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The effects of grazing intensity on plant and insect diversity were examined in four different types of grassland (intensively and extensively cattle-grazed pastures, short-term and long-term ungrazed grassland; 24 study sites). Vegetation complexity (plant species richness, vegetation height, vegetation heterogeneity) was significantly higher on ungrazed grasslands compared to pastures but did not differ between intensively and extensively grazed pastures. However, insect species richness was higher on extensively than on intensively grazed pastures, established by suction sampling of four insect taxa (Auchenorrhyncha, Heteroptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera Parasitica). This may be due to intensive grazing disrupting plant-insect associations as predicted by a “trophic-level” hypothesis. Local persistence and small-scale recolonization of insects on plants appeared to be difficult in the highly disturbed environment of intensive grazing. Insect diversity increased across the four treatments in the following order: intensively grazed<extensively grazed<short-term ungrazed<long-term ungrazed. The major predictor variable of differences in species diversity was found to be vegetation height. Predator-prey ratios within the investigated insect groups were not affected by grazing intensity.  相似文献   

Socio-economically motivated land use changes are a major threat for species diversity of grasslands throughout the world. Here, we comprehensively explore how plant species diversity of grasslands in the species-rich cultural landscape of the Swiss Alps depends on recent land use changes, and, neglected in previous studies, on old cultural traditions. We studied diversity in 216 grassland parcels at three altitudinal levels in 12 villages of three cultural traditions (Romanic, Germanic, and Walser). In valleys of Romanic villages more different parcel types tended to occur than in those of Germanic and Walser villages, suggesting that socio-economic differences among cultural traditions still play a role in shaping landscape diversity. Moreover, at the village level, higher man-made landscape diversity was associated with higher plant species richness. All observed changes in land use reduced the farmers’ workload. Plant species richness was lower in fertilized than in unfertilized parcels and in abandoned compared with used parcels. Grazing slightly reduced species richness compared with mowing among unfertilized parcels, while in fertilized parcels it had a positive influence. The highest species diversity was found in mown unfertilized subalpine grasslands. Nevertheless, moderate grazing of former meadows can be a valuable alternative to abandonment. We conclude that the ongoing changes in land use reduce plant species richness within parcels and at the landscape level. To preserve plant species diversity at the landscape level a high diversity of land use types has to be maintained.  相似文献   

 Generally, grasslands are considered as sinks for atmospheric CH4, and N input as a factor which reduces CH4 uptake by soils. We aimed to assess the short- and long-term effects of a wide range of N inputs, and of grazing versus mowing, on net CH4 emissions of grasslands in the Netherlands. These grasslands are mostly intensively managed with a total N input via fertilisation and atmospheric deposition in the range of 300–500 kg N ha–1 year–1. Net CH4 emissions were measured with vented, closed flux chambers at four contrasting sites, which were chosen to represent a range of N inputs. There were no significant effects of grazing versus mowing, stocking density, and withholding N fertilisation for 3–9 years, on net CH4 emissions. When the ground-water level was close to the soil surface, the injection of cattle slurry resulted in a significant net CH4 production. The highest atmospheric CH4 uptake was found at the site with the lowest N input and the lowest ground-water level, with an annual CH4 uptake of 1.1 kg CH4 ha–1 year–1. This is assumed to be the upper limit of CH4 uptake by grasslands in the Netherlands. We conclude that grasslands in the Netherlands are a net sink of CH4, with an estimated CH4 uptake of 0.5 Gg CH4 year–1. At the current rates of total N input, the overall effect of N fertilisation on net CH4 emissions from grasslands is thought to be small or negligible. Received: 27 January 1998  相似文献   

生境特异性(habitat-specific)在维持生物多样性上发挥着重要作用。本研究旨在了解在区域景观中,不同类型生境对不同类群昆虫多样性的贡献及群落结构差异,从大尺度上探讨昆虫多样性分布格局和维持机制。于2019年8—9月,在西双版纳地区利用样线调查法,调查了保护区、次生林、人工林和农田4种生境中蝴蝶、蝽和甲虫的物种数、特有物种数,分析了昆虫群落的生境特异性指数、群落结构相似性及物种丰富度与生态因子的关系。共采集昆虫2588头,其中蝴蝶94种(744头),蝽197种(1094头),甲虫129种(750头),保护区的昆虫物种数和特有物种数均高于其余类型生境。保护区昆虫群落的生境特异性指数实测值高于期望值,而其余类型生境昆虫群落的生境特异性指数实测值均低于期望值;不同类型生境间,3个类群的昆虫群落汇总的生境特异性指数不存在显著差异(F_(3,57)=2.054),甲虫生境特异性指数差异显著(F_(3,55)=3.478),蝴蝶(F_(3,38)=1.504)和蝽类(F_(3,53)=1.153)生境特异性指数差异不显著。群落结构相似性分析显示,保护区和农田的3个类群昆虫群落汇总的群落结构差异显著;次生林和人工林的蝴蝶群落结构差异显著,保护区和次生林的蝽类群落结构差异显著,甲虫昆虫群落结构差异不显著。本研究还发现,只有生境类型对昆虫群落的物种丰富度产生的影响极显著(P0.01),而其他生态因子的影响不显著。在大尺度区域景观中,保护区对昆虫群落的多样性影响最大,生境类型与昆虫群落的物种丰富度密切相关,保护较好的天然林是维持区域昆虫群落分布格局和多样性的重要机制。  相似文献   

Zeller  V.  Bahn  M.  Aichner  M.  Tappeiner  U. 《Biology and Fertility of Soils》2000,31(5):441-448
 A field study was conducted to investigate the effect of abandonment of management on net N mineralization (NNM) in subalpine meadows. NNM, soil microbial biomass N (SMBN), fungal biomass and physicochemical characteristics (total C, total N, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and pH) were determined in surface (0–10 cm) soil from May to October 1997 in an intensively managed and an abandoned meadow at 1770 m a.s.l.. The cumulative NNM was lower in the abandoned area and ranged from 150 to 373 and from 25 to 85 μg N g–1 soil in the intensively managed and the abandoned areas, respectively. The total organic C increased in the abandoned area, while total N showed no difference between abandoned and managed meadow. SMBN showed no difference between the investigated sites, whereas ergosterol, a measure of fungal biomass, increased significantly at the abandoned site. The cumulative NNM was negatively correlated with total organic C, C : N ratio, DOC and ergosterol content, and positively correlated with the NH4 +-N content of soil. The decrease in NNM at the abandoned site may be explained by the lower availability of N in substrates characterized by a high C : N ratio which, together with a decrease in pH in the litter layer, may have increased fungal biomass. Received: 8 January 1999  相似文献   

Cultural methods such as crop fertilization can affect susceptibility of plants to insect pests by altering plant tissue nutrient levels. Research shows that the ability of a crop plant to resist or tolerate insect pests and diseases is tied to optimal physical, chemical and mainly biological properties of soils. Soils with high organic matter and active soil biology generally exhibit good soil fertility. Crops grown in such soils generally exhibit lower abundance of several insect herbivores, reductions that may be attributed to a lower nitrogen content in organically farmed crops. On the other hand, farming practices, such as excessive use of inorganic fertilizers, can cause nutrient imbalances and lower pest resistance. More studies comparing pest populations on plants treated with synthetic versus organic fertilizers are needed. Understanding the underlying effects of why organic fertilization appears to improve plant health may lead us to new and better integrated pest management and integrated soil fertility management designs.  相似文献   

Butterflies and burnet moths are a suitable model species group with which to analyse the general decline of invertebrate biodiversity over the last few decades. In this study, we analysed which ecological groups of butterflies and burnet moths are most affected and how the recent modifications of the landscape have influenced them. Therefore, we studied the species composition of seven calcareous grassland remnants in south-western Germany in 1972 and 2001. We observed a strong change in the community composition and a severe decline in species richness. In general, the incidence of the autochthonous non-ubiquitous species declined by more than 50%, whereas ubiquitous species showed no significant difference in numbers during this period. Especially affected by the decline were those species which need structured habitats, those which are poor dispersers, species which need habitat sizes of 16 ha and more, monophagous species, K strategists and Red Data Book species. Most probably, either habitat outside the reserves is affecting dynamics within the reserves or loss of habitat outside the protected areas has reduced the overall area and connectivity of habitat for some species, increasing extinction rates and reducing colonisation rates in metapopulations. We conclude that these negative trends can only be stopped or even reversed if the landscape structure is made less hostile for species with conservation interest.  相似文献   

Calcareous grasslands, most of which are man made and therefore depend on some kind of human interference for their maintenance, are among the most species-rich communities on Earth at a small scale. For many centuries, most of these grasslands have been used as extensive pasture. However, after 1900, and particularly from 1940 onwards, livestock grazing has declined throughout Europe leading to the abandonment of low intensity grasslands over large areas. To conserve the remaining grasslands or to restore recently abandoned grasslands, better insights about the effects of grassland management on above and belowground species diversity are needed. Here, we describe the results of an 11-year experiment to investigate the role of grassland management (grazing, mowing and abandonment) in determining species composition and diversity both in the aboveground vegetation and the seed bank of a calcareous grassland in Belgium. Species diversity declined by about 60% 11 years after abandonment, from 29 species m−2 to as few as 12 species m−2. Plots that were grazed remained constant in species richness, whereas mown sites lost about 20% of their original species. Abandoned plots were largely dominated by a few grass species, in particular Festuca rubra. Concomitant with changes in the aboveground vegetation, both the number of species found in the seed bank and seed density (number of seeds m−2) had changed significantly 11 years after abandonment. Species diversity and seed density were significantly lower in abandoned plots than in grazed or mown plots. We conclude that abandonment of calcareous grasslands may lead to rapid decline of plant species diversity both in the aboveground vegetation and in the seed bank. As a result, seed banks probably have a limited role to play in the restoration of recently abandoned grasslands.  相似文献   

South African grasslands support a rich flora that is attracting growing conservation interest. Fire has long been used to manage grasslands for livestock production. However, there is very little information on the effects of fire on forb diversity to help guide conservation management. We studied plant diversity at scales of 1 and 100 m2 in three long-term burning experiments in mesic, montane and semi-arid grasslands, respectively, to explore forb responses to different fire regimes. Though the dominant grasses were strongly influenced by season and frequency of fire, forb diversity showed no consistent trends. Ordination results showed that forb composition varied less with fire treatment than with local site conditions. Forbs in all three grasslands seem remarkably resilient to fire. However, all three sites showed large compositional changes if fires were excluded for about 10 or more years, with the replacement of many species by a suite of, mostly, woody species. Patterns of beta-diversity sampled in the montane grassland, showed somewhat different patterns, with species turnover increasing with inter-fire interval. Our results indicate that most forb species tolerate a wider range of season and frequency of fires than the dominant grasses. However, to accommodate those species with low tolerance of frequent fires, parts of the landscape will require less frequent fires.  相似文献   

Recent changes in agriculture (intensification or abandonment) have resulted in a critical reduction of semi-natural grasslands in Eastern Europe. Subalpine semi-natural grasslands in Transylvania, Romania, harbour a high diversity of plants and invertebrates, including endemics, and are considered refugia for numerous threatened open-land species. We investigated effects of land abandonment by examining species richness, species abundance, proportion of open-land, endemic and threatened vascular plants, gastropods, and diurnal and nocturnal Lepidoptera in extensive hay meadows (initial stage), and three seral stages of succession (early stage of abandoned hay meadow, naturally growing birch forest, and mature forest) in the mountainous region of Baisoara in Transylvania. A total of 626 species (225 vascular plants, 16 gastropods, 68 diurnal and 317 nocturnal Lepidoptera) were found in the 16 study sites (four replicates per successional stage). The four taxonomic groups differed in their response to the abandonment of hay meadows. Each stage of succession harboured the maximum species richness for one taxonomic group: extensive hay meadows for vascular plants, abandoned hay meadows for diurnal Lepidoptera, birch forests for nocturnal Lepidoptera, and mature forests for gastropods. In all four taxonomic groups the complementarity of species composition increased with successional age, whereas the number of characteristic open-land species decreased with successional age. The four successional stages did not differ in proportion of red-listed plant and diurnal Lepidoptera species. In nocturnal Lepidoptera, however, the proportion of red-listed species increased with successional age. Furthermore, successional stages did not differ in number of plant species endemic to the Carpathians and Eastern Europe. Our results indicate the high conservation value of all stages of subalpine grassland succession for the indigenous biodiversity of Transylvania. To prevent losses of characteristic species, we suggest a rotational grassland management program that maintains different successional stages.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2006,31(1-2):73-82
A study was undertaken to determine if cattle grazing on managed grasslands had an impact on the microbial community composition of soils. Microbial community molecular profiles of bacteria, actinomycetes, pseudomonads and fungi were generated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of rDNA sequences from community DNA isolated from soils. PCR products were profiled using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and analysed by principal co-ordinate analysis. PCR–DGGE profiles indicated that cattle grazing had an impact on the pseudomonad community structure only, and that the addition of inorganic nitrogen (N) fertiliser impacted on bacterial, actinomycete and pseudomonad community structure. There was no difference in the community profiles of fungi from grazed and N fertilised grassland plots. Analysis of phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles revealed that both cattle grazing and N fertiliser impacted on microbial community structure. The abundance of individual PLFAs differed between treatments, with bacterial (15:0), actinomycete (10Me18:0) and fungal (18:2ω6) PLFAs not affected directly by grazing cattle and N fertiliser, however, there were significant grazing–fertiliser interactions. Bacterial plate counts were highest in the N fertilised plots and fungal plate counts were highest in the cattle grazed plots. Analysis of molecular microbial community profiles with PLFA and background soil data revealed several significant correlations. Notably, soil pH was positively correlated with PCO1 of the pseudomonad community profiles and negatively correlated with the fungal PLFA 18:2ω6. Fungal DGGE profiles were negatively correlated with the fungal PLFA 18:2ω6, and bacterial and fungal plate counts positively correlated with each other. Correlation analysis using PC1 from PLFA profile data showed no significant relationship with soil organic matter, pH, total C and total N. The results indicate that cattle grazing and N fertiliser addition to grasslands impact on the community composition of specific groups of micro-organisms. The consequences of such changes in population structure may have implications regarding the dynamics of nutrient turnover in soils.  相似文献   

The decline of insectivorous farmland passerines has been attributed mostly to global decrease in arthropod availability, as a result of intensification of agricultural practices. The diminution of the Alpine Whinchat, once a widespread insectivorous passerine, has been ascribed to nest losses due to earlier and more frequent mowings. However, potential conjugated effects of deteriorated arthropod food availability had yet to be investigated. We compared food supply and nestling diet in intensively vs. traditionally managed grassland. Abundance and diversity of arthropods were much lower in intensive areas, where small-sized invertebrates, which do not enter nestling diet, were also predominant. Parents breeding in intensive habitats fed less biomass to nestlings than adults from traditional habitats. Nestling diet was less diverse and dominated by less profitable prey items in intensive than in traditional habitats. Feeding rate did not differ between the two habitats, but foraging distances from nest tended to be greater in intensive farmland. There were no significant differences in clutch sizes and hatching success with respect to management intensity, but fledging success was higher in traditional habitats. The recent intensification of farming practices has led to a decrease in the availability of grassland invertebrates, and of important Whinchat nestling food in particular, affecting parents’ foraging efficiency and reproductive success. Conservation actions must not only reduce nest losses by postponing mowing, but should also promote grassland farming that is less detrimental to invertebrates. Dominant at the study site, organic grassland farming does seemingly not provide sufficient conditions for Alpine Whinchats.  相似文献   

Woody linear features of farmlands have received much attention as pools of diversity in European countries, but they have, in comparison, been little considered in eastern North American ecological studies. Here, we evaluate the relative contribution of environmental conditions, history of management practices within hedgerows, and adjacent land-use on herb and shrub species distribution in woody hedgerows of agricultural landscapes of southern Quebec, Canada. We pay particular attention to the distribution of forest herbs and weed species and identify the main factors that explain their presence. We also evaluate the amount of spatial structuring in the species data and explanatory variables.Our results show significant differences in species composition related to the unique influence of all sets of factors considered. Adjacent land-use (from intensive crop to fallow land) remains the best predictor of overall species distribution, followed by environmental conditions and history of management practices. The probability of finding forest herbs in hedgerows increases as intensity of adjacent agricultural practices (from intensive crop to fallow land) decreases. Potential weed species, on the other hand, are more likely to be found within narrow hedgerows adjacent to the more intensively managed fields. We discuss the results in terms of the interactions between the different determinants of plant diversity in hedgerows and demonstrate the necessity to distinguish between multiple structuring factors to devise proper conservation strategies. Such strategies will have to take into account the ecological as well as the agricultural exploitation context in which linear features are found to be effective.  相似文献   

Prior to the onset of extensive grazing and clearing for agriculture, riparian floodplains of southeastern Arizona, USA, historically supported large grassland communities dominated by Sporobolus wrightii Munro ex Scribn., big sacaton grass. Large-scale abandonment of agricultural operations has occurred in this region in the past 50 years, but natural re-establishment of big sacaton into abandoned fields has typically been slow. This study assesses whether arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) may be one factor in recovery rates of abandoned fields within three riparian areas in southeastern Arizona (San Pedro river, the Babocomari river and Cienega creek). In each riparian area, soil samples were collected along paired 100 m transects, one in an extant grassland and one in a neighboring abandoned agricultural field. At one site (San Pedro), a third transect was established in a second adjoining abandoned agricultural field to enable comparisons between fields showing differing rates of recovery at a single site. Roots were assessed for mycorrhizal colonization using the modified intercept method and the modified mean infection percentage (MIP) method was used to determine inoculum potential of each soil sample. No significant differences were found between the levels of mycorrhizal colonization in roots collected from the grassland and those collected from the abandoned field for any of the sample sites. Levels of colonization did differ among the three sample sites, with higher levels seen at the San Pedro site than at the Babocomari and Cienega sites. With one exception, MIPs were greater in the soil from the abandoned agricultural field than in the soil from the nearby grassland. In the exception, no difference was detected in inoculum potentials at the San Pedro site between the paired grassland and the abandoned field that had the lower level of sacaton recovery. MIPs were also greater in the soil from the abandoned agricultural field at Babocomari, where Salsola tragus L. growth for cattle feed was promoted by discing every 3–4 years. These results indicate that higher inoculum potentials in abandoned fields were not always linked to the high levels of recovery of native vegetation.  相似文献   

In the coastal grasslands of western France, extensive mixed grazing by cattle and horses has been practised for many centuries. The vegetation of these old embanked grasslands varies along a topographical gradient with a hygrophilous plant community in low-lying depressions seasonally flooded, a mesophilous community on high level flats that are never flooded, and a meso-hygrophilous community on slopes where the soil remains saline. Recently, fewer horses have been grazed on these pastures and so a 6-year study was designed to investigate the effects of monospecific and mixed grazing by horses and cattle on plant community structure, composition and diversity. Mixed grazing produced the most species-rich and structurally diverse swards. Mixed grazing enhanced the development of rosette, sub-halophyte and halophyte species where the soil is saline, due to additive effects between the two herbivore species. Mixed grazing also limited the strongly competitive Elymus repens and Agrostis stolonifera on horse latrine areas, cattle grazing, thus showing a compensatory effect. The combination of additive and compensatory effects with mixed grazing could be used to manage plant diversity, heterogeneity in vegetation structure and communities of conservation value at the scale of the grassland ecosystem.  相似文献   

Human activity has induced a multitude of global changes that are likely to affect the functioning of ecosystems. Although these changes act in concert, studies on interactive effects are scarce. Here, we conducted a laboratory microcosm experiment to explore the impacts of temperature (9, 12 and 15 °C), changes in soil humidity (moist, dry) and plant diversity (1, 4, 16 species) on soil microbial activity and litter decomposition.We found that changes in litter decomposition did not mirror impacts on microbial measures indicating that the duration of the experiment (22 weeks) may not have been sufficient to determine the full magnitude of global change effects. However and notably, changes in temperature, humidity and plant litter diversity/composition affected in a non-additive way the microbial parameters investigated. For instance, microbial metabolic efficiency increased with plant diversity in the high moisture treatment but remained unaffected in low moisture treatment suggesting that climate changes may mask beneficial effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning. Moreover, litter decomposition was unaffected by plant litter diversity/composition but increased with increasing temperature in the high moisture treatment, and decreased with increasing temperature in the low moisture treatment.We conclude that it is inevitable to perform complex experiments considering multiple global change agents in order to realistically predict future changes in ecosystem functioning. Non-additive interactions highlight the context-dependency of impacts of single global change agents.  相似文献   

以往的研究表明有机管理有利于生物多样性保护,但在不同农业生境类型中是否都存在这个结论呢?基于此问题,本研究在一个多生境的有机管理农场与一个相邻的多生境常规集约化管理农区,采用陷阱法进行蜘蛛取样,对比有机和常规管理措施下大棚菜地、果园、稻田田埂、露天田块及农田边界等5种生境类型的农田蜘蛛多样性的差异,并分析土壤因子对蜘蛛多样性的影响。研究发现:1)有机管理与常规管理的蜘蛛物种数没有显著差异,但有机管理的果园中蜘蛛个体数比常规管理的果园中多139%,且差异显著。同一管理措施下,仅常规管理农田区的农田边界蜘蛛个体数和物种数分别显著高于其他生境均值104%和59%。2)有机管理农场比常规管理农田的蜘蛛物种组成差异略大,且在有机管理下不同生境间的蜘蛛群落组成差异更明显。3)土壤因子中有机质、全氮、全磷含量等对蜘蛛群落结构有显著影响,但对蜘蛛个体数和物种数没有显著影响,仅土壤Cu含量和蜘蛛个体数呈显著负相关。在本研究中虽然有机管理和土壤因子对蜘蛛多样性有一定影响,但不同生境间管理强度、植被结构等差异对蜘蛛多样性的影响更大。因此,发展多种农业生境类型的有机农业可提升物种β多样性。同时,在常规集约化管理农区,保留农田边界等半自然生境、适当减少化肥和农药等投入、降低农田内部的管理强度、防止土壤重金属污染等措施均有助于保护蜘蛛多样性。  相似文献   

Wind erosion and dust storms are common phenomena in the semi-arid Xilingele grassland (Inner Mongolia) and contribute considerably to matter balances. Dust emission and dust deposition affect particles of the silt and clay fraction and the organic matter predominantly, the carriers for nutrients in soils. Based on wind erosion measurements in spring 2005 and 2006 the organic carbon and total nitrogen contents of dust were analyzed to determine the contribution of wind erosion processes on C- and N-ratios to the grasslands.  相似文献   

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