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Saving lives and properties are of primary importance in fire disasters. Unfortunately, current fire detectors are not fast enough to allow the detection of many fires, especially, at the smouldering stages. Some preliminary studies on laevoglucosan (LG), as an important product from cellulose degradation, have shown interesting properties and could be detected by devices classified as “electronic noses” (e-noses). In the present work, the mechanisms of pyrolysis of some ligno-cellulosic materials were investigated using thermo-gravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and by a tube furnace with a view to determining the major degradation products from wood, white paper and cardboard samples. Additionally, an odour sensor, made of tin oxide semiconductor thin film, was employed to evaluate its sensitivity in detecting LG. It was found that LG can be readily found among the thermal degradation products of cellulosic materials in question, and that the metal oxide sensor employed was sufficiently sensitive in detecting its presence. Therefore, the work opens up the potential of using such a sensor as an “e-nose” for the early detection of fires stemming from forest product fire loads in storage places and in other enclosures.  相似文献   

This study aimed at evaluating the influence of a silvopastoral system (SPS) composed of “Aroeira” trees (Myracrodruon urundeuva) on the nutritional value of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu forage grass over the rainy season. The experiment was conducted in the SPS located in the “Cerrado” biome in Lagoa Santa County, Minas Gerais state, Brazil, in the agricultural year of 2004–2005. It was evaluated the influence of “Aroeira”, whose density in the area was 140 trees/ha, on the following parameters of the B. brizantha cv. Marandu forage grass: forage mass harvest above stubble height, morphogenic attributes, bromatological composition and nutritional value. The effects of “Aroeira” trees on the micro-climatic conditions were also evaluated. The experiment adopted a randomized block design with five blocks (cutting seasons), two treatments (a shaded pasture—B. brizantha cv. Marandu shaded by M. urundeuva—and a pasture in full sun—B. brizantha cv. Marandu in full sun), and three replicates. The tree component, composed of the tree species M. urundeuva in the experimental density adopted, increased dry matter and crude protein of the forage mass harvest above stubble height, without affecting the concentration of neutral detergent fibre or acid detergent fibre, thus causing dry matter and organic matter in vitro degradability as well as effective degradability of the forage grass to remain the same as those obtained in full sun. Therefore, the results of this study show the possibility of using trees and grass to increase both animal production and environmental services.  相似文献   

The study applies structural indices using the example of an oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) — chequer tree (Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz) stand in order to derive recommendations for the silvicultural treatment of Chequer trees. The investigated stand, located in the northern part of Bavaria, comprises eight tree species and four shrub species. Various indices were used to analyse the stand structure and the crown coverage frequency. It was shown that chequer trees, which are presently of high economic interest, are strongly oppressed in the upper layer and almost completely missing in the lower layers of the stand. The possible reasons for this finding and alternatives for the further management of the stand are discussed. Persistent and repeated thinnings in order to ensure sufficient crown development of the chequer trees seem to be essential for their survival.  相似文献   


New tools and forms of cooperation at the landscape level are needed in order for forestry and environmental conservation to co-exist in areas with many land owners. Awareness has existed for several years in Sweden that cooperation at the landscape level is essential for protecting areas of high environmental value. This awareness has come to expression in several projects and initiatives. One of these projects is the Östra Vätterbranterna Partnership, a successful example of the new orientation toward environmental management as formulated in the government bill Sustainable protection of nature areas: new working methods with a focus on collaboration and increased dialog by involving more actors and utilizing a greater combination of steering instruments. This development resonates with the growing trend toward deregulation and less state intervention in environmental management, implying a stronger emphasis on new governance structures and market-driven processes. This paper examines the preconditions for a development toward governance-oriented forms of steering in the area of environmental policy and law, with specific emphasis on the protection of forestry areas with high environmental value. Paralleling this development, the transformation of environmental public administration is analyzed, using a model representing three different perspectives on administration's role, values and meaning, showing state action's progressive transition from “rowing” to “steering” to “serving” and facilitating.  相似文献   

The group of female forest owners is growing across Europe and currently estimated to be about 30% of all private owners. This new category of forest owner merits a closer look. By introducing a gender perspective across three different research frameworks, this paper substantiates that gender matters in forest ownership, management, operations, and the understandings of these three aspects. Where gender-disaggregated data is available, and gender is assessed as an empirical variable, we find the differences in numbers between male and female forest owners in most countries. By adding the concept of gender as a relational and structuralizing category, we demonstrate that gender structures affect, for example, actual behavior of female and male forest owners and the self-evaluation of forestry competence. Further, when considering gender as a meaning category we explore how meaning produces behavior and behavior produces meanings, and how both shape institutions and natural and artificial matter. Here forestry competence is the applied example. To further increase the knowledge on new forest owners, we recommend (i) fellow researchers in the field to assume that gender matters and design their empirical studies accordingly and (ii) policy-makers to guarantee access to gender-disaggregated data in official registers and statistics.  相似文献   

Forest management, which is the main focus of this paper, is facing fundamental paradoxes and dilemmas that cannot be addressed by long-term management strategies or management concepts, even where the intention of these strategies is to follow a sustainability path. On this basis, it is argued that sustainability is not a suitable future-oriented term but rather a term oriented towards the present. The more complex the relationships between the different social subsystems, the more rapid the social change of modern societies, the more confusing the present situation and the more unpredictable the future, the less suitable utopian, long-term strategies and the attitude and strategy of firm decisiveness are to address challenges. Several suggested management strategies and techniques such as incrementalism, adaptive management and scenario-analysis are critically discussed. The intention of these strategies is to cope with uncertainty and ignorance. With regard to their limitations, it can be concluded that strategic decisions in the face of uncertainty have to explicitly consider the reversibility of decisions and the awareness of their shortcomings in relation to various dimensions of risk, uncertainty and ignorance. It is therefore necessary to look for modes of planning that actively address uncertainty in organizing learning opportunities and permanent feedback control.  相似文献   

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests of many inner Alpine valleys have recently displayed a quick loss of vitality. A decline disease has been suggested as the cause, with drought as the main predisposing factor and the additional contribution of biotic agents inciting tree dieback. This study is focused on Valle d’Aosta, a dry, inner-Alpine region in NW Italy. We inferred vitality changes between years 2000 and 2007 by computing reductions in enhanced vegetation index (EVI). Image differencing was carried out on pre-processed Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) imagery taken in late springtime and validated against ancillary ground truth. We: (1) tested whether EVI reductions in Scots pine forests were significantly higher than those of a control species and of a wetter region for the same species, (2) analyzed decline incidence as a function of site and topographic variables, and (3) assessed the relative influence of site and stand structure on decline probability by means of path analysis. Mean EVI in the study area increased due to an early onset of the 2007 growing season. Nevertheless, the incidence of decline was 6.3% and significantly greater for Scots pine than the control species and site. Low-elevation, northerly exposed sites exhibited the highest incidence of decline. Path analysis suggested that the most important determinants of decline probability were slope, solar radiation, and stand sparseness.  相似文献   



A strategy widely proposed for increasing the resilience of forests against the impacts of projected climate change is to increase the number of species planted to spread and reduce the risks from a range of biotic and abiotic hazards.


We tested this strategy in two case study areas in planted conifer forests in New Zealand and Scotland.


The performance of the major tree species and an alternative was compared: radiata pine and Eucalyptus fastigata in New Zealand and Sitka spruce and Scots pine in Scotland. The process-based model 3-PG2S was used to simulate the effects of projected climate change at the end of this century, with and without CO2 fertilisation, upon productivity and financial returns. The effects of an abiotic hazard and two biotic hazards were considered.


Under the current climate, the major species outperform alternatives in nearly all circumstances. However, with climate change, their relative performance alters. In New Zealand, planting of E. fastigata becomes more attractive particularly when various hazards and elevated CO2 concentrations are considered. In Scotland, Scots pine becomes more attractive than Sitka spruce at lower interest rates.


The major plantation species in both countries are well suited to the current climate, but deployment of alternative species and/or breeds can help to adapt these planted forests to the impacts of climate change.  相似文献   


A plant's induced defense system can be triggered by the application of the plant hormone methyl jasmonate (MeJA), and recent research suggest that MeJA treatment may become a tool for protection of conifer seedlings against insect herbivory (e.g. by the pine weevil Hylobius abietis). A side-effect of MeJA application is temporarily reduced height growth. This has generally been considered as negative, but in forest tree nurseries this could instead be beneficial since it is commonly desired to stop the growth of nursery seedlings in late summer. Artificially longer dark periods (long nights/short days) are widely used in high-latitude nurseries to terminate height growth and induce freezing tolerance. However, long night treatment requires specialized nursery equipment and are labor intensive. Therefore alternatives are sought after. We compared long-night and MeJA treatments by following the growth of Norway spruce (Picea abies) seedlings throughout one season. The regulatory effect of MeJA on height growth was similar if not even better than that of long nights, i.e. it was terminated faster. However, MeJA treatment also reduced root growth and delayed the development of freezing tolerance. MeJA may therefore not replace long-night treatments, but it could facilitate a more flexible application of long nights by gaining a longer time interval during which this treatment can be used without risking the seedlings growing too large.


We combine historical maps and satellite derived data to reconstruct the development of a Swedish boreal landscape over the past 300 years. The aim is to understand legacies from past use patterns in present-day forest composition and consequences for conservation objectives from a landscape perspective. We analyze landscape development in cross-tabulation matrixes, building change trajectories. These trajectories are tested in linear models to explain the distribution of present-day landscape composition of coniferous, mixed, and deciduous forests >110 years. Of 49 tested change trajectories, 11 showed a significant association. Associations for mixed and coniferous forests were similar and linked to characteristics such as forest continuity, which characterized the studied landscape. Deciduous older forests did not show any association to forest continuity but were more likely to occur on areas that specifically shifted from forests with grazing in the 1720s to open impediment (likely indicating low tree coverage) in the 1850s. There were large shifts and spatial redistribution in ownerships over time. Use patterns and legacies varied between small- and large-scale ownership categories as well as within small-scale categories. The legacies found in the study indicate a complex origin of heterogeneous landscape elements such as older deciduous forests. Additionally, the origin of the legacies indicates a potential need to diversify conservation management based on the influence of past use patterns. Despite large inconsistencies in historical and contemporary data we argue that this type of analysis could be used to further understand the distribution of landscape elements important for conservation objectives.  相似文献   

The worsening of Cadmium (Cd) pollution has intensified the urban ecological environment deterioration in the world. Purifying contaminated environment using the tall, colored-leaf woody plants has been proved as an aesthetically pleasing approach. However, the effects of Cd stress on colored-leaf woody plants have been little reported. Present hydroponic experiments were carried out to study the physiological and related anthocyanin biosynthesis genes responses to Cd stress in “Quanhong Poplar” plants. The experiments consisted of four Cd levels (0, 50, 100 and 150 μM). Leaves were sampled at 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 days after the first treatment for detection of related enzyme activities and genes expression. The results showed that the plants treated with 100 or 150 μM Cd presented obvious toxicity symptom, i.e. the inhibition of growth and the decrease of chlorophyll and anthocyanin contents. However, plants growth was enhanced and the synthesis of chlorophyll, anthocyanin were promoted when the plants were subject to 50 μM Cd stress. Furthermore, the activities of relative enzymes as well as their genes expression were induced, which indicated that low concentration of Cd induced the anthocyanin accumulation in “Quanhong Poplar” plants, which suggested that using “Quanhong Poplar” to purify contaminated environment would be an aesthetically pleasing approach, which would not only remediate contaminated environments but also bring landscape effects.  相似文献   

A “linear” scientific knowledge transfer from science (“truth”) to political practice (“power”) does not seem to be possible. Therefore an alternative understanding of scientific knowledge transfer is suggested: In the RIU-model, scientific knowledge is produced in the science system (Research), and science-based problem solutions are utilized within politics by political actors (Utilization). Between the two spheres there is no “automatic” connection that leads to a linear application of science in policy making. Rather, it highlights the important sphere of “integration”, a step that lies between science and utilization. Integration means the orientation of research toward political and practical problems with the aim to describe and solve them (Integration). By the example of a German case study (activities of the German federal environment agency in waste policy) it will be shown (1) what important integration measures are, and (2) how they lead to science-based policy advice that matters in policy making.  相似文献   

~~“Panda” in the Plant Kingdom——Cycads  相似文献   

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