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A series of field experiments was conducted to evaluate the competitive effect of Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ‘Norstar’) yield. Grain yield at the centre of dense C. arvense patches ranged from 28–71% of the yield in adjacent weed-free plots, based on measurements made at 11 experimental sites over a 2-year period. The mean reduction in yield was 49%. Two models were used to describe grain yield reduction in terms of C. arvense shoot density: (a) linear regression of percentage yield reduction on the square root of shoot density, and (b) non-linear regression, based on a rectangular hyperbola. Both models give similar yield loss estimates at commonly occurring shoot densities of C. arvense, but the non-linear model accounted for more of the observed variation in grain yield. The major yield component affected by C. arvense competition was spikes per unit area, with kernel weight affected to a lesser extent.  相似文献   

《EPPO Bulletin》2019,49(2):285-289

P.C. LOLAS 《Weed Research》1994,34(3):205-209
In field tests conducted on oriental and flue-cured tobacco, six herbicides were evaluated for their effect on broomrape (Orobanche ramosa L.) control and on tobacco growth, yield and chemical composition. Imazaquin+pendi-methalin (1:6) at 0.09+0.55 kg a.i. ha?1 soil in corporated before transplanting controlled broomrape effectively only in 1990 and signifi cantly reduced tobacco yield. Glyphosate (as Roundup 360 ga.e.1?1 and Armada (90 ga.e.l?1) and sulfosate, each at 0.2+0.3 kg a.e. ha?1 and imazaquinat 0.07+0.1 kg a.i. ha?1 foliar applied at 40 days and 60 days after transplanting gave excellent control of broomrape, with no adverse effect on tobacco growth or yield; however, the 9% formulation of glyphosate was damaging. Maleic hydrazide gave moderate to good (up to 80%) control of broomrape. Reducing sugars in flue-cured tobacco and nicotine in both oriental and flue-cured tobacco were higher where a her bicide was used. Des herbicides pour lutter contre Orobanche ramosa L. dans le tabac (Nicotiana tabacum L). Dans des expérimentations au champ conduites sur du tabac oriental et ‘flue cured’, six herbicides ont étéévalués pour leur effet sur Orobanche ramosa L. ainsi que sur la croissance, le rendement et la composition chimique du tabac. Le mélange imazaquin+pendiméthalin (1:6 à 0.09+0.55 kg ha?1, incorporé avant le repiquage, n'a permis de détruire l'orobanche qu'en 1990 et réduisait de manière significative le rendement du tabac. Le glyphosate (Roundup, 360 m.a. 1?1 et Armada, 90 g m.a. l?1) et le sulfosate chacun aux doses 0.2+0.3 kg m.a. ha?1 et l'imazaquin 0.07+0.1 kg m.a. ha?1 appliqués en post-levée 40 et 60 jours après le repiquage donnaient d'excellents résultats contre l'orobanche, sans effet sur la croissance du tabac et sur son rendement, si l'on excepte la formulation de giyphosate 9%. L'hydrazide maléique donnait des résultats moyens à bons (jusqu'à 80% d'efficacité). Les teneurs en sucres réducteurs chez le tabac ‘flue cured’ et en nicotine chez les tabacs ‘flue cured’ et oriental étaient plus élevées lorsqu'un herbicide avait été utilisé. Herbizide zur Bekämpfung von Orobanche ramosa L. in Tabak (Nicotiana tabacum L.) In Freilandversuchen wurden in Orient- und Vir-gin-Tabak 6 Herbizide hinsichtlich der Bekämpfung der Sommerwurz Orobanche ramosa sowie des Wachstums, des Ertrags und der chemischen Zusammensetzung des Tabaks geprüft. Mit einer Mischung von Imazaquin mit Pendimethalin zu 0,09+0,55 kg AS ha?1, vor dem Pflanzen in den Boden eingearbeitet, konnte die Sommerwurz nur 1990 wirkungsvoll bekämpft werden, aber der Tabakertrag wurde signifikant reduziert. Glyphosat (als Roundup [360 g AS 1?1] und als Armada [90 g AS 1?1) mit Sulfosat zu 0,2+0,3 kg AS ha?1 und Imazaquin zu 0,07 sowie 0,1 kg AS ha?1, 40 bzw. 60 Tage nach dem Pflanzen angewandt, wirkten hervorragend, ohne Wuchs und Ertrag des Tabaks zu beeinträchtigen, ausgenommen bei der 9% igen Glyphosatformulierung. Mit Maleinhydazid ließ sich die Sommerwurz befriedigend bis gut (bis zu 80 %) bekämpfen. Der Gehalt an reduzierenden Zuckern im Virgin-Tabak und Nikotin in beiden Tabaken war erhöht, wenn ein Herbizid angewandt worden war.  相似文献   

Summary. Plants of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., Sorghum helepense (L.) Pers. and Cyperus rotundus L. were treated with the following growth regulators by dipping or foliar spraying: chlormequat, N-dimethylamino succinamic acid (B–995), MH, 2-chloroethane phosphonic acid (ethephon), flurecol and chlorflurecol. Effects varied from stimulation to inhibition of aerial growth, increases in shoot number, and kill of plants. The effect of combinations of foliar spraying with ethephon, MH, flurecol or chlorflurecol followed after 2 days by spraying with the herbicides dalapon or aminotriazole activated with ammonium thiocyanate, was investigated. The herbicides applied alone had no marked effect but combinations were generally more toxic. Ethephon stimulated growth of C. dactylon but combination with dalapon was phytotoxic. MH sprayed alone and combinations of flurecol or chlorflurecol with dalapon or aminotriazole were highly inhibitory to S. halepense. None of the treatments completely inhibited regrowth of C. rotundus. Effets de diverses substances de croissance sur Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. et Cyperus rotundus L. Résumé. Des plantes de Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., de Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. et de Cyperus rotundus L. ont été traitées par trempage ou pulvérisation folaire avec les substances de croissance suivantes: chlorméquat, adde N-diméthylamine succinique (B-995), hydrazide maléique, acide 2-chloroéthane phosphonique (éthéphon), flurécol et chlorflurécol. Les effets furent variables, depuis la stimulation jusqu'à l'inhibition de la partie aérienne, l'accroissement du nombre de tiges et la mort de la plante. L'auteur a étudié l'effet de combinaisons de pulvérisations foliaires avec l'éthéphon, I'hydrazide malélque. le flurécol ou le chlorflurécol suivies deux jours plus tard de traitements au dalapon ou à l'aminotriazole activé avec le thyocyanate d'ammonium. Les herbicides appliqués seuls n'eurent pas un effet marqué mais les combinaisons furent en général plus toxiques. L'éthéphon stimule la croissance de Cynodon dactylon, mais la combinaison avec le dalapon fut phytotoxique. L'hydrazide maléique appliqué seul et les combinaisons de flurécol ou de chlorflurécol avec le dalapon ou I'aminotriazole furent hautement inhibiteurs pour Sorghum halepense. Aucun des traitements n'inhiba completement la repousse de Cyperus rotundus. Wirkung von Wackstunsregulatoren auf Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. und Cyperus rotundus L. Zusammenfassung. Pflanzen von Cyrwdon dactylon (L.) Pers., Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. und Cyperus rotundus L. wurden durch Eintauchen oder Blattspritzung mit folgenden Wachslun Lsregulatoren behandelt: Chlormequat, B-995, MH, 2-Chlorächanphosphonsaure (Ethephon), Flurenol und Chlorflurenol. Die erzielten Effekte variierten zwischen Stimulierung und Hemmung des Sprosswachstums, Erhöhung der Zahl der Triebe und Abtötung der Pflanzen. Die Herbizide Dalapon und Aminotriazol, letzteres mit Ammoniumthiocyanat aktiviert, wurden zwei Tage nach Blattsprilzung mit Ethephon, MH, Flurenol oder Chlorflurrnol angewandt und der Effekt der Kombinationen untersucht. Die kombinierten Behandlungen erhöhten die Toxizität, hingegen blieb die Anwendung von Herbiziden allein ohne merkliche Wirkung. Ethephon stimulierte das Wachstum von C dactylon, aber eine Kombination mit Dalapon war phytotoxisch. MH allein sowie Kombinationen von Flurenol oder Chlorflurenol mit Dalapon oder Aminotriazol wirkten auf S. halepense stark hemmend. Keine dieser Behandlungen konnte das Wiederaustreiben von C. rotundus vollständig verhindern  相似文献   

The responses of Chenopodium album L. and Senecio vulgaris L. to inter- and intra-specific competition were investigated in both additive and replacement series experiments under glasshouse conditions. When grown with tomato the two weed species had similar effects on shoot dry weight at low densities but 5. vulgaris showed more competitive effect at higher densities. Weed density did not affect the concentrations of N, P, K, Ca or Mg in tomato shoots but dry matter and total amounts of nutrients were reduced increasingly with the increase in density of both weeds. The concentration of nutrients in the shoots of the weeds was not affected by density but dry matter yield and total nutrient accumulation per plant fell as the density increased. The concentrations of N, P, K and Mg in the shoots were higher in C. album than S. vulgaris but that of Ca was lower. In a replacement series experiment the two weed species behaved differently. With C. album, both dry matter yield and total nutrient per plant were reduced as its proportion in the mixture increased but, with S. vulgaris, dry matter per plant increased with its proportion in the mixture. One plant of C. album grown with five S. vulgaris gave a higher shoot dry weight than when present in higher proportions or in a pure stand. In a pure stand of six plants the shoot dry weight per plant of C. album was 26% of that of one plant grown with five S. vulgaris. In comparison, the shoot dry weight of one S. vulgaris in pure stand was 120% of that of one plant grown with five C. album. The reduction in growth of C. album was associated with a greater reduction in its ability to accumulate K than other elements. The competition index (CI) of C. album in terms of dry weight decreased with its proportion in the mixture but the reverse was true for S. vulgaris. The relative competitive ability index (RCAI) of C. album was almost 3–5 times that of S. vulgaris. The results showed that differences between the weeds in inter- and intraspecific competition were closely related to the growth of their root systems. Compétition inter- et intraspécifique du chénopode (Chenopodium album L.) et du senecon (Senecio vulgaris L.) Les réponses du chénopode (Chenopodium album L.) et du sénecon (Senecio vulgaris L.) à la compétition inter- et intra-spécifique ont étéétudiées en serre lors d'expériences à séries additives ainsi qu'à séries de remplacement. Quand elles étaient cultivées avec des tomates, les deux mauvaises herbes avaient des effets similaires sur la matière sèche des parties aériennes à faibles densités, mais S. vulgaris se montrait plus compétitif à fortes densités. La densité des mauvaises herbes n'affectait pas les concentrations en N, P, K, Ca et Mg dans les parties aériennes de la to-mate. Par contre, la matière séche et les quantités totales de nutriments étaient d'autant plus réduites que la densité des deux mauvaises herbes était élevée. La concentration en nutriments dans les parties aeriennes des mauvaises herbes n'était pas affectée par leur densité mais le rendement en matière sèche et l'accumulation totale de nutriments par plante décroissaient lorsque la densité augmentait. Les concentrations en N, P, K et Mg dans les parties aériennes étaient plus élevées chez C. album que chez S. vulgaris mais celle de Ca était plus basse. Dans une expérience à séries de remplacement, les deux espèces de mauvaises herbes se comportaient différemment. Chez C. album, le rendement en matière sèche ainsi que la quantité totale de nutriments par plante diminuaient lorsque sa proportion dans le mélange augmentait mais, chez S. vulgaris, la matière sèche par plante augmentait avec sa proportion dans le mélange. Un pied de C. album cultivé avec 5 pieds de S. vulgaris produisait davantage de matière sèche aérienne que lorsqu'il était présent en proportions plus importantes ou en culture pure. Dans une culture pure de 6 plantes, la matière sèche aérienne par pied de C. album représentait 26% de celle d'une plante cultivée avec 5 pieds de S. vulgaris. En comparaison, la matière sèche aérienne par pied de S. vulgaris en culture pure représentait 120% de celle d'une plante cultivée avec 5 pieds de C. album. La réduction de croissance de C. albumétait associée à une réduction de sa capacitéà accumuler K, qui était plus marquée que pour les autres éléments. L'Indice de Compétition de C. album en terme de matière sèche diminuait avec sa proportion dans le mélange, mais l'inverse était vrai pour S. vulgaris. L'Indice Relatif d'Aptitude à la Compétion de C albumétait presque 3,5 fois plus élevé que celui de S. vulgaris. Les résultats montraient que les différences entre les mauvaises herbes en ce qui concerne la compétition inter- et intra-spécifique étaient étroitement liées à la croissance de leur système racinaire. Inter- und intraspezifische Konkurrenz des Weißen Gänsefußes (Chenopodium album L.) und des Gemeinen Greiskrauls (Senecio vulgaris L.) Die inter- und intraspezifische Konkurrenz von Chenopodium album und Senecio vulgaris wurde sowohl in additivem als auch substitutivem Versuchsansatz im Gewächshaus untersucht. In Mischbeständen mit Tomate hatten beide Unkrautarten bei geringer Pflanzendichte eine ähnliche Wirkung auf die Sproß-Trockenmasse, doch Senecio vulgaris war bei hohen Dichten konkurrenzstärker. Die Unkrautdichte hatte keinen Einfluß auf den N-, P-, K-, Ca- oder Mg-Gehalt der Tomatensprosse, aber die Trockenmasse und der gesamte Nährstoffgehalt nahm mit zunehmender Dichte der beiden Unkräuter ab. Der Nährstoffgehalt in den Sprossen der Unkräuter wurde durch die Pflanzendichte nicht beeinflußt, aber die Trockenmasse und der gesamte Nährstoffgehalt nahm mit zunehmender Dichte der beiden Unkräuter ab. Der N-, P-, K-und Mg-Gehalt war bei Chenopodium album höher als bei Senecio vulgaris, doch der Ca-Gehalt war niedriger. In einem substitutiven Versuchsansatz verhielten sich die beiden Unkrautarten verschieden. Bei Chenopodium album wurden sowohl die Trockenmasse als auch der gesamte Nährstoffgehalt pro Pflanze im selben Maße reduziert, wie sein Verhältnis im Mischbestand zunahm; bei Senecio vulgaris stieg die Trockenmasse pro Pflanze mit seinem Anteil im Mischbestand an. Chenopodium album entwickelte bei einem Mischungsverhältnis von l Pflanze zu 5 Senecio-vulgaris-Pflanzen eine höhere Sproß-Trockenmasse als bei höheren Verhältnissen oder im Reinbestand. In einem Reinbestand von 6 Pflanzen war bei Chenopodium album die Sproß-Trockenmasse pro Pflanze 26 % der Masse einer Pflanze, die mit 5 Senecio-vulgaris-Pflanzen wuchs. Bei Senecio vulgaris dagegen war die Sproß-Trockenmasse pro Pflanze im Reinbestand 120 % der Masse einer Pflanze, die mit 5 Chenopodium-album-Pflanzen wuchs. Mit der Wuchshemmung ging bei Chenopodium album eine Abnahme seiner Fähigkeit, K und andere Nährstoffe aufzunehmen, einher. Der Konkurrenzindex von Chenopodium album, bezogen auf die Trocken-masse, nahm mit seinem Anteil in den Mischbeständen ab, während bei Senecio vulgaris das Gegenteil der Fall war. Die relative Konkurrenzfähigkeit von Chenopodium album war fast 3.5mal so groß wie die von Senecio vulgaris. Die Unterschiede der inter- und intraspezifischen Konkurrenz der beiden Unkrautarten stand in enger Beziehung zur Entwicklung ihres Wurzelsystems.  相似文献   

Purple and yellow nutsedge are two of the most troublesome weeds in the world. In the south-eastern USA, both weeds are common in vegetable crops and are the most difficult weeds to control in this region. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the herbicidal activity of five liquid isothiocyanates (ITCs) (benzoyl, o -tolyl, m -tolyl, tert -octyl, and 3-fluorophenyl) on purple and yellow nutsedge. All ITCs were applied to soil in jars at 0, 100, 1000, 5000, and 10 000 nmol g−1 of soil and sealed for 72 h to prevent gaseous losses, followed by nutsedge growth evaluations after an additional 18 days. All ITCs reduced purple and yellow nutsedge shoot density and shoot biomass over the concentrations evaluated, with differences in the effectiveness on each species apparent among the compounds. Based on the lethal concentration values for shoot density, all ITCs were more effective in suppressing purple nutsedge than yellow nutsedge. Benzoyl and 3-fluorophenyl were generally the most effective of the five ITCs evaluated.  相似文献   

经亚麻荠叶片表面形态及其表面细胞结构观察发现,亚麻荠叶正面上刚毛密度平均为76.13根/cm2,而背面仅为1.63根/cm2;表皮细胞层较厚,结构紧密,其上有一层较厚的角质层。通过亚麻荠叶片饲喂小菜蛾幼虫明确,小菜蛾幼虫在亚麻荞叶片的正面和背面的取食叶面积差异极显著。表明亚麻荠叶片表面的毛状物对小菜蛾幼虫有一定的拒食作用。  相似文献   

Interference of Sinapis arvensis L. (wild mustard) and Chenopodium album L. (lamb's-quarters) in spring rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) was studied under field conditions in 1983 and 1984. Both weed species interfered with rapeseed early in the growing season, causing significant reductions in rapeseed dry weight by June of each year. Sinapis arvensis caused greater rapeseed grain yield reductions than did C. album. With weed densities of 20–80 plants m?2, rapeseed grain yield reductions ranged from 19 to 77% with S. arvensis but only 20 to 25% with C. album. Rapeseed yield reductions caused by mixtures of both weed species ranged from being less than to being equal to the sum of reductions caused by each weed alone, depending on the weed density and year of study. Both weed species were prolific seed producers capable of returning large quantities of seed to the soil. With weed densities ranging from 10–80 plants m?2, S. arvensis produced 5700–30 100 seeds m?2 while C. album produced 3100–63 600 seeds m?2.  相似文献   

A 4 year field study was conducted from 1998 to 2001 to evaluate the response of prickly sida ( Sida spinosa L.) and hyssop spurge ( Euphorbia hyssopifolia L.) growing in either ultra narrow row (UNR) or wide row (WR) cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) management systems. Weeds surviving pre- and postemergence herbicide treatments were harvested just prior to defoliation and the morphological characteristics were compared. Prickly sida growth was significantly reduced with regard to the number of main stem nodes, primary, secondary and tertiary branching, number of seed capsules produced and dry weight under UNR compared with WR. However, plant height was not affected by the management system. Spurge growth was significantly reduced with regard to branching and fresh weight but not height. These results show that UNR might suppress weed development by reducing vegetative and reproductive growth of prickly sida and vegetative growth of spurge. The reduction in seed and seed capsule production of prickly sida is likely to reduce its reproductive potential and also diminish the subsequent seed rain and soil seed bank reserves. Thus, a potential benefit of UNR cotton management systems might be to reduce the competitive ability of weeds and decrease seed production.  相似文献   

Competition between wild oat (Avena fatua L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was studied in two experiments; a replacement series model and a technique for separation of root and shoot systems. Wild oat and wheat in association resulted in a relative yield total very close to unity showing that the two species were‘crowding for the same space’(or competing for the same resources) and were‘mutually exclusive'. Wild oat was more competitive than wheat, as shown by its aggressivity relative to wheat, relative yields, shoot dry weights and other plant attributes. The greater competitive ability of wild oat was predominantly due to its greater root competitive ability, while the two species had similar shoot competitive ability. Root competition had a much greater effect on the relative performance of the two species than did shoot competition. The effects of root and shoot competition were additive.  相似文献   

When Achillea millefolium L. (yarrow) seedlings were grown in the field in association with a pea (Pisum sativum L.) crop vegetative growth of yarrow was significantly reduced by 6 weeks after emergence. Flowering was totally suppressed while the pure stand of yarrow developed flower clusters at 13 weeks after seedling emergence. Rhizome development occurred at 8 weeks after seedling emergence in the pure stand, but not until 15 weeks when grown with pea. The early suppression of seedling yarrow in a glasshouse experiment was associated with root interference, although by 5 weeks shoot interference by pea plants was important in reducing yarrow growth. The greatest suppression of yarrow occurred when both roots and shoots of the two species were allowed to interfere. Yarrow had low aggressivity against pea when grown in various combinations in a replacement series experiment in the glasshouse.  相似文献   

The pattern of buthidazole {3-[5-(1,1-dimethyl ethyl)-1,3,4- thiadiazol -2-y1]-4-hydroxy-1-methyl-2-imidazolidinone} metabolism and its potential contribution to crop selectivity were studied in tolerant corn (Zea mays L., ‘Pioneer 3780’) and susceptible redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L). Thin-Layer Chromatographic (TLC) analysis of methanol soluble extracts revealed that both corn and redroot pigweed seedlings metabolized buthidazole in a similar manner but at different rates. At comparable time periods redroot pigweed contained a greater percentage of unmetabolized 14C-buthidazole than did corn. A major unidentified metabolite with polar properties was formed faster in corn that in redroot pigweed and appeared to be important for the observed crop selectivity of buthidazole. Additional metabolites of buthidazole formed in both species had TLC properties similar to those of the amine, urea, and dihydroxy derivatives of buthidazole.  相似文献   

Summary. The variation in the percentage of dormant corms of Homeria breyniana between sites and years was shown for a 3-year period. The highest dormancy count of 61 % was obtained at Wagin in 1959 while the lowest count of 1% was also obtained in 1959 at Muchea. It was demonstrated that soil surface cover plays an important part in corm dormancy. In 1961 the removal of the surface cover by burning almost eliminated dormancy. Removing the cover at three dates during the summer did not affect the germination of corms during the late autumn. Moreover, corms left in the soil throughout the summer exhibited no physiological dormancy in April. In laboratory tests the percentage germination steadily decreased as the test temperatures were reduced from 25 to 5° C. Soil temperatures follow a similar decline in Western Australia during April and May. Light rains of 12 and 14 points (100 points = 1 in.) gave a significant increase in soil moisture where the surface was bare. Sufficient moisture penetrated to cause a general germination of corms and this resulted in H. breyniana emerging on bare soil some 3 weeks earlier than where surface cover was present. The diurnal temperature range at this time was 54–68° F. The break of the season (the beginning of the growing season) did not occur until 17 days later, and the diurnal soil temperature range had dropped to 49–54° F. Corms subjected to germination tests at these two temperature ranges gave a 90% and 70% sprouting respectively.
La dormance des bulbes de Homeria breyniana (L.) Lewis  相似文献   

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