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指出了经济发展加快推动了我国的城市化进程,环境在人民群众的生活里所占比重逐渐增大,在城市生活中园林绿化已成为必不可少的重要部分,其中园林树木更是各式各样的园林绿地中最核心的组成部分,它对于生态环境的平衡、生活环境的美化都有着不可替代的作用。介绍了基本的园林树木养护技术,重点提出了在一年中针对园林树木的不同情况应该如何养护和管理,以供参考。  相似文献   

树木栽植后管护是树木成活的关键,栽植好的树木若不加强管护,任其放任生长,可以使苗木毁于一旦。严加管护则可以使其根深叶茂,花繁枝壮,形成良性循环的景观,给人以美的享受。  相似文献   

随着人们绿色环保意识的逐渐增强,利用生物农药控制病虫,杂草将成为今后园林绿地有害生物可持续控制的重要手段之一,应用会越来越广泛,本文结合 园林管理实际,对生物农药从分类,特点及其使用技术等几个方面的角度作了较为系统的阐述,供广大园林绿化工作者参考。  相似文献   

春季是传统造林季节,但是由于气温回升快,干燥、多风,降水量小,土壤墒情差,造林成活率低。从挖大抗、栽壮苗、夏浇水、秋覆土、勤补植、严管护方面介绍了提高春季造林成活率的主要技术措施。  相似文献   

众所周知,园林树木冬季养护工作将直接影响园林树木翌年的观赏价值和经济价值。在园林树木的冬季养护中应注意以下几个方面:及时灌冻水。园林树木的整个生命过程都离不开水,虽然冬季蒸发量小,需水量相对较少,但却影响到园林树木的抗寒能力和来年的生长发育。  相似文献   

园林树木的养护管理制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
树木栽植后,需要良好的养护管理才能保证树木成活和健康地成长发育,达到绿化规划设计的效果。园林树木的养护管理工作,在城市园林建设中占有十分重要的地位,因此形容城市绿化施工与树木养护管理工作的关系是"三分种,七分养"。园林树木养护的质量标准:①树木枝繁叶茂,生长健壮,无病虫害。②树形丰满美观,人、畜、机械、车辆对树木有极少损坏现象。③高大乔木不与架空线发生干扰,分枝较高,无阻挡车辆、碰伤人头、防碍司机视线现象。④经常保持树木周围地面土壤疏松、通气,树基部无堆积污染物现象。  相似文献   

针对园林植物的栽培养护与管理在实际的工作中经常遇到的问题,探讨了全年园林树木养护工作的具体内容。  相似文献   

园林绿化中常用的乔木、灌木、藤本、花卉以及草坪,由于地理位置优越,管理及时,容易出现疯长,失去原有美的造型。因而只有加强整形、修剪、病虫害防治管护措施,才能保持造型,给人以美感。  相似文献   

付向辉 《国土绿化》2013,(10):40-41
“修剪”是指对植株的茎、枝、叶、花、果、芽、根等部位进行剪截或剪除的措施。“整形”是指对植株施行一定的修剪措施使之形成某种树体结构形态的管理技术。显而易见,整形是通过一定的修剪手段来完成的,而修剪又是任整形基础上,根据某种目的要求来实施的。可见,两者同属于一定栽培管理目的要求下的技术措施。  相似文献   

南京地区极端低温对常绿绿化树种景观的影响及分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过调查2004年冬季南京市7个不同地域常绿绿化树种所发生的冻害情况,分析了该地当年温度、降水等气候因子变化对常绿绿化树种景观效果的影响.  相似文献   

1991年特大洪灾后,作者对南京,无锡,苏州等的绿化树种,尤其是园林树种的耐涝性进行了调查。根据树木水淹后的反应将树木耐涝性分为三级,敏感,中等耐涝和耐涝,共调查树种86种(品种)获得了一些对树木耐涝性的新认识,对影响树林耐涝性的因子进行了讨论。  相似文献   

To rehabilitate a degraded Alfisol at Ibadan, southwestern Nigeria, Senna siamea (non-N-fixing legume tree), Leucaena leucocephala, and Acacia leptocarpa (N-fixing legume trees) were planted in 1989, and Acacia auriculiformis (N-fixing legume tree) in 1990. Pueraria phaseoloides (a cover crop) and natural fallow were included as treatments. Litterfall and climatic variables were measured in 1992/1993 and 1996/1997 while biomass production and nutrient concentrations were measured in 1993 and 1995. Total litter production from the natural and planted fallows was similar, with means ranging from 10.0 (L. leucocephala) to 13.6 t ha−1 y−1 (natural fallow) during the 1996/1997 collection. Leaves constituted 73% (L. leucocephala) to 96% (A. auriculiformis) of total litterfall. Acacia auriculiformis grew most quickly but S. siamea produced the highest aboveground biomass which was 127 t ha−1 accumulated over four years, and 156 t ha−1 accumulated over six years of establishment. The aboveground biomass of P. phaseoloides and natural fallow was only 6 to 9 t ha−1 at six years after planting. Nitrogen concentration in the leaves/twigs of was 2.5% for L. leucocephala, and 2% for other planted species and natural fallow. Pueraria phaseoloides had concentrations of P, K, Ca and Mg comparable to levels in the leaves/twigs of the tree species. Through PATH analysis, it was found that maximum temperature and minimum relative humidity had pronounced direct and indirect effects on litterfall. The effects of these climatic variables in triggering litterfall were enhanced by other variables, such as evaporation, wind, radiation, and minimum temperature. Improvement in chemical properties by fallows was observed in the degraded soil. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The design and methods are described of farmer-managed action-research to test the survival and performance of trees planted in paddy fields of private farms in Bangladesh. Farmers received seedlings of indigenous and exotic trees with extension advice on planting methods and care. Planting was done in systematically designed randomized modules involving twelve thousand trees up to the end of 1990. Survival and condition of individual seedlings were monitored twice annually, and mortality was replanted for up to three years after which little further mortality occurred.Stocking rate, including original survivors and replanted seedlings, tended towards 55% after six years. The main factors conductive to survival were the presence of a nurse crop in the field at the time of tree planting, and the quality and size of planting stock. Cause of death could not be attributed in about 8% of mortality. Main recorded causes of tree mortality, in order of frequency, were livestock browsing, physical damage during cultivation or harvesting operations, pests or diseases, drought, and flooding.About 15% of tree mortality was due to losses of complete modules owing to catastrophic flooding, land disputes, and public works such as roads or pipelines. It is suspected that some of this mortality may be unacknowledged changes of mind and deliberate removal by the participating farmers.  相似文献   

We investigated factors affecting the distribution of naturally regenerated broad-leaved trees in a 140-year-old Cryptomeria japonica plantation. We used path analysis to examine the relationship among microtopography, the biomass of planted trees, and the biomasses of canopy and subcanopy trees of broad-leaved species. The study plot was divided into three topographic types (ridge, slope, and valley), and we discuss how the different topographic types are affected. For all topographic types, the biomass of canopy trees of broad-leaved species decreased with convexity. For slope and valley topographies, the biomass of subcanopy trees of broad-leaved species also decreased with convexity. For ridge topography, the biomass of subcanopy trees of broad-leaved species increased with the biomass of planted trees, and decreased with the biomass of canopy trees of broad-leaved species. These results suggest the effects of microtopography on the biomass of subcanopy trees were much larger than the effects of canopy trees for slope and valley topographies, while the effects of microtopography were smaller for ridge topography.  相似文献   

Remnant trees and the conservation of biodiversity in Costa Rican pastures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Remnant trees may play an important role in conserving biodiversity within agricultural systems because they provide habitats and resources that are otherwise absent from agricultural landscapes. In order to determine the potential importance of remnant trees for conservation, we surveyed the density and species composition of remnant trees occurring in pastures of 24 dairy farms near Monteverde, Costa Rica. In addition, we conducted interviews with farmers to determine why they leave trees in pastures and how they manage them. In our survey of 237 ha of pastures, we counted 5583 trees of 190 species (mean density of 25 trees/ha). Primary forest trees accounted for 57% of all of the species and 33% of tree individuals. Over 90% of the species are known to provide food for forest birds and other animals. In addition, many of the species are important locally for humans as sources of timber (37%), firewood (36%) or fence posts (20%). Farmers mentioned 19 reasons for leaving trees in pastures. Of these, shade for cattle, timber, fruits for birds and fence posts were most commonly cited. Most farmers were well aware of both the economic and ecological benefits of pasture trees, and were interested in the possibility of increasing tree cover within their pastures. Although the current densities and richness of pasture trees in Monteverde are high, the size distribution indicates that diversity will decrease substantially in future years, both because farmers are harvesting trees and because saplings of primary forest trees are scarce within the pastures. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

文章简要分析了武汉城区古树资源的特征,并从区分不同树种的使用目标、发挥生态功能、本地树种开发、园林群落多样性以及特色园林景观构建等5个方面阐述了古树资源对市区树种规划的意义。    相似文献   

以桃江县人工防护林为研究对象,分析了导致林地退化的主要原因,包括管护措施不到位、造林技术缺陷、自然灾害侵害、生理老化、环境污染等。针对退化原因,提出了相应的改造措施。  相似文献   

种子是更新造林的物质基础。建立林木种子园需要较长的时间才能见效,所以搞好人工林改造为母树林的工作尤为重要。  相似文献   

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