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Megaesophagus was diagnosed in 15 llamas on the basis of survey and contrast radiography. Age of onset ranged from 13 months to 9.5 years. Clinical signs varied, with salivation being the most common; regurgitation or dysphagia were noted in only 33% of the cases. Duration of the disorder ranged from 1 week to 5 years. Organophosphate toxicity was the cause of megaesophagusin 1 llama. While most cases were of unknown etiology, the 3 with histological abnormalities included 1 with vagal neuropathy and 2 with a degenerative myopathy of esophageal muscles. The causes in most were undetermined.  相似文献   

Pemoline is a central nervous system stimulant commonly used for Attension Deficit Disorder in humans. This study describes the clinical syndrome associated with pemoline ingestion as well as its treatment. Ten years worth (1987–1997) of records from the ASPCa National Animal Poison Control Center involving pemoline ingestion in dogs were reviewed. The data suggests that most dogs ingesting pemoline show signs of central nervous system and cardiovascular stimulation including hyperactivity, tremors, ataxia, seizure, tachycardia, hyperthermia, and mydriasis. Blood chemistry alterations included electrolyte imbalances in some dogs. The minimum dose reported to cause clinical signs was 2.8 mg/kg and the minimum dose reported to have caused death was 10 mg/kg. Dogs generally showed clinical signs within 30 minutes to 24 hours of ingestion. The duration of clinical signs ranged from 15 hours to four days. Ninety-four percent of the dogs recovered with supportive treatment. (Vet. Emerg. & Crit. Care, 9:203–207, 1999)  相似文献   

Background: Serum hypercalcemia in dogs has been reported in association with a variety of diseases. Serum-ionized calcium (iCa) concentration is a more accurate measure of hypercalcemia than total serum calcium or corrected serum calcium concentrations. The severity of hypercalcemia has been utilized to suggest the most likely differential diagnosis for the hypercalcemia.
Hypothesis: Diseases causing ionized hypercalcemia may be different than those that cause increases in total or corrected serum calcium concentrations. The severity of ionized hypercalcemia in specific diseases cannot be used to determine the most likely differential diagnosis for ionized hypercalcemia.
Animals: One-hundred and nine client-owned dogs with a definitive cause for their ionized hypercalcemia evaluated between 1998 and 2003 were included in this study.
Methods: Retrospective, medical records review.
Results: Neoplasia, specifically lymphosarcoma, followed by renal failure, hyperparathyroidism, and hypoadrenocorticism were the most common causes of ionized hypercalcemia. Dogs with lymphoma and anal sac adenocarcinoma have higher serum iCa concentrations than those with renal failure, hypoadrenocorticism, and other types of neoplasia. The magnitude of serum-ionized hypercalcemia did not predict specific disease states.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Serum-ionized hypercalcemia was most commonly associated with neoplasia, specifically lymphosarcoma. Although dogs with lymphosarcoma and anal sac adenocarcinoma had higher serum iCa concentrations than dogs with other diseases, the magnitude of the serum iCa concentration could not be used to predict the cause of hypercalcemia. Total serum calcium and corrected calcium concentrations did not accurately reflect the calcium status of the dogs in this study.  相似文献   

Background: Sterile nodular panniculitis (SNP) is an uncommon inflammatory condition of subcutaneous fat that can be idiopathic, but has also been associated with underlying conditions such as pancreatic disease or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The pathogenesis and clinical course of the condition are not well understood. Objectives: To retrospectively review cases of SNP associated with systemic signs, concurrent disease, or both and characterize the clinical, laboratory, imaging, and histopathologic findings, treatment, and response to treatment. Animals: Fourteen dogs with histologically confirmed SNP diagnosed between 1996 and 2008. Methods: Retrospective study. Results: Skin lesions were ulcerated or draining nodules in 9 dogs and nonulcerative subcutaneous nodules in 5. Most dogs had systemic signs, such as fever, inappetence, lethargy, and multiple lesions. Common clinicopathologic findings included neutrophilia with or without left shift, increased alkaline phosphatase activity, mild hypoglycemia, hypoalbuminemia, and proteinuria. Concurrent diseases included pancreatic disease, SLE, rheumatoid arthritis, polyarthritis, lymphoplasmacytic colitis, and hepatic disease. Dogs responded to immunosuppressive doses of corticosteroids when administered. Prognosis for recovery was related to the underlying disease process. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: SNP is not a single disease. Rather, it is a cutaneous marker of systemic disease in many cases. After thorough evaluation for concurrent disease and infectious causes, immunosuppressive treatment is often effective.  相似文献   

Axial skeletal osteosarcomas were evaluated retrospectively in 116 dogs. Thirty-one tumors occurred in the mandible, 26 in the maxilla, 17 in the spine, 14 in the cranium, 12 in the ribs, 10 in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, and 6 in the pelvis. Medium-sized and large dogs were most commonly affected. Females outnumbered males 2.1:1, but this varied with tumor location. The mean age was 8.7 years. Osteosarcomas of the rib occurred in significantly younger dogs (mean age, 5.4 years) than osteosarcomas at any other axial skeletal site. Pulmonary metastasis was diagnosed radiographically in 11.1% of the dogs. The median survival for dogs treated surgically was 22 weeks, the 1-year survival was 26.3%, and the 2-year survival was 18.4%. The tumor recurrence rate was 66.7%. Most dogs (79.6%) died or were euthanatized for problems associated with the primary tumor.  相似文献   

为了解犬钩端螺旋体病的临床特点和诊疗方法,对2017年10月至2018年7月在浙江大学动物医院确诊的16例钩端螺旋体病犬的发病和诊疗情况进行了回顾分析。PCR诊断钩端螺旋体免疫的公犬是高发群体,雨水较多的月份发病率高于雨水少的月份,由于周边地区金毛、贵宾和田园犬的保有量相对其他品种要高,故在患犬中占比较高。病初主要表现为呕吐、脱水、精神委靡、结膜潮红、食欲废绝等症状。临床检查发现血尿素氮、血肌酐、血磷等指标明显升高,白细胞不同程度升高,部分病例出现贫血。B超检查可见肾肿大、肾实质损伤。主要酸碱紊乱类型为代谢性酸中毒和呼吸性酸中毒,低钠血症最为常见,并发症有肝损伤、胰腺炎、肺炎等。  相似文献   

Abstract— Forty-three cases of cutaneous melanocytic neoplasia in cats were reviewed. Twenty-eight of the 43 neoplasms were histologically benign and 15 were malignant. Behavior was independent of site except that tumors of the eyelid were malignant. Histologic findings of epidermal ulceration, cleanliness of tissue borders, degree of melanization, tumor cell type, and the presence or absence of theques did not differentiate benign from malignant tumors. Junctional activity indicated a high probability of benign behavior while malignant behavior was predicted by a high mitotic index and infiltration of the tumor by lymphoid cells. Résumé— Quarante trois cas de tumeurs mélaniques félines ont été revus. Vingt huit de ces 43 tumeurs étaient histologiquement bénignes et 15 malignes. Le comportement était indépendant de la localisation de la tumeur, à l'exception des tumeurs des paupières, toujours malignes. L'observation histologique d'ulcération épidermique, de propreté des bords des tissus, du degré de mélanisation, du type cellulaire et de la presence ou de l'absence de thèques ne différait pas qu'il s'agisse de tumeur bénigne ou maligne. L'activité jonctionnelle indiquait une forte probabilité de bénignité, alors qu'un comportement malin était prédit par un index mitotique élevé et une infiltration de la tumeur par des cellules lymphoïdes. Zusammenfassung— Es wird ein überlick über 43 Fälle von kutanen melanozytären Neoplasien bei Katzen gegeben. Achtundzwanzig der 43 Neoplasmen waren histologisch gutartig, 15 waren bösartig. Das Verhalten der Tumore war unabhängig von der Lokalisation, abgesehen von Tumoren der Augenlider, die stets maligne waren. Histologische Befunde wie epidermale Ulzeration, scharfe Begrenzung der Gewebsränder, Grad der Melanisierung, Tumorzelltyp und Vorhandensein oder Fehlen von Thequen unterschieden die benignen von den malignen Tumoren nicht. Verbindungsaktivität bedeutete eine hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit für gutartiges Verhalten, während bösartiges Verhalten durch einen hohen Mitoseindex und Infiltration des Tumors mit lymphoiden Zellen vorhersagbar war. Resumen En éste artículo se analizan cuarenta y tres casos de neoplasia melanocítica cutánea en gatos. Veintiocho de loa cuarenta y tres casos, resultaron cánceres benignos histológicamente y quince, malignos. El grado de malignidad no tenia relación con el sitio de procedencia con la excepción de que los tumores de párpados que resultaron malignos. Las características histológicas de las ulceraciones epidérmicas, limpieza de tejidos circundantes, grado de melanización, tipo de célula tumoral, y presencia o ausencia de the zeques, no sirvió para la diferenciación entre maligno y benigno. La actividad de la zona delimitante fué un indicador de alta probabilidad de benignidad, mientras que la el tipo maligno se predijo por un índice mitótico alto e infiltración del tumor por celulas de tipo linfoide.  相似文献   

Coccidioidomycosis was diagnosed in 48 cats. Forty-one cases were identified within a period of 3 years. Coccidioides immitis was revealed by cytological or histopathological examinations, or culture in 70% of cats. The remaining 30% of cases were diagnosed by appropriate clinical signs, radiographic lesions, and serological test results. The average age of affected cats was 6.2 years with a median age of 5.0 years. Fifty-four percent (n = 26) were female and 46% (n = 22) were male. Domestic shorthaired and longhaired breeds comprised 89% (n = 41) of affected cats. Sixty-seven percent of cases were diagnosed during the 6-month period of December through May. Cats infected with C immitis were presented for evaluation of dermatologic (56%), respiratory (25%), musculoskeletal (19%), and neurological or ophthalmologic signs (19%). Fever, inappetence, and weight loss were present in 44% of the cats. Duration of clinical signs before diagnosis was less than 4 weeks in 85% (n = 42) of cats, with an average of 3.8 weeks and a median of 2 weeks. Agar gel immunodiffusion tests were positive in all 39 cats tested at sometime during the course of their disease. Hyperproteinemia (greater than 7.9 g/dL) was present in 52% (10/23) of cases. The majority of cats (n = 39) were negative for feline leukemia virus. Antibodies to feline immunodeficiency virus were absent in the 19 cats tested. Ketoconazole was the most common antifungal agent used to treat cats with Coccidioidomycosis. Duration of treatment ranged from less than 1 week to 43 months. Thirty-two cats are currently asymptomatic, with or without treatment. Eleven cats died or were euthanized. Five cats were lost to follow-up. Ketoconazole likely is more suppressive than curative because relapses were common after discontinuing therapy.  相似文献   

Thirty-six dogs underwent pulmonary metastatectomy for osteosarcoma. All patients had been treated for histologically confirmed osteosarcoma of the appendicular skeleton. Treatment for the primary tumor consisted of amputation or a limb sparing procedure in conjunction with adjuvant chemotherapy, local radiation therapy, or both.
Significant factors in determining prognosis included the disease-free interval (DFI) between treatment of the primary tumor and development of pulmonary metastases and the number of metastatic nodules present at surgery. Dogs that developed pulmonary metastases 300 days or more after diagnosis of the primary tumor had a median DFI of 128 days after metastatectomy. Dogs that developed pulmonary metastases fewer than 300 days after diagnosis had a median DFI of 58 days. Dogs with one or two metastatic nodules removed had a median DFI of 95 days, whereas dogs with three or more nodules removed had a median DFI of 53 days. The results of this study indicate that prognostic variables exist for dogs with metastatic pulmonary osteosarcoma and can help predict survival after metastatectomy. These variables are similar to the prognostic variables that have been determined for human patients undergoing pulmonary metastatectomy because of osteosarcoma. Though a controversial procedure, pulmonary metastatectomy seems to be a valid treatment option for selected dogs with metastatic pulmonary osteosarcoma.  相似文献   

Background: Diarrhea is common in foals but there are no studies investigating the relative prevalence of common infectious agents in a population of hospitalized diarrheic foals.
Objectives: To determine the frequency of detection of infectious agents in a population of hospitalized foals with diarrhea and to determine if detection of specific pathogens is associated with age, outcome, or clinicopathologic data.
Animals: Two hundred and thirty-three foals ≤ 10 months of age with diarrhea examined at a referral institution.
Methods: Retrospective case series. Each foal was examined for Salmonella spp., viruses, Clostridium difficile toxins, Clostridium perfringens culture, C. perfringens enterotoxin, Cryptosporidium spp., and metazoan parasites in feces collected at admission or at the onset of diarrhea.
Results: At least 1 infectious agent was detected in 122 foals (55%). Rotavirus was most frequently detected (20%) followed by C. perfringens (18%), Salmonella spp. (12%), and C. difficile (5%). Foals < 1 month of age were significantly more likely to be positive for C. perfringens (odds ratio [OR] = 15, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 3.5–66) or to have negative fecal diagnostic results (OR = 3.0, 95% CI = 1.7–5.2) than older foals. Foals > 1 month of age were significantly more likely to have Salmonella spp. (OR = 2.6, 95% CI = 1.2–6.0), rotavirus (OR = 13.3, 95% CI = 5.3–33), and parasites (OR = 23, 95% CI = 3.1–185) detected compared with younger foals. Overall 191 of the 223 foals (87%) survived. The type of infectious agent identified in the feces or bacteremia was not significantly associated with survival.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: In the population studied, foals with diarrhea had a good prognosis regardless of which infectious agent was identified in the feces.  相似文献   

Case records of 11 dogs with histologically confirmed carotid body tumors were reviewed. Surgical excision had been attempted in ten dogs with carotid body tumors, and one dog had been euthanatized at diagnosis. There were no intraoperative deaths but perioperative mortality was 40%. Horner's syndrome and laryngeal paralysis were the most common postoperative morbidities. The median survival time after surgery alone in the four dogs that survived the perioperative period was 25.5 months (range, 12-45 months). Two dogs treated with postoperative radiation therapy had survival times of 6 and 27 months. Of the six dogs surviving the perioperative period, two dogs are still alive at 19 and 32 months postoperatively. Of the four dogs that died, one was euthanatized 12 months postoperatively for nontumor-related causes. The remaining three dogs died of distant metastases. The carotid body tumors studied were characterized by local tissue invasion, neurovascular complications after therapy, and a propensity to metastasize to multiple sites in the body.  相似文献   

Forty-one dogs with mast cell tumors (MCTs) were treated with oral prednisone and injectable vinblastine (VBL), both in the adjuvant setting (23 dogs) and in dogs with gross disease (18 dogs). Adverse effects were noted in 20% (8/41) of the patients, usually after the 1st dose of VBL. Adverse effects were considered mild in 6, and severe, necessitating treatment discontinuation, in 2 (5%). Overall response rate in the evaluable dogs with gross disease was 47% (7/15), consisting of 5 complete responses and 2 partial responses. Median response duration was 154 days (24 to >645 days). As adjuvant therapy to incomplete surgical resection, prednisone and VBL conferred a 57% 1- and 2-year disease-free rate. Median survival time (MST) for the entire patient population was not reached with a median follow-up of 573 days; however, the MST for dogs with grade III MCT was 331 days, with 45% of dogs alive at 1 and 2 years. This is an apparent improvement over historical survival data employing surgery alone. Upon univariate analysis, significant prognostic factors (P < .05) for survival included presence of a locally recurrent tumor, presence of gross disease, argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region frequency, lymph node status, histologic grade, previous chemotherapy, and ulceration of the tumor. Similar criteria were significant when analyzed for time to treatment failure. Response to therapy was also predictive of survival in the gross disease group. Upon multivariate analysis, histologic grade (P = .012) and presence of a locally recurrent tumor (P < .001) were significant factors for survival.  相似文献   

Objective: Determine the efficacy and safety of a linear-accelerator-based single fraction radiosurgical approach to the treatment of pituitary tumors in cats.
Design: Retrospective study.
Animals: Eleven client-owned cats referred for treatment of pituitary tumors causing neurological signs, or poorly controlled diabetes mellitus (DM) secondary either to acromegaly or pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocortism.
Procedures: Cats underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain to manually plan radiation therapy. After MRI, modified radiosurgery was performed by delivering a single large dose (15 or 20 Gy) of radiation while arcing a linear-accelerator-generated radiation beam around the cat's head with the pituitary mass at the center of the beam. Eight cats were treated once, 2 cats were treated twice, and 1 cat received 3 treatments. Treated cats were evaluated for improvement in endocrine function or resolution of neurological disease by review of medical records or contact with referring veterinarians and owners.
Results: Improvement in clinical signs occurred in 7/11 (63.6%) of treated cats. Five of 9 cats with poorly regulated DM had improved insulin responses, and 2/2 cats with neurological signs had clinical improvement. There were no confirmed acute or late adverse radiation effects. The overall median survival was 25 months (range, 1–60), and 3 cats were still alive.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Single fraction modified radiosurgery is a safe and effective approach to the treatment of pituitary tumors in cats.  相似文献   

A study of 57 cutaneous melanocytic tumors from 53 horses revealed 4 distinct clinical syndromes: melanocytic nevus, dermal melanoma, dermal melanomatosis, and anaplastic malignant melanoma. Melanocytic nevus and anaplastic melanoma each had histopathologic features that distinguished them from dermal melanoma and dermal melanomatosis. Dermal melanoma and dermal melanomatosis were histologically similar but could be differentiated by their clinical features. Melanocytic nevi were diagnosed in 29 horses with an average age of 5 years; they were solitary, superficial masses that occurred in both grey and nongrey horses, and in which surgical excision was generally curative. Dermal melanomas were diagnosed in 20 horses with an average age of 13 years; all horses of known coat color were grey. Eight horses with an average age of 7 years had 1 or 2 discrete dermal melanomas. Follow-up information was available for 6 horses; metastases occurred in 2 horses, and surgical excision was apparently curative in 4 horses. Dermal melanomatosis was diagnosed in 12 grey horses with an average age of 17 years; all 6 of these horses evaluated had internal metastases. In 2 aged nongrey horses with anaplastic malignant melanoma, the tumors metastasized within 1 year of diagnosis. Two tumors with features of both melanocytic nevus and dermal melanoma remained unclassified.  相似文献   

Background: Little is known about etiology, disease progression, treatment outcome, survival time, and factors affecting prognosis in dogs with primary hepatitis (PH).
Objectives: To review retrospectively different forms of hepatitis in a referral population, by the World Small Animal Veterinary Association Standardization criteria.
Animals: One-hundred and one dogs examined for histologically confirmed PH between 2002 and 2006. Dogs with nonspecific reactive hepatitis were excluded.
Methods: Retrospective study. Medical records were reviewed for prevalence, signalment, clinical and clinicopathologic manifestation, outcome, survival time, and prognostic factors for shortened survival.
Results: PH occurred in 0.5% of dogs in this referral population. Acute (AH) and chronic hepatitis (CH) were diagnosed in 21 and 67 dogs, respectively. Progression from AH to CH occurred in 5/12 of the repeatedly sampled dogs. CH was idiopathic in 43 (64%) dogs, and was associated with copper accumulation in 24 (36%) dogs. Median survival time was longer in dogs with AH than in dogs with CH (either idiopathic or copper associated), and dogs with lobular dissecting hepatitis had the shortest survival time. Prognostic factors predicting shortened survival were associated with decompensated liver function and cirrhosis at initial examination.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: The majority of PH in dogs is CH. Previous studies appear to have underestimated the etiologic role of copper in both AH and CH. Prognosis is reduced in dogs with hepatic cirrhosis or cirrhosis-related clinical findings. Further research into etiology and treatment effectiveness in all PH forms is needed.  相似文献   

Right dorsal colitis in horses has been associated with administration of phenylbutazone. Although reports of right dorsal colitis in this species have described surgical treatment associated with a poor prognosis, we have had success treating this condition medically. This report describes 5 horses with right dorsal colitis confirmed during celiotomy that were initially managed medically. All horses had a history of intermittent abdominal pain; weight loss was noted in only 1 horse. The doses (2.0 to 4.6 mg/kg PO bid) and duration (5 to 30 days) of administration of phenylbutazone were not unusually high relative to those recommended (4.4 mg/kg PO bid). Hypoproteinemia and hypoalbuminemia were observed in all horses at the time of admission; packed cell volume was low in 4 horses, and hypocalcemia was also observed in 4 horses. Three of 5 horses (60%) appeared to respond to dietary management and discontinuation of administration of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Dietary management consisted of feeding pelleted feed, and restricting or eliminating roughage for a period of at least 3 months. Two horses developed strictures of the right dorsal colon. One horse that developed a colonic stricture, possibly because its owners did not comply with recommendations for management, was subsequently treated surgically. The remaining horse that developed a stricture of the right dorsal colon was euthanized. These data indicate that some horses with right dorsal colitis can be successfully managed with medical treatment.  相似文献   

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