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European Journal of Plant Pathology - Phoma stem canker / blackleg is an internationally important disease of Brassicas including B. napus (oilseed rape, OSR), caused by multiple genetic subclades...  相似文献   

The apple cultivar Honeycrisp exhibits genetic resistance to apple scab. The characterization of the macroscopic and microscopic responses on leaves infected by the pathogen Venturia inaequalis is described. The macroscopic resistance reactions observed in ‘Honeycrisp’, its parent ‘Keepsake’, and grandparents ‘Frostbite’ and ‘Northern Spy’ ranged from 0 (no reaction) to chlorotic flecking, stellate chlorosis, necrotic flecking, and sporulation. No hypersensitive response was observed. The resistance response occurred as early as 7 days post inoculation (dpi) at the same time that susceptible plants exhibited macroscopic signs of the disease. The resistance reactions were similar in the progeny population of ‘Honeycrisp’ × ‘Twin Bee Gala’, although they were delayed to 10–14 dpi possibly due to variable greenhouse conditions. This population segregated 3 resistant:1 susceptible, which suggests the presence of two genes in ‘Honeycrisp’ and agrees with the finding that different responses within ‘Honeycrisp’ to mixed inoculum are due to differential recognition of pathogen effectors.  相似文献   

Zebra chip, an emerging disease of potatoes, has recently been associated with ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ in New Zealand. The phloem-limited bacterium is known to be vectored by the tomato potato psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli). In this study, the role of tuber transmission in the spread of Ca. L. solanacearum was investigated by re-planting potato tubers infected with Ca. L. solanacearum in the absence of the psyllid. Nested PCR demonstrated that Ca. L. solanacearum could be transmitted from the mother tubers both to the foliage of growing plants and to progeny tubers, resulting in symptomatic and asymptomatic plants. Of 62 Ca. L. solanacearum-infected tubers four did not sprout symptomatic of zebra chip. A further two plants developed foliar symptoms associated with zebra chip during the growing season and died prematurely. Fifty-six of the infected tubers produced asymptomatic plants, although Ca. L. solanacearum was detected in the foliage of 39 of them indicative of transmission into asymptomatic progeny plants. At harvest, Ca. L. solanacearum was found in the daughter tubers of only five of the 39 asymptomatic plants, and only one of these plants was found to have zebra chip symptoms in the daughter tubers. Our results show that tuber transmission of Ca. L. solanacearum could play a role in the life cycle of this pathogen, providing a source for acquisition by Bactericera cockerelli and for movement of the pathogen to other regions of New Zealand via transport of seed tubers.  相似文献   

We held interviews with 100 mango and cashew growers in Guinea, West Africa. Fewer than 20 questions dealing with the tree-inhabiting weaver ant Oecophylla longinoda were developed, based on local context and related research conducted on farmers' knowledge in other countries. More than half of the growers reported that ants protect their orchard from thieves. Apart from deterring snakes, about 46% of the growers mentioned that weaver ants reduce damage by fruit-eating bats; some reported that bats do dislike the smell of weaver ants. Whereas the relationship between ants and humans or conspicuous fruit bats is well understood, a quantitative appreciation of the effect of Oecophylla on small insect pests, such as fruit flies, is more complex. Despite the fact that 57% of the growers reported that Oecophylla had a positive effect on mango fruit quality, many classified Oecophylla as a pest due to its nuisance during harvest, and they requested the plant protection staff to help them with pesticides. Strategies to strengthen local ecological knowledge are discussed.  相似文献   

Bois noir (BN) associated with ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ (Stolbur) is regularly found in Austrian vine growing regions. Investigations between 2003 and 2008 indicated sporadic presence of the confirmed disease vector Hyalesthes obsoletus and frequent infections of bindweed and grapevine. Infections of nettles were rare. In contrast present investigations revealed a mass occurrence of H. obsoletus almost exclusively on stinging nettle. The high population densities of H. obsoletus on Urtica dioica were accompanied by frequent occurrence of ‘Ca. P. solani’ in nettles and planthoppers. Sequence analysis of the molecular markers secY, stamp, tuf and vmp1 of stolbur revealed a single genotype named CPsM4_At1 in stinging nettles and more than 64 and 90 % abundance in grapevine and H. obsoletus, respectively. Interestingly, this genotype showed tuf b type restriction pattern previously attributed to bindweed associated ‘Ca. P. solani’ strains, but a different sequence assigned as tuf b2 compared to reference tuf b strains. All other marker genes of CPsM4_At1 clustered with tuf a and nettle derived genotypes verifying distinct nettle phytoplasma genotypes. Transmission experiments with H. obsoletus and Anaceratagallia ribauti resulted in successful transmission of five different strains including the major genotype to Catharanthus roseus and in transmission of the major genotype to U. dioica. Altogether, five nettle and nine bindweed associated genotypes were described. Bindweed types were verified in 34 % of grapevine samples, in few positive Reptalus panzeri, rarely in bindweeds and occasionally in Catharanthus roseus infected by H. obsoletus or A. ribauti. ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma convolvuli‘(bindweed yellows) was ascertained in nettle and bindweed samples.  相似文献   

Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA genes and the 16S/23S spacer regions of the phytoplasmas associated with Australian grapevine yellows, papaya dieback and Phormium yellow leaf diseases revealed minimal nucleotide differences between them resulting in the formation of a monophyletic group. Therefore, along with Australian grapevine yellows, the phytoplasmas associated with Phormium yellow leaf and papaya dieback should also be considered as Candidatus Phytoplasma australiense.  相似文献   

European Journal of Plant Pathology - Symptoms of bunchy top, little leaf, leaf chlorosis with chlorotic streaks, leaf necrosis and stunted growth were noticed in two banana cultivars, Champa and...  相似文献   

Psyllids, as vectors of phloem-restricted plant pathogens, are serious agricultural pests. Fruit tree phytoplasmas are transmitted by different Cacopsylla spp., while other psyllids are known vectors of liberibacters. Recently, the bacterium ??Candidatus Liberibacter europaeus?? was found in pear trees and in Cacopsylla pyri (Linnaeus), the vector of ??Ca. Phytoplasma pyri??. This new species does not cause symptoms in plants and is probably a symbiont rather than a pathogen. Based on these findings and the assumption that ??Ca. Liberibacter europaeus?? is widespread, we studied its distribution in the genus Cacopsylla and in the respective host and shelter plants (where psyllids aestivate and overwinter), as well as its possible co-presence with ??Ca. Phytoplasma?? spp. We tested 14 Cacopsylla species and 11 plant species from northwestern Italy, Hungary and Israel, characterized by warm oceanic, temperate continental and warm Mediterranean climatic conditions, respectively. ??Ca. Liberibacter europaeus?? was common within the Cacopsylla genus, being present in nine of the 14 species screened as well as in most host plants, whereas none of the shelter plants tested positive for this bacterium. Altogether, these findings indicate the presence of ??Ca. Liberibacter europaeus?? in continental zones, whereas it does not seem to be widespread in the Mediterranean region. Furthermore, lack of specific symptoms in all infected plants confirms an endophytic relationship with this bacterium, while its abundance in insects suggests a beneficial role for the host. Co-infections with phytoplasmas, observed in insects and plants, require further study to evaluate the possible interactions between them.  相似文献   

Over the last 30 years, many studies have surveyed weed vegetation on arable land. The ‘Arable Weeds and Management in Europe’ (AWME) database is a collection of 36 of these surveys and the associated management data. Here, we review the challenges associated with combining disparate datasets and explore some of the opportunities for future research that present themselves thanks to the AWME database. We present three case studies repeating previously published national scale analyses with data from a larger spatial extent. The case studies, originally done in France, Germany and the UK, explore various aspects of weed ecology (community composition, management and environmental effects and within-field distributions) and use a range of statistical techniques (canonical correspondence analysis, redundancy analysis and generalised linear mixed models) to demonstrate the utility and versatility of the AWME database. We demonstrate that (i) the standardisation of abundance data to a common measure, before the analysis of the combined dataset, has little impact on the outcome of the analyses, (ii) the increased extent of environmental or management gradients allows for greater confidence in conclusions and (iii) the main conclusions of analyses done at different spatial scales remain consistent. These case studies demonstrate the utility of a Europe-wide weed survey database, for clarifying or extending results obtained from studies at smaller scales. This Europe-wide data collection offers many more opportunities for analysis that could not be addressed in smaller datasets; including questions about the effects of climate change, macro-ecological and biogeographical issues related to weed diversity as well as the dominance or rarity of specific weeds in Europe.  相似文献   

When leaf-halves of Samsun NN tobacco or bean plants were floated on a solution of 10–15 M eosin Y after inoculation with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and kept at 20° C, local lesion formation was markedly diminished. There was also a decrease in the size of the lesions.Depending on the temperature very strong fluorescence due to callose formation was seen around the lesions in eosin Y-treated leaf-halves of Samsun NN tobacco and bean plants. It lasted from 3–5 days after inoculation, whereas fluorescence around lesions in the water-treated control leaves disappeared within 2–3 days after inoculation.When leaf discs of Samsun tobacco, a systemic host for TMV, were floated on a solution of eosin Y after inoculation with TMV and kept at 20°C for 5 days, TMV multiplication was not prevented. Callose deposition could be detected, neither in eosin Y-treated nor in water-treated control leaves.The relation between the inhibition of local lesion formation and the accumulation of callose in eosin Y-treated leaves is discussed.Samenvatting Het is bekend dat er een verband bestaat tussen afzetting van callose en de vorming van lokale lesies bij verschillende virus-waardplantcombinaties. Tevens staat vast dat eosine ophoping van callose op zeefplaten veroorzaakt. Onderzocht werd nu of eosine Y van invloed is op de vorming van lokale lesies en tevens ophoping van callose veroorzaakt in bladeren van Samsun NN-tabak en boon, geïnoculeerd met tabaksmozaïekvirus (TMV).Het bleek dat bladhelften van tabak die, na inoculatie met TMV, bij 20°C gedreven hadden op een oplossing van 10 of 15 M eosine Y, minder en kleinere lesies hadden dan de controlehelften die op water hadden gedreven (Tabel 1; Fig. 1). Bij 25°C werden deze effecten niet waargenomen (Fig. 2). Een concentratie van 15 M veroorzaakte wat beschadiging van de bladeren (verbruining van een deel van de zijnerven).Bij bladhelften van de boon was geen beschadiging te zien bij een concentratie van 15 M. Bij bonebladeren geïnoculeerd met TMV bleek behandeling met eosine Y zowel bij 20°C als bij 25°C en zelfs bij 30°C minder en kleinere lesies tot gevolg te hebben (Tabel 2; Fig. 3 en 4).Als gezonde bladhelften van Samsun NN-planten te drijven waren gelegd op water verscheen er callose in de buurt van het wondvlak (Fig. 5). Deze ophoping van callose was sterker als de bladhelften hadden gedreven op eosine Y in concentraties van 10 of 15 M (Fig. 6). In de zijnerven, die als gevolg van de behandeling met 15 M bruin waren geworden, was eveneens een sterke fluorescentie als gevolg van de aanwezigheid van callose te zien (Fig. 7 en 8).Als bladhelften van Samsun NN-planten na inoculatie met TMV te drijven waren gelegd op oplossingen van 10 of 15 M bij een temperatuur van 20°C bleek er niet alleen een reductie in aantal en afmeting van de lesies opgetreden te zijn, maar ook sterke fluorescentie als gevolg van aanzienlijke callose-afzettingen rondom de in hun uitbreiding geremde lesies (Fig. 9). De sterke fluorescentie verdween zelfs niet 3–5 dagen na inoculatie, hoewel bij bladeren die op water hadden gedreven dit al na 2–3 dagen het geval was (Fig. 10). Hadden de bladhelften na inoculatie echter bij 25°C op eosine Y gedreven dan was de fluorescentie rondom de lesies dezelfde als in de bladhelften die op water hadden gedreven.Bij bladhelften van gezonde bonen was niet veel ophoping van wondcallose waarneembaar en evenmin stimuleerde eosine Y de vorming ervan. Wel bracht deze stof een ophoping van callose teweeg op de zeefplaten van bladnerven (Fig. 11). Eveneens was er in de met eosine Y behandelde bladhelften fluorescentie in delen van de zijnerven (Fig. 12).Bij bonebladeren die waren geïnoculeerd met TMV was een sterke afzetting van callose te zien rondom de lesies die zich niet meer uitbreidden als gevolg van behandeling met eosine Y bij temperaturen tussen 20°C en 30°C (Fig. 13). In de controlehelften die op water hadden gedreven verdween de fluorescentie binnen 2 dagen na inoculatie (Fig. 14).Hadden bladschijfjes van Samsun-tabak na inoculatie met TMV gedreven op een oplossing van eosine Y dan bleek de virusvermeerdering in deze schijfjes niet geremd te zijn (Tabel 3).We kunnen concluderen dat er een correlatie bestaat tussen de hoeveelheid afgezette callose in de bladeren en de uiteindelijke grootte van de lokale lesies. De vraag blijft echter nog wel bestaan of callose-afzetting inderdaad de verspreiding van virus naar naburige cellen verhindert.  相似文献   

Currently, the main arthropod vectored pathogens associated with carrot and celery crop diseases are ˋCandidatus Liberibacter solanacearum´, Spiroplasma citri and different phytoplasma species. Mitigation strategies require elucidating whether these pathogens survive in the weeds of these Apiaceae crops, which can act as reservoirs. Weed surveys were conducted in a vegetative cycle (April to October 2012) in the spontaneous vegetation that surrounded crops affected by ˋCa. L. solanacearum´, S. citri and/or phytoplasmas. Sixty-three species of 53 genera that belong to 23 botanical families were collected in the main carrot and celery Spanish production area. Species were identified, estimating coverage and abundance, and conserved in herbarium. Samples were analysed by nested-PCR with universal primers for phytoplasmas detection, and were sequenced for identification purposes; by conventional PCR for S. citri and real-time PCR for ˋCa. L. solanacearum´. The only detected pathogens were ˋCa. Phytoplasma trifolii´ (clover proliferation group 16Sr VI-A) in Amaranthus blitoides and Setaria adhaerens and ˋCa. P. solani´ (stolbur group 16Sr XII-A) in Convolvulus arvensis. These pathogens were also sporadically detected in celery or carrot crops. Unexpectedly, neither ˋCa. L. solanacearum´ nor S. citri was detected in the weed samples, despite the relatively high prevalence of these pathogens (less than 66 % and 25 %, respectively) in the surveyed plots. This suggests that weeds do not play an epidemiological role as reservoirs in the spread of such organisms in the studied region. The use of pathogen-free seed lots and the control of vectors are crucial for preventing the introduction and spread of these economical important pathogens to new areas.  相似文献   

This list is a continuation and also the ending of Series 3a and 3b [Neth. J. Pl. Path. 94 (1988), Supplement 1 and 95 (1989), Supplement 3], an account of the nomenclature of parasitic fungi on bulbs as used in official publications of the Netherlands Society of Plant Pathology and the Netherlands Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries. The ‘additional crops’ subject to this Series 3c do not refer to bulbs in the common sense, but come within the present Dutch definition of ‘Bolgewassen’. The selected names include one new species (anamorph):Entylomella dahliae Ciferri ex Boerema & Hamers.  相似文献   

This list is a continuation and also the ending of Series 3a and 3b [Neth. J. Pl. Path. 94 (1988), Supplement 1 and 95 (1989), Supplement 3], an account of the nomenclature of parasitic fungi on bulbs as used in official publications of the Netherlands Society of Plant Pathology and the Netherlands Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries. The additional crops subject to this Series 3c do not refer to bulbs in the common sense, but come within the present Dutch definition of Bolgewassen. The selected names include one new species (anamorph):Entylomella dahliae Ciferri ex Boerema & Hamers.Dit is een vervolg op Serie 3a en Serie 3b (Boerema en Hamers, 1988, 1989), waarin de naamgeving werd behandeld van de parasitaire schimmels bij de bekende bloem-bollen-en bolbloementeeltgewassen, behorende tot respectievelijk de Liliaceae, Amaryllidaceae en Iridaceae. De bijgoedgewassen waarvan nu in dit slotdeeltje de parasitaire schimmel-naamgeving wordt besproken, zijn geselecteerd uitgaande van het door het Laboratorium voor Bloembollenonderzoek te Lisse gepubliceerde handboek Ziekten en afwijkingen bij bolgewassen, deel 2, 1978. Tot de geselecteerde namen behoort één nieuwe soort (anamorf):Entylomella dahliae Ciferri ex Boerema & Hamers. In de officiële publikaties van de Nederlandse Planteziektenkundige Vereniging en het Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij zullen de namen van de check-list-serie worden gebruikt.  相似文献   

On-farm augmentative releases of the parasitoid Habrobracon hebetor (Say) for controlling the millet head miner (MHM) Heliocheilus albipunctella (de Joannis) were tested in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger from 2007 to 2009. In addition, a survey of farmers’ perceptions of insect pests, with particular focus on MHM, and the biological control program (BCP) was carried out. There was a significant increase of MHM parasitization rate after the releases, with up to 97% mortality. The survey on farmers’ perceptions revealed a fair knowledge of the MHM and the ability of farmers to describe the pest and the damage it caused. Farmers claimed that the biocontrol agent H. hebetor is effective and perceived a significant gain in grain yield due to this control strategy. Implications of these findings for a large extension of the MHM biocontrol program are discussed.  相似文献   

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