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In laboratory incubations, the time to 50% loss of napropamide was approximately 60; 21 and 8 days in soil treated for the first, second and third time respectively. In a survey of soils from commercial fields, there was evidence that enhanced biodegradation of the compound had been induced by normal field applications—in some soils by a single previous treatment. Confirmation of the observations of rapid rates of loss in pre-treated soil was obtained in experiments with three formulations of napropamide. The rate of degradation in enhanced soils was unaffected by treatment of the soils with the antifungal antibiotic cycloheximide, but was inhibited by the antibacterial antibiotic chloramphenicol. Mixed bacterial cultures able to degrade the herbicide were obtained from three rapid-degrading soils by enrichment culture. Isolates from two of them were able to degrade the herbicide in pure culture. These bacteria have, as yet, not been characterised.  相似文献   

The extent of enhanced degradation of the herbicide carbetamide declined over time after herbicide application was discontinued. The kinetics of carbetamide degradation were determined in the same soil for three consecutive years (1994–96) after single annual applications from 1989 to 1992. The DT50 of carbetamide increased from 5.4 d in 1994 to 10.2 d in 1996. However, this was still less than the DT50 in previously untreated soil (23–44 d). A most probable number (MPN) assay demonstrated a link between carbetamide degradation rate and the numbers of micro-organisms capable of carbetamide mineralization. Degradation of six other herbicides was assayed in the carbetamide-pretreated and the previously untreated soils. Propham was the only herbicide which degraded more rapidly in the soil with a history of carbetamide application. Rapid degradation of chlorpropham, a herbicide structurally similar to carbetamide and propham, and propyzamide, a herbicide with similar mode of action and weed control spectrum, was not observed. The results suggest that enhanced biodegradation of carbetamide can be managed by less frequent carbetamide application as a part of a herbicide rotation involving compounds which are structurally dissimilar.  相似文献   

Enhanced biodegradation of ethoprophos was evident in a soil from a previously treated field in Northern Greece. However, enhanced biodegradation was specific to ethoprophos and there was no cross‐enhancement leading to rapid degradation for any of the other organophosphorus (cadusafos, fenamiphos, fonofos, isazofos) or carbamate (aldicarb, oxamyl) nematicides registered in Greece for the control of potato cyst nematodes. Studies with radio‐labelled ethoprophos showed that the adapted microflora in the soil from the previously treated field was able to degrade [propyl‐1‐14C]ethoprophos rapidly and mineralized about 60% of the initially applied nematicide. When [ethyl‐1‐14C] ethoprophos was applied, the reduction in extractable radioactivity in the previously treated soil was coupled with evolution of lower amounts of [14C] carbon dioxide and was similar to the amounts produced from the previously untreated soils. It is suggested that degradation of ethoprophos in the soil from the previously treated field proceeds via hydrolysis of the P‐S bond in the ‐S‐propyl moiety of the ethoprophos molecule, which is then further mineralized by the adapted micro‐organisms. Enhanced biodegradation of ethoprophos in this specific previously treated soil in Northern Greece and under the local environmental conditions was still evident two years after the last ethoprophos field application. It appears that, once established, enhanced biodegradation of ethoprophos can be quite stable. A possible solution to this problem might be the introduction of a rotation scheme where other nematicides like fenamiphos, cadusafos, aldicarb or oxamyl are used as alternatives with ethoprophos application restricted to only once every three or four years. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Soil fumigations with metam-sodium in the field were simulated with computation models. The results were expressed in the concentration-time product (dose) for methyl isothiocyanate, the active conversion product of metam-sodium.Adequate nematode control with peaty soils will be difficult as a result of the greater extent of adsorption and dilution, and seems only possible under somewhat drier soil conditions. Injection as a line gives less favourable dose patterns than injection as a plane, particularly with the wider shank spacings and when soil is not pre-cultivated to injection depth.The duration of the period with after-effects may range from a few weeks to several months. Soil temperature is the main factor in this respect, which is related to the predominance of methyl isothiocyanate decomposition as compared with the other decay processes.Samenvatting De combinatie van rekenmodellen met basisgegevens over diffusie, verdeling over de fasen en afbraak maakt het mogelijk voorspellingen te doen over het afzonderlijke effect van elk der belangrijke factoren bij grondontsmetting met metam-natrium. De effectiviteit werd vergeleken aan de hand van de concentratie-tijd produkten van het actieve omzettingsprodukt methyl isothiocyanaat.In een simulatie serie werd de factor organische-stof gehalte van de grond gevariëerd. Daarbij bleek dat het moeilijk zal zijn om bij venige zandgronden (dalgronden) een voldoende bestrijding van nematoden te bereiken (Fig. 1). Het beste effect is nog te verwachten onder wat drogere bodemomstandigheden.Gesimuleerd werd ook de injectie van metam-natrium als lijn, zoals dat bij tandinjectie voorkomt. De positie van de iso-dosis lijnen werd vergeleken met de positie bij injectie als een vlak met een schaar- of ploeg-injecteur (Fig. 2 en 3). Vooral bij een ruime tandafstand en het weglaten van voorbewerking tot de injectiediepte is het dosispatroon bij tandinjectie ongunstiger.De duur van de periode met nawerking kan variëren van enkele weken tot verscheidene maanden. Het vochtgehalte van de grond heeft hierop enige invloed. De belangrijkste factor is hier echter de bodemtemperatuur (Fig. 4 en 5), omdat de afbraak van methyl isothiocyanaat bij hogere temperaturen aanzienlijk sneller verloopt. Naast de afbraak als belangrijkste verdwijningsproces, is er ook nog wat vervluchtiging aan het bodemoppervlak. De diffusie naar diepere lagen is uiterst beperkt, maar er moet wel rekening worden gehouden met de kans op uitspoelen onder natte en koude omstandigheden. Ook met het oog op de nevenwerkingen moet gestreefd worden naar een zo vroeg mogelijke toepassing in de zomer of in het begin van de herfst.  相似文献   

The microbial degradation of [14C]paraquat using cultures from two agricultural soils was investigated. The experiments were carried out in the absence of light, under aerobic conditions. Degradation was rapid, with 50% mineralisation to [14C]carbon dioxide occurring within three weeks. HPLC, capillary electrophoresis and mass spectroscopy confirmed that the majority (>85%) of the remaining radiochemical in solution was [14C]oxalic acid, and that no paraquat remained.  相似文献   

本研究旨在科学评价威百亩熏蒸对土壤微生物生态系统的影响,为环境友好型消毒剂的选择提供理论线索。本研究以实验室威百亩熏蒸的土壤为材料,通过高通量测序技术,研究威百亩熏蒸对土壤细菌群落的影响及熏蒸后土壤微生物群落重建及功能修复的机制。结果表明:高通量测序总共测得1 062 241个高质量序列,共比对出5 882个细菌分类单元(OTUs)。熏蒸处理后不同阶段土壤细菌群落结构在门水平上较为类似,但是在种水平差异显著。威百亩熏蒸处理对微生物群落结构和功能造成很大影响,使得细菌群落α多样性、群落构建的驱动因素、共发生网络关系以及碳水化合物代谢、氨基酸代谢、能量代谢等代谢活性在熏蒸处理后的初、中期阶段表现出上升或者下降的趋势,并在处理后的中后期迅速恢复并趋于平稳。以上结果表明,威百亩处理对细菌群落造成强烈的“生态扰动”,导致细菌群落表现出“抑制-激活-恢复”的阶段性特征。微生物群落的稳定性与群落的抵抗力和恢复力密切相关。本研究为科学评价威百亩土壤消毒对土壤微生态系统的影响提供理论支撑,为环境友好型消毒剂的选择提供线索。  相似文献   

Carbofuran was incubated in top‐soil and sub‐soil samples from a pesticide‐free site at a range of initial concentrations from 0.1 to 10 mg kg−1. Amounts of the incubated soils were removed at intervals over the subsequent 12 months, and the rate of degradation of a second carbofuran dose at 10 mg kg−1 was assessed. An applied concentration as low as 0.1 mg kg−1 to top‐soil resulted in more rapid degradation of the fresh addition of carbofuran for at least 12 months. The degree of enhancement was generally more pronounced with the higher initial concentrations. When the same study was conducted in sub‐soil samples from the same site, an initial dose of carbofuran at 0.1 mg kg−1 resulted in only small increases in rates of degradation of a second carbofuran dose. However, degradation rates in the sub‐soil samples were, in many instances, considerably greater than in the corresponding top‐soil samples, irrespective of pre‐treatment concentration or pre‐incubation period. Initial doses of 0.5 mg kg−1 and higher applied to sub‐soil successfully activated the sub‐soil microflora. Application of the VARLEACH model to simulate carbofuran movement through the soil profile indicated that approximately 0.01 mg kg−1 of carbofuran may reach a depth of 70 cm 400 days after a standard field application. The results therefore imply that adaptation of the sub‐soil microflora (c 1 m depth) by normal field rate applications of carbofuran is unlikely to occur. In experiments to investigate this in soils exposed to carbofuran in the field, there was no apparent relationship between top‐soil exposure and degradation rates in the corresponding sub‐soils. The results further confirmed that some sub‐soil samples have an inherent capacity for rapid biodegradation of carbofuran. The high levels of variability observed between replicates in some of the sub‐soil samples were attributed to the uneven distribution of a low population of carbofuran‐degrading micro‐organisms in sub‐surface soil. There was no apparent relationship between soil microbial biomass and degradation rates within or between top‐soil and sub‐soil samples. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Soils were collected from a potato-growing area in Serres, Northern Greece, where the nematicide ethoprophos was reported to have lost its effectiveness against cyst nematodes following 30 years of regular use. Incubation studies with ethoprophos and two bioassays using root-knot nematodes demonstrated that, in this heavily treated soil, the nematicide was degraded rapidly and nematicidal activity persisted only up to 14 days. In soil from an adjacent field with no known history of nematicide use during the preceding 14 years, ethoprophos was degraded more slowly and retained its nematicidal activity for more than 35 days. Ethoprophos efficacy was extended when the soil that had been treated in the field was autoclaved, although the effect was only transitory. The addition of ‘pre-conditioned’ soil from the previously treated field to samples of soil from the previously untreated field resulted in a significant acceleration of ethoprophos degradation compared with that observed in unamended soil from the previously untreated field. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

In field experiments to investigate the effect of repeated application of eight herbicides on their persistence in the soil, the rates of loss of metribuzin, metolachlor and isoproturon were shown to be unaffected by up to three previous doses of the same herbicide. With linuron, there was a small but significant enhancement of biodegradation by two or more previous applications. The persistence of monolinuron, propyzamide and metamitron was shorter in plots that had been treated once, twice or three times previously than in plots treated for the first time, but the effects were often small. In the case of napropamide, rates of loss were considerably increased by a single previous dose. In laboratory experiments with soil from the field plots, there was again no evidence of enhanced biodegradation of metribuzin, metolachlor or isoproturon. However, the rate of linuron degradation was enhanced by a single application. This effect was most marked after 12 weeks, but had disappeared by 57 weeks after initial treatment of the soil in the field. Considerable enhancement of monolinuron, propyzamide and metamitron degradation rates was also observed. The effects were again most pronounced after 12 weeks; however, with these compounds, they were still apparent more than 1 year later. Enhancement of napropamide biodegradation was most stable when assessed in laboratory incubations; the effects from a single pretreatment were still apparent more than 12 months later. Etudes complementaires de la degradation accélerée de certains herbicides appliques au sol Dans des essais de plein champ conduits pour etudier 1'influence d'applications répetées de 8 herbicides sur leur persistance dans le sol, les taux de perte de métribuzine, métolachlor et isoproturon n'ont pas été affectés jusqu'à 3 applications précédentes du même herbicide. Avec le linuron, il y a eu une faible mais significative augmentation de la dégradation aprés 2 ou 3 applications. La persistance du monolinuron, de la propyzamide et de la métamitrone éiait plus courte dans les parcelles déjà traitées une, deux ou trois fois que dans celles traitées pour la premiére fois, mais les effets étaient souvent faibles. Avec la napropromide, les taux ont été considérablement accrus aprés une seule application. Dans des essais de laboratoire avec du sol venant des parcelles de plein champ, il n'y a pas eu de nouveau d'accélération de la biodégradation pour la métribuzine, le métolachlor ou 1'isoproturon. Cependant, la dégradation du linuron a été renforcée par une seule application. Cet effet a été plus fort qu'aprés 12 semaines, mais a disparu 57 semaines aprés le traitement du sol au champ. Un accroissement important de la dégradation du monolinuron, de la propyzamide et de la métamitrone a étéégalement observé Les effets étaient de nouveau maxima aprés 12 semaines; cependant avec ces produits, ils étaient encore apparent une année plus tard. L'accé1ération de la biodégradation de la napropromide était la plus stable dans les observations de laboratoire; les effets d'une seule application étaient encore apparents plus de 12 mois plus tard. Weitere Untersuchungen zum beschleunigten Abbau von Bodenherbiziden In Feldversuchen zur Persistenz von 8 Herbiziden bei wiederholter Ausbringung ging bei Metribuzin, Metolachlor und Isoproturon nach 3-maliger Ausbringung desselben Herbizids die Verlustrate nicht zurück. Bei Linuron war der mikrobielle Abbau nach 2 oder mehr Vorbehandlungen nur leicht, aber signifikant erhöht. Die Persistenz von Monolinuron, Propyzamid und Metamitron war bei l-, 2- oder 3-maliger Vorbehandlung geringer als bei erstmaliger Behandlung, doch waren die Wirkungen oft klein. Bei Napropamid erhöhte sich die Verlustrate bereits nach einer Vorbehandlung beträchtlich. Auch in Laborversuchen mit Böden aus den Freilandparzellen konnte bei Metribuzin, Metolachlor und Isoproturon kein verstärkter mikrobieller Abbau nachgewiesen werden. Bei Linuron dagegen erhöhte sich die Abbaurate schon nach einmaliger Applikation. Diese Wirkung war nach 12 Wochen am deutlichsten ausgeprägt, verschwand jedoch nach 57 Wochen nach dem Behandlungstermin. Eine erheblich größere Abbaurate wurde auch bei Monolinuron, Propyzamid und Metamitron beobachtet, am deutlichsten nach 12 Wochen, aber auch noch nach mehr als l Jahr. Bei Napropamid war die Verstärkung der Biodegradation im Labor am bestRaUndigsten; die Wirkungen einmaliger Vorbehandlungen bestanden noch nach mehr als 1 Jahr.  相似文献   

The effects of metam-sodium application rate on soil residence time, spatial and temporal distributions of methyl isothiocyanate and pest control efficacy were studied in a Georgia sandy soil. Metam-sodium 420 g L(-1) SL was drip applied at rates of 147 and 295 L ha(-1) in plastic-mulched raised beds. Methyl isothiocyanate concentrations in soil air space were monitored from four preselected sites: 10 and 20 cm below the emitter, and 20 and 30 cm laterally away from the emitter at 3, 12, 24, 48, 72, 120 and 240 h after chemigation. A higher rate of metam-sodium application resulted in higher methyl isothiocyanate concentrations in the soil. Highest methyl isothiocyanate concentrations were found at 20 cm below the emitter, and lowest at 30 cm laterally away from the emitter. Methyl isothiocyanate concentrations decreased with time and distance from the emitter. Lower methyl isothiocyanate concentration x time product values at 20 and 30 cm away from the emitter resulted in lower mortalities of Rhizoctonia solani Kühn and yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus L.). The results demonstrated that methyl isothiocyanate can be delivered at lethal doses with drip-applied water downward within the beds. Lateral diffusion of methyl isothiocyanate from the point of application did not reach biologically active concentrations to affect the survival of R. solani or yellow nutsedge. Further studies on the lateral distribution of methyl isothiocyanate in sandy soils are needed to circumvent this limitation.  相似文献   

Among 15 soils with different cropping practices, seven which had an history of repeated atrazine applications showed accelerated degradation of this herbicide. By contrast, grassland or agricultural soils with no recorded atrazine application, at least for the last three years, had a low degradation potential. No direct relation was found between the rate of atrazine mineralisation and the size of the microbial biomass. In adapted soils, the amounts of extractable residues were lowered and the very high percentages of radioactivity from [ring-14C]atrazine recovered as [14C]carbon dioxide demonstrated that N-dealkylation and deamidation were the only processes for micro-organisms to derive carbon and energy for heterotrophic growth. Kinetics of microbial 14C accumulation revealed that atrazine ring carbon could be incorporated by direct oxidative condensation with structural components of the bacterial or fungal cell whereas side-chain carbon was preferentially used for biosynthesis of new protoplasmic cell material, as confirmed by the high turnover rate of radiolabelled microbial components. From the determination of the Michaelis–Menten parameters, Vm and Km in the presence of different selective biocides, it was possible to conclude that fungi were probably less active in atrazine degradation than bacteria and that over years the microbial atrazine-degrading community showed an increased efficiency. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Farmers have been fighting weeds and pests since the beginnings of agriculture, but the impacts of invasive alien species (IAS) on native species, habitats and ecosystem services have only been brought to the world's attention relatively recently. Invasive plants, also known as environmental weeds, constitute an insidious 'biological pollution'. Unlike many other types of pollution, they are not diluted in time but, on the contrary, can expand in numbers, density and geographical extent – often exponentially. This paper illustrates an increasing ability to fight back, using a number of case studies of good management practice, including prevention, ecosystem approaches, adaptive management and stakeholder involvement. It identifies some of the challenges inherent in managing IAS in complex situations and identifies areas where weed scientists and other researchers can increase their contributions. Crucially, communities, conservation groups, NGOs and agencies undertaking prevention and management activities need ready access to science-based biological and ecological information about target species, prevention strategies and management techniques, as well as case studies from other regions facing similar problems. Information exchange is a key component of effective responses to biological invasions. A number of global-scale information exchange mechanisms are described.  相似文献   

Pesticide and nitrate contamination of soil and groundwater from agriculture is an environmental and public health concern worldwide. Simazine, 6-chloro-N2,N4-diethyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine, is a triazine herbicide used in agriculture for selective weed control with several types of crops and it is frequently applied to soils receiving N-fertilizers. Degradation experiments were performed in the laboratory to assess whether the biodegradation of simazine in soil may be influenced by the presence of urea. Simazine degradation rates under different experimental conditions (presence/absence of urea, microbiologically active/sterilized soil) were assessed together with the formation, degradation and transformation of its main metabolites in soil. Simazine degradation was affected by the presence of urea, in terms both of a smaller half-life (t(1/2)) and of a higher amount of desethyl-simazine formed. The soil bacterial community was also studied. Microbial abundances were determined by epifluorescence direct counting. Moreover in situ hybridization with rRNA-targeted fluorescent oligonucleotide probes was used to analyze the bacterial community structure. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to detect specific groups of bacteria such as the alpha,beta,gamma-subdivisions of Proteobacteria, Gram-positive bacteria with a high G + C DNA content, Planctomycetes, Betaproteobacterial ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and nitrifying bacteria. The presence of the herbicide and/or urea affected the bacterial community structure, showing that FISH is a valuable tool for determining the response of bacterial populations to different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Herbicide degradation in soils is highly temperature‐dependent. Laboratory incubations and field experiments are usually conducted with soils from the temperate climatic zone. Few data are available for cold conditions and the validation of approaches to correct the degradation rate at low temperatures representative of Nordic environments is scarce. Laboratory incubation studies were conducted at 5, 15 and 28°C to compare the influence of temperature on the dissipation of metribuzin in silt/sandy loam soils in southern and northern Norway and in a sandy loam soil under temperate climate in France. Using 14C‐labelled metribuzin, sorption and biodegradation were studied over an incubation period of 49 days. Metribuzin mineralisation and total soil organic carbon mineralisation rates showed a positive temperature response in all soils. Metribuzin mineralisation was low, but metabolites were formed and their abundance depended on temperature conditions. The rate of dissipation of 14C‐metribuzin from soil pore water was strongly dependent on temperature. In Nordic soils with low organic content, metribuzin sorption is rather weak and biodegradation is the most important process controlling its mobility and persistence.  相似文献   

Soil adjacent to new brick veneer work is likely to have a higher pH owing to the mixture of cement with the soil. In the Gainesville, FL, area, soil samples taken from such locations had a range of pH values from 9.0 to 10.1; similar soils used in bioassays had a pH of 5.6 before the addition of cement. Addition of 15 mg of Portland cement to 33 g of soil increased the pH to 6, and addition of 291 mg of Portland cement increased the pH to 9. The pH of soil amended with cement was stable for the first 5 months. After 10 months, soil pH values decreased from alkaline to near neutral in all cases. Eastern subterranean termite workers, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar), were exposed to the treated soil at pH 6-9 for 24 h, and percentage mortality was recorded at 5 days, 5 months and 10 months. Termite mortality significantly decreased at higher soil pHs for bifenthrin, chlorpyrifos, fipronil and imidacloprid treatments at 5 months and similarly for bifenthrin, permethrin, chlorpyrifos, fipronil and imidacloprid treatments at 10 months. There was an inverse linear relationship between soil pH and mortality. Increased soil pH diminished residual activity of termiticide in the following order: imidacloprid > fipronil > chlorpyrifos = bifenthrin > permethrin > cypermethrin.  相似文献   

保护地土壤盐分积累及其离子组成对土壤pH值的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在沈阳市于洪地区采集保护地土壤样品,测定土壤盐分含量、离子组成和土壤pH值,研究保护地土壤盐分积累及其与土壤pH值变化的关系.结果表明:(1) 保护地土壤的盐分含量和电导率均明显高于露地土壤,露地土壤平均盐分含量为0.29 g/kg,改为保护地10年左右土壤的平均含盐量上升至1.56 g/kg,相应的电导率(EC)值达到0.53 mS/cm,已超过作物的生育障碍临界点(EC>0.50 mS/cm);(2) 保护地土壤酸化趋势明显,建成保护地栽培蔬菜6年,土壤pH值从6.5降低至5.5以下,超过了蔬菜出现生理障碍的临界土壤pH值(5.52),保护地土壤酸化与土壤的次生盐渍化已成为限制当地保护地生产可持续发展的重要因素;(3) 保护地土壤NO3-、SO42-、Cl-和Ca2+、Mg2+、K+、Na+等盐基离子含量均较露地土壤大大增加,但HCO3-低于露地土壤或与露地土壤持平,NO3-、SO42-数量与土壤pH值下降关系密切,Ca2+、Na+在全盐中的相对比例下降也是导致土壤pH值下降的重要原因.  相似文献   

The effects of soil pH on rates of degradation of iprodione and vinclozolin were measured in a silty clay loam soil. Little degradation of either fungicide occurred at pH 4.3 or 5.0, and degradation at pH 5.7 was slower than at pH 6.5. In both of the higher-pH soils, the rate of loss of a second application of either fungicide was faster than that of the first, and a third application degraded even more quickly. In soil with pH 6.5, for example, the times for 50% degradation of iprodione following the first, second and third applications were about 30, 12 and 4 days, and for vinclozolin were 30, 22 and 7 days respectively. Iprodione degraded very rapidly in a sandy loam that had been treated three times previously with this fungicide and also degraded rapidly in the same soil pretreated three times with vinclozolin. Vinclozolin degraded rapidly in the vinclozolin pre-treated soil, but its rate of loss in the iprodione pre-treated soil was only slightly faster than in the previously untreated control. Studies of iprodione degradation in 33 soils from commercial fields demonstrated a clear trend towards faster rates of loss in soils with an extensive history of iprodione use. The time for 90% loss from previously untreated soils varied from 22 to 93 days. It varied from 16 to 28 days in soils treated once previously and from 5.2 to 23 days in soils treated twice previously. In soils that had received three or more previous doses, the time to 90% degradation varied from 3.8 to 15 days.  相似文献   

为了分析灌溉施肥活动引起的包气带土壤pH值变异特征及其对地球化学条件的响应,通过历时3 a的野外原位灌溉施肥试验,应用不同季节灌前、灌后6 m土层中不同深度的测定资料,系统分析了土壤pH对灌溉、施肥的响应过程,结果表明:各深度pH值呈弱变异性(CV=1.01%~2.28%),与灌溉前相比,灌后土壤pH值的均值和变异系数均呈现明显的变化;灌前包气带各层pH具有强烈的空间自相关性,灌后受水分、基质等相互作用影响,pH的空间自相关性有所减弱,C0/(C0+C)和变程a分别由7.23 m和3.54 m(灌前0 d)减少到3.26 m和2.76 m(灌后第10天)。土壤基质是决定土壤酸碱性的主要因素,在灌溉施肥活动对pH的响应过程中,地球化学条件(土壤含水量、土壤温度、土壤有机质(SOM)、氧化还原电位(RP)等)、土壤基质组成和氮底物浓度(NH+4-N)等的交互作用影响pH的动态。土壤含水量和温度单独对pH影响不显著,两者交互作用对pH有显著影响。引起土壤pH变化的主要变异源为Cl-、土壤有机质(SOM)、NO-3-N、NH+4-N等营养物质和不同空间深度土壤基质的差异,表明灌溉施肥改变了包气带pH地球化学动力场、营养物质和土壤基质的交互作用,引起各深度的生物地球化学反应,控制pH值的空间变异特性。当包气带介质土壤水分变化时,首先营养物氨态氮以分子态或水合态形式被介质吸附,H+得到释放,使得灌后第4天pH值下降。随着氨氧化过程中H+的释放,pH在灌前和灌后第10天和第30天有显著差异。氨的氧化引起硝酸盐含量不断增加,使得硝酸盐对pH值的影响在灌后不断增强,相关系数由0.24(0 d,P<0.05)增加到0.41(30 d,P<0.01),而氨态氮对pH值的影响逐步降低,相关系数由0.43(0 d,P<0.01)降低为0.19(30 d,P>0.05)。  相似文献   

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