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The population-level impact of seabird bycatch is difficult to assess because colony-of-origin is often unknown. As an alternative and complementary approach to ship-derived observations, we assessed the relative potential for bycatch of a known seabird population by quantifying spatio-temporal overlap with local fisheries. Common murres (Uria aalge) have been reported as the most abundant seabird inadvertently caught in Washington and British Columbia coastal gillnet fisheries. In 1999-2001, we tracked 48 common murres from Tatoosh Island, the closest colony to the fisheries, during post-breeding. Using capture-mark-recapture models, we estimated weekly murre movement probabilities to/from three strata (offshore of, centered around, and inshore of Tatoosh Island). Based on movement probabilities and population size, we projected strata- and week-specific murre abundance. We created an index of overlap by calculating the product of murre abundance × gillnet fishing effort as a function of strata and time. The majority of murres (80%) moved inshore, where fishing effort was consistently the highest, suggesting that up to 4000 Tatoosh murres were vulnerable to bycatch. Index scores in the inshore stratum were 5-25 times higher relative to the offshore and Tatoosh strata, respectively. Overlap was sensitive to phenology, as index scores increased by 50% when dispersal was shifted four weeks earlier, while a two weeks delay decreased scores by 20%. Until the long-term impact of cumulative mortality in gillnet fisheries is determined, we believe a precautionary approach is warranted in the inshore stratum where the potential for bycatch was highest. We advocate the use of visible netting in inshore fisheries, a proven solution that reduces murre bycatch while maintaining fishing efficiency.  相似文献   

Hundreds of thousands of seabirds are killed each year as a result of interacting with longline and trawl fishing operations, and the severity of the impact varies regionally. Shy and white-capped albatrosses, Thalassarche cauta and Thalassarche steadi respectively, are phenotypically similar species known to be incidentally killed by fishing operations. The magnitude of this mortality has not previously been assessed across their range. Here we examine recent effort and bycatch rates in fisheries known to incidentally kill these species and qualitatively evaluate the level of impact of each fishery. Results indicate that over 8500 of these albatrosses may be killed annually, although the reliability of this estimate is low due to the paucity of comprehensive observer data in most fisheries. Of the estimated deaths of all seabird species in the fisheries assessed, trawl and longline fisheries killed birds in approximately equal proportions, but when the mortality levels of shy-type albatrosses were examined, trawl fisheries were responsible for 75% of all deaths. Data suggest most of these birds were killed in South African, Namibian and New Zealand demersal trawl fisheries and the South Africa pelagic longline fishery. Because most adult shy albatrosses are comparatively sedentary and rarely found outside Australian waters, it is primarily juvenile shy albatrosses that regularly encounter fishing fleets known to kill large numbers of albatrosses. In contrast, throughout most of their range juvenile and adult white-capped albatrosses are exposed to fisheries that collectively kill many thousands of these albatrosses each year. These data emphasise the urgent need for robust assessments of the impact of bycatch at a species and population level, and the urgent implementation of effective mitigation measures.  相似文献   

Sea turtles interact with a variety of fishing gears across their broad geographic distributions and ontogenetic habitat shifts. Cumulative assessments of multi-gear bycatch impacts on sea turtle populations are critical for coherent fisheries bycatch management, but such estimates are difficult to achieve, due to low fisheries observer effort, and a single-species, single-fishery management focus. We compiled the first cumulative estimates of sea turtle bycatch across fisheries of the United States between 1990 and 2007, before and after implementation of fisheries-specific bycatch mitigation measures. An annual mean of 346,500 turtle interactions was estimated to result in 71,000 annual deaths prior to establishment of bycatch mitigation measures in US fisheries. Current bycatch estimates (since implementation of mitigation measures) are ∼60% lower (137,800 interactions) and mortality estimates are ∼94% lower (4600 deaths) than pre-regulation estimates. The Southeast/Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Trawl fishery accounts for the overwhelming majority of sea turtle bycatch (up to 98%) in US fisheries, but estimates of bycatch in this fishery are fraught with high uncertainty due to lack of observer coverage. Our estimates represent minimum annual interactions and mortality because our methods were conservative and we could not analyze unobserved fisheries potentially interacting with sea turtles. Although considerable progress has been made in reducing sea turtle bycatch in US fisheries, management still needs improvement. We suggest that sea turtle bycatch limits be set across US fisheries, using an approach similar to the Potential Biological Removal algorithm mandated by the Marine Mammal Protection Act.  相似文献   

The endangered Tristan albatross Diomedea dabbenena is restricted to Gough and Inaccessible Islands. The species is killed as bycatch by longline fisheries in the South Atlantic, but the impact of this mortality is unknown. We satellite tracked 38 breeding Tristan albatrosses and assessed the seasonal and annual at-sea distribution of these birds in relation to reported pelagic longline fishing effort. These birds ranged across the South Atlantic from 50°W to 15°E with most (97%) daytime satellite fixes between latitudes 30°S and 45°S. Considerable fishing effort occurred within the same latitudes. Although there was no correlation between their at-sea distributions, there was a broad overlap between birds and fishing effort. Estimated bycatch rates for Tristan albatross and other Diomedea species in the South Atlantic, and the spatio-temporal overlap between birds and hooks, yield a predicted annual mortality of 471-554 birds, sufficient to cause population decreases of 3.6-4.3% per year. An index of bird × hook interactions (proportional density of birds multiplied by number of hooks by decadal period for each 5° square of longitude and latitude) indicated that 47% of annual interactions occurred in areas around Gough Island, and 11% and 15% of interactions in areas of the west and east Atlantic, respectively. There were also within seasonal differences in the key areas of overlap. The fishing fleets of Taiwan and Japan are likely to be responsible for most interactions based upon the reported magnitude of effort expended in the South Atlantic by these fleets. Ensuring that licensed fishing vessels within the Tristan da Cunha Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) operate using best-practise mitigation measures and with fisheries observer programs, could reduce the potential bycatch mortality of breeding Tristan albatrosses in this region by nearly one third. Thorough implementation of international agreements is required in areas of the high seas where most remaining interactions are predicted to occur.  相似文献   

Many bird species are subject to human-caused mortality, either through direct harvest (e.g. game birds) or through incidental mortalities (e.g. fisheries-related bycatch of seabirds, impact with vehicles, wind turbines, or power lines). In order to assess the impact of additional mortalities on birds, both the number of birds killed and their ability to sustain those deaths must be estimated. Niel and Lebreton [Niel, C., Lebreton, J.-D., 2005. Using demographic invariants to detect overharvested bird populations from incomplete data. Conservation Biology 19, 826-835] applied a simple decision rule [Wade, P.R., 1998. Calculating limits to the allowable human-caused mortality of cetaceans and pinnipeds. Marine Mammal Science 14, 1-37] to estimate the level of additional human-caused mortality or potential biological removal (PBR) that can be sustained for bird species given only (1) estimates of the population size, adult survival, and age at first breeding, and (2) the current population status and management goals. We provide guidelines for appropriate use of the method and case studies comparing results from this method to other approaches. Particular focus is placed on applying the method to Procellariiformes.PBR limits may then be set without a population model and when monitoring levels are minimal, and in a computationally straightforward manner. While this approach has many advantages, there are limitations. The PBR rule was initially developed for cetaceans and pinnipeds and there have been no adaptations for the unique biology of birds which may need further consideration. Additionally, because this is a simplifying method that ignores differences in life stages, it may not be appropriate for very small populations or for those listed as ‘critically endangered’, and further work is needed for situations where mortalities have large gender or age bias.  相似文献   

The flesh-footed shearwater (Puffinus carneipes) is a medium-sized seabird (ca. 700 g) that is incidentally killed during longline fishing operations. We examined the levels of bycatch in Australia’s Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery and developed a model to examine the impact of this fishery on the eastern Australian population of flesh-footed shearwaters, which breeds at only one site, Lord Howe Island. Observed bycatch rates for flesh-footed shearwaters were 0.378 birds/1000 hooks for night sets, and 0.945 birds/1000 hooks for day sets. The mean number of birds killed from 1998 to 2002 was estimated to be 1794-4486 birds per year, with the estimated total killed over this period ranging from 8972 to 18,490 birds. Models incorporating both density-independent and density-dependent scenarios were applied to levels of bycatch representative of that observed in the fishery. Density-independent scenarios showed that fishing mortality levels caused declines in the majority of simulated populations. In contrast, density-dependent scenarios produced populations that were more resilient to fishing mortalities. Although some modelling scenarios led to population growth, under most stochastic simulations median population halving and quasi-extinction times were less than 55 and 120 years, respectively. We conclude that the level of bycatch observed in the fishery is most likely unsustainable and threatens the survival of the Lord Howe Island population. This situation can be improved only with the development and implementation of mitigation measures that will halt or greatly reduce the level of bycatch currently observed. Improved knowledge on a range of demographic parameters for the species, combined with a clearer idea of the at-sea distribution of breeding and non-breeding shearwaters, will greatly assist in improving understanding and the management of this population.  相似文献   

Bycatch of common guillemots (Uria aalge) appears to be the single most serious threat to the population, and the proportion of recoveries of ringed birds in fishing gear, compared with other finding circumstances, has significantly increased during a 28 year period (P<0.01). Out of 1952 ringed common guillemots reported found between 1972 and 1999 in the Baltic Sea, 980 (50.2%) were caught in fishing gear. The bycatch in set gillnets for cod (Gadus morhua) constituted 22.3%, drift gillnets for salmon (Salmo salar) 65.5%, and other fishing gear 12.2%. The proportion of recoveries in cod gillnets has significantly increased during the study period (P<0.05), while no clear trend was observed in the recoveries in salmon gillnets. The Swedish fishing effort follows a similar pattern for cod but has decreased for salmon. The observed increased use of cod gillnets in the Baltic Sea may have contributed to the observed decrease in adult survival rate, and we provide two different estimates suggesting that significant proportions of the guillemot population are caught annually in the Baltic Sea gillnet fishery. We suggest several available techniques to reduce bycatch in the Baltic Sea fishery.  相似文献   

Recent case studies have highlighted high bycatch mortality of sea turtles and marine mammals in artisanal fisheries, but in most countries there are few data on artisanal fishing effort, catch, or bycatch. With artisanal fisheries comprising >95% of the world’s fishermen, this knowledge gap presents a major challenge to threatened species conservation and sustainable fisheries initiatives. We report on results from an intensive pilot study to evaluate whether interview surveys can be effective in assessing fishing effort and threatened species bycatch. Fisheries and bycatch data from interviews with >6100 fishermen in seven developing countries were collected in <1 year for approximately USD $47,000, indicating that this approach may rapidly yield coarse-level information over large areas at low cost. This effort provided the first fisheries characterizations for many areas and revealed the widespread nature of high bycatch in artisanal fisheries. Challenges to study design and implementation prevented quantitative estimation or spatial comparisons of bycatch during this pilot research phase, but results suggested that annual sea turtle bycatch may number at least in the low thousands of individuals per country. Annual odontocete bycatch may number at least in the low hundreds per country. Sirenian bycatch occurred in all study areas but was frequent only in West Africa. We discuss lessons learned from this survey effort and present a revised protocol for future interview-based bycatch assessments.  相似文献   

We consider estimation of the magnitude of incidental fisheries ‘bycatch’ for two petrel species, sooty shearwaters (Puffinus griseus) and short-tailed shearwaters (Puffinus tenuirostris). There are clear statistical advantages in estimating bycatch for abundant species such as these, and our results may also guide the conservation and management of rarer species. We used fisheries statistics and observer data to estimate retrospectively the total numbers of sooty and short-tailed shearwaters bycatch in seven large-scale pelagic North Pacific driftnet fisheries between 1952 and 2001. Sensitivity analysis greatly simplified estimation of uncertainty by identifying four driftnet fisheries to be of particular importance in determining the magnitude and precision of the estimated bycatch totals. We estimated that between 1.0 and 12.8 million (95% CI) sooty shearwaters were killed by driftnets between 1952 and 2001. For short-tailed shearwaters we estimated between 4.6 and 21.2 million (95% CI) over the same period. More precise estimation was hampered by the paucity of available observer data, lack of reported detail and inconsistencies among data sources. Estimates may be strongly biased because some dead birds are misidentified or drop out of nets before hauling, or because some records were of live captures that were subsequently released. Improved estimation of overall take and its impact on populations of seabirds requires standardisation of reporting, allowance for potential sampling bias, as well as a clearer definition of the sampling unit and underlying bycatch probability distribution model, and knowledge of potential compensatory changes in population parameters.  相似文献   

Interactions between seabirds and longline fishing can cause incidental bird mortality and reduced gear efficiency. The potential for solving these problems by using a bird-scaring streamer line and a line shooter was investigated in commercial longlining in the northern Atlantic off the coast of Norway. We compared the bycatch rate of northern fulmars Fulmarus glacialis, the loss rate of baits to fulmars and the catch rates of fish target species among lines set with either of these mitigation measures, a combination of both and no mitigation measure. A total of 58,420 hooks were set in each of the four treatments. No birds were caught using the bird-scaring line alone and a single fulmar was caught when the bird-scaring line was used in combination with the line shooter. In contrast, 32 fulmars were caught in sets with no mitigation device and thirteen in sets with the line shooter alone. Losses of mackerel bait were reduced when the bird-scaring line was used, but not by using the line shooter alone. Longlines set with the line shooter reached 3 m depth 15% faster then lines set without the line shooter; beyond this depth sinking rates were similar (about 15 cm s−1). Fish catch did not vary significantly among setting methods. These results should also be applicable to the bycatch of Fulmarus spp. in demersal longline fisheries worldwide.  相似文献   

Hector’s dolphin Cephalorhynchus hectori is found only in New Zealand waters. We carried out a population survey of the North Island subspecies Cephalorhychus hectori maui, also known as Maui’s dolphin. The total population size estimate is 111 individuals (95% confidence interval = 48-252). The small population size confirms its critically endangered IUCN status. A sustainable level of human-caused mortality for this population would be 0.16 (one dolphin every 6.4 years). This essentially means that fisheries bycatch, and where possible other human impacts, need to be eliminated to allow population recovery. A protected area has been created to reduce the threat from entanglement in fishing gear. Gillnet fishing is prohibited along a 210 nautical mile stretch of coastline. The main concerns are that gillnet fishing is still allowed inside harbours and trawling continues inside the protected area.  相似文献   

We detail the first direct, at sea monitoring of small cetacean interactions with Peruvian artisanal drift gillnet and longline fisheries. A total of 253 small cetaceans were captured during 66 monitored fishing trips (Gillnet: 46 trips; Longline: 20 trips) from the port of Salaverry, northern Peru (8o14′S, 78o59′W) from March 2005 to July 2007. The most commonly captured species were common dolphins (Delphinus spp.) (47%), dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) (29%), common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) (13%) and Burmeister’s porpoises (Phocoena spinipinnis) (6%). An estimated 95% of common dolphin bycatch was of long-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus capensis). Overall bycatch per unit effort for gillnet vessels (mean ± sd) was estimated to be 0.65 ± 0.41 animals.set−1 (range 0.05-1.50) and overall catch (bycatch and harpoon) was 4.96 ± 3.33 animals.trip−1 (range 0.33-13.33). Based upon total fishing effort for Salaverry we estimated the total annual average small cetacean bycatch by gillnet vessels as 2412 animals.year−1 (95% CI 1092-4303) for 2002-2007. This work indicates that, in at least one Peruvian port, bycatch and harpooning of small cetaceans persist at high levels and on a regular basis, particularly in driftnet vessels, despite the existence since the mid-1990s of national legislation banning the capture of marine mammals and commerce in their products. It is concluded that the coast of Peru is likely still one of the world’s principal areas for concern regarding high small cetacean bycatch and there is clearly an urgent need to increase the geographic scope of observer effort to elucidate the full magnitude of this issue.  相似文献   

Industrial longline fisheries are considered worldwide as the main threat to albatross and petrel populations, particularly at open oceans. However, inside countries’ EEZ artisanal fleets account for a significant fishing effort and eventually, could represent a major threat to these species than industrial fishing. Here we provide the first assessment of incidental mortality in two artisanal fleets in southern Chile, targeting Austral hake and Patagonian toothfish, which accounts for 0.9 and 20 millions hooks/year, respectively. Fishing techniques of these fleets have many particularities that made their operation markedly different from the more known industrial longliners, therefore their characteristics and sink rates are thoroughly described. By-catch rates (BPUE) estimated were low: 0.030 and 0.047 birds per 1000 hooks in hake and toothfish fisheries, respectively, despite that no mitigation measured was in use. These low results may reflect the fast sink rate profile of the particular longline type used by these fisheries, although the low abundance of species present may influence too. Both fleets use a modified longline having secondary hook-lines placed vertical along the mother line, each having a weight that increases significantly its sink rate, reaching 0.33 and 0.69-0.22 m s−1 in the hake and toothfish longlines, respectively. Considering the big fishing effort deployed by the artisanal toothfish fleet, recommendations on mitigation measures are given for each fishery to further improve their fishing techniques.  相似文献   

The roles of the El Niño phenomenon, a cessation of upwelling, and of human fishing in limiting populations of Peruvian guano birds (Guanay cormorant Phalacrocorax bougainvillii, Peruvian booby Sula variegata, and Peruvian brown pelican Pelecanus occidentalis thagus) were investigated using historical records and the scientific literature. In normal years, the combined populations of the three species showed an 18% increase per year. El Niños occurred at approximately five-year intervals and caused a population decrease of 17% and 35% desertion of nesting areas. In severe El Niños at approximately 12-year intervals, there was a mean decrease of 47% and complete nesting failure. El Niños varied in severity and a possible explanation is presented.In non-El Niño years, commercial fishing did not directly control bird populations through starvation of adults or drowning in nets. Increased commercial fishing apparently led to decreased nesting success: the greater the quantity of fish landed, the lower the percentage increase of the bird population that year.Short-lived, heavily-fished species such as anchoveta are in constant danger of population collapse during years of occasional, unpredictable reproductive failure. Bird populations could be maintained as buffers to prevent terminally-destructive overfishing by humans.  相似文献   

The incidental catch of seabirds in longline fisheries is a global conservation concern. In Alaska, annual seabird bycatch in demersal longline fisheries ranged between 10,300 and 26,300 birds (1995–2001). We explore the relationship between four categories of potential forcing factors (temporal, spatial, environmental, and fisheries-related) and seabird bycatch rates in Alaska demersal longline fisheries to provide practical management alternatives that could significantly reduce seabird bycatch.Separate generalized linear or additive models (GLM or GAM, respectively) were created for several combinations of seabird group, fishery and large geographic region. Across nearly all models, “vessel” was the most influential factor explaining seabird bycatch rate variation. Rather than a single variable, vessel is an amalgam of unmeasured forcing factors many of which could not be separated out in this data set (e.g., longline sink rate, vessel setting speed, line deployment location relative to propeller direction). A separate vessel-specific analysis also supported the multivariate results that performance of an individual vessel is overwhelmingly important (i.e., some vessels have consistently high or low bycatch rates from year to year). Therefore, vessel-specific performance is a critical management option.The effects of temporal (annual, month, and breeding phenology) and spatial variables were also moderately influential on seabird bycatch rates. Our results suggest that seasonal adjustments in the Alaska longline fishery have potential for overall bycatch reductions, but vague seabird management objectives could have huge unintended and undesirable consequences when implementing temporal adjustments. Other variables (environmental and other fishing-related factors) were frequently significant but contributed a small amount to overall explained deviance.Based on this study, we conclude that a vessel-specific management approach would be the most effective and efficient means to reduce seabird bycatch in Alaska.  相似文献   

Although overfishing has been recognized as responsible for the decline of major fish stocks, it has been less easy to demonstrate its indirect and detrimental effects on marine mammals, particularly dolphins. Competition with fisheries for the same food resources has been hypothesized to have led to the decline of several species of dolphins, including the endangered Mediterranean short-beaked common dolphin. Based on an ecosystem model for the Inner Ionian Sea Archipelago, a former hotspot for common dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea, we investigated the effect of increasing fishing effort on common dolphins, its prey and on marine biodiversity and we evaluated the outcomes of different fisheries closures (1 – closure of the purse seine fishery, 2 – closure of purse seine, trawl and beach seine fisheries, 3 – entire area closed to fisheries) ran between the years 2011 and 2030. Our results showed that local fisheries have negatively impacted the marine biodiversity of the ecosystem causing sharp declines of common dolphins and major fish stocks and weakening the robustness of the marine food web. The implementation of fisheries closures would gradually recover fish stocks, while common dolphins would increase more pronouncedly only if the study area was to be closed to all fisheries. As shown in this study, common dolphins have reflected ecosystem changes and degradation over time. Ensuring the survival of dolphin populations is thereby essential to enhance marine ecosystems and ensure sustainable fishing.  相似文献   

Albatross movements and foraging grounds during the post-breeding dispersal are poorly understood, despite their important conservation implications. We tracked four female black-footed albatrosses (Phoebastria nigripes) for 100 days during their summer (July-September, 1997-1999) post-breeding dispersal off California, and compared their movements to the distribution of fishing effort from the Japanese Eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO) longline fishery. The tracked birds foraged largely along the transition zone between the California Current and the Central Pacific Gyre, and spent 25, 24, and 51% of their time at sea within the 200-mile exclusive economic zones (EEZs) of the USA and Mexico, and the high seas (international waters) respectively. The satellite-tracked birds occupied subtropical waters (18-20 °C) targeted by longline fisheries for tuna (Thunnus spp.) and broad-bill swordfish (Xiphias gladius), and ranged disproportionately farther during daylight hours, when tuna fisheries operate. The available data suggest that albatrosses overlap temporally and spatially with longline fisheries in the northeast Pacific Ocean. However, this research cannot directly evaluate whether black-footed albatross bycatch occurs in these fisheries. The coarse temporal (monthly) and spatial (1°×1°) resolution of the fisheries data, and the dynamic nature of the fishing effort inhibited a fine-scale analysis of albatross overlap with longline fisheries. While we documented substantial spatial overlap between albatross distributions and the Japanese EPO longline fishing effort during the 1980s, we found no co-occurrence during the 1990s. This study illustrates the value of satellite telemetry to assess national conservation responsibilities, and to identify potential interactions of protected species with fisheries not currently monitored by observer programs. Furthermore, our results underscore the need to exercise caution when interpreting satellite telemetry data for conservation purposes, because of the highly dynamic nature of pelagic fisheries.  相似文献   

Small-scale fisheries provide over half the world’s wild-caught seafood, employ over 99% of its fishers, and are frequently promoted as a sustainable alternative to large-scale industrial fisheries. However, few studies have quantitatively examined how possible habitat impacts and non-target species composition vary across gears used in small-scale fisheries, as data are sparse and conservation efforts are largely focused on more iconic species. Here, we quantify and compare the ecosystem impacts of four fishing gears (lobster traps, fish traps, set gillnets, drift gillnets) used in small-scale fisheries of Baja California, Mexico, using at-sea observations and field experiments. Set gillnets had the highest overall impact on both non-target species and habitat, with discard rates higher than most industrial fisheries (34.3% by weight), and an estimated 19.2% of Eisenia arborea kelp and 16.8% of gorgonian corals damaged or removed within 1 m of the net path. Fish traps had the lowest discard rates (0.11%) while lobster traps and drift gillnets had intermediate discard rates (15.1% and 18.5% respectively). In contrast with gillnets, traps caused minimal immediate damage to gorgonian corals and rarely interacted with kelp. Results indicate that ecological impacts depend more on fishing gear type and habitat characteristics than the size of fishing vessels, calling into question broad generalizations that small-scale fisheries are inherently more sustainable than industrial fisheries. Our findings highlight the ecological impacts of artisanal gillnet fisheries as priorities for research, management, and conservation efforts in Baja California and other coastal areas.  相似文献   

To evaluate a new technology - integrated weight longlines (IW) - as a viable seabird mitigation technology for demersal longline fisheries, we compared three experimental mitigation treatments, IW line alone, IW with paired streamer lines (IWPS) and unweighted longlines (UW) with PS (UWPS), to a control of no deterrent (UW alone). Trials took place on two vessels targeting Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) over a five-month period in the Bering Sea, Alaska, USA. We used multiple criteria for evaluations - catch rates of all taxa, seabird abundance and attack rate, and gear sink rate and performance - making this study the largest and most comprehensive experiment of its kind.All mitigation technologies dramatically decreased seabird bycatch rates while having little to no effect on fish catch rates. Mitigation was more effective for surface foraging seabirds (Fulmarus glacialis and Larus spp.) than for diving seabirds (short-tailed shearwaters, Puffinus tenuirostris), reducing mortality rates by 91-100% and 80-97%, respectively. Based on multiple criteria, IWPS performed best, sinking gear within the protection of streamer lines eliminating surface forager catch completely and reducing shearwater catch by 97%, relative to the control. UWPS, status quo in the Alaska fishery, and IW alone performed similarly reducing surface forager catch rates by 98% and 91%, respectively, and shearwater rates by 87% and 80%, respectively. Seabird abundance and attack rate were poor proxies of seabird mortality, especially for IW gear. IW lines reduced the distance astern that birds have access to sinking baits by near half and its handling qualities proved superior to UW. We conclude that IW longlines and paired streamer lines are the core mitigation techniques and when deployed together, constitute the best management practice for seabird conservation in demersal longline fisheries using autoline systems.  相似文献   

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