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The inverse relationship of testicular size and circulating follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) concentrations has been documented, and accompanying this relationship is the change in color of the parenchymal tissue of the testes. Large testes (300 to 400 g) are pink to light red and small testes (100 g) are dark maroon with color gradations for weights in between. It was hypothesized that this color most likely represented an iron protein. Chromatographic analysis of testicular tissue indicated that the Fe was associated primarily with ferritin, and immunohistochemistry showed that Leydig cells were the primary location of ferritin storage within the testes. Concentrations of Fe and ferritin were higher in small testes and decreased as testes weight increased (P < 0.05). As testicular Fe concentrations increased, daily sperm production (DSP) and total DSP declined (P < 0.05). Genotyping six generations of Meishan x White composite boars (n = 288) for a quantitative trait locus that is indicative of elevated FSH and small testes in boars indicated that the Meishan genotype had elevated testicular iron concentrations and darker color in conjunction with reduced total DSP (P < 0.01). It is not thought the elevated iron concentrations affect testicular weights but are probably a result of elevated FSH and FSH inducement of Fe transport. The storage of Fe in Leydig cells may provide a reservoir of Fe for easy access by Sertoli and germ cells, but still provide a degree of protection to germ cells from ionic iron.  相似文献   

Brain and spinal cord were examined in twenty-two 2- to 5-month-old Beagle dogs fed a purified thiamine-deficient ration for 84 +/- 42 (range, 32 to 134) days. Eleven dogs were used as principals, 6 were pair-fed controls, and 5 were controls fed ad libitum. Thiamine at 300 micrograms/kg of body weight was administered IM to control groups once a week. Lesions occurred in 2 topographic patterns in the brain of 8 of the principals. In pattern I, only the caudal colliculi were involved. In pattern II, the suprasplenial gyri of the cerebral cortex and the claustra, caudal colliculi, cerebellar nodulus, and medial vestibular nuclei were commonly involved. In both patterns I and II, gray matter was primarily involved, and in bilateral structures, the 2 sides were affected. Lesions were not limited to a given cerebral lamina or layer of the cerebellum, whereas sulcal areas were relatively spared, and the cingulate gyri were completely spared. Microscopic appearance of the lesions varied greatly among locations and individual principals. Collectively, regressive and reparative changes indicated that there was a progressive process which began with spongiosis and ended with tissue necrosis. These included hydropic vacuolation of the neuropil and myelin sheaths followed by demyelination, neuronal cell body necrosis, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of endothelial cells, necrosis of glia, neutrophil infiltration, disintegration of neuropil, and, finally, accumulation of lipid-containing phagocytes. Axonal degeneration was variable. Neuronal necrosis in the brain stem was characterized by acute swelling and lysis and by shrinkage of the cell body in cerebral and cerebellar cortex and basal ganglia.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) immunisation on mature stallions that had been used for breeding. Four Standardbred stallions were used in the study: 3 experimental animals and 1 control animal. Semen was collected regularly, i.e. twice/week, during the 4 months prior to the experimental period. The stallions were immunised against GnRH with a GnRH-BSA conjugate. Equimune was used as the adjuvant. The stallions were immunised on 5 occasions, 4 at 2 week intervals, and the fifth 4 weeks after the fourth. Blood samples were taken once a week for analysis of GnRH antibody titre and every third week for testosterone and oestrone sulphate analyses. Semen was collected once a week, and libido and sexual behaviour were observed. Ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, total number of sperm in the ejaculate, sperm motility and sperm morphology were evaluated. Testicular size was measured once a week. At the end of the study, the stallions were castrated, and a histological examination of the testes performed. All immunised stallions produced antibodies against GnRH, and plasma testosterone concentration decreased. However, the effect of immunisation varied between stallions. In 2 of the stallions, high levels of antibodies were found, while in the third, the level was moderate. Four weeks after the first immunisation, a decrease in libido was observed. Two months after the first immunisation, marked changes in semen quality were observed in the 2 stallions with high antibody titres. Fourteen weeks after the first immunisation, the total number of sperm/ejaculate had decreased from >8.6 x 10(9) to <2.7 x 10(9), sperm motility from >59 to <10% and the frequency of morphological normal spermatozoa had decreased from >60 to <14%. The dominating abnormalities were abnormal head shapes, proximal cytoplasmic droplets and detached heads. In the third stallion, only slight changes in semen quality were found. No changes were observed in the control stallion. Decreases in testicular size were noted in all of the experimental stallions. Pronounced histological alterations in the testes were observed in 2 of the stallions. It is concluded that the vaccine was effective in stimulating production of GnRH antibodies and in suppressing testicular function and androgen secretion. However, there was an individual variation in the responses among the stallions and, further, libido was not totally suppressed.  相似文献   

Nine Thoroughbred horses were assessed to determine the normal response of insulin, glucose, cortisol, plasma potassium (K) and erythrocyte K through conditioning and to exercise over 400 and 1,000 m. In addition, adrenaline, noradrenaline, cortisol, plasma K, erythrocyte K and L-lactate concentrations were evaluated in response to maximal exercise with and without the administration of acepromazine. Conditioning caused no obvious trends in plasma K, erythrocyte K, insulin or glucose concentration. Serum cortisol increased (P less than 0.05) from the initial sample at Week 1 to Weeks 4 and 5 (attributed to a response to training), and then decreased. During conditioning, three horses had low erythrocyte K concentrations (less than 89.3 mmol/litre). Further work is needed to define the significance of low erythrocyte K concentrations in the performance horse. In all tests maximal exercise increased plasma K, glucose and cortisol concentrations, whereas insulin and erythrocyte K concentrations decreased. Thirty minutes following exercise, plasma K and erythrocyte K concentrations returned to resting values; whereas glucose and cortisol concentrations continued to increase and the insulin concentration also was increased. The magnitude of the changes varied for pre-conditioned vs post-conditioned exercise tests and the duration of exercise. The administration of acepromazine prior to exercise over 1,000 m failed to alter the circulating noradrenaline and adrenaline concentrations in anticipation of exercise or 2 mins following exercise. Acepromazine administration, however, did cause lower L-lactate concentration 2 mins (P less than 0.03) and 30 mins (P less than or equal to 0.005) following exercise. Also, erythrocyte K showed a delayed return to baseline levels at 30 mins post exercise. Further evaluation of these trends may help explain the beneficial role acepromazine plays in limiting signs of exertional rhabdomyolysis when administered prior to exercise.  相似文献   

Nine blood samples were taken at 30-min intervals from 36 Landrace X Large White boars at each of eight ages (42, 56, 70, 84, 98, 112, 126 and 140 d). Serum concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone (T) and estradiol-17 beta (E2) were quantified by radioimmunoassay procedures. The maximum concentration of LH and the age at maximum concentration were predicted for each boar. Variability of LH samples was described for each boar by the pooled within age variance among LH samples and by the number of LH peaks. Measurements of testicular development taken at 140 d of age included: in situ testis width and length, excised testis weights and histological traits of excised testes (seminiferous tubule diameter, percentage of tubules with a lumen and percentage of tubules with active spermatogenesis). Pooled within line correlations were calculated with data from boars selected for either high or low testis weight. Correlations among the testicular traits ranged from .45 to .88. Luteinizing hormone concentration (mean over all ages) was related to measures of testicular development (r = .24 to .49). Concentrations of LH from 42 to 84 d of age were more highly correlated with testicular traits than were the concentrations from 98 to 140 d.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of acute bovine sarcocystosis was studied by correlating in vitro lymphocyte blast transformation studies with morphologic and hematologic changes. Yearling calves inoculated with 900,000 sporocysts (large dose) had decreased responses to phytohemagglutinin and pokeweed mitogen and corresponding morphologic evidence of depletion of both T and B lymphocytes in all lymphoid organs examined during the first 4 weeks. The T-cell depletion was characterized by marked thymic atrophy. In lymph nodes denoting B-cell depletion, there were lymphoid follicular exhaustion and various degrees of follicular loss. Significant change in total circulating lymphocytes was not observed. All animals given this large dose died or were killed (in a moribund state) by 5 weeks after they were inoculated. Changes in mitogen responsiveness were not significant during the 4 weeks after yearling calves were inoculated with 90,000 sporocysts (small dose). The mitogenic effect of phytohemagglutinin was significantly greater than that of the control group during weeks 4 to 18. During this period, morphologic evidence of thymic cortical regeneration occurred. The results indicate that acute sarcocystosis is accompanied by a lymphoid abnormality which could result in immunosuppression, adding to the severity of natural infection.  相似文献   

Ten yearling white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) were inoculated with bluetongue virus serotype 17. Two yearling white-tailed deer were inoculated with sonicated heparinized noninfected blood and served as controls. Clinical signs of bluetongue virus infection included increased rectal temperature, erythema, facial edema, coronitis, and stomatitis. By postinoculation day (PID) 8, excessive bleeding and hematoma formation at venipuncture sites, dehydration, and diarrhea developed. At necropsy, the most consistent findings were oral lesions and widespread hemorrhage, which ranged from petechia to massive hematoma formation. Bluetongue virus caused progressive prolongation of activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time, and progressive reduction of Factors VIII and XII plasma activities beginning on PID 6. A progressive decrease in platelet numbers also developed on PID 6. Changes in platelet size were not detected. Mean thrombin time was shortened, but prolongation developed in 1 deer. Mean fibrinogen concentration and Factor V plasma activity initially increased and then decreased, but remained above preinoculation values. Factor V activity was low in a few deer. Results of screening tests for inhibitors of the intrinsic coagulation system were positive in 2 deer. High concentrations of fibrin(ogen) degradation products were first detected between PID 3 and 6. Hematologic changes included leukopenia, lymphopenia, neutrophilia, and low total plasma protein concentration. Differences in PCV, hemoglobin concentration, or RBC counts were not detected between infected and control deer. Serum total bilirubin concentration increased by PID 6, primarily because of increased unconjugated bilirubin concentration. Mild to severe increases in serum aspartate transaminase activity were accompanied by more marked increases in creatine kinase activity. Indirect Coombs test results were negative in all deer.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The object of the present study was to investigate the influence of elevated ambient temperature on sperm production, sperm morphology and composition of seminal plasma in boars. A total of 8 boars were used, 4 of them were exposed to 35°C, in a climate room, during 100 h and 4 served as controls and were kept at 20°C during 100 h in the climate room.Ejaculate volume and total sperm count per ejaculate remained unaltered. An obvious decrease in sperm motility was seen in all heat exposed boars 15–21 days after the exposure. The most consistent increase in sperm abnormalities were proximal cytoplasmic droplets and abnormal sperm heads. The highest levels were found during the 4th week after exposure. All the sperm characteristics assessed had returned to normal levels at the end of the experimental period, which means 7–8 weeks after the end of exposure.Only minor and inconsistent alterations were found in the seminal plasma components analysed and these changes were observed both in control and experimental boars.  相似文献   

Experimentally induced necrotic enteritis in chickens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 1.3 to 10% incidence of necrotic enteritis was experimentally produced in broiler-type chickens in three of five trials. The incidence range observed was considerably narrower and lower than the 5.6-37.3% range reported in the literature. Clostridium perfringens was inconsistently isolated from the liver and intestine of dosed chickens.  相似文献   

Metabolic and hormonal alterations in cats with hepatic lipidosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hepatic lipidosis in cats is a commonly diagnosed hepatobiliary disease of unknown cause. The purpose of this prospective study was to characterize the blood hormone and lipid status of cats with hepatic lipidosis, and to compare this status to that of cats with other types of liver disease and to control cats. Twenty-three cats with hepatic disease were assigned to 1 of 2 groups on the basis of cytopathologic or histopathologic examination of the liver: group 1, hepatic lipidosis (n = 18); or group 2, cholangiohepatitis (n = 5). Ten healthy young adult cats were used as controls. Food was withheld from control animals for 24 hours before blood collection. Concentrations of plasma glucagon and serum insulin, cortisol, thyroxine, triglycerides, cholesterol, phospholipids, and nonesterified fatty acids (NEFAs) were determined in all cats, in addition to routine hematologic and serum biochemical testing. Cats with hepatic lipidosis had higher serum NEFA concentrations than cats with cholangiohepatitis or control cats (P < .05). Cats with cholangiohepatitis had higher serum cholesterol and phospholipid concentrations than those of cats with lipidosis or control cats (P < .05); their plasma glucagon concentrations were higher than those of control cats (P < .05), but were not different from those of cats with hepatic lipidosis. Serum insulin concentrations were significantly higher in control cats than in diseased cats (P < .05), but neither serum insulin nor the insulin to glucagon ratio was significantly different among the cats with hepatic disease. The high concentration of NEFAs in cats with hepatic lipidosis suggests that at least 1 factor in the pathogenesis of this syndrome may involve the regulation of hormone-sensitive lipase.  相似文献   

Eght dogs were orally superinfected for 1 month with 50,000 embryonated Toxocara canis ova. Results of laboratory examinations during inoculation and for 2 weeks postinoculation revealed moderate leukocytosis, marked absolute eosinophilia, hypoalbuminemia, increased concentrations of serum glutamic pyruvate transaminase, and in 2 dogs, precipitating humoral antibodies. Other changes were moderate ascites, hepatomegaly, lymphadenopathy, and focal lesions (0.5 to 3.0 mm) in liver, lung, kidney, intestine, abdominal lymph node, heart, diaphragm, and spleen. Microscopically, focal eosinophilic gastroenteritis was produced. Eosinophils and globule leukocytes were increased throughout the intestinal mucosa. Eosinophil-infiltrated and granulomatous lesions were in the same organs listed as having focal lesions, as well as in the pancreas. The importance of serum beta-globulin content as a potential diagnostic tool was emphasized, and the experimentally induced infection was compared with naturally occurring eosinophilic gastroenteritis in the dog.  相似文献   

We investigated the production of inhibin in boars from the infantile to pubertal periods by: (1) measurement of testicular and circulating levels of inhibin, (2) characterization of inhibin forms and (3) localization of inhibin subunits in the testis. Total inhibin levels in the testis increased until 8 weeks of age but then declined to much lower values at 15 weeks. Testicular inhibin A and inhibin B were high until 8 weeks. Circulating levels of total inhibin and inhibin A were also high until 8 weeks, then declined from 10 weeks; inhibin B was not detected, because of low sensitivity of the inhibin B assay. Analyses of inhibin A and inhibin B levels in the eluted fractions obtained from testes after immunoaffinity chromatography and SDS-PAGE showed the presence of a peak of approximately 45 kDa until 10 weeks of age. As the boars aged, the levels of inhibin A and inhibin B increased in the molecular weight region of 29–31 kDa. The fractions corresponding to 29 and 30 kDa suppressed FSH release from rat pituitary cells, but the 45 kDa fraction had no FSH-suppressing activity. Total amounts of inhibin A isolated from the SDS gels were similar to those of inhibin B until 10 weeks of age, but were three times higher than those of inhibin B between 15 and 25 weeks. Further fractionation by reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography revealed that the 29–31 kDa immunoreactive material was composed of mature forms of inhibin A and inhibin B, in addition to a 26 kDa monomer. Immunohistochemistry indicated that positive immunostaining for the subunits was observed in Sertoli cells from the infantile to pubertal periods. Elongated spermatids also showed positive signals at age 25 weeks. These results clearly indicated that: (1) the boar testis has the ability to produce inhibin A and inhibin B during the infantile period but inhibin A is the predominant form towards puberty and (2) the molecular weight forms of inhibin and the sites of production of inhibin change with testicular development.  相似文献   

Background: Among the various metabolic disturbances occurring in calves affected by neonatal diarrhea or ruminal acidosis, acidemia constitutes an important condition requiring specific therapy. Although various attempts have been made to estimate the degree of metabolic acidosis on the basis of clinical signs alone, some doubts have been raised regarding the accuracy and predictive value of the clinical variables suggested. HYPOTHESIS: The induction of metabolic acidosis in healthy calves via the infusion of hydrochloric acid (HCl) will lead to a clinical picture similar to that seen in neonatal calves with diarrhea or ruminal acidosis. ANIMALS: The study was carried out on 15 Holstein male calves between 5 and 19 days of age. METHODS: Hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis was induced over a period of 80 minutes by an IV infusion of 4,000 mL of 0.9% NaCl solution containing 400 mM HCl. RESULTS: Acidemia occurred rapidly and increased constantly up to a maximum value, which was reached in all calves by the end of the administration and amounted to a 22.4 mM/L mean base deficit (range from 17.0 to 33.1 mM/L). Despite the relatively severe acute acid-base imbalance during the entire observation period, no calves showed any clinical signs or depressed appetite. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Factors other than a disturbance of the acid-base balance should be considered to be primarily responsible for the clinical picture in calves affected by diarrhea or ruminal acidosis.  相似文献   

Lactic acidosis was produced experimentally twice in each of 4 adult, female goats, by giving sucrose orally at the rate of 18 g/kg bodyweight. Changes in pH, osmolality, lactic acid concentration, and other constituents in ruminal fluid, plasma and blood were monitored over a period of 48 h. Also changes in urinary pH and sediment were examined. To ameliorate the metabolic disturbance, calcium hydroxide and bicarbonate treatment was employed after the 24 h samples had been collected and their acid-base status determined. A feature of the disturbance in the goats was that a metabolic alkalosis preceded the onset of lactic acidosis.  相似文献   

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