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Many protected area (PA) systems have developed in response to socio-economic and aesthetic criteria and need to be modified to increase their conservation value. National gap analyses are an important step in describing and addressing this problem, so we sought to determine the representativeness of English PAs devoted to biodiversity conservation by using Natural Areas (NAs), elevation and PA boundary data. We found that National Nature Reserves (NNRs) and Sites of Special Scientific Interests (SSSIs) cover only 6.3% of England and are generally small, with respective median areas of 1.1 and 0.2 km2. The English PA system under-represents lowland areas and provides a median level of 2.5% protection for the NA types, with seventy nine per cent of NA types having less than 10% protection. Therefore, we suggest that England's PA system needs to be expanded, although this would probably entail modification of existing legislation to increase involvement by landowners. We also compare our results with previous appraisals that used species distribution record data and suggest that landscape-level analyses may give a more accurate and less positive assessment.  相似文献   

There has been very little consideration of freshwater ecosystems in identifying and designing protected areas. Recent studies suggest that protected areas hold enormous potential to conserve freshwater biodiversity if augmented with appropriate planning and management strategies. Recognizing this need, South Africa’s relevant government authority commissioned a spatial assessment to inform their national protected area expansion strategy. This study presents the freshwater component of the spatial assessment, aimed at identifying focus areas for expanding the national protected area system for the benefit of river biodiversity. Conservation objectives to guide the assessment aimed to improve representation of river biodiversity pattern and processes in both new and existing protected areas. Data to address these objectives were collated in a Geographic Information System (GIS) and a conservation planning algorithm was used as a means of integrating the multiple objectives in a spatially efficient manner. Representation of biodiversity pattern was based on achieving conservation targets for 222 river types and 47 freshwater fish endemic to South Africa. Options were also identified for representing coarse-scale biodiversity processes associated with free-flowing rivers and catchment-estuarine linkages. River reaches that, with only minor expansion of existing protected area boundaries, could be fully incorporated into the national protected area system were also identified. Based on this study, generic recommendations are made on how to locate, design and manage protected areas for river biodiversity: use appropriate planning units, incorporate both biodiversity pattern and process, improve planning and management of individual protected areas, incorporate a mixture of protection strategies, and embed planning into an ongoing research and implementation process.  相似文献   

Though Neotropical countries are the most species rich in the world, their biodiversity is threatened by the loss of native vegetation. Land conversion in Mexico during the last 30 years has been extensive and is representative of that of other developing countries. However, the effects of land use change on the required size and configuration of an adequate biological conservation area network are largely unknown. It is shown here that endemic mammals in Mexico could have been protected considerably more economically if a conservation plan had been implemented in 1970 than is possible today due to extensive conversion of primary habitats. Analysis of the distributions of 86 endemic mammal species in 1970, 1976, 1993, and 2000 indicates that the distributions of 90% of the species shrank during this 30-year period. At each time step, optimal conservation area networks were selected to represent all species. 90% more land must be protected after 2000 to protect adequate mammal habitat than would have been required in 1970. In addition, under a realistic conservation budget, 79% fewer species can be represented adequately in a conservation area network after 2000 compared to 1970. This provides an incentive for rapid conservation action in Mexico and other biodiversity hotspots with comparable deforestation rates, including Burma, Ecuador, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka. Due to ongoing habitat degradation, the efficiency of a conservation plan decreases with delays in its implementation.  相似文献   

Recent attempts to streamline the identification of areas requiring immediate conservation attention have resulted in the development of prioritisation procedures that identify areas of biodiversity importance facing large threats in the near future. This study incorporated biodiversity data on bird and vegetation distribution with an assessment of land use suitability for cultivation and afforestation for the Limpopo Province of South Africa. The low altitude savanna regions in the northeast contain high species diversity, but are unsuitable to alternative forms of land use and are well conserved (by e.g., the Kruger National Park). The central and eastern mountain ranges, sites of high biodiversity, are suitable to dryland cultivation and afforestation and are thus potential conservation priorities. Areas with high biodiversity values, e.g., irreplaceable areas that contain biodiversity features essential for meeting conservation targets, were then investigated for their potential land-use threats in order to prioritise those needing immediate conservation actions. We suggest how losses of biodiversity could be minimised by reaching such decisions more quickly.  相似文献   

Biological reserves are established to protect natural resources and represent the diversity of environments found within a region. Unfortunately, many systems of protected areas do not proportionally capture the range of environmental conditions occupied by species and communities. Combinations of habitat loss and climate change may exacerbate these representational biases, and result in future distributions of environmental conditions that bare little resemblance to historic patterns. New protected areas need to be established to correct existing biases, and create conservation networks that remain representative despite climate change, habitat loss, and changes in species distributions. We demonstrate a new method to identify and prioritize habitat based on its value for improving bioclimatic representation. We assessed representation provided by existing protected areas for 301 Proteaceae species under historic and projected 2050 climate across the Cape Floristic Region in South Africa. The existing reserve system has relatively modest biases with respect to current species distributions and climate. However, if the system is not supplemented, protected areas in 2050 will capture an increasingly skewed sample of climatic conditions occupied by Proteaceae. These biases can be repaired through the systematic establishment of new protected areas, and many of the most valuable areas coincide with high priority ecosystem components and irreplaceable elements identified in the Cape Action for People and the Environmental conservation plan. Protecting these areas achieves nearly the best possible improvement in climatic representation while also meeting biodiversity representation goals.  相似文献   

The growing concern about the profound influence of human activities on marine ecosystems has been the driving force behind the creation of marine reserves in the last few decades. With almost 4200 km of coastline, Chile has not been the exception to this trend. A set of conservation priority sites has recently been proposed by the Chilean government to expand the current marine reserve network. In this study, we used the most comprehensive information currently available on the distribution of 2513 marine species in Chile to assess the efficiency of the existing system of marine protected areas (MPA) and the conservation priority sites identified by the government. Additionally, we evaluated the vulnerability of the reserve network selected with respect to threatening human activities. Our results show that both the existing protected areas and the proposed priority sites are relatively effective at protecting Chilean marine biodiversity. However, the majority of the species that are not represented within the existing or projected MPA network have very restricted distributions and are, therefore, of high conservation concern. To cover all species requires a network of 35 MPAs (46% of the total number of planning units). Many of the sites identified as irreplaceable present conflict with one or more human activities, particularly in the central region of the country. This study emphasizes the need for a systematic conservation planning approach to maximize the representation of species and prioritize those areas where conflicts between marine biodiversity conservation and human activities may occur.  相似文献   

A number of global priority region schemes have been developed, but local assessments are needed to identify priority areas for conservation within these regions. Here, we describe results from a conservation assessment for Maputaland, part of a biodiversity hotspot in southern Africa that is also the focus of the Lubombo Transfrontier Conservation Area (TFCA) initiative between South Africa, Mozambique and Swaziland. The TFCA seeks to establish new state-, private- and communally-managed conservation areas to boost economic development through nature-based tourism and game ranching. The assessment will guide the TFCA process and used a systematic conservation planning approach to design a landscape to conserve 44 landcover types, 53 species and 14 ecological processes. The assessment also included data on modelled risk of agricultural transformation, of which low-risk areas were selected where possible. The current PA systems in the three countries cover 3830 km2, which represents 21.2% of the region, and meet the representation targets for 46% of the conservation features. The proposed conservation landscape adds 4291 km2 of new core areas and 480 km2 of linkages and, if appropriate, could provide potential revenues of US$18.8 million from game ranching, based on modelled large ungulate density, life history and game auction data. We also discuss the benefits of including data on widely distributed, better known conservation features together with less-well studied, range-restricted species and the advantages of using agricultural transformation risk data in conservation assessments.  相似文献   

To be effective, reserve networks should represent all target species in protected areas that are large enough to ensure species persistence. Given limited resources to set aside protected areas for biodiversity conservation, and competing land uses, a prime consideration for the design of reserve networks is efficiency (the maximum biodiversity represented in a minimum number of sites). However, to be effective, networks may sacrifice efficiency. We used reserve selection algorithms to determine whether collections of existing individual protected areas in Canada were efficient and/or effective in terms of representing the diversity of disturbance-sensitive mammals in Canada in comparison to (1) an optimal network of reserves, and (2) sites selected at random. Unlike previous studies, we restricted our analysis to individual protected areas that met a criterion for minimum reserve size, to address issues of representation and persistence simultaneously. We also tested for effectiveness and efficiency using historical and present-day data to see whether protected area efficiency and/or effectiveness varied over time. In general, existing protected areas did not effectively capture the full suite of mammalian species diversity, nor are most existing protected areas part of a near-optimal solution set. To be effective, Canada’s network of reserves will require at minimum 22 additional areas of >2700 km2. This study shows that even when only those reserves large enough to be effective are considered, protected areas systems may not be representative, nor were they representative at the time of establishment.  相似文献   

Farm practices in the Sneeuberg Mountains, Karoo, South Africa are examined to assess their contribution to the development of the observed gullies and badlands. Data from the literature is augmented by interviews with local farmers and measurements in the field. Changes in stocking rates, grazing systems and technological advances are assessed for their impact on soil erosion, vegetation cover and species composition. The possibility of natural and managed rehabilitation of badland areas is discussed, as are future prospects for farm management in the Sneeuberg. The findings suggest that high stock numbers and less benign management practices in the 19th century and the early 20th century underlie much of the degradation seen today. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Protected areas are valuable tools for nature conservation but the effectiveness of reserve networks must be monitored continuously. Knowing the history of the establishment of protected areas can help to improve future conservation. We explore how different ecoregions, ecosystems and diversity hotspots have been incorporated in protected areas in Estonia during the last century. We found that the average rate of establishment of protected areas has been surprisingly constant despite profound changes in political systems. However, establishment of protected areas has varied regionally; an agricultural region in south-east Estonia has seen less protection, partly due to lower biodiversity. Wetland ecosystems were initially more placed under protection, whereas recently semi-natural grasslands have gained more attention. In contrast, farmland is under-protected. Surprisingly, biodiversity hotspots were no more protected than the national average. We consider how the development of a protected area network has been influenced by individual persons and public opinion under successive political systems. We suggest that simultaneous gap analysis of ecoregions, ecosystems and diversity hotspots provides a more complete picture than examining a single aspect. Therefore this study can be used as a model for other regions.  相似文献   

In recent years, much attention has been directed to the ways in which the most important areas for inclusion in reserve networks can be identified, and the most effective ways in which existing networks can be expanded. In contrast, rather little attention has been paid to the present and likely future performance of the approaches that have actually been employed. Using Wetland Bird Survey data, the effectiveness of the current Special Protection Area (SPA) network in the UK was assessed by comparing annual counts for 17 species of migratory waterbird on SPAs with the numbers supported by hypothetical site networks selected by five alternative site-selection methods. These analyses suggest that focusing on complementarity between component sites rather than applying criteria to each site individually improved the level of representation for each species, conserved a greater percentage of the national total across the 17 species and was robust over time.  相似文献   

The buffer effect predicts that where the reproductive success and survivorship of a species vary between potential habitats, sites will be sequentially filled according to a preference hierarchy. Once favoured sites reach saturation, numbers on the less-suitable/poorer quality sites will show a greater rate of increase compared with those on favoured sites. Supporting evidence for a buffer effect is readily available in the literature for many species, although this is generally restricted to small-scale analyses. In this paper we test for a buffer effect on a national scale for 19 species of waterbirds regularly wintering in the UK for which populations have increased nationally. The results provide little support for the effect, with only four species showing significant negative correlations. Nonetheless, a number of factors are likely to confound the occurrence/identification of a buffer effect for these species, including site area and data limitations. By contrast, for the majority of these 19 species, those sites where initial population totals are largest are also those with the fastest rates of population increase. Encouragingly, these sites are, therefore, more likely to be classified and managed as Special Protection Areas (SPAs) or Ramsar sites using the current numerical criteria for identifying such conservation areas.  相似文献   

Climate and land-use changes are expected to cause many species to shift into or beyond the boundaries of protected areas, leading to large turnover in species composition. Here, we tested whether long-established protected areas in Canada were more robust to such climate change impacts than areas with no formal protection by measuring changes in modeled butterfly species distributions (n = 139) within them. We used a recently established distribution modeling technique, Maxent, to model butterfly species’ distributions in two epochs (1900-1930 and 1960-1990). We compared rates of butterfly species richness and composition change within protected areas against distributions of randomly selected, ecologically similar, but non-protected, areas. Change in species richness and composition within protected areas were, for the most part, the same as changes observed among random areas outside protected area boundaries. These results suggest that existing protected area networks in Canada have provided little buffer against the impacts of climate change on butterfly species richness, possibly because land-use change surrounding long-standing protected areas has not been substantial enough to elevate the habitat protection afforded by these protected areas relative to other areas. Although protected areas are unarguably beneficial in conserving biological diversity, their capacity to maintain habitat appears insufficient to prevent broader-scale climate changes from sweeping species beyond their boundaries.  相似文献   

Planners of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) commonly use maps of habitat types when choosing areas to conserve. This assumes that habitats are homogeneous, and therefore, that any area of habitat will represent the full spectrum of ecological diversity within that habitat. Here, we report that macrobenthic assemblages in tidal flat habitats were spatially heterogeneous in terms of beta diversity (taxonomic turnover), abundance, taxonomic richness and Shannon-Wiener H′ Diversity. Importantly, the patterns of heterogeneity were scale dependent for the three spatial scales we examined; plots (20 m), sites (100s of m) and estuaries (<30 km). The three estuaries in the study were compositionally similar as they shared the same dominant taxa, although one estuary had significantly more taxa and a higher abundance of macrobenthos. Assemblages within tidal flats differed at scales of 100s of m for all ecological measures. Most notably, beta diversity was highest at this scale. Assemblages were relatively more homogeneous at the 20-m scale. These findings highlight the value of examining more than one ecological measure and estimating magnitude of effects across a variety of scales. This work presents two important considerations for MPAs. First, although tidal flats in different estuaries are compositionally similar for dominant taxa, rarer taxa and high heterogeneity in abundance should influence the choice and number of tidal flats in MPAs. Second, strong compositional heterogeneity within individual tidal flats implies that conservation of whole habitat, rather than sections of a tidal flat, is essential if this habitat type is to be used to represent taxonomic diversity.  相似文献   

We present a novel method for calculating the opportunity costs to fishers from their displacement by the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs). We used a fishing community in Kubulau District, Fiji to demonstrate this method. We modelled opportunity costs as a function of food fish abundance and probability of catch, based on gear type and market value of species. Count models (including Poisson, negative binomial and two zero-inflated models) were used to predict spatial abundance of preferred target fish species and were validated against field surveys. A profit model was used to investigate the effect of restricted access to transport on costs to fishers. Spatial distributions of fish within the three most frequently sighted food fish families (Acanthuridae, Lutjanidae, Scaridae) varied, with greatest densities of Lutjanidae and Acanthuridae on barrier forereefs and greatest densities of Scaridae on submerged reefs. Modelled opportunity cost indicated that highest costs to fishers arise from restricting access to the barrier forereefs. We included our opportunity cost model in Marxan, a decision support tool used for MPA design, to examine potential MPA configurations for Kubulau District, Fiji Islands. We identified optimum areas for protection in Kubulau with: (a) the current MPA network locked in place; and (b) a clean-slate approach. Our method of modelling opportunity cost gives an unbiased estimate for multiple gear types in a marine environment and can be applied to other regions using existing species data.  相似文献   

The study aims to examine the origin and development of land degradation with particular emphasis on badland and gully systems in the Sneeuberg uplands of the Great Karoo. This is an area of semiarid extensive stock farming where land degradation in the form of rill and gully erosion has accompanied the replacement of grassland by shrub vegetation. Species diversity has declined and ground cover has been reduced, leading to a positive feedback loop which exacerbates the degradation. Many foot slopes developed in shales, clays and colluvium have extensive, incipient badland development with closely spaced gullying up to 1.5 m deep. In valley-bottom and valley-side depression locations gullies up to 8 m deep have developed, usually cut to bedrock through valley fills of mainly Holocene colluvium. Both badlands and gullies appear to have developed since European settlement and to be part of the same hydrological system with extensive areas of bare ground (badlands) feeding water to incising gullies. Experiments using simulated rainfall throw some light on current processes. Badland areas are active under high-frequency, low-magnitude rainfall events. Major gullies are likely to be the result of occasional, high-magnitude events, but these have not been observed. Overgrazing in the past is the most likely cause of the degradation.  相似文献   

The fish fauna of mountain streams in the Jiri (440 km2) and Seorak (373 km2) National Park areas of South Korea was investigated from September 1998 to May 2001. A total of 5979 fish were collected and classified into 22 families and 60 species from both national parks. At Jiri, 30 species in 12 families of fishes were collected, while at Seorak there were 42 species in 17 families. Zacco temmincki [relative abundance (RA) 47.9%] was dominant at both parks. Subdominant species were Rhynchocypris kumkangensis (RA 10.8%), Zacco platypus (RA 9.4%), and Pungtungia herzi (RA 5.3%). A total of 20 species were found to be Korean endemic species, representing seven families. The relative abundance of Korean endemic species was higher at Seorak (30.5%) than Jiri (18.5%). One exotic species (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and two species translocated outside their native catchments (Hypomesus nipponensis and Coreoperca herzi) were collected. The proportion of Korean endemic freshwater fish species in both parks (33.3%) was higher than the overall proportion on the Korean peninsula (23.6%). Within the 14 South Korean mountain-area national parks as a whole, larger parks tend to have higher fish diversity. We conclude that South Korean national parks are important for conservation of the regional fish fauna, especially for endemic and endangered species. Current threats to conservation of fishes within South Korean national parks are identified and management solutions are suggested.  相似文献   

Protected areas are often proposed as tools for conserving endangered populations of marine megafauna. Our study area includes a voluntary no-entry reserve embedded within wider critical habitat for Threatened ‘northern resident’ killer whales under Canada’s Species at Risk Act. Our study quantified the reserve’s importance to whales by assessing habitat preference in a behavioural context, and population-level implications of that preference given threats from human activities, such as oil spills resulting from shipping traffic. We recorded summertime activities of whales from 1995 to 2002. Whales were observed on 397 of 530 (74.9%) days. Whales showed strong preference for the reserve over adjacent waters, and used it preferentially for feeding and beach-rubbing. While the area comprises ∼0.001% of the whales’ range, an overall average of 6.5% of the population was present each day. Frequently, >50% of this small population was aggregated in the restricted and heavily trafficked waterway of Johnstone Strait. Using the Potential Biological Removal equation, we calculated potential annual mortality limits (ML) of 2.2 animals. Mean group size in the area exceeded ML on 55.8% of days overall, and 98.8% of days when conditioning on whale presence. The whales’ high reliance on a trivial fraction of their range means that opportunities are routine for one stochastic, catastrophic event to cause population decline. On 20 August 2007, a barge loaded with ∼10,000 L of diesel sank in the area, exposing 25% of the population. This underscores the importance of identifying critical habitat for threatened populations, and ensuring meaningful protection.  相似文献   

Ants are increasingly being recognized as useful tools for land managers to monitor ecosystem conditions. However, despite an abundance of studies on ant responses to both environmental disturbance and land management techniques, an analysis of the practice and value of including ants in monitoring is lacking. Consequently, conservation managers are left with little guidance as to if, when, and how ants can be used to assess conservation activities. Based on our review of approximately 60 published studies, we outline five areas where ants provide valuable information for management-based monitoring: (1) to detect the presence of invasive species, (2) to detect trends among threatened or endangered species, (3) to detect trends among keystone species, (4) to evaluate land management actions, and (5) to assess long-term ecosystem changes. We also discuss practical considerations when designing a monitoring framework for ants, including appropriate methods, taxonomic resolution for sampling, and spatial and temporal scale. We find that when integrated with management goals, monitoring ants can provide information over the short-term on topics such as the status of invasive or keystone species, as well as over longer time frames, for instance the impact of climate change. Overall, we conclude that ants merit monitoring based on their inherent ecological qualities, independent of any “indicator” attributes they might have.  相似文献   

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