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Simulation studies have demonstrated that limited maximum transpiration rate (TR) at high air vapor pressure deficit (VPD) in water-limited environments could result in significant increases in sorghum yield. However, such a restriction on TR at high VPD has not been documented in sorghum. The objective of this study was to search within sorghum germplasm for the possibility of restricted TR at high VPD. Twenty six genotypes were selected for measurement of VPD response based on field observations including yield, leaf temperature, and the stay-green phenotype. These genotypes were grown in a greenhouse for about 24-d growth, and then placed into individual chambers in which VPD was varied and TR measured. The results of this study showed marked variation among sorghum genotypes in TR response to VPD. Seventeen genotypes were identified as exhibiting a breakpoint in their VPD response in the range from 1.6 to 2.7 kPa, above which there was little or no further increase in TR. Therefore, these genotypes with a breakpoint have the possibility of soil water conservation when VPD during the midday cycle exceeds the breakpoint VPD. This trait would be desirable in less humid environments for increasing yields in water-deficit seasons. The observed range in the value of the BP among genotypes offers the possibility of developing genotypes with BP appropriate for specific environments.  相似文献   

Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is commonly grown on sandy soils in warm climates where water-deficit can impose a limitation on yield. Identification of plant traits related to increased productivity under water-deficit conditions could be used to increase yields in these water-limited environments. Two traits were examined among 17 peanut genotypes. Transpiration efficiency (TE), ratio of mass increase to water transpired, was the first trait examined. TE was measured both under well-watered conditions (greenhouse) and soil drying (outdoors in pots) conditions. Virtually no difference was observed in TE among genotypes under well-watered conditions indicating the gas exchange properties were similar. However, under soil drying conditions there were substantial differences among genotypes. These results indicated that TE with drying soil might interact with traits associated with water loss on drying soils. Therefore, the second trait examined in this study was the fraction transpirable soil water (FTSW) content at which the decline in transpiration with soil drying was observed. This greenhouse experiment showed large variability among the 17 genotypes. A second-order polynomial described the relationship between TE under soil drying conditions and the threshold for the decline in transpiration. The FTSW for maximum TE was 0.55, but this value is expected to depend on the environmental conditions to which the plants influence TE.  相似文献   

Plants with limited transpiration rate (TR) under high vapor pressure deficit (VPD) offer the potential to conserve soil water and thus decrease the occurrence of soil water deficit. Genetic variability in TR response to VPD has been observed in the greenhouse for soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) genotypes related to PI416937, but these differences have yet to be measured in the field. The objective of this study was to observe under field conditions leaf gas exchange properties of PI416937 in comparison to nine other genotypes to determine if it expressed limited TR at high VPD. Genotypic differences in stomatal conductance measurements (a proxy for TR) matched those obtained under controlled environment conditions. Genotypes varied from no stomatal response to VPD, to strong negative responses resulting in full stomata closure at ∼4 kPa. There was a greater proportional genetic variability in stomatal conductance in the field (75% at high VPD) than was observed in the greenhouse, but this variation was correlated with greenhouse TR. However, photosynthesis was considerably limited in genotypes that had a stomatal response to VPD. Although field differences in photosynthetic capacity among genotypes were not correlated with greenhouse measurements, there was sufficient genetic variation to allow the possibility of selection of high photosynthetic capacity to overcome about a 34% decrease in stomatal conductance. Thus, a targeted breeding program to combine the water conserving TR-VPD response with increased photosynthetic capacity has the potential to increase soybean yields in field water-deficit environments.  相似文献   

The study of thirty sorghum varieties used for food in Burkina Faso showed a relationship between tannin level and utilization of sorghum grain. High tannin level varieties (more than 0.2%) are generally used for local alcoholic drink, instead low tannin level varieties (under 0.2%) are used for cooking and for non fermented drinks.  相似文献   

Transpiration efficiency (TE) has been recognized as an important source of yield variation under drought stress in groundnut. Here the variation for TE is evaluated in a set of 318 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of groundnut at F8 generation, derived from a cross between a high TE (ICGV 86031) and a low TE (TAG 24) parent, and the value of specific leaf area (SLA), SPAD chlorophyll meter readings (SCMR) and carbon isotope discrimination (Δ13C) as surrogates of TE are measured. Transpiration efficiency was measured gravimetrically in the 318 RILs and parents under progressive soil drying in a pot culture in two post-rainy seasons. Large and consistent variation for TE existed among the RILs across years. The overall distribution of TE among the RILs indicated that TE was governed by dominant and additive genes. Surrogates SLA and SCMR, were measured prior, during and after completion of the drought period, whereas Δ13C was measured on the dried tissue after harvest. Transpiration efficiency was negatively associated with SLA after the completion of stress treatment (r2 = 0.15) and Δ13C in leaves (r2 = 0.13) and positively associated with SCMR during stress (r2 = 0.17). These associations, all fairly weak, were significant only in 2004. None of these relationships was found in 2005. Although the heritability of SCMR during 2005 was relatively higher than that of TE, and although SCMR has previously been used to identify contrasting germplasm for TE, the stress-dependence of the relationship with TE, and the poor regression coefficients (r2) with that RIL population, do not confer that these surrogates are adequately robust enough in that population. Though more time consuming, a direct gravimetric evaluation for TE appeared to be more reliable.  相似文献   

Improvements in dry matter digestibility of crop residues contribute to greater productivity of livestock consuming dual-purpose sorghums (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). Delayed leaf senescence (stay-green), brown-midrib (bmr), leaf disease resistance, and high yield are among sorghum phenotypic traits that could enhance nutritive value of crop residues. The objective was to evaluate nutritive value and hydrocyanic acid potential (HCN-p) of leaf or stem components of crop residues of sorghum lines and hybrids representing differences in phenotypic traits. Four replications of eight or more lines and hybrids made up a randomized complete block design during 2 years in central Texas. Dry matter yield, dry weight loss after extraction in water and incubation in rumen, and fiber concentrations of leaves and stems were measured after grain harvest under field conditions. In addition, HCN-p of axillary branches and mature leaves was quantified. Sample weight loss in water extractions without incubation in rumen was negatively correlated with fiber concentrations, which were measured as the sample weights remaining after extraction in neutral (NDF) and acidic (ADF) detergent solutions. Greater concentrations of water-extractable dry matter and lower concentrations of NDF and ADF were observed for stay-green than for bmr or lines that senesced under drought. Yet, the sum of water-extractable dry matter plus ensuing weight loss during 7 days in rumen, expressed as yield ha−1 of leaf and stem digestible dry matter, was not consistently greater for stay-green than drought-susceptible lines. In addition, the yield of the sum of water-extractable and 7-day rumen losses of stay-green lines was comparable to or less than the bmr line. Under conditions in which leaf senescence varied little, analyses of nutritive value indicated water-extractable dry matter was enhanced and fiber concentrations were reduced in crop residues of stay-green compared to senescent lines.  相似文献   

Sorghum is a gluten free grain that has potential to be used as an alternative to wheat flour for the Celiac Sprue market. There are thousands of sorghum lines that have not been characterized for grain, flour or end product quality. The objective of the research was to gain an understanding among grain sorghum quality factors and Chinese egg noodles quality. Four sorghum hybrids were characterized and evaluated for kernel characteristics, proximate analysis, flour composition and end product in a Chinese egg noodle system. Kernel size and weight affected the flour particle size and the amount of starch damage. Flour with fine particle size and high starch damage conferred noodles with high firmness and high tensile strength. Water uptake was highest for flour with smaller particle size (38 μm at 50% volume) and higher starch damage (6.14%). Cooking losses for all samples were below 10%. Starch of particle size <5 μm (C-type) contributed to firmer and higher tensile strength noodles. Water absorption was significantly affected by flour particle size, starch particle size and starch damage. Through control of sorghum grain and flour quality characteristics it is possible to manufacture a Chinese egg noodle with good physical attributes.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate sorghum flour as protein extender in phenol-formaldehyde-based plywood adhesive for sprayline coaters or foam extrusion. Defatted sorghum flour, containing 0.2% (db) residual oil and 12.0% (db) crude protein, was analyzed for solubility and foaming properties. Sorghum flour proteins were least soluble (≤12%) under acidic pH, most soluble (72%) at pH 10, and produced substantial and highly stable foam at pH 10. Sorghum flour was substituted (on protein content basis) for wheat flour in the standard glue mix. Mixing properties and bond strength of the sorghum-based glue were compared with those of the industry standard glue. The sorghum flour-based adhesive had mixing properties and appearance that were superior to those of the standard wheat flour-based plywood glue, but its viscosity and bond strength were markedly less. Doubling the amount of protein contributed by sorghum flour in the glue mix markedly improved both viscosity (1104 cP) and adhesion strength (1.37 MPa) of the sorghum-based plywood glue to acceptable levels. The modified sorghum flour-based plywood glue also produced foam that remained stable up to 3 h. These results demonstrated that sorghum flour is a viable extender in plywood glues for sprayline coater or foam extrusion.  相似文献   

Some simple treatments were employed to reduce the tannin content in locally consumed sorghum grain. The treatments included overnight soaking of sorghum in 2% NaHCO3, soaking in different alkalis, ammoniation and autoclaving. Of the above treatments, ammoniation was best for complete removal of tannins. Soaking the seeds in alkalis was also effective. Soaking the sorghum seeds for 18 hours in mixed salt solution (containing 1.5% NaHCO3+0.5% Na2CO3 and 0.75% citric acid in w/v ratio) was also found to be effective.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to investigate physicochemical and biochemical characteristics of field-sprouted grain sorghum and its fermentation performance in ethanol production. Five field-sprouted grain sorghum varieties, which received abnormally high rainfall during harvest, were used in this study. Enzyme activities, microstructure, flour pasting properties, kernel hardness, kernel weight, kernel size, flour size and particle distribution of field-sprouted grain sorghum were analyzed. The effect of germination (i.e., sprouting) on conversion of grain sorghum to ethanol was determined by using a laboratory dry-grind ethanol fermentation procedure. Sprouted sorghum had increased α-amylase activity; degraded starch granules and endosperm cell walls; decreased kernel hardness, kernel weight, kernel size, and particle size; and decreased pasting temperature and peak and final viscosities compared with non-sprouted grain sorghum. The major finding is that the time required for sprouted sorghum to complete fermentation was only about half that of non-sprouted sorghum. Also, ethanol yield from sprouted sorghum was higher (416–423 L/ton) than that from non-sprouted sorghum (409 L/ton) on a 14% moisture basis.  相似文献   

向日葵叶片在盛花期的蒸腾特性研究结果表明:向日葵不同叶位的蒸腾作用明显不同。最高峰出现在中上部位叶片。最大值是12叶位,为23.44μE(H2O).m^-2.s^-1。一天中最高峰时间在12:30,不同叶位的蒸腾速度的日变化均呈单峰曲线,环境因子对蒸腾作用的影响不是单一的直接作用。并且每种因子对蒸腾作用的影响在日变化中明显不同。早8:30光量子通量密度和叶片温度与蒸腾作用均呈极显著正相关,相对湿度在早8:30和上午10:30都呈极显著正相关,其他时间均呈不显著正相关。在上午10:30和14:30时。光量子通量密度与蒸腾作用呈负相关。中午12:30和晚上18:30呈不显著正相关;叶片温度在上午10:30与蒸腾作用呈负相关外,其他时间均呈不显著正相关。  相似文献   

Grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is a genetically diverse cereal crop grown in many semiarid regions of the world. Improving drought tolerance in sorghum is of prime importance. An association panel of about 300 sorghum genotypes from different races, representative of sorghum globally, was assembled for genetic studies. The objectives of this research were to (i) quantify the performance of the association panel under field conditions in Kansas, (ii) characterize the association panel for phenological, physiological and yield traits that might be associated with tolerance to limited moisture (drought), and (iii) identify genotypes with higher yield potential and stability under different environments that may be used in the sorghum breeding program. Results show large diversity for physiological and yield traits such as chlorophyll content, leaf temperature, grain numbers and grain weight per panicle, harvest index and yield. Significant differences were found for plant height, grain weight and numbers per panicle, harvest index, and grain yield among and within races. The US elite lines had the highest number of grains and grain weight per panicle while the guinea and bicolor races recorded the lowest. Harvest index and yield was highest for the US elite lines and the caudatum genotypes. Overall, there was a negative correlation between plant height and grain weight, grain numbers and yield. Harvest index and grain numbers were negatively affected by moisture limitation for all the races. Among the races, the caudatum genotypes were more stable in grain yield across the different environments. Overall, there was a wide variability within the association panel for physiological and yield traits that may prove to be useful for improving drought tolerance in sorghum.  相似文献   

Understanding source or sink limitations on crop yield is critical for the rational design of agricultural practices as well as breeding strategies. In the present article, we studied sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] source–sink yield limitations during grain filling, and tested the hypothesis that the time in which kernel maximum water content is reached during grain filling defines a temporal limit for the crop to profit from source increases. Earlier studies have never tested increasing assimilate availability per kernel in different developmental stages. We conducted a field experiment increasing assimilate availability per kernel at anthesis and 15 days after anthesis in commercial hybrids. The anthesis treatment was aimed to increase assimilates per kernel from early grain filling, and the 15 days after anthesis treatment from the stage kernel maximum water content was achieved. Both treatments removed 50% of the kernels from one side of the panicle. Kernel dry weight (KW), kernel water content and kernel volume were measured in apical and basal positions of the panicle throughout grain filling. Increased assimilate availability always yielded a higher KW (34% increase). This KW increase was consistent across the two kernel developmental stages when the treatment was imposed, the panicle position and hybrid. Achieving maximum water content did not prevent kernels from increasing their weight when assimilates were subsequently increased. Final KW was closely related to maximum kernel volume (r2 = 0.72; n = 42; p < 0.0001). Increased assimilate availability per kernel promoted changes in both kernel growth rate and duration of grain filling.

We applied a quantitative approach for determining the magnitude of sorghum KW changes in response to assimilate availability changes during grain filling. This allowed us to compare our data to previously published articles, and to determine any general response pattern across environments. The analysis supported our observation that sorghum KW is highly responsive to increased assimilates, and indicated that increased assimilate availability during filling always increased sorghum KW. As such, growth of sorghum kernels is predominately source limited; breeding and management practices aimed to increase assimilate availability per kernel will be likely to enhance sorghum yield. Results show that the crop has the capacity to profit from source increases even after the initial grain-filling stages have occurred.  相似文献   

Sequential retrospective (SeqRet) pattern analysis technique was applied to classify sorghum hybrid testing sites in accordance with their similarity for yield differentiation among genotypes. Historical grain yield data from 150 multi-environment trials (METs) conducted at 23 sites in the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) region during 1987/1988–1992/1993 was used. The sites were clustered into six major environment groups in the SADC region with a model fit of R2 = 68%. Analysis of these 6 years’ data together with additional data from 1999/2000 stratified the 23 sites in the same six major groups (R2 = 69%), the additional five sites in 1999/2000 classified with appropriate site groups. These results suggest that future sorghum hybrid testing could be cost-effectively conducted in a few representative sites selected from within each of the six identified site groups.  相似文献   

Despite great genetic diversity, sorghum grain consistently suffers from poor protein digestibility. The physicochemical packaging of protein bodies which consist of protease-resistant β- and γ-kafirin is considered a major obstacle. A synthetic β-kafirin gene, which shares the endosperm-specific promoter and signal peptide with the native β-kafirin gene (Sobic.009G001600.1), was transformed into sorghum inbred line Tx430. The gene was modified with ten additional proteolytic sites. These sites were designed to be amenable to cleavage by pepsin and/or chymotrypsin proteinases. Five independent transgenic lines were regenerated by microprojectile transformation. Notably, considerably more protein was observed in the peripheral endosperm of transgenic lines under scanning electron microscopy. Microscopy revealed invaginated or irregularly shaped protein bodies in the endosperm of transgenic lines. Grains of transgenic lines contained 11–37% more protein, which was 11–21% more pepsin digestible and 7–25% more chymotrypsin digestible than Tx430. Additionally, the abundant synthetic β-kafirin protein (5.6% of total protein) was detected by mass spectrometry data analysis in the transgenic line 9-1. Field-grown homozygous transgenics retained higher protein content, larger seed size and no reduction in grain number per plant. The results illustrated that plant synthetic biology could play an important role in improving sorghum nutritional value.  相似文献   

The importance of sowing dates to the development of sorghum ergot (Claviceps africana) was determined at Tlayca, Morelos, Mexico during the rainy seasons of 1998–2000. Annual variation in ergot incidence occurred, with the highest levels in the year 2000. Sowing dates between June 15 and July 14 had the lowest levels of ergot incidence and severity. Temperatures below 15°C 3 weeks before flowering increased ergot incidence. The optimal weather factors for ergot development were a mean day temperature of 25°C, a maximum relative humidity of 96%, a maximum temperature of 28°C, and nighttime relative humidity of 86%.  相似文献   

Changes in pH, titratable acidity, total soluble solids and proteins ofDabar sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (Linn) Moench.) during naturalfermentation at 37 °C for up to 36 h were monitored. The pH ofthe fermenting material decreased sharply with a concomitant increase in the titratable acidity. Total soluble solids increased with progressivefermentation time. The crude protein and non-protein nitrogen slightlyincreased during the last stages of fermentation. The in vitroprotein digestibility markedly increased as a result of fermentation.The globulin plus albumin fractions increased significantly (p 0.05)during the first 8 h of fermentation. Kaffirin fraction decreasedduring the first 8 h of fermentation but increased sharply as fermentationprogressed. Cross-linked kaffirins fluctuated during the fermentationprocess. Glutelin like protein, which was the minor fraction, trueglutelins, the second most abundant fraction, together with non-extractableproteins fluctuated during the fermentation process.  相似文献   

Changes in trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitory activity of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) seeds on soaking in distilled water, different salt solutions and mixed salt solution were investigated. A greater reduction in proteinase inhibitory activity was observed on soaking in salt solution than on soaking in distilled water. Maximum loss of trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitory activity was observed on soaking seeds in mixed salt solution.  相似文献   

The reported high phenolic levels in sorghum have led an interest from sorghum breeding programs in developing and identifying germplasms with high phenolic levels, which require screening a large number of samples to find those with the highest levels. Since wet chemistry screening methods are slow, expensive, and destructive, the use of NIR calibration curves could be an alternative. The objectives of this project were to determine the variation range in total phenols, condensed tannins, and 3-deoxyanthocyanidin levels in a diverse set of sorghum genotypes and to assess the predictive value of NIR curves to estimate these compounds in sorghum. A calibration curve to estimate each compound was developed and validated with an independent validation set. Calibration curve correlations for total phenols, condensed tannins, and 3-deoxyanthocyanidins were r = 0.98, 0.97, and 0.99, respectively. Correlations between NIR-predicted values and reference values in the validation set were significant for total phenols (r = 0.93), condensed tannins (r = 0.81) and 3-deoxyanthocyanidin (r = 0.82). These indicated that sufficient variation for these compounds existed within sorghum and that NIR calibration curves could be used to rapidly and non-destructively predict total phenols, condensed tannins, and 3-deoxyanthocyanidins concentrations in whole grain sorghum.  相似文献   

The ability to absorb liquid and the dust removal performance are important factors for wiping cloths used to remove contaminants. We have developed a method that can determine the contaminant removal performance of wiping cloths. In the gravimetric method, experimental errors are unavoidable because the contaminant plate is much heavier than the contaminant material. However, we used image analysis to reduce the experimental errors, and did not use the heavy contaminant plate. The correlation coefficient between the image analysis and the gravimetric methods was very high, at R=0.97, with a significance level of 95 %. From the correlation analysis and empirical data, the image analysis method is a useful tool for measuring wiping efficiency. The wiping efficiency measured using image analysis has a close relationship to the wiping speed, viscosity of the contaminant, and wiping pressure, at the significance level of 95 %.  相似文献   

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