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Measurements of excess Ar(36) + Ar(38) ( released mainly at 1200 degrees C) in magnetic concentrates of Pacific sediments and in a dense concentrate of Greenland dust agree within an order of magnitude with expected concentrations implanted by solar-flare ion streams of energy less than 10 Mev per atomic-mass unit. The agreement implies that more than 10 percent of each concentrate may be extraterrestrial, depending on size distribution and flare spectra. Rare-gas measurements on fine-grained dust can provide data on: solar-flare "paleo-ion" fluxes, energy spectra, and isotopic abundances; identification, mineralogy, and chemistry of interplanetary dust; influx rates to Earth and sedimentation rates of oceanic cores; and lunar-surface residence and mixing times.  相似文献   

The flight of the Solar Optical Universal Polarimeter on Spacelab-2 provided the opportunity for the collection of time sequences of diffraction-limited (0.5 are second) solar images with excellent pointing stability (0.003 are second) and with freedom from the distortion that plagues ground-based images. A series of white-light images of active region 4682 were obtained on 5 August 1985, and the area containing the sunspot has been analyzed. These data have been digitally processed to remove noise and to separate waves from low-velocity material motions. The results include (i) proper motion measurements of a radial outflow in the photospheric granulation pattern just outside the penumbra; (ii) discovery of occasional bright structures ("streakers") that appear to be ejected outward from the penumbra; (iii) broad dark "clouds" moving outward in the penumbra, in addition to the well-known bright penumbral grains moving inward; (iv) apparent extensions and contractions of penumbral filaments over the photosphere; and (v) observation of a faint bubble or looplike structure that seems to expand from two bright penumbral filaments into the photosphere.  相似文献   

Recent radar images of the surface of Venus reveal a complex and varied terrain. By applying a set of simplifying assumptions about the nature of the surfaces returning the radar signal, it is possible to make a number of plausible interpretations. In one region on Venus, several circular features have the gross morphology of degraded impact craters. If they are indeed of impact origin, these features suggest that there exist on Venus areas which are ancient and where erosion or resurfacing has not been as intense or as pervasive as on the earth. In other regions there are intriguing features that may evidence active internal processes. One is a large trough-like depression (0 degrees , 76 degrees W; measuring 1400 by 150 by 2 kilometers) planimetrically suggestive of both the Valles Marineris on Mars and the East African Rift on the earth. Another feature, about 250 kilometers in diameter and of positive relief, includes an 80-kilometer-diameter circular depression at its summit, suggestive of a large volcanic construct. A third region, near 0 degrees , 10 degrees E, contains roughly parallel ranges of mountains separated by valley-like features, with relief varying from small isolated hills several hundred meters high to low ranges on the order of 1000 meters to large mountains approaching 2 kilometers in height. If Venus has a mobile crust similar to the earth's, these mountains may have been produced by compressional tectonics. These interpretations of the radar data indicate that Venus has been a geologically active planet which has developed diverse landforms and therefore is an exciting candidate for future exploration.  相似文献   

Interstellar dust grains intercepted by the dust detectors on the Ulysses and Galileo spacecrafts at heliocentric distances from 2 to 4 astronomical units show a deficit of grains with masses from 1 x 10(-17) to 3 x 10(-16) kilograms relative to grains intercepted outside 4 astronomical units. To divert grains out of the 2- to 4-astronomical unit region, the solar radiation pressure must be 1.4 to 1.8 times the force of solar gravity. These figures are consistent with the optical properties of spherical or elongated grains that consist of astronomical silicates or organic refractory material. Pure graphite grains with diameters of 0.2 to 0.4 micrometer experience a solar radiation pressure force as much as twice the force of solar gravity.  相似文献   

A carbon-chromite fraction from the Allende C3V chondrite shows strikingly large isotopic enrichments of neodymium-142 (0.47 percent) and neodymium- 143 (36 percent). Both apparently formed by alpha decay of samarium-146 and samarium-147 (half-lives 1.03 x 10(8) and 1.06 x 10(11) years), but the isotopic enrichment was greatly magnified by recoil of residual nuclei into a carbon film surrounding the samarium-bearing grains. These data provide an improved estimate of the original abundance of extinct samarium-146 in the early solar system [(146)Sm/(144)Sm = (4.5 +/- 0.5) x 10(-3)], higher than predicted by some models of pprocess nucleosynthesis. It may be possible to use this isotopic pair as a chronometer of the early solar system.  相似文献   

During Cassini's close flyby of Enceladus on 14 July 2005, the High Rate Detector of the Cosmic Dust Analyzer registered micron-sized dust particles enveloping this satellite. The dust impact rate peaked about 1 minute before the closest approach of the spacecraft to the moon. This asymmetric signature is consistent with a locally enhanced dust production in the south polar region of Enceladus. Other Cassini experiments revealed evidence for geophysical activities near Enceladus' south pole: a high surface temperature and a release of water gas. Production or release of dust particles related to these processes may provide the dominant source of Saturn's E ring.  相似文献   

Two autonomous robotic profiling floats deployed in the subarctic North Pacific on 10 April 2001 provided direct records of carbon biomass variability from surface to 1000 meters below surface at daily and diurnal time scales. Eight months of real-time data documented the marine biological response to natural events, including hydrographic changes, multiple storms, and the April 2001 dust event. High-frequency observations of upper ocean particulate organic carbon variability show a near doubling of biomass in the mixed layer over a 2-week period after the passage of a cloud of Gobi desert dust. The temporal evolution of particulate organic carbon enhancement and an increase in chlorophyll use efficiency after the dust storm suggest a biotic response to a natural iron fertilization by the dust.  相似文献   

Initial results of observations of the solar wind interaction with Venus indicate that Venus has a well-defined, strong, standing bow shock wave. Downstream from the shock, an ionosheath is observed in which the compressed and heated postshock plasma evidently interacts directly with the Venus ionosphere. Plasma ion velocity deflections observed within the ionosheath are consistent with flow around the blunt shape of the ionopause. The ionopause boundary is observed and defined by this experiment as the location where the ionosheath ion flow is first excluded. The positions of the bow shock and ionopause are variable and appear to respond to changes in the external solar wind pressure. Near the terminator the bow shock was observed at altitudes of approximately 4600 to approximately 12,000 kilometers. The ionopause altitutde ranged fromn as low as approximately 450 to approximately 1950 kilometers. Within the Venus ionosphere low-energy ions (energy per untit charge < 30 volts) were detected and have been tentatively idtentified as nonflowing ionospheric ions incident from a direction along the spacecraft velocity vector.  相似文献   

Earth-based radar images at a resolution of 10 kilometers show a diverse surface terrain on Venus, probably produced by both impact events and tectonic activity. Only a small number of craters of apparent impact origin are seen. Large-scale features show lineaments and parallel ridges suggesting tectonic origins.  相似文献   

We have identified six circumstellar silicate grains within interplanetary dust particles (IDPs). Their extrasolar origins are demonstrated by their extremely anomalous oxygen isotopic compositions. Three 17O-rich grains appear to originate from red giant or asymptotic giant branch stars. One 16O-rich grain may be from a metal-poor star. Two 16O-poor grains have unknown stellar sources. One of the grains is forsterite, and two are amorphous silicate "GEMS" (glass with embedded metal and sulfides), which is consistent with astronomical identifications of crystalline and amorphous silicates in the outflows of evolved stars. These observations suggest cometary origins of these IDPs and underscore the perplexing absence of silicates among circumstellar dust grains from meteorites.  相似文献   

The Sun continuously expels a huge amount of ionized material into interplanetary space as the solar wind. Despite its influence on the heliospheric environment, the origin of the solar wind has yet to be well identified. In this paper, we report Hinode X-ray Telescope observations of a solar active region. At the edge of the active region, located adjacent to a coronal hole, a pattern of continuous outflow of soft-x-ray-emitting plasmas was identified emanating along apparently open magnetic field lines and into the upper corona. Estimates of temperature and density for the outflowing plasmas suggest a mass loss rate that amounts to approximately 1/4 of the total mass loss rate of the solar wind. These outflows may be indicative of one of the solar wind sources at the Sun.  相似文献   

Halite crystals from the Zag H3-6 chondrite contain essentially pure (monoisotopic) xenon-129 ((129)Xe) produced in the early history of the solar system by the decay of short-lived iodine-129 ((129)I) (half-life = 15.7 million years). Correlated release of (129)Xe and (128)Xe, produced artificially from (127)I by neutron irradiation, corresponds to an initial ((129)I/(127)I) ratio of (1.35 +/- 0.05) x 10(-4), close to the most primitive early solar system value. If the (129)Xe was produced by in situ decay, then the halite formed from an aqueous fluid within 2 million years of the oldest known solar system minerals.  相似文献   

The reflectivity of Phobos has been determined in the spectral region from 0.4 to 1.1 micrometers from images taken with a Viking lander camera. The reflectivity curve is flat in this spectral interval and the geometric albedo equals 0.05 +/- 0.01. These results, together with Phobos's reflectivity spectrum in the ultraviolet, are compared with laboratory spectra of carbonaceous chondrites and basalts. The spectra of carbonaceous chondrites are consistent with the observations, whereas the basalt spectra are not. These findings raise the possibility that Phobos may be a captured object rather than a natural satellite of Mars.  相似文献   

Chemical zoning patterns in some iron, nickel metal grains from CH carbonaceous chondrites imply formation at temperatures from 1370 to 1270 kelvin by condensation from a solar nebular gas cooling at a rate of approximately 0.2 kelvin per hour. This cooling rate requires a large-scale thermal event in the nebula, in contrast to the localized, transient heating events inferred for chondrule formation. In our model, mass accretion through the protoplanetary disk caused large-scale evaporation of precursor dust near its midplane inside of a few astronomical units. Gas convectively moved from the midplane to cooler regions above it, and the metal grains condensed in these parcels of rising gas.  相似文献   

The infrared spectroscopy and radiometry investigation has obtained spectra of Jupiter and its satellites between approximately 180 and 2500 cm(-1) with a spectral resolution of 4.3 cm(-1). The Jupiter spectra show clear evidence of H(2), CH(4) C(2)H(2), C(2)H(6), CH(3)D, NH(3), PH(3), H(2)O, and GeH(4). A helium concentration of 0.11 +/- 0.03 by volume is obtained. Meridional temperature cross sections show considerable structure. At high latitudes, the stratosphere is warmer in the north than in the south. The upper troposphere and lower stratosphere are locally cold over the Great Red Spot. Amalthea is warmer than expected. Considerable thermal structure is observed on Io, including a relatively hot region in the vicinity of a volcanic feature.  相似文献   

During the passage of Voyager 2 through the Saturn system, infrared spectral and radiometric data were obtained for Saturn, Titan, Enceladus, Tethys, Iapetus, and the rings. Combined Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 observations of temperatures in the upper troposphere of Saturn indicate a seasonal asymmetry between the northern and southern hemispheres, with superposed small-scale meridional gradients. Comparison of high spatial resolution data from the two hemispheres poleward of 60 degrees latitude suggests an approximate symmetry in the small-scale structure, consistent with the extension of a symmetric system of zonal jets into the polar regions. Longitudinal variations of 1 to 2 K are observed. Disk- averaged infrared spectra of Titan show little change over the 9-month interval between Voyager encounters. By combining Voyager 2 temperature measurements with ground-based geometric albedo determinations, phase integrals of 0.91 +/- 0.13 and 0.89 +/- 0.09 were derived for Tethys and Enceladus, respectively. The subsolar point temperature of dark material on Iapetus must exceed 110 K. Temperatures (and infrared optical depths) for the A and C rings and for the Cassini division are 69 +/- 1 K (0.40 +/- 0.05), 85 +/- 1 K (0.10 +/- 0.03), and 85 +/- 2 K (0.07 +/- 0.04), respectively.  相似文献   

During the passage of Voyager 1 through the Saturn system, the infrared instrument acquired spectral and radiometric data on Saturn, the rings, and Titan and other satellites. Infrared spectra of Saturn indicate the presence of H(2), CH(4), NH(3), PH(3), C(2)H(2), C(2)H(6), and possibly C(3)H(4) and C(3)H(8). A hydrogen mole fraction of 0.94 is inferred with an uncertainty of a few percent, implying a depletion of helium in the atmosphere of Saturn relative to that of Jupiter. The atmospheric thermal structure of Saturn shows hemisphere asymmetries that are consistent with a response to the seasonally varying insolation. Extensive small-scale latitudinal structure is also observed. On Titan, positive identifications of infrared spectral features are made for CH(4), C(2)H(2), C(2)H(4), C(2)H(6), and HCN; tentative identifications are made for C(3)H(4) and C(3)H(8). The infrared continuum opacity on Titan appears to be quite small between 500 and 600 cm(-1), implying that the solid surface is a major contributor to the observed emission over this spectral range; between 500 and 200 cm(-1) theopacity increases with decreasing wave number, attaining an optical thickness in excess of 2 at 200 cm(-1). Temperatures near the 1-millibar level are independent of longitude and local time but show a decrease of approximately 20 K between the equator and north pole, which suggests a seasonally dependent cyclostrophic zonal flow in the stratosphere of approximately 100 meters per second. Measurements of the C ring of Saturn yield a temperature of 85 +/- 1 K and an infrared optical depth of 0.09 +/- 0.01. Radiometer observations of sunlight transmitted through the ring system indicate an optical depth of 10(-1.3 +/-0.3) for the Cassini division. A phase integral of 1.02 +/- 0.06 is inferred for Rhea, which agrees with values for other icy bodies in the solar system. Rhea eclipse observations indicate the presence of surface materials with both high and low thermal inertias, the former most likely a blocky component and the latter a frost.  相似文献   

Infrared spectra obtainedfrom Voyager 2 have provided additional data on the Jovian system, complementing those obtained from Voyager 1. The abundance ratio of ethane to acetylene in Jupiter's atmosphere appears to be about three times larger in the polar regions than at lower latitudes. A decidedly hemispherical asymmetry exists, with somewhat higher ratios prevailing in northern latitudes. An overall increase in the abundance ratio by a factor of about 1.7 appears to have occurred between the Voyager 1 and 2 encounters. Global brightness temperature maps of Jupiter at 226 and 602 cm(-1) exhibit a large amount of local- and planetary-scale structure, as well as temporal variability. Although heterogeneous cloud structure and ammonia concentration in the lower troposphere may contribute to the appearance of the 226-cm(-1) map, the detail in the 602-cm(-1) maps probably represents the actual horizontal thermal structure near the tropopause and suggests that dynamical heating and cooling processes are important. Low-latitude surface temperatures on the Galilean satellites rangefrom approximately 80 K on the dark sides to 155 K at the subsolar point on Callisto. Below a thin insulating layer, the thermal inertia of Callisto is somewhat greater than that of Earth's moon. Upper limits on the infrared optical depth of the Jovian ring rangingfrom approximately 3 x 10(-4) at 250 cm(-1) to 3 x 10(-3) at 600 cm(-1) have been found.  相似文献   

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