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油菜干物质积累和养分钾、磷、硫吸收特点及施钾的影响   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
采用微区试验研究油菜干物质积累和养分钾,磷,硫吸收特点及施钾的影响。结果表明:(1)油菜地上部干物质积累量呈快速增长趋势,地下部干物质积累量增长平缓,施钾明显提高油菜植株干物质积累量。(2)苗期植株地上部钾,磷和硫含量最高,越冬期迅速降低,生育后期地下部钾和磷含量下降较快,成熟期达最低值。(3)施钾明显提高植株钾含量,但施钾对磷和硫含量的影响较小。(4)生育后期地上部出现明显的钾,磷和硫吸收高峰,结角-成熟期地下部磷吸收下降。施钾明显提高油菜植株钾,磷和硫的吸收量。  相似文献   

固体碱催化剂(K2O/C)的制备及其催化酯交换反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以活性碳为载体,负载K2CO3后经过煅烧,制得K2O/C固体碱催化剂,通过正交实验,得到催化剂的优化制备条件为:K2CO3与活性碳摩尔比0.04,粒径40目,煅烧温度450℃,煅烧时间3.5h,浸渍时间3h;将其应用于催化棉籽油酯交换制备生物柴油,考察了催化剂的加入量、醇油比、反应温度、反应时间、原料中水分含量等对酯交换反应的影响,得到最佳工艺参数:醇油摩尔比8︰1、催化剂加入量4.0%、反应时间1h。在此条件下,K2O/C的催化活性优于传统均相催化剂,重复使用多次仍具有较好的催化效果。  相似文献   

作者以“高级专家西部行活动”实地考察为契机,通过东西部棉花生产和科研条件的分析与对比,提出了东西部结合。优势互补的棉花品种改良新途径。  相似文献   

江西赣北棉区近十几年来普遍实行的是油棉两熟制棉田采取“板地”双移栽,棉地长期得不到翻耕,土壤状况恶化,施用“双效中微肥王”和“天丰生物固氮肥”对油棉两熟棉田土壤改良有较好的效果,且能增强棉纤维品质,提高产量。  相似文献   

超高产大豆氮磷钾吸收分配动态及模式的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以新大豆1号、中黄35为材料,通过2006、2007年的田间试验,研究了超高产大豆氮磷钾吸收动态及模型,并比较了年份和品种之间的差异.结果表明:不同生育阶段大豆植株叶片、叶柄、茎秆的N和P2O5含量在年度和品种间的变化趋势没有大的区别,2006年新大豆1号K2O的浓度一直表现出较高的水平;与2006年相比,2007年N、P2O5和K2O的吸收时间明显前移;新大豆1号每生产100 kg籽粒2 a平均需N素8.28 kg,P2O5 0.78 kg,K2O 8.25 kg,中黄35为N 8.13 kg,P2O5 0.58 kg,K2O 4.38 kg.与其它地区的结果相比,N的摄取量相当,P2O5只有三分之一,K2O的摄取量是内地的2倍;新大豆1号对K2O的需求明显比中黄35偏多.N、P2O5的最快积累时间为出苗后第70~84天,其绝对含量的积累可用Logistic曲线方程加以描述.结果证明不同品种、不同生态环境条件和栽培措施影响主要养分特别是P2O5和K2O的摄取.  相似文献   

氮、钾不同营养水平对春玉米氮代谢的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用田间小区试验方法研究了氮、钾不同营养水平对春玉米氮代谢的影响。结果表明:氮代谢指标(可溶性蛋白、硝酸还原酶、谷氨酸脱氢酶)在整个生育时期内呈单峰曲线变化,即从苗期开始逐渐增加,达到高峰后又呈下降趋势,成熟期最低。可溶性蛋白含量在抽雄吐丝期达到最高峰,硝酸还原酶和谷氨酸脱氢酶活性在大喇叭口时期达到最高。各生育时期,氮代谢关键酶活性及可溶性蛋白含量均表现为随氮、钾营养水平的提高先增加后减少的趋势。表明适宜氮、钾肥用量可以增加叶片可溶性蛋白含量及提高硝酸还原酶和谷氨酸脱氢酶活性,过量施用氮、钾肥反而会使其含量或活性下降。  相似文献   

大豆对氮、磷、钾的平衡吸收动态的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
以北丰-14为供试品种,研究了大豆在不同密度、施肥量处理下,氮、磷、钾平衡吸收关系.结果表明:大豆在生育期中植株氮、磷、钾积累量间以及三要素与干物质积累量间均呈极显著的线性相关关系.单产200kg/667m2大豆群体,每生产100kg大豆籽粒需N 8.32kg,P2O5 2.20kg,K2O 3.21kg;N∶P2O5∶K2O=1∶0.26∶0.39.  相似文献   

冀东晚播高产冬小麦氮磷钾吸收特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为给冀东地区晚播冬小麦的高产栽培提供依据,以冀东地区主栽小麦品种京冬8号为材料,通过大田试验研究了晚播高产冬小麦氮磷钾吸收特性.结果表明,籽粒产量在8 111.5 kg/ha水平下,平均每生产100 kg籽粒植株需吸收N 2.780 kg、P2O5 1.458 kg、K2O 4.833 kg.拔节期~挑旗期是植株对N吸收强度最大的时期,占总吸收量的41.01%;挑旗期~开花期是植株对P2O5和K2O吸收强度最大的时期,分别占总吸收量的31.77%和35.49%.成熟时植株吸收的N和P2O5 主要贮存在籽粒中,分别占植株总吸收量的58.49%和57.02%;K2O主要贮存在茎秆中,占植株总吸收量的60.30%.不同时期各器官中N、P2O5、K2O的含量不同.  相似文献   

A field study was carried out to quantify the compensation capacity of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)-transgenic cotton to simulated damage by manually removing squares during the early growing season in 2004 and 2005 in combination with CO2 levels (ambient CO2 and elevated CO2). Treatments included: initial squares were wholly (100%) removed manually for 1 week (i.e., SR1 treatment) and for 2 consecutive weeks (i.e., SR2 treatment). Plant leaf area was measured every 2 weeks, and plant root, stem, leaf, shatters, boll dry weight and lint yield and maturity were measured at harvest. Significantly higher leaf area per plant was observed on each sampling date for SR1 and SR2 treatments compared with control (SR0) treatment in 2004 and 2005 under elevated CO2. Significantly higher lint yield and maturity were observed for SR0, SR1 and SR2 treatments under elevated CO2 in 2004 and 2005. CO2 concentration and square removal significantly affected plant lint yield and maturity. Moreover, the interaction between CO2 concentration × square removal had a significant effect on plant leaf dry weight, lint yield and maturity. Our results indicated that transgenic cotton plants can compensate for the manual removal of 100% of the initial squares for 1 and 2 weeks under ambient and elevated CO2.  相似文献   

Toxicity effects and field persistence of the insect growth regulators lufenuron, flufenoxuron and triflumuron were assessed in the laboratory using second and fourth larval instars of Spodoptera littoralis. Laboratory bioassays indicated that lufenuron was more effective on both 2nd and 4th larval instars, as well as killing both larval instars faster than flufenoxuron or triflumuron. Field-laboratory experiments were conducted to show direct and residual effects of the tested IGRs in terms of toxicity and stability. They indicated that all the tested insecticides were stable under field conditions and give high percentages of mortality. Overall, lufenuron was more efficient than the other tested insecticides. In addition, it gave a faster kill in some testing periods. Data presented in this work show greater efficiency of lufenuron in controlling S. littoralis than flufenoxuron or triflumuron. Using this insecticide for cotton leafworm control in cotton fields may give better results under field condition.  相似文献   

Cotton bollworm (Heliothis armigera) is a major pest of cotton and other crops. It is important to understand the mechanisms of insecticide tolerance of cotton bollworm on cotton cultivars with host plant resistance to this insect pest. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of cotton pigment glands and their gossypol on the growth, development and insecticide tolerance of cotton bollworm. Three pairs of cotton isogenic lines with glanded versus glandless leaves, as well as artificial diets with 5 levels of gossypol, were used to raise cotton bollworm larvae for five generations. The growth, development and insecticide tolerance of larvae were studied. The results indicated that the cotton pigment glands and higher levels of gossypol resulted in a significant decrease in larval weights and moth eclosion rates and delayed the development of larvae and pupae. Larvae that fed on glanded cotton leaves were significantly more tolerant to two insecticides, cyhalothin and monocrotophos, than those fed on glandless cotton leaves. LD50 values were only increased where they were in amount per unit body weight, and not where were calculated in amount per individual. Also the insecticide tolerance of cotton bollworm larvae increased as the gossypol content was raised from 0 to 0.225% in artificial diets. Meanwhile, the activities of two detoxifying enzymes, carboxylesterase and glutathione s-transferase, were significantly higher in the larvae fed on glanded cotton leaves than those fed on glandless cotton leaves. The activities of two enzymes also increased greatly with the increase of gossypol content from 0 to 0.225% in artificial diets. Across 5 generations of feeding and investigation, the significant inhibition effect on larval growth and larval tolerance to two pesticides were found to be only associated with the feeding by current generation, but were not related to previous diets. The activities of two detoxifying enzymes in larvae were also not enhanced significantly when they were fed continuously on glanded cotton leaves or artificial diet with high gossypol. These results indicated that pigment glands and higher levels of gossypol not only inhibited the growth of cotton bollworm larvae but also enhanced their insecticide tolerance. However, the inhibition effect and enhanced insecticide tolerance were inducible but could not be accumulated or inherited. These results will help us better understand the interaction and co-evolution of insecticide tolerance in larvae of cotton bollworm and host chemical components, and also has provided useful information on cotton bollworm management in cotton production, especially in glandless cotton.  相似文献   

本文在石门县系统调查海拔、品种、树龄及栽培影响因子与茶白星病发生的关系,进一步明确了茶白星病发病率与海拔高度正相关,茶园修剪是生态防控茶白星病的有效农艺措施,并提出不同海拔茶区生态防控茶白星病的三种修剪模式。  相似文献   

为了探索不同氮磷钾组合对大棚柑橘苗生长发育的影响,从4月10日开始,每隔20 d施一次肥,连续进行4次水溶液土壤灌肥。通过不同氮磷钾组合对柑橘苗木的苗高、苗粗、主根生长量、须根量和苗木抽发2~4次梢等的生长量与发生量的影响结果分析可知,在柑橘苗追肥时以氮钾肥组合的处理效果最好,其次是氮肥,再次是氮磷肥组合,以后是氮磷钾肥组合、钾肥和磷肥的效果,各处理效果均显著优于对照。  相似文献   

在面积约24km^2的低丘红壤蔗区中,测定了土壤表层175个土样的土壤有效态氮、磷、钾的含量,结果表明其平均含量都较高,变异系数都为中等变异强度.地统计学分析表明,各养分项目都存在中等到极强程度的空间相关性.Kriging方法生成的养分含量分布图显示,各养分项目在研究区域的空间分布上存在较大的差异,反映了局部空间的养分分布状况,可为甘蔗的精准施肥管理提供依据.  相似文献   

Leaf area index (LAI) is one of the major determinants of crop photosynthesis. The objectives of this study were to clarify the relationship between LAI development and crop growth in diverse rice genotypes grown under widely different climate conditions and to develop a model explaining genotypic and environmental variation in LAI dynamics based on environmental and plant factors. Cross-locational experiments were conducted with nine different rice genotypes at eight locations in Asia covering a wide climate range under irrigated conditions with sufficient nitrogen application. The LAI observed at the heading stage ranged from 0.85 to 8.77 among the genotypes grown at the eight locations. A fairly stable allometric relationship was observed between LAI development and above-ground biomass growth during the period from transplanting to 2 weeks before heading over all the genotypes, sites and years (r = 0.91). The allometric relationship was, however, under the influence of leaf nitrogen content per unit leaf area (LNC, g m−2 leaf) and air temperature. On the basis of these results, we modeled the LAI development as a function of relative crop growth rate (RGR), LNC and air temperature. The rate of LAI decrease associated with leaf senescence was also described as a function of LNC.  相似文献   

王巍 《杂粮作物》2010,30(6):379-381
玉米自交系K10及其近源系在早熟玉米育种和生产中发挥重要作用,K10作为长3改良系,源于长3而胜于长3,在种质来源上属于SS类种质,K10及其近源系参与组配了许多早熟玉米品种,其中以龙单13推广面积最大,K10的主要应用方式比较简单、明晰而有效,就是K10×Lancaster,是标准的SS×NSS,今后的研究要重视对K10的改良和创新,使其为早熟玉米育种和生产发展做出更大的贡献。  相似文献   

钾肥对砂质潮土夏玉米产量及土壤钾素平衡的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在砂质潮土上设置田间试验,研究了不同施钾量与钾肥施用方式对夏玉米产量及土壤钾素平衡的影响。结果表明:随着钾肥用量的增加,夏玉米产量、土壤速效钾含量和植株钾素积累量均增加,要保持土壤速效钾平衡,钾肥用量应达150kg/hm2以上。相同施钾水平下,分次施钾的增产增收效应、钾肥当季回收率均显著高于一次基施肥处理。从钾肥的增产增收效应、钾肥当季回收率、土壤钾素平衡等多方面综合分析,以施钾量225kg/hm2分次施用时效果最好,与不施钾处理相比可增产1026kg/hm2,钾肥当季回收率为45.9%,并实现土壤速效钾的盈余。  相似文献   

The study was carried out to evaluate the impact of tillage system in combination with different herbicides on weed density, diversity, crop growth and yields on 18 farms in Kadoma, Zimbabwe. Experiments were set up as a split plot design with three replications on each farm. Tillage was the main plot (Conservation Tillage (CT), Conventional Tillage (CONV)) and weeding option (hand weeding, cyanazine, atrazine, glyphosate only and mixture of cyanazine + alachlor and atrazine + alachlor) as the sub-plots. Due to the heterogeneous nature of farmers' resource base, the farms were grouped into three farm types: high (Type 1), medium (Type 2) and poorly resourced farmers (Type 3). The hand hoe weeded treatments had 49 percent higher total weed densities in CT relative to CONV, and was statistically similar to the glyphosate treatment. The mixed pre-emergence herbicides reduced the diversity indices by 69 and 70 percent when compared to the hand hoe weeded treatment under CT in cotton and maize, respectively. The effectiveness of all pre-emergence herbicides were not influenced by tillage but were affected by farmers resource endowments with pronounced effect in Farm Type 1. Maximum plant heights of 85 and 238 cm were recorded for mixed pre-emergence herbicides under CT for cotton and maize, respectively. Minimum plant heights of 75 and 217 cm were recorded for the respective hand hoe weeded treatments. The hand hoe weeded treatments resulted in average cotton lint yield of 1497 and 2018 kg ha−1 for maize. The mixed pre-emergence herbicides treatments gave yields of 2138 and 2356 kg ha−1 of cotton and maize, respectively. The higher weed densities in CT under hand weeded treatments underscored the need for other weeding options. Similarly, a mixture of cyanazine + alachlor in cotton and atrazine + alachlor in maize is recommended for suppressing broad and grass weed populations and enhancing yields in CT systems.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify physiological processes that result in genotypic and N fertilization effects on rice yield response to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations ([CO2]). This study conducted growth and yield simulations for 9 rice genotypes grown at 4 climatically different sites in Asia, assuming the current atmospheric [CO2] (360 ppm) and elevated [CO2] (700 ppm) using 5 levels of N fertilizer (4, 8, 12, 16, 20 g m−2 N fertilizer). A rice growth model that was developed and already validated for 9 different genotypes grown under 7 sites in Asia was used for the simulation, integrating additional components into the model to explain the direct effect of [CO2] on several physiological processes. The model predicted that the relative yield response to elevated [CO2] (RY, the ratio of yield under 700 ppm [CO2] to that under 360 ppm [CO2]) increased with increasing N fertilizer, ranging from 1.12 at 4 g m−2 N fertilizer to 1.22 at 20 g m−2 N fertilizer, averaged overall genotypes and locations. The model also predicted a large genotypic variation in RY at the 20 g N treatment, ranging from 1.08 for ‘WAB450-I-B-P-38-HB’ to 1.41 for ‘Takanari’ averaged overall locations. Combining all genotypes grown at the 5N fertilization conditions, a close 1:1 relationship was predicted between RY and the relative [CO2] response in spikelet number for crops with a small number of spikelets (less than 30,000 m−2) under the current atmospheric [CO2] (n = 18, r = 0.89***). In contrast, crops with a large number of spikelets under the current atmospheric [CO2] showed a significantly larger RY than the relative [CO2] response for spikelet number per unit area. The model predicted that crops with a larger number of spikelets under the current atmospheric [CO2] derived great benefit from elevated [CO2] by directly allocating increased carbohydrate to their large, vacant sink, whereas crops with a smaller number of spikelets primarily required an increased spikelet number to use the increased carbohydrate to fill grains. The simulation analyses suggested that rice with a larger sink capacity relative to source availability under the current atmospheric [CO2] showed a larger yield response to elevated [CO2], irrespective of whether genotype or N availability was the major factor for the large sink capacity under the current [CO2]. The model predicted that the RY response to nitrogen was brought about through the N effects on spikelet number and non-structural carbohydrate accumulation. The genotypic variation in RY was related to differences in spikelet differentiation efficiency per unit plant N content. Further model validation about the effects of [CO2] on growth processes is required to confirm these findings considering data from experimental studies.  相似文献   

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