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Aluminum(Al) is the third most abundant element in the earth's crust and a major factor inhibiting plant growth and reducing crop yield in acidic soil. Although there is substantial research on the phytotoxic effects and the underlying mechanisms of Al by applying Al alone hydroponically, soil is a complex medium containing numerous mineral elements that can interact with Al and other elements and their bioavailability in plants. In this review, we describe the roles of Al in promoting plant growth, enhancing phosphorus availability and efficient use in plants, and alleviating H+, iron, and manganese toxicity in acidic conditions. Furthermore, we discuss the possible mechanisms of enhanced abiotic stress tolerance induced by Al. We also elucidate the role of Al in attracting plant growth promoting rhizo-bacteria(PGPR) and their interactions with plants by increasing organic exudates.  相似文献   

Stem lignin content(SLC) in common wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) contributes to lodging resistance. Caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase(COMT) is a key enzyme involved in lignin biosynthesis. Characterization of TaCOMT genes and development of gene-specific markers could enable marker-assisted selection in wheat breeding. In the present study, the full-length genomic DNA(gDNA) sequences of TaCOMT genes located on chromosomes 3 A, 3 B, and 3 D were cloned by homologous cloning. Two allelic variants, TaCOMT-3 Ba and TaCOMT-3 Bb, were identified and differed by a 222-bp insertion/deletion(InDel) in the 3′-untranslated region(3′-UTR). A co-dominant gene-specific marker based on this InDel was developed and designated as Ta COMT-3 BM. A total of 157 wheat cultivars and advanced lines grown in four environments were used to validate the associations between allelic patterns and SLC. The SLC of cultivars with TaCOMT-3 Ba was significantly(P0.01) higher than that of those with TaCOMT-3 Bb, and the marker TaCOMT-3 BM could be effectively used in wheat breeding.  相似文献   

Leguminous crops play a vital role in enhancing crop yield and improving soil fertility. Therefore, it can be used as an organic N source for improving soil fertility. The purpose of this study was to (i) quantify the amounts of N derived from rhizodeposition, root and above-ground biomass of peanut residue in comparison with wheat and (ii) estimate the effect of the residual N on the wheat-growing season in the subsequent year. The plants of peanut and wheat were stem fed with 15N urea using the cotton-wick method at the Wuqiao Station of China Agricultural University in 2014. The experiment consisted of four residue-returning strategies in a randomized complete-block design: (i) no return of crop residue (CR0); (ii) return of above-ground biomass of peanut crop (CR1); (iii) return of peanut root biomass (CR2); and (iv) return of all residue of the whole peanut plant (CR3). The 31.5 and 21% of the labeled 15N isotope were accumulated in the above-ground tissues (leaves and stems) of peanuts and wheat, respectively. N rhizodeposition of peanuts and wheat accounted for 14.91 and 3.61% of the BG15N, respectively. The 15N from the below-ground 15N-labeled of peanuts were supplied 11.3, 5.9, 13.5, and 6.1% of in the CR0, CR1, CR2, and CR3 treatments, respectively. Peanut straw contributes a significant proportion of N to the soil through the decomposition of plant residues and N rhizodeposition. With the current production level on the NCP, it is estimated that peanut straw can potentially replace 104 500 tons of synthetic N fertilizer per year. The inclusion of peanut in rotation with cereal can significantly reduce the use of N fertilizer and enhance the system sustainability.  相似文献   

Streptococcus equi ssp. zooepidemicus(SEZ) is a pathogen associated with a wild range of animal species. Frequent outbreaks have occurred in recent years in pigs, horses, goats and dogs which is liable to infect humans. There is a lack of efficient vaccines against this disease and the occurrence of antibiotic resistance may render drug therapies ineffective. In this study, gene deletion mutant(ΔSEZ) in pathogenicity islands SeseCisland_4 was constructed. The mutant ΔSEZ had a 52-fold decrease in 50% lethal dose(LD_(50)) and had less capacity to adhere epithelial cells. Importantly, immunization of mice with attenuated vaccine ΔSEZ at the dose of 10~2 colony-forming units(CFU) mL~(–1) elicited a significant humoral antibody response, with an antibody titer of 1:12 800. Therefore, 10~2 CFU mL~(–1) might be used as the appropriate immune dose for the attenuated vaccine ΔSEZ, which provided mice with efficient protection against virulent SEZ. In addition, the hyperimmune sera against 10~2 CFU m L–1 attenuated vaccine ΔSEZ could confer significant protection against virulent SEZ infection in the passive immunization experiment and exhibited efficient bactericidal activity in the whole blood assay. Meanwhile, no viable bacteria was detected in blood when mice were immunized with ΔSEZ at the dose of 10~2 CFU mL~(–1) via hypodermic injection. Thereafter, the mutant ΔSEZ at the dose of 10~2 CFU mL~(–1) could confer significant protection in mice and had less negative effects on host, which could be an effective attenuated vaccine candidate for the prevention of SEZ.  相似文献   

The flower stalk is the product organ of flowering Chinese cabbage(Brassica campestris L.ssp.chinensis var.utilis Tsen et Lee),which is cultivated extensively in South China.Flower stalk formation and development,including bolting and flowering,determine the yield of flowering Chinese cabbage;however,the bolting and flowering mechanisms remain to be explored.To elucidate these processes,we studied the effects of low-temperature and gibberellin(GA)treatments,and their interaction,on stem elongation,bolting time,flowering time,hormone content,and cell morphology in stem of flowering Chinese cabbage.The results showed that both cold and GA treatments accelerated bolting time,stem elongation,and flowering time.Moreover,cold and GA cotreated plants displayed additive positive effects.In addition,cold treatments increased the GA,indole-3-acetic acid,and cytokinin contents and altered cell size in the shoot apices of flowering Chinese cabbage.Treatment with uniconazole,a GA synthesis inhibitor,strongly delayed bolting time,stem elongation,and flowering time,whereas GA,but not cold treatment,rescued this inhibition,indicating that low temperature accelerates bolting and flowering not only through inducing GA in the shoot apices,but also other ways.These results provide a theoretical basis for further dissecting the regulatory mechanism of bolting and flowering in flowering Chinese cabbage.  相似文献   

Sitobion avenae(F.) and Rhopalosiphum padi(L.) are two important pests of wheat in China. They typically coexist in fields during the late period of wheat growth. Sulfoxaflor is a novel sulfoximine insecticide that demonstrates broad-spectrum efficacy, especially in targeting sap-feeding insects. This study was carried out to investigate the sublethal effects of sulfoxaflor on the development, longevity, and reproduction of two species of wheat aphids. Our results showed that sublethal concentrations of sulfoxaflor did not cause significant effects on the fecundity or the longevity of the parent generation(F_0 generation) of either S. avenae or R. padi. However, it caused transgenerational sublethal effects. For S. avenae, adult longevity of F_1 generation was significantly decreased. No significant differences were observed on the population parameters of S. avenae in the F_1 generation. For R. padi, the adult preoviposition period(APOP) and the total preoviposition period(TPOP) of F_1 generation were significantly reduced. The mean generation time(T) was significantly reduced in the R. padi F_1 generation. What's more, the intrinsic rate of increase(r_m) and the finite rate of increase(λ) were significantly increased in the R. padi F_1 generation. Taken together, these results suggest that exposure to the LC_(25) of sulfoxafl had no effects on the parent generation of S. avenae or R. padi, but it reduced adult longevity of S. avenae as a negative effect and increased the r_m and λ of R. padi in the first progeny generation, which may have an impact on the population dynamics of R. padi.  相似文献   

Extensive acidic soils, which suffer from accelerated soil acidification, are found in southern China. Soil acidity, aluminum toxicity, and nutrient deficiencies severely limited crop productivity in acidic soils. It has been widely reported that crop residue biochars can ameliorate acidic soils and increase crop productivity. Here, we summarized the positive effects and mechanisms involved in the correction of soil acidity, the alleviation of aluminum toxicity and the increase of soil pH buffering capacity by crop residue biochars. The carbonate, oxygen-containing functional groups and silicates in biochars are the major components responsible for their efficacy in amending acidic soils and resisting soil re-acidification. We conclude that application of crop residue biochars may be a better option than traditional liming to ameliorate acidic soils. Nonetheless, further researches into soil acidification are still required to address some issues that are controversial and poorly understood.  相似文献   

An E3 ubiquitin ligase gene(Genbank accession no.: MD01 G1010900) was cloned from the Royal Gala apple genome(Malus×domestica Borkh.). Sequence analysis showed that the length of the MdPUB29 gene was 1 275 bp, encoding 424 amino acids. Phylogenetic tree analysis indicated that the apple E3 ubiquitin ligase exhibited the greatest sequence similarity to Pyrus×bretschneideri. The predicted protein structural domain of MdPUB29 showed that it contained a U-box domain. qRT-PCR analysis showed that Md PUB29 was expressed widely in different tissues of the Royal Gala apple species, and was highly expressed in the root, while the expression of MdPUB29 was significantly inhibited by exogenous NaCl. Immunoblotting assays revealed that MdPUB29 protein abundance in tissue cultures of the Royal Gala apple accumulated under NaC l stress conditions. Three-dimensional protein structure prediction indicated that MdPUB29 was highly homologous with AtPUB29. The growing potential of MdPUB29-expressing apple calli and Arabidopsis were much stronger than that of the control under salt stress conditions, suggesting that MdPUB29 may positively regulate salt tolerance.  相似文献   

The contribution percentage of inherent soil productivity (CPISP) refers to the ratio of crop yields under no-fertilization versus under conventional fertilization with the same field management. CPISP is a comprehensive measure of soil fertility. This study used 1 086 on-farm trials (from 1984–2013) and 27 long-term field experiments (from 1979–2013) to quantify changes in CPISP. Here, we present CPISP3 values, which reflect the CPISP states during the first three years after site establishment, for a series of sites at different locations in China collected in 1984–1990 (the 1980s), 1996–2000 (the 1990s), and 2004–2013 (the 2000s). The results showed that the average CPISP3 value for three crops (wheat, rice, and maize) was 53.8%. Historically, the CPISP3 in the 1990s (57.5%) was much higher than those in the 1980s (50.3%), and the 2000s (52.0%) (P≤0.05). Long-term no-fertilization caused CPISP levels to gradually decline and then stabilize; for example, in a mono-cropping system with irrigation, the CPISP values in Northwest and Northeast China declined by 4.5 and 4.0%, respectively, each year for the first ten years, but subsequently, the CPISP values stabilized. In contrast, the CPISP for upland crops in double-cropping systems continued to decrease at a rate of 1.1% per year. The CPISP for upland-paddy cropping decreased very slowly (0.07% per year), whereas the CPISP for paddy cropping decreased sharply (3.1% per year, on average) for the first two years and then remained steady during the following years. Therefore, upland crops in double-cropping systems consume the most inherent soil productivity, whereas paddy fields are favourable for maintaining a high level of CPISP. Overall, our results demonstrate a need to further improve China's CPISP3 values to meet growing productivity demands.  相似文献   

Laccase(EC known to oxidize various aromatic and nonaromatic compounds via a radical-catalyzed reaction,which generally includes two types of laccase,Lac1 and Lac2.Lac1 oxidizes toxic compounds in the diet,and Lac2 is known to play an important role in melanizing the insect exoskeleton.In this study,we cloned and sequenced the cDNA of the diamondback moth,Plutella xylostella Lac2(PxLac2),from the third instar larvae using polymerase chain reaction(PCR)and rapid amplification of cDNA ends techniques.The results showed that the full-length PxLac2 cDNA was 1 944 bp long and had an open reading frame of 1 794 bp.PxLac2 encoded a protein with 597 amino acids and had a molecular weight of 66.09 kDa.Moreover,we determined the expression levels of PxLac2 in different stages by quantitative PCR(qPCR).The results indicated that PxLac2 was expressed differently in different stages.We observed the highest expression level in pupae and the lowest expression level in fourth instar larvae.We also investigated the enzymatic properties of laccase,which had optimal activity at pH 3.0 and at 35°C.Under these optimal conditions,laccase had a Michaelis constant(K_m)of 0.97 mmol L~(-1),maximal reaction speed(V_m)of 56.82 U mL~(-1),and activation energy(E_a)of 17.36 kJ mol~(-1) to oxidize2,2’-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid ammonium salt).Type II copper enhanced laccase activity below 0.8mmol L~(-1) and reduced enzyme activity above 0.8 mmol L~(-1) with an IC_(50) concentration of 1.26 mmol L~(-1).This study provides insights into the biological function of laccase.  相似文献   

The highly diverse genus Trichoderma has provided many formulations that are alternatives to the chemical pesticides in agriculture. The present study was undertaken to investigate the biocontrol potential of eight Trichoderma species, T. atrobrunneum, T. guizhouense, T. paratroviride, T. pyramidale, T. rufobrunneum, T. simmonsii, T. thermophilum and T. viridulum, against the phytopathogenic fungus Rhizoctonia solani. Trichoderma isolates were first evaluated in vitro by dual culture tests for their antagonism, mycoparasitic ability and antifungal activity against R. solani. Their growth promoting potential was further assessed in relation to phosphate solubilization, indole acetic acid and siderophore production. Five of the isolates were selected and evaluated for their abilities to prompt plant growth and to control R. solani infecting Vigna unguiculata(cowpea) seedlings in vivo. Two most effective isolates, T. guizhouense 9185 and T. simmonsii 8702, significantly(P0.05) reduced the disease severity incidences(36.6 and 45.0%, respectively) and promoted plant growth, which have good prospects for application.  相似文献   

The highly-damaging root-knot nematode(Meloidogyne spp., RKN) cannot be reliably controlled using only a nematicide such as fosthiazate because of increasing pest resistance. In laboratory and greenhouse trials, we showed that chloropicrin(CP) or dazomet(DZ) synergized the efficacy of fosthiazate against RKN. The combination significantly extended the degradation half-life of fosthiazate by an average of about 1.25 times. CP or DZ with fosthiazate reduced the time for fosthiazate to penetrate the RKN cuticle compared to fosthiazate alone. CP or DZ combined with low or medium rate of fosthiazate increased the total cucumber yield, compared to the use of each product alone. A low-dose fosthiazate with DZ improved total yield more than a low dose fosthiazate with CP. Extending the half-life of fosthiazate and reducing the time for fosthiazate or fumigant to penetrate the RKN cuticle were the two features that gave the fumigant-fosthiazate combination its synergistic advantage over these products used singularly. This synergy provides the opportunity for farmers to use a low dose of fosthiazate which lowers the risk of RKN resistance. Farmers could combine DZ at 30 g m~(-2) with fosthiazate at a low rate of 0.375 g m~(-2) to control RKN and adequately control two major soil-borne diseases in cucumber greenhouses.  相似文献   

The formation and turnover of macroaggregates are critical processes influencing the dynamics and stabilization of soil organic carbon (SOC). Soil aggregate size distribution is directly related to the makeup and activity of microbial communities. We incubated soils managed for >30 years as restored grassland (GL), farmland (FL) and bare fallow (BF) for 60 days using both intact and reduced aggregate size distributions (intact aggregate distribution (IAD)<6 mm; reduced aggregate distribution (RAD)<1 mm), in treatments with added glucose, alanine or inorganic N, to reveal activity and microbial community structure as a function of aggregate size and makeup. Over a 60-day incubation period, the highest phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) abundance was on day 7 for bacteria and fungi, on day 15 for actinomycete. The majority of the variation in enzymatic activities was likely related to PLFA abundance. GL had higher microbial abundance and enzyme activity. Mechanically reducing macroaggregates (>0.25 mm) by 34.7% in GL soil with no substrate additions increased the abundance of PLFAs (average increase of 15.7%) and activities of β-glucosidase (increase of 17.4%) and N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase (increase of 7.6%). The addition of C substrates increased PLFA abundance in FL and BF by averages of 18.8 and 33.4%, respectively, but not in GL soil. The results show that the effect of habitat destruction on microorganisms depends on the soil aggregates, due to a release of bioavailable C, and the addition of substrates for soils with limited nutrient availability. The protection of SOC is promoted by larger size soil aggregate structures that are important to different aggregate size classes in affecting soil C stabilization and microbial community structure and activity.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) intake is harmful to human health and Cd contamination in rice grains represents a severe threat to those consuming rice as a staple food. Knockout of Cd transporters is a promising strategy to reduce Cd accumulation in rice grains. OsNRAMP5 is the major transporter for Cd and manganese (Mn) uptake in rice. Nevertheless, it is uncertain whether knockout of OsNRAMP5 is applicable to produce low Cd rice without affecting plant growth and grain yield. In this study, we adopted CRISPR/Cas9-based gene editing technology to knock out OsNRAMP5 in two japonica varieties. We generated three independent transgene-free osnramp5 mutants and investigated the effect of osnramp5 mutations on Cd accumulation and plant growth. Hydroponic experiments showed that plant growth and chlorophyll content were significantly reduced in osnramp5 mutants at low Mn conditions, and this defective growth in the mutants could be fully rescued by supply of high levels of Mn. Cd and Mn accumulation in both roots and shoots was markedly reduced in the mutants compared to that in wild-type plants. In paddy field experiments, although Cd in flag leaves and grains was greatly reduced in osnramp5 mutants, some agronomic traits including plant height, seed setting rate, and grain number per panicle were affected in the mutants, which ultimately caused a mild reduction in grain yield. The reduced plant growth in the mutants can be attributed to a marked decrease in Mn accumulation. Our results reveal that the manipulation of OsNRAMP5 should be treated with caution: When assessing the applicability of osnramp5 mutants, soil pH and soil water content in paddy fields need to be taken into consideration, since they might affect the levels of available Mn in the soil and consequently determine the effect of the mutation on grain yield.  相似文献   

A crop growth model, integrating genotype, environment, and management factor, was developed to serve as an analytical tool to study the influence of these factors on crop growth, production, and agricultural planning. A major challenge of model application is the optimization and calibration of a considerable number of parameters. Sensitivity analysis(SA) has become an effective method to identify the importance of various parameters. In this study, the extended Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test(EFAST) approach was used to evaluate the sensitivity of the DSSAT-CERES model output responses of interest to 39 crop genotype parameters and six soil parameters. The outputs for the SA included grain yield and quality(take grain protein content(GPC) as an indicator) at maturity stage, as well as leaf area index, aboveground biomass, and aboveground nitrogen accumulation at the critical process variables. The key results showed that:(1) the influence of parameter bounds on the sensitivity results was slight and less than the impacts from the significance of the parameters themselves;(2) the sensitivity parameters of grain yield and GPC were different, and the sensitivity of the interactions between parameters to GPC was greater than those between the parameters to grain yield; and(3) the sensitivity analyses of some process variables, including leaf area index, aboveground biomass, and aboveground nitrogen accumulation, should be performed differently. Finally, some parameters, which improve the model's structure and the accuracy of the process simulation, should not be ignored when maturity output as an objective variable is studied.  相似文献   

Crop residue retention has been considered a practicable strategy to improve soil organic carbon(SOC) and total nitrogen(TN), but the effectiveness of residue retention might be different under varied tillage practices. To evaluate the effects of residue management on the distribution and stocks of SOC and TN under different tillage practices, a bifactorial experiment with three levels for tillage practices(no-tillage, rotary tillage, and conventional tillage) and two levels for residue managements(residue retention and residue removal) was conducted in the North China Plain(NCP). Results showed that after a short experimental duration(3–4 years), concentrations of SOC and TN in the 0–10 cm layer were higher under no-tillage than under conventional tillage, no matter whether crop residues were retained or not. Residue retention increased SOC and TN concentrations in the upper layers of soil to some degree for all tillage practices, as compared with residue removal, with the greatest increment of SOC concentration occurred in the 0–10 cm layer under rotary tillage, but in the 10–30 cm layer under conventional tillage. The stocks of SOC in the 0–50 cm depth increased from 49.89 Mg ha–1 with residue removal to 53.03 Mg ha–1 with residue retention. However, no-tillage did not increase SOC stock to a depth of 50 cm relative to conventional tillage, and increased only by 5.35% as compared with rotary tillage. Thus, residue retention may contribute more towards SOC sequestration than no-tillage. Furthermore, the combination between residue retention and no-tillage has the greatest advantage in enhancing SOC and TN in the NCP region.  相似文献   

【目的】研究土壤水分对免耕水稻生长和产量的影响,以期为免耕水稻节水栽培土壤水分调控指标的优选提供依据.【方法】2013年早季和晚季,以吉优716为试验材料进行盆栽试验.设3种土壤水分条件:水稻全生育期土壤水分含量保持田间最大持水量的95%~100%、80%~85%、65%~70%(分别用W100、W85、W70表示).【结果和结论】W70处理免耕水稻产量、生物量和收获指数均显著低于W100与W85处理.W70处理产量降低的直接原因是穗变小和结实率下降.W70处理土壤水分显著抑制了生物量积累和物质转运.水稻分蘖数随土壤水分下降而下降,分蘖盛期各处理间差异达显著水平,最终分蘖数各处理间差异不显著.水稻株高均随着土壤水分的降低而降低,差异达显著水平.拔节期水稻上部3片完整叶(上三叶)的叶面积、叶长和叶宽均随着土壤含水量的降低而降低,水分亏缺首先影响叶宽,其次为叶长,进而使叶面积降低.免耕水稻抽穗期W70处理上三叶叶面积、叶长和叶宽均显著降低.因此,免耕水稻节水栽培中,土壤水分应不低于最大田间持水量的70%为宜.  相似文献   

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