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In order to determine the impacts of different traditional forest management types on plant diversity of the seasonal tropical rainforests and infer effective conservation strategies, four types of forests with different management histories were studied in Nabanhe National Nature Reserve (NNNR), Xishuangbanna, China. They were: old-growth forest (non-timber product collection allowed), understorey planted old-growth forests, old secondary forests (∼200-years after slash and burn), and young secondary forest (15–50-years after slash and burn). Although human activities affected tree diversity and composition of the forests in NNNR, the forest regeneration potential of the different management systems were good. Even the young secondary forests, that showed the lowest Fisher’s alpha diversity at the plot level, had similar diversity levels to old-growth forest when all plots were combined. Number of red list tree species, timber species, and edible plant species in young secondary forests was as high as those of old-growth forests, and higher than old secondary forests. Additionally, there were a number of vulnerable and endangered species that were more common in the secondary than old-growth forests, indicating the high conservation value of secondary forests. Understorey plantation in old-growth forest, however, impaired regeneration of the climax species. The beneficial effects of traditional forest use depend strongly on its small scale and its close proximity to undisturbed forest, which serves as a species source during secondary forest regeneration. Unfortunately, traditional forest use is now under serious threat by expanding large-scale monoculture rubber plantations.  相似文献   

To conserve tropical forests, it is crucial to characterise the disturbance threshold beyond which populations of tropical trees are no longer resilient. This approach is still not widely employed, especially with respect to the effects of moderate disturbances. Compensation effects, such as positive interactions among plants, are addressed even more rarely. We attempt to identify the extents to which the distribution of the keystone palm tree Ceroxylon echinulatum is regulated by various regimes of deforestation in a threatened tropical montane cloud forest in the North-West Andes of Ecuador. The demographic structure of this palm tree was examined in three habitats: old-growth forest, forest disturbed by selective logging, and deforested pasture. Patterns were related to stand structure, microclimate, and soil composition. Seedling desiccation owing to severe aboveground water stress led to the absence of juvenile palms in pastures, and thus was predictive of a near extinction of the species in this habitat. However, shade provided by dominant bunchgrass in pastures considerably reduced above- and belowground water stress by diminishing light intensity. Selective logging resulted in a higher density of individuals in disturbed forests than in old-growth forests, but was associated with a spoiled spatial structure. Therefore, the protection of residual old-growth forests is a prerequisite for the conservation of C. echinulatum, although secondary forests might act as provisional refuges that promote its resilience. The reduction of water stress by nurse grasses in pastures represents a promising approach to promote the resilience of tropical tree species and their associated communities after deforestation.  相似文献   

Fragmentation of old-growth forests and greatly reduced amounts of coarse dead wood in managed forests threat the persistence of many saproxylic species in boreal Fennoscandia. Individual old-growth forest remnants may lose species over time as they pay off their extinction debt. We tested this by comparing the observed site occupancy of individual wood-inhabiting fungal species in isolated old-growth stands (i.e. woodland key habitats; WKHs) with statistical predictions of their occupancy assuming potential extinction debt had already been paid off. The occupancy of species was analysed in two sets of WKHs differing in time since isolation (i.e. recent and old isolates).Few species occurred more frequently than expected in WKHs. However, patterns across species and across all WKHs masked important differences among species in their risk of facing future extinction. The site occupancy decreased significantly between recent and old isolates for a group of annual, red-listed specialist fungal species, suggesting that an extinction debt in WKHs may exist among specific species confined to coarse dead wood and old-growth forest habitat. Generalist species that also occur in the surrounding matrix showed no negative trends, or actually increased in site occupancy, making future extinctions less likely. Thus, continuing loss of threatened species are likely if not preservation of WKHs are combined with other conservation efforts in managed forest landscapes. Natural forest landscapes may serve as important references when aiming to identify species in risk of future extinction but more detailed knowledge about the biology of the most vulnerable species is also required.  相似文献   

Southeast Asia experiences one of the highest rates of deforestation in the tropics due to agricultural expansion, logging, habitat fragmentation and urbanization, which are expected to result in species declines and extinctions. In particular, growing global demands for food, biofuel and other commodities are driving the rapid expansion of oil palm and paper-and-pulp industries at the expense of lowland dipterocarp forests, further jeopardizing Southeast Asian forest biotas. We synthesize recent findings on the effects of land-use changes on plants, invertebrates, vertebrates and ecosystem functioning/services in Southeast Asia. We find that species richness and abundance/density of forest-dependent taxa generally declined in disturbed compared to mature forests. Species with restricted ranges and those with habitat and foraging specialization were particularly vulnerable. Forest loss also disrupted vital ecosystem services (e.g. crop pollination). Long-term studies are needed to understand biotic sustainability in regenerating and degraded forests, particularly in the context of the synergistic or additive effects of multiple agents of biodiversity loss (e.g. invasive species and climate change). The preservation of large tracts of mature forests should remain the principal conservation strategy in the tropics. In addition, reforestation and reintroductions of native species, as well as improved connectivity among forest patches could enhance the conservation value of forest remnants in human-dominated landscapes.  相似文献   

In some tropical regions, following the abandonment of agriculture and pastures, secondary forests can recover plant species richness and forest structure (e.g. canopy cover, biomass); however, the importance of these secondary forests for fauna is not clear. Secondary forests can benefit fauna by providing suitable habitats, connecting forests fragments, and increasing gene flow. Previous studies of forest regeneration have showed different levels of amphibian recovery. In Puerto Rico, 1–5 years old secondary forests achieved similar amphibian species richness and composition in comparison with old-growth forests, while in Brazil secondary forests from 14 to 19 years of recovery only recovered 60% of the species of old-growth forests. We evaluated amphibian recovery in secondary forests in northeastern Costa Rica, by assessing amphibian recovery in 12 secondary forests that vary in age of recovery and in three old-growth forests using visual and acoustic surveys. Our sites varied in terms of their landscape (e.g. amount of surrounding forest) and forest characteristics (e.g. forest age, aboveground biomass, basal area, number of tree species, number of stems, leaf-litter depth), but there was no relationship between these characteristics and amphibian species richness or species composition. We found that amphibians are recovering rapidly in secondary forests in Costa Rica, and even young forests (10–16 years) had similar species richness and composition in comparison with old-growth forests. These forests are providing suitable microhabitats conditions for amphibians. In addition, this study highlights the importance of landscape characteristics. The abundance of amphibian species sources (e.g. forest patches) and connections between forests appear to be helping the species colonize these sites. Worldwide, the area of secondary forests is increasing, and our results show that these habitats are suitable for a diversity of amphibian species, suggesting that these forests can help reduce amphibian population and species decline.  相似文献   

Birds are among the most widely studied organisms on earth and represent an important indicator group for learning about the effects of climate change – particularly in regard to the effects of climate change on tropical ecosystems. In this review, we assess the potential impacts of climate change on tropical birds and discuss the factors that affect species’ ability to adapt and survive the impending alterations in habitat availability. Tropical mountain birds, species without access to higher elevations, coastal forest birds, and restricted-range species are especially vulnerable. Some birds may be especially susceptible to increased rainfall seasonality and to extreme weather events, such as heat waves, cold spells, and tropical cyclones. Birds that experience limited temperature variation and have low basal metabolic rates will be the most prone to the physiological effects of warming temperatures and heat waves. Mostly unknown species’ interactions, indirect effects, and synergies of climate change with other threats, such as habitat loss, emerging diseases, invasive species, and hunting will exacerbate the effects of climate change on tropical birds. In some models habitat loss can increase bird extinctions caused by climate change by 50%. 3.5 °C surface warming by the year 2100 may result in 600–900 extinctions of land bird species, 89% of which occur in the tropics. Depending on the amount of future habitat loss, each degree of surface warming could lead to approximately 100–500 additional bird extinctions. Protected areas will be more important than ever, but they need to be designed with climate change in mind. Although 92% of currently protected areas are likely to become climatically unsuitable in a century, for example only 7 or 8 priority species’ preferred climatic envelopes are projected to be entirely lost from the African Important Bird Area network. Networks of protected areas need to incorporate extensive topographical diversity, cover wide elevational ranges, have high connectivity, and integrate human-dominated landscapes into conservation schemes. Most tropical bird species vulnerable to climate change are not currently considered threatened with extinction, often due to lack of knowledge; systematically and regularly gathering information on the ecology, and current and future distributions of these species is an urgent priority. Locally based, long-term tropical bird monitoring and conservation programs based on adaptive management are essential to help protect birds against climate change.  相似文献   

Recent global assessments have shown the limited coverage of protected areas across tropical biotas, fuelling a growing interest in the potential conservation services provided by anthropogenic landscapes. Here we examine the geographic distribution of biological diversity in the Atlantic Forest of South America, synthesize the most conspicuous forest biodiversity responses to human disturbances, propose further conservation initiatives for this biota, and offer a range of general insights into the prospects of forest species persistence in human-modified tropical forest landscapes worldwide. At the biome scale, the most extensive pre-Columbian habitats across the Atlantic Forest ranged across elevations below 800 masl, which still concentrate most areas within the major centers of species endemism. Unfortunately, up to 88% of the original forest habitat has been lost, mainly across these low to intermediate elevations, whereas protected areas are clearly skewed towards high elevations above 1200 masl. At the landscape scale, most remaining Atlantic Forest cover is embedded within dynamic agro-mosaics including elements such as small forest fragments, early-to-late secondary forest patches and exotic tree monocultures. In this sort of aging or long-term modified landscapes, habitat fragmentation appears to effectively drive edge-dominated portions of forest fragments towards an early-successional system, greatly limiting the long-term persistence of forest-obligate and forest-dependent species. However, the extent to which forest habitats approach early-successional systems, thereby threatening the bulk of the Atlantic Forest biodiversity, depends on both past and present landscape configuration. Many elements of human-modified landscapes (e.g. patches of early-secondary forests and tree monocultures) may offer excellent conservation opportunities, but they cannot replace the conservation value of protected areas and hitherto unprotected large patches of old-growth forests. Finally, the biodiversity conservation services provided by anthropogenic landscapes across Atlantic Forest and other tropical forest regions can be significantly augmented by coupling biodiversity corridor initiatives with biota-scale attempts to plug existing gaps in the representativeness of protected areas.  相似文献   

The effort of boreal forest conservation has emphasised the preservation of old-growth forests while the role of young successional stages in maintaining biodiversity has remained largely unstudied. We compared the richness of beetle species and composition of species assemblages between managed and seminatural forests in five stages of forest succession. The sites were in boreal sub-xeric pine-dominated forests in eastern Finland. Seminatural study sites, especially the recently burned sites, were important habitats for threatened and near-threatened species. We propose that young stages of natural succession should be included in the network of protected forest areas. On the other hand, the composition of saproxylic species assemblages in seminatural forests differed from the assemblages in managed forests, indicating also the need to improve the forest management guidelines so that they better address the requirements of species protection. Regeneration methods applied should resemble or mimic the natural disturbances more closely.  相似文献   

The relative importance of time since disturbance and habitat variables in creating diversity in old-growth forests will influence conservation strategies. However, the independent roles of these factors are not well understood, as they are rarely examined independently. This study examines the respective roles of habitat variables and time (stand age) in determining bryophyte diversity in Picea mariana (Mill. (BSP)) forests. Bryophytes are frequently used as indicators of old-growth forest, but their true dependence on forest continuity is unknown. Bryophytes were classified into taxonomic-habitat guilds: true mosses (forest), forest liverworts, bog liverworts and sphagna (bog). Diversity increased with age and peaked at approximately 275 years since fire, driven by liverworts. Multiplicative habitat modeling indicated that time and habitat played different roles for the different taxonomic-habitat guilds. True mosses and forest liverworts were primarily influenced by habitat variables, while sphagna and bog liverworts were influenced by time and habitat variables. The models for sphagna were particularly strong, indicating that many important factors were included, while forest liverwort models were particularly weak. This unexplained variability may represent site specific random factors, such as secondary disturbances that create habitat in a fully occupied space. Overall, high richness was created by small species dependent on habitat variables and chance factors for establishment. Therefore, time since disturbance was not the primary factor limiting richness in these forests. These results suggest that in boreal North America, where forest fragmentation is limited and recent, conservation strategies that emphasize habitat variables rather than forest continuity may be effective for some bryophytes.  相似文献   

The prevalence of secondary forests is increasing across tropical landscapes, but the effects of these environments on the population dynamics of understory species and on their capacity to regenerate after harvest remains poorly documented. We compare the population dynamics of the understory bromeliad, Aechmea magdalenae, between old-growth and secondary rainforests in Southeast Mexico. A. magdalenae is a non-timber forest product (NTFP), the ramets of which are harvested from wild populations to make forest plantations. The fates of 600 rosettes in the two forest types were monitored over 3 years to build annual transition matrices. Population projections using the matrices show that secondary forest populations have finite rates of growth significantly higher than those of old-growth populations under both ramet-harvest and no-harvest conditions. Life table response experiments indicate that differences in the capacity for re-growth after harvest was due to greater vegetative reproduction of the largest secondary forest rosettes and faster growth of their ramets. For understory NTFP such as A. magdalenae, secondary forests may offer more economic incentive and greater potential for forest conservation than old-growth forests.  相似文献   

We show how Chilean forest bird species richness, abundance and guild structure changes as a function of structural properties of forest stands. We surveyed bird assemblages in two old-growth (>200 years), two mid-successional (30-60 years), and two early-successional forest stands (4-20 years), from November 1999 to September 2000, on Chiloé Island, southern Chile (42°S). Birds were grouped into four habitat-use guilds: large-tree users, vertical-profile generalists, understory species, and shrub-users that occasionally use forests. We recorded a total of 24 bird species: 21 in old-growth, 14 in mid-successional and 16 in early-successional stands. Large-tree users and understory birds were most abundant in old-growth stands, vertical-profile generalists were common in both old-growth and mid-successional stands, and shrub-users were only common in early-successional stands. For nine bird species we found significant relationships between their local abundance and forest structural elements. Higher bird densities in old-growth forests were associated with greater availability of canopy emergent trees, snags, logs and understory bamboo cover in this habitat. Accordingly, bird species diversity in forest stands can be predicted by the presence of these structural elements, and forests should be managed to conserve structural elements that create favorable habitat for bird species in order to prevent future species losses due to logging practices.  相似文献   

Like most ecosystems of the world, tropical dry forests of the central coast of the Gulf of Mexico are inadequately preserved. Given that reserve expansion is unlikely, it is imperative that the conservation capacity of the matrix surrounding reserves is enhanced. Here, we examine the habitat value of isolated pasture trees and patches of secondary regrowth in terms of their terrestrial and arboreal ant assemblages in both a wet and dry season. These simplified wooded systems increase species densities within the agricultural matrix and provide habitat for some forest ant species. Estimated species richness of arboreal ants was particularly low on isolated trees, highlighting an important limitation. This was not the case for terrestrial ants, which were particularly species rich under isolated trees. We also found that the inter-site variations in species densities and similarity to the forest ant assemblage for terrestrial and arboreal strata were not correlated, suggesting that responses to restoration may not be as uniform as often thought. This has important implications for the use of indicator taxa in suggesting the response of other taxa. In terms of species composition, neither secondary regrowth nor isolated trees were appropriate replacements for forest fragments, even though the studied forest fragments were small (13-32 ha). The ant assemblages did not exhibit a seasonal change in composition. However, season influenced the contrast between habitats, with isolated trees being more distinct from pasture, and regrowth more closely resembling forests, during the wet season. Microclimatic variables indicate that the forests were least affected by the tropical dry season, and this may contribute to their characteristic fauna. We conclude that even small forest patches make a unique contribution to landscape conservation and that, where reserves are limited, conscientious management of the landscape matrix may provide some species with sufficient new habitat to survive outside of reserve systems. These conclusions are influenced by both season and strata studied.  相似文献   

Developing a predictive theory for species responses to habitat fragmentation is a large, complex challenge in conservation biology, and meeting this challenge likely requires tailoring predictions to specific habitats and taxa. We evaluate the effects of fragmentation on forest birds living in three distinct forest ecosystems found in Brazilian Atlantic forest: seasonal semi-deciduous forest (SF), mixed rain forest (MF), and dense rain forest (DF). We test the hypotheses that (1) bird species most prevalent in SF (relative to other habitat types) will be least vulnerable to population declines in fragmented SF, and (2) species with stronger affiliations with DF or MF will be relatively more sensitive to fragmentation in SF. Using an exploratory statistical technique called “Rank Occupancy–Abundance Profiles (ROAPs),” we compared distribution and abundance of birds among large “continuous” areas of each forest type, then compared abundances in continuous SF forests with patterns of abundance in small fragments of SF, where edge effects could play a marked role in population dynamics. Overall, 39 species showed substantially lower local abundance, occupancy, or both in SF fragments versus continuous SF. As predicted, a higher proportion of bird species associated with DF appeared sensitive to fragmentation in SF; by contrast, species most abundant in SF and MF were similarly abundant in fragmented SF. Our study demonstrates how quantifying distribution and abundance in diverse habitats may enhance managers’ ability to incorporate species-specific responses to human disturbances in their conservation plans, and points out ways that even small reserves may have significant conservation value.  相似文献   

Forest management in temperate and boreal regions is often based on a strong foundation of applied ecological research. Increasingly, this has allowed the needs of saproxylic (dead wood associated) insects to be addressed. However, there has been very little equivalent research in tropical forests, where saproxylic insect faunas are likely to be much richer and where forestry is usually subject to weaker environmental controls. This study compares the saproxylic beetle fauna of old-growth, selectively logged and regrowth rainforest in the Daintree lowlands of northeastern Queensland, Australia. Old-growth levels of abundance, species richness, assemblage composition and guild structure were not maintained in logged and regrowth forest, suggesting that intact assemblages may not survive in the long-term in managed tropical rainforest. However, retaining a continuous supply of commercially overmature trees in the managed stand may prevent a repeat of the widespread extinctions of saproxylic insects witnessed in temperate and boreal forest regions.  相似文献   

In European temperate forests, changes in the compositional similarity among local plant communities (beta diversity) have rarely been studied due to the lack of adequate baseline data. Several studies, however, report the spread of common, generalist species or a decline in specialized, rare species. Both processes may lead to increased similarity among communities, i.e., biotic homogenization.To quantify changes in beta diversity, we resampled the herb layer composition of ancient broadleaf forests at 175 semi-permanent plots distributed across the Weser-Elbe region in NW Germany 20 years after first sampling. We hypothesized that beta diversity would have decreased on average as a result of a spread of habitat generalists and a decline in habitat specialists.After two decades, the forest communities did not yet exhibit severe biotic impoverishment, although there was a broad trend towards homogenization. The actual magnitude of change depended on which beta diversity measure was applied. The downward trend was primarily the result of the spread of native species that are able to tolerate broad pH and moisture ranges. A distinction between forest specialists (closely tied to forest habitats) and generalists (also found in open habitats) did not help explain changes in beta diversity. The study shows that on the regional scale and in habitats not yet threatened by the invasion of alien species, shifts in native species can promote biotic homogenization.  相似文献   

In view of the continued decline in tropical forest cover around the globe, forest restoration has become a key tool in tropical rainforest conservation. One of the main - and least expensive - restoration strategies is natural forest regeneration. By aiding forest seed influx both into disturbed and undisturbed habitats, frugivorous birds facilitate forest regeneration. This study focuses on the tolerance of a frugivorous bird community to anthropogenic habitat disturbance within the broader context of natural forest regeneration with conservation purposes. It was carried out in the tropical cloud forest of Costa Rica’s Talamanca Mountains. Bird community response and tolerance to habitat disturbance was assessed by comparing bird presence and densities along a disturbance gradient, ranging from open pastures to closed mature forests. Birds were censused along nine transects applying the variable width line transect procedure. Forty relevant frugivorous bird species were observed during 102 h of survey time. Densities were calculated for 33 species; nine species responded negatively to increasing level of disturbance and nine others positively. Results indicate that large frugivores are generally moderately tolerant to intermediate, but intolerant to severe habitat disturbance, and that tolerance is often higher for medium and small frugivores. It appears that moderately disturbed habitats in tropical cloud forests are highly suitable for restoration through natural regeneration aided by frugivorous birds. Due to a lack of large forest seed dispersers, severely disturbed habitats appear less suitable.  相似文献   

The fragmented island realm of Oceania includes a relatively small proportion of the world’s tropical forests, but those forests support unusual richness of narrowly endemic species. In common with tropical forests across most of the world, tropical forests in Oceania are declining due to factors associated with increasing human population size, economic drivers and more intensive exploitation. In parts of Oceania, forests are being cleared at unsustainable rates, and replaced with far simpler ecosystems of timber or food crops. To a small degree, the present-day biodiversity of tropical forests in some parts of Oceania may be predisposed to such disturbance, given a history of natural disturbance (particularly through cyclones), and of smaller-scale slash-and-burn agriculture or landscape-scale burning. But, in most places, the current intensity, scale and/or rate of modification far surpass their precedents, and biodiversity is consequently diminishing. Tropical forests in Australia may be an exception to this trend, with now reasonably effective protection. However, more so than for tropical forests in most other continents, the major biodiversity conservation challenges for tropical forests in Oceania are extrinsic. Introduced plants, animals and diseases have collapsed ecological communities through much of Oceania, homogenising the biota from a series of highly distinctive and localised species assemblages to a more impoverished set of ubiquitous disturbance-tolerant exotic species. In many islands, this simplification has occurred regardless of the extent of native forest remaining, such that retention and reservation of primary forest is an insufficient conservation action. The fate of biodiversity in Oceania is also likely to be much affected by climate change, an unbalanced consequence given the region’s relatively small contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. Future hope for biodiversity conservation in tropical forests of Oceania lies in the renewed application of some traditional management constraints, the appropriate delivery of international support (such as may be available through carbon markets), improved quarantine processes, and through some protection naturally offered by the remote scattering of the islands that comprise Oceania.  相似文献   

Roughly 90% of butterfly species live in the tropics. Despite this, we know very little about tropical butterfly ecology particularly when compared to temperate butterfly systems. The relative scarcity of data on tropical butterfly populations hampers our ability to effectively conserve them. In this review we summarize recurring themes from ecological research on tropical butterflies to serve as a framework for understanding their conservation. Key themes include: (1) the tropics represent the evolutionary origins of butterfly diversity, (2) while some tropical butterflies exhibit relatively stable population dynamics, longer-lived adult stages, and more continuous age-specific reproduction compared to temperate zone species, the generality of these patterns is debatable, and (3) complex species interactions (e.g. mimicry, parasitism and predation) can have significantly greater influences on ecological and evolutionary processes in tropical butterflies than in temperate ones. This state of ecological knowledge, combined with scarce resources, has traditionally constrained tropical butterfly conservation efforts to habitat level approaches, unlike the species- and population-specific approaches familiar in North America and Europe. Consequently, much conservation research on butterflies in the tropics has focused on the relationship between habitat quality (e.g. forest fragmentation) and butterfly diversity, though predictive patterns even in this regard remain elusive. We argue that with the increasing threats of habitat destruction, fragmentation and climate change, it is necessary to move beyond this diversity and habitat relationship if we are to improve predictive capabilities when evaluating anthropogenic impacts on tropical butterfly communities. Tropical butterflies are more than just useful indicator species. They represent some of the most spectacular and visually appealing organisms in the world and play many vital roles in tropical ecosystems. We hope that this synthesis will lay the groundwork for future ecological studies of tropical butterfly populations, species, communities and conservation.  相似文献   

In this study we compared ground beetles (Carabidae) from a range of different forest fragments along an urbanization gradient in Brussels, Belgium. We address the following questions: (i) How does the degree of urbanization in the surrounding habitat affect forest beetles, and does it interact with the effects of patch size and distance to forest edge? (ii) Do these factors have a different effect at the level of individual species, habitat affinity groups or total community? During 2002 we sampled 13 forest plots in 10 forest patches, ranging in size from 5.27 to 4383 ha. The beetles were captured using transects of pitfall traps from the edge to a distance of 100 m into each woodland and identified to species level. Effects of urbanization, forest size and forest edge were evaluated on total species number, abundance and habitat affinity groups and ten abundant, widespread model carabid species. Overall, the effects of urbanization, forest size and edge effects slightly influenced total species richness and abundance but appeared to have a major effect on ground beetle assemblages through species specific responses. More urbanized sites had significantly fewer forest specialists and more generalist species. Large forest fragments were favoured by forest specialist species while generalist species and species frequently associated with forest (forest generalists) dominated the smaller forests. Forest edges mainly harboured generalist species while forest specialist species were more frequent into the forests if the forest patches were large enough, otherwise they disappeared due to the destruction or impoverishment of their habitat. Our results show the importance of differentiating between habitat affinity, especially habitat generalists versus specialists, the latter having a higher value in nature conservation, and merely the quantity of species represented in human-dominated areas.  相似文献   

Logging and intense shifting cultivation have caused major degradation of tropical forests and loss of biodiversity. Understanding the direct and indirect effects of those land uses on plant biodiversity is essential to the restoration of tropical forests. We compared the species diversity, community composition and basal area of all stems ?1 cm dbh among 18 1-ha tropical lowland and montane rain forest plots with a well-recorded long-term history of shifting cultivation and logging on Hainan Island, south China. We also explored the relative importance of disturbance and environmental factors in determining forest recovery. We found that the species density and diversity in old growth forests were higher than in shifting cultivation fallows (55 years old) but lower than in logged forests (35–40 years since logging). The species composition of shifting cultivation fallows was distinct from other forest types but logged forests were similar to old growth forests, especially in lowland forests. Disturbance intensity was the most frequently important factor in determining species composition, species density, diversity, and basal area accumulation. Soil nutrient availability explained some of the variation in species composition and diversity. Stem density was related to multiple factors including disturbance history, soil nutrients, and distance to old-growth forest. In general, we found that disturbance intensity was a better predictor of forest structure and diversity than edaphic environmental variables, highlighting the importance of human impacts in shaping tropical forest successional pathways.  相似文献   

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