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The influence of soil pH, redox potential and added organic matter on N2-fixation by Azospirillum was studied. Application of rice straw to alluvial, laterite and acid-sulphate Pokkali soils under submerged conditions enhanced the population of N2-fixing Azospirillum spp. An acid-sulphate saline soil of extremely low pH (3.2) harboured Azospirillum spp with appreciable N2-fixing activity. Enrichment cultures originating from soils with low pH (<4.0) possessed lower N2-fixing activity compared to cultures from soils with higher pH values (upto 6.6). Azospirillum cultures from soils that had undergone prolonged waterlogging showed lower N2-fixing activity than cultures isolated from soils submerged for a few days. A relationship was shown between the in vitro N2-fixing activity of Azospirillum cultures and the redox status of the soil samples; activity was high when the soil redox potential was between ?50 to ?150mV. The results show that the N2-fixing activity of Azospirillum cultures is governed by fluctuations in soil redox potential, pH and organic matter.  相似文献   

氮磷营养对小麦水分关系的影响   总被引:41,自引:6,他引:41  
比较研究了氮磷营养对春小麦水分关系影响的差异。结果表明 ,土壤干旱情况下 ,氮磷营养虽然皆增强了春小麦的渗透调节能力 ,但由于氮磷营养对作物地上地下部生长的不同进促作用而对作物的水分状况产生了完全相反的影响。氮营养增强了作物对干旱的敏感性 ,使其水势和相对含水量大幅度下降 ,蒸腾失水减少 ,自由水含量增加而束缚水含量减少 ,并使膜稳定性降低 ;而磷营养则明显改善了植株的水分状况 ,增大了气孔导度 ,降低了其对干旱的敏感性 ,增加了束缚水含量 ,并使膜稳定性增强  相似文献   

In buffered media Trichoderma grew best with l-alanine, l-aspartic acid, l-glutamic acid and casamino acids as sources of N. Growth on NH+4-N was consistently superior to growth on NO?3-N. Some isolates of T. koningii Oud. and T. hamatum (Bon.) Bain, were incapable of utilizing NO3?. The best carbon sources were dextrose, fructose, mannose, galactose, xylose, ribose, trehalose and cellobiose. The ability to use melezitose, raffinose, sucrose and inulin as sources of carbon were related to taxonomic units. It is proposed that the ability to use these carbon sources as well as tests for extracellular oxidase, NO?3 utilization and temperature maxima may be useful to delineate and identify species. All isolates tested readily decomposed pure cellulose but the time required to adapt to the cellulose medium varied considerably. The relative vigor of cellulose decomposition was not related to the loss in weight of pine needles or dogwood leaves induced by Trichoderma.  相似文献   

选有代表性的三个春小麦品种,采用砂培和田间实验方法研究不同品种春小麦对钾素营养的反应,根据不同品种小麦在相同和不同供钾水平下植株生物学特性和需钾情况,明确不同品种小麦对钾素营养反应类型.研究发现,优质强筋小麦龙麦26为钾肥敏感型品种,新克旱9为耐低钾品种.  相似文献   

The specificity of the infection of maize, wheat and rice roots by N2-fixing Azospirillum spp was studied in four greenhouse experiments using pots with unsterilized soil and in two field experiments. In all experiments A. lipoferum was most frequently isolated from externally sterilized roots of maize, and A. brasilense nir? (nitrite reductase negative) from wheat and rice. In pot experiments, A. brasilense nir+ was isolated with moderate frequency from within maize roots but rarely from within wheat or rice roots. Inoculation of the pots with a mixture of representative strains of the three Azospirillum groups had no effect on the proportion of strains recovered from each plant species. In the field experiments, inoculation with spontaneous streptomycin-resistant mutants of two of the representative strains confirmed the apparent specificity of A. lipoferum for maize roots and of A. brasilense for wheat but the results were partially obscured by the unexpectedly high proportion of streptomycin-resistant strains isolated from within the roots of uninoculated plants.  相似文献   

The effect of earthworms on leachate volume and leachate N losses was investigated in a rice–wheat rotation agroecosystem over the wheat growing season. Corn residues (<2 cm) were added to field microcosms as either mulch or incorporated into the soil. Earthworms were added to half of the microcosms at a population density and age structure simulating a natural earthworm population. With earthworms present, leachate volume was >30% higher, but this result was not statistically significant (P>0.05). Earthworms significantly increased mineral N losses in the mulching treatment (P<0.05). There was a reduced fertilizer N (urea-15N) loss when earthworms were present, but the reduction was not significant (P>0.05). Our results indicate that earthworm activity can accelerate leachate production and N loss to a certain extent under wheat, and that native soil N (including mineral N and organic N) and/or organic matter N (corn residue N) are more likely sources for N leaching than urea-N.  相似文献   

Sorghum (S. bicolor L. Moench cv. Bok 8) plants were grown in soil or sand-perlite low in plant-available N and P. Plants were inoculated with a vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus, or a strain of Azospirillum brasilense or both endophytes together. Plants received a nutrient solution which did not contain N or P. Increases in plant dry weight, shoot-to-root ratios, and the N content of dually-infected plants could be accounted for by summing the VAM and Azospirillum effects. For sorghum inoculated with both endophytes, the presence of A. brasilense in the rhizosphere increased VAM colonization and biomass, while the N input due to Azospirillum decreased, possibly due to competition for carbohydrates.Comparisons between sorghum grown with or without VAM-fungal infection in four growth media showed that edaphic factors other than P availability determined the host response to VAM infection. The P-fixing capacity of the soil, rather than the amount of available (NaHCO3-extractable) P, influenced the balance between mutualistic and parasitic VAM-fungal growth.  相似文献   

In hydroponics, cereal crop growth is usually enhanced when the nutrient media contains both nitrate and ammonium compared to either form separately. Identification of genotypic variation between two spring wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum cv. Len, and Triticum durum cv. Inbar) in their magnitude of growth response to mixed N permits a comparative evaluation of metabolic processes underlying enhanced growth from utilization of N mixtures. The objective of this study was to determine if the additional mixed N‐induced growth, and the difference in response between cultivars, is associated with the uptake or partitioning of N, P, or K during the seedling stage of development. Plants of Len and Inbar were grown hydroponicaily for 21 days in nutrient solutions containing N either as all nitrate or as a 50/50 mixture of nitrate and ammonium. The mean of three experiments showed that whole plant dry weight increased 19% for Len and 41 % for Inbar when the plants were supplied with the N mixture compared to only nitrate. With the N mixture, the increase in biomass was almost entirely due to enhanced shoot production, which was mainly the result of greater tiller formation. Both cultivars absorbed more N, P, and K when grown with mixed N, and the additional N and K uptake of appeared to be associated with the enhanced growth. This conclusion is based on the observation that Inbar absorbed proportionately more N and K, but less P, than Len when grown with mixed N nutrition. These data suggest that the increased dry matter production from the utilization of mixed N nutrition is not directly related to the additional absorption of P, but may be associated with enhanced N and K uptake.  相似文献   

小麦根系对水分和氮肥的生理生态反应   总被引:33,自引:4,他引:33  
利用模拟土柱研究了不同水分和氮素营养条件下春小麦根系的生理生态反应。结果表明 ,适量施氮 (尿素 60 0kg/hm2)增加了总根重和深层土壤中的根重 ,改善了根系的水分关系 ,提高了细胞膜的稳定性 ,因而有助于提高小麦的抗旱性 ;过量施氮 (尿素 150 0kg/hm2)增加上层根重对抗旱性的意义并不大。严重水分胁迫下 ,过量施氮导致根细胞膜伤害率明显增加 ,根系水分关系恶化 ,根系保水能力下降 ,使小麦抗旱性降低  相似文献   

The harvester termite, Anacanthotermes ubachi Navas (Hodotermitidea) occurs throughout the desert regions of Israel. This species nests in subsurface galleries where dead plant material, the termite's main food source, and feces are stored. We measured potential net nitrogen (N) mineralization and nitrification and soil respiration in 7-day laboratory incubations of plant litter at different stages of termite processing, termite feces and termite gallery soil (carton) following wetting. Our objectives were (1) to characterize the amount of potential N release from termite-affected plant and soil materials, (2) to evaluate the potential for leaching of N from the galleries and (3) to make a preliminary evaluation of the importance of termites to the carbon (C) and N cycles of the Negev desert. Two distinct phases were seen in the dynamics of inorganic N during the 7 day incubations: (1) release of N following wetting and (2) immobilization of N from day 1 to day 7 of the incubation. The percent of inorganic N produced in 1 day that disappeared by day 7 was significantly higher in the surface and gallery litter in comparison to the feces and the carton. High levels of nitrate (NO3: 87.5 g N kg−1) compared to ammonium (NH4+: 4.5 g N kg−1) release from the surface and gallery litter samples suggest that there is a potential for leaching of NO3 from the galleries to surrounding environments. Gallery litter, i.e. litter that had been processed by termites, released significantly less inorganic N and had a higher C:N ratio than surface litter that had not been affected by termite activity. These results suggest that termites actively remove N for their own nutrition, leaving behind litter of lower quality than was produced by plants. Comparison of the C:N ratios of litter and feces suggest that approximately 80% of the C and 65% of the N in the surface and the gallery litter was decomposed and released in the transformation to feces. Given mean annual biomass production in the study site (740 kg ha−1 with 296 kg C ha−1 and 6.6 kg N ha−1), this decomposition represents a release of 237 kg C ha−1 and 4.3 kg N ha−1, supporting the idea that termites function as keystone species in desert ecosystems.  相似文献   

春小麦调亏灌溉对土壤氮素养分的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对河西绿洲灌区春小麦调亏灌溉两年后的土壤碱解氮和全氮的变化进行了研究,并用配对样本t检验(双尾检验)对小麦收获时土壤氮素养分指标年际间的差异及其与全生育期调亏供水量间的关系进行了回归分析,旨在为该区春小麦调亏灌溉对土壤氮素养分的影响研究提供一些可靠的信息.结果发现,春小麦调亏灌溉对2003年和2004年两个试验年度0~20cm、20~40cm及O~40cm土层土壤氮素养分有显著影响;而小麦收获时土壤氮素养分指标配对样本t检验发现,2004年0~20cm土层土壤全氮、碱解氮,20~40cm土层全氮,0~40cm土层全氮显著高于2003年,然而20~40cm土层碱解氮、0~40cm土层碱解氮在2003年和2004年问差异不显著.0~40cm土层土壤全氮量与小麦全生育期供水量呈线性负相关,而碱解氮则与全生育期供水量呈线性正相关.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted at the ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, to study the response of spring wheat to boron applied as boron-coated urea (BCU) and the effect of boron (B) coating on the use efficiency of applied fertilizer urea nitrogen. The BCU (0.5% B) significantlyrecorded the highest increase in leaf area index (30.2%), spike length (12.5%), number of spikes (10.9%), filled grains (15.7%) and grain weight (16.3%) per spike in spring wheat than uncoated prilled urea (PU). Furthermore, the application of 0.5% BCU enhanced the grain and straw yields of spring wheat by 11% and 10.6% over uncoated PU. The BCU (0.5% B) also significantly increased the N concentration and N uptake both in wheat grain and straw. The BCU (0.5% B) recorded 24.8% higher recovery efficiency of applied nitrogen and an increase of 3.6 kg grain kg?1 N applied in agronomic efficiency compared to uncoated PU. The net returns (USD915.1 ha?1) and benefit:cost ratio (1.40) werealso the highest with 0.5% BCU, significantly higher than uncoated PU. Therefore, 0.5% boron coating onto PU is recommended for increased productivity and enhanced efficiency of applied fertilizer nitrogen for spring wheat in Indo-Gangetic plains of India.  相似文献   

旱地小麦群体生理变量对氮素供应量的响应   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
试验研究不同N肥处理对旱作小麦群体结构参数、光合生理特性、产量及水分利用效率的调控效应结果表明,在一定N肥范围内小麦群体结构、分蘖数、光合速率、水分利用效率和产量均随施N肥量的增加而改善,但当N肥用量超过一定量时反而不利于群体结构和功能的改善。旱作农业生产中水肥间有明显耦合关系,肥料对作物增产作用依赖于土壤水分的优劣。  相似文献   

The ability of two cultivars of spring wheat, Cadet and Rescue, and their reciprocal chromosome substitution lines, C-R5D and R-C5D, to obtain significant quantities of N from atmospheric N2 was investigated in glasshouse experiments using 125N dilution. The wheat was inoculated with N2-fixing bacteria, including Azotohacter, Azospirillum, Klebsiella and Bacillus spp, in pure and mixed culture, at N concentrations ranging from 1 to 56 mg N plant?1 (14–168 μg N ml?1), in sand culture and in three soils of differing N content. Root-ussociutcd N2-fixalion was negligible unless carbohydrate was added to the rooting medium. Atmospheric N2 was incorporated into wheat roots and translocated to the tops, when plants inoculated with Azotobacter beijerinckii or Azospirillum brasilense sp. 107 were amended with glucose and malate respectively, under monoxenic conditions in sand culture.  相似文献   

植株氮营养状况与冬小麦倒伏的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】 研究不同施氮量下的植株氮素营养状况与小麦倒伏的内在联系,揭示施氮影响小麦倒伏的机制。 【方法】 以豫麦49-198和周麦16两个品种为试材,在河南省禹州市布置了田间试验。设0、120、180、240、360 kg/hm2 5个氮肥用量处理,于返青、拔节和开花期测定小麦植株含氮量,收获期调查倒伏情况,测定小麦植株茎秆性状和籽粒产量,并对小麦倒伏与植株氮素营养指标进行相关性分析。 【结果】 随氮肥用量增加,周麦16、豫麦49-198小麦倒伏率和倒伏指数都呈上升趋势,当两个品种小麦的施氮量分别达到180 kg/hm2和240 kg/hm2 时,继续增加施氮量,两个品种的倒伏率和倒伏指数增加不显著,豫麦49-198最高倒伏率为61.8%,周麦16为23.3%;随氮肥用量增加,两品种小麦株高、茎长、穗长、基部节间长度,以及返青、拔节、开花期植株氮浓度和茎基部硝酸盐含量也呈增加趋势。豫麦49-198倒伏率和倒伏指数及茎秆参数均高于周麦16。倒伏后,随着氮肥用量增加,豫麦49-198和周麦16千粒重及产量下降幅度逐渐增加,千粒重平均降幅分别为11.3%和6.3%。相关分析显示,豫麦49-198和周麦16倒伏率都与小麦株高、穗长和基部节间长度呈极显著正相关;两个品种小麦不同生育期整株、茎鞘和根系氮浓度以及茎基部硝酸盐含量均与小麦倒伏率呈显著正相关。 【结论】 施氮量超过180 kg/hm2时,倒伏导致小麦千粒重和产量下降幅度加大,且倒伏所造成的减产负效应大于氮肥的增产作用。因此,应控制施氮量以确保小麦高产稳产。   相似文献   

以永良4号为实验材料,采用田间试验、化学分析、生物统计相结合的方法,系统研究了施用尿素、硝铵、碳铵3种氮肥品种对春小麦硝酸盐含量和分布的影响。结果表明,施用不同品种的氮肥均显著提高了全株特别是茎叶的硝酸盐含量及累积量,不同氮肥品种之间对籽粒硝酸盐含量及累积量的影响均无显著差异。施用硝酸铵并没有提高籽粒硝酸盐含量。硝态氮含量在生育前期极高,到后期迅速降低,成熟期时籽粒中分布已经很少,远低于绿色食品规定的标准。  相似文献   

施氮对不同肥力土壤小麦氮营养和产量的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
【目的】农田养分供应是由土壤基础肥力和肥料投入共同决定的,不同土壤肥力下土壤养分供应能力和特征也不同。本文研究了河南省高、低肥力田块下,不同施氮量对小麦主要生育时期植株氮素营养和土壤硝态氮及产量的影响,以期为河南省同类生产条件下氮肥的合理施用和产量的提升提供参考和依据。【方法】2015—2016年,以小麦品种矮抗58为供试材料进行大田试验,分别设置0、120、225、330 kg/hm^2 4个施氮处理(表示为N0、N1、N2、N3),在开花期到成熟期调查施氮量对土壤硝态氮及产量的影响;在开花期、花后10天和花后20天,测定施氮量对小麦旗叶到倒4叶的叶片氮含量、SPAD值和氮素积累量,以及对植株和所有叶片氮含量的影响。【结果】从开花期到成熟期土壤中硝态氮含量随着施氮量的增加而增加,高肥力田块的土壤硝态氮含量显著高于低肥力田块的土壤硝态氮含量。施氮能显著增加低肥力田块产量,但是高肥力田块的产量均高于低肥力田块,与不施氮相比,低肥力田块的产量最大增幅是高肥力田块产量最大增幅的2.63倍。N1和N2处理下,在开花期和花后10天倒2叶的SPAD值高肥力田块显著高于低肥力田块,但在花后20天低肥力田块显著高于高肥力田块。在N1、N2和N3处理下,旗叶的氮含量在花后10天高肥力田块显著高于低肥力田块,但在花后20天则显著相反。开花期到花后20天,对于低肥力田块旗叶的氮素积累量对上4叶的贡献率最大(N0除外),最高达52.6%;高肥力田块,旗叶和倒2叶对上4叶的氮素积累量贡献率处在同等重要的位置,最高分别达39.9%和39.7%。花后10天到花后20天,高肥力田块不同叶位的氮素转运量和转运率均高于低肥力田块(N0除外)。【结论】增施氮肥可以通过提高土壤硝态氮含量来提高土壤供氮能力,高肥力田块的叶片转运量和转运率比低肥力田块高,低肥力田块通过提高施氮量增加的产量低于高肥力田块下的产量,因此,需改善农田基础肥力来提高产量。通过对高、低肥力条件下产量的分析发现,达到最高产量时的施氮量分别为213kg/hm^2和287 kg/hm^2。  相似文献   

Nitrogen balances, i.e. the difference between N 2 fixation inputs and N in harvested products (outputs), and rotational benefits of chickpea ( Cicer arietinum) on soil organic fertility and wheat ( Triticum aestivum) yields were quantified for rain-fed systems in the northern Punjab, Pakistan. The experiments were conducted during 1995–2000 at three sites. The four treatments were continuous wheat (0 N), continuous wheat (+N), chickpea-wheat (0 N) and chickpea-wheat (+N). The +N fertiliser rate was 100 kg N ha -1 applied to the wheat. Grain yields of the wheat with 0 N varied in the range 1.0–3.0 t ha -1, compared with 2.0–3.2 t ha -1 for the N-fertilised wheat. Chickpea grain yields were in the range 0.6–2.0 t ha -1. Chickpea N 2 fixation was assessed using the natural 15N abundance method. Percentage of chickpea N derived from N 2 fixation (%Ndfa) estimates were 58% (Mandra), 65% (Taxila) and 86% (Islamabad). The overall mean %Ndfa was 78%. Crop N fixed by the chickpea varied between sites (87–186 kg N ha -1) and essentially reflected crop biomass. The overall mean N balance for chickpea (crop N fixed minus N removed in grain and above-ground residues) was +28 kg N ha -1. Wheat grain yields responded to chickpea (19–73% increase for the three sites), to fertiliser N (99–136% increase) and to the combination of chickpea and fertiliser N (106–145% increase). Chickpea in the rotation increased soil organic C by 30% and soil N by 38%, relative to the continuous wheat with 0 N. These experiments indicated that chickpea could have a positive N balance, even when shoot residues were removed, and confirmed the rotational benefits of chickpea for improving soil organic fertility and yield of a following wheat crop.  相似文献   

水分胁迫对冬小麦氮素营养效率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验研究盆栽控制水分条件下冬小麦不同生育期水分胁迫对其N素营养的效应结果表明,小麦生育期水分胁迫影响其N素的吸收、运转及产量,其影响程度依次为拔节~抽穗期>抽穗~灌浆初期>灌浆初期~成熟期>返青~拔节期,拔节~抽穗期水分胁迫极显著地降低冬小麦的N素营养效率.  相似文献   

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