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Long-term field experiments are among the best means to predict soil management impacts on soil carbon storage. Soil organic carbon (SOC) and natural abundance 13C (δ13C) were sensitive to tillage, stover harvest, and nitrogen (N) management during 13 years of continuous corn (Zea mays L.), grown on a Haplic Chernozem soil in Minnesota. Contents of SOC in the 0–15 cm layer in the annually-tilled [moldboard (MB) and chisel (CH)] plots decreased slightly with years of corn after a low input mixture of alfalfa (Medicago sativum L.) and oat (Avena sativa L.) for pasture; stover harvest had no effect. Storage of SOC in no-till (NT) plots with stover harvested remained nearly unchanged at 55 Mg ha−1 with time, while that with stover returned increased about 14%. The measured δ13C increased steadily with years of corn cropping in all treatments; the NT with stover return had the highest increase. The N fertilization effects on SOC and δ13C were most evident when stover was returned to NT plots. In the 15–30 cm depth, SOC storage decreased and δ13C values increased with years of corn cropping under NT, especially when stover was harvested. There was no consistent temporal trend in SOC storage and δ13C values in the 15–30 cm depth when plots received annual MB or CH tillage. The amount of available corn residue that was retained in SOC storage was influenced by all three management factors. Corn-derived SOC in the 0–15 cm and the 15–30 cm layers of the NT system combined was largest with 200 kg N ha−1 and no stover harvest. The MB and CH tillage systems did not influence soil storage of corn-derived SOC in either the 0–15 or 15–30 cm layers. The corn-derived SOC as a fraction of SOC after 13 years fell into three ranges: 0.05 for the NT with stover harvested, 0.15 for the NT with no stover harvest, and 0.09–0.10 for treatments with annual tillage; N rate had no effect on this fraction. Corn-derived SOC expressed as a fraction of C returned was positively biased when C returned in the roots was estimated from recovery of root biomass. The half-life for decomposition of the original or relic SOC was longer when stover was returned, shortened when stover was harvested and N applied, and sharply lengthened when stover was not harvested and N was partially mixed with the stover. Separating SOC storage into relic and current crop sources has significantly improved our understanding of the main and interacting effects of tillage, crop residue, and N fertilization for managing SOC accumulation in soil.  相似文献   

The long-term impact of tillage and residue management on soil microorganisms was studied over the growing season in a sandy loam to loamy sand soil of southwestern Quebec, growing maize (Zea mays L.) monoculture. Tillage and residue treatments were first imposed on plots in fall 1991. Treatments consisted of no till, reduced tillage, and conventional tillage with crop residues either removed from (−R) or retained on (+R) experimental plots, laid out in a randomized complete block design. Soil microbial biomass carbon (SMB-C), soil microbial biomass nitrogen (SMB-N) and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) contents were measured four times, at two depths (0-10 and 10-20 cm), over the 2001 growing season. Sample times were: May 7 (preplanting), June 25, July 16, and September 29 (prior to corn harvest). The effect of time was of a greater magnitude than those attributed to tillage or residue treatments. While SMB-C showed little seasonal change (160 μg C g−1 soil), SMB-N was responsive to post-emergence mineral nitrogen fertilization, and PLFA analysis showed an increase in fungi and total PLFA throughout the season. PLFA profiles showed better distinction between sampling time and depth, than between treatments. The effect of residue was more pronounced than that of tillage, with increased SMB-C and SMB-N (61 and 96%) in +R plots compared to −R plots. This study illustrated that measuring soil quality based on soil microbial components must take into account seasonal changes in soil physical and chemical conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Three mollisols, typical of the Palouse winter wheat region of eastern Washington and northern Idaho, were analyzed for microbial biomass, total C and total N after 10 years of combined tillage and rotation treatments. Treatments included till, no-till and three different cereal-legume rotations. All crop phases in each rotation were sampled in the same year. Microbial biomass was monitored from April to October, using a respiratory-response method. Microbial biomass, total C and total N were highest under no-till surface soils (0–5 cm), with minimal differences for tillage or depth below 5 cm. Microbial biomass differences among rotations were not large, owing to the relative homogeneity of the treatments. A rotation with two legume crops had the highest total C and N. Microbial biomass was significantly higher in no-till surface soils where the current crop had been preceded by a high-residue crop. The opposite was true for the tilled plots. There was little change in microbial biomass over the seasons until October, when fresh crop residues and rains had a strong stimulatory effect. The seasonal pattern of biomass in no-till surface soils reflected the dry summer/winter rainfall climate of the region. The results of this study show that numerous factors affect soil microbial biomass and that cropping history and seasonal changes must be taken into account when microbial biomass data are compared.Scientific paper no. 7634  相似文献   

Conservation farming practices are often considered effective measures to increase soil organic C (SOC) sequestration and/or to reduce CO2 emissions resulting from farm machinery operation. The long-term CO2 mitigation potentials of no-till (NT) versus conventional till (CT), stubble retention (SR) versus stubble burning (SB) and N fertilisation (NF) versus no N application (N0) as well as their interactions were examined on a Vertosol (Vertisol) in semi-arid subtropical Queensland, Australia by taking into account their impacts on SOC content, crop residue C storage, on-farm fossil fuel consumption and CO2 emissions associated with N fertiliser application. The experimental site had been cropped with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) or barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) with a summer fallow for 33 years.

Where NT, SR or NF was applied alone, no significant effect on SOC was found in the 0–10, 10–20 and 0–20 cm depths. Nonetheless, the treatment effects in the 0–10 cm depth were interactive and maximum SOC sequestration was achieved under the NT + SR + NF treatment. Carbon storage in crop residues decreased substantially during the fallow period, to a range between 0.4 Mg CO2-e ha−1 under the CT + SB + NF treatment and 2.4 Mg CO2-e ha−1 under the NT + SR + N0 treatment (CO2-e stands for CO2 equivalent). The cumulative fossil fuel CO2 emission over 33 years was estimated to be 2.2 Mg CO2-e ha−1 less under NT than under CT systems. Cumulative CO2 emissions from N fertiliser application amounted to 3.0 Mg CO2 ha−1. The farm-level C accounting indicated that a net C sequestration of 4.5 Mg CO2-e was achieved under the NT + SR + NF treatment, whilst net CO2 emissions ranging from 0.5 to 6.0 Mg CO2-e ha−1 over 33 years occurred under other treatments.  相似文献   

Subsidence of drained, high organic matter Histosols in the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) is a concern for the sustainability of crop production in southern Florida. Histosol subsidence is primarily due to oxidation of organic matter by aerobic microorganisms, but far less is known about the influence of agricultural practices. The use of shallow tillage, as opposed to deep tillage, combined with proper plant residue management, may help to reduce the present rate of subsidence and soil CO2 emissions. The present study was conducted on a Lauderhill soil (euic, hyperthermic, Lithic Haplosaprist) previously cropped in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.). The objectives were to (1) determine the effects of tillage depth on short-term CO2 losses in a herbicide-killed weedy residue covered field and another field kept fallow without residue cover, and (2) compare soil respiration measurements made with two different dynamic closed-system portable chamber techniques. Four tillage practices common to the EAA were used to produce soil disturbance ranging in depth from approximately 20 to 300 mm. These practices included switch plowing, disk harrowing, and single and multiple tine cultivation. Twenty-four hours after tillage, cumulative CO2 loss from the deepest tillage treatment (switch plow; 300 mm deep) was as much as 33 times greater than that from the no-till (control) treatment. Cumulative CO2 loss following intermediate tillage (disk harrow; 78–145 mm deep) was as much as 2.3-fold greater than the no-till treatment, but shallower tillage (tine cultivation; 20–41 mm deep) was generally not different. Short-term tillage-induced CO2 loss was primarily related to soil moisture content and soil porosity. Soil respiration measurements made with the two chamber techniques agreed well with each other except for the deepest tillage treatment, where the larger chamber measured CO2 flux that was approximately 10 times greater than for the smaller chamber. Results indicate that minimum or no-tillage may reduce short-term tillage-induced CO2 emissions on organic soils, thus minimizing soil subsidence.  相似文献   

Tillage is known to decrease soil organic nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) pools with negative consequences for soil quality. This decrease is thought partly to be caused by exposure of protected organic matter to microbial degradation by the disturbance of soil structure. Little is known, however, about the short-term effects of tillage on mineralization of N and C, and microbial activity. We studied the short-term effects of two types of tillage (conventional plough- and a non-inverting-tillage) on mineralization and microbial N and C pools in a sandy loam under organic plough-tillage management. The release of active and protected (inactive) N by tillage was further studied in the laboratory by use of 15N labelling of the active pool of soil N followed by simulation of tillage by sieving through a 2 mm sieve. Results showed that the two types of tillage as well as the simulation of tillage had very few effects on mineralization and microbial pools. The simulation of tillage caused, however, a small release of N from a pool which was otherwise protected against microbial degradation. The use of soil crushing for disruption of larger macroaggregates (>425 μm) and chloroform fumigation for perturbation of the microbial biomass increased the release from both active and protected N pools. The relative contribution from the protected N pool was, however, similar in the three treatments (22-27%), thus the pools subjected to mineralization were characterised by similar degree of protection. On the basis of isotopic composition the pools of N mineralised were indistinguishable. This suggests that the released N originated from the same pool, that is the soil microbial biomass. The study points to the microbial pool as the main source of labile N which may be released by tillage, and thus to its importance for sustained soil fertility in agricultural systems.  相似文献   

Soil and crop management practices may alter the quantity, quality, and placement of plant residues that influence soil C and N fractions. We examined the effects of two tillage practices [conventional till (CT) and no-till (NT)] and five crop rotations [continuous spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (CW), spring wheat–fallow (W–F), spring wheat–lentil (Lens culinaris Medic.) (W–L), spring wheat–spring wheat–fallow (W–W–F), and spring wheat–pea (Pisum sativum L.)–fallow (W–P–F)] on transient land previously under 10 years of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) planting on the amount of plant biomass (stems + leaves) returned to the soil from 1998 to 2003 and soil C and N fractions within the surface 20 cm in March 2004. A continued CRP planting was also included as another treatment for comparing soil C and N fractions. The C and N fractions included soil organic C (SOC), soil total N (STN), microbial biomass C and N (MBC and MBN), potential C and N mineralization (PCM and PNM), and NH4-N and NO3-N contents. A field experiment was conducted in a mixture of Scobey clay loam (fine-loamy, mixed, Aridic Argiborolls) and Kevin clay loam (fine, montmorillonitic, Aridic Argiborolls) in Havre, MT, USA. Plant biomass yield varied by crop rotation and year and mean annualized biomass was 45–50% higher in CW and W–F than in W–L. The SOC and PCM were not influenced by treatments. The MBC at 0–5 cm was 26% higher in W–W–F than in W–F. The STN and NO3-N at 5–20 cm and PNM at 0–5 cm were 17–1206% higher in CT with W–L than in other treatments. Similarly, MBN at 0–5 cm was higher in CT with W–L than in other treatments, except in CT with W–F and W–P–F. Reduction in the length of fallow period increased MBC and MBN but the presence of legumes, such as lentil and pea, in the crop rotation increased soil N fractions. Six years of tillage and crop rotation had minor influence on soil C and N storage between croplands and CRP planting but large differences in active soil C and N fractions.  相似文献   

Managed pastures have potential for C and N sequestration in addition to providing forage for livestock. Our objectives were to investigate changes in soil organic C (SOC) and soil organic N (SON) concentrations and mineralizable C and N in cattle (Bos indicus) grazed bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] pastures up to 32 y after establishment. Management included low- and high-grazing intensity, fertilization, and winter overseeding with annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and clover (Trifolium sp.). Soil (0-15 cm) was sampled 7, 15, 26, and 32 y after establishment of Coastal and common bermudagrass pastures. No significant differences in SOC or SON concentrations were observed between Coastal and common bermudagrass pastures. Grazing strategies played important roles in C and N sequestration, as high-grazing intensity resulted in a lower increase in SOC and SON concentrations over time compared to low-grazing intensity. Increases in SOC were observed up to 26 y, while increases in SON were observed up to 32 y after establishment of bermudagrass pastures. Soil organic C increased 67 and 39% from 7 to 26 y at low-grazing intensity for bermudagrass+ryegrass and bermudagrass+clover pastures, respectively. SOC and SON concentrations did not increase beyond 15 y after bermudagrass establishment at high-grazing intensity. An exception was the Coastal bermudagrass+ryegrass pastures, which exhibited higher SON at 32 y than at 7 y at both grazing intensities. By 32 y, SON increased 83 and 45% in Coastal bermudagrass+ryegrass pastures at low- and high-grazing intensity, respectively, compared to 7 y. The introduction of clover to pastures decreased SOC and SON relative to ryegrass at high- but not at low-grazing intensity. Potentially mineralizable C increased from 7 to 15 y, while mineralizable N increased from 7 to 32 y. Potentially mineralizable N was also greater for bermudagrass+clover than bermudagrass+ryegrass pastures. Long-term increases in SOC and SON concentrations suggest that managed and grazed pastures have strong potential for C and N sequestration.  相似文献   

Effect of 19 years of different tillage (direct drilled vs. conventional tillage) and stubble management (stubble retained vs. burnt) on soil carbon fractions were studied in a red earth, an Oxic Paleustalf at Wagga Wagga, NSW. The changes in carbon fractions were related to observed changes in soil structural stability and nitrogen availability. Significant differences in total organic carbon (TOC) were detected to 0.20 m depth, but the largest differences existed in the top 0.05 m where a difference of 8.0 g/kg (equivalent to 5.2 t ha−1) was found between the extreme treatments (direct drilled/stubble retained (DD/SR) vs. conventional cultivation/stubble burnt (CC/SB)). Tillage had a much greater effect in reducing total carbon than stubble burning accounting for 80% of the total difference between the extreme treatments in 0–0.05 m layer. Tillage and stubble burning resulted in lower levels of different organic carbon fractions with tillage preferentially reducing the particulate organic carbon (POC) (>53 μm) (both free and associated POCs), whereas stubble burning reduced the incorporated organic carbon (<53 μm). We also found that tillage and stubble burning both significantly lowered the water stability of aggregate >2 mm, whereas stubble burning was related to the reduction of water stability of aggregates <50 μm. Furthermore, tillage was related to the decline in mineralisable nitrogen (MN) due to the loss of POC, especially the free POC fraction. POC was a more sensitive indicator of soil quality changes under different tillage and stubble management than TOC.  相似文献   

Residue retention and reduced tillage are both conservation agricultural management options that may enhance soil organic carbon (SOC) stabilization in tropical soils. Therefore, we evaluated the effects of long-term tillage and residue management on SOC dynamics in a Chromic Luvisol (red clay soil) and Areni-Gleyic Luvisol (sandy soil) in Zimbabwe. At the time of sampling the soils had been under conventional tillage (CT), mulch ripping (MR), clean ripping (CR) and tied ridging (TR) for 9 years. Soil was fully dispersed and separated into 212–2000 μm (coarse sand), 53–212 μm (fine sand), 20–53 μm (coarse silt), 5–20 μm (fine silt) and 0–5 μm (clay) size fractions. The whole soil and size fractions were analyzed for C content. Conventional tillage treatments had the least amount of SOC, with 14.9 mg C g−1 soil and 4.2 mg C g−1 soil for the red clay and sandy soils, respectively. The highest SOC content was 6.8 mg C g−1 soil in the sandy soil under MR, whereas for the red clay soil, TR had the highest SOC content of 20.4 mg C g−1 soil. Organic C in the size fractions increased with decreasing size of the fractions. In both soils, the smallest response to management was observed in the clay size fractions, confirming that this size fraction is the most stable. The coarse sand-size fraction was most responsive to management in the sandy soil where MR had 42% more organic C than CR, suggesting that SOC contents of this fraction are predominantly controlled by amounts of C input. In contrast, the fine sand fraction was the most responsive fraction in the red clay soil with a 66% greater C content in the TR than CT. This result suggests that tillage disturbance is the dominant factor reducing C stabilization in a clayey soil, probably by reducing C stabilization within microaggregates. In conclusion, developing viable conservation agriculture practices to optimize SOC contents and long-term agroecosystem sustainability should prioritize the maintenance of C inputs (e.g. residue retention) to coarse textured soils, but should focus on the reduction of SOC decomposition (e.g. through reduced tillage) in fine textured soils.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the levels of soil microbial biomass C (MBC) and N (MBN), N-mineralization rate and available-N concentration were studied in rice–barley supporting tropical dryland (rainfed) agroecosystem under six combinations of tillage (conventional, minimum and zero tillage) and crop residue manipulation (retained or removed) conditions. Highest levels of soil MBC and MBN (368–503 and 38.2–59.7 μg g−1, respectively) were obtained in minimum tillage residue retained (MT+R) treatment and lowest levels (214–264 and 20.3–27.1 μg g−1, respectively) in conventional tillage residue removed (CT−R, control) treatment. Along with residue retention tillage reduction from conventional to zero increased the levels of MBC and MBN (36–82 and 29–104% over control, respectively). The proportion of MBC and MBN in soil organic C and total N contents increased significantly in all treatments compared to control. This increase (28% in case of C and 33% N) was maximum in MT+R and minimum (10% for C and N both) in minimum tillage residue removed (MT−R) treatment. In all treatments concentrations of N in microbial biomass were greater at seedling stage, thereafter these concentrations decreased drastically (21–38%) at grain-forming stage of both crops. In residue removed treatments, N-mineralization rates were maximum during the seedling stage of crops and then decreased through the crop maturity. In residue retained treatments, however, N-mineralization rates were lower than in residue removed treatments at seedling stage of both crops. At grain-forming stage in all instances the N-mineralization rates in residue retained treatments considerably exceeded the rates in corresponding residue removed treatments. Tillage reduction and residue retention both increased the proportion of organic C and total N present in soil organic matter as microbial biomass. Microbial immobilization of available-N during the early phase of crops and its pulsed release later during the period of greater N demand of crops enhanced the degree of synchronization between crop demand and N supply. The maximum enhancement effects were recorded in the minimum tillage along with residue retained treatment. In the dryland agroecosystem studied, two management practices in combination proved more advantageous than either practice alone in maintaining soil fertility levels. For soil fertility amelioration in dryland agroecosystems with least dependence upon chemical fertilizer input, post-harvest retention of about 20 cm shoot biomass (accounting for 25–40% aboveground biomass) of previous crop and its incorporation in soil through minimum tillage in the succeeding crop is suggested, especially in the case of cereal.  相似文献   

Farmers within the Inland Pacific Northwest are gradually transitioning to direct seed (DS) practices that reduce soil disturbance and increase surface residue compared to conventional tillage (CT). Despite this transition the impacts of DS practices on soil properties and fauna in commercial fields has been little studied in the region. During the spring and summer of 2002 and 2003 we compared soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), pH, and earthworm and cocoon densities in CT and DS fields planted to either spring wheat or pea in the Palouse region of northern Idaho. In 2002 mean SOC within the 0–10-cm depth was greater in DS fields (2.05%) than at the same depth in CT fields (1.79%), however SOC within the 30–40-cm depth was lower under DS compared to CT. Mean soil pH within the 0–10-cm depth was 5.35 under DS and 5.61 under CT indicating that pH stratification can occur when tillage is reduced. Tillage effects on SOC, TN, and pH were not found in 2003. Tillage also did not significantly influence earthworm densities, which averaged 39 individuals m−2 in 2002 and 57 individuals m−2 in 2003. Correlations were detected in 2003 DS fields between soil properties (SOC and TN) and earthworm and cocoon densities at depths above 30 cm while in 2002 correlations in DS fields occurred with cocoon density, but not with earthworm density. Direct seed management can increase near-surface SOC and TN concentrations compared to CT practices, however, SOC concentrations deeper in the soil appear to remain the same or possibly decrease. Higher SOC and TN near the soil surface, as found in DS fields, appear to promote greater earthworm densities, which may improve long-term soil productivity.  相似文献   

The effects of tillage on soil organic carbon (SOC) and nutrient content of soil aggregates can vary spatially and temporally, and for different soil types and cropping systems. We assessed SOC and nutrient levels within water‐stable aggregates in ridges with no tillage (RNT) and also under conventional tillage (CT) for a subtropical rice soil in order to determine relationships between tillage, cation concentrations and soil organic matter. Surface soil (0–15 cm) was fractionated into aggregate sizes (>4.76 mm, 4.76–2.00 mm, 2.00–1.00 mm, 1.00–0.25 mm, 0.25–0.053 mm, <0.053 mm) under two tillage regimes. Tillage significantly reduced the proportion of macroaggregate fractions (>2.00 mm) and thus aggregate stability was reduced by 35% compared with RNT, indicating that tillage practices led to soil structural change for this subtropical soil. The patterns in SOC, total N, exchangeable Ca2+, Mg2+ and total exchangeable bases (TEB) were similar between tillage regimes, but concentrations were significantly higher under RNT than CT. This suggests that RNT in subtropical rice soils may be a better way to enhance soil productivity and improve soil C sequestration potential than CT. The highest SOC was in the 1.00–0.25 mm fraction (35.7 and 30.4 mg/kg for RNT and CT, respectively), while the lowest SOC was in microaggregate (<0.025 mm) and silt + clay (<0.053 mm) fractions (19.5 and 15.7 mg/kg for RNT and CT, respectively). Tillage did not influence the patterns in SOC across aggregates but did change the aggregate‐size distribution, indicating that tillage affected soil fertility primarily by changing soil structure.  相似文献   

耕作与轮作方式对黑土有机碳和全氮储量的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
土壤有机碳(SOC)及全氮(TN)对土壤肥力、作物产量、农业可持续发展以及全球碳、氮循环等都具有重要影响。为探索不同耕作和轮作方式对耕层黑土SOC和TN储量的影响,本文以吉林省德惠市进行了8 a的田间定位试验中层黑土为研究对象,对免耕、垄作和秋翻三种耕作方式及玉米-大豆轮作和玉米连作两种轮作方式下SOC和TN在各土层的含量变化进行了分析,并采用等质量土壤有机质储量计算方法,对比分析了不同处理对0~30 cm SOC和TN储量的影响。结果表明,与试验开始前相比,玉米-大豆轮作系统中,秋翻下SOC和TN储量均有所降低;免耕显著增加了0~5 cm SOC及TN含量,但SOC在亚表层亏损,导致其储量并未增加;而垄作处理下SOC及TN含量在0~5、5~10 cm的均显著增加,0~30 cm储量亦分别增加了4.9%和10.7%。玉米连作系统的两种耕作处理(免耕和秋翻)下SOC和TN储量均有所增加,且TN储量增幅均高于玉米-大豆轮作系统,其中免耕下TN储量增幅是玉米-大豆轮作的3.2倍。所有处理下C/N均呈降低趋势,其中垄作0~5 cm C/N由12.05降至11.04,降低幅度分别是免耕和秋翻的3.2和2.8倍。综上可知,对质地黏重排水不良的中层黑土,玉米-大豆轮作系统下免耕并不是促进SOC固定的有效形式,而垄作则促进了黑土SOC和TN的积累,这不仅有利于土壤肥力的改善,而且是使农田黑土由CO2"源"变为"汇"的有效形式之一。与玉米-大豆轮作相比,玉米连作下三种耕作方式都有利于SOC和TN积累。  相似文献   

Agricultural activities are responsible for greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission in the environment. Strategies are required to enhance the soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (N) sequestration to adapt and mitigate the climate change. We investigated GHGs emission, SOC and N enhancement under conventional tillage (CT) and zero tillage (ZT) with N management in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Seasonal carbon dioxide (CO2) emission and global warming potential (GWP) reduced for ZT treatments over CT without residues and 100% of required N with a blanket split application (CT – R + 100N). The ZT with 5 t ha?1 maize (Zea mays L.) residues retention and 75% of required N and GreenSeekerTM (GS)-aided N management (ZT + R + 75N + GS) reduced yield-scaled GHGs emission and increased total organic carbon (C) stock over CT – R + 100N. However, nitrous oxide (N2O) emission was lower in CT. The GS-based N management saved 26–35 kg N ha?1 in different tillage systems in both years over blanket application with higher N uptake and associated reduction in N2O emission. The study recommends that ZT with residues retention and GS-based N management can minimize the GHGs emission and improve the SOC.  相似文献   

This study was carried out in experimental plots established at Marcos Juárez, in the Pampean Region (center of Argentina) on Typic Argiudolls, with high silt content. The aim of this work was to study the effects of two tillage systems (reduced tillage and no-tillage) on the amount of total organic C, potentially mineralizable C, C released by respiration, and C stock in the topsoil of a corn (Zea mays L.)–wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)/soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.)–soybean rotation. No-tillage showed C stock greater than reduced tillage only at 0–5 cm depth, but not at 0–20 cm, even though in situ respiration was lower. As a consequence, no tillage did not show a differential capacity for C sequestration in comparison with reduced tillage.  相似文献   

Limited information is available on the influence of high surface residue tillag systems and the interaction of weed control methods, cultivar maturity, and phosphorus fertilizer placement on yield parameters of dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) A 3-year field study was conducted on a Fargo clay (fine, frigid, montmorillonitic Vertic Haplaquoll) to evaluate the influence of surface or deep band placed phosphorus fertilizer, tillage systems (PLOW, SWEEP, STRIP, NOTILL) and weed control methods on harvest plant populations, seed yield and seed weight of ‘Upland’ (early maturity) and ‘C-20’ (late maturity) dry bean cultivars. Yield variables were influenced by cultivar planted and climatic conditions. Zinc deficient plants and decreased yield were observed with the ‘C-20’ cultivar when grown on PLOW system plots where phosphorus fertilizer was surface applied. Zinc deficient plants were not present when the phosphorus fertilizer was deep banded or none was applied. No zinc deficient plants were observed on NOTILL, STRIP and SWEEP system plots. Both cultivars matured 7 to 10 days earlier with NOTILL, STRIP and SWEEP systems when compared with the PLOW system. Dry bean yields were reduced 180 to 310 kg ha−1 by cultivation for weed control. Little difference in yields occurred among tillage systems when climatic conditions were normal. During a cool wet season, seed yields on PLOW system plots were 150 to 400 kg ha−1 higher than on plots of systems with surface residue. Seed weight, although lower on the late maturity cultivar, was not greatly changed by tillage or weed control method. Results from this study indicate that dry beans can be successfully grown with small grain surface residue systems in northern climatic areas where growing degree days exceed 1200 and growing season precipitation does not exceed 400 mm. Further, deep band placement of phosphorus fertilizer is essential in dry bean rotations to eliminate potential zinc deficiency on soils low in zinc. Switching to a high residue management system may require a special cultivator design to eliminate yield loss due to pruning of shallow roots present with high surface residue.  相似文献   

Interrill soil erosion as affected by tillage and residue cover   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
No-till cropping systems are effective in reducing soil erosion. The objective of this study was to determine whether high infiltration rates and low runoff and soil loss under long-term, no-till conditions in loessial regions of the Midwest US result from both the well-structured, porous condition of the soil and the protective cover of crop residue or primarily from residue cover. Soil loss, runoff, and infiltration were measured using a rainfall simulator on interrill erosion plots with and without residue cover on a conventional and two no-till systems in central Illinois. For both conventional till and no-till conditions, removing surface residue significantly decreased infiltration rates and increased soil loss. Tilling the no-till surface while maintaining an equal surface cover as with the no-till system slightly increased interrill erosion. Removing residue on a no-till system, however, increased soil loss significantly. A no-till soil condition without adequate residue cover will seal, crust, and erode with extremely high soil losses following surface drying.  相似文献   

Summary Soil enzyme activities (acid and alkaline phosphatase, arylsulfatase, -glucosidase, urease and amidase) were determined (0- to 20-cm depth) after 55 years of crop-residue and N-fertilization treatment in a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-fallow system on semiarid soils of the Pacific Northwest. All residues were incorporated and the treatments were: straw (N0), straw with fall burn (N0FB), straw with spring burn (N0SB), straw plus 45 kg N ha–1 (N45), straw plus 90 kg N ha–1 (N90), straw burned in spring plus 45 kg N ha–1 (N45SB), straw burned in spring plus 90 kg N ha–1 (N90SB), straw plus 2.24 T ha–1 pea-vine residue and straw plus 22.4 T ha–1 of straw-manure. Enzyme activities were significantly (P<0.001) affected by residue management. The highest activities were observed in the manure treated soil, ranging from 36% (acid phosphatase) to 190% increase in activity over the control (N0). The lowest activities occurred in the N0FB (acid phosphatase, arylsulfatase and -glucosidase) and N90 treated soils (alkaline phosphatase, amidase and urease). Straw-burning had a significant effect only on acid phosphatase activity, which decreased in spring burn treated soil when inorganic N was applied. Urease and amidase activity decreased with long-term addition of inorganic N whereas the pea vine and the manure additions increased urease and amidase activity. There was a highly significant effect from the residue treatments on soil pH. Arylsulfatase, urease, amidase and alkaline phosphatase activities were positively correlated and acid phosphatase activity was negatively correlated with soil pH. Enzyme activities were strongly correlated with soil organic C and total N content. Except for acid phosphatase, there was no significant relationship between enzyme activity and grain yield.Journal Paper No. 8072 of the Agricultural Experimental Station, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA  相似文献   

This study aimed at investigating the effects of agricultural exploitation on desert soil organic C, N and P, and soil aggregation. Four land uses were assessed: (1) 5-year wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)/barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) + 5-year maize (Zea mays L.); (2) 5-year wheat/barley + 5-year alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.); (3) 6-year wheat/barley + 4-year acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) and (4) uncultivated desert soil. The desert soil contained total organic C (TOC) of 3.1, 3.7 and 4.2 g kg−1 and particulate organic C (POC) of 0.6, 0.7 and 0.8 g kg−1 at 0–10, 10–20 and 20–30 cm depths, respectively. The soil TOC concentration was increased by 32–68% under wheat–maize rotation and by 27–136% under wheat–acacia at 0–20 cm depth, and by 48% under wheat–alfalfa only at 0–10 cm depth. This contrasted with an increase in the soil POC concentration by 143–167% at depth 0–20 cm under wheat–maize and by 217%, 550% at depth 0–10 cm under wheat–alfalfa and wheat–acacia, respectively. The desert soil had 13 Mg ha−1 TOC stock and 2 Mg ha−1 POC stock at depth 0–30 cm, whereas crop rotations increased the soil TOC stock by 30–65% and POC stock by 200–350%. Over the 10-year period, the rates of TOC accumulation were 0.6, 0.3, 0.8 Mg ha−1 year−1 and the rates of POC accumulation were 0.4, 0.4 and 0.7 Mg ha−1 year−1 under wheat–maize, wheat–alfalfa and wheat–acacia rotations, respectively. At 0–30 cm depth, total soil N was increased by 61–64% under wheat–maize and wheat–acacia, but total soil P was reduced by 38% under wheat–alfalfa. A significant improvement in clay stability but not in aggregate water-stability was observed in cultivated soils. The results showed a significant increase in soil organic C pool but unimproved macro-aggregation of the desert soil after 10 years of cultivation.  相似文献   

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