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为了明确弱春性高产小麦新品系J210对早播的适应性以及为早播早熟型超高产品种的选育提供依据,2006-2007年在四川盆地气候生态条件下研究了不同程度早播(从10月18日到11月5日每2 d一个播期,共10个播期)对J210生育进程、籽粒灌浆特性和产量及产量构成的影响.结果表明,J210的生育进程随播期的提前而提前,全生育期和灌浆持续期随播期的提前而增长;10月18-30日间播种,单位面积穗数和粒数变化不明显,籽粒平均灌浆速率差异也很小,但粒重随播期推迟而降低.而10月30日之后播种,单位面积穗数和粒数明显减少,籽粒灌浆速率和粒重随播期推迟而增高;从产量看,以10月18日播种最高,但在10月28日之前播种减产不显著,在10月28日之后播种显著减产,10月18日播种比11月5日播种增产达29.92%.考虑到试验期间为暖冬年,认为J210在生产上的高产而又安全的播期为10月25日左右.在进行更加高产的早播早熟型小麦品种选育时,可将育种材料的播期提前到10月20日左右,这样有利于育成更加适应早播的高产稳产小麦新品种.  相似文献   

抗条锈温光敏核不育小麦MTS-1的选育及利用初报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了改良温光敏核不育小麦C49S对条锈病的抗性,以贵农21为抗锈亲本进行杂交,经过数代选择,培育出了抗条锈温光敏核不育小麦MTS-1。经套袋和花粉育性观察,2000年10月20日前播种的套袋结实率为0,2001年10月20日前播种的花粉育性为0,说明MTS-1不育特性稳定,适应性强。对MTS-1及其所配组合的抗条锈性及杂种优势进行研究,结果表明,MTS-1对当前条锈病小种免疫,抗锈性遗传力强;杂种F1抗条锈性大多较好,杂种F1代优势较强。  相似文献   

In the Yellow River valley of China, more then 1.4 million ha of cotton are grown as relay intercrops with wheat. Cotton is sown in April when winter wheat is already in the reproductive phase; thus, a wheat crop with a fully developed canopy will compete for resources with cotton plants in the seedling stage. Yields of cotton are lower in relay intercropping systems than in a monocrop, but the aggregate yield of the cotton–wheat system is greater than of monocultures of the component crops. We study the hypothesis that the lower yield of intercropped cotton is a consequence of delayed development and fruit formation of the cotton as a result of a lowered temperature experienced by seedlings in the intercrop, compared to monoculture, due to shading by wheat.  相似文献   

播期对不同习性小麦品种籽粒灌浆特性的影响   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
为了给小麦高产栽培提供理论依据,2002~2003年对河南省不同习性的小麦品种在不同播期下的籽粒灌浆速率进行了研究。结果表明,不同播期下小麦品种的籽粒灌浆规律均符合Logistic曲线,灌浆过程中平均灌浆速率、渐增期灌浆速率、快增期灌浆速率对粒重影响较大。因此选择适宜播期、提高渐增期灌浆速率、快增期灌浆速率和平均灌浆速率对提高粒重有重要意义;播期对不同习性品种灌浆高峰出现的日期影响基本一致,但早播时冬性小麦洛旱2号灌浆高峰出现较早,灌浆速率大,晚播时春性品种豫麦18灌浆高峰出现较早,灌浆速率大。因此,在河南生态条件下,春性品种适宜播期为10月中下旬,半冬性品种适宜播期为10月中旬,冬性品种的适宜播期为10月上旬至4中旬。  相似文献   

Triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) was evaluated as a complementary pasture to buffer those periods when herbage production from mixed perennial pasture is marginal in the central Appalachian Highlands of the United States. Triticale was sown every month from May to October for five consecutive years from 1999 to 2003. Plant population structure and herbage production were evaluated at intervals until May of the year following establishment. Triticale established quickly at all times of sowing except late October. Wet summers resulted in foliar disease and a rapid decline in plant density when triticale was sown in May and June. In contrast, during the relatively dry summer of 1999, triticale stands exhibited minimal decline. Triticale sown in August had a herbage yield of 1580 kg DM ha?1 when harvested in October which was over twice the herbage yield of triticale sown in May, June and July. Average herbage yield in the following April of triticale sown in September was higher (1750 kg DM ha?1) and less variable than herbage yields from other sowing dates. Plant and tiller populations declined throughout the following April but herbage yields in May were high due to stem and seed head development associated with reproductive growth. Incorporating areas of triticale into mixed‐species perennial pasture systems could buffer herbage production during hot and dry summer periods as well as during cool periods of late autumn and early spring.  相似文献   

为拓宽山西优质小麦品种资源,采用田间试验,分秋播(2010年9月28日)和春播(2011年2月28日)两个播种时期,研究了来自黄淮冬麦区和长江中下游冬麦区的9个优质小麦品种在晋中晚熟冬麦区的农艺、产量及品质性状表现。其中黄淮冬麦区品种为烟农19(冬性,强筋)、淮麦18(半冬性,中筋)和宁麦9号(冬性,弱筋),长江中下游冬麦区品种为镇麦168(春性,强筋)、皖麦33(春性,强筋)、宁麦13(春性,弱筋)、扬辐麦2号(春性,弱筋)、扬辐麦4号(春性,弱筋)和扬麦15(春性,弱筋)。结果表明,烟农19和淮麦18在晋中麦区秋播可正常越冬,并获得相当的产量,且烟农19的成穗数和产量高于淮麦18;9个引进小麦品种在晋中麦区春播均可抽穗成熟,但因2010-2011年度秋冬春三季连旱,所有品种在苗期到拔节期受旱,因而均未能获得较高的籽粒产量。烟农19和淮麦18的籽粒产量和品质秋播明显高于或优于春播。总体来看,在晋中麦区,烟农19和淮麦18适宜通过秋播种植加以利用,扬辐麦2号、宁麦9号有望通过春播种植加以利用。  相似文献   

小麦是由西亚引入我国的主要粮食作物之一,是古丝绸之路物质和文化交流的产物。研究认为,大约3800年前的新石器时代晚期至青铜器时代早期,小麦被引入河西走廊地区,作为春麦种植,逐步引种到祁连山以南地区,到达海东和洮河流域,之后进入关中平原;然后,进化为冬小麦,以适应当地的种植制度。西汉时期,由于朝廷的重视和推广,小麦开始在黄河及淮河流域种植。由于小麦可秋播夏熟,产量稳定,具有救荒救灾的作用,使小麦在中国的种植区域持续扩大。近百年来由于作物遗传育种和栽培技术水平的提高,目前小麦产量已达到每公顷10 500 kg以上。小麦在中国的传播和进化,对中国的农业生产结构以及人们的饮食结构和饮食文化产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

沿淮稻茬小麦播期推迟是生产面临的重大问题.为探究播期和品种对稻茬麦产量和产值的影响,2017-2019年度小麦生长季选用20个品种,按照裂区设计,设置10月30日、11月14日、11月29日3个播期,定量解析了播期、品种对小麦产量和产值的影响.结果表明,年度、播期、品种及品种和播期间互作对稻茬小麦产量、产值的影响均显著...  相似文献   

Spring‐sown oat (Avena sativa L.) is well adapted for forage production in Central Europe; however, environmental conditions make this crop susceptible to crown rust disease (Puccinia coronata) when grown in summer. The objective of this study was to assess oat cultivars sown in late summer, when conditions for crown rust are less favourable, and harvest in autumn for forage with potential use for feeding lactating dairy cows. Three oat cultivars: Berdysz, Zuch and ForagePlus, the first two from Poland and the latter from United States, were sown 1 and 15 August, and 1 September, over three consecutive years, and harvested for forage in late October. The two Polish cultivars had 61% leaf area affected by rust with 1 August sowing, but ForagePlus was not affected by rust with any sowing date. Sowing 15 August significantly reduced crown rust incidence and increased DM yield of the Polish cultivars 21% relative to the 1 August sowing date, but decreased ForagePlus DM yield by 35%. Sowing 1 September resulted in best forage nutritive value, but the lowest DM yields for all cultivars. Calculated milk production per ton of forage for all cultivars was lowest with the 1 August sowing date. Calculated milk production per hectare was greatest for Berdysz sown in mid‐August. Oat can be sown 15 August and harvested in autumn for forage production, avoiding crown rust disease during summer in Poland. Nutritive value of autumn oat forage is adequate to meet forage requirements of lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

为确定北疆小麦适宜的播种模式,以北疆主栽冬小麦品种新冬18号和新冬41号及春小麦品种新春44号和新春48号为材料,设置晚播冬小麦(10月8日播种,用B1表示)、极晚播冬小麦和冬播春小麦(10月28日播种,用B2表示)以及春播春小麦(4月4日播种,用B3表示)三种播种模式,比较分析了播种模式间小麦的生育进程、总茎数、叶面积指数、光合势、干物质积累量、经济系数、产量及水分利用效率的差异。结果表明,B2处理的冬小麦较B1处理晚熟约7 d,生育期缩短162 d,出苗率、最高总茎数、LAI、总光合势、干物质积累量及总耗水量分别降低27.6个百分点、17.1%、11.5%、9.6%、3.7%和15.9%,而水分利用效率提高15.7%,平均经济系数和产量与B1处理无显著差异;B2处理的春小麦较B3处理早熟7 d,生育期延长约4 d,出苗率、最高总茎数、LAI和总耗水量分别降低28.1个百分点、7.6%、5.2%和12.3%,总...  相似文献   

播期与密度对春小麦品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了给黑龙江省生态气候条件下春小麦品种的优质栽培提供参考依据,选用黑龙江省优质春小麦龙麦26和克旱16为试验材料,分5个播期(4月10日、4月17日、4月24日、5月1日、5月8日)和3个密度(龙麦26为每公顷500万、600万、700万,克旱16为每公顷700万、800万、900万)播种,收获后进行品质分析.结果表明,两品种基本都以5月8日播种的品质较好,籽粒蛋白质和面粉面筋含量都极显著高于早播,面团流变学参数也都显著优于早播,而晚播对容重的影响不利;密度对两个不同小麦品种的各个品质性状均无显著影响.综合各品质分析结果,适当晚播有利于改善黑龙江省春小麦品质.  相似文献   

CIMMYT小麦在我国的产量和品质表现   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
为了研究近年来国际玉米小麦改良中心(CIMMYT)育成的小麦品种的产量、品质等性状及其在我国春麦区的表现,选用新引进的10个CIMMYT小麦新品种和我国15个主栽春小麦品种,在国内9个试点进行了两年联合多点试验。结果表明,CIMMYT小麦新品种对我国中西部地区适应性较好,在产量和品质方面总体表现较我国品种好,其中大多数品种具有优质高分子量谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS),沉淀值较高,对叶锈病抗性突出。今后在继续提高产量的同时,应把改良我国小麦的加工品质和抗病性作为重点,开展对CIMMYT小麦种质的直接和间接利用研究。  相似文献   

Rotation of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and summer maize (Zea mays L.) is the prevailing double-cropping system in the North China Plain. Typically, winter wheat is planted at the beginning of October and harvested during early June. Maize is planted immediately after wheat and harvested around 25th of September. The growing season of maize is limited to about 100–110 days. How to rectify the sowing date of winter wheat and the harvest time of summer maize are two factors to achieve higher grain yield of the two crops. Three-year field experiments were carried out to compare the grain yield, evapotranspiration (ET), water use efficiency (WUE) and economic return under six combinations of the harvest time of summer maize and sowing date of winter wheat from 2002 to 2005. Yield of winter wheat was similar for treatments of sowing before 10th of October. Afterwards, yield of winter wheat was significantly reduced (P < 0.05) by 0.5% each day delayed in sowing. The kernel weight of maize was significantly increased (P < 0.05) by about 0.6% each day delayed from harvest before 5th of October. After 10th of October, kernel weight of maize was not significantly increased with the delay in harvest because of the lower temperature. The kernel weight of maize with thermal time was in a quadratic relationship. Total seasonal ET of winter wheat was reduced by 2.5 mm/day delayed in sowing and ET of maize was averagely increased by 2.0 mm/day delayed in harvest. The net income, benefit–cost and net profit per millimetre of water used of harvest maize at the beginning of October and sowing winter wheat around 10th of October were greater compared with other treatments. Then the common practice of harvest maize and sowing winter wheat in the region could be delayed by 5 days correspondingly.  相似文献   

在目前安徽沿江地区不能实现棉花机采的情况下,提出了"植株高度既适于机采也适于人工采收,含絮力适中(不易落花便于集中采收),生育期适中(播种到采收为180天左右),纤维品质及产量性状较优(纤维长度30.0 mm以上,断裂比强度30.0 cN/tex以上,马克隆值5.0以下,籽棉产量3750 kg/hm2以上,衣分在40%...  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):383-390

Accumulation of soluble carbohydrates plays an important role in enhancement of resistance to freezing and snow mold of plants during cold acclimation. Nevertheless, few studies have examined whether changes in cell wall properties are involved in enhancement of resistance during cold acclimation. In this study, four winter wheat cultivars were sown in a field on six different dates during August–October, and their resistance to freezing and snow mold were compared in relation to soluble carbohydrate content and cell-wall mass in leaves. Resistance to freezing and snow mold was much higher in the plants sown on 23 September than in those sown on 9 September. The percentage of cell-wall mass in leaf to total dry mass (%CW) and water-soluble carbohydrate content also increased considerably during 9–23 September. Multiple regression analyses revealed that %CW contributed significantly to freezing resistance, whereas total water-soluble carbohydrate content contributed significantly to snow mold resistance. These results suggest that increased %CW enhances freezing resistance during cold acclimation.  相似文献   

盆西平原麦区小麦早播早熟与超高产的气候生态条件分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为给盆西平原麦区稻麦两熟制条件下早播早熟型超高产小麦新品种选育提供气候生态依据,深入分析了该区小麦生育期旬平均温度、旬降雨量和旬日照时数.结果表明,该区光、热、水资源在时间上分布具有较好的同步性,从10月中下旬到翌年5月中旬的生态条件基本能够满足弱春性小麦出苗、分蘖、幼穗分化、开花结实和籽粒灌浆的需要,适当提前小麦播期,有利于开发利用10月中下旬的光、热、水资源,并延长了小麦全生育期,有利于小麦高产.综合考虑该区气候生态条件和育种现状,早播早熟型小麦品种的目标播种期、抽穗期和成熟期分别以10月20日、3月中旬和5月10日左右为宜;而产量结构以穗重型为宜,其构成因素为:穗数300×104/ha左右,穗粒数达60粒左右,千粒重50 g左右,产量7 500 kg/ha以上.  相似文献   

Intercropping of wheat and cotton is practiced at a large scale in northern China, but the productivity of intercrops, compared to monoculture, and the productivity and growth patterns of different alternative intercropping patterns have not been quantitatively documented. In this study, four typical wheat–cotton intercropping patterns were examined as to their growth and productivity in field experiments over three growing seasons in Anyang, Henan Province, China. The systems varied in the number of wheat and cotton rows in the alternating strips of either crop, and were labeled accordingly as 3:1, 3:2, 4:2 and 6:2. Dry matter accumulation, yield, land equivalence ratio (LER) and lint quality were determined.  相似文献   

In two experiments the growth of clover undersown to wheat was linearly related to the amount of light available. There were strong indications that clover growth and light within N.-S. rows were superior to those within E.-W. rows of wheat, and within N.-S. rows, those along the middle position were superior to others. The large difference between the growth of clover sown alone and with wheat indicated that beneath wheat the clover suffered from competition for other factors, probably soil moisture, which was even greater than that for light. Beneath wheat at the reduced level of growth there was a positive linear relationship between yield of clover and available light.  相似文献   

为了缓解当前黄河三角洲和鲁西北地区植棉缩减的趋势,促进棉花产业的稳定发展。本文综合了山东省三大棉花产区(鲁西北、鲁西南和黄河三角洲)开展麦(蒜、饲)后直播短季棉轻简化栽培模式示范和推广的实践成果;分析了山东省发展直播短季棉轻简化栽培的自然资源优势和品种潜力;探讨了在长江流域棉区和西北内陆棉区因地制宜推广棉花轻简化栽培技术的成效和应用前景。  相似文献   

不同播期对麦绿素用大麦产量和品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
为了给麦绿素用大麦新品种(系)科学种植、提高产量和改善品质提供试验依据,研究了不同播期对麦绿素用大麦品种生长期、产量和品质的影响。结果表明,随着播期的推迟,麦绿素用大麦品种从播种到出苗、第一次收获所需天数依次延长。大麦苗收获三期的鲜叶总产量和干物质积累量均以10月10日和10月30日播种的最高,品质也较优;9月20日和10月20日播种的品质最优,产量也较高;而11月9日和11月19日播种的产量低、品质差。因此,麦绿素用大麦的适宜播期应为9月20日至10月30日。  相似文献   

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