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土壤二向反射特性及水分含量对其影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
程街亮  纪文君  周银  史舟 《土壤学报》2011,48(2):255-262
土壤二向反射特性的研究是进行地表温度、地表反照率等方面反演必须解决的问题,同时也是全球地面覆盖遥感研究所要考虑的背景因素,对定量遥感及土壤遥感技术本身的发展有着重要意义。论文在对不同类型土壤进行室内二向反射率测定的基础上,分析了其在可见光及近红外波段随观测角度变化规律,得出以下结论:在不同的观测方位角,土壤二向反射率均随着观测天顶角的增加而增加,在垂直主平面方向是对称的;并且在后向散射方向达到最高,在前向散射方向达到最低。研究利用基于辐射传输理论的Hapke二向反射模型对不同类型土壤在不同水分含量条件下的二向反射率进行了模拟并取得了较好的结果。此外,基于实测的土壤二向反射率对Hapke模型的主要参数进行反演并研究土壤水分含量对其影响,结果表明随着土壤逐渐变干,其单次散射反照率在整个波段均呈增加的趋势,并且单次散射反照率不受测量时条件的影响。因此,论文可以为利用单次散射反照率来反演土壤水分含量提供研究基础。  相似文献   

红壤干旱过程中剖面水分特征与土层干旱指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农田水分管理以及产量评估都需要对土壤作物受旱状况定量化和指标化。干旱强度和干旱程度结合才能完整地描述土壤作物干旱状况,土壤干旱强度I是土壤剖面失水速率的函数,干旱影响逐渐累积并增强就构成干旱程度D,据此提出了包含ID二个指数的土层干旱指标表达模式。通过红壤小区种植玉米并在抽穗期开始设置连续干旱12~36 d等6个不同的处理,研究了红壤干旱过程中剖面水分特征和干旱指标。结果表明:供试红壤干旱过程中剖面40 cm以下含水率下降幅度很小,玉米主要利用了0~40 cm土层的水分,监测30~40 cm土层含水率的变化情况可以指示玉米受到干旱胁迫的程度。连续干旱25 d后40 cm以下土层含水率明显降低,玉米产量也显著下降,此时0~60 cm土层和30~40 cm土层的干旱程度D均为0.55,可用此指标作为灌溉的依据。  相似文献   

Soil moisture and temperature affect hyphal lysis and sporangial formation in Phytophthora cinnamomi. Hyphal lysis was most rapid in soils at, or below, field capacity when incubated at 25–27° C. Sporangia were not formed in soils below field capacity and only very slowly in waterlogged soil. Sporangia were not formed at temperatures below 15°C.  相似文献   

The diversity and functional type of plants can affect the microbial biomass in the soil, its respiratory activity and the diversity of its bacterial population. We have studied these effects in microcosms of reconstituted limestone grassland containing (i) a 12‐species mixture of graminoids and forbs, (ii) a monoculture of the sedge Carex flacca, (iii) a monoculture of the grass Festuca ovina, and (iv) similar soil without plants. Microbial biomass was significantly greater in soil under monocultures of F. ovina than in the other microcosms. Basal respiration was largest in the F. ovina and mixed‐species treatments where values were more than double those in the C. flacca and bare soil microcosms. The basal respiration was strongly linearly related to plant productivity (r = 0.89). Analysis of the active bacterial population by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of 16S rRNA revealed its diversity to be significantly greater in the C. flacca and bare soil treatments than in the F. ovina or mixed‐species microcosms. This suggests that the functional type of plants has a strong influence on the composition of the bacterial community. We hypothesize that the discriminating functional attribute leading to a reduction of bacterial diversity in these microcosms was the presence in the F. ovina and mixed‐plant communities of an active arbuscular–mycorrhizal mycelium that is absent from bare soil and monocultures of C. flacca.  相似文献   

Nematode activity in the soil depends on the presence of free water. We conducted pressure plate experiments to understand better how soil matric potential and structural degradation affect the population growth of three bacterial‐feeding nematodes (Cephalobus, Pristionchus, Rhabditis). We took undisturbed cores from six soils (sand, silt loam and silty clay loam with four management regimes), and removed all fauna from them. Ten or 30 nematodes were added, and pressures corresponding to soil matric potentials of ?10, ?33, ?50, ?100 or ?1500 kPa were applied for 35 days. The nematodes were then counted. Significant reproduction of all bacterial‐feeding nematodes occurred when the diameters of water‐filled pores were approximately 1 μm. This confirms observations using repacked soils and field manipulations. Only for Pristionchus did declining populations match the reduction in total soil porosity related to intensification of land use on the silty clay loam. We had not expected Cephalobus to have the fastest increase in population of the three nematodes in intact soil cores, and our evidence questions the relative importance given to the three nematode families in soil processes. The differing rates of population increase of the three nematodes in the various soils reflect both habitable pore space and trophic interactions. This suggests that the very diversity of nematode assemblages is crucial in the resilience of biological soil processes. That water‐filled pores as small as 1 μm provide suitable spaces for sizeable populations of bacterial‐feeding nematodes accords with the observed migration of infective juveniles of trichostrongylid nematodes and mermithids in water films on herbage. Our results imply that assessment of the role of nematodes in soil processes may be a key to the understanding of biological interactions in water films, and the selection pressures on nematode morphology.  相似文献   

The present study tests whether soil management (tillage and fertilizer) modified the small-scale abundance and function of soil microorganisms in response to changes in organic matter quantity and quality. The experimental field, located in the coastal hills of Marche (central Italy), was planted in rotation with Triticum durum in winter and Zea mais in summer. Soil samples were collected in the maize-field soil, in conventional and no-tillage (NT) systems, and in fertilized and unfertilized soil. We analysed total organic C (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) microbial biomass C (MBC), enzymes involved in C- (β-glucosidase, α-glucosidase, β-cellobiohydrolase, β-xylosidase), N- (leucine-aminopeptidase and N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase), P- (acid phosphatase) and S-cycling (arylsulphatase), as well as functional diversity in the bulk soil, coarse sand, fine sand, silt and clay fractions. Micro-scale investigations revealed great microbial abundance in smaller fractions because of protection offered by microaggregates, whereas the distribution of enzymes reflected the availability of their corresponding substrates. No-tillage treatment significantly increased organic input, mainly in the coarser fractions, enhancing enzyme activities and the functional diversity of the microbial community. This effect was even larger in the absence of fertilizer. At the particle-size level of resolution, adding fertilizer stimulated nutrient cycling. Our results confirmed the hypothesis that no-tillage enlarges the content of particulate organic matter in the coarse sand fraction and stimulates microbial decomposition. In the smaller fractions the enlarged microbial pool and increased soil organic matter with small C/N ratio under NT confirm that this management practice is effective in increasing soil C sequestration capacity.  相似文献   

Microenvironments of soil microorganisms   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary Ultrastructural studies of soil micro-organisms and the microenvironments surrounding them are reviewed. Soil microfauna, and bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi, fixed and embedded in situ, were examined by electron microscopy (both transmission and scanning). In some cases ultrastructural histochemistry was used to detect and identify the organic matter with which microorganisms were associated and to examine the polymeric microbial materials (enzymes, extracellular polysaccharides) they produced. Although some small organisms (0.3 m diameter) occurred singly in dense fabrics of clay or humified organic matter, larger bacteria occurred in rhizospheres, in small colonies in the larger micropores or associated with substantial deposits of organic matter (faecal pellets, carbohydrate-rich plant cell-wall debris). Whereas rhizospheres had mixed microbial populations, individual microvoids in the bulk soil usually contained only one type of micro-organism. Following chloroform treatment, microorganisms were found only in mucigel deposits or deep in the interiors of micropores, suggesting that these constitute protected sites where microorganisms survive temporarily adverse conditions. Soil microfauna and fungi were mainly confined to the larger voids. Although some live hyphae occurred in the outer regions of aggregates, hyphae deep within soil fabrics were usually devoid of cytoplasmic organelles. Faecal pellets, plant tissues and cell-wall remnants comprised the most frequent, larger organic masses, while the most common micron- and submicron-sized organic matter consisted of fibrous or amorphous humified matter. Unequivocal detection of enzymes was limited to the surface of microorganisms.  相似文献   

The penetrometer resistance (PR) spatial variability in a Ferralsol under different soil moisture conditions was characterized through statistical and geostatistical methods. PR measurements were made in a 10-row, 10-columns, 3-m spacing grid at 20–30 cm depth using a hand-pushing penetrometer. Measurements were made for dry soil conditions (before irrigation) as well as 2 and 24 h after irrigation. The soil bulk density (BD) and the relative topographical altitudes (RT) were measured at the same locations. The PR spatial variability is normally distributed for dry soil conditions and after irrigation-water redistribution. A normal distribution fits also to the BD spatial variability. PR mean and coefficients of variations are lower for wet soil conditions and vary notably according to the soil moisture condition. The PR semivariance values are much higher for dry soil conditions than those found for wet soil conditions. However, the semivariogram of PR before irrigation shows almost a pure nugget effect. Irrigation yields a spatial structure in PR measurements. Despite the differences in the shown spatial structure, the range of the PR semivariograms before and 24 h after irrigation is about 8–10 m, which is very similar to the range of the BD semivariogram. The correlation coefficients between PR and the other measured variables are very small before and after irrigation, which could lead to the conclusion that those variables are not related at all. However, according to the co-dispersion coefficients plotted as a function of the separation lag, the correlation between those variables changes according to the separation distance. Particularly, PR and the RT show correlation 24 h after irrigation only for lags between 5 and 12 m. The results pointed out that PR spatial variability depends on soil moisture condition, soil BD and on several local features as microtopography.  相似文献   

不同植被覆盖类型黑土水分动态变化特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用中子水分仪定位监测方法,研究黑土区平水年大豆地、草地和裸地3种覆盖类型土壤水分变化特征.结果表明:土壤水分空间垂直动态变化随深度增加而降低,基于变异系数(CV)将土壤水分垂直变化分为4层,即水分速变层、活跃层、次活跃层和相对稳定层.不同覆盖类型下,土壤水循环深度依次为大豆地>草地>裸地,土壤水循环强度依次为草地>大豆地>裸地;3种覆盖类型的土壤剖面含水量在作物生长季节内呈增长型变化特征,裸地0~20 cm土层各时段土壤含水量均高于草地和大豆地;30 cm土层以下土壤水分含量依次为草地>裸地>大豆地.该区土壤储水量主要受降雨调控,3种植被覆盖类型下,土壤水分的总蒸散量依次为草地>大豆地>裸地.  相似文献   

Many biotic and abiotic factors influence recovery of soil communities following prolonged disturbance. We investigated the role of soil texture in the recovery of soil microbial community structure and changes in microbial stress, as indexed by phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles, using two chronosequences of grasslands restored from 0 to 19 years on silty clay loam and loamy fine sand soils in Nebraska, USA. All restorations were formerly cultivated fields seeded to native warm-season grasses through the USDA’s Conservation Reserve Program. Increases in many PLFA concentrations occurred across the silty clay loam chronosequence including total PLFA biomass, richness, fungi, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria, and actinomycetes. Ratios of saturated:monounsaturated and iso:anteiso PLFAs decreased across the silty clay loam chronosequence indicating reduction in nutrient stress of the microbial community as grassland established. Multivariate analysis of entire PLFA profiles across the silty clay loam chronosequence showed recovery of microbial community structure on the trajectory toward native prairie. Conversely, no microbial groups exhibited a directional change across the loamy fine sand chronosequence. Changes in soil structure were also only observed across the silty clay loam chronosequence. Aggregate mean weighted diameter (MWD) exhibited an exponential rise to maximum resulting from an exponential rise to maximum in the proportion of large macroaggregates (>2000 μm) and exponential decay in microaggregates (<250 μm and >53 μm) and the silt and clay fraction (<53 μm). Across both chronosequences, MWD was highly correlated with total PLFA biomass and the biomass of many microbial groups. Strong correlations between many PLFA groups and the MWD of aggregates underscore the interdependence between the recovery of soil microbial communities and soil structure that may explain more variation than time for some soils (i.e., loamy fine sand). This study demonstrates that soil microbial responses to grassland restoration are modulated by soil texture with implications for estimating the true capacity of restoration efforts to rehabilitate ecosystem functions.  相似文献   

红壤丘陵区不同植被类型土壤颗粒分形与水分物理特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为探明红壤丘陵区不同植被对土壤分形结构及水分物理特征的改良作用与机制,运用土壤分形学和水文物理学原理与方法,以南方红壤丘陵区福建省长汀县为例,研究经济林、针阔混交林、乔灌混交林及针叶林4种植被类型土壤颗粒组成、分形维数、水分物理参数及其相关性。结果表明:1)红壤丘陵区不同植被类型土壤中以粗砂粒质量含量最高,细砂粒和石砾质量含量次之,粉黏粒质量含量较低,与裸地相比,不同植被类型具有显著提高土壤细砂砾和粉黏粒质量含量的作用,并且混交林作用程度高于纯林;2)红壤丘陵区不同植被类型具有降低土壤密度、增加土壤孔隙度的功能,针阔混交林、乔灌混交林、针叶林、经济林土壤的饱和蓄水量分别是裸地的1.20、1.16、1.14和1.10倍,表土层(0~20 cm)贮水能力好于表下土层(20~40 cm);3)土壤颗粒分形维数与土壤粉黏粒、总孔隙度、饱和蓄水量、孔隙比呈极显著正相关,与石砾质量含量、土壤密度呈极显著负相关,红壤丘陵区4种植被类型土壤均为不均匀性良好的土壤,以混交林土壤粒径分布结构较好,尤其是以针阔混交林的最好,其次是纯林的,针叶林好于经济林,表土层(0~20 cm)大于20~40 cm土层。  相似文献   


Hydration of a hydrophilic crosslinked polystyrene (gel) in deionized water at 65 g of gel per g of soil was studied. Four different soil types were selected, three were light‐textured soils (loamy sand and sandy clay loam) and the other a clay. Container capacity, field capacity, permanent wilting point, and available water for these soils were measured for gel contents equal to 0,0.1, 0.2, and 0.3%. Absorption capacity of the gels when incorporated into the soil decreased considerably compared to its absorption in pure water. This was attributed to the increased ionic strength of soil moisture and the formation of additional ionic crosslinks in the gel network due to the presence of multivalent ions in the soils. It was found also that container capacity, field capacity, and available water capacity increased with the gel content in soil, whereas the permanent wilting point was not significantly affected.  相似文献   

Abstract. Results of recent research on moisture regimes of surface water soils and on soil credibility are summarized, and proposals are made for the use of results in soil evaluation for selected crops.
Measurements of water table depth show high variability from year to year and during the same season. Soil moisture regimes seem to affect soil management more than crop yield. A probabilistic calendar is needed for the occurrence of topsoil moisture content near the lower plastic limit in periods corresponding to the most important management practices. This is required in order to assess important soil qualities like workability and trafficability.
Soil erosion is greatest when superficial run-off can create rills. This happens when run-off shear stresses exceed a threshold proportional to soil shear strength. Consequently, soil shear strength can be used as a measure of soil resistance to erosion. Probabilistic calendars are needed on the occurrence of heavy rainstorms able to create rills when the soil is most at risk.
Entries for ratings of workability, trafficability and erosion risk are outlined.  相似文献   

橡胶林土壤呼吸速率及其与土壤温湿度的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用Li-6400光合仪研究4 a、12 a和19 a橡胶林的土壤呼吸及其各组分(微生物呼吸、根系呼吸、凋落物呼吸)呼吸速率的日变化和年变化特征,探索土壤温度和湿度对土壤呼吸速率的影响。结果表明: 不同树龄橡胶林土壤呼吸速率在全天观测期间,出现最大值和最小值的时刻有很大差异,但在9:00~11:00时刻的测定值均接近日均值;在不同树龄橡胶林中各组分呼吸速率日变化大小虽不一致,但均表现为凋落物呼吸速率最小。4 a、12 a和19 a橡胶林土壤呼吸速率均有明显的月变化,月均值分别是2.45、2.63和2.96 μmol m-2 s-1;最大值出现在7月和8月,最小值出现在2月和3月;不同树龄橡胶林土壤呼吸速率月变化相互间差异不显著;土壤微生物呼吸占土壤呼吸的比例最高(为43.6%),根系呼吸次之(为36.1%),凋落物呼吸较小(为20.4%)。土壤呼吸速率与土壤温度之间具有显著的指数函数关系,但与土壤湿度的相关性不显著,从而得知海南橡胶林土壤温度与土壤呼吸速率有着密切的关系,土壤水分与土壤呼吸速率可能没有直接的关系。  相似文献   

Physiological groups of soil microorganisms, total C and N and available nutrients were investigated in four heated (350 °C, 1 h) soils (one Ortic Podsol over sandstone and three Humic Cambisol over granite, schist or limestone) inoculated (1.5 μg chlorophyll a g−1 soil or 3.0 μg chlorophyll a g−1 soil) with four cyanobacterial strains of the genus Oscillatoria, Nostoc or Scytonema and a mixture of them.Cyanobacterial inoculation promoted the formation of microbiotic crusts which contained a relatively high number of NH4+-producers (7.4×109 g−1 crust), starch-mineralizing microbes (1.7×108 g−1 crust), cellulose-mineralizing microbes (1.4×106 g−1 crust) and NO2 and NO3 producers (6.9×104 and 7.3×103 g−1 crust, respectively). These crusts showed a wide range of C and N contents with an average of 293 g C kg−1 crust and 50 g N kg−1 crust, respectively. In general, Ca was the most abundant available nutrient (804 mg kg−1 crust), followed by Mg (269 mg kg−1 crust), K (173 mg kg−1 crust), Na (164 mg kg−1 crust) and P (129 mg kg−1 crust). There were close positive correlations among all the biotic and abiotic components of the crusts.Biofertilization with cyanobacteria induced great microbial proliferation as well as high increases in organic matter and nutrients in the surface of the heated soils. In general, cellulolytics were increased by four logarithmic units, amylolytics and ammonifiers by three logarithmic units and nitrifiers by more than two logarithmic units. C and N contents rose an average of 275 g C kg−1 soil and 50 g N kg−1 soil while the C:N ratio decreased up to 7 units. Among the available nutrients the highest increase was for Ca (315 mg kg−1 soil) followed by Mg (189 mg kg−1 soil), K (111 mg kg−1 soil), Na (109 mg kg−1 soil) and P (89 mg kg−1 soil). Fluctuations of the microbial groups as well as those of organic matter and nutrients were positively correlated.The efficacy of inoculation depended on both the type of soil and the class of inoculum. The best treatment was the mixture of the four strains and, whatever the inoculum used, the soil over lime showed the most developed crust followed by the soils over schist, granite and sandstone. In the medium term there were not significant differences between the two inocula amounts tested.These results showed that inoculation of burned soils with alien N2-fixing cyanobacteria may be a biotechnological means of promoting microbiotic crust formation, enhancing C and N cycling microorganisms and increasing organic matter and nutrient contents in heated soils.  相似文献   

黑土土壤水分反射光谱特征定量分析与预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选择单一土类黑土作为研究对象, 并准确调配其不同含水量,实验室测定土壤高光谱反射率,利用光谱分析与统计方法,定量描述了不同含水量黑土反射光谱特征,并建立了黑土含水量反射光谱预测模型,结果表明,随土壤含水量的增加,达到一定阈值(300 g kg-1),反射率存在过饱和现象,但其倒数对数微分可以有效去除饱和问题;土壤反射率倒数对数微分对土壤含水量的响应表现出三个变化阶段,导致1 870 nm波段的倒数对数微分也表现为非线性变化,需要利用分段函数进行土壤含水量的光谱精确速测。  相似文献   

Microorganisms migrating into and through soil from sources on the land surface may cause a serious threat to both ground and surface waters. It has been estimated that microorganisms can migrate significant distances in the field. Results from various studies suggested that preferential flow through macropores, worm holes, cracks, and fractures is the main reason for such observations. However, a quantitative representation of this phenomenon has not been provided. Microorganisms migrate through soil by advection and dispersion, while being subjected to effects of filtration, adsorption, desorption, growth, decay, sedimentation and chemotaxis. Both laboratory and field investigations have contributed important information on bacterial movement in soils. Qualitative comparisons are generally transferable from laboratory to field situations. Quantitative agreement is much more difficult to establish. Available mathematical modelling of microbial transport is limited in practical application because of the simplifying assumptions used in its development.  相似文献   

Oxalate metabolization by soil microorganisms was assessed using a calcium oxalate clearing medium and14CO2 release from [14C]-oxalate. Three saprophytic fungi, two bacteria, and one actinomycete tested produced14CO2 when grown in culture with [14C]-oxalate, yet failed to test positive for oxalate degradation using a calcium-clearing medium. A field plot was then established to determine the effects of oxalate inputs on oxalate metabolism. The amount of [14C]-oxalate metabolized by soil microorganisms and the number of bacteria metabolizing oxalate increased within 24 h after the addition of oxalic acid at a concentration of 11.1 mol g-1 soil. Oxalate metabolism and bacterial numbers returned to the baseline within 84 days. Soil phosphate concentrations increased significantly above baseline 7 days after the addition of oxalate and did not return to prespike levels. Fungi, bacteria, and actinomycetes were able to metabolize oxalate. Therefore, while oxalate can influence P cycles by increasing the amount of available phosphates, that increase is mediated by microbes that metabolize the oxalates.  相似文献   

J. Bouma 《Geoderma》1981,26(3):165-177
Current Dutch soil survey interpretation emphasizes assessment factors which independently define key aspects of soil behavior under actual conditions. For grassland these are: moisture-supply capacity, bearing capacity and drainage status. Practical questions focus on how actual limitations can be overcome. Computer simulation techniques, to be focused on the individual assessment factors, are needed to answer these questions. Soil survey and morphology data were used in this context to: (1) select experimental sites; (2) modify physical monitoring procedures; (3) derive simulation models for swelling soils with macropores; (4) develop simple field methods for characterizing basic physical soil properties and their regional variability, and (5) use soil maps for extrapolating the obtained interpretations.Future soil survey reports should ideally contain basic physical data and the possible ranges for the different assessment factors, expressed by simulation as a function of water management. basic data include hydraulic conductivity, moisture retention, bearing capacity and drainage rate. The latter two were characterized in this study by new field methods. Possible ranges differ for the different assessment factors. For example, an inadequate moisture supply capacity in the growing season can be completely compensated by raising the water table, by sprinkler irrigation or by a combination of both methods. The presented simulation offers a quantitative analysis. The inadequate bearing capacity and drainage status can be compensated for only partly by lower water-table levels in winter and spring.  相似文献   

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