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We determined whether a fixed-time AI (TAI) protocol could yield pregnancy rates similar to a protocol requiring detection of estrus, or estrous detection plus TAI, and whether adding a controlled internal device release (CIDR) to GnRH-based protocols would enhance fertility. Estrus was synchronized in 2,598 suckled beef cows at 14 locations, and AI was preceded by 1 of 5 treatments: 1) a CIDR for 7 d with 25 mg of PG F(2alpha) (PGF) at CIDR removal, followed by detection of estrus and AI during the 84 h after PGF; cows not detected in estrus by 84 h received 100 mug of GnRH and TAI at 84 h (control; n = 506); 2) GnRH administration, followed in 7 d with PGF, followed in 60 h by a second injection of GnRH and TAI (CO-Synch; n = 548); 3) CO-Synch plus a CIDR during the 7 d between the first injection of GnRH and PGF (CO-Synch + CIDR; n = 539); 4) GnRH administration, followed in 7 d with PGF, followed by detection of estrus and AI during the 84 h after PGF; cows not detected in estrus by 84 h received GnRH and TAI at 84 h (Select Synch & TAI; n = 507); and 5) Select Synch & TAI plus a CIDR during the 7 d between the first injection of GnRH and PGF (Select Synch + CIDR & TAI; n = 498). Blood samples were collected (d -17 and -7, relative to PGF) to determine estrous cycle status. For the control, Select Synch & TAI, and Select Synch + CIDR & TAI treatments, a minimum of twice daily observations for estrus began on d 0 and continued for at least 72 h. Inseminations were performed using the AM/PM rule. Pregnancy was diagnosed by transrectal ultrasonography. Percentage of cows cycling at the initiation of treatments was 66%. Pregnancy rates (proportion of cows pregnant to AI of all cows synchronized during the synchronization period) among locations across treatments ranged from 37% to 67%. Pregnancy rates were greater (P < 0.05) for the Select Synch + CIDR & TAI (58%), CO-Synch + CIDR (54%), Select Synch & TAI (53%), or control (53%) treatments than the CO-Synch (44%) treatment. Among the 3 protocols in which estrus was detected, conception rates (proportion of cows that became pregnant to AI of those exhibiting estrus during the synchronization period) were greater (P < 0.05) for Select Synch & TAI (70%; 217 of 309) and Select Synch + CIDR & TAI (67%; 230 of 345) cows than for control cows (61%; 197 of 325). We conclude that the CO-Synch + CIDR protocol yielded similar pregnancy rates to estrous detection protocols and is a reliable TAI protocol that eliminates detection of estrus when inseminating beef cows.  相似文献   

The effect of two insemination policies after synchronization of oestrus on reproductive performance in two groups of cows was investigated. Oestrus was synchronized by two treatments with prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) at a 14-day interval. Cows in Group 1 (n = 234) were inseminated twice on appointment 66 and 90 h after the second treatment. Cows in Group 2 (n = 222) were intensively watched for signs of oestrus after the synchronization protocol and inseminated on observed oestrus. Cows with abnormal discharge after synchronization were excluded from breeding and inseminated later during the study period. Service rate within 1 week after synchronization was higher in Group 1 than in Group 2 (89.3 versus 67.1%). Conception rates on first service did not differ between groups (33.2 versus 30.0%). Days to first service and days open were shorter in Group 1 (P < 0.05). The number of cows culled for infertility did not differ between the groups. Endometritis 14-20 days post-partum decreased the percentage of cows pregnant at the end of the study period in both groups but did not have a significant effect on conception rates and days open. It is concluded that additional inseminations required in the timed artificial insemination protocol were economically justified by the reduction in days open in comparison with insemination on observed oestrus after synchronization.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the breeding season, most beef herds consist of a population of cyclic and anestrous postpartum cows. To be most effective and economical, an estrous synchronization method for postpartum beef cows must be capable of synchronizing estrus in cyclic cows and inducing estrus in anestrous cows. In the first of two experiments, the combination of melengestrol acetate (MGA) fed for 9 d and prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) administered on the last day of MGA feeding synchronized estrus in cyclic cows (94%) and induced estrus in anestrous cows (66%) as effectively as combining PGF2 alpha with a progestin implant (97 and 75%, respectively). In the second experiment, MGA treatment was necessary for 7 d prior to administering PGF2 alpha to maximize the expression of estrus in cyclic and anestrous cows. In both experiments the proportion of cows exhibiting a synchronized estrus and the pregnancy rates tended to be higher for cows that were cyclic prior to treatment. However, the MGA-PGF2 alpha treatments consistently induced estrus in more than 50% of the anestrous cows and approximately one-third of the cows that were anestrous prior to treatment conceived during the synchronized breeding period. The MGA-PGF2 alpha treatment was 33 to 46% less expensive than a comparable estrous synchronization method that is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. If feeding MGA and administering PGF2 alpha is approved, it may be the treatment of choice for synchronizing estrus in cyclic cows and inducing estrus in anestrous cows when supplemental feeding is feasible.  相似文献   

Induction of ovulation for timed artificial insemination (TAI) with the Ovsynch protocol was evaluated in 49 anoestrous and lactating Bos taurus x Bos indicus cows. Palpation per rectum and transrectal ultrasonography were used on Days -30, -20, -10 and 0 (start of treatment) to confirm anoestrus but with the presence of follicles > or = 10 mm, and every other day during treatment to determine ovarian activity. Cows were randomly assigned to: (1) Ovsynch (n = 24; Day 0, 200 microg GnRH; Day 7, 150 microg PGF2alpha; Day 9, 200 microg GnRH + TAI 16 to 20 h later) and (2) control (n = 25; no treatment). Rates of ovulation for the first GnRH injection, detection of a corpus luteum (CL) at PGF2alpha injection, pregnancy and induction of cyclicity were greater (P < 0.05) with Ovsynch. There was no effect of body condition score (P > 0.05). In conclusion, the Ovsynch protocol was not effective in obtaining acceptable pregnancy rate for TAI, but it was effective for induction of cyclicity in anoestrous and lactating Bos taurus x Bos indicus cows under tropical conditions.  相似文献   

We evaluated whether a fixed-time AI (TAI) protocol could yield pregnancy rates similar to a protocol requiring detection of estrus, or detection of estrus and AI plus a clean-up TAI for heifers not detected in estrus, and whether adding an injection of GnRH at controlled internal drug release (CIDR) insertion would enhance fertility in CIDR-based protocols. Estrus in 2,075 replacement beef heifers at 12 locations was synchronized, and AI was preceded by 1 of 4 treatments arranged as a 2 x 2 factorial design: 1) Estrus detection + TAI (ETAI) (n = 516): CIDR for 7 d plus 25 mg of prostaglandin F2alpha (PG) at CIDR insert removal, followed by detection of estrus for 72 h and AI for 84 h after PG (heifers not detected in estrus by 84 h received 100 microg of GnRH and TAI); 2) G+ETAI (n = 503): ETAI plus 100 microg GnRH at CIDR insertion; 3) Fixed-time AI (FTAI) (n = 525): CIDR for 7 d plus 25 mg of PG at CIDR removal, followed in 60 h by a second injection of GnRH and TAI; 4) G+FTAI (n = 531): FTAI plus 100 microg of GnRH at CIDR insertion. Blood samples were collected (d -17 and -7, relative to PG) to determine ovarian status. For heifers in ETAI and G+ETAI treatments, a minimum of twice daily observations for estrus began on d 0 and continued for at least 72 h. Inseminations were performed according to the a.m.-p.m. rule. Pregnancy was diagnosed by transrectal ultrasonography. The percentage of heifers exhibiting ovarian cyclic activity at the initiation of treatments was 89%. Pregnancy rates among locations across treatments ranged from 38 to 74%. Pregnancy rates were 54.7, 57.5, 49.3, and 53.1% for ETAI, G+ETAI, FTAI, and G+FTAI treatments, respectively. Although pregnancy rates were similar among treatments, a tendency (P = 0.065) occurred for pregnancy rates in the G+ETAI treatment to be greater than in the FTAI treatment. We concluded that the G+FTAI protocol yielded pregnancy rates similar to protocols that combine estrus detection and TAI. Further, the G+FTAI protocol produced the most consistent pregnancy rates among locations and eliminated the necessity for detection of estrus when inseminating replacement beef heifers.  相似文献   

Beef (n = 783) and dairy (n = 209) heifers at 14 locations were used to evaluate the efficacy of feeding melengestrol acetate (MGA; .5 mg/d) for 7 d followed by an i.m. injection of 25 mg prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF) on the last day of MGA feeding (MGA + PGF) to synchronize estrus. Untreated heifers (C) and heifers injected once i.m. with PGF served as contemporary controls. Heifers were observed for estrual behavior for a minimum of 38 d starting on the 2nd d of MGA feeding. Heifers in estrus from d 1 through d 60 after PGF injection were artificially inseminated (AI) or bred to bulls (d 30 to 60 post PGF only). During the 7-d MGA feeding period fewer (P less than .01) MGA + PGF (1.5%) than C (20.6%) or PGF (18.1%) heifers were observed in estrus. Percent of heifers in estrus d 1 to 6 post PGF was different among groups (P less than .05; 30.5, 52.8, 72.3 for C, PGF and MGA + PGF, respectively). More (P less than .01) MGA-fed (92%) than non-MGA-fed (C and PGF combined) heifers (85.4%) were observed in estrus during d 1 to 24. Conception rate (CR) during d 1 to d 6 was not different (P = .19) between C (58.9%) and MGA + PGF (51.2%) heifers; CR was lower (P = .01) for MGA + PGF than for PGF (68.3%) heifers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Metabolizable energy for maintenance (MEm) was estimated using 123 mature cows of eight diverse breed groups. Cows in each breed group were allotted at random 1) to limit-feeding to approximate maintenance or 2) to ad libitum access to feed. The MEm values were calculated by regression of change in body energy on ME intake. The MEm values for mature Hereford, Red Poll, Hereford x Red Poll, Red Poll x Hereford, Angus x Hereford, Angus x Charolais, Brahman x Hereford, and Brahman x Angus breed types were as follows: 145, 169, 148, 149, 144, 152, 139, and 143 kcal.kg-.75.d-1, respectively. Bos indicus-cross cows ranked lowest for MEm/kg.75. Angus x Hereford cows averaged highest in terms of grams of calf weaned per mature female exposed divided by yearly MEm requirement. Hereford x Red Poll reciprocal crosses on average required 640 kcal less total daily MEm per animal than Hereford and Red Poll straightbreds.  相似文献   

Postpartum and lactating crossbred cows containing a percentage of Bos indicus breeding at three locations were studied to determine the efficacy of GnRH + PGF2alpha combinations for synchronization of estrus and(or) ovulation. Cows were equally distributed to each of three treatments by body condition score at the start of the experiment (d 0). All cows received 100 microg of GnRH on d 0 and 25 mg of PGF2alpha 7 d later. The three insemination protocols included 1) AI 12 h after exhibiting estrus during d 7 to 12 of the experiment (Select-Synch; n = 197); 2) timed-AI + 100 microg of GnRH on d 9 of the experiment (CO-Synch; n = 193); 3) AI 12 h after exhibiting estrus during d 7 to 10 of the experiment. Cows not exhibiting estrus by d 10 were timed-AI and injected with 100 microg of GnRH on d 10 of the experiment (Hybrid-Synch; n = 200). The percentage of cows exhibiting estrus during d 7 to 12 of the experiment was lower (P < 0.05) for CO-Synch (17.6%) cows than for Select-Synch or Hybrid-Synch (45.2 and 33.0%, respectively) cows, which did not differ (P > 0.05). For the Select-Synch and Hybrid-Synch cows that exhibited estrus during d 7 to 10 of the experiment and were artificially inseminated, conception rates were similar across treatments (50.5%). Pregnancy rates were greater (P < 0.01) for CO-Synch and Hybrid-Synch (31.0 and 35.5%, respectively) cows than for Select-Synch (20.8%) cows. A greater (P < 0.01) percentage of cycling cows became pregnant (34.5%) than noncycling cows (25.9%) across all treatments. The CO-Synch and Hybrid-Synch synchronization protocols resulted in greater pregnancy rates compared with the Select-Synch protocol in postpartum and lactating crossbred cows containing a percentage of Bos indicus breeding.  相似文献   

Conception rate in heifers after synchronization of estrus with melengestrol acetate (MGA) and fenprostalene (a prostaglandin F2 alpha analogue; PGF) was determined in pubertal Bos taurus and Bos indicus crossbred yearling heifers. Angus x Hereford (AH, n = 137) and Brahman x Hereford (BH, n = 97) heifers were sorted by body weight after weaning into light (LW) and heavy (HW) weight blocks. Heifers were assigned by age to diets to reach a target weight of 55% (LE) or 65% (HE) of their projected mature weight by the start of breeding. Heifers that exhibited estrus and had serum progesterone greater than or equal to 1 ng/ml (0 or 10 d before estrous synchronization treatment) were assigned randomly within breed and nutritional groups to either an estrous synchronization (S) or control (C) group. Heifers in the S group were fed .5 mg of MGA for 7 d and injected s.c. with 2 mg PGF on d 7 of MGA. All heifers were inseminated 12 h after first detected estrus. A greater proportion of AH (P less than .01) than of BH heifers were in estrus within 6 d after PGF, and more S heifers than C heifers (P less than .01) were in estrus. Conception rate at first service was proportionately higher (P less than .001) in AH than in BH heifers and lower (P less than .02) in S than in C heifers. There was a breed x energy level interaction (P less than .01) for conception rate at first service. Stage of the estrous cycle at the time treatment with MGA was initiated influenced (P less than .05) conception rate at first service in the S, AH heifers, with lower conception rates among heifers beginning treatment late in their estrous cycles (greater than or equal to d 12). Pregnancy rates after 21 d were higher (P less than .01) in AH than in BH heifers and higher (P less than .01) in HW than in LW heifers. More HE than LE heifers (P less than .02), and more AH than BH heifers were pregnant after 45 d. Pregnancy rates at the end of 21 d were higher among HE, BH heifers than among LE contemporaries. A higher (P less than .02) percentage of HE, HW, BH heifers were pregnant at the end of 45 d compared with other BH groups. Results indicated that a 7-d MGA-PGF treatment reduced conception rates at first service in pubertal yearling heifers. Pregnancy rate was affected by prebreeding nutrition in BH yearling heifers at the end of 45 d.  相似文献   

Beef cows and heifers (n = 263) at three locations that were exhibiting estrous cycle either were fed .5 mg/d melengestrol acetate (MGA) for 7 d and administered prostaglandin F2 alpha (25 mg, i.m.) on the last day of MGA feeding or were untreated. State of the estrous cycle at the beginning of the experiment was determined based on estrous detection and (or) progesterone concentrations in pretreatment blood samples. Estrous was checked twice daily for 30 d posttreatment. Animals were artificially inseminated approximately 12 h after detection of estrus. A synchronized estrus (less than 7 d posttreatment) was detected in 72% of the treated animals. More animals in the treated group became pregnant during the first 7 d of breeding, but their conception rate was lower than that of animals in the control group (P less than .05). Conception rate (36%) was reduced among treated animals when MGA feeding began late (d 14 to 20) in the estrous cycle. Conversely, the conception rate (66%) of treated animals fed MGA beginning earlier in the cycle was not different from that of control animals (73%; treatment x stage of cycle; P less than .05).  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to 1) compare cumulative pregnancy rates in a traditional management (TM) scheme with those using a synchronization of ovulation protocol (CO-Synch + CIDR) for timed AI (TAI) in Bos indicus-influenced cattle; 2) evaluate ovarian and hormonal events associated with CO-Synch + CIDR and CO-Synch without CIDR; and 3) determine estrual and ovulatory distributions in cattle synchronized with Select-Synch + CIDR. The CO-Synch + CIDR regimen included insertion of a controlled internal drug-releasing device (CIDR) and an injection of GnRH (GnRH-1) on d 0, removal of the CIDR and injection of PGF2alpha (PGF) on d 7, and injection of GnRH (GnRH-2) and TAI 48 h later. For Exp. 1, predominantly Brahman x Hereford (F1) and Brangus females (n = 335) were stratified by BCS, parity, and day postpartum (parous females) before random assignment to CO-Synch + CIDR or TM. To maximize the number of observations related to TAI conception rate (n = 266), an additional 96 females in which TM controls were not available for comparison also received CO-Synch + CIDR. Conception rates to TAI averaged 39 +/- 3% and were not affected by location, year, parity, AI sire, or AI technician. Cumulative pregnancy rates were greater (P < 0.05) at 30 and 60 d of the breeding season in CO-Synch + CIDR (74.1 and 95.9%) compared with TM (61.8 and 89.7%). In Exp. 2, postpartum Brahman x Hereford (F1) cows (n = 100) were stratified as in Exp. 1 and divided into 4 replicates of 25. Within each replicate, approximately one-half (12 to 13) received CO-Synch + CIDR, and the other half received CO-Synch only (no CIDR). No differences were observed between treatments, and the data were pooled. Percentages of cows ovulating to GnRH-1, developing a synchronized follicular wave, exhibiting luteal regression to PGF, and ovulating to GnRH-2 were 40 +/- 5, 60 +/- 5, 93 +/- 2, and 72 +/- 4%, respectively. In Exp. 3, primiparous Brahman x Hereford, (F1) heifers (n = 32) and pluriparous cows (n = 18) received the Select Synch + CIDR synchronization regimen (no GnRH-2 or TAI). Mean intervals from CIDR removal to estrus and ovulation, and from estrus to ovulation were 70 +/- 2.9, 99 +/- 2.8, and 29 +/- 2.2 h, respectively. These results indicate that the relatively low TAI conception rate observed with CO-Synch + CIDR in these studies was attributable primarily to failure of 40% of the cattle to develop a synchronized follicular wave after GnRH-1 and also to inappropriate timing of TAI/GnRH-2.  相似文献   

The efficacy of various combinations of melengestrol acetate (MGA), GnRH, and PGF2alpha for the synchronization of estrus in Angus-based beef cattle was compared. Hormones were administered as follows: MGA, 0.5 mg x animal(-1) x d(-1) mixed in a grain carrier; GnRH, 100 microg i.m.; PGF2alpha, 25 mg i.m. In Exp. 1, 2, and 3, cows were randomly assigned to treatments by parity and interval postpartum. The detection of estrus and AI were conducted from d -2 until 72 to 96 h after PGF2alpha, at which time cows not detected to be in estrus received GnRH and fixed-time AI (TAI). Data were analyzed separately for primiparous and multiparous cows. In Exp. 1, cows (n = 799) at three locations received GnRH on d -7 and PGF2alpha on d 0 and either no further treatment (GnRH-PGF) or short-term MGA from d -6 through d -1 (STMGA). Among multiparous cows, conception rate at TAI was greater (P < 0.05) for STMGA (41%, 47/115) than for GnRH-PGF treated cows (26%, 24/92). Across herds and parity, synchronized AI pregnancy rate (SPR) was not affected (P > 0.10) by treatment (GnRH-PGF vs. STMGA; 54%, 210/389 vs. 57%, 228/402). In Exp. 2, cows (n = 484) at three locations received either STMGA or long-term MGA from d -32 through d -19, GnRH on d -7, and PGF2alpha on d 0 (LTMGA). Among primiparous cows, SPR was greater (P < 0.01) in LTMGA (65%, 55/85) than STMGA-treated cows (46%, 40/87). Treatment had no effect (P > 0.10) on SPR among multiparous cows (STMGA vs. LTMGA; 59%, 92/155 vs. 64%, 101/157). In Exp. 3, cows (n = 838) at four locations received the LTMGA treatment and either no further treatment or an additional period of MGA exposure from d -6 through d -1 (L&STMGA). Among primiparous cows, SPR tended to be influenced (P < 0.10) by the herd x treatment interaction and was greater (P < 0.01) among L&STMGA (86%, 19/22) than LTMGA-treated cows (56%, 14/25) at a single location. Among multiparous cows, SPR was lower (P < 0.05) in L&STMGA (46%, 165/358) than LTMGA-treated cows (55%, 184/336). In Exp. 4, Angus heifers (n = 155) received either STMGA or 14 d of MGA (d -32 through d -19) and PGF2alpha on d 0 (MGA-PGF). The detection of estrus and AI were conducted from d -2 to d 6. Interval to estrus was greater (P < 0.05) and estrous response was lower (P < 0.05) in STMGA than MGA-PGF-treated heifers. In conclusion, primiparous cows responded more favorably to longer-duration MGA treatments than did multiparous cows. All protocols achieved sufficient SPR to justify their use for improved reproductive management of postpartum beef cows.  相似文献   

The study aimed to evaluate pregnancy per artificial insemination (P/AI) of cows subjected to synchronization and resynchronization in ovulation protocols using intravaginal progesterone‐releasing insert (P4) before pregnancy diagnosis (PD) and the relationship of PR with the diameter of preovulatory follicles (ØPOF) before TAI. Cows (n = 378) were distributed into two groups: a resynchronization group with new devices (GRN; n = 185) and resynchronization group with used devices (GRU; n = 193). On Day 0, both groups received a new P4 and estradiol benzoate (EB). On D8, P4 removal + D‐cloprostenol + eCG + estradiol cypionate (EC) was done. On d10, TAI was conducted. On d32, cows were resynchronized and divided into two groups, GRN (n = 185) and GRU (n = 193). The GRN group received a new P4 + EB, and the GRU group received a used P4 + EB. On d40, the P4 was removed + PD. The non‐pregnant cows received D‐cloprostenol + eCG + EC. US was done again on d42 to determine ØPOF before the second TAI. The P/AI of the GRN and GRU groups after synchronization were 56.2% and 57.0% (p = 0.87), respectively, and those after resynchronization were 58.0% and 37.3% (p < 0.008), respectively. The P/AI of the GRN and GRU groups observed after TAI (synchronization + resynchronization) were 81.6% and 73.1%, respectively (p = 0.047). No difference (p = 0.067) in ØPOF between the pregnant and non‐pregnant cows in the GRN was found, whereas the GRU group showed a significant difference (p = 0.003). Resynchronization protocols optimized the P/AI in both groups. New intravaginal devices resulted in greater P/AI and P/AI accumulation in resynchronization as compared with the GRU; the ØPOF was related with P/AI.  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the effects of exogenous prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) on hormone secretion in cows without a corpus luteum. Blood samples were taken from 10 Friesian dairy cows at frequent intervals from a jugular vein and the caudal vena cava starting between nine and 20 days after parturition. PGF2 alpha (25 mg dinoprost) was injected intramuscularly into five cows after the first eight hours of sampling. Plasma concentrations of 13,14-dihydro 15-keto PGF2 alpha (PGFM) increased rapidly but had returned to baseline by 14 hours after injection. There was no significant effect of the treatment on the time taken by the cows to resume ovarian cycles, and it had no consistent effect on plasma luteinising hormone (LH) patterns; however the amplitude of pulses of LH was temporarily suppressed in two cows and the frequency of pulses of LH was immediately increased in one cow. Treatment with PGF2 alpha had no significant effect on the concentration of oestradiol in blood from the vena cava. It is concluded that any enhancement of the reproductive performance of cows treated with PGF2 alpha after parturition is not due to a direct effect on pituitary-ovarian function.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to induce estrus and(or) ovulation in 1,590 suckled beef cows at the beginning of a spring breeding season. In Exp. 1, 890 cows at three locations were allotted to three treatments: 1) GnRH on d -7 + prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF2alpha) on d 0 (Select Synch); 2) GnRH on d -7 + PGF2alpha on d 0 (first day of the breeding season) plus a norgestomet implant (NORG) between d -7 and 0 (Select Synch + NORG); or 3) two injections of PGF2alpha given 14 d apart (2xPGF2alpha). More (P < 0.05) cycling cows were detected to have been in estrus after both treatments that included GnRH, whereas, among noncycling cows, the addition of norgestomet further increased (P < 0.05) the proportion in estrus. Pregnancy rates were greater (P < 0.01) among noncycling cows after treatments that included GnRH. For cows that calved >60 d before the onset of the breeding season, conception rates were greater (P < 0.01) than those that calved < or =60 d regardless of treatment, whereas days postpartum had no effect on rates of detected estrus. When body condition scores were < or =4 compared with >4, rates of detected estrus (P < 0.05) and conception (P = 0.07) were increased. In Exp. 2, 164 cows were treated with the Select Synch + NORG treatment and were inseminated either after estrus or at 16 h after a second GnRH injection (given 48 h after PGF2alpha). Conception and pregnancy rates tended (P = 0.08) to be or were less (P < 0.05), respectively, for noncycling cows inseminated by appointment, but pregnancy rates exceeded 53% in both protocols. In Exp. 3, 536 cows at three locations were treated with the Select Synch protocol as in Exp. 1 and inseminated either: 1) after detected estrus (Select Synch); 2) at 54 h after PGF2alpha when a second GnRH injection also was administered (Cosynch); or 3) after detected estrus until 54 h, or in the absence of estrus, at 54 h plus a second GnRH injection (Select Synch + Cosynch). Conception rates were reduced (P < 0.01) in cows that were inseminated by appointment. An interaction of AI protocol and cycling status occurred (P = 0.05) for pregnancy rates with differing results for cycling and noncycling cows. Across experiments, variable proportions of cows at various locations (21 to 78%) were cycling before the breeding season. With the GnRH or GnRH + NORG treatments, ovulation was induced in some noncycling cows. Conception rates were normal and pregnancy rates were greater than those after a PGF2alpha program, particularly when inseminations occurred after detected estrus.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted during 2 yr to evaluate differences in ovulation potential and fertility in response to GnRH or hCG. In Exp. 1, 46 beef cows were given 100 microg of GnRH or 500, 1,000, 2,000, or 3,000 IU of hCG. Ovulation incidence was not different between GnRH and any of the hCG doses, indicating that ovulatory capacity of at least 500 IU of hCG was equivalent to GnRH. In Exp. 2, beef cows (n = 676) at 6 locations were assigned randomly to a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement of treatments. Main effects were: 1) pre-timed AI (TAI) treatment (GnRH or hCG) and 2) post-TAI treatment (saline, GnRH, or hCG) to initiate resynchronization of ovulation in previously inseminated cattle. Blood samples were collected (d -21 and -10) to determine progesterone concentrations and assess cyclicity. Cattle were treated with a progesterone insert on d -10 and with 100 microg of GnRH or 1,000 IU of hCG. A PGF(2alpha) injection was given at insert removal on d -3. Cows were inseminated 62 h (d 0) after insert removal. On d 26 after first TAI, cows of unknown pregnancy status were treated with saline, GnRH, or hCG to initiate a CO-Synch protocol. Pregnancy was diagnosed 33 d after first TAI to determine pregnancies per AI (P/AI). Nonpregnant cows at 6 locations in yr 1 and 1 location in yr 2 were given PGF(2alpha) and inseminated 56 h later, concurrent with a GnRH injection. Five weeks later, pregnancy diagnosis was conducted to determine pregnancy loss after first TAI and pregnancy outcome of the second TAI. Injection of pre-TAI hCG reduced (P < 0.001) P/AI compared with GnRH, with a greater reduction in cycling cows. Post-TAI treatments had no negative effect on P/AI resulting from the first TAI. Serum progesterone was greater (P = 0.06) 7 d after pre-TAI hCG than after GnRH and greater (P < 0.05) after post-TAI hCG on d 26 compared with saline 7 d after treatment in association with greater frequency of multiple corpora lutea. Compared with saline, injections of post-TAI GnRH and hCG did not increase second insemination P/AI, and inconsistent results were detected among locations. Use of hCG in lieu of GnRH is contraindicated in a CO-Synch + progesterone insert protocol. Compared with a breeding season having only 1 TAI and longer exposure to cleanup bulls, total breeding season pregnancy rate was reduced by one-third, subsequent calving distribution was altered, and 50% more AI-sired calves were obtained by applying 2 TAI during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Three experiments were designed to evaluate methods to optimize the use of sex-sorted sperm in timed AI (TAI) programs for suckled beef cows. In all 3 experiments, suckled Bos indicus cows were synchronized using an intravaginal progesterone (P4) device during 8 d and a 2.0-mg injection of intramuscular estradiol benzoate (EB) at device insertion. The females received PG and eCG (300 IU) at P4 device removal and 1.0 mg of EB 24 h later. The cows were inseminated 60 to 64 h after P4 device withdrawal. All cows had their ovaries scanned by transrectal ultrasound at TAI to indentify and to measure the largest follicle (LF) present. In Exp. 1, a total of 853 cows had their LF classified as <9 mm or ≥9 mm at the time of TAI; these cows were then randomly assigned to 4 groups according to their LF diameter (<9 mm or ≥9 mm) and the type of sperm used (sex-sorted or non-sex-sorted). There was an interaction (P = 0.02) between the type of sperm and LF diameter beginning at TAI[non-sex-sorted ≥9 mm = 58.9%a (126/214); non-sex-sorted <9 mm = 49.5%b (106/214);sex-sorted ≥9 mm = 56.8%ab (134/236); and sex-sorted <9 mm = 31.2%c (59/189), a≠b≠c = P < 0.05]. In Exp. 2, suckled cows (n = 491) were classified immediately before TAI as having displayed estrus or not (estrus or no estrus) between P4 device removal and TAI. These cows were randomly assigned to 4 groups according to the occurrence of estrus and the type of sperm (sex-sorted or non-sex-sorted). There were effects of the occurrence of estrus (P = 0.0003) and the type of sperm (P = 0.05) on pregnancy per AI [P/AI; no estrus, non-sex-sorted = 43.6% (27/62); estrus, non-sex-sorted = 58.5%; (107/183); no estrus, sex-sorted = 33.9% (21/62), and estrus, sex-sorted = 50.0% (92/184)]; however, no interaction between the occurrence of estrus and type of sperm was observed (P = 0.87). In Exp. 3, a total of 200 suckled cows presenting LF ≥9 mm at TAI were randomly assigned to receive sex-sorted sperm deposited into the uterine body (n = 100) or into the uterine horn ipsilateral to the recorded LF (n = 100). No effect of deeper AI on P/AI was found (P = 0.57). Therefore, the LF diameter at TAI and the occurrence of estrus can be used as selection criteria to identify cows with greater odds of pregnancy to receive sex-sorted sperm in TAI programs. In addition, performing TAI with sex-sorted sperm deeper into the uterus did not alter the pregnancy results.  相似文献   

AIM: To compare 2 treatments for anovulatory anoestrus (AA) in postpartum dairy cows. The treatments were combinations of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and prostaglandin F2 (PG) or progesterone (P4) and oestradiol benzoate (ODB). METHODS: Forty AA cows from each of 5 herds were blocked by age (2 or 2 years old) and randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatments. The first group (GPG) were treated with 250 mug of a GnRH analogue, gonadorelin, followed 7 days later by 15 mg of the PG analogue, luprostiol. Two days later the cows were injected with 250 mug of gonadorelin. Cows were artificially inseminated 16-24 h after the second GnRH injection. The second group (P4+ODB) were treated with an intravaginal P4 releasing device for 6 days, followed 24 h after device removal by injection of 1 mg of ODB. Cows were pregnancy tested 35-40 days after the initial insemination and twice again at 6-8 week intervals thereafter. RESULTS: There was no significant difference between P4+ODB and GPG groups in the percentage of cows submitted for insemination in the first 7 days (94.0% vs 100% for P4+ODB vs GPG, respectively; p>0.3), in conception rate to first insemination within the first 7 days (43.6% vs 35.0% for P4+ODB vs GPG, respectively; p>0.2), in the percentage of cows conceiving in the first 28 days of the breeding period (68.0% vs 58.3%, P4+ODB vs GPG, respectively; p>0.1), or in median interval from the end of treatment to conception (20 vs 21 days; p>0.1). CONCLUSIONS: No differences in the reproductive performance of AA cows treated with either P4+ODB or GPG were detected. However, given the small number of animals enrolled, further data are required before the GPG protocol can be recommended for treatment of AA cows.  相似文献   

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