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Tropical rainforests are disappearing at a rapid rate. Although several studies have revealed the detrimental effects of forest fragmentation on tropical birds, the ecological mechanisms facilitating the decline of populations have been poorly documented. In the tropical rainforests of Africa and America, ant-following birds track the massive swarm raids of army ants and prey on animals which are flushed by the ants. We analyzed the persistence of five species of ant-following birds along a habitat fragmentation gradient in western Kenya and tested if bird populations are limited by the abundance of army ant colonies in forests. Abundances of four of five ant-followers declined by 52–100% in forest fragments 113 ha. Multi-model Bayesian inference suggests that the decline of the three most specialized ant-followers is facilitated by a decrease in the abundance of the army ant Dorylus wilverthi in small forest fragments. Our data suggests that a second, fragmentation-tolerant army ant species, Dorylus molestus, does not functionally compensate for the decline of D. wilverthi because, first, of a higher affinity of birds to D. wilverthi raids (found for one species). Second, because the daytime activity of D. molestus is dependent on high humidity conditions, a pattern which was not found for D. wilverthi. Consequently, specialized ant-followers in small fragments, where D. wilverthi is missing, probably suffer from food scarcity due to a cease of army ant foraging in the dry season. Our results suggest that a subtle alteration of army ant communities caused by habitat fragmentation may have large ecological consequences.  相似文献   

Studies on temporal changes of tropical bird communities in response to habitat modification are rare. We quantified changes in bird assemblages at the rainforest margin of Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi, over an interval of 6 years. Standardized bird counts were conducted in the years 2001/2002 and 2008 at 15 census points representing natural forest, secondary forest, agroforest and openland sites. Although overall species richness remained nearly identical, different species groups were affected unequally by habitat modification within the forest margin landscape. The mostly endemic forest species declined in abundance (72.0% of forest species) and were detected at fewer census points in 2008 (56.0%). In contrast, 81.8% of the solely widespread openland birds became more abundant and 63.6% of the species were recorded at a larger number of census points. Hence, recent human activities in the forest margin ecotone negatively affected species of high conservation value. Species richness turned out to be a poor indicator of habitat change, and our results underline the importance of considering species identities. Biotic homogenization as result of habitat conversion is a global phenomenon. In our study, the winners were widespread openland species, while the losers were endemic forest birds. In conclusion, our study shows that 6 years of land-use change had negative impacts on bird community structure and endangered species, but not on overall bird species richness.  相似文献   

Population growth and human development result in biodiversity loss and biological homogenization not only in developed countries, but increasingly in the less developed countries as well. In those countries, where urbanization and agricultural intensification occur at a faster rate than in developed countries, habitat degradation appears to be the leading cause of wildlife loss. During the breeding seasons of 2002–2005 we conducted road surveys across five biomes of Argentina to detect variations in raptor community attributes as potential indicators of broad scale habitat degradation. Abundance of individuals, richness and diversity of species were calculated to assess the effects of habitat transformation and patch size on these community attributes. Raptor communities strongly varied in relation to habitat transformations, with lower abundance of individuals, richness and diversity of species in more transformed landscapes. Small patches of natural vegetation and locations in which natural and cultivated lands where interspersed showed lower richness and diversity of raptors than large patches. Fragmentation was the main cause of reductions in abundance of individuals. Although the relative contribution of our two estimates of habitat degradation to abundance, richness and diversity of raptors varied among biomes, these community attributes proved useful as predictors of habitat degradation. This was especially true in habitats where raptor communities are more complex although overall patterns remained constant across biomes, from forests to deserts. Taking into account current trends of habitat transformation (drastic increments in monocultures, urban areas, and habitat patchiness), the conservation of raptor communities in these biomes could be seriously compromised. In terms of species-specific responses of raptors to habitat degradation, a rapid process of homogenization can be expected, resulting in only a few winner species within a general scenario of losers.  相似文献   

Habitat models are widely used in ecology, however there are relatively few studies of rare species, primarily because of a paucity of survey records and lack of robust means of assessing accuracy of modelled spatial predictions. We investigated the potential of compiled ecological data in developing habitat models for Macadamia integrifolia, a vulnerable mid-stratum tree endemic to lowland subtropical rainforests of southeast Queensland, Australia. We compared performance of two binomial models—Classification and Regression Trees (CART) and Generalised Additive Models (GAM)—with Maximum Entropy (MAXENT) models developed from (i) presence records and available absence data and (ii) developed using presence records and background data. The GAM model was the best performer across the range of evaluation measures employed, however all models were assessed as potentially useful for informing in situ conservation of M. integrifolia, A significant loss in the amount of M. integrifolia habitat has occurred (< 0.05), with only 37% of former habitat (pre-clearing) remaining in 2003. Remnant patches are significantly smaller, have larger edge-to-area ratios and are more isolated from each other compared to pre-clearing configurations (< 0.05). Whilst the network of suitable habitat patches is still largely intact, there are numerous smaller patches that are more isolated in the contemporary landscape compared with their connectedness before clearing. These results suggest that in situ conservation of M. integrifolia may be best achieved through a landscape approach that considers the relative contribution of small remnant habitat fragments to the species as a whole, as facilitating connectivity among the entire network of habitat patches.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of fragmentation due to urbanisation on the species composition and functional roles of ants, beetles, spiders, flies and wasps. The study was conducted in 21 fragments of heath and woodland in south-eastern Australia classed as either ‘small’ (? 4 km2) or ‘large’ (? 80 km2). Arthropods were pitfall-trapped and identified to family or genus and morphospecies and microhabitat characteristics were recorded. Large fragments did not support more species per unit area than small fragments for most arthropods, although there were more species of ants per sampling unit in small than large woodland fragments, mainly due to a higher frequency of generalist species in smaller fragments. Large and small habitat fragments contained different assemblages of spiders, wasps and ants, indicating that predators and parasitoids are affected more strongly than other trophic groups. Arthropod assemblages within larger fragments where grids were furthest apart were less similar than those within smaller fragments where grids were closer together in woodland, but not in heath. The responses of arthropods to fragmentation suggest that, in addition to effects of reduced area and proximity to the urban matrix, changes in fire regimes and the degradation of habitats resulting from urbanisation, may have a role in altering arthropod assemblages, particularly affecting those species belonging to higher trophic levels. Management goals for urban remnants should identify mechanisms for controlling fire and anthropogenic disturbance such that they closely resemble the levels of these factors in larger fragments.  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of fragment size on tree species composition, species richness and on individual groups of species within 11 semideciduous forest fragments in southeastern Brazil. We compared same-sized samples of 500 trees from 10 fragments <100 ha, allocated to three size categories, with three 500-tree samples collected in different areas within a large forest, used as a reference forest. The variation in species richness, in the proportion of species/individuals in dispersal modes, and in the proportion of rare species was not related to fragment size. Nonetheless, comparisons between the mean values of these variables of each fragment size categories, using 95% confidence intervals, showed a wider range of variation within the category of small-sized fragments than in the other size categories. NMS ordination plot also suggested the absence of a relationship between fragment area and tree species composition. However, multiple regressions using the scores from the NMS ordination as response variables, and area and disturbance intensities as predictor variables, suggested that the interaction of area and disturbance might be a good predictor of species composition. Pre-existing environmental heterogeneity and geographical proximity also appeared to play a role in the variations of forest composition among the fragments studied. Our results demonstrated the high conservation value of small forest fragments.  相似文献   

We investigated CH4 oxidation in afforested soils over a 200-year chronosequence in Denmark including different tree species (Norway spruce, oak and larch) and ages. Samples of the top mineral soil (0–5 cm and 5–15 cm depth) were incubated and analyzed for the abundance of the soil methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and archaea (AOA) based on quantitative PCR (qPCR) on pmoA and amoA genes. Our study showed that CH4 oxidation rates and the abundance of MOB increased simultaneously with time since afforestation, suggesting that the methanotrophic activity is reflected in the abundance of this functional group.The development of forest soils resulted in increased soil organic carbon and reduced bulk density, and these were the two variables that most strongly related to CH4 oxidation rates in the forest soils. For the top mineral soil layer (0–5 cm) CH4 oxidation rates did not differ between even aged stands from oak and larch, and were significantly smaller under Norway spruce. Compared to the other tree species Norway spruce caused a decrease in the abundance of MOB over time that could explain the decreased oxidation rates. However, the cause for the lower abundance remains unclear. The abundance of ammonia-oxidizers along the chronosequence decreased over time, oppositely to the MOB. However, our study did not indicate a direct link between CH4 oxidation rates and ammonia-oxidizers. Here, we provide evidence for a positive impact of afforestation of former cropland on CH4 oxidation capacity in soils most likely caused by an increased population size and activity of MOB.  相似文献   

Historically, New Zealand was dominated by forest below the alpine treeline, but about 1000 years of Polynesian and European colonisation has resulted in the destruction of nearly three-quarters of the indigenous forest cover. In this study, the historical patterns of deforestation and forest fragmentation were assessed in relation to major topographical, climatic and anthropogenic variables that may drive forest loss. Deforestation has occurred almost equally on the two main islands, the North and South Islands, although the remaining indigenous forest is more fragmented in the North Island. Most deforestation has occurred in regions with a high-density of road networks, although gradients in climatic water availability and soil fertility also had weak effects. Deforestation rates over the period 1997-2002 were very low (nationwide deforestation rate of just −0.01% p.a.), but varied widely among political districts. Expansion of plantation forestry was the single most important driver of recent deforestation. Only 10 of 73 political districts are afforded long-term protection of native forest cover (having more than 30% forest cover that is managed by the Department of Conservation). Forest cover in the majority of New Zealand landscapes has been reduced below the level of an expected ‘extinction threshold’ (circa 30% native habitat cover) in 55 political districts, and long-term trajectories predict that ongoing deforestation threatens to force another five districts below the critical threshold within the next 45 years. Except for the most heavily deforested regions, relatively modest annual rates of habitat restoration could bring forest cover back above the extinction threshold by the year 2050.  相似文献   

We evaluated the relationship between amphibian and reptile diversity and microhabitat dynamics along pasture-edge-interior ecotones in a tropical rainforest in Veracruz, Mexico. To evaluate the main correlation patterns among microhabitat variables and species composition and richness, 14 ecotones were each divided into three habitats (pasture, forest edge and forest interior) with three transects per habitat, and sampled four times between June 2003 and May 2004 using equal day and night efforts. We measured 12 environmental variables describing the microclimate, vegetation structure, topography and distance to forest edge and streams.After sampling 126 transects (672 man-hours effort) we recorded 1256 amphibians belonging to 21 species (pasture: 12, edge: 14, and interior: 13 species), and 623 reptiles belonging to 33 species (pasture: 11, edge: 25, and interior: 22 species). There was a difference in species composition between pasture and both forest edge and interior habitats. A high correlation between distance to forest edge and temperature, understorey density, canopy cover, leaf litter cover, and leaf litter depth was found. There was also a strong relationship between the composition of amphibian and reptile ensembles and the measured environmental variables. The most important variables related to amphibian and reptile ensembles were canopy cover, understorey density, leaf litter cover and temperature.Based on amphibian and reptile affinity for the habitats along the ecotone, species were classified into five ensembles (generalist, pasture, forest, forest edge and forest interior species). We detected six species that could indicate good habitat quality of forest interior and their disappearance may be an indication of habitat degradation within a fragment, or that a fragment is not large enough to exclude edge effects. Different responses to spatial and environmental gradients and different degrees of tolerance to microclimatic changes indicated that each ensemble requires a different conservation strategy. We propose to maintain in the Los Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve the forest remnants in the lowlands that have gentler slopes and a deep cover of leaf litter, a dense understorey, and high relative humidity and low temperature, to buffer the effects of edge related environmental changes and the invasion of species from the matrix.  相似文献   

The quality of habitat at and around a spawning site, and the availability of movement between spawning and nonspawning habitats are likely to be important determinants for population persistence in a degraded and fragmented landscape. We assessed the influence of habitat connectivity, habitat quality and invasive species for distributions and local abundance of eggs and larvae of crucian carp (Crassius auratus complex, which is listed as “data deficient” on the Japanese Red List) in agricultural landscapes surrounding Lake Mikata, Japan, where drainage ditches and paddy fields are extensively utilised for spawning (lake or river shores are also used). We investigated the presence and abundance of eggs and larvae of crucian carp and habitat components at 146 sites across a range of presumed spawning habitats. Egg presence was affected strongly by connectivity to the lake (watercourse distance from the lake), and egg abundance was significantly influenced by both connectivity and habitat quality. In contrast, larval presence was primarily related to habitat quality. Larval abundance was influenced by connectivity and habitat quality, but the effect of connectivity was relatively low. Furthermore, larval abundance was negatively related to the presence of the invasive species red swamp crayfish (Procambarus craki) and bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana). Our findings indicate that connectivity, habitat quality and the presences of invasive species are crucial in determining suitable spawning and nursery habitats, but their relative importance may vary depending on egg and larval life stages. We suggest that restoring connectivity, improving habitat quality and removal of invasive species could be effective conservation strategies for the declining populations of crucian carp in agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

Global average surface temperatures have increased rapidly over the last 100 years and there is accumulating evidence that climate change is already causing shifts in species’ distributions. We use extensive abundance data and expected range shifts across altitudinal gradients to predict changes in total population size of rainforest birds of Australian tropical rainforests in response to climate warming. According to our most conservative model scenario, 74% of rainforest birds of north-eastern Australia are predicted to become threatened (including 26 critically endangered species) as a result of projected mid-range warming expected within the next 100 years. Extinction risk varies according to where along the altitudinal gradient a species is currently most abundant. Upland birds are most affected and are likely to be immediately threatened by even small increases in temperature. In contrast, there is a capacity for the population size of lowland species to increase, at least in the short term. We conclude that abundance data collected across climatic gradients will be fundamental to gaining an understanding of population size change associated with climate warming.  相似文献   

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