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葱兰叶枯病病原的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用葱兰大量病叶,分离纯化并研究鉴定葱兰叶枯病病原菌为Grove。  相似文献   

葱兰炭疽病发生及其防治初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李腾 《广东园林》2006,28(4):49-50
葱兰炭疽病会影响葱兰的观赏价值甚至造成其成片死亡,本文描述了其症状特点和发病规律,提出综合防治方法:包括改善栽培技术提高植株的抗病力、通过清园等措施减少病菌数量和合理使用农药等,从而有效地防治葱兰炭疽病.  相似文献   

葱兰(Zephyranthes candida),别称:葱莲、玉帘、白花菖蒲莲、韭菜莲、肝风草。常用作花坛的镶边材料,也宜绿地丛植,最宜作林下半阴处的地被植物,或于庭院小径旁栽植。全草含石蒜碱、多花水仙碱、尼润碱等生物碱。花瓣中含云香甙。性味甘、平。平肝熄风,主治小儿惊风、羊癜风。是常用的家庭绿化花卉。  相似文献   

近年来浙江山茱萸重要产区天目山区的山茱萸苗木,发生了一种新的叶枯病。该病使苗木大量落叶枯死,严重影响苗木质量和产量。病害发生在4~6月。经一系列病理试验,确认该病是由灰葡萄孢菌(Botrytis cinerea Pers.ex Fr.)侵染所致。病害的发生和流行,同4~6月雨量、雨日、圃地湿度、通风度、苗木密度及苗木自身木质化程度有关。  相似文献   

为明确葱兰夜蛾Brithys crini(Fabricius,1775)幼虫肠道细菌的群落结构和多样性,利用IonS5TMXL高通量测序平台对肠道细菌16S rDNA基因V3-V4变异区进行测序,应用Cutadapt、Uparse等软件整理、统计样品序列数和OUT数,分析肠道细菌的物种组成、丰度和多样性。4个虫体肠道样本测序拼接后,共得273 453条序列和在97%相似度下平均每个样本可聚类为512个OTU数目,总共注释到23门57纲86目168科347属,优势菌群为变形菌门Proteobacteria和厚壁菌门Firmicute。葱兰夜蛾肠道细菌Simpson指数、Shannon指数和Chao1指数分别为0.93~0.98,5.67~6.82和439.57~584.12。结果表明葱兰夜蛾幼虫肠道细菌多样性比较丰富,个体间微生物群落结构和多样性有差异。  相似文献   

用海南出产的香草兰干豆荚、绿茶、红茶按一定的比例混和,可配制成香韵独特、口感爽润的海南香草兰绿茶和香草兰红茶。  相似文献   

王臻 《经济林研究》2000,18(4):47-48
洞口地处湘中偏西南 ,雪峰山东麓 ,郝水中游。具有西北高山峻岭 ,中部地势低平 ,东南丘岗棋布的特点。气候属中亚热带季风湿润型 ,无霜期长达 2 91天 ,降水、日照均较丰富 ,年降雨量为 1156~ 1755mm,年日照 1189~ 2 0 82小时 ,发育了典型的亚热带常绿阔叶林带性植被 ,特别是西北山区的那溪保存了局部成片的原始常绿阔叶次生林 ,构成了洞口植物区系的主体 ,同时也孕育了较为丰富的兰科植物 ,据笔者 1990~ 1999年的调查采集和已有的资料统计 ,洞口兰科植物 16属 2 0余种 ,其中以观赏为主的约 10余种 ,以药用为主的约 10种。共占湖南省兰科…  相似文献   

对红葱开展施肥、覆盖及密度试验,结果表明,施用菇渣肥红葱的重量比施有机肥高;覆盖黑膜比覆盖稻秆栽培的效益更好。在不同的林种结构和不同的立地条件下,种植密度对红葱重量有不同的影响。  相似文献   

葱兰又名葱莲,玉帘、白花菖蒲莲,是石蒜科多年生常绿草本植物。葱兰地下的鳞茎似晚香玉或独头蒜的鳞茎。叶片肉质线形、暗绿色。株高30厘米-40厘米。花梗短,花茎中空、单生、花被6片,花冠直径4厘米-5厘米,花瓣长椭圆形至披针形。葱兰原产南美,我国江南地区均有栽培,多用于地被植物,或用于花坛、花边、林下,也有作盆栽。葱兰喜阳光充足、肥沃和带有粘性的土壤,耐半荫或低温环境。耐寒力强,在-10℃左右的条件下,不会受到冻害。进入12月份,植株仍会保持翠绿的颜色。葱兰繁殖以分株和播种为主,但要想达到春季栽种下半年开花,分栽鳞茎把握最大。葱兰还可在水箱中栽种,不仅生长出鲜绿的绿叶,而且叶片鲜亮。进入八月份,株高已达30多厘米,这时可抽出几十个花茎,到9月下旬,开放出白玉般的花朵。令人称赞的是,这些花朵均位于水面以下,透过明亮的水体,衬托出晶莹洁白、高低错落的葱兰花。水养葱兰的具体方法是:准备几个长90厘米、高50厘米、宽35厘米的玻璃鱼缸。于4月初,在装好土的高4厘米-5厘米长形或圆形的白塑料或瓷浅盆内,将充实的葱兰鳞茎,按株行距2厘米-3厘米的位置摆开,根系要舒展、用粘土压住根部,填土至与鳞茎上部平,轻轻将土压实。土面盖上...  相似文献   

桔梗 ( Platycodon grandif lorus)为桔梗科多年生草本植物 ,有白色乳汁。根胡萝卜形 ,长达 2 0 cm,皮黄褐色。茎高 40~ 1 2 0 cm,无毛 ,叶 3枚轮生 ,对生或互生 ,无柄或有时分枝。叶片卵形或披针形 ,下面被白粉。花 1至数朵 ,花冠蓝紫色 ,宽钟状 ,蒴果倒卵圆形 ,顶部 5瓣。中国东北大部分地区均有分布。1 试验研究1 .1 龙胆施肥量试验设计试验设 4个单因素 ,每个因素包括 5个水平。 3次重复 ,随机排列 ,试验地两侧密植 2行玉米。 N肥料分别在 6月 2 1日、7月 2 1日、8月 2 1日施用。农家肥、P、K肥在定植时作基肥施入。试验小区面积 2…  相似文献   

对西双版纳景洪地区阳春砂仁叶枯病病原菌分离鉴定,病原为拟盘多毛孢属Pestalotipssi,国内属首 sp.次报道。  相似文献   

DNA was extracted from the strain of pathogen of poplar leaf blight using a modified CTAB method. ITS sequence (601bp) was initially amplified from the pathogen by using the universal primers ITSl and ITS4 (registered No, DQ011257). Comparing to the nucleotide sequences acquired from GenBank database, the strain is clustered into the homogeneity with Alternaria alternate (AY787684) and Alternaria alternate (AY354228), with a homology of 98%, thus the strain was checked as Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler. The optimal conditions for conidia germination and mycelium growth of the pathogen were tested, The optimal temperature for conidia germinating and mycelium growth is 25℃, and the optimal pH value is 6. Mycelium grows rather slowly at 10℃ and 30℃ and growth stops at above 35 ℃. Among the six culture mediums tested, PDA + poplar leaf juice medium is most favorable for mycelium growth.  相似文献   

首次应用通用引物ITS1与ITS4从杨树叶枯病菌中扩增出目的片段为601bp的rDNAITS序列(登录号为DQ011257)。与GenBank核酸序列数据库进行比对表明:本菌株与Alternariaalternata(AY787684)及Alternariaalternate(AY354228)相似率为98%,验证为Alternariaalternate。杨树叶枯病菌生物学特性如下:分生孢子萌发最适温度25℃,最适pH为6。菌丝生长最适温度为25℃,在10℃与30℃时生长极其缓慢,高于35℃时,生长停止;菌丝生长最适pH为6,在PDA 杨树煎汁培养基上生长最好。  相似文献   

Alternaria leaf spot of Ailanthus excelsa is generally considered as minor disease in India. Recently, severe disease outbreaks were recorded in the nursery of the Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, progeny trial at Jhumpa, Haryana, and in a nearby farm field. Leaf symptoms included small circular, brown, necrotic spots with a chlorotic halo. With severe infections, leaf spots coalesced and resulted in leaf blight. A small‐spored Alternaria with concatenated conidia was isolated consistently from the leaf samples with spot symptoms. Sequence analyses of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and the translation elongation factor 1‐alpha (tef‐1α) gene region of two fungal isolates confirmed the species as A. alternata. In detached leaf assays, both isolates produced symptoms similar to those observed on the nursery/field‐grown plants. To validate the detached leaf assay result, pathogenicity was also demonstrated on whole plants in a glasshouse. Koch's postulates were fulfilled by re‐isolating A. alternata from the inoculated leaves. This work is the first to confirm that A. alternata is associated with leaf spot and blight disease of A. excelsa in India.  相似文献   

尤雯  张波  朱丽梅  徐敏 《江苏林业科技》2021,48(1):37-40,45
于2017年10月—2018年11月间,对银杏叶枯病的发生以及银杏叶枯病发病原因进行了调查,结果表明:银杏叶枯病在南京地区发生较为普遍。从5月开始发生(平均病情指数为7.28),7,8月病害达高发期(平均病情指数分别为24.15,41.57),10月病害发生较为严重,此时大量病树叶片枯黄脱落,平均病情指数达到62.35;对采集的银杏叶枯病病叶进行标本镜检,并参考相关的资料,认为叶枯病病原或致病因素包括真菌性病原、细菌性病原和环境因素,而真菌性病原包括链格孢菌、镰刀菌、盘多毛孢菌、盘圆孢和叶点霉菌;另有部分患病植株叶片,未发现和分离出相关病原。推测可能是由环境因素或营养条件所造成的非侵染性病害,具体原因尚需进一步研究。  相似文献   

单波长太阳能灯诱杀杨毒蛾研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索无公害防治杨毒蛾的方法,利用320~585 nm的单波长太阳能灯19盏开展林间诱杀研究。结果表明,365 nm太阳能灯对杨毒蛾总量和雄蛾诱杀量最大,368 nm太阳能灯对杨毒蛾雌蛾的诱杀量最大,以19:30-20:30时段诱杀效果最好。供试诱虫灯诱杀杨毒蛾总量的雌雄比2.1:1;18:30-19:30雌雄比最高,为7.5:1;21:30-22:30雌雄比最低,为0.7:1;4个时段诱杀杨毒蛾雌雄性比差异显著。蓝色容器的诱杀量较大,白色容器诱杀量较小;将装水容器放于距地面1.2 m高度比放在地面上对杨毒蛾有更好的诱杀效果。365 nm太阳能灯可作为诱杀杨毒蛾的最佳灯具,通过与筛选的最适时间、敏感容器颜色和容器高度组合,能够达到较好的诱杀效果。  相似文献   

分别以土壤化学分析法和酶分析法对银合欢和山毛豆幼林地的土壤养分及酶活性进行测定。结果表明:土壤p H为银合欢幼林地山毛豆幼林地对照,处理间差异显著。银合欢和山毛豆幼林地的土壤有机质、全N和全K含量均大于对照,而碱解N、有效P和有效K含量均显著大于对照。银合欢幼林地的土壤全P含量小于对照,山毛豆幼林地的土壤全P含量与对照无显著差异。山毛豆幼林地的土壤脲酶、磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶活性显著大于银合欢幼林地的,而后者显著大于对照。  相似文献   

飞机草挥发油对柳毒蛾的室内活性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王龙  王志明  李涛 《林业科技》2012,37(3):26-27
飞机草挥发油对柳毒蛾生物活性测定的结果表明:不同浓度处理对柳毒蛾幼虫死亡率的影响达极显著水平,飞机草挥发油处理7 d的半致死浓度LC50为挥发油原液的41%,3个浓度处理(1倍、5倍、10倍)的半致死中时分别为56、93、135 h,说明飞机草挥发油对柳毒蛾具有一定的生物活性和防控潜力。  相似文献   

Thuja occidentalis is a popular and widely planted tree in Russia. However, it is susceptible to arborvitae foliar blight, which can compromise the long-term health of trees in the landscape and in nursery production. Leaves with arborvitae needle blight were collected in 2019 in the foothill zone of the Republic of Adygea, and two isolates of Phyllosticta sp. were obtained. Multilocus analyses were performed with sequences of the internal transcribed spacer and 28 S rDNA of the ribosomal DNA, partial actin gene, partial RNA-polymerase II gene, and partial translation elongation factor 1-alpha. Based on phylogenetic analyses combined with morphological features the isolates were identified as Phyllosticta spinarum. Following inoculation of the original host species both isolates produced symptoms similar to those observed in naturally infected leaves. Koch's postulates were then fulfilled by re-isolating P. spinarum from the inoculated leaves. These findings represent the first confirmed detection of P. spinarum causing arborvitae needle blight in Russia.  相似文献   

Walnut blight caused by Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis (Xaj) is one of the most detrimental diseases affecting walnut quality and production. A screen of 18 walnut genotypes for leaf resistance to Xaj suggested species independent variation and revealed four highly resistant (HR) cultivars (‘96’, ‘91’, ‘Chuanzao2’ and ‘Qingxiang’), while ‘Yanyuanzao’ and ‘Xiangling’ were highly susceptible (HS). Further correlation analyses were carried out on the 18 genotypes. Stomata length (SL) (r = .686, p < .05) and stomatal area (SA) (r = .596, p < .05) had significant positive correlations with disease severity index (DSI), suggesting that the length and density of stomata affected the speed and number of pathogens invading the leaves. The highly susceptible genotypes had a significantly lower thickness ratio of spongy to palisade tissue (P/S) (1.50). When compared to resistant genotypes (1.69), the P/S value had a significant negative correlation with the DSI (r = ?.631, p < .05). Denser spongy tissue and more developed palisade tissue were indicative of higher resistance for the genotype. The stomata breadth (SB), stomata density (SD) and wax content (WC) each had no correlation with resistance. Maximum SW, SD and TU and minimum WC were found in HS genotypes, such as ‘Xiangling’ and ‘Yanyuanzao’. The leaf thickness (LT), the thickness of the abaxial epidermis (TL), the thickness of stratum corneum (LCT), the tissue structure tense ratio (CTR) and tissue structure loose ratio (SR) did not correlate with resistance. These findings not only provide information to facilitate our understanding of Xaj resistance but also lay the foundation for breeding Xaj‐resistant walnut in the future.  相似文献   

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