方式、行业变革的畅想和讨论,同时也引发了信息资源管理学人拥抱技术变革之外的更多思考。基于此我刊从信息资源管理学科建设和事业发展的高度出发,邀请6位专家开展相关研讨。(1)AIGC与文献情报领域:人工智能技术飞速发展的本质在于数据资源不断丰富和质量提升带来的知识获取能力提升。文献情报领域应充分认识自身价值和作用,积极发挥自身数据资源优势,有效利用知识组织管理专长,主动融入当前AI技术的研发大潮,积极贡献智慧和方案。(2)AIGC的颠覆性变革:ChatGPT的出现为图书情报界带来了颠覆性挑战,学科应积极推进人工智能时代的变革抓住机遇,围绕知识生产、资源发现、知识关联、科研伦理探索新的生长点。发挥我国集约化政策和举国体制优势,推进信息服务向知识服务内容生成服务的转型,释放全社会知识生产力。(3)AIGC与文化遗产资源:ChatGPT开创了模型主导内容生产的时代,同时AIGC对文化遗产资源智慧化加工路径和智慧化服务模式也产生了深远影响。未来我们应在AIGC中赋予人类的公序良俗等普适的价值理性,并积极迎接和推动文化遗产领域的范式变革。(4)AIGC与古籍智能信息处理研究:ChatGPT在推进古籍智能信息处理研究、促进文化传播与文明传承方面发挥积极作用的同时,也带来了文化价值与国家安全、内容安全与信息治理、信息素养与人文教育等方面的挑战。展望未来我们应在提供高质量大规模的典籍精加工数据等方面努力,以构建科学、全面和体系化的信息安全与数字伦理体系。(5)AIGC与智能工具变革:分析AIGC技术发展中大数据、大模型、大算力的三要素,以及数据量的大而全、数据分析的细粒度化、语义关联的多源多模态语义融合、信息服务的人机融合和智能交互的四向发展。指出AIGC将在生产革新、自动生成和生态培育3方面带来内容生产范式变革;同时,也会在技术垄断和霸权、网络信息安全、技术融合等方面带来挑战。(6)AIGC与图书馆:分析ChatGPT模型拓展、数据增强和模型融合的核心技术创新态势基础上,论证了图书馆应用ChatGPT的必要性和危机性。此外,基于智能管理系统、检索系统、推荐系统、问答系统、搜索引擎5方面出发,提出了ChatGPT在图书馆融合和发挥作用的创新方向建议。  相似文献   

高等职业教育承担着人才培养、科学研究、社会服务、文化传承创新、国际交流五项职能,在助推生态文明建设中职业院校的社会职能有其精准的着力点.在青少年心中厚植绿色发展理念离不开人才培养,低碳简约的生产生活方式的逐渐形成离不开科学技术推广,高等职业教育直达企业、社区、乡村的服务模式更是帮助全民树立生态文明思想的有力推手.生态文明行为从校园开始,绿色中国从绿色学校开始是中国特色生态文明建设的明智之举.  相似文献   

大理周城白族独具特色的传统扎染文化是当地扎染产业发展的动力,随着社会经济发展及各种文化的交流与碰撞,传统扎染产业的可持续发展受到制约。结合周城扎染产业的发展现状,分析扎染技艺在传承、扎染文化内涵体现、扎染产品营销、扎染市场发展等方面存在的问题。探讨了在文化自信视阈下,为避免扎染产业走向衰落,增强白族民族扎染文化自觉、深化传统扎染工艺文化内涵、依靠民族扎染文化创造力源泉力量、转变扎染产业的发展模式提出了周城扎染产业发展思路。  相似文献   

对于中国农业起源及农业文明的延续,黄土有着特殊的意义.以汾渭平原为中心的黄土地带形成了 一系列具有地方特色的传统农业生产技术,以土作肥就是区域内土壤资源利用的典型地方经验.施 加土粪的过程改变了地表土壤层的分布方式,形成几千年来肥沃的土壤耕层.乡民生产生活对黄土 的循环利用形成了特有的自然景观与文化遗存,这不仅展现出地方经验中的民众智慧,也包含自然 与社会互动及协调发展的生态意义.  相似文献   

宁夏中部干旱带土地资源和光热资源丰富,并且是宁夏少数民族和贫困人口集中区,开发潜力巨大,是宁夏农业深入实施西部大开发战略的重点建设区域.农业建设应注重农牧结合的经营模式,大力发展节水农业和保护性耕作,达到生态和经济效应并重的建设目标.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes resource utilization of the Sundarbans in terms of the contradictory issues and pressures generated by foreign assistance and commercial interests in Bangladesh. In the paper, the historical legacy of resource definition and use that shaped the development of forest policy under the British is considered. In addition, the critical role of the state and the interests and pressures on the Government are explored as these shape the larger context in which current natural resource policy is generated and maintained. Three areas of potential conflict between current devlopment policy and resource management control are noted. They are 1) the privatization of production and resource exploitation in contrast to common property resource use, 2) the need to meet foreign exchange requirements versus local user interests, and 3) commercial versus local user interests.The paper argues that national and international fiscal and economic constraints operate to favor commercial interests and natural resource exports at the cost of policies that emphasize an active approach to the generation and preservation of renewable resources such as the Sundarbans.  相似文献   

党的十八届五中全会提出到二○二○年全面建成小康社会,是"两个一百年"奋斗目标的第一个百年奋斗目标。"十三五"时期是全面建成小康社会决胜阶段,保持战略定力,坚持稳中求进,统筹推进经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设和党的建设,确保如期全面建成小康社会。随着社会进步和经济发展,中国人民的物质文明和精神文明建设都取得了举世瞩目的成就,但精神文明建设还存在着严重的不平衡性,城乡文化建设水平差异较大,必然影响到和谐社会的发展。该文通过对目前农村文化建设的现状分析,提出今后加强农村文化建设的举措。  相似文献   

论科学发展观   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
科学发展观是在坚持经济增长基础上的量变扩张及其质变提升相统一的发展;是在坚持生产力发展过程中的以人为本的全面发展;是坚持物质文明、政治文明和精神文明相协调的共同发展;是坚持经济、政治、文化、社会各方面的协调发展;是坚持人与社会、自然环境相和谐的发展。就其发展动力而言,是坚持理论创新、体制创新、科技创新、管理创新的发展;是坚持经济效益、社会效益和生态效益相统一的发展。  相似文献   

The disintegration of the Classic Maya civilization in the Yucatán Peninsula and Central America was a complex process that occurred over an approximately 200-year interval and involved a catastrophic depopulation of the region. Although it is well established that the civilization collapse coincided with widespread episodes of drought, their nature and severity remain enigmatic. We present a quantitative analysis that offers a coherent interpretation of four of the most detailed paleoclimate records of the event. We conclude that the droughts occurring during the disintegration of the Maya civilization represented up to a 40% reduction in annual precipitation, probably due to a reduction in summer season tropical storm frequency and intensity.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地的非物质文化遗产是重要的区域旅游资源。针对该区域非物质文化遗产旅游资源的开发,运用SWOT分析法,对非物质文化遗产旅游资源开发的优势、劣势、机遇与风险进行了分析,认为塔里木盆地非物质文化遗产旅游开发应是一种可持续性开发。针对优势和机遇,提出了设计多样化的开发模式、策划精品旅游线路、健全文化旅游市场机制的对策;针对劣势和风险,建议加大文化旅游宣传、加强旅游基础设施建设、走可持续发展道路。  相似文献   

系统地总结了山茱萸的资源分布、生物学特征以及开发利用价值,并阐述了其深厚的文史内涵,提出了山茱萸在园林绿化中的多种应用途径和开发形式。  相似文献   

阐述了深入学习与深刻领会习近平生态文明思想的重要性及其贯彻落实“绿水青山就是金山银山”等一系列绿色理念的重大现实意义,其不仅承载着引领美丽中国建设的重大历史使命,而且必将在中华民族伟大复兴的进程中焕发出无限的生机和活力;同时分析了生态文明建设与乡村持续发展的内在关系;阐述了福建省生态文明建设与乡村绿色发展的成效及其经验,并提出了践行生态文明思想与乡村绿色振兴战略的若干思考及其具体对策;主要思路包括了以乡村“四生要素”(生产、生态、生活、生命)为主线,着力构建以政府为主导、乡村为平台、农民为主体的基本实施体系,强化并推动公众参与的产业持续发展与生态环境治理系统工程建设;具体对策要把握8个环节,即因势利导发展乡村生态经济、充分发挥农业多样功能优势、严格防控农村面源污染扩展、加强农村生态文明宣传普及、开展农村人居环境整治行动、以洁净环境保障绿色化生产、促进生态化与产业化的融合、探索创立保护与利用耦合体。  相似文献   

That more and larger stones were transported over a much longer time span in the Old than in the New World is obvious. The earlier arrival of the peoples of the Old World at the level of cultural development generally termed "civilization," accompanied as it was by a superior technology (95), goes far to account for this fact. Similarities, even identities, in techniques employed in transporting heavy stones (for example, sledge, ramps) or beliefs about stones (for example, that stones can will themelves to move or remain fixed) are taken to be fortuitous and independent convergences of the same genre as those cultural parallels recently pointed out by Caso (96) and Rowe (97).  相似文献   

The defeat of the Aztecs of Mexico by Hernán Cortés in 1521 was but the beginning of a long and torturous conquest of Central America that did not always result in the mastery of people and production for which the Spanish had hoped. The Maya of the resource-poor Yucatán peninsula were spared the heavy colonial hand that held fast to central Mexico and its riches. In addition, the dense forests of the peninsula served as a haven for refugees fleeing oppressive conditions in colonial towns. Despite the paucity of documentary information on Maya communities of the frontier, knowledge of Maya-Spanish relations in the 16th and 17th centuries has advanced in recent years through archeological and ethnohistorical research. Work in one region of the Maya lowlands has brought us closer to an understanding of the early interaction of the rulers and the ruled.  相似文献   

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