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We studied the effects of feed intake and fatness on metabolic clearance rate (MCR) and half-life of progesterone in 40 ovariectomized gilts (10x4 littermates). One gilt from each litter was randomly allocated to each of four treatments in a randomized block design. Gilts were reared to be either lean (Ln), 113 kg BW and 10 mm backfat measured 65 mm from the midline at the level of the last rib (P2), or fat (F), 124 kg BW and 20 mm P2 backfat. They were ovariectomized and fitted with bilateral jugular catheters. Fat and Ln gilts were then fed either low (1.15 x maintenance energy, L), or high (2.30 x maintenance energy, H) feed intakes. Gilts received an i.m. injection of 130 mg of progesterone on two consecutive days (d1 and 2). From d 3, progesterone was infused at 5.4 mg/h (130 mg/d) for 60 h. Blood samples for progesterone analysis were taken during the last 24 h of infusion and for a further 72 h. Gilts were then slaughtered, and livers were sampled for microsomal studies. Fatness did not affect any aspect of progesterone metabolism measured. Postprandial MCR was greater in H than in L gilts, 103.0 vs. 76.1 mL x min(-1) x kg BW(-1) (P<.01), respectively. Feed intake did not affect the disappearance rate constant of progesterone (mean -.019), and the estimated half-life of progesterone was 36.5 h. High-intake gilts had larger proportional liver size (P<.001) than L gilts. Microsomal metabolism of progesterone and P450 enzyme concentration were similar across treatments. We conclude that increasing feed intake increases MCR of progesterone and could be used to manipulate progesterone concentration in sows. 相似文献
Three experiments were conducted to evaluate the relationship between feed intake and plasma urea concentration. In Exp. 1, six gilts (BW 53 kg) with catheters in their venae cavae were used in a 5x5+1 Latin square design to determine the amount of infused urea needed to mimic the plasma urea concentration of pigs fed a 25% CP diet. Five gilts were fed a 16% CP corn-soybean meal diet and were infused continuously with either saline or one of four doses of urea (6, 12, 18, and 24 g/d) during each of five periods (12 h/period). Between periods, infusions were stopped for 36 h. The sixth pig was fed a 25% CP diet and infused with saline during each of the experimental periods. Venous blood samples were obtained at 1-h intervals starting 1 h before infusion. As expected, plasma urea concentration increased with increasing amount of urea infused. A daily infusion of 24 g of urea resulted in a plasma urea concentration similar to that of the pig fed the 25% CP diet with saline infusion. In Exp. 2, 12 gilts (BW 60 kg) were used in a crossover design. Pigs received a 16% CP diet and a different treatment (saline or 24 or 30 g/d of urea) in each of three infusion periods. Each infusion period lasted 2 wk. Infusions were stopped for 2 d between periods. Blood samples were obtained before infusion and daily after infusions started. Feeders were weighed daily to determine ADFI. Experiment 3 was similar to Exp. 2, except that only two treatments (saline and 30 g/d of urea) were used. Data from Exp. 2 and 3 were combined for statistical analysis. Plasma urea concentration increased linearly (P<.001) with increasing amount of urea infused. Overall, there was a trend (P<.10) for urea infusion to decrease ADFI, and pigs infused with 30 g/d consumed less (P<.05) feed than pigs infused with saline. Therefore, plasma urea concentration may play a role in regulating feed intake in gilts consuming excess protein. 相似文献
The objective of the present experiment is to study the effect of feed intake restriction on the reproductive performance and pregnancy rate in Egyptian buffalo heifers. Thirty anestrus buffalo heifers were randomly divided into two equal groups. The low feed intake (LFI, n?=?15, 50 % restriction) group was fed a diet that consists of 3 kg concentrate, 1 kg wheat straw, and 3 kg fresh alfalfa, while the high feed intake (HFI, n?=?15) group was fed double the amount given to the LFI group for 4 months. All animals were weighed, transrectally examined, and visually checked for the signs of estrus, and blood samples were collected. Heifers in heat were mated with one fertile bull. The number of heifers showing estrus activity was 93.3 % in HFI vs. 20 % in LFI ( P?<?0.01). Ovarian activity started earlier ( P?=?0.03) in the HFI than LFI group. The weight at breeding, the diameter of the dominant follicle, number of heifers showing ovulations, number of services per conception, pregnancy rate, and overall mean of progesterone and estrogen concentrations were significantly higher ( P?<?0.01) in the HFI than in the LFI group. The level of serum total protein, albumin, globulin, glucose, total cholesterol, and calcium were significantly higher ( P?<?0.05) in the HFI group. Restriction of the daily feed intake to 50 % from NRC recommendations impair reproductive performance in terms of increasing the age at first service and reducing the pregnancy rate in buffalo heifers. In conclusion, feed intake could be effective in improvement of reproductive performance in buffalo heifers and further studies should be done on large scale of buffaloes in this point. 相似文献
The objective of this research was to examine the effect of high concentrations of nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) on the voluntary food intake of sheep fed high-quality grasses. Wether lambs (n = 6 per treatment) were fed dried switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.; Exp. 1) or dried tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.; Exp. 2). In both experiments, urea was added to the dried forage at 0 (control), 12, or 24 g of N/kg of DM to increase the NPN concentration. Acid detergent fiber concentrations were 305 g/kg of DM in both experiments, although DM digestibility was 663 and 618 g/ kg of DM in Exp. 1 and Exp. 2, respectively. Voluntary feed intake of the control forage was 28.2 and 19.1 g/ kg of BW in Exp. 1 and Exp. 2, respectively, and decreased for the high-urea treatments to 25.2 and 16.2 g/kg of BW in Exp. 1 (P = 0.07) and Exp 2 (P = 0.03), respectively. Total feed N concentrations increased from 29.5 g to 45.7 g of N/kg of DM in Exp. 1 (P < 0.01) and from 28.4 to 55.9 g of N/kg of DM in Exp. 2 (P < 0.01). Nonprotein N concentrations increased from 28.3 to 53.8% of the total N in switchgrass diets (Exp. 1; P < 0.01), and from 26.4 to 64.0% in tall fescue diets (Exp. 2; P < 0.01). Plasma urea concentrations of the lambs increased from 3.1 to 6.6 mM (Exp. 1; P < 0.01) and from 2.9 to 5.8 mM (Exp. 2; P < 0.01) as the amount of urea added to the diets increased. These changes resulted in an increase in plasma osmolality from 298 to 307 mOsm/kg (Exp. 1; P = 0.04), and from 299 to 307 mOsm/kg (Exp. 2; P = 0.06). Increasing feed N and NPN concentrations through the addition of urea caused a significant decrease in the voluntary feed intake of sheep fed tall fescue and switchgrass. These responses showed no significant cause-and-effect relationship between voluntary feed intake, plasma urea concentrations, and plasma osmolality. 相似文献
The impact of different patterns of feed restriction between d 1 and 15 of the estrous cycle on subsequent reproductive performance of 23 trios of littermate gilts was tested. Some gilts were fed a high plane of nutrition (HH gilts) throughout the cycle, in contrast to HR gilts, which were restricted from d 8 to 15, and RH gilts, which were restricted from d 1 to 7. During feed restriction, weight gain in RH gilts (2.5 +/- .7 kg) was lower (P = .006) between d 1 and d 7 than in their HH and HR littermates (5.6 +/- .7 and 5.6 +/- .8 kg, respectively) and it was lower (P = .0001) in HR gilts (5.5 +/- .5 kg) between d 8 to d 15 than in their HH and RH counterparts (8.5 +/- .4 and 9.4 +/- .5 kg, respectively). There were no differences in backfat changes among groups. Embryonic survival in HR gilts at d 28 of gestation (68.3 +/- 4.8%) was lower (P < .05) than in HH and RH gilts (83.6 +/- 4.3 and 81.7 +/- 4.5%, respectively). Plasma progesterone concentrations in HR gilts were lower (P < .05) at 48 and 72 h after onset of standing estrus (.82 +/- .2 and 3.6 +/- .5 ng/mL, respectively) than in HH and RH gilts (1.44 +/- .2 and 1.24 +/- .2 ng/mL, 5.0 +/- .4 and 5.0 +/- .5 ng/mL, respectively at 48 and 72 h). No differences in ovulation rate were observed among treatments. Placental area was positively correlated to embryo size at d 28 (embryo size = .0003 x (area) + 18.35; r = .28, P = .03) but placental volume was negatively correlated to the number of embryos in utero (placental volume = -4.317 x (number) + 207.55, r = -.39, P = .002). These data demonstrate that the timing of feed restriction during follicular development has important consequences for subsequent embryo survival, possibly mediated by differences in progesterone concentrations in early pregnancy. 相似文献
First-litter commercial cross-bred gilts were treated with levamisole (1.5, 2.5, or 3.5 mg/kg of body weight) weekly during the last 4 weeks of gestation, because similar treatment of dairy heifers had improved postpartum maternal health and neonatal survival. In the gilts, differences in reproductive performance were not found on the basis of pig survival at birth, pig survival at weaning, birth weight, or weaning weight. Also, differences between treated and control gilts were not found in response of circulating lymphocytes to mitogen stimulation (phytohemagglutinin A, concanavalin A, and pokeweed mitogen). In all gilts, the lymphocyte response to mitogen stimulation was decreased during the first week after farrowing. 相似文献
Records on age at puberty from 1,555 gilts and total number of pigs born in litters of 1,187 gilts from the Nebraska gene pool population were used to evaluate the effects of uterine environment on subsequent reproductive performance. Independent variables were line, year, line x year, proportion of males in the birth litter (sex ratio), number born in the birth litter (fraternity size) and sex ratio x fraternity size. Sex ratio, fraternity size and their interaction influenced age at puberty (P less than .01) but not number born (P greater than .2). Partial regression coefficients indicated that age at puberty tended to decrease as sex ratio increased, particularly in small litters. Although the regression coefficients were relatively large, sex ratio, fraternity size and their interaction accounted for only 1.3% of the variation in age at puberty within line x year subclass. These results offer little encouragement for the use of sex ratio as a phenotypic selection criterion for improvement of reproductive performance in gilts. Results suggest that female swine are similar to rodents in response to uterine environmental effects. 相似文献
Two trials involving 128 gilts were conducted to determine the effect of nutritional status during the first 28 d postnatally on subsequent growth and reproductive performance. Nutritional status was altered by adjusting litter size at birth to either 6 or 12 pigs and maintaining a lactation length of either 13 or 28 d. Pigs weaned at d 13 were fed on an ad libitum basis or at 50% of ad libitum through d 28. After d 28, all pigs were fed the same diets through the first parity. By market weight (d 154) pigs recovered differences in body weight imposed during the early postnatal period. Postnatal nutritional status did not alter age at puberty. Gilts weaned at d 28 from litter size 6 produced 2.4 more (P less than .05) ova than gilts from litter size 12; however, when weaned at d 13, gilts from litter size 6 produced 2.3 fewer ova than gilts from litter size 12. Feed restriction for 15 d postweaning did not depress ovulation rate in gilts. Subsequent litter size was not affected by postnatal litter size, lactation length or feed restriction, even though growth rate and ovulation rate had been altered by treatments imposed during the first 28 d postnatally. Assuming no difference in fertilization, these data suggest that prenatal mortality was altered by the early postnatal treatments and was the limiting factor for litter size. Until factors that influence prenatal losses are characterized and controlled, the alteration of nutritional status by changes in postnatal litter size, lactation length or feeding level will not detrimentally affect subsequent litter size in gilts. 相似文献
An experiment was performed to study the effect of litter size before weaning on subsequent body development and composition, feed intake, and reproductive performance of young rabbit does with the objective to improve reproductive performance. Litter size (LS) before weaning (treatment) was 6, 9, or 12 kits. After weaning (30 d), 58 female kits per treatment (in two successive replicates) were reared and fed for ad libitum intake to 14.5 wk of age (end of rearing). At 14.5 wk of age, receptive does were inseminated. Nonreceptive and nonpregnant does were inseminated at 17.5 wk of age. The experiment ended when the second litter was weaned. Part of the animals was slaughtered to determine body composition at the end of the experiment (replicate one) and at the end of rearing (replicate two). At weaning, BW differed among treatments (P < 0.05; 855, 773, and 664 +/- 15 g for LS6, 9, and 12, respectively). Compensatory growth was observed. At the end of rearing, LS12 does were smaller (P < 0.05) than LS9 and LS6 does (3,524, 3,778, and 3,850 +/- 48 g, respectively). After first lactation, no difference in BW among treatments was found. Compared with LS6, empty body weight (BW minus gut, bladder, and uterus content) of LS12 contained more (P < 0.05) nitrogen (32.5 vs 31.1 +/- 0.3 g/kg), more (P < 0.05) ash (30.7 vs 28.3 +/- 0.6 g/kg), and less (P < 0.05) fat (168.6 vs 200.2 +/- 8.6 g/kg). No differences in body composition among treatments were found at the end of the experiment. During rearing, LS12 had the lowest (P < 0.05) daily feed intake (152, 164, and 169 +/- 2 g/d for LS12, 9, and 6, respectively). During the reproductive period, no differences in feed intake among treatments were found. Kindling rate (the number of kindlings per number of inseminations) was not influenced by treatment. In the first parity, total litter size (number of alive and stillborn kits) was lower (P < 0.10) for LS12 than for LS9 (6.4 vs 8.6 +/- 0.5, respectively). When first mating was delayed by 3 wk, an increased (P < 0.05) total litter size was found regardless of treatment (7.5 and 9.4 +/- 0.3 for 14.5, and 17.5 wk, respectively). Decreasing litter size before weaning from nine to six kits did not alter future reproductive performance. Based on results of this study, it seems advisable to perform a limited standardization level (at nine kits) after kindling and postpone first mating to an older age (17.5 wk) to improve reproductive performance. 相似文献
Development of gilts that conceive early and continue to produce offspring is an objective of swine production. We investigated different patterns of growth on reproductive development and performance of gilts through the first farrowing. At 13 wk of age and 43 kg BW, 286 white crossbred gilts were penned individually and assigned to treatments: Ad lib, ad libitum intake from 13 to 25 wk of age; Control, ad libitum intake from 13 wk of age until 100 kg BW and then 90% of ad libitum intake until 25 wk of age; and Restricted, 74% of ad libitum intake from 13 wk to 25 wk of age. Feed was formulated to restrict energy intake. The study was replicated in three seasons. At 25 wk of age, gilts were moved by treatment to group pens, fed for ad libitum consumption, and estrus detection was initiated. Gilts were inseminated at first estrus, and those recycling were remated. Postmating gilts were fed 1.5x maintenance until 105 to 110 d of pregnancy. Gilts were moved either to the farrowing facility or the abattoir at 105 to 110 d of pregnancy. Those taken to the abattoir were slaughtered and number, weight, and condition of the fetuses were recorded. Gilts moved to the farrowing facility were allowed to farrow, and number, weight, and condition of the piglets were recorded. Daily feed intake during breeding was 3.4 kg/d by Restricted gilts, 2.9 by Control gilts, and 2.7 kg/d by Ad lib gilts. Increased feed intake by Restricted gilts during breeding resulted in compensatory gains that overcame the reduced reproductive performance that resulted from the reduced BW and backfat these gilts carried at the start of breeding. Days to first estrus and pregnancy were not influenced by development period treatment (P < 0.13). Percentage of Ad lib, Control, and Restricted gilts that successfully completed their pregnancies were 61, 74, and 66, respectively (P > 0.19). Total feed fed from 13 wk of age to end of the first pregnancy per gilt assigned did not differ among Ad lib (506 kg) and Control (498 kg) gilts but was less (P < 0.01) in Restricted gilts (451 kg). Number of piglets born per gilt assigned (P > 0.09) and piglets produced per kilogram of feed fed from 13 wk of age to term (P > 0.29) were 6.47 and 0.0134 in Ad lib gilts, 7.26 and 0.0150 in Control gilts, and 6.38 and 0.0149 in Restricted gilts, respectively. Moderate feed restriction, 74% of ad libitum intake, reduced feed consumed from 13 wk of age to end of the first pregnancy with no significant impact on efficiency of piglet production. 相似文献
The effect of prepubertal feed level on growth and reproductive development of gilts was investigated. At 13 wk. of age, white crossbred gilts were penned individually and assigned to the following treatments: Ad lib, ad libitum intake from 13 to 25 wk. of age (n = 64); Control, ad libitum intake from 13 wk. of age until 100 kg BW and then 90% of ad libitum intake until 25 wk. of age (n = 65); and Restricted, 74% of ad libitum intake from 13 wk. to 25 wk. of age (n = 64). Feed was formulated to primarily restrict energy intake. The study was replicated in two seasons. At 25 wk. of age, gilts were moved to group pens, approximately 16 gilts/pen, allowed ad libitum access to feed, and estrus detection was initiated. Gilts were mated at first estrus and those recycling were remated. After mating, gilts were moved to gestation stalls and fed 1.5x maintenance. At 30 d of gestation, reproductive tracts were harvested, and numbers of corpora lutea (CL) and live embryos were recorded. From 13 to 25 wk. of age, feed consumption was 258 for Ad lib, 251 for Control, and 189 kg/gilt for Restricted, and, from 13 wk. of age until 30 d of gestation, total feed consumption was 367 for Ad lib, 356 for Control, and 299 kg/gilt for Restricted gilts. Age at puberty (196 d) and pregnancy (200 d) was not affected (P>.18) by treatment. However, the rate at which gilts attained puberty (e.g., percentage pubertal at 28 d) was greatest in Ad lib (75) and least in Control (61) gilts. Number of CL and live embryos at 30 d of gestation/gilt assigned to the study was unaffected (P>.21) by treatment. Quantity of feed consumed from 13 wk. of age to 30 d of gestation per live embryo in gilts assigned to the study was 40.0 for Ad lib, 39.8 for Control, and 30.6 kg/gilt for Restricted gilts. These results indicate that moderate feed restriction of gilts during prepubertal development may increase efficiency of swine production without negative impact on reproductive performance through 30 d of gestation. 相似文献
To assess the effects of creep feed consumption on individual feed intake characteristics and performance of group-housed weaned pigs, 16 litters (149 piglets) were fed a commercial creep feed (3,040 kcal NE/kg, 15.2 g lysine/kg) supplemented with 1% chromic oxide. Another five litters (48 piglets) were not given access to creep feed (no-feed). Piglets were weaned at 28 d after birth. On d 18, 22, and 27 of age, fecal samples from all the piglets were taken using fecal loops. A green color of the feces indicated that the piglet had eaten creep feed. Piglets that had green-colored feces three times were considered as eaters. Piglets that never showed green-colored feces were considered as non-eaters. At weaning 22 piglets of each type (no-feed, non-eaters, and eaters) were selected based on BW, litter origin, and sex. These 66 pigs were assigned to six pens equipped with computerized feeding stations. Eaters, non-eaters, and no-feed pigs were equally divided over all six pens. After weaning a prestarter (d 0 to 13) and a starter diet (d 14 to 34) were offered for ad libitum consumption. The individual feed intake characteristics of latency time (interval between weaning and first feed intake) and initial feed intake (intake during the first 24 h following first feed intake) and performance traits were determined for all piglets. The pigs that were designated as eaters needed less time between weaning and first feed intake than the pigs that were designated as non-eaters and no-feed pigs (P = 0.04 and P = 0.06, respectively). Initial feed intake was not affected (P > 0.1) by feed intake prior to weaning. However, during d 0 to 8 the eaters had more visits per day during which feed was consumed than both the non-eaters and no-feed pigs. Averaged over the first 8 d after weaning, the ADFI and ADG of the eaters were higher than that of the non-eaters and no-feed pigs (P < 0.05). Averaged over the total 34-d period the effect of creep feed intake on postweaning ADFI was much less pronounced (P = 0.20), whereas ADG of the eaters was the highest (P < 0.05). Creep feed intake during the sucking period stimulates early postweaning feed intake as well as postweaning performance. 相似文献
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of bearing twins on the health and performance of dairy cows. Data from twin-bearing Holstein Friesian cows at the Langhill Dairy Research Centre between January 1990 and July 2002 were compared to single-bearing cows to determine if there was any significant difference in milk production, feed intakes, health and fertility. There were 122 twin births (from 104 different cows) in the Langhill herd, a rate of 4.7% during the study period. The incidence of twinning was higher in high genetic merit cows (select genetic line cows) and increased with parity (r = 0.870, P < 0.01). Compared to a single-bearing cow, a twin pregnancy was associated with a shorter gestation period, an increased chance of a retained placenta after calving and a poorer body condition score post-calving. The post-calving condition score of twin-bearing cows was negatively correlated with the total weight of calves born (r = − 0.235, P < 0.05). Twin-calving cows also had significantly more dystocia, a higher chance of having a dead calf, an increased number of days from calving to their first observed heat and number of days from calving to their first service. Dystocia was positively correlated with the number of dead calves at birth (r = 0.309, P < 0.01) and with the total weight of calves born (r = 0.211, P < 0.05). Twin-bearing cows on a low-concentrate diet had an increased chance of having metritis and/or endometritis compared to single-bearing cows on the same diet. There was no significant difference in the reason for culling or the time at which cows were culled post-calving, however, twin-bearing cows on a low-concentrate diet were 3.2 times more likely to be culled than a single-bearing cow, with cows on a high-concentrate diet having equally high levels of culling. There were no significant differences between twin- and single-producing cows' mean daily feed intakes, daily milk yields, total milk yields and milk fat and protein compositions during early, mid and late lactation pre and postpartum on a low- or high-concentrate diet. The body condition and drying off period of twin pregnant cows should be managed to avoid post-calving health and performance problems. 相似文献
A total of 214 gilts was used (two trials) to determine the effect of protein level and choline supplementation during gestation on weight gain, conception rate and subsequent reproductive performance. The gilts were fed either a 12 or 16% crude protein sorghum-soybean meal diet containing either a high supplemental choline level or no supplemental choline in a 2 X 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Conception rate was not influenced by either protein or choline level. Choline supplementation increased pig weight at 42 d of age (P less than .14) and litter weight at 21 (P less than .12) and 42 d (P less than .1). Gilts fed the 16% protein diet produced larger pigs at 42 d (P less than .13) and heavier litters at birth, (P less than .1) 21 d (P less than .14) and 42 d (P less than .05) than gilts fed the 12% protein diet. A larger choline effect on litter size and pig and litter weight was observed for gilts fed the 12% protein diet than for those fed the 16% gestation diet, although the protein-choline interaction was not significant for any traits measured. The incidence of spraddle leg condition was low and was not affected by level of dietary protein or supplemental choline. 相似文献
试验旨在研究群饲犊牛自由采食酸化奶的条件下,结构性饲料对哺乳犊牛和断奶应激期犊牛生长性能的影响。选择3~5日龄、体重相近犊牛300头,随机分为6栏,每栏50头,随机选择3栏饲喂常规颗粒犊牛开食料(颗粒料组),其余3栏饲喂结构性犊牛开食料(结构料组)。两种日粮的配方完全一致。颗粒犊牛料中所有物料均经粉碎、混合、制粒,制成颗粒料。将饲粮配方中玉米和大麦取出,换为蒸汽压片玉米和带壳大麦,其余物料粉碎、混合、制粒,为颗粒浓缩料,再将颗粒浓缩料与蒸汽压片玉米、带壳大麦混合,制成结构性饲料。整个试验分为哺乳期和断奶应激期共计90 d,哺乳期试验第1 d饲喂酸化奶,第15 d供应开食料。颗粒料组犊牛在哺乳期饲喂开食料,断奶后补饲苜蓿干草。结构料组犊牛断奶后饲喂结构性生长料。将结构性开食料与20%苜蓿干草混合,制成结构性生长料。结果表明:哺乳期间,结构性饲料采食量比颗粒料组高40%(P<0.05),日增重高19%(P<0.01);断奶应激期间,结构性饲料采食量比颗粒料组高29%(P<0.01),日增重高25%(P<0.01),饲料利用效率高11%(P<0.05);试验结束时,结构料组犊牛体重更高(P<0.05)。综上所述,在哺乳期自由饮用酸化奶的条件下,结构性饲料在哺乳期和断奶应激期的效果均优于传统颗粒开食料,可促进犊牛生长,缓解断奶应激。 相似文献
Because feed is the major input in pork production, conversion of feed into lean tissue at minimum costs has been a focus for improvement. Several researchers have proposed using residual feed intake (RFI) rather than feed conversion ratio (FCR) for genetic improvement of feed efficiency. Little is known about the variation in RFI in pigs. As several studies suggest a greater RFI is related to greater animal activity levels, the current study investigated the phenotypic relationship between RFI and feed intake (FI) behavior of 104 group-housed growing Duroc barrows allowed ad libitum access to feed. Feed intake, BW gain, feeding time (TIME), feeding frequency (VISITS), RFI, and FCR were calculated for 5 periods of 14, 23, 28, 21, or 23 d in length (periods 1 through 5, respectively) on animals that were between 73 to 95 d of age at the start of the testing period. Barrows that grew faster consumed more feed (P < 0.001), and barrows that consumed more feed were fatter (P < 0.01). There were no correlations between VISITS and TIME, between VISITS and FI, or between VISITS and RFI. Barrows that spent more time at the feeder, however, consumed more feed (P < 0.05) and had greater RFI in periods 1, 3, and 5 (P < 0.05). As expected, FI and FCR were highly correlated with RFI (P < 0.001). These results suggest that a greater FI rather than greater feed intake activity resulted in greater RFI values. 相似文献