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Rod-cone interactions: different color sensations from identical stimuli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Different color sensations were generated by two areas in a complex scene, even though both areas sent to the eye the same 656-nanometer radiance that excited the long-wave cones and excited only the rods.  相似文献   

Theories of intelligence, and some of the research testing them, are designed to answer three basic questions about intelligence: (i) What is the relation of intelligence to the internal world of the individual? (ii) What is the relation of intelligence to the external world of the individual? (iii) What is the relation of intelligence to experience? Various models of the mind underlying the theories have been proposed; the strengths and limitations of these models are assessed. A theory that addresses all three questions simultaneously is the triarchic theory.  相似文献   

Cann RL 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2001,291(5509):1742-1748
Ongoing debate about proper interpretation of DNA sequence polymorphisms and their ability to reconstruct human population history illustrates a important change in perspective that we have achieved in the past 20 years of population genetics. To what extent does the history of a locus represent the history of a population? Tools originally developed for molecular systematics, where genetic lineages have been separated by speciation events, are routinely applied to the analysis of variation within our species, with conflicting results. Because of automated technologies and linkage analysis, we are poised to harvest a wealth of information about our past, if we are successful in moving beyond a current polarization regarding models of human evolution. Rather than just suggesting that true resolution will only come by considering fossil or archaeological evidence, the realistic and appropriate application of genetic models for analysis of population structure is also necessary. Three examples from different dispersal events are highlighted here.  相似文献   

几个百合品种遗传亲缘关系的等位酶分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
利用9个等位酶系统的14个基因位点的等位基因资料对8个百合品种的遗传组成进行了分析,并对品种间的亲缘关系作了探讨,聚类分析将8个品种正确地聚类成为3个不同来源的杂种系即麝香系、亚洲系和东方系,同时表明了亚洲系与麝香系的亲缘关系较近。  相似文献   

E Hunt 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1983,219(4581):141-146
Our concept of intelligence has been heavily influenced by the development of intelligence tests as screening devices in education and personnel selection. An alternative approach is to begin with a theory of the process of cognition and identify those aspects of individual mental performance that should be important on theoretical grounds. Three classes of performance have been identified. These deal with a person's choice of an internal representation for a problem, strategies for manipulating the representation, and abilities to execute elementary information processing steps required by the strategy.  相似文献   

Examination of aggregate data on graduate admissions to the University of California, Berkeley, for fall 1973 shows a clear but misleading pattern of bias against female applicants. Examination of the disaggregated data reveals few decision-making units that show statistically significant departures from expected frequencies of female admissions, and about as many units appear to favor women as to favor men. If the data are properly pooled, taking into account the autonomy of departmental decision making, thus correcting for the tendency of women to apply to graduate departments that are more difficult for applicants of either sex to enter, there is a small but statistically significant bias in favor of women. The graduate departments that are easier to enter tend to be those that require more mathematics in the undergraduate preparatory curriculum. The bias in the aggregated data stems not from any pattern of discrimination on the part of admissions committees, which seem quite fair on the whole, but apparently from prior screening at earlier levels of the educational system. Women are shunted by their socialization and education toward fields of graduate study that are generally more crowded, less productive of completed degrees, and less well funded, and that frequently offer poorer professional employment prospects.  相似文献   

介绍了单因素方差分析的三种不同计算方法,并结合实例进行了比较和总结。  相似文献   

利用1988—2012年《中国统计年鉴》的宏观数据,用调整离差率对收入不确定性和支出不确定性进行测算,在分析我国居民所面临的不确定性因素及其对城乡居民消费行为的影响路径基础上,建立引入不确定性的消费函数扩展模型,实证研究2类不确定性因素对我国城乡居民消费行为的影响,重点比较分析其对城乡居民消费行为影响的差异。结果表明:收入不确定性和支出不确定性对城镇居民消费行为皆具有正向影响,而对农村居民消费行为具有负向影响,且收入不确定性对农村居民消费的影响大于城镇居民,支出不确定性对我国城镇居民消费的影响大于农村居民。  相似文献   

The possibility that genetic factors are among the causes of criminal behavior was tested by comparing court convictions of 14,427 adoptees with those of their biological and adoptive parents. A statistically significant correlation was found between the adoptees and their biological parents for convictions of property crimes. This was not true with respect to violent crimes. There was no statistically significant correlation between adoptee and adoptive parent court convictions. Siblings adopted separately into different homes tended to be concordant for convictions, especially if the shared biological father also had a record of criminal behavior.  相似文献   

樟树种源苗期差异及性状相关   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从60 个樟树种源苗期试验中, 选取10 个有代表性的种源, 对苗期8 个性状进行观测, 并通过方差分析、两两性状间的相关分析和逐步回归的方法进行了研究。结果表明: 苗期各性状种源间差异显著; 包括苗高和地径在内的7 个性状之间存在着显著的表型相关性; 与苗期总生物量相关最为紧密的主导因子是地径。表5参3  相似文献   

随着各种生物信息数据的巨量产出,计算机辅助数据管理和自动数据处理成为必然.文章分析了当前因特网上生物数据的复杂性以及生物信息数据自动处理和分析的前提要求,然后回顾了HTML、XML 2种标记语言在生物数据建模和标准化方面的优缺点,并介绍将RDF与XML相结合实现生物数据基于语义的描述,最后展望了相关的语义网技术在生物信息学中的应用.  相似文献   

Magellan images confirm that volcanism is widespread and has been fimdamentally important in the formation and evolution of the crust of Venus. High-resolution imaging data reveal evidence for intrusion (dike formation and cryptodomes) and extrusion (a wide range of lava flows). Also observed are thousands of small shield volcanoes, larger edifices up to several hundred kilometers in diameter, massive outpourings of lavas, and local pyroclastic deposits. Although most features are consistent with basaltic compositions, a number of large pancake-like domes are morphologically similar to rhyolite-dacite domes on Earth. Flows and sinuous channels with lengths of many hundreds of kilometers suggest that extremely high effusion rates or very fluid magmas (perhaps komatiites) may be present. Volcanism is evident in various tectonic settings (coronae, linear extensional and compressional zones, mountain belts, upland rises, highland plateaus, and tesserae). Volcanic resurfacing rates appear to be low (less than 2 Km(3)/yr) but the significance of dike formation and intrusions, and the mode of crustal formation and loss remain to be established.  相似文献   

The altitude profiles of temperature and pressure measured during the descent of the four Pioneer Venus probes show small contrast below the clouds but significant differences within the clouds at altitudes from 45 to 61 kilometers. At 60 kilometers, the probe which entered at 59.3 degrees north latitude sensed temperatures 25 K below those of the lower latitude probes, and a sizable difference persisted down to and slightly below the cloud base. It also sensed pressure below those of the other probes by as much as 49 millibars at a mean pressure of 200 millibars. The measured pressure differences are consistent with cyclostrophic balance of zonal winds ranging from 130 +/- 20 meters per second at 60 kilometers to 60 +/- 17 meters per second at 40 kilometers, with evidence in addition of a nonaxisymmetric component of the winds. The clouds were found to be 10 to 20 K warmer than the extended profiles of the lower atmosphere, and the middle cloud is convectively unstable. Both phenomena are attributed to the absorption of thermal radiation from below. Above the clouds, in the lower stratosphere, the lapse rate decreases abruptly to 3.5 K per kilometer, and a superimposed wave is evident. At 100 kilometers, the temperature is minimum, with a mean value of about 170 K.  相似文献   

Hydrographic observations and measurements of the concentrations of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) have suggested that the formation of Greenland Sea Deep Water (GSDW) slowed down considerably during the 1980s. Such a decrease is related to weakened convection in the Greenland Sea and thus could have significant impact on the properties of the waters flowing over the Scotland-Iceland-Greenland ridge system into the deep Atlantic. Study of the variability of GSDW formation is relevant for understanding the impact of the circulation in the European Polar seas on regional and global deep water characteristics. New long-term multitracer observations from the Greenland Sea show that GSDW formation indeed was greatly reduced during the 1980s. A box model of deepwater formation and exchange in the European Polar seas tuned by the tracer data indicates that the reduction rate of GSDW formation was about 80 percent and that the start date of the reduction was between 1978 and 1982.  相似文献   

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