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超高茬麦套稻是一种不耕翻、不整地、不育秧、不栽秧的简化稻作方式,秸秆全量还田,保护了环境,增加了土壤有机质,又极大地减轻了劳动强度,缓解了劳动力夏收夏种的季节性矛盾。该稻作方式较直播稻提前15~20d播种,延长了水稻生育期,有利于水稻高产稳产。但因超高茬麦套稻前期干湿栽培,有利于杂草的发生和麦茬残草的复活,草害问题已成为该项技术推广的主要制约因素。1999~2000年笔者对麦套稻田杂草草相及出草规律进行了定点观察与大田普查,并针对性地进行了治理对策的研究。1 材料与方法1.1 定点观察1999、2…  相似文献   

麦套稻旱寄播稻田杂草化除技术初步研究张爱俊,沈书龙,金中时,姜春义(江苏省大丰县植保站224100)陈进和(大丰县新团农技站)姜宏根(大丰县洋心洼农技站)麦套稻旱寄播水稻栽培是我地部分地区农民近几年发展起来的一种新的栽培方式。邻近的东台、兴化两市已形...  相似文献   

麦田套播水稻是在小麦收割前播种水稻的一种轻型栽培技术,具有麦草全量还田和省工、节本、产量高等特点,深受农民欢迎。但是由于田间杂草发生严重,并且防除难度大,阻碍了“麦套稻”的发展。为攻克这一难题,于2002年起连续3年对麦套稻田杂草发生规律及综合防除技术进行了探索。  相似文献   

麦套稻是一种不耕翻、不整地、不育秧、不栽秧的简化稻作栽培方式,秸秆全量还田,既增加土壤有机质,保护了环境,又极大地减轻了劳动强度,缓解了夏收夏种的季节性矛盾。同时,能延长水稻生长期10~15d,有利于水稻的高产稳产。该项轻型栽培技术得到广大群众认可,正在全省各稻区示范推广。但因超高茬麦套稻前期干湿栽培,有利于麦茬残草的复活和稻田水生杂草的发生,草害已成为该技术推广的主要制约因素。为探明麦套稻田杂草发生规律和有效防除技术,2002年我们在四安镇进行了麦套稻田杂草发生特点和防除技术研究,现将试验结果初报如下:1材料与方法1…  相似文献   

麦套稻是一种不耕稻、不整地、不育秧、不栽秧的简化稻作栽培方式,秸秆全量还田,既增加土壤有机质、保护了环境,又极大地减轻了劳动强度、缓解了夏收夏种的季节性农忙矛盾.同时,能延长水稻生长期10~15d,有利于水稻的高产稳产,该项轻型栽培技术得到广大群众认可,正在江苏省各稻区示范推广.  相似文献   

为了提高小麦的产量及效益 ,三河农场麦作生产围绕简化栽培、节本增效 ,大力推广稻套麦的种植。但是稻套麦板茬免耕 ,加之抛土覆盖 ,保墒较好 ,土壤湿度大 ,使病、虫、草的发生也带来相应变化。我场农科所对不同类型稻套麦病虫草害进行了 3a的调查研究 ,初步掌握了其发生规律及其防治技术。1 发生特点1 .1 白粉病、纹枯病的发生重于常规麦 稻套麦一般于 1 0月上旬播种 ,易保苗 ,且年前群体高于常规麦 ,同时与水稻共生期间多郁闭 ,特有的田间小气候形成的温湿度对纹枯病、白粉病发生极为有利。小麦各生育阶段都可受纹枯病为害 ,严重田块…  相似文献   

麦套花生田除草的适期徐优良,翁正明,承仰周,孙敬东(泰兴市植保植检站225400)(泰兴市作栽站)麦套花生采用间套作的方式,在条播大麦收获前套播花生。这种种植方式无法用土壤封闭除草剂防除花生日杂草,只好采用茎叶处理除草剂防除。目前茎叶处理除草剂不能兼...  相似文献   

麦套花生田草害问题及防除对策花生是我省主要经济作物,常年种植面积达66.7万hm2,其中麦套花生田占90%以上,随着肥水条件改善,复种指数提高,杂草危害日趋严重。据1990年濮阳县调查,麦套花生田主要优势种杂草有禾本科的马唐、狗尾草、牛筋草,合计占田...  相似文献   

本文以麦套油菜、麦套棉花和小麦单作等3种主要小麦栽培方式影响昆虫群落的调查资料为例,应用模糊综合评判分析了3种小麦栽培制对麦田益害昆虫群落的物种丰盛度,多样性指数和生境梯度指数等群落特征,影响优劣程度及其先后顺序,并讨论了运用此法分析昆虫群落时应注意的问题。  相似文献   

近年来,随着种植结构的调整和新的栽培措施的推广,移栽棉的栽培方式已趋多样化。从轮作措施上,分为水旱轮作移栽棉和旱连作移栽棉;从套作方式上,分为麦套棉(豆套棉)和麦后棉;随着双膜棉的推广,又有地膜移栽棉和露地移栽棉之分。栽培方式的差异必然引起棉田杂草发生时间、种类和数量差异。本研究通过定点调查,初步明确了不同栽培方式下,移栽棉田杂草的发生消长规律。一、研究方法选择淮北(洒阳县)旱连作麦套露地棉田,里下河(宝应县)、沿海(大丰币)、沿江(如皋市)旱连作棉田和水旱轮作棉田各3块,每块田走5个点,每点lin…  相似文献   

The four main wild rice species are: Oryza rufipogon Griff, embracing a wide range of “red rice” types closely related to O. sativa L.; O. longistaminata Chev. & Roehr, a rhizomatous perennial; O. barthii Chev. the annual wild rice of West Africa; and O. punctata Kotschy ex Steud, a small seeded annual. The distribution and importance of these species are discussed in relation to the different systems of rice growing. Annual wild rice problems are favoured by dry sowing followed by flooding. For cultural control, soil puddling and direct sowing into water are recommended. In a series of pot experiments with O. punctata and rice, 18 herbicides were shown to be at least partially selective, including: alachlor, butachlor, S-4-chlorobenzyl diethyldithiocarbamate (B-3015), 4-(2,6-dichlorobenzyloxymethyl)-4-ethyl-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolan (WL 29226), 3-(α α-dimethylbenzyl)-1-methyl-1-phenylurea (K 1441), isoproturon, metamitron, molinate and perfluidone. B-3015 was the most selective of these but the selectivity of alachlor and molinate could be greatly increased and became comparable to B-3015 when the crop seed was dressed with the protectant 1,8-naphthalic anhydride (NA). Other herbicides for which NA provided a protective effect were: butachlor, metolachlor (CGA 24705), epronaz, ethofumesate, perfluidone and 4,4,4-trichloro-2-phenylbut-1-ene (Dowco 221).  相似文献   

2003~2004年定点调查表明,水稻条纹叶枯病在秧苗期主茎显症后,同株的分蘖全部显症,病株死亡。分蘖期主茎显症后,同株的分蘖全部显症;部分分蘖显症后,同株的主茎和其余分蘖全部显症,病株死亡或不成穗。拔节期主茎显症后,同株的大部分分蘖(68.9%~79.2%)显症,部分茎、蘖(32.9%~23.0%)成穗,产量损失较大(80.8%);部分分蘖显症后,同株的主茎不显症,其余分蘖部分显症(分蘖总显症率为53.0%~66.7%),全部主茎和部分分蘖成穗(总成穗率61.1%~48.1%),产量损失较小(34.5%)。病株不侵染同穴健株。由此提出治虫防病、改茬和病后处理方法。  相似文献   

Mannose-binding rice lectin (MRL), which is almost identical to the salt-induced protein SalT, binds to mannose and glucose residues. Expression of the MRL gene in response to infection with Magnaporthe oryzae, the rice blast fungus, was stronger in the incompatible interaction than in the compatible. Transgenic rice plants that constitutively over-expressed MRL strongly suppressed the growth of invasive hyphae of the fungus on leaf sheaths and the development of typical susceptible-type lesions on leaf blades, but did not affect penetration by the fungus in comparison with the wild-type. On a polycarbonate plate, purified recombinant MRL inhibited conidial attachment and appressorium formation but not conidial germination. These results suggest that MRL may play an essential role in disease resistance by suppressing development of M. oryzae in situ.  相似文献   

稻田杂草稻发生趋重水稻生产受到威胁   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
杂草稻,一般认为是栽培稻和野生稻的天然杂交种,但目前尚未肯定杂草稻的真正起源.杂草稻以易落粒、能休眠以及与栽培稻的竞争性等特征使其成为一种杂草.杂草稻在大部分种植水稻地区均能生长.在泰国、越南、马来西亚等水稻生产国发生危害较重.近年来,在我国的江苏、湖南、广东、辽宁、上海等省(直辖市)的一些稻区发生越来越重,严重影响水稻的产量和品质.  相似文献   

杂交稻对稻瘟病和稻白叶枯病的抗性鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对广东省将推广的54份杂交稻组合对稻瘟病和白叶枯病的抗病性进行了鉴定。对稻瘟病的抗病性鉴定表明:抗病组合共49个,占90.7%;其中,高抗(抗性比≥91%)组合30个,占55.6%。对稻白叶枯病的抗病性鉴定表明:没有高抗(HR)和抗(R)的组合,仅有一个杂交稻组合(西胜2175)表现为中抗(mR),仅占1.9%,其余53个组合都表现感病,占98.1%。进一步分析表明:对稻瘟病表现高抗的30个杂交稻组合都不抗白叶枯病,而中抗白叶枯病的杂交稻组合西胜2175对稻瘟病表现为中抗,抗性比为74%。  相似文献   

直播稻田自生稻的识别与防除   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻直播具有省水、省田、省工、节本的优点,加之直播稻推迟了水稻播期,可以避开灰飞虱迁移高峰,减轻灰飞虱及其传播的条纹叶枯病的发生为害,深受广大稻农喜爱.  相似文献   

自生稻对栽培稻的危害及控制措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自生稻在江苏许多市县都有发生,给水稻生产造成一定损失.通过对自生稻危害性的探讨,为控制自生稻的蔓延、危害创造了条件,并初步探讨了控制自生稻蔓延、危害的措施.  相似文献   

丙草胺防治直播稻田杂草稻的技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探寻对栽培稻安全的杂草稻防除技术,采用整株测定法研究了丙草胺对杂草稻的毒力及解草啶减轻丙草胺对栽培稻药害的应用技术,并通过田间试验检验了这一技术的安全性。结果表明:丙草胺在450g/hm2时,可显著抑制杂草稻和栽培稻的生长;采用30mg/L解草啶浸种48h,可显著减轻丙草胺对栽培稻的药害,随着丙草胺施药量的增加,解草啶的保护作用逐渐减弱。田间试验结果说明:用30mg/L解草啶浸种栽培稻48h,丙草胺的施药剂量在450~675g/hm2时对栽培稻安全;当丙草胺剂量为900g/hm2时,栽培稻产量显著下降。  相似文献   

In Cambodia, the planting of rice lines with a competitive and/or allelopathic ability would be a very useful way to supplement weed management in the rain‐fed, low‐input production systems. The present study examines a wide range of rice germplasm, mainly from Cambodia, and uses a series of bioassay techniques to identify those that might have a weed growth‐suppressing, allelopathic trait. A laboratory bioassay study that involved 359 rice lines showed that there were 15 that could significantly reduce the growth of awnless barnyard grass seedlings. In a second laboratory bioassay, involving the best 96 rice lines that were identified in the first study, 14 were shown to suppress the shoot growth of awnless barnyard grass, 11 could suppress the shoot growth of barnyard grass, six could suppress the shoot growth of small umbrella sedge, four could suppress the shoot growth of two‐leaf fimbristylis, four could suppress the shoot growth of water primrose, and three could suppress the shoot growth of gooseweed. Of the 13 rice lines that were able to suppress the growth of at least two weed species, there were three lines that could suppress the growth of three weed species, one line that could suppress the growth of four weed species, and one line that could suppress the growth of five weed species. In a third soil‐based, pot bioassay that studied the 18 best lines coming from the second laboratory bioassay, all showed a significant weed growth‐suppressive ability. A linear regression analysis showed that there was no correlation between their weed growth‐suppressive ability and their physical seedling size, supporting the idea that the growth suppression was allelopathic in nature and not a physical competition effect. In summary, the results indicate that an allelopathic trait does exist in some Cambodian rice lines and that this trait is effective in the growth suppression of a number of major rice weeds.  相似文献   


Rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV) is one of the major constraints to rice production in Kenya. The reactions of 30 varieties of rice to an isolate of RYMV were studied. The appearance and development of symptoms in the various varieties were scored on a 0–5 scale. The observed reactions ranged from highly susceptible to highly resistant. Thirty‐six per cent of the varieties showed a high level of resistance while 23.3% were highly susceptible. The intermediate reactions were 16.7% resistant, 6.6% susceptible and 16.7% moderately susceptible.  相似文献   

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