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In an attempt to assess the possible risk to humans of soil-transmitted canine helminths of of zoonotic significance, 161 faecal samples and 81 soil samples were collected from 6 public parks and playgrounds in Harare between March and June 1998 and examined for nematode ova. Of the 161 faecal samples collected, 17.4% were positive for Ancylostoma sp. ova and 5.6% were positive for T. canis ova. No other nematode species ova were found. Over 50% of the faecal samples positive for Ancylostoma sp. ova were 'moist', and this suggests that the moisture content of faeces contributes to the development and survival of this parasite in the environment. Only 3 of the 81 soil samples collected were positive for T. canis. The low levels of contamination of public playgrounds and parks with T. canis ova suggests that environmental contamination might not be important in the aetiology of human toxocarosis in Harare.  相似文献   


Aims: To describe the demographics of and predictors for pet ownership, reasons for visiting a veterinarian, and pet-related expenditure in pet owners in New Zealand.

Methods: A cross-sectional online survey was conducted from 18–22 June 2015 using a permission-based panel of New Zealand residents aged ≥18 years. Questions included demographics of respondents, number of pets and reasons for owning or not owning pets, number of visits and reasons for visiting a veterinarian, and pet-related expenditure.

Results: Of the 1,572 respondents who completed the survey, 1,013 (64.4%) owned ≥1 pet. Of these, 443 owned dogs, 696 cats, 32 horses, 103 birds, 55 rabbits, and 159 owned fish. Companionship was the most common reason for getting dogs, cats, and birds; horses were mostly owned as a hobby, rabbits to provide fun for children, and fish as a source of relaxation. The majority of dog, cat, and rabbit owners considered their pets to be family members; horse owners almost equally considered their horses a hobby or a family member. The odds of pet ownership increased for respondents from a rural region, having a higher household income, having children and being female. Overall, 711/1,013 (70.2%) pet-owning respondents had taken ≥1 animal to the veterinarian in the previous year, with the most common reasons being for vaccination or annual check-ups or health issues. Respondents who considered their pets trusted companions, had a higher income, and owned dogs or cats compared with other species, were most likely to have taken their pet to a veterinarian. The greatest pet-related expenditure for all species was food. The median yearly veterinary expenditure was $200–499 by dog owners, $100–199 by cat owners, and <$100 by horse, bird, rabbit, and fish owners. The best source of information for pet-related issues was considered to be veterinarians by 724/1,001 (72.3%) owners, and the internet by 509/1,001 (50.8%) owners.

Conclusions: Among survey respondents, pet ownership was common and pets filled a variety of roles in the household. Pet owners reported spending considerable amounts of money on their pets each year, but some of them may be underutilising veterinary services despite veterinarians being considered as valuable sources of information about pet-related issues.  相似文献   

In a histological survey of 244 tumerous growths from 155 horses, the tumours commonly found were fibromas, squamous cell carcinomas, sarcoids and papillomas, most frequently affecting the skin, external genitalia, eye and orbit. The histological features that differentiate fibroblastic citaneous growths are detailed so that the clinical behaviour of these distinct neoplasms can be studied.  相似文献   

A commercial housed flock with an annual occurrence of pneumonia was investigated. The organism most commonly isolated from the respiratory tract of lambs up to 6 months old was Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae. Mycoplasma arginini, Mycoplasma conjunctivae, Acholeplasma laidlawii, ureaplasmas and Pasteurella haemolytica biotype A were also isolated: viruses were not isolated, but infection with parainfluenza virus type 3 (P13) was indicated by serology. Colostrum derived antibodies to M. ovipneumoniae and M. arginini declined to minimum levels by 50 days. The development of active immunity to mycoplasmas and P13 virus was associated with an increased incidence of clinical respiratory disease. Histopathological examination of the lungs from 34 lambs showed that 15 had lesions of a proliferative exudative (P.E.) pneumonia, a further 11 showed lymphoid hyperplasia sometimes associated with interstitial thickening, and eight showed no significant pathological changes. Isolations of M. ovipneumoniae were highest from animals with P.E. pneumonia, while M. arginini did not appear to be associated with any specific lung changes. P. haemolytica biotype A was isolated from all cases of P.E. pneumonia. M. ovipneumoniae, M. arginini and P. haemolytica were also isolated from the lower respiratory tract of a proportion of 31 ewes examined post-mortem, but P.E. pneumonia was not observed in these animals.  相似文献   

Three species of fleas, viz. Ctenocephalides felis, Ctenocephalides canis, and Pulex irritans were found in an examination of 81 cats and 48 dogs in Wellington. C. felis was the most prevalent flea in cats, and C. canis predominated in dogs. It is speculated that C. felis, and its primary host the cat, may assume greater medical and veterinary significance than C. canis. In an examination of 1578 fleas for cysticercoids of the dog tapeworm, Dipylidium caninum, all were found negative. These results do not necessarily reflect the availability of cysticercoids in the environment, and the reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

Differences between neonatal and adult animals in their response to drugs can usually be attributed to altered disposition (ie, distribution, metabolism and excretion) processes during the neonatal period. These alterations affect the plasma concentrations as well as the concentrations of drug attained at the receptor site. Some characteristics of the neonatal period include greater absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, lower extent of plasma protein binding, increased apparent volume of distribution of drugs that distribute in extracellular fluid or total body water, increased permeability of the 'blood-brain' barrier and slower elimination of many drugs. The hepatic microsomal oxidative reactions and glucuronide conjugation are deficient metabolic pathways for a varying period of time, usually up to six weeks after birth or even longer in some species. Decreased metabolism can affect the duration of action of lipid-soluble drugs. Functional immaturity of the kidneys decreases the renal excretion of polar drugs and drug metabolites. Overall renal function appears to reach maturity within two weeks after birth in ruminant species and pigs, while maturation may take at least four weeks in other species of domestic animals. Considerable physiological and biochemical development takes place during the first five days after birth with maturation continuing more slowly over the succeeding five weeks. The time it takes for any process to reach functional maturity depends on the process in question and varies with the species of animal. The absorption, disposition and pharmacological response to drugs during the first 24 h after birth may be unique to that time and, because of lack of information, are impossible to predict.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The relationship between vaginal discharge, site of inflammation in the reproductive tract and species of bacteria isolated was examined in cows that were either normal, subfertile, or had had an abnormal parturition. Microbiological and cytological examinations were performed on uterine swabs from 221 cows and cervical swabs from 107 cows. There were 167 subferitle cows, 144 of which had failed to conceive to 3 or more services (FTC) and 23 of which had not had a visible oestrus since calving (NVO). Metritis was diagnosed in 22% of the FTC cows, 48% of the NVO cows, and 12% of the cows with abnormal parturition. Fifty percent of cows with metritis had purulent vaginal discharge. However, only 25% of a total of 91 cows with vaginal discharge had metritis; the remainder had cervicitis. Fifty-four percent of subfertile cows had cervicitis without metritis. Mixed infection with aerobes and anaerobes was significantly correlated with uterine inflammation and was found in 20% of cows with metritis. The rate of isolation of H.somnus from inflamed uteruses (22%) and inflamed cervixes (39%) was significantly greater than the isolation rate from normal uteruses (8%) and cervixes (10%). No bacteria were isolated from 50% of inflamed uteruses and 37% of inflamed cervixes. The number of subfertile cows with or without metritis that subsequently conceived was not significantly different.  相似文献   

Bluetongue (BT) and/or BT viruses (BTV) have been identified in the Mediterranean basin and the Balkans each year from 1998 to 2002 and in particular BTV serotype 2 in the French Island of Corsica (2000 and 2001). In response to these virus incursions, the French Veterinary Authorities carried out epidemiological studies that included virological, serological and entomological analysis, and two vaccination campaigns performed in the winter of 2000/2001 and the winter and spring of 2001 and 2002. Rapid and reliable serotype differentiation is essential at the start of an outbreak to allow an early selection of vaccine to control the spread of the virus. Thus, molecular tools, that complement conventional methods, have been developed for early detection of infection, determination of the serotype, and differentiation between natural infection and vaccination. Serological results showed that the first vaccination campaign during the winter of 2000/2001 did not provide full protection for all sheep and during the summer of 2001, 335 sheep flocks in Corsica were again infected by BTV 2 (7-fold more that in 2000). Entomological studies have demonstrated that the only proven vector of the disease, Culicoides imicola, was present in the island in 2000 and that it has successfully established itself in Corsica. The safety and immunogenicity of the commercial South African vaccine were studied. Fourteen sheep were vaccinated and then observed for clinical signs. Blood, sera, spleen and lymph nodes were collected and analyzed, and the results confirmed the safety and potency of using this vaccine to protect sheep from clinical disease. As a result, an intensive vaccination campaign was performed during winter and spring 2001/2002. No cases of BT had been observed by the end of summer 2002, indicating that the vaccination campaign has been successful in protecting sheep from infection.  相似文献   

The close emotional tie between people and companion animals is a beneficial relation known as the human-animal bond. However, pet dogs and cats can play an important role in the transmission of helminthic zoonotic agents such as the tapeworms Echinococcus and the roundworms Toxocara which are directly transmitted from pets to the human environment without the involvement of vectors or intermediate hosts. In humans, echinococcosis has emerged in Europe and toxocarosis is still persisting in large endemic areas despite the availability of highly efficient anthelminthics for dogs and cats. Ecological changes significantly contributed to these trends: the high wild fox populations and the high density of freely roaming dogs and cats maintain a permanent infection pressure of these and other parasites. Further, the establishment of urban recreational environments closer to natural ecological systems boosted vole populations that represent urban reservoirs for zoonotic helminths. A good understanding of the parasites’ biology and epidemiology including the transmission to humans is required for planning and implementing effective prevention strategies. The continuous education of veterinarians and the information of the pet owners by providing uniform recommendations are of priority importance. A close collaboration between veterinary and public health professionals in a ‘One Health’ concept is required.  相似文献   

Drugs containing one or more chiral centres exist in stereoisomeric molecular forms. Most commonly, drugs containing a single asymmetric carbon atom exist in two enantiomeric forms, designated as eutomer (the more potent) and distomer (the less potent). As well as differences in potency and other pharmacodynamic properties, most members of enantiomeric pairs commonly differ also in their pharmacokinetic profiles. This article reviews factors underlying differences in pharmacological properties of enantiomers. The relevance of such differences for studies designed to evaluate the bioequivalence of products containing chiral drugs is also reviewed.  相似文献   

In ovo vaccination is an alternative approach to post-hatch vaccination of chickens, particularly in broilers. Vaccination at embryonation day 18 helps to 'close the window' of susceptibility i.e. the time between vaccination and early exposure to infectious agents compared with post-hatch vaccination. Attempts on embryonal vaccination as a mode of vaccine delivery were approached from the observation that chickens already develop certain immunologic functions before hatching. The immune system in birds begins to develop early during embryogenesis and various immune reactions have been induced in the late stage chicken embryos. Compared with post-hatch vaccination, in ovo vaccination stimulates both the innate and adaptive immune responses with the advantage that because of the prenatal immunization, in ovo vaccinated chicks have developed an appreciable degree of protection by the time of hatch. Effects of maternal antibodies on vaccines to be used for in ovo vaccination can be prevented by developing vaccines that are insensitive to maternal antibodies. It has been described that vaccination of chicken embryos at embryonation day 18 did not significantly affect the immune competence of hatched chickens. The apparent absence of tolerance in chicks hatched from embryos exposed to an antigen at the late stage of embryonation implies the feasibility of in ovo vaccination. Investigations on in ovo vaccination to produce safe and efficient vaccines are still in progress. Currently a large number of vaccines are under investigation for viral, bacterial and protozoal diseases.  相似文献   

Tranquillizers have been used in animal husbandry to inorease production, to control stress from transport or herding together or to prevent abnormal behaviour patterns, such as fighting. Neuroleptic drugs (phenothiazine derivatives, reserpine and butyrophenones) have been widely used for these purposes, while anxiolytic sedatives (meprobamate and benzodiazepines), which have more limited effects, have only been little used. In view of the lack of carefully designed experimental studies it is not possible to determine the factors responsible for variations in the effects of the drugs. The effectiveness of these substances from the biological and practical points of view has therefore been systematically analysed and some examples of their present and possible future applications are given.
Kurzfassung Zur Erhöhung der Zuchtleistung, Vorbeugung der bei Transport, Massenhaltung und Stallwechsel auftretenden Agressionen, sowie zur Kontrolle regelwidrigen Verhaltens wie Beissereien unter den Tieren, wurden Psychopharmaka in der Tierhaltung eingesetzt. Zur Erreichnung dieser genannten Wirkungen wurden hauptsächlich Derivat des Phenothiazins, Reserpin und Butyrophenone gebraucht, dagegen Meprobamat und benzodiazepine mit ihrer begrenzteren Wirkungsweise nur wenig verwendet. Durch den Mangel an genügend exakten experimentellen Arbeiten ist es nicht immer möglich, die für die berichteten Aktivitätsunterschiede des jeweils getesteten Medikaments verantwortlichen Faktoren zu bestimmen. Daher wurden systematische Versuche bezüglich der biologischen und praktischen Wirksamkeit der Substanzen entwickelt. Einige Beispiele durchgeführter Versuche sowie Anregungen zu weiteren Versuchsmöglichkeiten werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit beschrieben.

Resume Les tranquillisants ont été utilisés en élevage pour augmenter les performances zootechniques, pour prévenir les effets des agressions du transport, de la mise en lots et du changement de locaux ou pour contrôler des comportements anormaux comme les combats entre animaux. Les neuroleptiques (dérivés de la phénothiazine, réserpine, butyrophénones) ont été principalement employés dans ce but, alors que les sédatifs anxiolytiques (méprobamate, benzodiazépines), aux effets plus limités, n'ont été que peu utilisés. L'absence d'études expérimentales suffisamment précises ne permet pas toujours de déterminer quels sont les facteurs responsables des variations rapportées dans l'activité des médicaments testés. Des travaux systématiques portant sur l'efficacité biologique et pratique de ces substances ont donc été réalisés et quelques exemples d'applications présentes et potentielles sont donnés.

Riassunto Si sono utilizzati tranquillanti per aumentare le qualità zootechniche degli allevamenti, per prevenire gli effetti aggressivi del trasporto, del raggruppamento, del cambiamento di ambiente o per controllare i comportamenti anormali, quali i combattimenti tra animali. A questo scopo sono stati impiegati principalmente i neurolettici (derivati della fenotiazina, la reserpina, i butirofenoni, mentre i sedativi ansiolitici (meprobamato, benzodiazepine), con effetti più limitati, sono stati impiegati più raramente. L'assenza di studi sperimentali sufficientemente precisi, non sempre permette di determinare quali siano i fattori responsabili delle variazioni dell'azione dei medicinali presi in esame. Si sono eseguiti lavori sistematici per studiare l'efficacia biologica e pratica di queste sostanze e si riportano esempi delle applicazioni attuali e potenziali.

This article was originally written in French. Copies of the French version may be obtained, free of charge, by writing to: Mr. J. Rodesch, Commission of the European Communities, DG XIII, Bâtiment Jean Monnet, Rue Alcide de Gasperi, Kirchberg, Luxembourg.  相似文献   

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