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Assessment of habitat thresholds is a topical issue in ecology, both from theoretical and applied perspectives. We examined how forest structure influences selection of breeding habitat in the Eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris). It is an old-growth forest passerine, which can be considered an umbrella species. Habitat selection data, covering five breeding seasons, were collected from a study area across three spatial scales: (a) territory core scale (a radius of 30 m), (b) territory scale (a radius of 200 m) and (c) large scale (a radius of 500 m). Logistic regression analyses revealed that the radii of 30 and 200 m from the nest were the most important spatial scales for the forest patch occupancy. A loss of forest habitat and a low circumference of stems within the territory decreased the probability of occupancy. There was a distinct threshold in the amount of forest cover on forest patch occupancy when the volume of timber was taken into account. At low timber volumes (0-151 m3/ha) the amount of forest cover was negatively related to the occupancy rate of forest patches. This negative relationship changed abruptly when the volume of timber exceeded 152 m3/ha, after which forest cover had a positive effect on the occupancy rate of forest patches. This is a new way to examine habitat thresholds in relation to forest cover. Furthermore, as debated in recent literature, treecreepers also tend to respond to habitat loss rather than to changes in habitat configuration, which stresses the need for habitat restoration and conservation. Moreover, our results emphasize the importance of within-territory structure over the characteristics of the habitat matrix in selection of breeding habitat.  相似文献   

Corridors are critical elements in the long-term conservation of wide-ranging species like the jaguar (Panthera onca). Jaguar corridors across the range of the species were initially identified using a GIS-based least-cost corridor model. However, due to inherent errors in remotely sensed data and model uncertainties, these corridors warrant field verification before conservation efforts can begin. We developed a novel corridor assessment protocol based on interview data and site occupancy modeling. We divided our pilot study area, in southeastern Nicaragua, into 71, 6 × 6 km sampling units and conducted 160 structured interviews with local residents. Interviews were designed to collect data on jaguar and seven prey species so that detection/non-detection matrices could be constructed for each sampling unit. Jaguars were reportedly detected in 57% of the sampling units and had a detection probability of 28%. With the exception of white-lipped peccary, prey species were reportedly detected in 82–100% of the sampling units. Though the use of interview data may violate some assumptions of the occupancy modeling approach for determining ‘proportion of area occupied’, we countered these shortcomings through study design and interpreting the occupancy parameter, psi, as ‘probability of habitat used’. Probability of habitat use was modeled for each target species using single state or multistate models. A combination of the estimated probabilities of habitat use for jaguar and prey was selected to identify the final jaguar corridor. This protocol provides an efficient field methodology for identifying corridors for easily-identifiable species, across large study areas comprised of unprotected, private lands.  相似文献   

The occupancy probability of 35 large-bodied bird and mammal species was examined in relation to patch- and landscape-scale habitat and disturbance variables in 147 forest patches distributed throughout the Mexican Yucatán Peninsula. Occupancy was assessed on the basis of interviews with local informants. The most important predictors of vertebrate species richness, composition, and patch occupancy were human population density and the extent and quality of forest cover. Most forest species responded positively to forest extent, while felids in particular were sensitive to human population density. However, the effects of human density on patch occupancy operated at extremely local scales. Effects were stronger at a smaller grain size, offering optimistic prospects for conservation strategies that incorporate human population effects. Three arboreal frugivores (Ateles geoffroyi, Alouatta pigra, and Ramphastos sulfuratus) were strongly associated with total basal area of trees bearing fleshy fruits. The degree of hunting pressure was not related to human population density, and affected the occupancy probability of three game species, two of which (Mazama spp., Crax rubra) are among the most preferred prey across the Yucatán Peninsula. Levels of patch occupancy across this region varied considerably among species, and were best explained by body size and degree of forest habitat specificity, large-bodied species and habitat specialists being the most vulnerable. This study provides a quantitative assessment of the conservation potential of large vertebrates in Mesoamerica and identifies disturbance-sensitive species. This can inform regional-scale conservation planning at a time when low deforestation in parts of the Yucatán Peninsula still provides a narrow window of conservation opportunity given the rapid human population growth.  相似文献   

Human-modified tropical landscapes under semi-natural or agro-ecosystems often harbor biodiversity of significant conservation value. In the Western Ghats of India, these ecosystems also provide connectivity between protected areas and other remnant forests. We investigated the conservation value of these landscapes and agro-ecosystems using results from 35 studies covering 14 taxonomic groups. Large, conspicuous taxonomic groups and tree-covered land-use types have received much focus in this area of research in the Western Ghats. We computed a response ratio defined as the log ratio of species richness in human land use to species richness in forest control site from 17 studies. In a meta-analysis, we investigated variation of this ratio across studies with respect to three variables: taxonomic group, the land-use type sampled and the extent of forest cover within the study landscape. Higher forest cover within the landscape emerged as a major positive influence on biodiversity in human-modified landscapes for vertebrates and vegetation while no patterns emerged for invertebrates. Our results suggest that loss of remnant forest patches from these landscapes is likely to reduce biodiversity within agro-ecosystems and exacerbate overall biodiversity loss across the Western Ghats. Conservation of these remnant forest patches through protection and restoration of habitat and connectivity to larger forest patches needs to be prioritized. In the densely populated Western Ghats, this can only be achieved by building partnerships with local land owners and stakeholders through innovative land-use policy and incentive schemes for conservation.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that an increase in the area of low-intensity land-use on arable land (e.g. set-aside fields and short-rotation coppice), and high or increased farmland habitat heterogeneity, may halt or reverse the observed population decline of farmland birds. We tested these hypotheses by undertaking farmland bird censuses during two contrasting periods of agricultural policies and land-use (i.e. 1994 and 2004) in a farmland region covering a gradient of forest- to farmland-dominated landscapes in Sweden. Local species richness (i.e. at 3 hectare sites) declined significantly between 1994 and 2004. Local species richness was positively related to habitat heterogeneity in both years of study whereas temporal change in species richness was not. Local change in species richness was positively associated with a change in the proportion of non-rotational set aside and short-rotation coppice (i.e. low-intensity land-use forms), but also to changes in the amount of spring-sown crops. However, the effect of low-intensity land-use was significantly dependent on the amount of forest in the surrounding landscape. An increase in low-intensity land-use was linked to an increase (or less marked decrease) in species richness at sites located in open farmland surroundings but to a decrease in richness at sites located in forest surroundings. This interaction between amount of forest and low-intensity land-use could be interpreted as a “rare habitat effect”, where an increase in a farmland habitat only positively affects biodiversity when it was originally uncommon (i.e. open farmland areas). Our results suggest that conservation measures of farmland biodiversity have to be put in a landscape context.  相似文献   

Geographically-based threat assessments are important for identifying natural resources at risk, yet have rarely been applied to identify habitat conservation priorities for imperiled organisms at a local scale. Pool-breeding amphibians have complex life cycles that place them at risk from habitat loss and fragmentation both in wetlands and in adjacent uplands. Because the most rapidly growing cause of habitat degradation in North America has been urbanization, a threat analysis of pool-breeding amphibian habitat should both be dynamic, i.e., sensitive to land-use change, and comprehensive, recognizing traditional protected area networks as well as less formal conservation assets (e.g., land-use regulations). To assess threats to wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) and spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) in a rapidly urbanizing, forested region of New England (USA) we examined gaps in the current protection network, as well as changing human settlement patterns. We found that greater than 50% of 542 potential breeding pools delineated using low-level infra-red aerial photography (median area 379.5 m2) were not represented on National Wetland Inventory (U.S.FWS) maps, and thus de facto at risk. Most importantly, conservation lands and regulatory protections failed to protect 46% of potential breeding pools and 80% of adjacent non-breeding habitat. While an assessment of human settlement patterns projected that only 5% of the region contained high quality amphibian habitat under acute development pressure, nearly half of the region (44.7%) had attained a moderate threat level, highlighting the importance of conservation planning during early stages of urbanization. We conclude by illustrating the role for multiple conservation strategies when protecting functional landscapes for pool-breeding amphibians.  相似文献   

Mitigating the effects of habitat loss requires estimating the minimum amount of habitat necessary for the persistence of wildlife populations in a changing landscape. Assessing minimum habitat amounts, however, relies on identifying ecological thresholds in species’ responses to landscape change. Using two repeated state-wide atlases, our objective was to investigate the responses of 25 forest birds to a range of forest cover and fragmentation. Repeat atlases allow for the analysis of four population dynamics including: (1) colonization, (2) persistence, (3) extinction, and (4) absence. Our objective was to test the hypothesis that forest birds demonstrated thresholds in these four basic dynamics to varying amounts of forest cover and fragmentation.We found thresholds to be a common, though not pervasive, characteristic of how forest birds respond to forest cover and pattern. We found that the probability of persistence was positively correlated with forest cover and 22 species demonstrated threshold responses. In addition, 15 of 25 birds demonstrated discrete thresholds in extinction dynamics. The existence of a colonization threshold has received significantly less attention in ecology. We also found that 17 out of 25 species demonstrated thresholds in their colonization response to a greater amount of forest cover. The effects of forest fragmentation, independent of forest amount, were less clear. We found support for incorporating the effects of fragmentation, but this fragmentation effect was found both below and above threshold points. We conclude that incorporating ecological thresholds in environmental planning should be species-specific and focus on populations on the verge of rapid ecological change.  相似文献   

Rivers and streams lined by narrow forest strips are common in the lowland countryside of south-western Costa Rica. We studied the importance of these gallery forests for understorey birds, especially forest species. Using mist-nets, we captured 1110 birds belonging to 90 species between June and September 2007 at 16 sites spread equally over four habitat types: forest interior, forest margin, gallery forest connected to closed forest, and isolated gallery forest. Though isolated gallery forests had the greatest number of expected species in total, they supported the lowest number of forest-specialist species, lower even than connected gallery forests. Granivorous birds showed an increase from forest to isolated gallery forest, all other feeding guilds however showed no change. The studied habitats differed from each other in their faunal composition. Assemblages of three species groups categorised by their habitat preferences (forest specialists, forest generalists, non-forest species) showed nested distribution patterns across the four habitats. There was no significant difference in the proportion of birds with brood patches or of recaptures across the studied habitat types, leading to the assumption that birds not only use gallery forests for movement and foraging but also for reproduction. Though of limited conservation value for most forest understorey birds, at least for a small fraction of forest species gallery forests constitute an important secondary habitat. More significantly, they can form corridors or stepping stones that allow movements within the matrix of human-dominated habitats, and represent an important landscape component benefiting total bird species richness in the Costa Rican countryside.  相似文献   

Small aspen stands are disappearing from the landscape in the Southwest, so it is important to understand their contribution to the avian community. We sampled birds in 53 small, isolated aspen stands and 53 paired plots within the ponderosa pine forest in northern Arizona, during the 1996 and 1997 breeding seasons. Bird species richness and abundance were higher in aspen than in pine. However, bird species richness and abundance did not vary with size of the aspen patch or isolation index. In addition, direct ordination of species distributions with habitat factors suggested no distinct avian communities. This suggests that aspen stands do not harbor separate populations, but rather are locations where the regional avifauna reaches high local density and richness and may be crucial to birds in years of resource scarcity. Thus it is important for avian conservation to maintain many aspen stands across the landscape, encompassing a diversity of vegetation structure and composition.  相似文献   

Competition for mates, cub rearing, and other behaviors differ between males and females in large carnivores. Although these differences can be reflected in patterns of habitat use, gender has rarely been incorporated into habitat models. We evaluated differences in habitat use between male and female jaguars in the Mayan Forest of the Yucatan Peninsula by modeling occupancy as a function of land cover type, distance to roads, and sex. Nested models were fitted to high-spatiotemporal resolution satellite (GPS) telemetry, controlled for temporal autocorrelation, and eliminated selection bias of pseudo-absences using a semi-non-parametric bootstrap. Although both male and female jaguars prefer tall forest, short forest was also preferred by females but avoided by males. Whereas females significantly avoided roads, males didn’t and ventured into low-intensity cattle ranching and agriculture. Females’ preference for intact forests and against roads led to their habitat being fragmented to a greater degree than that of males. Models that ignored sexual differences failed to capture the effect of roads and agriculture on jaguar habitat use, blurred the distinction of use between short and tall forest, and underestimated fragmentation of female jaguar habitat; but incorporating these differences increased precision of habitat maps and allowed the identification of potential jaguar-human conflict areas associated with male’s use of cattle and agricultural lands. Specifying sex differences increases the power of habitat models to understand landscape occupancy by large carnivores, and so greater attention should be paid to these differences in their modeling and conservation.  相似文献   

Remnant forest strips are frequently proposed as valuable conservation tools in fragmented tropical landscapes, yet we currently lack evidence to evaluate their potential conservation value for native biota. We examined the potential value for understorey forest birds of 30-year-old riparian and terra firme (unflooded) primary forest strips within a large silvicultural landscape in the north-east Brazilian Amazon, where the matrix is dominated by Eucalyptus plantations. We conducted mist-netting in eight forest strips connected to continuous forest (four of each forest type), with a total of 24 replicate sampling sites located near to (<1 km), far from (2.5-9 km), and within undisturbed forest controls (i.e. 16 samples within the strips, and 8 in controls). Bird communities in both strip types changed with increasing distance along forest remnants into the plantation matrix. Matrix-embedded samples were characterised by a higher representation of birds typical of secondary growth forest but not those typical of the Eucalyptus-dominated matrix. While the long-term viability of the bird populations in these remnants remains unclear, our data demonstrate that forest strips can provide important habitat for many bird species that are otherwise rarely found outside primary forest. Forest strips therefore provide an important tool to enhance biodiversity conservation in plantation landscapes. The relative practical ease with which these areas can be selected and maintained means that the protection of forest strips as part of a wider conservation strategy is likely to have particular appeal to policy makers and landscape managers working in the human-dominated tropics.  相似文献   

Tropical mammals represent some of the most threatened species, but also the least known because they tend to be difficult to study. To objectively evaluate the conservation status of these species, standardized methods are urgently required. The sun bear Helarctos malayanus is a case in point: it is cryptic, difficult to detect and consequently classified on the IUCN Red List as Data Deficient, and the highest priority for bear conservation research. In this study, we apply a detection/non-detection sampling technique using camera trap data with environmental covariates to estimate sun bear occupancy from three tropical forest study areas with different levels of degradation and protection status in Sumatra. Sun bear detections, and encounter rates, were highest in one of the primary forest study areas, but sun bear occupancy was highest in the degraded forest study area. Whilst, sun bears were recorded at a greater proportion of camera placements in degraded forest, these records were often on only one occasion at each placement, which greatly increased the final occupancy estimate. Primary forests with their large fruiting trees undoubtedly represent good sun bear habitat, but our results indicate that degraded forest can also represent important habitat. These forests should therefore not be considered as having limited conservation value and assigned to other uses, such as oil palm production, as has previously happened in Sumatra. Estimating occupancy between years will yield information on the population trends of sun bears and other tropical mammals, which can be used to provide more reliable conservation assessments.  相似文献   

A database documenting the distribution of birds, mammals, amphibians and snakes across 1° latitude and longitude squares of mainland sub-Saharan Africa provides an opportunity to quantify how many of these vertebrates are potentially catered for by recent large-scale conservation proposals. Sets of priority areas proposed by BirdLife International, the World Wildlife Fund (USA), the World Conservation Union and the World Wide Fund for Nature, Conservation International, and the World Resources Institute contain between 45 and 93% of 3752 species of birds, mammals, snakes and amphibians breeding in this area. Gaps in the coverage of vertebrates were found in all large-scale proposals, and these are mapped. Most of the conservation proposals perform better than random selection of similar sized areas of Africa, with the proposals focused on species performing more efficiently than schemes based on large areas of intact habitat or process-related criteria. Four of the schemes approach the performance of a complementarity-based algorithm that aims to maximise the number of species captured within a given area of land, and which has been widely advocated as a tool for conservation planning. The reasons for this are discussed and the relevance of the results for conservation planning at coarse and fine scales are explained.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a novel method for spatial conservation prioritization at a community-level that takes account of: (i) an environmentally-based classification of the landscape into community classes; (ii) similarities between community classes to allow for community complementarity-based selection; (iii) variation in species richness; (iv) variation in human impacts on ecological integrity; and (v) requirements for maintenance of upstream-downstream connectivity in riverine systems. While this technique has generic application, we demonstrate its application using a biologically-trained environmental classification of New Zealand’s river network. Our analysis produces a priority ranking of planning units (here 4th order catchments or sub-catchments) and performance estimates in terms of expected biodiversity returns given varying degrees of geographic protection. Accounting for community similarity ensures high protection for distinct habitat classes with low similarity to other classes; our results indicate a 28% loss in conservation efficiency of the highest-ranked 10% of the landscape if it is ignored. Accounting for human pressures and connectivity also had clear influences on spatial priority rankings, indicating the need to consider these factors in the conservation planning process.  相似文献   

Studies on temporal changes of tropical bird communities in response to habitat modification are rare. We quantified changes in bird assemblages at the rainforest margin of Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi, over an interval of 6 years. Standardized bird counts were conducted in the years 2001/2002 and 2008 at 15 census points representing natural forest, secondary forest, agroforest and openland sites. Although overall species richness remained nearly identical, different species groups were affected unequally by habitat modification within the forest margin landscape. The mostly endemic forest species declined in abundance (72.0% of forest species) and were detected at fewer census points in 2008 (56.0%). In contrast, 81.8% of the solely widespread openland birds became more abundant and 63.6% of the species were recorded at a larger number of census points. Hence, recent human activities in the forest margin ecotone negatively affected species of high conservation value. Species richness turned out to be a poor indicator of habitat change, and our results underline the importance of considering species identities. Biotic homogenization as result of habitat conversion is a global phenomenon. In our study, the winners were widespread openland species, while the losers were endemic forest birds. In conclusion, our study shows that 6 years of land-use change had negative impacts on bird community structure and endangered species, but not on overall bird species richness.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is a major threat to species survival worldwide due to genetic isolation, inbreeding depression, genetic drift and loss of adaptive potential. However the data on how gene-flow changes following habitat fragmentation is contradictory. If there is significant gene-flow between spatially isolated populations then limited conservation resources could be directed away from projects to ‘establish genetic connectivity’ and used to address other consequences of habitat fragmentation.This research focused on an endangered tree species Gomortega keule (Gomortegaceae) in a fragmented landscape in the Central Chile Biodiversity Hotspot and addressed three questions: (1) How far does pollen move between pollen donors and seed trees and what is the shape of the dispersal curve? (2) Do insect pollinators travel outside of forest patches? (3) Do small populations and single trees contribute to genetic connectivity across the landscape?Paternity analysis results show that G. keule’s insect pollinators travel outside of forest patches, over distances of 6 km, beyond the scale of population fragmentation or genetic structure. Pollen moved from small sites and single trees into large sites, as well as in the other direction, indicating these sites play a key role as functioning elements of the wider population and as stepping stones between sites. Fragmentation at the scale investigated has not led to genetic isolation, thus genetic connectivity per se is not a conservation priority. Other consequences of land-use change, specifically continuing habitat loss and population reduction, still threaten the survival of the species.  相似文献   

Rio de Janeiro state in Brazil has one of the most diverse and most endangered avifaunas in the continental Americas. Many of these endangered birds are endemic to the Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot, and some even endemic to Rio de Janeiro itself. As with all other forested hotspots, little original forest remains. Much of that is outside formal protected areas and faces the risk of deforestation. These factors create special circumstances for setting conservation priorities — ones common to hotspots in general — but typically not to many conservation priority setting exercises.We mapped the distribution of the remaining habitat for the 189 birds in Rio de Janeiro state that are officially endangered and/or endemic to the Atlantic Forest. Using those habitat maps, we calculated the amount of habitat currently within protected areas for each species. We then prioritized all non-protected parts of the state for their avian conservation value and their potential contribution to a comprehensive protected area system. This analysis identified 10% of the remaining unprotected part of the state as the highest priority for avian conservation. We further highlight specific locations where conservation actions could create a more comprehensive protected area system for the avifauna of Rio de Janeiro state.  相似文献   

Conservation planning at broad spatial scales facilitates coherence between local land management and objectives set at the state or provincial level. Habitat suitability models are commonly used to identify key areas for conservation planning. The challenge is that habitat suitability models are data hungry, which limits their applicability to species for which detailed information exists, but managers need to address the needs of all at-risk species. We propose a modeling approach useful for regional-scale conservation planning that accommodates limited species knowledge, and identifies what managers should aim for at the local scale. For twenty at-risk bird species, we built models to identify potential habitat using both literature information and empirical data. Species occupancy within potential habitat depends on the presence of intrinsic elements, which we identified for each species so that managers can enhance these elements as appropriate. For most species, the estimated amount of habitat needed to meet population targets was <10% of the mapped potential habitat, with notable exceptions for Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis; 100%), Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum; 63.7%), and Veery (Catharus fuscescens; 17.9%). Model validation showed that interior forest species models performed best. Our modeling framework allowed us to build potential habitat models to various endpoints for different species, depending on the information available, and revealed a number of species for which basic natural history data are missing. Our potential habitat models provide regional perspective and guide local habitat management, and assist in identifying research priorities.  相似文献   

In parts of Australia, extensive areas of cleared land are now being planted with commercial plantations of native eucalypts. Questions arise about the extent to which such plantations can rectify previous loss of habitat and contribute to biodiversity conservation. This study assessed abundance of bird species (as one aspect of biodiversity) on 105 sites (25 cleared land, 58 plantations and 22 native forest) in two regions of rural Victoria, south-eastern Australia. Generalised linear modelling was used to assess some of the landscape and habitat variables that contributed to the value of plantation sites for particular groups of bird species. These models demonstrated the importance of on-site habitat variables in explaining the abundance of groups of bird species, with landscape context making small additional contributions.Mean abundance of forest and woodland birds was higher in eucalypt plantations than cleared farmland, and marginally lower than in native forest. Patterns differed between bird guilds. For example, insectivores that forage in the canopy and tall shrub layers were at least as common in plantations as in native forest, with birds in the latter group using young eucalypts as if they were tall shrubs. Birds that forage from open ground among trees were more common in plantations than native forest, and may benefit substantially from the new habitat fortuitously provided for them. This group includes several species that have declined in natural woodland habitats. Nectarivores, carnivores and birds that forage among low shrubs were less common in plantations than in native forest. Insectivores that forage from eucalypt bark made little use of plantations. Different approaches to plantation design and management would be needed to cater for groups such as these. Specific measures include planting of rough-barked eucalypts in addition to smooth-barked species, and provision of artificial hollows. Retention of existing remnants of native forest (e.g. old trees and forest patches) is a priority, to supply habitat elements that would otherwise be missing for long periods.  相似文献   

We examined landscape supplementation (sensu [Oikos 65 (1992) 169]) by forest birds along forest/savanna boundaries in central Brazil to: (1) verify the role of savanna vegetation in providing resources to forest bird communities; (2) suggest minimum amounts of savannas to be conserved within corridors, to provide adequate foraging habitat for forest birds outside reserves. Transect counts parallel (n=64) and perpendicular (n=64) to forests were conducted in eight savannas (cerrado sensu stricto) between February 2000 and January 2001. Patterns of species richness and abundance of birds in relation to distances from forests were examined using Generalised Linear Mixed Models. Omnivores were the most abundant birds foraging in savannas, followed by insectivores and frugivores. Landscape supplementation in savannas was proportional to the density of savanna vegetation. Also, it was higher in the breeding season than in the non-breeding period. These two patterns suggest that surrounding savannas play a major role in providing additional foraging areas for forest bird species. We suggest that the environmental policy currently protecting 20 m of gallery forests along each side of rivers be modified to include at least 60 m of savanna along these forests through central Brazil. The study suggests that appropriate conservation efforts should also encompass the surrounding matrix to which the home ranges of target species are expanded, and not only their major habitat.  相似文献   

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