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This paper includes a review of international sustainable forestry development followed by an analysis of forest policies in Bangladesh. There have been four different government forest policies in Bangladesh since 1894. The first two forest policies (1894 and 1955) were exploitative in nature. Most of the regulatory documents were developed during the first two policy periods. The third forest policy instituted in 1979 by the sovereign Bangladesh government had contradictory elements and mutually inconsistent policy statements. It addressed for the first time forestry extension through mass motivation campaign. Current forest policy formulated in 1994 has been considered to be the most elaborate policy in the history of the country. Under this policy, participatory social forestry has been institutionalized in Bangladesh. The analysis shows that, although it is possible to attain the stated policy targets, progress is slow and is blocked on several fronts. A number of identified technical, managerial and logistical problems are hindering policy and program implementation. In addition, corruption contributes to the observed problems. The real strength of Bangladesh forestry is locally based, participatory forestry, co-management of protected areas and highly motivated people who increasingly recognize the need for a healthy forest ecosystem that will provide future economic stability. Because it is the rich homestead forests of Bangladesh that generate the majority of commercial forestry products, it is important that education continues at the grass-roots level. In addition, educated forestry and environment professionals have been identified as the future driving forces towards better, and sustainable, forest management. Results of this study make it clear that Bangladesh and other developing countries are not presently in a position to accept and adopt internationally derived forest policies due to inadequate institutional support, political instability and poor governance. Therefore, along with development of criteria and indicators of sustainable forest management and forest certification, international policy scientists must consider institutional development, professional skill development, identification and adoption of indigenous technology and long-term financial support in developing countries. Without these, all international processes, policies and directives will be of little value and produce few substantive results.  相似文献   

The current study is an illustrative example of intersectoral land conflicts in a highly populated region that resulted in the non-implementation of an already agreed-upon policy. More specifically, it evaluates the implementation of the forest expansion policy in Flanders (Northern Belgium) and assesses the potential to adjust current policy. The policy implementation analysis based on the variables checklist of the new top down models points out that the forest expansion program is not successful. This is mainly due to inconsistencies within the objectives and grant schemes used in agriculture and nature conservation policy and local resistance of the agricultural sector. The Advocacy Coalition Framework was used to examine the potential to adjust current policy. For the legislative changes, no adjustments were possible because two persistent coalitions, ‘continuity-oriented’ and ‘change-oriented’, with polarized core beliefs exist. The existence of these coalitions also emerged from a Detrended Correspondence Analysis of the binary table of all questioned topics. In contrast with the legislative changes, adjustment of forest grants would be possible. Hence, only less complicated policy adjustments seem possible for the Flemish forest expansion policy, and the outlook of this policy appears bleak.  相似文献   

长白山典型林区森林资源变化及目前质量分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用研究区1985年和1999年两期遥感数据,将两期图像的矢量化图像中变动幅度较大的主要类别进行叠加,通过图像单元统计及图像叠加分析,得知各类地物在十五年间的变化情况及相应类别变化的量化归属。研究表明,十五年间采伐迹地、人工幼林变化剧烈,人类活动是造成研究区地物剧烈变化的最主要原因。选择研究区中二个干扰与经营状况不同的林场进行重点剖析,结果表明经营强度及方式的不同,对森林资源质量有较大的影响。东升林场采伐利用强度相对较小,目前仍保存有面积约占该林场1/3左右的地带性植被,过熟林面积比例较高,成熟针叶林单位面积蓄积量高达536.27m3hm-2,与长白山自然保护区的阔叶红松林单位面积蓄积量大体相当;西林河林场因采伐强度较大,目前林分多为原始林被破坏后形成的次生林,成过熟林比例相对较低,单位面积蓄积量也较小。二个林场森林状况以及营林措施方面具有一定代表性,其森林演替具有天然、人为干预两个方面的性质,作为重点剖析对象对研究区未来森林资源经营具有一定的指导意义。本文还就研究中发现的问题进行了剖析,并对当地的营林策略提出了可行性建议。图6表4参13。  相似文献   

The utilization and changes of forest resources were studied in the Lishuihe Forest Bureau. Based on remote sensing images in 1985 and 1999, changes of major forest resources were analyzed by statistical and overlap method and classified quantitatively. The results showed that in recent 15 years, logging spots and man-made young forest changed violently, which was due to human activities. Different forest management manners and harvesting intensity played an important role in forest resources change. Dongsheng and Xilinhe tree farms were typical cases of different forest status and management for the Bureau, where forest succession was intervened by either human or natural disturbance. Dongsheng Tree Farm underwent a lighth arvest intensity and maintained a unit stock volume of 536.27 m^3. hm^-2, as much as that of broadleaf/Korean pine forest of Changbai Mountain Natural Reserve; Xilinhe Tree Farm underwent an intense harvest and was composed of secondary forests,where mature forests just had a small percentage and the unit stock volume was low. The study was useful to guide future forest management. What‘s more, problems found in the research were also analyzed and reasonable advice was given to the local forest management.  相似文献   

Beech forests located in the southwestern limit of Europe have been affected by severe deforestation and long-term fragmentation. Some of these forests have been subjected to partial cutting, whereas others have been maintained with little or no active management. It has previously been shown that past management has led to substantial changes in tree structure, diversity and plant species. These perturbations, through their influence on the litterfall and forest floor, may affect nutrient cycling and the nutritional status of such fragile ecosystems. Mineral nutrition was investigated in 53 forest fragments by analysis of data corresponding to nutrient concentrations in forest floor, mineral soils and foliage. In comparison with other beech forests in Central Europe subjected to higher levels of air pollution, the stands showed fewer incidences of nutrient deficiencies and lower foliar concentrations of S and heavy metals. Partial cuts carried out in recent decades have reduced the forest floor mass proportional to the intensity of the harvesting. The effect was probably due to the lower litter input and the increased decomposition of litter as a consequence of the environmental changes in forest gaps. The partially cut stands displayed higher foliar levels of K and Mg, which could be attributed to the greater release of these elements as a consequence of the increased decomposition of litter. However, past management has brought about lower foliar concentrations of P and N. Both effects were found to be proportional to basal area and the forest floor mass, which suggests that they are related to the intensity of harvesting. Although the causes are uncertain, this negative effect may be due to a reduction in forest floor thickness, which implies the loss of preferred rooting space for trees.  相似文献   

The patterns of forest resource use in South Korea have been overviewed along with the forest resource availability to the forest users and in relation to the socio-economic conditions of local people. In South Korea, forest income arises more from non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and forest ecosystems services than from timber. The relationship between availability of forest resources and income of residents in mountainous villages was addressed with statistical analysis of results of household surveys conducted in Gangwon-do Province. The result indicates that the mere existence of forest resources and related cultural heritages is not enough for local communities to obtain income from forest land. Proper arrangements for local communities in accessing the forest resources and knowledge of making use of the resources is required to make the relationship constructive for people's livelihood. Joint management agreement between forest communities and the forest owner serves both parties for sustainable forest management in Korea as seen in the case of maple sap collection within Seoul National University Forests. The traditional knowledge held by local residents is of value for income generation for forest dependent communities and is considered as an integral part of sustainable forest management as seen in the case of native honey bee keeping near protected forest areas managed by the national forest authority. However, traditional cultural values may be positive or negative for ecologically sound forest management as seen in the pest management policy of the Korean government formulated based on cultural value rather than considerations of ecosystem health.  相似文献   

根据2008年勃利县林业局国有林区森林调查结果,与前11年资源调查数据比较分析,进行数量和质量差异对比,制定今后发展对策。  相似文献   

A new forest policy of allocating forestland to individual households for management and development, has been applied in Vietnam since the early 1990s. This study was designed to examine how local forest-related people have used forestland and forest resources under the new policy, and to determine their level of dependency on forests. An upland forest-related community in northern central Vietnam, where the policy was introduced in 2002, was chosen as a case study. It was found that local residents in the community have not complied with the forest allocation policy well, in that they violated the policy to freely lend forestland to and borrow from villagers for cropping purposes, regardless of whether they were rich or poor, had enough land or not, or were legally forest recipients. Regarding forest dependency, all households studied lived on forest resources (forestland and forest products). More than 65% of the total annual income of poorer households was derived from the forest, compared to less than 40% for the richer households. Forest-derived income accounted for more than 75% in their total income in some of the poorest households.
Nguyen Vinh QuangEmail:

This study examined changes in never-harvested mixed conifer (MCF), spruce-fir (SFF), and quaking aspen forests (QAF) in Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP), Arizona, USA based on repeat sampling of two sets of vegetation study plots, one originally sampled in 1935 and the other in 1984. The 1935 plots are the earliest-known, sample-intensive, quantitative documentation of forest vegetation over a Southwest USA landscape. Findings documented that previously described increases in densities and basal areas attributed to fire exclusion were followed by decreases in 1935-2004 and 1984-2005. Decreases in MCF were attributable primarily to quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) and white fir (Abies concolor), but there were differences between dry-mesic and moist-mesic MCF subtypes. Decreases in SFF were attributable to quaking aspen, spruce (Picea engelmannii + Picea pungens), and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa). Decreases in QAF resulted from the loss of quaking aspen during succession. Changes in ponderosa pine forest (PPF) are described in a parallel paper (Vankat, J.L., 2011. Post-1935 changes in forest vegetation of Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA: part 1 - ponderosa pine forest. Forest Ecology and Management 261, 309-325). Graphical synthesis of historical and modern MCF data sets for GCNP indicated tree densities and basal areas increased from the late 19th to the mid 20th century and then decreased to the 21st century. Changes began earlier, occurred more rapidly, and/or were larger at higher elevation. Plot data showed that basal area decreased earlier and/or more rapidly than density and that decreases from 1935 to 2004 resulted in convergence among MCF, SFF, and PPF. If GCNP coniferous forests are trending toward conditions present before fire exclusion, this implies density and basal area were more similar among these forests in the late 19th century than in 1935. Changes in MCF and SFF can be placed in a general framework of forest accretion, inflection, and recession in which increases in tree density and basal area are followed by an inflection point and decreases. Accretion was triggered by the exogenous factor of fire exclusion, and inflection and recession apparently were driven by the endogenous factor of density-dependent mortality combined with exogenous factors such as climate. Although the decreases in density and basal area could be unique to GCNP, it is likely that the historical study plots provided a unique opportunity to quantitatively determine forest trends since 1935. This documentation of post-1935 decreases in MCF and SFF densities and basal areas indicates a shift in perspective on Southwestern forests is needed.  相似文献   

实施可持续发展战略,发展生态环保型效益经济是吉林省人民政府的战略构想。本文从森林的生态、社会和经济三大效益入手,较全面地研究论证了林业生态保护和建设在“生态环保型效益经济”框架中的作用,并对今后如何进行林业的生态保护和建设提出了发展目标、建设重点和战略措施。  相似文献   

付俊卿  高卫东 《森林工程》1999,15(4):26-27,64
本文对林区城镇消防工作存在的问题进行了探讨。并针对这些问题提出了解决措施。同时对林区城镇消防工作提出自己的意见建议。  相似文献   

Most forest fires in the Margalla Hills are related to human activities and socioeconomic factors are essential to assess their likelihood of occurrence.This study consid-ers both environmental (altitude,precipitation,forest type,terrain and humidity index) and socioeconomic (popula-tion density,distance from roads and urban areas) factors to analyze how human behavior affects the risk of forest fires.Maximum entropy (Maxent) modelling and random forest (RF) machine learning methods were used to predict the probability and spatial diffusion patterns of forest fires in the Margalla Hills.The receiver operating characteristic(ROC) curve and the area under the ROC curve (AUC) were used to compare the models.We studied the fire history from 1990 to 2019 to establish the relationship between the prob-ability of forest fire and environmental and socioeconomic changes.Using Maxent,the AUC fire probability values for the 1999s,2009s,and 2019s were 0.532,0.569,and 0.518,respectively;using RF,they were 0.782,0.825,and 0.789,respectively.Fires were mainly distributed in urban areas and their probability of occurrence was related to acces-sibility and human behaviour/activity.AUC principles for validation were greater in the random forest models than in the Maxent models.Our results can be used to establish preventive measures to reduce risks of forest fires by consid-ering socio-economic and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Changes in forest growth have been found in European forests and worldwide. However most observations have been derived from samples of restricted size, whose representativeness at a regional forest scale is questionable. National forest inventories provide an interesting perspective for both regional scale assessment of these trends and the investigation of their variations over environmental gradients, but have been little used.  相似文献   

Liu Hong 《林业研究》1999,10(3):178-180
Soil animal communities of Secondary forest,Platycladus forest andQuercus acutissima forest in Confucian graveyard of Qufu were investigated. 3583 specimens were collected, belonging separately to 5 Phylums, 11 Classes and 23 Orders. Two dominant groups and 9 common groups account for 94.45% of the total numbers. The soil animals in these three forest habitats differ in composition, ecological distribution and important indices. The dominant groups of soil animals in the three forests were the same, but other groups differ more greatly. Diversity index (H′) and evenness index (E) of soil animal in Secondary forest are the highest, and yet dominance index (C) inQuercus acutissima forest is the highest. Most soil animals in each forest habitats congregate to the surface soil layer. Their sorts and individual numbers are all layer I>II>III. It is very similar for composition of soil animals in the three forests. Responsible editor: Chai Ruhai  相似文献   

In this study, the overall utility of forest management alternatives at the forest management unit level is evaluated with regard to multi-purpose and multi-user settings by a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) method. The MCA is based on an additive utility model. The relative importance of partial objectives of forest management (carbon sequestration, ground water recharge, biodiversity, and timber production) is defined in cooperation with stakeholders. The forest growth model 4C (Forest Ecosystems in a Changing Environment) is used to simulate the impact of six forest management strategies and climate on forest functions. Two climate change scenarios represent uncertainties with regard to future climatic conditions. The study is based on actual forest conditions in the Kleinsee management unit in east Germany, which is dominated by Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and oak (Quercus robur L. and Quercus petraea Liebl.) stands. First, there is an analysis of the impact of climate and forest management on forest functions. Climate change increases carbon sequestration and income from timber production due to increased stand productivity. Secondly, the overall utility of the management strategies is compared under the priority settings of different stakeholder groups. From an ecological perspective, a conservation strategy would be preferable under all climate scenarios, but the business as usual management would also fit the expectations under the current climate due to high biodiversity and carbon sequestration in the forest ecosystem. In contrast, a forest manager in public-owned forests or a private forest owner would prefer a management strategy with an intermediate thinning intensity and a high share of pine stands to enhance income from timber production while maintaining the other forest functions.  相似文献   

富源县中幼林抚育采伐现状与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章阐述了富源县林地和中幼林概况,对中幼林抚育采伐存在的主要问题及原因进行了分析,提出了搞好中幼林抚育采伐的主要对策。  相似文献   

泉阳林业局森林资源现状与林地保护利用措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了吉林省泉阳林业局的森林资源现状及存在问题,并针对这些问题,提出了增加森林面积、提高森林质量以及科学实施林地保护利用的措施。  相似文献   

Ecotourism is a sustainable use of forest resources, as compared to traditional uses such as logging or mining. However, whether turning forests into tourist sites can generate incomes comparable to the lucrative traditional activities is less clear. We estimated the recreational values of the Belum-Temengor Rainforest Complex (BTRC) in Perak, Malaysia, and compared it with the alternative of one-time consumptive revenues from logging. Based on data from an on-site survey of 367 visitors to BTRC, direct non-consumptive use values were computed using the individual travel cost approach and the truncated Poisson count data model. The annual direct non-consumptive use value was RM14.66 million based on the estimated number of nights spent and willingness-to-pay per trip. The future cash flows of recreation demand were RM614 million, RM970 million, and RM1.86 billion for the next 30, 50, and 100 years, respectively. Own-price, cross-price, and income elasticities of recreation demand were also computed. Visitors’ on-site travel cost, alternative-site travel cost, income, ethnicity (Malay), and marital status (Single) were associated with recreation demand. Our main conclusion is that the direct non-consumptive use values from recreation demand and other indirect use and non-use values from forest conservation exceed the one-time consumptive revenues from logging.  相似文献   

Community forest management (CFM) has received increasing worldwide attention from governments, researchers and educational institutions over the past two decades. Many governments, especially in developing countries, have prioritized CFM over traditional forest management systems. In Thailand, CFM is not recognized by the legal system; however, there are de facto CFM practices under common property resource regimes. CFM has in essence been practiced here for hundreds of years by local people, and represents an important aspect of Thai culture. This study aims at evaluating CFM in Thailand in the context of sustainable development. To meet the objective, the study gathered information through focus group discussions with various stakeholders: academics, Forest Department staff, and members of the Chang Tok Tay community forests. From the study, it emerged that forest resources are critical for the livelihoods and survival of rural people, and so they have protected forests to ensure sustainable livelihoods. This study identified that prospects for sustainable CFM in Thailand are bright because: (i) community members are highly motivated and are sufficiently interested to protect trees because they are well aware that their livelihoods are under threat from depleting forests; (ii) tradition and culture of rural people support their relation with nature; (iii) non-timber forest products (NTFPs) play a crucial role in local livelihoods for subsistence and necessitate protection of the forest watershed, which is vital to support their occupations; (iv) spiritual rituals such as those where Buddhist monks bind yellow cloth on trees play a vital role in protecting trees, something rare in other countries. The study further identified various hindrances to achieve sustainable CFM: (i) legal support for CFM is absent; (ii) the Royal Forest Department (RFD) cannot transfer appropriate technology to community people due to lack of legal support; (iii) scope for developing effective strategies for sustainable CFM by combining traditional knowledge with existing scientific knowledge is limited; (iv) a formal institutional arrangement for CFM does not exist; and (v) community members’ access to the hard technology of CFM is limited. Therefore, in addition to legalizing CFM, a formal institutional framework for elaboration, implementation and control of CFM is essential to achieve sustainable CFM in Thailand.  相似文献   

Land use plays a much more important role than other factors, such as climate, soil properties, topographic features, vegetation coverage, human activities and others, in affecting soil erosion and sediment discharge. In order to understand the effects of changes in land use on sediment discharge and to provide a theoretical basis for land use planning, management and ecological restoration, we used the controlled Qiaozidong watershed and the uncontrolled Qiaozixi watershed in the third sub-region of the Loess Plateau as examples and analyzed the effects of land use and land cover on the discharge of sediments. The results show that the impact of land use and land cover on the annual amount of sediment discharge is significant. Compared with the uncontrolled watershed during similar periods, the amount of sediment discharged from the controlled watershed was reduced by 44%, 75% and 86%, respectively, in wet, normal and dry years. In the controlled watershed, compared with the period from 1986 to 1994, the amount of sediments discharged was less during the period from 1995 to 2004. The impact of land use and land cover on sediment discharge demonstrated characteristics of seasonal fluctuation. The effects of sediment reduction in the controlled watershed were greater than those in the uncontrolled watershed in May and September. In the controlled watershed, the reduction effect coincided with the distribution of rainfall. The amount of discharged flood sediments is closely correlated with rainfall, rainfall intensity in a 60 min period and the volume of flood. The rainstorm-runoff process and the rainstorm-sediment discharge process demonstrate that land cover has a strong regulatory and control function in the flood process and sediment discharge in rainstorms. For the controlled watershed, given the same precipitation frequency distribution, the average amount of sediment discharged during the land use period from 1995 to 2004 was less than that during the earlier land use period from 1986 to 1994 under every recurrent period. __________ Translated from Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2007, 29(6): 115–122 [译自: 北京林业大学学报]  相似文献   

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