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利用甲基化限制性酶切试验(Combined bisulfite restriction analysis, COBRA)和亚硫酸盐转换PCR (Bisulfite sequencing PCR , BSP)后测序的方法,筛选猪体细胞克隆优势供体细胞提供基因座位特异的DNA 甲基化 遗传标记。比较8 个发育重要基因的差异甲基化区域(Differentially methylated regions,DMRs)在不同克隆供体细胞系 中的DNA 甲基化多态性,并与猪克隆成绩进行关联分析。结果表明院除了XIST-DMR2 和H19-DMR3 DNA 甲基化变 异幅度较小(低于10%)外,其他基因的相关座位均存在一定的COBRA 多态性,其中,LINE1-DMR1、POU5F1-DMR1 和NANOG-DMR1 等3 个差异甲基化化区域在克隆效率最高细胞系中处均处于最低程度的DNA 甲基化状态,因此, 可作为筛选猪体细胞克隆优势供体细胞系的潜在的DNA 甲基化遗传标记。  相似文献   

RNA silencing genes control de novo DNA methylation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The assembly of higher order chromatin structures has been linked to the covalent modifications of histone tails. We provide in vivo evidence that lysine 9 of histone H3 (H3 Lys9) is preferentially methylated by the Clr4 protein at heterochromatin-associated regions in fission yeast. Both the conserved chromo- and SET domains of Clr4 are required for H3 Lys9 methylation in vivo. Localization of Swi6, a homolog of Drosophila HP1, to heterochomatic regions is dependent on H3 Lys9 methylation. Moreover, an H3-specific deacetylase Clr3 and a beta-propeller domain protein Rik1 are required for H3 Lys9 methylation by Clr4 and Swi6 localization. These data define a conserved pathway wherein sequential histone modifications establish a "histone code" essential for the epigenetic inheritance of heterochromatin assembly.  相似文献   

Nutritional control of reproductive status in honeybees via DNA methylation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Fertile queens and sterile workers are alternative forms of the adult female honeybee that develop from genetically identical larvae following differential feeding with royal jelly. We show that silencing the expression of DNA methyltransferase Dnmt3, a key driver of epigenetic global reprogramming, in newly hatched larvae led to a royal jelly-like effect on the larval developmental trajectory; the majority of Dnmt3 small interfering RNA-treated individuals emerged as queens with fully developed ovaries. Our results suggest that DNA methylation in Apis is used for storing epigenetic information, that the use of that information can be differentially altered by nutritional input, and that the flexibility of epigenetic modifications underpins, profound shifts in developmental fates, with massive implications for reproductive and behavioral status.  相似文献   

DNA methylation and gene function   总被引:235,自引:0,他引:235  
In most higher organisms, DNA is modified after synthesis by the enzymatic conversion of many cytosine residues to 5-methylcytosine. For several years, control of gene activity by DNA methylation has been recognized as a logically attractive possibility, but experimental support has proved elusive. However, there is now reason to believe, from recent studies, that DNA methylation is a key element in the hierarchy of control mechanisms that govern vertebrate gene function and differentiation.  相似文献   

Biological responses to histone methylation critically depend on the faithful readout and transduction of the methyl-lysine signal by "effector" proteins, yet our understanding of methyl-lysine recognition has so far been limited to the study of histone binding by chromodomain and WD40-repeat proteins. The double tudor domain of JMJD2A, a Jmjc domain-containing histone demethylase, binds methylated histone H3-K4 and H4-K20. We found that the double tudor domain has an interdigitated structure, and the unusual fold is required for its ability to bind methylated histone tails. The cocrystal structure of the JMJD2A double tudor domain with a trimethylated H3-K4 peptide reveals that the trimethyl-K4 is bound in a cage of three aromatic residues, two of which are from the tudor-2 motif, whereas the binding specificity is determined by side-chain interactions involving amino acids from the tudor-1 motif. Our study provides mechanistic insights into recognition of methylated histone tails by tudor domains and reveals the structural intricacy of methyl-lysine recognition by two closely spaced effector domains.  相似文献   

转座子(transposable elements,TEs)在生物体基因组可以通过转座或逆转座移动,它拷贝数的大规模增加是基因组不稳定的重要因素,因此,维持TEs沉默是宿主进化的方向。DNA甲基化被认为是沉默TEs的可遗传表观遗传修饰方式,同时也在维持基因组稳定、基因印迹、调节基因表达中发挥作用。本研究综述了TEs对生物基因组进化和基因表达的影响,重点总结了以DNA甲基化为主的转座子沉默机制的最新研究进展,归纳了环境因素通过DNA去甲基化调控转座子跳跃的机理。图4参82  相似文献   

Role of histone H3 lysine 27 methylation in X inactivation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Polycomb group (PcG) protein Eed is implicated in regulation of imprinted X-chromosome inactivation in extraembryonic cells but not of random X inactivation in embryonic cells. The Drosophila homolog of the Eed-Ezh2 PcG protein complex achieves gene silencing through methylation of histone H3 on lysine 27 (H3-K27), which suggests a role for H3-K27 methylation in imprinted X inactivation. Here we demonstrate that transient recruitment of the Eed-Ezh2 complex to the inactive X chromosome (Xi) occurs during initiation of X inactivation in both extraembryonic and embryonic cells and is accompanied by H3-K27 methylation. Recruitment of the complex and methylation on the Xi depend on Xist RNA but are independent of its silencing function. Together, our results suggest a role for Eed-Ezh2-mediated H3-K27 methylation during initiation of both imprinted and random X inactivation and demonstrate that H3-K27 methylation is not sufficient for silencing of the Xi.  相似文献   

Role of histone H3 lysine 27 methylation in Polycomb-group silencing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Polycomb group (PcG) proteins play important roles in maintaining the silent state of HOX genes. Recent studies have implicated histone methylation in long-term gene silencing. However, a connection between PcG-mediated gene silencing and histone methylation has not been established. Here we report the purification and characterization of an EED-EZH2 complex, the human counterpart of the Drosophila ESC-E(Z) complex. We demonstrate that the complex specifically methylates nucleosomal histone H3 at lysine 27 (H3-K27). Using chromatin immunoprecipitation assays, we show that H3-K27 methylation colocalizes with, and is dependent on, E(Z) binding at an Ultrabithorax (Ubx) Polycomb response element (PRE), and that this methylation correlates with Ubx repression. Methylation on H3-K27 facilitates binding of Polycomb (PC), a component of the PRC1 complex, to histone H3 amino-terminal tail. Thus, these studies establish a link between histone methylation and PcG-mediated gene silencing.  相似文献   

应用亚硫酸氢盐测序技术,以昆明小白鼠几种不同时期体内胚为研究对象,对其单拷贝基因Oct4启动子区进行甲基化检测.基因组经低熔点琼脂糖包埋、亚硫酸氢盐修饰后,运用巢式PCR对处理后的DNA进行两轮扩增,扩增产物通过琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测和单克隆测序进行分析.结果表明,亚硫酸氢盐测序法是一项敏感而有效的DNA甲基化检测手段.  相似文献   

The role of DNA methylation in mammalian epigenetics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Jones PA  Takai D 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2001,293(5532):1068-1070

Enhancer of Zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) is a methyltransferase that plays an important role in many biological processes through its ability to trimethylate lysine 27 in histone H3. Here, we show that Akt phosphorylates EZH2 at serine 21 and suppresses its methyltransferase activity by impeding EZH2 binding to histone H3, which results in a decrease of lysine 27 trimethylation and derepression of silenced genes. Our results imply that Akt regulates the methylation activity, through phosphorylation of EZH2, which may contribute to oncogenesis.  相似文献   

Plants and filamentous fungi share with mammals enzymes responsible for DNA methylation. In these organisms, DNA methylation is associated with gene silencing and transposon control. However, plants and fungi differ from mammals in the genomic distribution, sequence specificity, and heritability of methylation. We consider the role that transposons play in establishing methylation patterns and the epigenetic consequences of their perturbation.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis gene DDM1 is required to maintain DNA methylation levels and is responsible for transposon and transgene silencing. However, rather than encoding a DNA methyltransferase, DDM1 has similarity to the SWI/SNF family of adenosine triphosphate-dependent chromatin remodeling genes, suggesting an indirect role in DNA methylation. Here we show that DDM1 is also required to maintain histone H3 methylation patterns. In wild-type heterochromatin, transposons and silent genes are associated with histone H3 methylated at lysine 9, whereas known genes are preferentially associated with methylated lysine 4. In ddm1 heterochromatin, DNA methylation is lost, and methylation of lysine 9 is largely replaced by methylation of lysine 4. Because DNA methylation has recently been shown to depend on histone H3 lysine 9 methylation, our results suggest that transposon methylation may be guided by histone H3 methylation in plant genomes. This would account for the epigenetic inheritance of hypomethylated DNA once histone H3 methylation patterns are altered.  相似文献   

组织培养紫叶酢浆草DNA甲基化的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
紫叶酢浆草是重要的观赏植物,是较早建立较为完善组织培养系统之一.本研究提取经组织培养获得的紫叶酢浆草基因组DNA,利用Southern杂交,分析了5S rDNA位点的DNA甲基化情况.结果表明,紫叶酢浆草的5S rDNA位点的CpG高度甲基化,而CNG的甲基化状况则较低.  相似文献   

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