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Efficiency of fertilizer N is becoming increasingly important in modern agricultural production owing to increasing food requirement and growing concern about environments. However, there is almost no study regarding its long-term efficiency in wheat and maize cropping systems. Long-term (15 years) experiments involving wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) rotations at five field sites with various soil and climate characteristics in China were used to determine the nitrogen (N) efficiency, including the physiological efficiency, recovery efficiency and N mass balance of soil–plant systems in response to different fertilization treatments. The present study consisted of nine treatments: unfertilized, N, phosphorus, potassium, straw and manure or their combinations. The contribution of N fertilizers to wheat yield was higher than to maize and suggested that wheat could be given priority over maize when determining N application rates. Uptake of 1 kg N produced 35.6 kg of wheat grain and 39.5 kg of maize grain. The deficit of N in soils without applied N ranged from 40 to 103 kg N ha−1 year−1, while N surpluses in soils with applied N fertilizers ranged from 35 to 350 kg N ha−1 year−1. The apparent accumulated N recovery efficiency (NREac) varied widely from 4% to 90%: unbalanced fertilization and other soil limiting factors (such as aluminium toxicity) were associated with low NREac. In the treatments of combination of N, phosphorus and potassium with normal application rates, the average of NREac in four out of five sites reached 80%, which suggested that best management of N fertilizers could recover most of N fertilizers applied to soils. The results will be helpful to understand the long-term fate of N fertilizers and to optimize the N fertilization for agricultural practices and environment protection.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》2001,69(2):93-132
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) are now grown in sequence on the same land in the same year over 26 Mha of South and East Asia to meet the food demand of a rapidly expanding human population. This rice–wheat (R–W) system brings together conflicting and complementary practices. Much of the system operates at low yield because of inadequate nutrients and inappropriate water management. The challenge to research is to understand crop responses to the required combination of practices so that management systems can be devised for high and sustainable combined yield. The repeated transitions from anaerobic to aerobic to anaerobic growing conditions affect soil structure, nutrient relations, the growth of the component crops, and their associated pests and diseases. This review establishes realistic yield targets and discusses strategies and tactics to improve complementarity of the two crops by choice of cultivar, sowing time, mechanization, soil and water management, choice and combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers, management of weeds, pests and diseases, and the inclusion of other crops into the system, especially legumes. While research must attend to existing problems and improve resource-use efficiency of existing practices, the review suggests the need to look for new production strategies that might avoid existing constraints in some areas of the R–W region. In particular, soil, water and nutrient management strategies, such as reduced tillage and use of raised beds, that avoid the deleterious effects of puddling on soil structure and fertility, improve water- and nutrient-use efficiencies, and increase crop productivity, may be appropriate.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1999,61(2):97-107
Crotalaria (C. ochroleuca G. Don.) used as a green manure may improve the productivity of maize–bean cropping systems in eastern Africa. To test this hypothesis, three field studies were conducted over three consecutive cropping seasons at Kawanda Agricultural Research Institute in Uganda. In the first season, crotalaria biomass was produced in pure stands or in intercrop systems with either common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) or maize (Zea mays L.) as companion crops. Crotalaria was sown at planting and three weeks after planting the food crops. The biomass of early planted crotalaria was mulched, that of late planted crotalaria was incorporated into the soil at planting of the following crop. The first subsequent crop was maize, and the second was either beans (in two seasons) or maize (in one season). In the crotalaria production season, mean yield losses of maize through intercropping with early or late sown crotalaria were 40 and 22%, respectively; the corresponding values for beans were 45 and 14%. In the first cropping season after crotalaria production, the increase in maize grain yield on account of crotalaria averaged 39%; the best response (68% increase) to crotalaria was obtained with early sown sole crotalaria applied as mulch. Major differences in soil mineral nitrogen content among the treatments occurred at the six-leaf stage of maize only. In the second cropping season following crotalaria production, the mean increases in seed yields of beans or maize, due to crotalaria, were 23 and 19%, respectively, indicating a considerable residual effect of crotalaria green manure. The decrease in bulk density, and the increase in water infiltration capacity of the soil suggest that the yield stimulation because of crotalaria not only resulted from the increased nitrogen supply, but also from more favorable soil physical properties. Considering the competitive effect of crotalaria with the food crops and the positive effect on yields of subsequent crops, two options are especially promising: incorporation of crotalaria produced by relay intercropping with beans and mulching of early sown crotalaria produced in pure stands.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (FHB) is one of the most destructive fungal diseases of small grain cereals resulting in a reduced grain yield and quality. FHB is the result of a complex interaction between weather conditions and agricultural practices including crop rotation, tillage, fungicide application and host resistance. This study deals with the results of field experiments conducted during the growing seasons 2009–2010 until 2011–2012 at Bottelare (Belgium). The experiments were set up to evaluate the influence of maize–wheat rotation on the visual symptoms of FHB and deoxynivalenol (DON) content in winter wheat. Using a randomised complete block design with four replications, we studied the impact of (a) maize variety as previous crop, (b) maize harvest method (grain or silage maize), (c) tillage method and (d) the influence of the wheat variety resistance on the FHB incidence and DON content. The experimental results showed that the susceptibility of the maize varieties for Fusarium and maize harvest method had only a minor effect on the FHB incidence and DON content of the wheat crop during the subsequent growing season. The tillage method and wheat variety resistance were more important; both factors had a significant influence on the FHB incidence and DON content. Furthermore, the quantitative effect of these factors depended on the disease pressure. The DON content reduction obtained by ploughing and by sowing moderately resistant wheat varieties was higher in case the weather conditions favoured FHB development. Furthermore, it was shown that repeated maize–wheat rotation in combination with favourable weather conditions for FHB could result in an accumulation of inoculum, which, for instance, led to DON contents up to 9.90 mg/kg in August 2012.  相似文献   

Maintenance of organic carbon in soil (SOC) is critically important for sustained agricultural productivity and environmental quality. This paper presents SOC resulting from differences in tillage types and demonstrates how mulch and nitrogen (N) application can mediate the tillage functions on SOC and crop productivities. The results are derived from a 4-year field-scale study carried out in a low-land under sub-tropical hot and humid environment of Nepal. It compared eight treatment combinations, viz., tillage (no-tillage and conventional tillage), mulch (no-mulch and 12 Mg ha?1 year?1 of mulch), and N application (recommended versus leaf color chart method) under rice–wheat cropping system. Seasonal grain and biomass yields of these crops were recorded and at the end of the 4-year study, quantified the organic carbon stock of soil; Within 15 cm of surface soil, SOC stock (Mg C ha?1) was statistically (p < 0.05) higher on no-tillage plots (11.2–11.8) than on conventional tillage plots (9.2–10.5). The treatment effect was more pronounced on winter wheat productivity where conventional tillage combined with straw-mulch exceled the performance of no-tillage. Clearly, no-tillage had the environmental benefit, and conventional tillage had the crop productivity benefit.  相似文献   

Tillage changes the physical and chemical properties of soil and can also inhibit or enhance useful and harmful fauna. In agriculture, different tillage technologies are being tried to enhance crop productivity, but little concrete information seems to exist on their effects on pest abundance and damage. To address this lack of information, sowing of wheat was investigated under different tillage systems. In order to monitor pest abundance and damage in altered tillage systems, the present studies on the relative abundance and damage due to insect pests viz. pink stem borer (PSB, Sesamia inferens Walker), termites (Microtermes obesi Holmgren and Odontotermes obesus Rambur) and root aphid (Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominalis Sasaki) were undertaken in a rice–wheat cropping system during 2010–11 and 2011–12. Pest abundance and damage was monitored in four tillage systems i.e. conventional tillage (CT), zero tillage (ZT), ZT + mulch and rotary tillage (RT) under insecticide protected and unprotected conditions. The application of insecticide did not affect root aphid incidence or termite damage. However, significant differences in PSB damage in insecticide protected (0.9%) and unprotected (1.2%) conditions were observed. The investigations demonstrated that in CT, damage by PSB (0.6%) was minimum; however termite damage (2.2%) was maximum as compared to all other tillage conditions. In ZT, PSB damage (1.4%) was maximum and root aphid incidence (3.1 aphids/tiller) was minimum in comparison to other tillage conditions. ZT + mulch resulted in inter-mediate insect pest incidence/damage; however, RT was the least effective practice which showed relatively high incidence/damage of these three insects (1.2% PSB damage, 1.9% termite damage and 5.1 aphids/tiller). The insecticide × tillage interaction indicated that insecticide application is needed only in ZT and RT for PSB management.  相似文献   

In order to ascertain the alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and its relationship with soil properties in saline–sodic soils during reclamation, a study was conducted in a saline–sodic soil reclaimed by cropping wolfberry (Lycium barbarum L.) with drip irrigation, in Ningxia Plain, Northwest China. The soil ECe, pH and SAR in 0–30 cm were 12.3 dS m?1, 9.4 and 44.1 (mmol/L)0.5, respectively. Soil transects with different planting years were intensively sampled, which had a wide gradient of salinity and sodicity. Ranging from 1.1 to 42.4 μg g?1 h?1, soil ALP activities increased with the increasing planting years, and showed a large spatial variability within transect. The higher ALP activities were always found beneath the drip emitters. More soil physicochemical properties became related significantly to the ALP activities as the planting years increased, indicating that the ALP activities could be better predicted by other properties after reclamation. Path analyses showed that the negative direct effects of soil pH on ALP activities became clearly dominant as the planting years increased. The positive effects of organic matter on ALP activities exerted indirectly, mainly through pH, total N, and available P. Soil ALP activities decreased exponentially with pH, which varied from 7.38 to 10.00. Our findings demonstrated that soil pH was the limiting factor for improving soil ALP activities in this saline–sodic soil, and after three planting years, soil biological activities and fertility level increased significantly.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1999,64(3):273-286
On-farm research to evaluate the productivity and nitrogen (N) nutrition of a rice (Oryza sativa L.)–wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping system was conducted with 21 farmers in the piedmont of Nepal and with 21 farmers in northwest Bangladesh. In Nepal, two levels of N-fertilizer (0–22–42 and 100–22–42 kg N–P–K ha−1) and farmers’ nutrient management practices were tested in the rice season, and three levels of N (0–22–42, 70–22–42, and 100–22–42) and farmers’ practices were evaluated in the wheat season. The treatments in Bangladesh included a researchers managed minus-N plot (0–22–42) and the farmers’ practices. Rice and wheat yields were higher in all treatments than the 0–22–42 control plots, with the exception of rice with the farmers’ practices at one location in Bangladesh. The researchers’ treatment of 100–22–42 in Nepal resulted in larger yields of both rice and wheat than the farmers’ practices, indicating that farmers’ rates of N-fertilizer (mean 49 kg N ha−1) were too low. Delaying wheat seeding reduced yields in the fertilized plots in both countries, especially as N-fertilizer dose increased. Soil N-supplying capacities (SNSC), measured as total N accumulation from the zero-N plots (0–22–42), and grain yields without N additions were greater for rice than for wheat in both Nepal and Bangladesh. Higher SNSC in rice was probably due to greater mineralization of soil organic N in the warm, moist conditions of the monsoon season than in the cooler, drier wheat season. However, SNSC was not correlated with total soil N, two soil N availability tests (hot KCl-extractable NH4+ or 7-day anaerobic incubation), exchangeable NH4+ or NO3. Wheat in Nepal had greater N-recovery efficiency, agronomic efficiency of N, and physiological efficiency of N than rice. Nitrogen internal-use efficiency of rice for all treatments in both countries was within published ranges of maximum sufficiency and maximum dilution. In wheat, the relationship between grain yield and N accumulation was linear indicating that mobilization of plant N to the grain was less affected by biotic and abiotic stresses than in rice.  相似文献   

A total of 17 cropping schedules for the winter (rabi)–summer (zaid) season of north Indian plains were compared for the yield and economics of produce per hectare of land. In comparison to wheat, the sucker-planted mint crop was estimated to bring in a 32% higher income. The co-cultivation of wheat with sucker-planted mint gave 15% more productivity over wheat alone and 70% over mint alone. The relay cropping of wheat followed by transplanted mint had the highest productivity, 45% higher than that of co-cultivated wheat and mint. The cultivar HD 2285 of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Himalaya/Kosi cultivars of mint (Mentha arvensis L.) were found to fit well in the co-cultivation and relay cropping schedules using wheat and mint crops. The results allowed recommendation of the following rotations for high yield together with resource conservation, permitting intensive agriculture by farmers with small holdings in Indo-Gangetic plains: (1) rice/greengram/blackgram, transplanted basil, wheat+mint, pigeonpea, chickpea, transplanted mint; and (2) pigeonpea, wheat, transplanted mint, rice, transplanted basil, wheat+mint.  相似文献   

A two-year field experiment(2012–2013) was conducted to investigate the effects of two tillage methods and five maize straw mulching patterns on the yield, water consumption,and water use efficiency(WUE) of spring maize(Zea mays L.) in the northern Huang–Huai–Hai valley of China. Compared to rotary tillage, subsoil tillage resulted in decreases in water consumption by 6.3–7.8% and increases in maize yield by 644.5–673.9 kg ha-1, soil water content by 2.9–3.0%, and WUE by 12.7–15.2%. Chopped straw mulching led to higher yield,soil water content, and WUE as well as lower water consumption than prostrate whole straw mulching. Mulching with 50% chopped straw had the largest positive effects on maize yield, soil water content, and WUE among the five mulching treatments. Tillage had greater influence on maize yield than straw mulching, whereas straw mulching had greater influence on soil water content, water consumption, and WUE than tillage. These results suggest that 50% chopped straw mulching with subsoil tillage is beneficial in spring maize production aiming at high yield and high WUE in the Huang–Huai–Hai valley.  相似文献   

Complementarity in acquisition of nitrogen (N) from soil and N2-fixation within pea and barley intercrops was studied in organic field experiments across Western Europe (Denmark, United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy). Spring pea and barley were sown either as sole crops, at the recommended plant density (P100 and B100, respectively) or in replacement (P50B50) or additive (P100B50) intercropping designs, in each of three cropping seasons (2003–2005). Irrespective of site and intercrop design, Land Equivalent Ratios (LER) between 1.4 at flowering and 1.3 at maturity showed that total N recovery was greater in the pea–barley intercrops than in the sole crops suggesting a high degree of complementarity over a wide range of growing conditions. Complementarity was partly attributed to greater soil mineral N acquisition by barley, forcing pea to rely more on N2-fixation. At all sites the proportion of total aboveground pea N that was derived from N2-fixation was greater when intercropped with barley than when grown as a sole crop. No consistent differences were found between the two intercropping designs. Simultaneously, the accumulation of phosphorous (P), potassium (K) and sulphur (S) in Danish and German experiments was 20% higher in the intercrop (P50B50) than in the respective sole crops, possibly influencing general crop yields and thereby competitive ability for other resources. Comparing all sites and seasons, the benefits of organic pea–barley intercropping for N acquisition were highly resilient. It is concluded that pea–barley intercropping is a relevant cropping strategy to adopt when trying to optimize N2-fixation inputs to the cropping system.  相似文献   

A long-term rotation experiment was established in 2001 to compare conservation tillage techniques with conventional tillage in a semi-arid environment in the western Loess Plateau of China. We examined resource use efficiencies and crop productivity in a spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)–field pea (Pisum arvense L.) rotation. The experimental design included a factorial combination of tillage with different ground covers (complete stubble removal, stubble retained and plastic film mulch). Results showed that there was more soil water in 0–30 cm at sowing under the no-till with stubble retained treatment than the conventional tillage with stubble removed treatment for both field pea (60 mm vs. 55 mm) and spring wheat (60 mm vs. 53 mm). The fallow rainfall efficiency was up to 18% on the no-till with stubble retained treatment compared to only 8% for the conventional tillage with stubble removed treatment. The water use efficiency was the highest in the no-till with stubble retained treatment for both field pea (10.2 kg/ha mm) and spring wheat (8.0 kg/ha mm), but the lowest on the no-till with stubble removed treatment for both crops (8.4 kg/ha mm vs. 6.9 kg/ha mm). Spring wheat also had the highest nitrogen use efficiency on the no-till with stubble retained treatment (24.5%) and the lowest on the no-till with stubble removed treatment (15.5%). As a result, grain yields were the highest under no-till with stubble retained treatment, but the lowest under no-till with no ground cover treatment for both spring wheat (2.4 t/ha vs. 1.9 t/ha) and field pea (1.8 t/ha vs. 1.4 t/ha). The important finding from this study is that conservation tillage has to be adopted as a system, combining both no-tillage and retention of crop residues. Adoption of a no-till system with stubble removal will result in reductions in grain yields and a combination of soil degradation and erosion. Plastic film mulch increased crop yields in the short-term compared with the conventional tillage practice. However, use of non-biodegradable plastic film creates a disposal problem and contamination risk for soil and water resources. It was concluded that no-till with stubble retained treatment was the best option in terms of higher and more efficient use of water and nutrient resources and would result in increased crop productivity and sustainability for the semi-arid region in the Loess Plateau. The prospects for adoption of conservation tillage under local conditions were also discussed.  相似文献   

Rice and wheat are the principal calorie sources for over a billion people in South Asia, although each crop is particularly sensitive to the climatic and agronomic management conditions under which they are grown. Season-long heat stress can reduce photosynthesis and accelerate senescence; if extreme heat stress is experienced during flowering, both rice and wheat may also experience decreased pollen viability and stigma deposition, leading to increased grain sterility. Where farmers are unable to implement within-season management adaptations, significant deviations from expected climatic conditions would affect crop growth, yield, and therefore have important implications for food security. The influence of climatic conditions on crop growth have been widely studied in growth chamber, greenhouse, and research station trials, although empirical evidence of the link between climatic variability and yield risk in farmers’ fields is comparatively scarce. Using data from 240 farm households, this paper responds to this gap and isolates the effects of agronomic management from climatic variability on rice and wheat yield risks in eight of Pakistan’s twelve agroecological zones. Using Just and Pope production functions, we tested for the effects of crop management practices and climatic conditions on yield and yield variability for each crop. Our results highlight important risks to farmers’ ability to obtain reliable yield levels for both crops. Despite variability in input use and crop management, we found evidence for the negative effect of both season-long and terminal heat stress, measured as the cumulative number of days during which crop growth occurred above critical thresholds, though wheat was considerably more sensitive than rice. Comparing variation in observed climatic parameters in the year of study to medium-term patterns, rice, and wheat yields were both negatively affected, indicative of production risk and of farmers’ limited capacity for within-season adaptation. Our findings suggest the importance of reviewing existing climate change adaptation policies that aim to increase cereal farmers’ resilience in Pakistan, and more broadly in South Asia. Potential agronomic and extension strategies are proposed for further investigation.  相似文献   

Under Mediterranean environments, farmers usually prefer to sow barley rather than wheat as it is generally believed that barley yields more under stressful conditions. As terminal stresses such as high temperature and water are common constraints in Mediterranean regions, higher grain weight stability may confer a clear advantage in order to maintain higher yields. The objective of the present study was to compare the stability in terms of grain weight and its components for barley, bread wheat, and durum wheat, exploring a wide range of nitrogen and water availabilities in experiments conducted in a Mediterranean region. Grain weight ranged from 23.8 to 47.7 mg grain−1, being higher for durum wheat than barley and bread wheat. Durum wheat presented higher variability both in maximum grain filling rate and duration of grain filling period than bread wheat or barley. The three species responded similarly in terms of grain nitrogen content to changes in the environmental conditions explored. It is concluded that in terms of grain weight barley is as stable as bread wheat. However, durum wheat presented a lower stability than barley and bread wheat.  相似文献   

Soil phosphorus(P) fractionation, adsorption, and desorption isotherm, and rice yield and P uptake were investigated in flooded tropical rice(Oryza sativa L.) following 42-year fertilizer and manure application. The treatments included low-input [unfertilized control without N, P, or K(C0N0)], farmyard manure(FYM)(C1N0), NP(C0NP), NPK(C0NPK), FYM + NP(C1NP), and high-input treatment, FYM + NPK(C1NPK). Grain yield was increased significantly by 74%over the control under the combined application of FYM + NPK. However, under low- and high-input treatments, yield as well as P uptake was maintained at constant levels for 35 years.During the same period, high yield levels and P uptake were maintained under the C0 NP, C0 NPK,and C1 NPK treatments. These are unique characteristics of a tropical flooded ecosystem, which is a self-sustaining system for rice production. The Fe–P fraction was highest compared to the Ca–P and Al–P fractions after 42 years of fertilizer application and was significantly higher under FYM + NPK treatment. The P adsorption capacity of soil was highest under the low-input treatment and lowest under long-term balanced fertilization(FYM + NPK). In contrast, P desorption capacity was highest under NPK and lowest in the control treatment. Long-term balanced fertilization in the form of FYM + NPK for 42 years lowered the bonding energy and adsorption capacity for P in soil but increased its desorption potential, increasing P availability to the plant and leading to higher P uptake and yield maintenance.  相似文献   

The rheological and functional properties of starch are influenced by the size and molar mass distribution of the polymer, the ratio of amylose (AMY) to amylopectin (AMP), and branching characteristics. Asymmetric Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (AF4) was applied to fractionate five different maize hybrids of varying AMY:AMP ratio. When coupled to detection by multi-angle light scattering and refractive index (MALS–RI), it was possible to determine mass percentage and the average weight-average molar mass (Mw) without the need for calibration standards. Sufficient resolution of amylose and amylopectin was achieved by applying a gradient cross-flow on a 17 cm trapezoidal channel with a 350 μm spacer. The observed Mw ranged from about 2 × 105 to 4 × 105 for amylose and from 1 × 108 to 4 × 108 for amylopectin. The corresponding z-average root-mean-square radii (Rz) for AMP ranged from 145 to over 300 nm. Low recoveries from the AF4 channel were found to be due primarily to the focusing step. The calculated mass percent of AMY and AMP from integrated RI peak areas agreed well with nominal values for the individual starch hybrids. Both qualitative and quantitative data were reproducible. The results show the AF4–MALS–RI method to be well suited for routine molecular characterization of starch.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):230-234

To elucidate the possible participation of hemicellulose decomposition in lodging resistance, we studied the change of hemicellulose and cellulose content in the stems of rice during the ripening stage by methylation analysis and the expression of related genes by Northern blotting. In the rice stem in ripening stage, content of (1-3,1-4)-β-glucan, a component of hemicellulose, decreased markedly although the content of arabinoxylan, a major component of hemicellulose, and cellulose showed little change during the same growth period. On the other hand, expression of the Gns 1 gene, which may encode (1-3,1-4) -β-glucanase that catalyzes the degradation of (1-3,14) -β-glucan, increased sharply in the stem. The mechanism of decomposition of (1-3,1-4) -β-glucan in rice stem and the possible association with lodging resistance is discussed.  相似文献   

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