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Sea turtle by‐catch data in the Mediterranean were reviewed and analysed with fishing effort. The results indicate over 132 000 captures per year, with probably over 44 000 incidental deaths per year, while many others are killed intentionally. Small vessels using set net, demersal longline or pelagic longline represent most of the Mediterranean fleet and likely cause more incidental or intentional deaths than large vessels typically using bottom trawl or pelagic longline. When interactions, mortality, intentional killing, size (a proxy for reproductive value) and turtle populations are considered, results indicate that Mediterranean green (Chelonia mydas) and loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) are more affected (i) by fishing gears such as bottom trawlers, demersal longlines and set nets, (ii) by small‐scale fisheries, and (iii) by fishing in the eastern basin. Although small‐scale fisheries should be the priority target, available measures are easier to implement on the fewer large vessels. Moreover, these measures are few, and they are not implemented yet, while others should still be tested for the Mediterranean fisheries. Thus, measures for reducing captures or mortality through changing gear‐specific characteristics may help, but probably a more holistic conservation strategy aimed to an ecosystem‐based fishery management for a sustainable fishing would be the only solution for the long‐term survival of Mediterranean Sea turtle populations and their habitats. Small‐scale fisheries should manage marine resources, including turtles, in a responsible and sustainable way. Turtles may not only benefit from but can also help this process if their non‐consumptive value is fully recognized.  相似文献   

Fisheries management in the Mediterranean is planned on the basis of fishing effort allocation, gear technical characteristics and minimum landing sizes (MLSs), the latter being a measure recently updated in the EU Mediterranean fisheries policy. Very few elements on the evaluation of the MLS in regard to the catch and landings of the small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean exist and this is due to both the great heterogeneity of the sector and the lack of systematic monitoring. The catch length composition of five species (Merluccius merluccius, Diplodus annularis, Mullus barbatus, Sepia officinalis and Squilla mantis) from a yearly record of small-scale fishing operations in the Patraikos Gulf (w. Greece, e. Mediterranean) was associated with temporal (season), spatial (depth of fishing, substrate type) and fishery (métier) characteristics by means of general linear models. Smaller individuals appeared in the catch in autumn for all five species indicating this season as suitable if a seasonal fishery closure was established. When length was found to be significantly different between different métiers this was either due to smaller mesh sizes (M. barbatus) or due to gear type (M. merluccius). For all species except S. officinalis, depth significantly affected length of individuals in the catch providing in the case of M. merluccius a clear association of bigger individuals with deeper fishing grounds. Substrate types also affected the length for the species D. annularis, M. barbatus. In relation to MLSs, the sizes of Mullus surmuletus and Scomber japonicus were fully legal, M. merluccius, M. barbatus, Solea vulgaris, Trachurus mediterraneus, Pagellus erythrinus had higher than 80% of the catch over MLS, while D. annularis, Diplodus sargus, Sparus aurata and Pagellus acarne had high fractions of the total catch below MLS. The métiers where undersized individuals appear were identified. Further management implications of the findings are discussed taking into account the current management scheme and the discarding practices in the area.  相似文献   

  • 1. Boat surveys aimed at studying short‐beaked common dolphins and common bottlenose dolphins in eastern Ionian Sea coastal waters were conducted between 1993 and 2003. During 835 survey days, 24 771 km of total effort was distributed within an area of 480 km2, resulting in 428 common dolphin and 235 bottlenose dolphin sightings.
  • 2. Individual photo‐identification was performed extensively throughout this study, making it possible to monitor the number of animals seen in the study area each year and their long‐term residency patterns.
  • 3. Common dolphins declined across the study period, from 2.18 encounters/100 km in 1997 to 0.40 encounters/100 km in 2003. In contrast, there was a relatively stable presence of bottlenose dolphins, some individuals showing high levels of site fidelity and others using the area only occasionally.
  • 4. The local decline of common dolphins and the low density of bottlenose dolphins appeared to reflect the general status of these cetacean species in the wider Mediterranean region, where common dolphins were classified as endangered in the IUCN Red List in 2003.
  • 5. Based on the available evidence, we infer that the present unfavourable status of common dolphins in eastern Ionian Sea coastal waters is largely a consequence of prey depletion.
Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对按月采自海州湾至莱州湾的987尾鲻进行了生物学测定,以鳞片作年龄鉴定依据,研究了鲻的年轮形成时期,体长与鳞长的相关、体长与体重的关系及鲻性成熟年龄。  相似文献   

Conservation of apex predators is a key challenge both in marine and terrestrial ecosystems. The white shark is a rare but persistent inhabitant of the Mediterranean Sea and it is currently assessed as “critically endangered” in the region. However, the population trends and dynamics of this species in the area are still unknown. Little is known about white shark distribution, habitat use and population abundance trends, aspects that are critical for conservation and management. In this study, we built the most comprehensive database of white shark occurrence records in the region. We collected 773 different records from different sources and used them to characterize the spatial and temporal patterns of abundance of Mediterranean white sharks between 1860 and 2016. We analysed these data by using generalized additive models and used spatially disaggregated information on human population abundance as a proxy of observation effort. Our results suggest a complex trajectory of population change characterized by a historical increase and a more recent reduction (61%, range 58%–72%) since the second half of the 20th century. In particular, analyses reveal a 52% (range 37%–88%) to 96% (range 92%–100%) overall decline in different Mediterranean sectors and a contraction in spatial distribution. Here, we provide the first reconstruction of abundance trends and offer new hypotheses regarding the drivers of change of white sharks in the Mediterranean. Our approach can be broadly applied to data‐poor contexts to reconstruct change and inform the conservation of endangered top predators in the Mediterranean Sea and other intensely used marine regions.  相似文献   

This study provides for the first time an evaluation of the natural availability of scallop seeds along the coastal area of Taranto (Mediterranean Sea, Southern Italy). To select the best artificial collectors to harvest scallop seeds in this area, cylindrical collectors (Cyl) were compared to traditional ‘Japanese‐style onion bags’ (Bag) across three sites. Scallops represented 26.6% of total bivalve recruitment among all collectors (782 ± 331 ind. m?2). The most recruited scallops were Flexopecten glaber and Mimachlamys varia. The white (F. glaber) and black scallops (M. varia) were abundant at all three sites, while the queen scallop, Aequipecten opercularis, was only found at one site. Beyond the recruitment of scallops, numerous other potential commercial bivalve species were collected, including Limaria tuberculata, which was the most abundant bivalve species (33.3% of total recruitment). At all sites, Bag collectors had higher recruitment than Cyl collectors. Scallops recruited in artificial collectors exhibited a multicohort size distribution at most sites, suggesting potentially continuous reproductive activity in the scallop populations. F. glaber, M. varia and L. tuberculata could be good candidates to diversify the aquaculture production because of the availability of seed and their growth rate. Moreover, the farming of these bivalves integrates well with other forms of aquaculture (e.g. mussels), thus potentially offering farmers an additional source of income.  相似文献   

Identification of the potential habitat of European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) at different life stages in relation to environmental conditions is an interesting subject from both ecological and management points of view. For this purpose, acoustic data from different seasons and different parts of the Mediterranean Sea along with satellite environmental and bathymetry data were modelled using generalized additive models. Similarly, egg distribution data from summer ichthyoplankton surveys were used to model potential spawning habitat. Selected models were used to produce maps presenting the probability of anchovy presence (adults, juveniles and eggs) in the entire Mediterranean basin, as a measure of habitat adequacy. Bottom depth and sea surface chlorophyll concentration were the variables found important in all models. Potential anchovy habitats were located over the continental shelf for all life stages examined. An expansion of the potential habitat from the peak spawning (early summer) to the late spawning season (early autumn) was observed. However, the most suitable areas for the presence of anchovy spawners seem to maintain the same size between seasons. Potential juvenile habitats were associated with highly productive inshore waters, being less extended and closer to coast during winter than late autumn. Potential spawning habitat in June and July based on ichthyoplankton surveys overlapped but were wider in extent compared with adult potential habitat from acoustics in the same season. Similarities and dissimilarities between the anchovy habitats as well as comparisons with sardine habitats in the oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea and other ecosystems with higher productivity are discussed.  相似文献   

  1. In the Recent, brachiopods only seldom occur in benthic communities. A biotope dominated by Megerlia truncata was identified in 2013 by exploration of the south‐easternmost Adriatic margin by Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV).
  2. Emerging rocky substrates next to the shelf break at approximately 120 m appear intensively exploited by this eurybathic rhynchonelliformean brachiopod, attaining a population of more than 300 individuals per m2.
  3. Calcareous red algae are almost ubiquitous at this site and preferentially encrust sectors of the substrate where brachiopods are minimal.
  4. This Megerlia biotope is a novel finding for this part of the Mediterranean Sea, similar to a situation previously observed in the Western Basin, off the Mediterranean French coast.
  5. It is proposed that this remarkable brachiopod biotope and the adjacent rhodolith bed are considered important for conservation management.

东海、黄海大型水母类资源动态及其与渔业关系的初探   总被引:28,自引:6,他引:28  
以 1990~ 2 0 0 3年东海区渔业资源动态监测资料为依据 ,分析了东海北部、黄海南部水母资源的动态及其与渔业产量的关系。结果表明 ,近年来 ,水母数量一直维持很高水平的大型水母为霞水母和口冠水母 ,远高于 2 0世纪 90年代初期的水平 ;这些水母分布在 2 8°30′~ 34°N、江浙沿海至 12 7°E ,以 7~ 9月份的相对资源密度指数为高 ;东、黄海海域水母数量的剧增伴随着渔业资源密度的下降  相似文献   

东海区底拖网渔业资源变动分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
以2000~2005年底拖网渔业资源的常规监测资料为依据,对东海区底拖网渔获物种类组成、主要经济鱼种单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)以及生物学特征进行了分析。结果表明,东海区底拖网渔业资源利用结构正在向低值和低营养层次鱼种转化,主要经济鱼种的CPUE不断下降,生物学特征未见明显好转,而渔获物中幼鱼比例不断上升,渔业资源总体状况仍然存在继续衰退趋势。建议降低目前的海洋捕捞努力量,延长伏季休渔时间,加强渔业资源养护和管理力度等。  相似文献   

Growth of the natural European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis L.) spat from the Mar Menor (Murcia, Spain) was studied in the Mediterranean Sea over 18 months. The oysters were cultured in two types of containers, stackable plastic Galician trays and plastic mesh pots, deployed at a depth of 15 m hung from a long-line. Two size classes of spat were used, Class I spat (initially 53 mm in size and 19 g in weight) and class II spat (initially 31 mm, 4 g). The best results were observed in the class I oysters grown in the trays, which yielded a substantial biomass (24.77 kg m–2), the survival rate was 69% and commercial size (60 mm) was attained by all the oysters within 9 months of the start of the experiment. The observed growth of the class II oysters was poor, attaining a mean of not more than 50 mm and 18 g; the survival rate ranged between 25–74% and only between 8–13% of the class II spat attained commercial size.  相似文献   

The state of demersal fishery in the Southern Adriatic Sea (GFCM-GSA 18, Central Mediterranean), years 1996–2003, from a biological, social and economic point of view was analysed using 47 indicators: 22 biological indicators obtained from fishery-independent data through yearly experimental bottom trawl surveys (“Medits” Programme), and 25 socio-economic indicators estimated from fishery-dependent data, available from the monitoring system of the Italian Institute for Economic Research on Fisheries and Aquaculture (IREPA). Biological indicators were applied for “single-species” (Eledone cirrhosa, E. moschata, Illex coindetti, Merluccius merluccius, Mullus barbatus, Nephrops norvegicus, Parapenaeus longirostris, Raja clavata, Zeus faber) and for “multi-species” analysis. Economic indicators describing economic performance, productivity, costs and prices, and the overall economic sustainability of fishery were estimated. Social indicators and a general indicator summarising social sustainability were also considered. Indicators’ values were displayed using the Traffic Light system. Both fishery-independent and fishery-dependent indicators highlighted a progressive decline of the trawl fishery system in the GSA 18. This decline was mainly related to the ongoing depletion of the traditional fishery target species (mostly long-living, late-maturing species) partially replaced by the increase of traditional accessory species (generally short-living species), as well as to the reduction of productivity and increasing costs. The whole procedure was proposed as a contribution to the identification and applicability of bio-economic indicators for fishery management purposes.  相似文献   

Identification of potential juvenile grounds of short‐lived species such as European sardine (Sardina pilchardus) in relation to the environment is a crucial issue for effective management. In the current work, habitat suitability modelling was applied to acoustic data derived from both the western and eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea. Early summer acoustic data of sardine juveniles were modelled using generalized additive models along with satellite environmental and bathymetry data. Selected models were used to construct maps that exhibit the probability of presence in the study areas, as well as throughout the entire Mediterranean basin, as a measure of habitat adequacy. Areas with high probability of supporting sardine juvenile presence persistently within the study period were identified throughout the Mediterranean Sea. Furthermore, within the study period, a positive relationship was found between suitable habitat extent and the changes in abundance of sardine juveniles in each study area.  相似文献   

东海区太平洋褶柔鱼生殖群体结构特征的季节差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据1997~1999年东海区春、夏、秋3个季节的底拖网资料,分析了东海区太平洋褶柔鱼生殖群体的性别组成、性腺成熟度和初次性成熟胴长等群体结构特征。结果表明:在东海区春、夏、秋三季均存在太平洋褶柔鱼的生殖群体。各季节生殖群体的雌雄比例均不符合1∶1的关系(P<0.05),雌性比例小于雄性。生殖群体中性成熟个体胴长的季节性变化较为明显,雌、雄平均胴长均以秋季最大,夏季最小。雌性个体的平均胴长均显著大于雄性。各季节太平洋褶柔鱼生殖群体中胴长与体重关系的性别差异极显著(P<0.01)。此外,不同季节雌、雄太平洋褶柔鱼的初次性成熟胴长差异较大,雌性为:春季223.4 mm、夏季170.4 mm、秋季202.3 mm;雄性为:春季174.0 mm、夏季164.3 mm、秋季165.3 mm。雄性初次性成熟胴长小于雌性,夏季雌、雄初次成熟胴长均小于春、秋季。依据春季生殖群体的胴长范围、初次性成熟胴长等群体结构特征推测,在东海区可能存在着小规模的春生群。  相似文献   

Ecological modelling tools are applied worldwide to support the ecosystem‐based approach of marine resources (EAM). In the last decades, numerous applications were attempted in the Mediterranean Sea, mainly using the Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) tool. These models were used to analyse a variety of complex environmental problems. Many applications analysed the ecosystem impacts of fishing and assessed management options. Other studies dealt with the accumulation of pollution through the food web, the impact of aquaculture or the ecosystem effects of climate change. They contributed to the scientific aspects of an ecosystem‐based approach in the region because they integrated human activities within an ecosystem context and evaluated their impact on the marine food web, including environmental factors. These studies also gathered a significant amount of information at an ecosystem level. Thus, in the second part of this review, we used this information to quantify structural and functional traits of Mediterranean marine ecosystems at regional scales as the illustration of further potentialities of EwE for an EAM. Results highlighted differential traits between ecosystem types and a few between basins, which illustrate the environmental heterogeneity of the Mediterranean Sea. Moreover, our analysis evidenced the importance of top predators and small pelagic fish in Mediterranean ecosystems, in addition to the structural role of benthos and plankton organisms. The impact of fishing was high and of a similar intensity in the western, central and eastern regions and showed differences between ecosystem types. The keystone role of species was more prominent in protected environments.  相似文献   

近十年来,越南将南海的金枪鱼资源作为其"外向型"渔业的重要支撑,不断增加捕捞强度,产量逐年升高。本文总结了越南发展南海金枪鱼渔业的过程,分析了南海金枪鱼资源的开发趋势。越南现代化的金枪鱼捕捞技术主要来自日本,使用的渔具主要有金枪鱼延绳钓、手钓、刺网和小型围网,捕捞的种类主要为鲣鱼、黄鳍金枪鱼和大眼金枪鱼,主要作业区域在西沙群岛南部海域和南沙群岛海域。越南2009年金枪鱼的产量已达到5.9×104t,计划2015年达到30×104t。根据越南海洋渔业研究所(RIMF)的评估,南海中西部的金枪鱼资源量为66~67×104t,可捕量23.3×104t,其中鲣鱼的可捕量21.6×104t,黄鳍金枪鱼和大眼金枪鱼的可捕量1.7×104t。随着全球金枪鱼捕捞配额的缩减和越南"外向型"渔业经济的发展,越南将继续加强对南海金枪鱼资源的开发。  相似文献   

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