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Immune responses of inbred mice to repeated low doses of antigen: relationship to histocompatibility (H-2) type 总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22
Immunization of inbred strains of mice with repeated minute doses (0.1 to 1.0 microgram) of hapten-protein conjugates demonstrated wide differences in the magnitude of their antibody responses, which were related to the histocompatibility (H-2) type of the strains. Immunization with a single high dose (100 micrograms) of antigen failed to demonstrate these differences. 相似文献
Genetic control of the antibody response: relationship between immune response and histocompatibility (H-2) type 总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32
The immune responses of inbred mice to a related series of three synthetic polypeptide antigens are genetically controlled traits which are closely correlated with the genotype for the major histocompatibility (H-2) locus. All strains of the same H-2 type exhibit the same pattern of immune response, independent of the remainder of a given strain's genetic background. There is marked antigen-specific polymorphism between strains of different H-2 types with respect to their patterns of response. 相似文献
Molecular biology of the H-2 histocompatibility complex 总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25
R A Flavell H Allen L C Burkly D H Sherman G L Waneck G Widera 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1986,233(4762):437-443
The H-2 histocompatibility complex of the mouse is a multigene family, some members of which are essential for the immune response to foreign antigens. The structure and organization of these genes have been established by molecular cloning, and their regulation and function is being defined by expression of the cloned genes. 相似文献
Relation between the major histocompatibility (B) locus and autoimmune thyroiditis in obese chickens 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Obese strain chickens develop circulating autoantibodies to thyroglobulin and lymphocytic infiltration of their thyroids during aging. Two alleles, B(1) and B(4), are found with high gene frequency at the major histocompatibility (B) locus. Greater pathology and higher antibody titers are observed in B(1)B(1) and B(1)B(4) birds than in their B(4)B(4) siblings. 相似文献
Histocompatibility-2 (H-2) polymorphism in wild mice 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
J Klein 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1970,168(937):1362-1364
Red blood cells of 40 wild mice captured at four different locations in the Ann Arbor area were typed for the presence of 15 different H-2 antigens by direct hemagglutination test. Fifteen different phenotypes were found and all were different from those determined by known H-2 alleles of the laboratory mice. Great similarity between phenotypes of mice from the sane location was observed. This is interpreted as further evidence for the deme structure of natural mouse population. 相似文献
K Yamazaki G K Beauchamp C J Wysocki J Bard L Thomas E A Boyse 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1983,221(4606):186-188
Inbred BALB/c females were mated and subsequently exposed in a divided cage to "stimulus" males or females whose H-2 type was similar or dissimilar to the stud male's. The incidence of pregnancy blocking was considerably higher when stud and stimulus males differed in H-2 type than when they did not. Similar results were obtained with urine samples of H-2 identical and nonidentical males. Females exposed after mating to other females whose H-2 type differed from the stud male, under the same experimental conditions, also showed an appreciable incidence of pregnancy block. It is therefore concluded that chemosensory recognition of H-2 types affects the reproductive hormonal status of the pregnant female. 相似文献
Male hybrids from a cross between female mice of strain C57BL/6Kh and males of strain DBA/2J lived longer after injection of P815 mastocytoma cells of DBA/2 origin than did their female siblings. Responses to the histocompatibility antigen on the X chromosome of the DBA/2 strain may be involved in resistance to the tumor. When the female parent was replaced with a C57BL/6Kh carrying one of several mutations in the H-2 region, this sex effect disappeared in some of the hybrid combinations. Thus, the H-2 complex appears to be involved in the regulation of the immune response to the X-linked histocompatibility antigen in this tumor model. 相似文献
The relation between major histocompatibility complex (MHC) restriction and the capacity of Ia to bind immunogenic peptides 总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50
The capacity of purified I-Ad, I-Ed, I-Ak, and I-Ek to bind to protein derived peptides that have been previously reported to be T cell immunogens has been examined. For each of the 12 peptides studied strong binding to the relevant Ia restriction element was observed. All the peptides bound more than one Ia molecule; however, for 11 of 12 peptides, the dominant binding was to the restriction element, whereas in one instance the dominant binding was to a nonrestriction element. When the peptides were used to inhibit the presentation of antigen by prefixed accessory cells to T cells, an excellent correlation was found between the capacity of a peptide to inhibit the binding of an antigen to purified Ia and the capacity of the peptide to inhibit accessory cell presentation of the antigen. Thus, the binding of peptide to purified Ia is immunologically relevant, and Ia seems to be the only saturable molecule on the surface of the accessory cell involved in antigen presentation. Inhibition analysis also indicated that all peptides restricted to a particular Ia molecule competitively inhibited one another, suggesting that each Ia restriction element has a single binding site for antigen. Cross-linking of labeled peptides to Ia followed by electrophoretic analysis and autoradiography suggested that this single binding site is made up of portions of both alpha and beta chains of Ia. 相似文献
Evidence shows that the B blood group locus in chickens, which controls red cell antigens, is associated with tolerance of skin homografts. Three other blood group loci studied did not show this effect. 相似文献
Functional insertion of an Alu type 2 (B2 SINE) repetitive sequence in murine class I genes 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
The regulation of expression of the family of MHC (major histocompatibility complex) class I genes is complex. Sequence analysis has revealed that class I genes from the H-2D subregion of the MHC (which includes the D and L genes) differ from the class I gene from the H-2K subregion (the K gene) by the insertion of a type 2 Alu-like repetitive element (the murine B2 sequence) within the 3' noncoding region of the D and L genes. The consequence of this insertion in the D and L genes is the introduction of a novel polyadenylation signal, which is preferentially used over the more distal signal, the analog of that found in the K gene. The insertion of the type 2 Alu-like sequence results in a change in the preferred site for endonucleolytic cleavage which is necessary for generating a correct 3' terminus for polyadenylation. The data demonstrate that the type 2 Alu-like sequence has a function; the data also suggest a possible regulatory role of this sequence in the expression of class I genes. 相似文献
唑醇类杀菌剂对植物的常见致病菌如鞭毛菌、担子菌、半知菌等均有很好的预防和治疗作用,在农药领域应用十分广泛。以对氯苯丙酮为原料,经Corey-Chaykovsky环氧化,再与1H-1,2,4-三氮唑缩合,合成了唑醇化合物2-(4-氯苯基)-1-(1H-1,2,4-三唑-1-基)-2-丁醇。探讨了环氧化反应的关键因素,收率可达97.9%。对缩合反应条件进行了正交优化:以碳酸氢钠为碱催化剂,环氧化物、1H-1,2,4-三氮唑、碳酸氢钠的摩尔比为1.0∶1.5∶2.1,反应温度130℃,反应5 h,缩合收率可稳定在82.0%以上。 相似文献
针对玉米垄作留茬栽培模式,结合保护性耕作技术的实施要点,设计了2BML-2(Z)型玉米垄作免耕播种机。该播种机主要由动力驱动式破茬装置、开沟施肥装置、镇压传动装置等组成。田间试验结果表明,玉米粒距合格率约96.2%,破茬刀平均入土深度8.5 cm,播种平均深度5.2 cm,施肥平均深度8.5 cm,种肥间距3.3 cm。一次进地可完成破茬、开沟施肥、播种、镇压等作业,作业时土壤扰动小,作业质量满足农艺要求。 相似文献
光致变色化合物1′-(2-羟乙基)-6-硝基螺[2H-1-苯并吡喃-2,2′-吲哚啉]的合成 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
通过一种所用原料价廉易得、反应条件温和、操作简便的方法合成了目标化合物,元素分析、红外光谱和核磁共振氢谱等方法确证了其结构,而且所得的总产率较文献有较大提高。 相似文献
用α-(1H-1,2,4-三唑-1-基)取代苯乙酮与二卤化物进行取代关环反应,合成了8个新型三唑类化合物,其化学结构经IR、^1H NMR、MS和元素分析确证,讨论了化合物的反应性质及波谱性质,化合物的生测数据表明,化合物对小麦锈病有良好抑制作用。 相似文献
Polymorphism in the 5'-flanking region of the human insulin gene and its possible relation to type 2 diabetes 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
P Rotwein R Chyn J Chirgwin B Cordell H M Goodman M A Permut 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1981,213(4512):1117-1120
(2RS,3RS)-1-(4-氯苯基)-4,4-二甲基-2-(1H-1,2,4-三唑-1-基)戊-3-醇(Pachlobutrazole,PP333)(Ⅰ)是一种新型高效广谱植物生长调节剂,可应用于多种植物,例如果树的矮化,水稻的抗倒伏和菊花等花卉的矮化整形等。为研究药物(Ⅰ)在植物中的吸收和运转,我们曾用标记~(15)N-尿素合成了标记~(15)N-1,2,4-三唑,然后再以此原料分三步合成标记~(15)N-(Ⅰ)。合成样品经我校园艺系以鸭梨幼苗为材料做示踪试验,获得满意的结果。为改进标记~(15)N-(Ⅰ)的合成技术,我们选用另一路线成功地合成了标记~(15)N-(Ⅰ)。 相似文献
T L Dao 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1969,165(895):810-811
Mammary glands were transplanted from donors treated with 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene to untreated isologous recipients. Incidence of mammary tumors in mammary grafts from 56-day-old donors was significantly higher than that in grafts from 120-day-old donors, regardless of the age of the recipient hosts. Whent mammary glands were transplanted from untreated donors to isologous recipients that subsequently received 7,12-dimethyl-benz(a)anthracene, a similar difference in tumor incidence in the grafts was observed. In contrast to mammary glands of older females, mammary glands of young adult female rats are highly vulnerable to the carcinogenic effect of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene. 相似文献
[目的]为水体环境监测中废水排放安全性评价提供参考依据。[方法]通过单一急性毒性试验和联合毒性试验,研究了金属离子Cu2+和Cd2+对草履虫的急性毒性和联合毒性。[结果]在单离子急性毒性试验中,Cu2+和Cd2+对草履虫的毒性随浓度的增高而增大,且均呈明显的剂量效应。Cu2+的1h半致死浓度(LC50)为0.32mg/L,而Cd2+的1h半致死浓度(LC50)为0.96mg/L。当Cu2+和Cd2+共存时,Cu2+的1h半致死浓度(LC50)为0.24mg/L,Cd2+的1h半致死浓度(LC50)为0.19mg/L,2种金属离子表现为协同作用。[结论]在废水排放中,不但要考虑单种金属离子对水生生物的毒害作用,而且要重视2种或多种金属离子共存时它们对水生生物的毒害作用。 相似文献
Homologous and heterologous antiserums from several species of animals have been prepared against the Rauscher murine leukemia virus. The Ouchterlony technique, adapted to very small quantities, has been used to demonstrate at least two or three antigens in Rauscher virus preparations. Both infected-host materials and tissue-culture fluids were used as antigens. When monkey antiserum was used, one of the Rauscher virus antigens cross-reacted with an antigen in the virus strains isolated by Friend and Moloney, but there was apparently no reaction with the Moloney virus when guinea-pig antiserum was used. 相似文献
Rat transforming growth factor type 1: structure and relation to epidermal growth factor 总被引:61,自引:0,他引:61
The complete amino acid sequence of rat transforming growth factor type 1 has been determined. This growth factor, obtained from retrovirus-transformed fibroblasts, is structurally and functionally related to mouse epidermal growth factor and human urogastrone. Production of this polypeptide by various neoplastic cells might contribute to the continued expression of the transformed phenotype. 相似文献