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Enrichment ratios (ER) are widely used to predict loss of sorbed nutrients or pesticides with runoff sediment, while ER is frequently neglected in studies which quantify past erosion from global fallout 137Cs losses. The ER of 137Cs (ER- 137Cs) in the soil loss and the subsequent depletion of 137Cs at the soil surface were determined for eight small watersheds (1.6–16.8 ha) with different soils and land use. Due to preferential loss of the clay fraction, the upper 5 mm of the soil surface was significantly depleted of 137Cs after a heavy storm. A total of 31 watershed-events were investigated with soil losses ranging between 1.2 and 480 kg-ha?1 and sediment concentrations between 1.98 and 54.1 g?L?1 The correspondent ER-137Cs (mean: 1.72, range: 0.40–4.95) was positively correlated to the ER of clay, organic carbon, total nitrogen and calcium-acetate-lactate-extractable phosphorus (PCAL). A close correlation between ER-137Cs and ER-PCAL was also found for sediment samples of detention ponds, where most of the ER values were less than 1.0 due to depletion. Therefore, ER-PCAL seems to be a suitable estimate of ER-137Cs for both, erosion and deposition processes. Our findings strongly support the need for considering ER-137Cs, when ,37Cs data are used to assess rates and pattern of soil redistribution. Otherwise, soil loss will be overestimated in a range of about factor 2 in many cases.  相似文献   


An experiment was conducted in Yolo loam soil with bush beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. C.V. Improved Tendergreen) with single and combination treatments of moderately high levels of Cd, Li, Cu, and Ni to test whether or not effects could be additive or synergistic. Copper and Ni together were more toxic than either alone. Copper, Ni, and Cd were more toxic together than any one alone. These effects were probably additive and may be related to a 0.2 pH change caused by Cu which increased uptake of Ni and Mn. Synergistic effects were observed in the Cd and Ni concentrations, especially in the stems of the plants. Because of these interactions, the effects were then tested in solution culture. In solution culture with bush beans Cu and Ni when applied together had synergistic effects on plant concentrations of P, Zn, and Fe (all were decreased) and on the Ni concentration in roots. Also, in solution culture with (2.5 × 10‐5 M) Zn, Cu, and Cd added singly, in pairs, and together, Zn and Cu additively decreased Cd concentrations in roots. Synergistic effects on yield depressions were observed in solution culture for 5 × 10‐5 M Zn + 3 × 10‐5 M Cu+ 2 x10‐5 M Ni. An additive effect on yield depression was observed for 2 × 10‐4 MCd + 2 × 10‐5 M Ni. There were many complex interactions among the trace metal concentrations in these plants.  相似文献   

The influence of land use on runoff and soil loss was assessed on two small watersheds in the Eastern Caribbean island of St Lucia, under contrasting land management regimes. The data generated from these watersheds revealed that the soil losses from an intensively cultivated agricultural watershed were 20‐times higher in magnitude than that of a forested watershed both for peak rainfall event and for total duration of analysis. This was due to higher surface runoff rates and exposure of soil to direct raindrop impact within cultivated areas. Whereas the forest canopy cover in combination with higher infiltration capacities of the forested land reduced the erosive runoff from the forest watershed and thus the soil loss. Moreover, the energy intensities of large storms in excess of 40 mm were estimated and found to range between 400 MJ mm ha−1 h−1 and 1834 MJ mm ha−1 h−1. 1
  • 1 Megajoules‐millimeters per hectare‐hour.
  • Soil loss from the agricultural watershed was strongly correlated (R2 = 0·85) to storm energy‐intensity (EI30). However, the correlation of soil loss with the EI30 (R2 = 0·71) was poor for the forest watershed due to the effect of canopy vegetation, which significantly reduced the energy of raindrop impact. Over the study period, cumulative soil losses were 10·0 t ha−1 for the agricultural site and 0·5 t ha−1 for the forest site. 2
  • 2 Metric tons per hectare.
  • The largest storm observed during the study period resulted in erosion losses of 3·78 t ha−1 and 0·2 t ha−1 from the agricultural and forest sites respectively. The regression models were developed using the measured data for prediction of runoff and soil loss over the watersheds of St Lucia under similar conditions. This study contributed towards efficient watershed management planning and implementation of suitable water conservation measures in St Lucia. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    Ten soils were leached with a dilute solution of AICI3, and FeCl2 adjusted with HCl to pH 3.0. The effluents were analyzed for eight trace metals as well as pH, to determine the maximum contribution of the soils to the trace metal burden of the soil solution. This contribution was correlated with various soil properties to evaluate the controlling factors on the elution of certain metals. Measurable quantities of Mn, Co, Zn, Ni, Cu, and Cr were found in the soil leachates; Cd and Pb were infrequently detected. The important soil properties describing the amounts of the elements leached were the total metal originally present, the total amount of Mn, and the percentage of free iron oxides.  相似文献   

    岩溶地区石漠化小流域可持续发展评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    运用频度统计法、理论分析法和专家咨询法,构建由资源、环境、经济和社会4个准则层17项指标组成的简单、实用的岩溶地区石漠化小流域可持续发展评价指标体系,并以金沙县5条小流域(水井湾小流域、小洋溪小流域、楠木溪小流域、伍所河小流域、干沟小流域)为例,采用2010年统计数据,运用改进的阂值法进行指标数据的标准化处理,采用层次分析法确定指标的权重,运用线性加权评价模型计算可持续发展度,对岩溶地区石漠化小流域进行可持续发展定量评价。结果表明5条小流域均未达到可持续发展水平。指出石漠化小流域可持续发展的主要贡献指标,并分析各小流域可持续发展的主要限制因素,以为小流域的综合治理提供参考,促进小流域的可持续发展。  相似文献   

    中国水土流失防治任务仍然繁重,有计划分批次实施水土流失治理是现阶段条件下的必然选择,优先治理小流域识别是其首要解决的一项基础工作,然而目前相关成果较为缺乏,难以支撑小流域水土流失治理智能决策和精准施策。在当前大力推进智慧水土保持背景下,积极探索优先治理小流域识别方法非常迫切,对于科学、合理、高效促进水土流失治理工作具有重要意义。该研究立足于小流域自然禀赋条件,以中国水土流失重点区域——三峡库区秭归县为例,坚持科学性和可操作性相结合原则,以水土流失“减量和降级”双重目标和治理效益最大化需求为导向,综合水土流失面积和土壤侵蚀强度两个维度,提出小流域水土流失治理优先度定义及定量评价方法,为识别优先治理小流域提供科学依据和技术支撑。结果显示,秭归县2021年现状水土保持率为69.12%,远期(2050年)水土保持率为81.74%,总体提升12.62个百分点。秭归县2021年全域土壤侵蚀模数现状为758.50 t/(km2·a),最小可能土壤侵蚀模数为408.71 t/(km2·a),总体下降比例达46%。秭归县大部分区域均具有较大的水土保持率提升潜力和土壤侵蚀控制度,可完全治理和可降级的水土流失地块分布较为广泛,尤其在县域中西部的小流域存在较大的水土流失面积消减和土壤侵蚀强度降级空间。秭归县各小流域水土流失治理优先度的空间分布总体呈现中部高,东部和南部相对较低的分布格局,全县治理优先度大于0.6的小流域占总全县小流域的11.76%。通过典型县应用,该研究提出的小流域治理优先度涵盖了水土流失面积和土壤侵蚀强度两个维度,能更为全面满足小流域水土流失“减量和降级”双重目标和和治理效益最大化需求,直观反映了水土流失面积消减空间和土壤侵蚀强度降级空间的目标和相对大小,对支撑小流域治理决策更加准确、科学,治理优先度评价方法不仅可行,且易操作。  相似文献   

    编制小流域坝系可行性研究报告时,对洪量模数、侵蚀模数等参数的选取要作充分的论证,总体布局应与当地社会经济情况紧密结合。应注意资料的真实性与全面性,报告要紧紧围绕工程布局论述。  相似文献   

    Knowledge of the long-term effects of tillage on soil organic carbon is important to our understanding of sustainable agricultural systems and global carbon cycles. In landscapes susceptible to erosion, tillage can exacerbate losses of soil and C by increasing erodibility and stimulating microbial respiration. We measured long-term changes in soil carbon and soil loss in three small watersheds located in southwest Iowa, USA. The following soil series were formed on deep loess hills: Ida and Dow (Typic Udorthents), Napier and Kennebec (Cumulic Hapludolls) and Monona (Typic Hapludolls). All watersheds were cropped to continuous corn (Zea mays L.) and two were moldboard plowed and disk tilled while the third was ridge-tilled. The ridge-tillage system had greater C contents in the surface soil than the disk tillage soils, but ridge-tillage was not different from the conventional tillage in carbon retention over time. The ridge-tillage system, however, was more effective in retaining soil within the watershed. Microbial respiration by soil microorganisms accounted for 97% of the carbon loss in the ridge-tilled watershed compared to carbon loss in eroded sediment (3%). Terrain analysis was used to segment the landscape into landform elements. Less total carbon was present in the soil profiles of backslope elements than in footslope or toeslope elements, reflecting the combined effects of soil erosion and deposition within the watersheds. Profile C content was also positively correlated with the wetness index, a compound topographic attribute, that identifies areas of the landscape where runoff water and sediment accumulate.  相似文献   

    Three watersheds (16.4, 544, and 83 ha) at distances of 0.5, 20, and 40 km from the Atlantic coast have been monitored for major ion chemistry of precipitation input and streamflow from May 1977 to November 1978. More than 200 precipitation and stramflow samples were analyzed for Na, K, Ca, Mg, chloride and sulphate, as well as pH, conductivity, alkalinity, and compared to similar studies at Hubbard Brook, New Hampshire, U.S.A., and Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia. Major ion chemistry reflects proximity to Atlantic and Bay of Fundy coastal sources of marine aerosols. Evidence is presented implying biological reduction of H + and S04 to H2S during summer months for two consecutive growing seasons. Weighted mean annual pH values of precipitation for the three watersheds in Nova Scotia range from 4.11 to 4.63. More than 50% of the H + in precipitation is retained in the watersheds (with the exception of the ombrotrophic Fink Cove ecosystem), principally at the expense of basic cations being leached from the watersheds. Acidic deposition of Nova Scotian precipitation is predominantly as sulphuric acid, in contrast to ammonium sulphate, characteristic of continental precipitation.  相似文献   

    Crustacean zooplankton >250 m in size contributed 0.002 to 11% (median of 1.3%) of the total Cd in the epilimnia of 39 Canadian Shield lakes that ranged in pH from 4.7 to 8.3. The contribution of zooplankton to the total Cd pool was consistently low (1%) only in clear water lakes with pH < 5.0.=" in=" three=" intensively=" studied=" lakes,=" the=" contribution=" of=" zooplankton=" to=" total=" aqueous=" cd=" varied=" with=" time=" and=" depth,=" the=" maximum=" contribution=" (4=" to=" 6%)=" occurring=" in=" the=" metalimnion=" in=" mid-summer.=" changes=" with=" depth=" and=" time=" were=" principally=" a=" product=" of=" seasonal=" changes=" in=" zooplankton=" biomass=" and=" seasonal=" succession=" of=" species=" with=" inherently=" different=" tendencies=" to=" accumulate=" cd.=" implications=" for=" the=" study=" of=" cd=" cycling=" in=" lakes=" are=">  相似文献   

    为探索加速治理黄土高原水土流失的办法,从1980年起国家拨出专款,在黄土高原水土流失类型区开展了水土保持小流域综合治理试点。本文主要就其中的9条小流域在试点治理期间的投资效益进行初步分析。  相似文献   

    泥沙连通性可以反映泥沙源汇的潜在联系,识别流域水土流失热点区域及泥沙迁移路径。研究泥沙连通性的影响因素有助于更好地理解泥沙连通性的时空变化特征。该研究在已有泥沙连通性指数(Index of Connectivity,IC)模型基础上,考虑影响连通性的功能性因素,并采用修正泥沙连通性指数(Revised Index of Sediment Connectivity,ICr)探讨了植被覆盖度和降雨侵蚀力耦合作用下的季节与年际变化对天目湖中田舍河流域泥沙连通性特征的影响。结果表明:2019年夏冬季植被覆盖度分别为85%、57%,对应的泥沙连通性指数均值是-9.39、-6.85,植被覆盖度变化对泥沙连通性具有重要影响,利用NDVI值获取模型中的地表综合系数,可以动态反映地表植被和土地利用的区域及季节性变化;降雨影响泥沙的功能连通性,年尺度上的连通性指数均值同流域泥沙量的相关系数达0.91。说明在流域植被覆盖变化不明显时或者在林地为主的流域中,降雨因子具有主导作用;植被覆盖度升高28%,IC均值降低37%,而单独考虑降雨因子的IC-R均值则反映出雨量升高,指数值随之升高,修正连通性指数ICr综合考虑了植被与降雨因子,但在应用中要依据流域实际情况适当调整两者的权重。研究结果指出泥沙连通性指数在中国东南部区域运用中存在的问题,将对气候变化背景下中国湿润区湖泊小流域水土保持与水环境治理等提供科学参考。  相似文献   

    <正> 浅山区是青海省发展农林牧业生产潜力较大的地方,建国以来历届省政府都十分重视这里的生产建设。近几年,省水保部门对浅山地区的水土流失做了一系列调查、区划、规划工作,依靠党的政策和广大干部、群众开展了小流域综合治理,取得了较为显著的成效。  相似文献   

    黄龙山区不同类型小流域的产流过程及其特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
     在黄龙山区选择自然条件基本相似的森林小流域、森林采伐小流域和荒坡草灌小流域,利用量水堰,于1999—2003年对流域的产流及其过程进行了系统的研究。结果表明:不同类型小流域径流的年际和年内变化不同。森林小流域全年产流,产流量主要与降水量有关;荒坡草灌小流域则仅在暴雨季节产流,产流量主要与雨强有关。除发生特大暴雨年份外,森林小流域的产流量均超过荒坡草灌小流域,5年内平均前者比后者多3倍。不同类型小流域对降水的调节作用不同,5年平均森林小流域比荒坡草灌小流域减少洪水径流94.9%,达5.2mm,增加枯水期径流0.5mm,占年径流量的8.7%,从而使流域径流保持相对均匀和稳定。采伐森林可以改变小流域的径流分布,常年径流被暴雨径流所代替,但其量比荒坡草灌小流域少。不同类型小流域产流过程不同,森林小流域产流过程平缓,洪水起伏程度小;而荒坡草灌小流域产流曲线陡峭,洪峰形成迅速,回落也较快。  相似文献   

    Wet and dry deposition inputs and streamflow output of Cd, Mn, Pb, Zn, and Al were measured intermittently at four deciduous forested watersheds in the southeastern United States between 1976 and 1982. Atmospheric inputs to each site were similar, varying by factors of 1.1 to 2.2 for the different metals. Metal levels in precipitation indicate that these sites are representative of rural, continental areas. Metals in rain exhibit significant temporal and spatial trends, with concentrations generally higher during summer than winter at all sites and generally lowest at the more remote site. The concentrations of Cd and Pb in both wet and dry deposition decreased between the period 1976 to 1977 and 1981 to 1982. Ion ratios and enrichment factors suggest that Mn is largely soil derived in atmospheric samples while Cd, Pb, and Zn are enriched over typical soil levels. Factor analysis indicates that soil components influence both Al and Mn while fine aerosol components influence Cd in wet and dry deposition. Both components influence the behavior of Pb. Dry deposition dominated the input of Mn and Al to each site, while wet deposition was the major input process for the other metals (54 to 85% of total). On an annual basis, deposited Cd, Pb, and Zn are strongly retained in each watershed: 2% of the Pb, 8 to 29% of the Cd, and 8 to 34% of the Zn inputs were transported in stream flow. Deposited Mn and Al are retained to a lesser degree and show a net loss from two sites. Metal export is controlled by stream pH, organic carbon, bedrock geology, and hydrologic characteristics of each site.  相似文献   

    紫色土小流域土壤流失对不同土地利用类型的响应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
     小流域土壤流失特征不仅反映了流域的土地利用和管理状况,而且对其下游水体环境和水利设施安全具有深刻的影响。1999—2000年间以紫色土区3个具有不同集水面积、物理特征和土地利用类型的典型小流域为研究对象,探讨不同雨型下土壤流失对不同土地利用类型的响应特征。中大型降雨和间歇型降雨侵蚀下,以林地为主要土地利用类型的流域输沙模数最小,平均为866kg·hm-2,谷地农田利用类型最高,平均为5 550kg·hm-2。次降雨侵蚀力和次降雨峰值径流流量,分别是紫色土区非林地和林地利用为主小流域输沙模数变异的主要影响因子。  相似文献   

    The use of programmable furnace in preparing samples for determining cadmium, lead, copper, and zinc by differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry or atomic absorption spectrophotometry is convenient and time-saving. Recovery data for these 4 metals in various foods (tuna, sardines, and milk) were 93-96% for 0.01-1 ppm cadmium, 96-114% for 0.05-5 ppm lead, 100-108% for 2-10 ppm copper, and 97% for 10 ppm zinc.  相似文献   

    Journal of Soils and Sediments - The aim of this study was to characterize the influence of soil contamination on the trace element accumulation in nodules, inter-element relationships inside the...  相似文献   

    水土保持措施对黄土高原小流域重力侵蚀的调控机理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
    采用有限差分软件FLAC3D对有无植被及淤地坝的黄土高原小流域重力侵蚀机理进行探索,揭示了主要工程措施(淤地坝)和生物措施(植被)对重力侵蚀的调控机制。通过对比分析无治理措施和实施淤地坝及生态恢复治理措施条件下,小流域位移场、应力场和塑性屈服区分布,揭示了淤地坝和植被措施减缓重力侵蚀的作用。结果表明:植被可使梁峁顶处位移减9.8%,沟坡中下部位移减小11%,淤地坝只能使坝址处位移减少10%;植被可使塑性区体积减少46%,淤地坝可使塑性区体积减少11%。淤地坝增加了流域的凹形边坡,而根系加固作用改善了坡面浅层土体应力,二者均有效降低了坡面土体的应力集中,减少了塑性屈服区体积,但均未改变小流域以剪切破坏为主的屈服模式。小流域小尺度范围内,淤地坝减蚀作用强于植被,而大尺度范围内,植被减蚀效果优于淤地坝。研究成果可为小流域水土保持措施的合理配置提供科学依据。  相似文献   

    为了探讨川中丘陵区小流域综合治理模式,采用农耕、生态、工程措施相结合的方法对川中丘陵区9市(州)所辖的37个县(市、区)212条小流域综合治理5年后的情况进行调查分析,结果表明:1)土地利用结构的调整使25°以上坡耕地面积减少49.28倍,人均基本农田面积增加0.21倍,农业总产值和人均纯收入分别提高37.91%和25.92%,泥沙拦蓄量提高5.41倍,径流拦截能力提高2.19倍;2)生态工程措施使林业总产值增幅达到138.13%,水利水土保持工程提高了农田水分利用效率及保护机制,治理后,泥沙拦蓄能力提高近5倍,径流拦蓄能力提高近3倍;3)社会效益成果显著,以粮食消费为标准的环境人口容量提高5.97%,以价值消费为标准的环境人口容量提高37.97%。说明川中小流域的综合治理工作卓有成效,这离不开当地农民的支持和配合,其中农耕措施所带来的经济效益最明显,可作为流域综合治理的切入点。  相似文献   

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