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The switch from spring-sown to autumn-sown cereals and the loss of habitat heterogeneity are often suggested to be key drivers of breeding bird decline on arable farmland. Yet, both factors are interlinked and it remains uncertain whether autumn-sown cereals reduce breeding bird numbers also in the structurally complex arable farmland of northern Europe. We tested whether autumn-sowing of cereals at both local and landscape scales affected the breeding bird community in a heterogeneous agricultural landscape of south-central Sweden. Rotation between sowing types was used as a semi-experiment based on 34 spring- vs. 41 autumn-sown cereal plots centred on infield non-crop islands of similar structure, size and surroundings. Species richness and territory abundance of ground-foraging species were significantly lower in autumn- than in spring-sown cereal plots both in the crop fields and the infield non-crop islands during the breeding season. No such effect was observed among foliage gleaning birds. Species richness in spring-sown cereal plots was less the more autumn-sown crops in the surrounding landscape within a 500 m radius. Average skylark densities did not differ between autumn- and spring-sown cereal plots because habitat preferences changed; densities declined in autumn-sown cereals during the growing season whereas they increased on spring-sown fields which had shorter swards throughout the breeding season. Our results indicate that negative effects of autumn-sown crops on breeding bird numbers spill over into both neighbouring non-crop and crop habitats. We conclude that agri-environmental schemes should place more emphasis on facilitating the value of the cropped area of fields as a foraging and nesting habitat. The retention of various non-crop habitats alone may not provide sufficient food close to nest sites for farmland birds that rely on crop fields for foraging.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that an increase in the area of low-intensity land-use on arable land (e.g. set-aside fields and short-rotation coppice), and high or increased farmland habitat heterogeneity, may halt or reverse the observed population decline of farmland birds. We tested these hypotheses by undertaking farmland bird censuses during two contrasting periods of agricultural policies and land-use (i.e. 1994 and 2004) in a farmland region covering a gradient of forest- to farmland-dominated landscapes in Sweden. Local species richness (i.e. at 3 hectare sites) declined significantly between 1994 and 2004. Local species richness was positively related to habitat heterogeneity in both years of study whereas temporal change in species richness was not. Local change in species richness was positively associated with a change in the proportion of non-rotational set aside and short-rotation coppice (i.e. low-intensity land-use forms), but also to changes in the amount of spring-sown crops. However, the effect of low-intensity land-use was significantly dependent on the amount of forest in the surrounding landscape. An increase in low-intensity land-use was linked to an increase (or less marked decrease) in species richness at sites located in open farmland surroundings but to a decrease in richness at sites located in forest surroundings. This interaction between amount of forest and low-intensity land-use could be interpreted as a “rare habitat effect”, where an increase in a farmland habitat only positively affects biodiversity when it was originally uncommon (i.e. open farmland areas). Our results suggest that conservation measures of farmland biodiversity have to be put in a landscape context.  相似文献   

Agricultural landscapes with spatial and temporal variations interact with each other to affect the existing biodiversity. Though rice fields provide important habitats for birds all over the world, studies so far have rarely explored the effects of landscape heterogeneity on bird species in rice paddy areas. This study investigated the effects of habitat cover and landscape variables on the species richness and the abundance of birds in rice paddy areas in Japan. Data on bird occurrence and the environment were collected at 32 grid squares (1 × 1 km) in the Tone River basin. The richness and the abundance of agricultural wetland species were particularly high in landscapes with large areas of rice fields in summer, when rice fields were irrigated, but in those with large areas of open water in winter, when rice fields were drained. It is important to maintain a combination of rice fields and open water to satisfy multiple habitat requirements by agricultural wetland species throughout the year. Grassland species were positively associated with a rich diversity of land cover including fallow fields and open water, indicating the importance of a simultaneous existence of multiple landscape elements. Forest cover in landscapes positively affected edge species and woodland species. Since forest cover had a relatively strong correlation with edge density, the responses of bird species to changes in forest cover and edge density need to be explored further. This study illustrates the importance of spatial and temporal landscape complementation for bird species in rice paddy areas.  相似文献   

Remnants of native vegetation in regions dominated by agriculture are subject to degradation, especially by livestock grazing and weed invasion. Ground-foraging birds are amongst the most threatened bird groups in Australia, and these agents of degradation might be contributing to their decline by causing a reduction in food availability. We studied the foraging behaviour and microhabitat use of seven species of ground-foraging insectivores in south-eastern Australian buloke woodland remnants with native, grazed and weedy ground-layers. If birds must resort to using more energetically expensive prey-attack manoeuvres, or selectively use substrates and microhabitats that are less available in degraded habitats, then such degradation is likely to be negatively impacting on these species. We found evidence of a negative impact of one or both of these types of degradation on five of the seven bird species. Three species that employ a range of foraging manoeuvres to attack prey used potentially more energetically expensive aerial manoeuvres significantly more frequently in weedy remnants than in remnants with a native or grazed ground layer. Red-capped robins Petroica goodenovii and brown treecreepers Climacteris picumnus both selectively foraged near trees in grazed sites, and hooded robins Melanodryas cucullata, red-capped robins and willie wagtails Rhipidura leucophrys avoided foraging in microhabitats with a high percentage cover of exotic grasses in weedy sites. Brown treecreepers were also less likely to be present in weedy sites that had been protected from grazing than in either grazed or native sites. These results suggest that although grazing appears to have a detrimental impact on foraging habitat of ground-foraging birds, the exclusion of livestock grazing from previously disturbed buloke remnants alone is not adequate to restore habitat values for ground-foraging birds. A conservation strategy for this habitat type should consider the exclusion of heavy grazing from sites with an intact cryptogamic crust and the management of weeds in disturbed remnants, potentially through the use of carefully controlled light grazing.  相似文献   

Increases in farming practice intensity and landscape simplification are two well-known threats for many farmland bird species. Nevertheless, the effects of these two factors may differ strongly among species. Here, we propose to use the specialist-generalist concept to assess which bird species are most affected by these two factors. Bird density and intensity of farming practices were assessed within a sample of 58 farms across the Seine-et-Marne region in France, using point counts and a standardised farmer survey. The local abundance of 41 farmland and non-farmland species was related to farming intensity (pesticide applications) and landscape simplification (proportion of arable land), which was quantified using generalised least square models to account for spatial autocorrelation. The more specialised the farmland and non-farmland birds were, the more negatively affected they were by the intensity of farming practices, relative to the generalist bird species. Local habitat simplification had a more positive effect on abundance of the most specialist farmland bird species. This latter relationship was not significant when tested at a landscape scale, which strongly suggests that the sensitivity of farmland specialists to landscape simplification is scale-dependent. Some non-farmland species’ abundance was also reduced by farming intensity and local landscape simplification suggesting that low-input agri-environmental measures could benefit both farmland and non-farmland specialists, regardless of local and landscape habitat context. However, if diversity-enhancing measures should benefit non-farmland populations, it is likely that they do not favour farmland specialist species which are more at risk. We suggest designing of priority areas for farmland specialist birds, and landscape managing accordingly.  相似文献   

Recent declines in North American honeybee populations have highlighted the importance of native bee conservation, and the need for research on the ecological requirements of native bees in farmland. In this study, we investigated the value of hedgerows as foraging habitat for native bees in mosaics of small-scale agriculture and natural vegetation in two riparian landscapes in southeast Arizona, USA. In the summers of 2002 and 2003, we surveyed bees and flowers in four habitats: hedgerows, agricultural fields, woodlots, and native woodland. We asked: (1) How do hedgerows compare to other available habitats in bee abundance and species richness? (2) How does bee species composition in hedgerows compare to species composition in agricultural fields and woodland? (3) How do flower resources in hedgerows compare to those in fields and woodland?We found that hedgerows were attractive foraging habitat for native bees, especially in early summer, when hedgerows tended to have higher species richness than other agricultural or natural habitats. Cumulative species richness was highest in agricultural fields, although cumulative species richness did not significantly differ among fields, hedgerows, and woodland. While bee faunas overlapped among habitats, bee assemblages in hedgerows were more similar to those in woodland than to those in fields. The hedgerow herbaceous flora was roughly intermediate to that of fields and woodland; hedgerows also supported high densities of woodland-characteristic shrubs. These flowering shrubs were important in attracting bees that were otherwise uncommon in the landscape, including some species that are potentially valuable pollinators of agricultural crops.  相似文献   

Declines of farmland birds have been pronounced in landscapes dominated by lowland livestock production and densities of seed-eating birds are particularly low in such areas. Modern livestock production often entails a simple cropping system dominated by ley grassland and maize grown for animal feed. These crops often lack invertebrate and seed resources for foraging birds and can be hostile nesting environments. Cereal-based wholecrop silages (CBWCS) offer potential benefits for farmland birds because they can be grown with minimal herbicide applications and can be spring-sown with following winter stubbles. We compared the biodiversity benefits and agronomic yields of winter-sown wheat and spring-sown barley as alternatives to grass and maize silage in intensive dairy livestock systems. Seed-eating birds foraged mainly in CBWCS fields during summer, and mainly on barley stubbles during winter and this reflected the higher densities of seed-bearing plants therein. Maize and grass fields lacked seed-bearing vegetation and were strongly avoided by most seed-eating birds. Production costs of CBWCS are similar to those of maize and lower than those of grass silage. Selective (rather than broad-spectrum) herbicide application on spring barley crops increased forb cover, reduced yields (by 11%) but caused only a small (<4%) increase in production costs. CBWCS grown with selective herbicide and with following winter stubbles offer a practical conservation measure for seed-eating farmland birds in landscapes dominated by intensively-managed grassland and maize. However, the relatively early harvesting of CBWCS could destroy a significant proportion of breeding attempts of late-nesting species like corn bunting (Emberiza calandra) or yellow wagtail (Motocilla flava). Where late-breeding species are likely to nest in CBWCS fields, harvesting should be delayed until most nesting attempts have been completed (e.g. until after 1st August in southern Britain).  相似文献   

The loss of biodiversity is an ongoing problem and it is essential that a framework is established for revealing the status, identifying threats and monitoring future changes of populations. This study focuses on wader populations in the East Asian-Australasian flyway, and aims to develop a three-step framework for monitoring the status of populations. First, population changes of waders are quantified by estimating population indices from nationwide survey data in Japan between 1975 and 2008. Second, species characteristics shared by declining waders are identified using a phylogenetic comparative method. Finally, based on the revealed characteristics of declining species, composite indices are created for monitoring changes in wader communities in the East Asian-Australasian flyway. The estimated population indices revealed that 12 species out of 41, and 16 out of 42 have declined significantly during spring and autumn migration, respectively, in at least one of the past 10, 20 or 30 year-periods. Phylogenetic comparative analysis revealed that both the use of rice fields and dependence on the Yellow Sea negatively affected the population trends of waders. These results are consistent with the hypothesized negative impact of agricultural intensification caused by land consolidation in Japanese rice fields, and habitat loss and/or degradation in the Yellow Sea caused by the rapid growth of populations and economies in China and South Korea. The framework developed in this study can be applied to a wide range of species, and should play an important role in monitoring population trends and identifying threats to those species in future.  相似文献   

Winter food for farmland birds can be enhanced by planting seed-rich ‘winter bird crops’ (WBCs), the content of which is highly variable. Data from three winters (October to March in 1998/1999, 1999/2000 and 2000/2001) were used to assess the value of different WBCs for lowland farmland birds in England, based on around 100 plots per winter. Densities of gamebirds, insectivorous and seed-eating passerines were generally higher on WBCs than on conventional crops, stubbles or grassland (except for skylark (Alauda arvensis) and rook (Corvus frugilegus). Kale supported high densities of the widest range of bird species (including insectivorous and seed-eating species), quinoa was used by finches and tree sparrows (Passer montanus), and (unharvested) seeding cereals supported high densities of buntings. Sunflowers, phacelia and buckwheat supported low densities of most bird species. The differences between WBCs were more marked in late winter, owing to better seed retention by kale and quinoa compared with other crops. A combination of kale, quinoa and seeding cereals will support the highest densities of the greatest variety of bird species, but WBC content can also be varied to suit circumstance or species. This study demonstrates the value of WBCs for a wide range of birds, and discusses this with respect to existing ‘agri-environment schemes’, highlighting the need for similar options in pastoral landscapes where seed resources are particularly rare.  相似文献   

Visual fields were determined in three bird species representative of families known to be subject to high levels of mortality associated with power lines; kori bustards Ardeotis kori, Otididae, blue cranes Anthropoides paradisea, Gruidae and white storks Ciconia ciconia, Ciconiidae. In all species the frontal visual fields showed narrow and vertically long binocular fields typical of birds that take food items directly in the bill under visual guidance. However, these species differed markedly in the vertical extent of their binocular fields and in the extent of the blind areas which project above and below the binocular fields in the forward facing hemisphere. The importance of these blind areas is that when in flight, head movements in the vertical plane (pitching the head to look downwards) will render the bird blind in the direction of travel. Such movements may frequently occur when birds are scanning below them (for foraging or roost sites, or for conspecifics). In bustards and cranes pitch movements of only 25° and 35° respectively are sufficient to render the birds blind in the direction of travel; in storks head movements of 55° are necessary. That flying birds can render themselves blind in the direction of travel has not been previously recognised and has important implications for the effective mitigation of collisions with human artefacts including wind turbines and power lines. These findings have applicability to species outside of these families especially raptors (Accipitridae) which are known to have small binocular fields and large blind areas similar to those of bustards and cranes, and are also known to be vulnerable to power line collisions.  相似文献   

Afforestation often causes direct habitat losses for farmland birds of conservation concern, but it is uncertain whether negative effects also extend significantly into adjacent open land. Information is thus required on how these species react to wooded edges, and how their responses are affected by edge and landscape characteristics. These issues were examined in Mediterranean arable farmland, using bird counts at 0, 100, 200, 300 and >300 m from oak, pine and eucalyptus edges, embedded in landscapes with variable amounts and spatial configurations of forest plantations. Bird diversity declined away from edges, including that of woodland, farmland and ground-nesting birds. Positive edge responses were also found for overall and woodland bird abundances, and for five of the nine most widespread and abundant species (Galerida larks, stonechat, linnet, goldfinch and corn bunting). Strong negative edge effects were only recorded for steppe birds, with reduced abundances near edges of calandra larks and short-toed larks, but not of little bustards and tawny pipits. Edge contrast affected the magnitude of edge effects, with a tendency for stronger responses to old and tall eucalyptus plantations (hard edges) than to young and short oak plantations (soft edges). There were also species-specific interactions between edge and fragmentation effects, with positive edge responses tending to be strongest in less fragmented landscapes, whereas steppe birds tended to increase faster away from edges and to reach the highest species richness and abundances in large arable patches. Results suggest that forest plantations may increase overall bird diversity and abundance in adjacent farmland, at the expenses of steppe birds of conservation concern. Clustering forest plantations in a few large patches and thus reducing the density of wooded edges at the landscape-scale might reduce such negative impacts.  相似文献   

Farmland bird declines in Europe are well documented. In the UK, agri-environment schemes are key mechanisms for reversing the declines of birds and other farmland biodiversity, but recent reviews suggest that wet habitats might be a gap in provision by these schemes. Important resources provided by wet habitats include: (i) damp soil, for probing species; (ii) permanent water to provide water-dependent invertebrates, as a source of food; (iii) bare or sparsely vegetated ground in the draw-down zone, to improve access to food; (iv) rank emergent vegetation for nesting. However, wet habitats have been lost from farmland as a result of loss of ponds and filling of ditches, as well as the effective removal of water from fields by surface run-off, itself affected by soil compaction, and extensive under-field drainage. The efficient removal of water from fields can cause problems downstream, both through flooding, and diffuse pollution. Regular farmland pollutants include pesticides, nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment, leading to environmental problems such as eutrophication and reduced quality of drinking water. Major new political instruments, such as the Water Framework Directive, will aim to reduce the impact of this diffuse pollution from agriculture. A variety of solutions to diffuse pollution, such as conservation tillage, buffer strips at field edges, and small constructed wetlands, could simultaneously provide some of the resources required by farmland birds. We suggest that future agri-environment schemes, to be truly multifunctional, could focus on bringing these diverse objectives together.  相似文献   

Effects of age and intensity of urbanization on farmland bird communities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Urban sprawl is now occurring worldwide and considered as a major large-scale perturbation on ecosystems. Consequently, urban territory is replacing other habitats such as agricultural areas. As farmland biotic communities are already reported to be declining, it seems necessary to assess the urbanization impact on them. We conducted a bird survey on 92 plots of 1 × 1 km chosen after stratification on the proportion of urban area and farmland habitat (either 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%), focusing on farmland habitat. Two aspects of urbanization were studied: its intensity and its age. We found that farmland bird species richness did not vary with increasing proportion of urbanized habitat. Non-farmland bird species richness increased from 0% to 25% classes and was constant for other classes. No effect of the urbanization age on farmland bird species richness was found, whereas a positive one was found on the non-farmland birds’ species richness. Abundance of the most specialized farmland birds decreases with urbanization intensity and age. We also found that, the more urbanized and the more recently urbanized the plots, the more similar bird communities. A strong difference in farmland bird’s communities’ compositions was found between 0% and 25% of urbanization, whereas no distinction was found between 50% and 75%. Altogether, our results suggest that to maintain for farmland birds, it is better to add new urban habitat in place where it already exist, rather than to spread it in small lots throughout the landscape.  相似文献   

We examined landscape supplementation (sensu [Oikos 65 (1992) 169]) by forest birds along forest/savanna boundaries in central Brazil to: (1) verify the role of savanna vegetation in providing resources to forest bird communities; (2) suggest minimum amounts of savannas to be conserved within corridors, to provide adequate foraging habitat for forest birds outside reserves. Transect counts parallel (n=64) and perpendicular (n=64) to forests were conducted in eight savannas (cerrado sensu stricto) between February 2000 and January 2001. Patterns of species richness and abundance of birds in relation to distances from forests were examined using Generalised Linear Mixed Models. Omnivores were the most abundant birds foraging in savannas, followed by insectivores and frugivores. Landscape supplementation in savannas was proportional to the density of savanna vegetation. Also, it was higher in the breeding season than in the non-breeding period. These two patterns suggest that surrounding savannas play a major role in providing additional foraging areas for forest bird species. We suggest that the environmental policy currently protecting 20 m of gallery forests along each side of rivers be modified to include at least 60 m of savanna along these forests through central Brazil. The study suggests that appropriate conservation efforts should also encompass the surrounding matrix to which the home ranges of target species are expanded, and not only their major habitat.  相似文献   

Bird mortality in fishing gear is a global conservation issue and it is recognised that bycatch in industrial longline and trawl fisheries threatens several seabird species. Little is known however about the effects of bycatch in small-scale gillnet fisheries on bird populations. Here we review 30 studies reporting bird bycatch in coastal gillnet fisheries in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea region in order to assess the magnitude of this problem and potential effects on bird populations. All species of diving birds that occur in the study region, including divers (loons), grebes, sea ducks, diving ducks, auks and cormorants, have been reported as dying in fishing nets. The cumulative bycatch estimate extracted from several localized studies providing such information, suggests that about 90,000 birds die in fishing nets annually, a number that is almost certainly a substantial underestimate. We conclude that it is likely that between 100,000 and 200,000 waterbirds are killed per year. Geographic and temporal patterns of bycatch generally matched species distribution and periods of presence. Also, bycatch rates varied depending on species’ foraging technique and were influenced by net parameters and fishing depth. To evaluate effects of additive mortality on bird populations, we applied the Potential Biological Removal (PBR) concept to three species with the most extensive bycatch information. Agreeing with PBR assumptions we conclude that bycatch is a matter of concern for at least two of the three assessed species. We suggest that bycatch research in Europe and beyond should aim at unification of principles for bycatch assessment, setting new standards for the monitoring of waterbird populations so that vital rates and mortality data are recorded, and implementing quantifiable criteria for evaluating effects of fisheries bycatch.  相似文献   

While urban areas are increasingly recognized as having potential value for biodiversity conservation, the relationship between biodiversity and the structure and configuration of the urban landscape is poorly understood. In this study we surveyed birds in 39 remnant patches of native vegetation of various sizes (range 1-107 ha) embedded in the suburban matrix in Melbourne, Australia. The total richness of species within remnants was strongly associated with the size of remnants. Remnant-reliant species displayed a much stronger response to remnant area than matrix-tolerant species indicating the importance of large remnants in maintaining representative bird assemblages. Large remnants are important for other ecological groups of species including migratory species, ground foraging birds and canopy foraging birds. Other landscape (e.g. amount of riparian vegetation) and structural components (e.g. shrub cover) of remnants have a lesser role in determining the richness of individual remnants. This research provides conservation managers and planners with a hierarchical process to reserve design and management in order to conserve the highest richness of native species within urban areas. First of all, conservation efforts should preferentially focus on the retention of larger remnants of native vegetation. Second, where possible, riparian vegetation should be included within reserves or, where it is already present, should be carefully managed to ensure its integrity. Third, efforts should be focused at maintaining appropriate habitat and vegetation structure and complexity.  相似文献   

Agricultural land-use changes in Europe have taken two opposing directions: towards agricultural intensification or land abandonment. While in the Mediterranean region land abandonment is a main cause of avian diversity decline, in northern Europe species diversity often increases with successional age. We examined the hypothesis that the biogeographic origin of the avifauna determines whether abandonment brings conservation benefits or detriment by studying the bird community of agricultural land in northern Spain, at the boundary of the Mediterranean and Eurosiberian regions. Using a successional gradient, we examined landscape-scale effects of agricultural abandonment on birds during the breeding and non-breeding seasons.The trend in avian diversity with successional stage differed little between Mediterranean and Eurosiberian species in winter. In the spring, however, there was an increase in diversity with stage in abandonment for Eurosiberian birds but not for Mediterranean species. Analysis of individual species showed a preference among Eurosiberian birds for more wooded habitats whereas Mediterranean birds preferred open areas and shrubland.The introduction of agricultural policies to geo-political units that do not coincide with eco-regions cannot be assumed to bring uniform conservation benefits. In the Mediterranean region, agricultural mosaics of low intensity cultivation maintain the highest diversity of priority bird species. Agricultural land abandonment should not be assumed to benefit conservation.  相似文献   

Temperate Australia’s wheat/sheep zone and much of Western Europe have both experienced dramatic declines in native bird populations associated with agricultural landscapes. We compare recent conservation strategies on private land in the context of each region’s historical agricultural development and the ecology of its bird fauna. Specifically, we consider which aspects of the conservation instruments and practices employed in European agricultural landscapes might be used to augment and inform approaches to private-land biodiversity conservation in Australia. Australian biodiversity conservation activities have focussed predominantly on remnant native vegetation and rarely target the agricultural matrix (i.e. land that is primarily used for agricultural production). However, declining species include those that not only primarily inhabit woodland, but also species for which components of the agricultural matrix are important, or even their main, habitat. In contrast, in Europe a range of conservation activities undertaken through agri-environment schemes focus explicitly on the management of the agricultural matrix. Whilst the different approaches to conservation on private land in Australia and Europe reflect the two continents’ different ecologies, land-use histories and political economies of agriculture, there are a number of parallels between bird population declines in the two regions, and an opportunity may exist to incorporate some of the successful aspects of the European agri-environment approach into emerging stewardship schemes in Australia. We suggest that the long-term nature of European agri-environment agreements, the principle of landholder payments more commensurate with reduced production opportunity and management actions specifically targeted at the agricultural matrix, are features of the European scheme that could benefit both woodland- and matrix-inhabiting bird species in Australian agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

农业生物多样性的研究和保护是全球重要农业文化遗产保护的核心要素。以王金庄为核心的涉县旱作梯田系统2014年被认定为中国重要农业文化遗产,研究其农业生物多样性,可为涉县旱作梯田系统的保护与利用提供依据,为农业文化遗产地农业生物多样性农家就地保护提供参考。本文通过对传统农家品种普查收集与入户访谈、田间调查与种植鉴定,系统研究了涉县旱作梯田系统的农业物种和传统农家品种以及由此形成的保护与利用经验与技术。研究发现涉县旱作梯田系统种植或管理的农业物种26科57属77种,其中粮食作物15种、蔬菜作物31种、油料作物5种、干鲜果14种、药用植物以及纤维烟草等12种。共有包括171个传统农家品种,其中粮食作物62个、蔬菜作物57个、干鲜果品33个、油料作物7个、药用植物和纤维烟草12个。这些农业物种及传统农家品种,通过混合种植、轮作倒茬、间作套种、优中选优等一系列保护与利用技术被活态传承和保护。但随着城镇化和现代农业的快速推进,涉县旱作梯田系统农业生物多样性保护与利用正面临着主体缺失、技术失传、传统农家品种名称混乱、种质退化以及单一化种植造成的品种多样性丧失、单一追求产量造成适应性强的品种资源丧失、农民生计方式多样化造成梯田农业的弱化、传统农家品种生产比较效益低和重要性认识不足等问题,针对这些问题提出了建立动态保护与适应性管理机制、发展特色产业、激发农民内生动力、组织开展资源普查并建立社区种子库与农民自留种相结合的传统农家品种就地活态保护机制等对策与建议。  相似文献   

Work in many parts of the world has discussed the decline of biodiversity in regions dominated by agriculture. We report the results of a major study documenting the longitudinal profiles of birds between 1998 and 2009 within 66 patches of temperate woodland in a heavily cleared and grazed agricultural region of south-eastern Australia. Many researchers have forecast the loss of bird biota from this region and others that also were formerly dominated by temperate woodland.We had sufficient high quality data to analyse the longitudinal profiles of reporting rates for 76 of the 116 individual bird species recorded in our 12-year study. Unexpectedly, only four of the 76 species analysed (5.6%) exhibited a significant negative linear decrease in reporting rate. More surprisingly, 32 (42.1%) exhibited a significant positive linear increase in reporting rate, including several taxa of conservation concern. These increases occurred despite a series of below-average rainfall years. Reporting rates were too low to formally model long-term trends in some other bird species widely considered to be of conservation concern such as the Diamond Firetail (Stagonopleura guttata) and Speckled Warbler (Chthonicola sagittata).Many authors have used functional (and other) groups to forecast bird species likely to be lost from Australia’s temperate woodlands. However, we found no clear links between life history attributes and long-term trend patterns of species.Our findings contrast with recent findings from other temperate woodland-dominated regions in eastern Australia where losses in bird populations have been documented. However, they parallel other investigations such as in central New South Wales. These similarities among, and differences between, studies suggest regional differences in temporal patterns in bird population dynamics. Many of the observed changes in reporting rates were positive and they provide hope that forecast future losses of a large proportion of existing temperate woodland bird assemblages in south-eastern Australia may not be realised uniformly in all regions.  相似文献   

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