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A 14-month-old intact, female Abyssinian cat was presented for chronic intermittent diarrhea and bilateral enlargement of the mammary glands. Gastrointestinal coccidiosis was diagnosed; therapy with sulfadi-methoxine was unsuccessful in the elimination of Isospora felis and clinical signs. Infection with Tritrichomonas foetus was diagnosed by fecal polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and successfully treated with ronidazole and dietary modification.  相似文献   

Since 1985, 5 cases of feline conjunctival melanoma have been reported in the literature. Information on feline conjunctival melanoma epidemiological features, localizations, macroscopic features and histological features is limited. We are describing the clinical, histopathologic features and outcomes in a cat that presented clinically with a slow developing dark brown mass located under the upper eyelid of the left eye. Pertinent literature is reviewed; and the recognizable clinical features and treatment are discussed. The mass was surgically resected. Despite its size, the lesion was easily separated from underlying tissues, making possible a macroscopic complete resection that left intact the adjacent conjunctiva. The tumour histological examination has showed a pigmented melanoma lacking encapsulation, but presenting a clear zone delimiting the lesion. It was exclusively composed of epithelioid cells, and presented mild cellular anaplasia and weak mitotic activity. These features allowed it to be classified as a quite differentiated melanoma with few signs of potential malignancy. In accordance with these histologic features, no recurrence has been registered 34 months after surgery. Thus, a favorable outcome is now reported for two out of six cases of conjunctival melanoma in the cat. This report also confirms the predilection for this neoplasm to arise from the bulbar conjunctiva.  相似文献   

A case of ectopic pregnancy in a cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Radiography of the abdomen of a Siamese cat revealed an ectopic pregnancy. It is believed that normal pregnancies had taken place after the occurrence of the abdominal pregnancy. Résumé. Une radiographie de l'abdomen d'un chat siamois a révélé une grossesse ectopique. On a pensé que des grossesses normales avaient eu lieu après l'occurrence d'une grossesse abdominale. Zusammenfassung. Radiographie von dem Unterleib einer Siamesischen Katze zeigten eine nichtnormalgelagerte Schwangerschaft. Man vermutet dass normale Schwangerschaften nach diesem Vorfall von Bauchhǒhlenschwangerschaft, stattfanden.  相似文献   

Idiopathic hypoparathyroidism was suspected in a young female cat. The relevant historical and clinical findings were: anorexia, intermittent muscle tremors, hindlimb ataxia, behavioural changes and cataracts. Salient laboratory findings were: hypocalcaemia, hyperphosphataemia and normal renal function (normal serum urea and creatinine concentrations with hypersthenuria). No evidence of intestinal malabsorption, pancreatitis or nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism was found. Treatment with oral synthetic vitamin D (1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol) and intravenous and oral calcium supplements was successful in correcting the hypocalcaemia and abolishing the clinical signs.  相似文献   

A case of otitis media and interna in a domestic cat is described in which granulation tissue extended into the external ear canal. An unusual histological feature was the presence of mucous glands within the granulation tissue. The possible origin of these glands and a differential diagnosis of this condition is discussed.  相似文献   

A case of myasthenia gravis in a cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A case of myasthenia gravis in a cat, the second to be recorded in this species, is described. A good response was obtained to oral administration of 10 mg pyridostigmine daily, preceded by 0–15 mg atropine sulphate to obviate the cholinergic effects. The cat showed no recurrence of muscular weakness 6 months after treatment was terminated. Attention is drawn to a dilation of the oesophagus, which is a feature of the condition in dogs and which was also seen in this feline case. The extent of the dilation differs in the dog and the cat and appears to be dependent upon the anatomical distribution of striated muscle in the oesophagus of the two species.  相似文献   

Primary hyperplastic gastropathy is an uncommon human disease characterized by giant gastric mucosal folds and is associated with a spectrum of histopathological changes. Diagnosis is usually made on radiological and gastroscopic findings followed by full-thickness biopsy of the stomach wall. The aetiology is unknown and symptomatic treatment is usually disappointing. A similar condition has been described in a small number of dogs. A case of hyperplastic gastropathy is reported in a cat and compared with the findings in man and dogs. The cat presented with chronic vomiting and weight loss. Radiological and gastroscopic examinations revealed enlarged gastric rugae. Medical and surgical treatment was unsuccessful and the cat was destroyed. The pathological findings were similar to those described in man.  相似文献   

Abstract  This report describes clinical, histological and post-mortem findings in a cat, that are similar to necrolytic migratory erythema in humans and to metabolic epidermal necrosis in dogs.
Resumen  Este articulo describe los hallazgos clinicos, histopatológicos y post mortem en un gato, similares a Eritema Necrolitico Migratorio en la especie humana y a Necrosis Epidérmica Metabólica en el perro. [Patel, A., Whitbread, J., McNeil. P. A case of metabolic epidermal necrosis in a cat. (Un caso de necrosis epidérmica en un gato.) Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 221–226.]
Résumé  Ce cas décrit les lésions cliniques, histopathologiques et nécropsiques chez un chat, évoquant l'érythème nécrolytique migrant de l'homme et la nécrose épidermique métabolique du chien. [Patel, A., Whitbread, J., McNeil. P. A case of metabolic epidermal necrosis in a cat. (Un cas de nécrose épidermique métabolique chez un chat.) Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 221–226.]
Zusammenfassung  Dieser Bericht beschreibt klinische, histopathologische und Sektionsbefunde bei einer Katze, die dem hekrolytischen migratorischen Erythem beim Menschen und der stoffwechselbedingten epidermalen Nekrose beim Hund ähneln. [Patel, A., Whitbread, J., McNeil. P. A case of metabolic epidermal necrosis in a cat. (Ein Fall von stoffwechselbedingter epidermaler nekrose bei der Katze) Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 221–226.]  相似文献   

A case of spontaneous ataxia accompanied by partial cerebellar hypoplasia in a two month old siamese kitten is described. The cause of cerebellar hypoplasia is unknown but the feline panleucopenia virus is number one to be suspected.  相似文献   

All the poultry in each of four distinct Moroccan villages were vaccinated against Newcastle disease using Hitchner B1 and inactivated vaccines. Poultry in a fifth village were monitored as controls. Mortality in the poultry was followed for 20 weeks after the first vaccination and blood samples were taken every 4 weeks from chickens for estimation of antibodies against Newcastle disease virus. Sixty-three percent of the chicken population and 60% of the turkey population in the control village died during the 20 weeks of observation. Necropsied birds showed lesions consistent with Newcastle disease. Mortality did not exceed 22% in the vaccinated villages.  相似文献   

Congenital ureteral strictures are rare both in human and veterinary medicine. While the diagnosis is generally made after a symptomatic or febrile urinary tract infection, we report here a case in which this condition represented an incidental finding during routine ultrasonography. To the best of the authors' knowledge imaging findings of a double monolateral ureteral stricture have not previously been reported.  相似文献   

A 3-month-old colt foal presented to the Philip Leverhulme Equine Hospital for investigation of progressive neurological signs. Diagnostic investigation included cerebrospinal fluid collection, which was performed under general anaesthesia. During this procedure, severe bradycardia which progressed to asystole occurred. Initial resuscitation was successful; however, the foal had clinical signs consistent with cerebral hypoxia post-resuscitation and was euthanased the following day due to deterioration of neurological function. Asystole was presumed due to a Cushing-type reflex as a result of changes in intracranial pressure during the sampling procedure.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old, female Siamese cat with a long-term history of megestrol acetate treatment for suppression of estrus was presented with vomiting and abdominal pain. Uterine adenomyosis was diagnosed after an ovariohysterectomy.  相似文献   

This report describes the clinical presentation, diagnosis, histological lesions, and prognosis of a primary choroidal malignant melanoma in a 15‐year‐old cat. The animal was presented for unilateral blindness. On ocular examination, a raised pigmented mass protruding from the posterior pole into the vitreous body was observed by diffuse transillumination and indirect ophthalmoscopy. Ocular ultrasound and computer tomography (CT) scan confirmed localization of the tumor to the posterior segment. The diagnosis of primary choroidal melanoma was confirmed by histopathology after enucleation. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of a feline malignant melanoma with a primary choroidal localization without iris involvement.  相似文献   

An ectopic fetus was discovered in an 18-month-old uniparous queen that was admitted for an elective ovariectomy. Six months prior she had delivered three healthy kittens. During the preoperative examination, a mass similar in size to a full-term fetus was detected in the abdominal cavity. Ultrasound examination revealed the mass to be an ectopic fetus in the mid-abdominal region. A mummified fetus was removed by laparotomy. No rupture of the uterine wall was visible, but a small necrotic area was present on the left uterine horn, adjacent to the very proximal portion of the uterine horn. The fetus, which was fully developed and covered by a thin membrane, was carefully dissected. Histological examination did not enable us to definitively prove the extra-uterine development of the fetus; however, the ectopic development of the conceptus secondarily expelled into the peritoneal cavity could be assumed.  相似文献   

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