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关于野生花卉种子萌发的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
徐本美  龙雅直 《种子》1991,(6):44-47
1 研究的意义我国是世界上许多名贵花卉的原产地。同时,在我国广大山野还蕴藏着许多观赏价值很高而未被利用的野生花卉资源。如何发掘、收集、保存、利用野生花卉种质资源,是丰富园林花卉种类和提高花卉品种质量的一项重要措施。人们只有对野生花卉的分布、形态、繁殖方式、生育期、开花习性、种子成熟期、立地条件及适应性有了充分了解,才可能为引种驯化和应用栽培提供科学依据。  相似文献   

以组合盆栽形式表现野生花卉之美   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
北京地区野生花卉资源丰富,近几年一些野生花卉植物已被成功地引种驯化并培育出了诸多园艺品种,成为人们熟悉的园林花卉,如圆叶牵牛、翠菊、翠雀等,一些野生花卉的种子也已成为园艺市场的新优商品,面向家庭园艺爱好者推广。  相似文献   

云南省兰坪县,地处祖国西南边陲,植物资源丰富,尤其是具有观赏价值的野生花卉,种类繁多,引种潜力很大,如木兰科、杜鹃花科、瑞香科、蔷薇科、龙胆科、虎耳草科、玄参科(马先蒿属)、百合科、鸢尾科野花,在山林中随处可见。如果能合理开发和利用这些野生花卉资源,对解决目前园林花卉品种老化、  相似文献   

开发新型花卉现在已成为国际上花卉研究和应用的新热点,我国有着丰富的种质资源,应加以开发利用。蓝刺头在我国分布广泛,是一种优良的观赏植物,而且适应性强,可粗放管理,具有极大的开发潜力。蓝刺头在我国基本处于野生状态,研究处于基础阶段,在园林中的配置应用尚未见报道。日前北京卉隆花卉种苗公司开展了蓝刺头的引种工作,主要在切花生产和园林绿化方面进行探索。本文介绍蓝刺头的观赏特性、引种栽培经验及其在园林中的应用前景。形态特征蓝刺头(Echinops latifolius)为菊科蓝刺头属植物。英文名BroadleafGlobethistle,是一种多年生宿根…  相似文献   

我国有七千多种乔、灌木,有上万种可供园林建设服务的山花野草,让野生花木登堂入室,走向园林,已是繁荣我国花卉事业的重要课题。1987年4月1日至7日,中国园艺学会观赏园艺专业委员会和贵州省建设厅、贵阳市园林局在贵阳召开了全国观赏植物种质资源研讨会,出席会议的有全国25个省、市代表104人。会议收到观赏植物种质资源开发、引种、利用,花卉育种和组织培养等论文50余篇。当前,我国花卉事业正处在繁荣兴旺时期。1981年以来,成立了中国  相似文献   

陕西省西安植物园在发掘利用野生花卉资源方面进行了大量的调查、采集、引种栽培及驯化工作,他们引自秦岭的很多观赏性强的草本植物经过多年的栽培繁育,部分表现良好。笔者对引种的秦岭宿根花卉的高度、叶色、  相似文献   

应用赤霉素有机溶剂渗入法打破花卉种子休眠和促进萌发   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
顾增辉  龙雅宜 《种子》1992,(1):55-58
在野生花卉的引种和选育过程中,种子的快速发芽是重要环节之一。近几年来,我们对多种野生花卉的种子进行了萌发特性的研究,试验中也采用了新技术GA(赤霉素)的有机溶剂渗入,并在几种花卉上应用获得成功。材料  相似文献   

长白鸢尾是长白山区自然分布面小、贮量很少的一种野生花卉,至今尚未被开发利用。我们经引种驯化后,发现它观赏价值极高,可成为园林美化和盆栽花卉的又一新种。●形态特征长白鸢尾(Iris mandshurica Maxim.)为多年生草本,高约10~20厘米。根状茎斜  相似文献   

对宿根花卉优良品种的引种、评价、筛选和抗逆性研究,是宿根花卉能够在园林中大规模推广应用的重要条件.本文通过对新疆北疆地区中心城市引种面积较大的5种宿根花卉的应用情况进行初步调研,指出了其中存在的主要问题,并针对性提出了加强宿根花卉在园林绿化中应用的有效措施,对促进北疆地区园林绿化行业的发展,提升城市绿化水平有重要的意义...  相似文献   

最近,福建省南平市和上海园林科研所经三年的协作,实验培植多种颜色的百合花获得成功,这是我国首批育成的花卉良种之一。百合花是近来国际上最有发展前途和国际上最受欢迎的花卉之一。我国有丰富的野生百合花资源。几年来,上海园林科研所对南平市进行多次考察,认为南平市气候温和,雨量充沛,加上南平市郊有大量的野生百合花资源,很适合研究和培育百合花。经过三年的共同努力,终于成功。新育成的品种中有  相似文献   

抗逆性北京野生花卉筛选初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
经过调查北京山区和平原的野生花卉资源,共记录北京野生植物170种,分别隶属于48科131属。其中有观赏利用价值的90种,包括木本植物29种,草本植物71种。 经过筛选、试种实验,筛选出景天三七、蛇莓、紫花地丁、苦菜、罗布麻等野生花卉,它们耐旱、耐瘠薄,其建植、栽培、养护的成本很低,适于在北京园林绿化中广泛应用。  相似文献   

为探究梨优势传粉昆虫,在对山西省平川区和近山区的梨树野生传粉昆虫调查的基础上,分析野生传粉昆虫的种类、数量及其访花行为。结果表明,2个调查样地访花昆虫共有4目15科22种。近山区传粉昆虫的种类和数量较平川区丰富。近山区优势传粉昆虫为中华蜜蜂、毛附黑条蜂、黄胸地蜂。3个蜂种均喜欢访问树干中上部花朵;中华蜜蜂访问上部花、中部花、下部花的比例分别为36.9%、51.1%、12.0%;毛附黑条蜂访问上部花、中部花、下部花的比例分别为46.5%、38.0%、15.5%;黄胸地蜂访问上部花、中部花、下部花的比例分别为41.2%、37.6%、21.2%。中华蜜蜂[(11.95±0.87)朵/min]和毛附黑条蜂[(12.52±2.16)朵/min]的传粉频率显著高于黄胸地蜂[(6.64±0.56)朵/min],中华蜜蜂是梨传粉的理想昆虫。研究可为明确山西省梨树野生传粉昆虫现状、建立野生传粉昆虫数据库及梨授粉用蜂提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为观察野生茶树雄性不育株开花生物学特性,探讨野生茶树雄性不育表型特征。以野生茶树雄性不育株及可育株为试材,田间观察了野生茶树的开花物候期、单花发育进程和花器形态特征,并采用离体萌发法、染色法测定其花粉活力和柱头可授性。结果表明:野生茶树雄性不育株开花物候期为9月上旬—10月上旬,全花期持续约29~33天,花期与对照材料相近。雄性不育花从花芽分化至花瓣凋谢平均历时约107天,比对照长14天。雄性不育花器结构具有典型的雄不育特征,表现为花冠开展度小,花丝弯曲畸形,花药彼此粘连,皱缩干瘪,不裂药,花药内无花粉或有微量败育花粉。雄性不育花雌性器官发育正常,柱头从开花前1天至开花后4天具有可授性,最佳授粉时间为开花后1天。所调查的野生茶树雄性不育类型属于花药败育型和花粉败育型。  相似文献   

Harry S. Paris 《Euphytica》1981,30(1):193-196
Summary The morphology of the pachytene chromosomes of Ricinus communis L. (2n=20), the castor plant, was examined and compared, using light microscopy, in two sex forms, one having an apical distribution of pistillate flowers (wild type), the other having a uniform distribution of pistillate flowers (mutant). Nonreverted mutants resulting from sex instability of the wild type did not display microscopically discernable alterations in chromosome morphology.  相似文献   

海南野生兰花观赏性状评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为保护、开发利用海南野生兰科植物研究提供科学参考,本文对海南野生兰科植物的观赏性状进行了较为全面的观察和评价。按观赏特性可分为大花型(23种)、多花型(23种)、长花序型(15种)、特长花序型(8种)、圆锥花序型(12种)、具香气型(21种)六类型。同时筛选了62种可直接开发利用的原生种,并从观赏角度将其划分为四类:观花类(15种)、观叶类(3种)、花叶兼具类(27种)、株型类(17种)。  相似文献   

The Passiflora L. (Passifloraceae) genus consists of about 500 species widely distributed throughout tropical and subtropical regions, commonly known as the passion flower. The passion flowers are considered ornamental plants because of the exotic beauty of their flowers and variant foliage. Since their introduction to the Old World, around 1625, seventeenth century, they have been used to decorate European glasshouses and gardens. Interspecific hybridization is used to produce single ornamental plants. However in some countries, such as Brazil, being centre of origin of many species, the potential value of these species has hardly been exploited. The beauty of these wild species and their hybrids is little known in Brazil. Therefore it is here intended to highlight the productive and commercial potential of the passion flowers for the purpose to generate an income in family agriculture, while maintaining the ecological balance and optimizing the use of natural resources.  相似文献   

J. P. Braak  Y. O. Kho 《Euphytica》1958,7(2):131-139
The production of carrot seed sometimes presents the problem of the occurrence of seedless umbels. During an investigation into the cause of this phenomenon, a number of floral-biological data have been collected which are valuable both for the seed production and breeding of this crop.
  1. 1.
    The distribution of male flowers and bisexual flowers. Both in the wild carrot and in 2 cultivated varieties the tendency to produce male flowers was encountered. In all forms tested the percentage of male flowers was practically negligible in the main umbel and was found to increase regularly in umbels of higher order. There were, however, clear differences in the mean percentage between the forms tested. Presumably the tendency to produce male flowers is determined genetically, but it may also be affected by the environment.  相似文献   

为了更好的对野生菊花进行开发利用,本实验对不同采摘期野生菊花的功效成分进行研究,并将其结果与栽培型菊花进行比较分析。结果表明:野生菊花中主要功效成分绿原酸、总黄酮及挥发油的含量都高于栽培型菊花,且孕蕾期中功效成分含量高于开花期。  相似文献   

为挖掘峨眉山野生茶树和群体种中的优良资源,利用因子分析、聚类分析和感官审评等方法,对峨眉山40份野生茶树种质资源农艺性状进行遗传多样性分析和资源评价。结果表明,峨眉山茶树种质资源丰富,且多以灌木型为主;18个芽叶形态性状的变异系数为7.70%~60.99%,变异系数最大的性状是芽叶色泽(60.99%)。因子分析表明,18个芽叶形态性状综合为6个公因子,前6个公因子的特征值大于1且累计贡献率达80.74%,主要代表性指标为叶片大小、叶片锯齿和叶面特征等。聚类分析将研究材料分为5个大的类群,显示了复杂的亲缘关系和丰富的遗传多样性。适制性研究表明,初步筛选的11份种质资源制绿茶适制性较好,感官审评总分在92分以上,大体表现为香气鲜香带花香、清香高长带花香或栗香浓郁带花香,滋味鲜爽、鲜甜或鲜浓醇。  相似文献   

Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is more sensitive to water stress during its reproductive growth and consequently experiences substantial yield loss. Wild species being relatively tolerant to abiotic stresses offer a potential gene source for incorporation of drought tolerance in cultivated species. In the present study, the differential stress sensitivity of wild (Cicer reticulatum Ladiz.) and cultivated species (C. arietinum) was evaluated by subjecting the plants of both the species to water stress for 14 days during the reproductive phase and examined for stress injury, endogenous status of polyamines (PA) and abscisic acid (ABA). Comparatively, the cultivated species experienced higher stress injury (assessed as electrolyte leakage, 2,3,5‐triphenyl tetrazolium chloride reduction ability, chlorophyll loss) as well as decreased leaf water potential (Ψw; ?2.48 MPa) than the wild species (?1.98 MPa). The stressed plants of cultivated species lost more number of flowers (62 %) and pods (65 %) when compared with the unstressed ones while those of wild species showed 30 % and 44 % loss, respectively. The number of infertile pods was significantly more in stressed plants of cultivated species than in those of wild species. The endogenous status of PA revealed that putrescine (PUT), spermidine (SPD) and spermine (SPM) levels accumulated to a higher extent in the cultivated species relative to the wild species until the eighth day of stress, and thereafter, the wild species had significantly higher levels of PA. In contrast, ABA levels increased to a higher extent in the wild species until the eighth day of stress and declined subsequently to a greater degree than the cultivated species. The injury to reproductive growth appeared to accentuate with reduction in leaf Ψw that was coupled with depletion of PA in both the species, especially in the cultivated one. Exogenous application of 10 mm PUT partially alleviated the damage to reproductive growth by increasing the leaf water status and chlorophyll content while decreasing the ABA content, which resulted in improvement of retention of flowers and pods, particularly in the cultivated species.  相似文献   

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