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Aims: To collect baseline data on the contact risk pathways and biosecurity practices of commercial poultry farms in New Zealand, investigate the relationship between the farm-level disease contact risks and biosecurity practices, and identify important poultry health concerns of producers.

Methods: A cross-sectional survey of all registered New Zealand commercial poultry operations was conducted in 2016 collecting information on farm demographics, biosecurity practices, and contact risk pathways. Survey responses were used to generate an unweighted subjective disease risk score based on eight risk criteria and a subjective biosecurity score based on the frequency with which producers reported implementing seven biosecurity measures. Producer opinions towards poultry health issues were also determined.

Results: Responses to the survey response were obtained from 120/414 (29.0%) producers, including 57/157 (36.3%) broiler, 33/169 (19.5%) layer, 24/55 (44%) breeder, and 6/32 (19%) other poultry production types. Median disease risk scores differed between production types (p?<?0.001) and were lowest for breeder enterprises. The greatest risk for layer and broiler enterprises was from the potential movement of employees between sheds, and for breeder enterprises was the on- and off-farm movement of goods and services. Median biosecurity scores also differed between production types (p?<?0.001), and were highest for breeder and broiler enterprises. Across all sectors there was no statistical correlation between biosecurity scores and disease risk scores. Producers showed a high level of concern over effectively managing biosecurity measures.

Conclusions: The uptake of biosecurity measures in the commercial poultry farms surveyed was highly variable, with some having very low scores despite significant potential disease contact risks. This may be related to the low prevalence or absence of many important infectious poultry diseases in New Zealand leading farmers to believe there is a limited need to maintain good biosecurity as well as farmer uncertainty around the efficacy of different biosecurity measures. Further research is needed to understand barriers towards biosecurity adoption including evaluating the cost-effectiveness of biosecurity interventions.  相似文献   

安徽省庐江县地处皖中,濒临巢湖、长江,辖17个镇,231个村级单位,27.5万农户,农业人口105万,是典型的农业大县。连年来,庐江县政府高度重视家禽产业化工作,把家禽列为农业产业化四大主导产业之一,大力发展家禽产业。为了解全县家禽产业化经营现状,最近,我们组织相关畜牧技干深入禽业大镇养殖专业村、龙头企业、养禽小区、专业合作组织,专题调查家禽产业化经营发展情况。  相似文献   



Farm-level biosecurity provides the foundation for biosecurity along the entire production chain. Many risk management practices are constantly in place, regardless of whether there is a disease outbreak or not. Nonetheless, the farm-level costs of preventive biosecurity have rarely been assessed. We examined the costs incurred by preventive biosecurity for Finnish poultry farms.


We used a semi-structured phone interview and obtained results from 17 broiler producers and from 5 hatching egg producers, corresponding to about 10% of all producers in Finland.


Our results indicate that the average cost of biosecurity is some 3.55 eurocent per bird for broiler producers (0.10 eurocent per bird per rearing day) and 75.7 eurocent per bird for hatching egg producers (0.27 eurocent per bird per rearing day). For a batch of 75,000 broilers, the total cost would be €2,700. The total costs per bird are dependent on the annual number of birds: the higher the number of birds, the lower the cost per bird. This impact is primarily due to decreasing labour costs rather than direct monetary costs. Larger farms seem to utilise less labour per bird for biosecurity actions. There are also differences relating to the processor with which the producer is associated, as well as to the gender of the producer, with female producers investing more in biosecurity. Bird density was found to be positively related to the labour costs of biosecurity. This suggests that when the bird density is higher, greater labour resources need to be invested in their health and welfare and hence disease prevention. The use of coccidiostats as a preventive measure to control coccidiosis was found to have the largest cost variance between the producers, contributing to the direct costs.


The redesign of cost-sharing in animal diseases is currently ongoing in the European Union. Before we can assert how the risk should be shared or resort to the ''polluter pays'' principle, we need to understand how the costs are currently distributed. The ongoing study contributes towards understanding these issues. The next challenge is to link the costs of preventive biosecurity to the benefits thus acquired.  相似文献   

A correlation of antibiotic use and drug resistance was found among Escherichia coli strains isolated from battery poultry in the University of Ibadan Teaching and Research Farm. All the E. coli strains from battery birds were resistant to Tetracycline, Streptomycin and Sulphonamide (Sulphafurazole) by the disc sensitivity test. In contrast, all the strains isolated from free range town and village poultry were sensitive to the range of drugs tested, while the Minimal Inhibitory Concentrations of the drugs against these free range isolates were the same as those for the control E. coli strain N.C.T.C. 10418. Ninety-eight to 100% of the strains from both battery poultry and from town/village birds were sensitive to Colistin, Chloramphenicol, Nitrofurantoin and Nalidixic Acid. Since antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli from animal sources are known to be indistinguishable from those found in man, the indiscriminate use of antibiotics is potentially capable of giving rise to a higher incidence of intractable infection with resistant bacteria. These drug-resistant organisms may be transmitted from animal to man, and complicate the therapy of human diseases.  相似文献   

In 1978 an agreement was made among the Danish authorities, the slaughterhouse association and the pig produces to develop and operate a national swine herd health scheme based on data from the routine slaughter inspection.This review of the health scheme first presents available evidence of the diagnostic validity of slaughter inspection data in terms of correlation with clinical history and with detailed post-mortem findings of internal organs. The epidemiological basis for the program further includes the use of slaughter inspection findings in estimating the poor beneficial effects of medical treatment procedures in common, multifactorial disorders, their considerable variation within and among herds of different sizes, their correlation with environmental and managerial herd factors, and some obvious associations among different clinical pictures of these economically important herd health problems.Finally, an overview is presented of the current program, its design and operation, and preliminary results from its first few years of operations are given.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine effects of vaccination prior to transit and prophylactic administration of florfenicol at time of arrival at a feedyard on health of cattle and colonization of the nasopharynx by Mannheimia haemolytica (MH). ANIMALS: 121 steers from Tennessee and 84 steers from New Mexico. PROCEDURE: Half of the steers were vaccinated before transport to a feedyard. Steers from Tennessee were vaccinated with MH bacterin-toxoid, and steers from New Mexico were vaccinated intranasally with modified-live leukotoxin-deficient MH. Half of the vaccinates and nonvaccinates were randomly selected to receive florfenicol on arrival at the feedyard. Steers were observed daily for respiratory tract disease (RTD). RESULTS: Administration of florfenicol at time of arrival reduced the incidence of RTD, delayed the interval before onset of RTD, and reduced the incidence of MH colonization of the nasopharynx for at least 4 days, but vaccination did not have any effect. Vaccination elicited an increase in serum antibody titers to MH. Administration of florfenicol at time of arrival reduced the development of serum antibody titers in intranasally vaccinated steers and both groups of nonvaccinated steers, but intranasal vaccination did not affect colonization by wild-type MH. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Administration of florfenicol at time of arrival decreased the incidence of MH organisms in the nasopharynx and delayed the onset of RTD. Prophylactic use of suitable antibiotics is likely to reduce the incidence of acute RTD in calves for several days after arrival at feedyards, which is the period when they are most susceptible to infectious organisms.  相似文献   

Dietary fiber(DF)was considered an antinutritional factor due to its adverse effects on feed intake and nutrient digestibility.However,with increasing evidence,scientists have found that DF has enormous impacts on the gastrointestinal tract(GIT)development,digestive physiology,including nutrient digestion,fermentation,and absorption processes of poultry.It may help maintain the small and large intestine’s integrity by strengthening mucosal structure and functions and increasing the population and diversity of commensal bacteria in the GIT.Increasing DF content benefits digestive physiology by stimulating GIT development and enzyme production.And the inclusion of fiber at a moderate level in diets also alters poultry growth performance.It improves gut health by modulating beneficial microbiota in the large intestine and enhancing immune functions.However,determining the source,type,form,and level of DF inclusion is of utmost importance to achieve the above-noted benefits.This paper critically reviews the available information on dietary fibers used in poultry and their effects on nutrient utilization,GIT development,gut health,and poultry performance.Understanding these functions will help develop nutrition programs using proper DF at an appropriate inclusion level that will ultimately lead to enhanced DF utilization,overall health,and improved poultry growth performance.Thus,this review will help researchers and industry identify the sources,type,form,and amount of DF to be used in poultry nutrition for healthy,costeffective,and eco-friendly poultry production.  相似文献   

We estimated the population density of dogs by distance sampling and assessed the potential utility of two marking methods for capture-mark-recapture applications following a mass canine rabies-vaccination campaign in Sorsogon Province, the Republic of the Philippines. Thirty villages selected to assess vaccine coverage and for dog surveys were visited 1 to 11 days after the vaccinating team. Measurements of the distance of dogs or groups of dogs from transect lines were obtained in 1088 instances (N = 1278 dogs; mean group SIZE = 1.2). Various functions modelling the probability of detection were fitted to a truncated distribution of distances of dogs from transect lines. A hazard rate model provided the best fit and an overall estimate of dog-population density of 468/km2 (95% confidence interval, 359 to 611). At vaccination, most dogs were marked with either a paint stick or a black plastic collar. Overall, 34.8% of 2167 and 28.5% of 2115 dogs could be accurately identified as wearing a collar or showing a paint mark; 49.1% of the dogs had either mark. Increasing time interval between vaccination-team visit and dog survey and increasing distance from transect line were inversely associated with the probability of observing a paint mark. Probability of observing a collar was positively associated with increasing estimated density of the dog population in a given village and with animals not associated with a house. The data indicate that distance sampling is a relatively simple and adaptable method for estimating dog-population density and is not prone to problems associated with meeting some model assumptions inherent to mark-recapture estimators.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate associations between ear, tail, and skin lesions, hernias, bursitis, and rectal prolapses at the abattoir and meat inspection outcomes in slaughter pigs, including carcass condemnations and trimmings, carcass weight, and carcass quality. This was an observational study whereby pigs were managed according to routine practices in a single abattoir. Data were collected from 1816 pigs. The relationship between animal-based welfare and post-mortem outcomes was analyzed using generalized mixed models (Proc Glimmix). Our findings showed that tail lesions were associated with entire carcass condemnations and trimmings (P < 0.001), a reduction in carcass weight (P < 0.05), and a potential to impair carcass quality by reducing muscle pH (P < 0.05), especially in carcasses from male pigs (P < 0.05). Additionally, hernias were associated with viscera condemnation (P < 0.05) and a reduction in carcass weight (P  < 0.05). Therefore, our findings confirm that ante-mortem inspection could be useful to predict post-mortem outcomes in the same pigs, especially in cases of tail lesions and hernia, which might trigger attention of the veterinary inspector in charge of the post-mortem inspection.  相似文献   

Livestock and animal health development projects have not always led to substantial increases in animal productivity or in farmers' welfare. Some have even resulted in unsustainable systems, when they were not based on an understanding of (livestock) production systems. The multipurpose functions of livestock and complex relationships between the biological, technical and social components require a systems approach, whereby nutrition, animal health, breeding, biotechnology knowhow, inputs and technologies are used to optimise resource use. The challenge for developed and developing countries is to reverse the current degradation of the environment, and arrive at sustainable increases in crop and livestock production to secure present and future food supplies. For rural development, governments should show long term commitment and political will to support the rural population in development programmes, because smallholders (including women and landless livestock keepers) represent a large labour force in developing countries. Different systems need different approaches. Pastoral systems must focus on effective management of grazing pressure of the rangelands. Communal rangelands management involves not only the development and application of technologies (e.g. feedlots, vaccination campaigns), but also land tenure policies, institutional development, economic return and a reduction in the number of people depending upon livestock. Smallholder mixed farms must aim at intensification of the total production system, in which external inputs are indispensable, but with the emphasis on optimum input-output relationships by reducing resource losses due to poor management. Resource-poor farming systems must aim at the improved management of the various livestock species in backyards and very small farms, and proper packages for cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats, rabbits and poultry should be developed. Specialised commercial livestock farming systems (poultry, pigs, dairy or meat) can only be sustainable with adequate marketing, supply of quality feed, veterinary services, labour, management and control of pollution. Animal health programmes play a keyrole in the proposed system approach.  相似文献   

A controlled calfhood vaccination trial to prevent bovine virus diarrhea was conducted in a 100 head cow-calf operation with a three year history of annual calf losses due to enteric bovine virus diarrhea (persistently infected herd). Approximately 50% of the calves were vaccinated at six, 12 and 24 weeks of age. Paired serum samples and growth data were collected on three occasions for comparison between vaccinates and controls. Three vaccinated calves died of enteric bovine virus diarrhea in the first year of the trial and one nonvaccinated calf died in the second year. Two of the three vaccinated calves had developed bovine virus diarrhea virus neutralization antibody titres of 2048 or greater before developing clinical signs. The control and third vaccinated calf failed to seroconvert before dying of enteric bovine virus diarrhea. Approximately 90% of the vaccinated calves seroconverted compared to approximately 40% of the controls. Paired serum samples collected from 75% of the cows in the spring, summer and fall of each year of the trial, showed persistent high bovine virus diarrhea virus neutralization titres in all samples. Calf vaccination before 12 weeks of age had little effect on seroconversion due to high levels of passive antibody to bovine virus diarrhea. Growth data showed that there was no improvement in weight gain or rate of growth in the vaccinated calves.  相似文献   

The epidemic of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in France, as in the UK, has affected dairy cattle much more than beef cattle. However, the intensification of dairy herd management as a risk factor for BSE has not to date been analyzed. For this purpose, two databases were merged: the French Milk Records database, and the French BSE database, which can be considered as being devoid of notification bias since July 2001, when systematic tests were implemented. Only pure Holstein herds were considered, which represent the vast majority of total and BSE-affected dairy herds in France. A case-control study was designed so that 20 control herds were matched to each case herd according to the location of the farm and the year of birth of the index case. Three thousand and forty five farms were included, among which 145 with a BSE case notified between July 2001 and July 2003, and 2900 controls. With respect to the risk of BSE, odds ratios for each class of milk yield and age at first calving were estimated by using conditional logistic regression models with appropriate adjustments to herd size. The two main results were the following: firstly, whereas most Holstein herds, with average production between 7000 and 10,000kg, had nearly the same BSE risk, a small category of very intensive herds, with annual milk yields above 10,000kg, were significantly more at risk than the other herds. Secondly, a very early first calving (under 26 months of age) was found to be at risk for BSE as compared to other categories, independently of the milk yield. These results are discussed in the light of the known age-dependent susceptibility to BSE.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the interaction of zinc source (ZnSO4 vs. zinc amino acid complex) and vitamin E level (50 IU vs. 100 IU) on performance and intestinal health of broilers exposed to a temperature challenge in the finisher period. A total of 1224 day old male Ross 308 broilers were randomly distributed among 4 dietary treatments (9 replicates per treatment). Dietary treatments were organized in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement: two sources of zinc, 60 mg/kg of Zn as ZnSO4.7H2O or 60 mg/kg of Zn as zinc amino acid complexes (ZnAA) combined with two levels of vitamin E (50 or 100 IU/kg). Zinc and vitamin E were added to a wheat/rye-based diet that was designed to create a mild nutritional challenge. From day 28 until day 36 (finisher period), all birds were subjected to chronic cyclic high temperatures (32°C ± 2°C and RH 55–65% for 6 h daily). The combination of ZnAA and 50 IU/kg of vitamin E improved weight gain in the starter (day 0–10), finisher (day 28–36) and overall period (day 0–36) and feed conversion ratio in the starter (day 0–10) and finisher phase (day 28–36). Providing Zn as ZnAA significantly improved villus length and villus/crypt ratio in the starter, grower and finisher period and decreased infiltration of T-lymphocytes and ovotransferrin leakage in the finisher period. In conclusion, providing broilers with a diet supplemented with ZnAA and a vitamin E level of 50 IU/kg, resulted in better growth performance as compared to all other dietary treatments. Interestingly, under the conditions of this study, positive effects of ZnAA on performance did not occur when vitamin E was supplemented at 100 IU/kg in feed. Moreover, providing zinc as zinc amino acid complex improved intestinal health.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial use is a major driver of antimicrobial resistance and prescribers (physicians and veterinarians) and end users (patients, food producers and pet owners) are the cornerstones of this scenario. Intensive pig farming is a livestock activity that has a high antimicrobial use. This study is based on the opinions of pig producers.  相似文献   

To analyse the results of a vaccination on the first day of age against Newcastle disease (ND) and on the 17th day of age against Infectious Bronchitis (IB) resp. with spray vaccines with Clone 30 and H120 vaccine. These vaccinations are compared in field circumstances with other vaccination methods. A serological examination and challenge test were used to be informed about the response and protection. From the present study the following conclusions can be drawn: Clear indications are obtained that following a spray vaccination against ND with Clone 30 vaccine of one-day-old broilers which possessed maternal antibodies, birds received a moderately good protection against ND, in spite of very low levels of HI antibodies. A spray vaccination against IB with H120 vaccine of broilers at 17 days of age gave some protection from two weeks after vaccination, however making a good conclusion about the protection is impossible and further investigation is required.  相似文献   

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