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“景观基因”作为传统村落景观信息遗传的载体,蕴含了传统村落独特的景观环境特征与景观演变发展的内在逻辑。因此,景观基因图示可为探索传统村落景观结构提供新视角。以江西省丰城市瓘山村为例,从传统聚落景观基因的“胞—链—形”图示体系出发,揭示瓘山村在景观整体形态、景观连接通道和景观基本单元等方面的景观结构特色:景观基因“形”体现在二维空间形态和三维空间环境;景观基因“链”以外环龙溪和内部街巷结合为代表;景观基因“胞”体现在建筑和非建筑景观单元。从而总结出:风水理论、尊重自然的生态理念和景观集称文化三大景观基因共同孕育出了瓘山村的景观结构特色。  相似文献   

【目的】根据传统聚落景观基因理论,构建大研古镇景观基因指标体系,并识别提取其景观基因特征,分析传统聚落的地域景观特质。旨在从文化地理学视角认识和保护传统聚落的景观基因,拓展景观基因理论的应用领域与内容体系,并为大研古镇的旅游开发和景观基因保护提供科学依据。【方法】以景观基因理论为指导,选取丽江大研古镇为研究对象,结合实地调研、历史文献资料查阅等研究方法,从物质形态基因与文化承载基因两方面构建大研古镇景观基因指标体系。综合运用景观基因的构成属性与提取方法,将大研古镇景观基因分为主体基因、附着基因、混合基因与变异基因,识别传统聚落的地域文化特质。【结果】大研古镇的物质形态基因可从环境特征、民居建筑、公共空间、官府衙署4个角度考量,文化承载基因可以从纳西文化、茶马文化、宗教信仰、曲艺舞蹈、节庆习俗5个角度考量。然后根据景观基因的构成属性识别提取结果为:东巴文化、纳西古乐、纳西民居凝聚了古镇的文化精髓,成为核心影响因素,是古镇的主体景观基因;木府、四方街、三眼井与桥市空间是依附于纳西文化而存在的附着基因,并对大研古镇的主体景观基因起到补充作用;背山面水的村落选址与顺水布街有机生长的空间格局是混合基因;富有纳西民族特色的"三朵节"是大研古镇的变异基因。【结论】少数民族传统聚落景观基因的形成及演变,是其权利机制与文化演变的体现。通过提取与识别大研古镇传统聚落的景观基因,可揭示与凝练地域文化的人文地理性和传统聚落的社会文化性。  相似文献   

太谷县范村镇上安古村是山西传统村落中的典型代表,具有鲜明的建筑风格和聚落格局。采用实地考察与理论分析相结合的方法,对该聚落的选址思想、布局特征、街巷组织及民居的建筑形制、空间组织、宅院入口等的形态特征等进行分析,展现其具明显地域特色的古村落风貌,以对传统村落的研究与保护提供参考。  相似文献   

闽西南山区客家传统村落景观风貌独特,水系景观地域特征突出。先采用影响要素叠加的方式,总结特定地形、地貌、气候条件下闽西南自然水系特征,并与我国其他典型地域进行对比;然后从聚落选址、形态及传统理水手法方面,分析河坑村水系对村落空间构成的影响,并采取要素构成的方法,提取滨水植被、驳岸形态、滨水构筑、滨水人文活动等景观要素特征,剖析其自然和人文成因,为闽西南客家村落景观的保护开发提供基础依据。  相似文献   

许秀娟 《绿色科技》2023,(21):22-27
以传统村落连州市丰阳村为研究对象,从村落遗存最具识别性的建筑、水系、布局入手,分析了景观基因中蕴含的主导、传承、归因、依附、尺度、意象等遗传信息,并探索了遗传信息的储存方式与表达路径。结果表明:丰阳村的景观基因遗传信息依附于背山面水的村落朝向、条块状的整体布局形态、雕梁画栋的祠堂、精巧绝伦的古庙、半月形的水塘等,共同造就了丰阳的整体意象表达。在此基础上,尝试构建了丰阳村景观基因“信息元-信息点-信息廊道-信息网络”的旅游规划,以信息点串联形成商贾街巷文化体验廊道、明清古民居建筑文化体验廊道、生态自然景观体验廊道、宗族文化体验廊道,以廊道交错构成网络,以期为丰阳村、岭南传统村落乃至全国传统村落旅游开发背景下实现传统文化永续传承与发展提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

采用分形方法研究村落建筑空间的布局形态,以云浮南盛镇大田头村为例,应用计盒维数的方法测出该村落景观中的建筑布局形态的分形维数为1.034,并采用逆转盒维数的方法生成新的分形形态,以此得到模拟村落景观空间布局的实验性结果。  相似文献   

分析了郑东新区CBD的基本情况,总结出郑东新区CBD景观空间形态的风貌特征主要是区域形象的标志性、功能形式的多样性以及时空延续的动态性,从点、线、面3个方面对其景观空间的形态要素进行了解读,提出了郑东新区CBD景观空间形态设计应从丰富的视觉景观、通达使用性、清晰的识别标志和时空的完整与延续等方面把握设计原则。  相似文献   

指出了传统村落景观是社会的经济和自然达到协调统一而呈现出的和谐的生态人居环境。通过对绍兴传统村落的考察,研究了其村落布局,建筑和庭院空间,植物景观,水系景观要素。且在村落选址布局景观营造过程中,融入宗族文化,体现了绍兴"天人合一、耕读写意、依山傍水"的村落景观特征。  相似文献   

广州市花都区港头村是具有典型广府文化特色和岭南水乡景观特征的传统聚落。运用建筑美学“文化地域性格”理论,从聚落选址布局、环境格局、建筑形态、装饰装修等方面展开研究,发现港头村在地域技术特征层面呈现环山临河的地理适应性、通风降温的气候适应性、因材施用的材料适应性;在社会时代精神层面凝聚敬祖图安的传统宗族礼制、中西合璧的近代交融理念、文脉延续的当代传承创新;在人文艺术品格层面彰显天人合一的审美理想、崇文重教的价值取向、世俗致用的情趣追求。  相似文献   

随着我国城市化进程不断加快,乡村景观逐渐出现生态环境破坏、地域性特征缺失等问题。文章以乡村地域特征为基础,通过研究乡村绿色基础设施的构建内容与方法,在保留地域传统乡土风貌和文化特质的基础上,充分尊重乡村本土文化、环境与资源,实现乡村景观安全格局的保护、乡愁文脉的延续、循环经济产业的全面发展。  相似文献   

自然条件下,采用便携式光合作用测定系统CI-340研究了春季樟树不同叶龄叶片的光合特性,结果表明:①樟树叶片的光合特性与叶龄有关,功能叶的净光合速率明显要高于老叶,最大差值出现在11∶00,为2.4μmol CO2.m-2.s-1。②不同叶龄樟树叶片的净光合速率日变化均呈"单峰"型,未出现光合"午休"现象。  相似文献   

以湖北省咸宁市咸安区7~12 a杉木短周期小径级速生材培育模式人工林为研究对象,用96株解析木数据构建该模式树干生物量模型。结果表明:平均单木树干生物量为18.64 kg,其中62.5%的样本树干生物量在10~20 kg,而主伐年龄9~10 a的平均单木生物量为20 kg左右;以胸径为变量的一元方程和以胸径、树高为变量的二元方程均达到了较好的拟合效果(R2>0.9),但二元方程拟合精度更高;经检验,最优一元方程(W=0.104×D2.123)和最优二元方程(W=0.02×D1.486×H1.362)的预估精度分别为92.25%和94.75%,均能满足生产应用需求和标准,为该栽培模式木材生物量估算提供技术支持。  相似文献   

A total of 360 bark-to-bark-through-pith wood strips were sampled at breast height from 180 trees in 30 open-pollinated families from two rotation-aged genetic trials to study inheritance, age-age genetic correlation, and early selection efficiency for wood quality traits in radiata pine. Wood strips were evaluated by SilviScan® and annual pattern and genetic parameters for growth, wood density, microfibril angle (MFA), and stiffness (modulus of elasticity: MOE) for early to rotation ages were estimated. Annual ring growth was the largest between ages 2–5 years from pith, and decreased linearly to ages 9–10. Annual growth was similar and consistent at later ages. Wood density was the lowest near the pith, increased steadily to age 11–15 years, then was relatively stable after these ages. MFA was highest (35°) near the pith and reduced to about 10° at age 10–15 years. MFA was almost unchanged at later ages. MOE increased from about 2.5 GPa near the pith to about 20 GPa at ages 11–15 years. MOE was relatively unchanged at later ages. Wood density and MOE were inversely related to MFA. Heritability increased from zero near the pith and stabilised at ages 4 or 5 for all four growth and wood quality traits (DBH, density, MFA and MOE). Across age classes, heritability was the highest for area-weighted density and MFA, lowest for DBH, and intermediate for MOE. Age-age genetic correlations were high for the four traits studied. The genetic correlation reached 0.8 after age 7 for most traits. Early selection for density, MFA and MOE were very effective. Selection at age 7–8 has similar effectiveness as selection conducted at rotation age for MFA and MOE and at least 80% effective for wood density.  相似文献   

Age trends in variance components and heritability of overall wood density, earlywood and latewood density, and latewood proportion were investigated in 29-year-old trees of 19 full-sib families of hybrid larch (Larix gmelinii var. japonica × Larix kaempferi) F1. The age–age correlation and optimum selection age for these traits were also estimated and genetic and phenotypic correlations between wood density and radial growth rate were calculated for each growth ring. Intraring wood density data were obtained using X-ray densitometry. The coefficient of additive genetic variance was stable over all ages, whereas the coefficient of environmental variances gradually decreased with increasing age, resulting in increases in heritability estimates with age for overall density. The latewood proportion had the highest heritability estimates at all ages, ranging from 0.44 to 0.66. Overall density and its various components at 28 years of age showed strong genetic correlations with their respective traits at all younger ages. Optimum selection ages for the wood density traits ranged from 8 to 14 years, at which point maximum gain efficiencies per year were obtained. There were negative correlations between wood density and radial growth rate at early ages, although these relationships tended to be weaker with increasing age. These results suggest that selection at a young age is effective for wood density, but particular care must be taken in selecting trees with an improved radial growth rate because rapid growth will result in a low-density wood product, especially in the early growth period.  相似文献   

洞道是甘肃鼢鼠活动的主要场所,营建洞道是改变土壤微生态的重要途径 。为 了解甘肃鼢鼠生存环境的特点以 及其与周边土壤环境的差异,本研究以陕西省彬州市韩家镇白皮松样地和永乐镇花椒样地为对象,对比分析了甘肃鼢鼠洞 道区和非洞道区的土壤理化性质和土壤养分特征 。结果表明:甘肃鼢鼠的活动使洞道土壤的最大持水量和毛管持水量增 加,对土壤的速效磷含量存在着显著性的影响,对于土壤温度、土壤含水率和最小持水量、铵态氮和速效钾的影响存在着地 点差异 。这些结果表明甘肃鼢鼠的生命活动可以影响洞道环境土壤环境,可为甘肃鼢鼠的管理和防控提供科学依据。  相似文献   

采用标准样方法研究了杂交竹各器官及不同龄级生物量配置,结果表明:①杂交竹单株平均生物量为5.0116 kg,林分平均生物量为34.1794 t.hm-2;②杂交竹单株和林分各器官生物量从高到低都表现为竹杆竹枝竹叶竹蔸竹根;③不同年龄杂交竹单株生物量大小排序为3 a2 a1 a,林分生物量表现为2 a1 a3 a;④杂交竹竹枝、竹杆、竹叶及全株以幂函数(W=cDaHb)为最优生物量模型,竹蔸、竹根则以多项式(W=c+aD+bH)为最优生物量模型。  相似文献   

川西北盆周山地人工林鼠害防治指标研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对川西北盆周山地杉木(Cunninghamia laceolata)、柳杉(Cryptomeria fortunei)人工林不同林龄、不同季节鼠害发生和危害规律及不同季节的防治效果观察,提出了杉木、柳杉的防治指标。研究结果表明,最佳防治时期是鼠害高峰期到来之前的早春,但新造林地无论季节,在造林的同时就需防鼠;杉木和柳杉林龄为1~3年时,防治指标分别为鼠密度2.3%、2.4%;林龄为4~6年时,防治指标鼠密度1.9%、1.9%;林龄为7~10年时,防治指标鼠密度1.7%、1.7%;林龄在10年以上时,只需选择性重点防治。  相似文献   

A large initial stocking × fertilizer factorial field trial established in 1993 with a Eucalyptus urophylla × grandis hybrid clone in southern Guangxi province, China, included 6 initial stocking treatments ranging from 667 to 2,222 trees ha−1 and 6 fertilizer treatments. Growth data was collected at various intervals up to age 192 months and also data on outer-wood pilodyn penetration (as an indicator of wood density) and acoustic velocity through the outer-wood (as an indicator of modulus of elasticity) at the last assessment. This report examines the results for the main effect of initial stocking treatments and stocking × fertilizer interactions across ages. There were significant differences between initial stockings for both average individual tree volume and standing volume ha−1 at all ages up to 144 months, but just average individual tree volume at 192 months. At ages up to 75 months total standing volume decreased as initial stocking decreased—maximum volume being obtained at 2,222 trees ha−1. From 88 to 110 months the highest standing volume was obtained at 1,667 trees ha−1 and then at ages 144 and 192 months, 833 trees ha−1 provided the highest standing volume. Average individual tree volume at all ages generally increased as initial stocking decreased—the largest trees were obtained at 667 trees ha−1. As age increased the proportional differences between tree volumes at higher and lower stockings increased—at age 27 months average individual tree volume at 667 trees ha−1 was 72% greater than that at 2,222 trees ha−1 and differences increased steadily with age up to 190% at 192 months. There were no significant differences between initial stockings for the properties of the outer-wood assessed by pilodyn penetration and acoustic velocity. Also, no significant interactions were found between initial stocking and fertilizer treatments for any traits at any ages implying that effects of initial stocking and fertilizer are additive for the traits assessed.  相似文献   

以鄂西南鹤峰县鹅掌楸天然林为研究对象,通过对林分空间结构(角尺度、大小比、混交度)和林分非空间结构 (径级结构、树高结构、重要值)的研究与分析,直观地反映其林分结构的特征,查清该区鹅掌楸种群的发展现状,为鹅掌楸 天然林的合理保护与科学经营提供依据 。在鹅掌楸天然林集中生长的代表性地段建立 17个 20mx20m调查样地,进行 每木定位与检尺调查,应用 Excel2019、Winkelmas2.0软件对样地调查数据进行处理与分析 。结果表明:研究区鹅掌楸 天然林中共 73个树种,鹅掌楸为该群落的优势种,生长处优势地位( =0.17),种群整体呈轻微聚集分布(为 0.56),同 时该种群在林分中呈现极强度混交状态( =0.85):种群整体径级、树高分布都呈右偏正态分布,小径级林木株数很少, 种群整体呈现稳定型一衰退型 。FSI均值为 0.82,FSD 均值为 0.30,林分空间结构为接近于理想状态(41.18%)或达 到理想状态(58.82%)。鹅掌楸天然林处于演替后期,林分结构整体上较为理想,可对处于聚集分布的林木进行适当调整, 辅以 一定人为促进更新的措施,促使鹅掌楸林分结构更加合理。  相似文献   

 The amounts of CO2 that are absorbed and emitted by forest in a model stand area were determined using two calculation methods, namely the flow approach and the stock approach for emission trading, to understand the relationships between the cutting age for the highest profit rate (CAHPR; optimum tree ages to be cut so as to maximize the profit) and (1) the prices of CO2 and (2) the balance between CO2 emission and absorption. The resultant CAHPR differed between these two CO2 accounting methods, which give different tree ages for maximum log volume yield. A rise in CO2 price caused the CAHPR to approach the tree age of maximum log volume in the flow approach method, and to deviate from the tree age of maximum log volume in the stock approach method. Even at the same CO2 price, the CAHPR differed between the CO2 accounting methods. At low CO2 prices, the CAHPR did not affect situations where the difference of average profit is large by cutting age. On the other hand, the CAHPR was greatly affected at low CO2 prices when the mean log volume growth changed with tree age. These trends were found to be universal. Received: September 18, 2001 / Accepted: October 25, 2002 Acknowledgments This study is one of the fifth science study subsidy projects of the Japan Forest Technology Association. Correspondence to:K. Sakata  相似文献   

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