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The effect of lesion depth on the quality of third carpal bone cartilage repair was examined. A 1-cm diameter articular defect penetrating the calcified cartilage in one limb and the subchondral bone plate in the opposite limb was created in the radial facet of the third carpal bones. Clinical and xeroradiographic examinations were performed every 4 weeks until 4 months (3 horses) and 6 months (3 horses) after surgery. The synovial membrane, non-opposing articular surfaces and articular defects were examined grossly, histologically and histochemically. Grossly, deeper defects contained thicker, whiter tissue, but both joints contained generalised degenerative changes. Defects extending through calcified cartilage were filled deeply by fibrocartilage and superficially by fibrous connective tissue. Defects extending through subchondral bone were consistently filled with hyaline-like cartilage in the depths of the lesion, fibrocartilage in the intermediate layer and fibrous connective tissue superficially. The results indicate that subchondral bone is the source of hyaline-like cartilage repair tissue and suggest that quality of healing of cartilage defects may be improved by penetrating the subchondral bone plate. It also appears that the synovitis associated with the procedure must be controlled before the procedure can be advocated for treatment of clinical cases.  相似文献   

The effects of intra-articular administration of methylprednisolone acetate (MPA) on the healing of full-thickness osteochondral defects and on normal cartilage were evaluated in 8 horses. In group-1 horses (n = 4), a 1-cm-diameter, full-thickness defect was created bilaterally in the articular cartilage on the dorsal distal surface of the radial carpal bone. Cartilage defects were not created in group-2 horses (n = 4). One middle carpal joint was randomly selected in each horse (groups 1 and 2), and treated with an intra-articular injection of 100 mg of MPA, once a week for 4 treatments. Injections began 1 week after surgery in group-1 horses. The contralateral middle carpal joint received intra-articular injections of an equivalent volume of 0.9% sodium chloride solution (SCS), and served as a control. Horses were evaluated for 16 weeks, then were euthanatized, and the middle carpal joints were examined and photographed. Synovial and articular cartilage specimens were obtained for histologic and histochemical evaluation. Gross morphometric evaluation of the healing defects in group-1 horses revealed that 48.6% of the defect in control joints and 0% of the defect in MPA-treated joints was resurfaced with a smooth, white tissue, histologically confirmed as fibrocartilage. This replacement tissue was a firmly attached fibrocartilage in control joints and a thin fibrous tissue in MPA-treated joints. The articular cartilage in joints treated with MPA had morphologic changes, including chondrocyte cluster formation, loss of palisading architecture, and cellular necrosis in both groups of horses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the use of ultrasonography (US) to detect bone healing in uncomplicated diaphyseal fractures of dogs and cats, and to compare these observations with detection of healing by radiography (RG). STUDY DESIGN: Clinical study. ANIMALS: Dogs (33) and cats (11). METHODS: RG and brightness mode US were used to follow uncomplicated secondary fracture healing. Fractures were examined at admission and then every 2-4 weeks until healed or implant removal. Temporal differences in definitive detection of healed fracture by imaging technique were examined by species, patient age, bone, and fracture type. RESULTS: US images obtained during uncomplicated secondary fracture healing were consistent with images of fracture healing described in humans. Mean time to US diagnosis of a healed fracture (mean 46 days) was significantly shorter than by RG (mean 66 days). Mean time until diagnosis of a healed fracture (US and RG) did not differ significantly between open and closed treatment. Patients 36 months (n=11), but there was no significant difference between the latter 2 groups. Diagnosis of a healed simple fracture by US was significantly quicker than for a comminuted fracture (P<.05), but no difference was noted when using RG. CONCLUSIONS: US can be used to evaluate secondary fracture healing in biologically treated fractures in dogs and cats. US permits detection of a healed fracture earlier than RG. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Earlier diagnosis of a healed fracture by US can prevent unnecessarily long limb immobilization and allow earlier dynamization.  相似文献   


AIMS: To objectively compare measures of bone healing, using computed tomography (CT) in dogs following bilateral tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA), between tibiae treated with and without autogenous cancellous bone grafts.

METHODS: Ten dogs with bilateral cranial cruciate ligament disease requiring surgical stabilisation were prospectively recruited to undergo single-session bilateral TTA, with only one, randomly assigned, tibia receiving bone graft in the osteotomy deficit. Bone healing at the osteotomy site was assessed using CT performed 38–70 days post-operatively. CT images were evaluated using both objective measurements of osseous bridging and subjective evaluation by six radiologists. Repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare the objective outcomes between the grafted and non-grafted tibiae.

RESULTS: The mean percentage of the osteotomy deficit bridged at the lateral cortex was greater in grafted (77.6, SD 35.2%) compared to non-grafted (63.0, SD 36.5%) tibiae (p=0.001), but did not differ at the medial cortex (p=0.1). The mean minimum callus width was greater in grafted (7.2, SD 3.3 mm) compared to non-grafted (3.6, SD 2.9 mm) tibiae (p<0.001). There was no difference in mean attenuation (measured in Hounsfield units) of the callus between grafted and non-grafted tibiae (p=0.5). The grafted tibia was deemed to have superior bone healing in 50/60 subjective assessments made by radiologists.

CONCLUSIONS: Superior osseous bridging was detected by CT analysis following TTA using autogenous cancellous bone grafts compared with no graft. This was shown by greater bridging percentage at the lateral cortex and formation of a broader callus. Qualitative assessments made by six radiologists also supported the conclusion that bone healing was improved by use of autogenous cancellous bone graft. CT was a useful method for assessing evidence of bone healing following TTA.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: These findings justify the application of autogenous cancellous bone graft to augment healing following TTA in dogs.  相似文献   

Four full thickness cartilage defects, two linear and two elliptical, and four subchondral cavity defects were created at the point of weightbearing of the medial femoral condyle in four experimental ponies. This study showed that subchondral bone cysts can develop following full thickness (cartilage only) linear cartilage defects at a weightbearing location. Subchondral bone cysts did not develop following the removal of an elliptical piece of cartilage, exposing the subchondral bone. Primary subchondral defects created in communication with the joint cavity did not heal by replacement with bone over a six-month period. Fibrous and cartilaginous repair occurred which appeared to be unrelated to the size or depth of the subchondral defect. Irrespective of the size of the defects, the surrounding bone showed marked woven bone formation with remodelling of existing and newly formed bone. The resulting osteosclerosis indicated a positive balance and a natural limitation of cavity expansion. The positive balance affected only the surrounding bone and did not lead to re-establishment of the bone within the cavity during the period studied.  相似文献   

Using biodegradable pins, sternal cartilage autografts were fixed into osteochondral defects of the distal radial carpal bone in ten 2 to 3-year-old horses. The defects measured 1 cm2 at the surface and were 4 mm deep. Control osteochondral defects of contralateral carpi were not grafted. After confinement for 7 weeks, horses were walked 1 hour daily on a walker for an additional 9 weeks. Horses were euthanatized at 16 weeks. Half of the repair tissue was processed for histologic and histochemical (H&E and safranin-O fast green) examinations. The other half was used for the following biochemical analyses: type-I and type-II collagen contents, total glycosaminoglycan content, and galactosamine-to-glucosamine ratio. On histologic examination, the repair tissue in the grafted defects consisted of hyaline-like cartilage. Repair tissue in the nongrafted defects consisted of fibrocartilaginous tissue, with fibrous tissue in surface layers. On biochemical analysis, repair tissue of grafted defects was composed predominantly of type-II collagen; repair tissue of non-grafted defects was composed of type-I collagen. Total glycosaminoglycan content of repair tissue of grafted defects was similar to that of normal articular cartilage. Total glycosaminoglycan content of nongrafted defects was 62% of that of normal articular cartilage (P less than 0.05). Repair tissue of all defects was characterized by galactosamine-to-glucosamine ratio significantly (P less than 0.05) higher than that of normal articular cartilage. These results at 16 weeks after grafting indicate that sternal cartilage may potentially constitute a suitable substitute for articular cartilage in large osteochondral defects of horses.  相似文献   

A 2-year-old Thoroughbred gelding was evaluated for a grade 3 out of 5 unilateral hind limb lameness. Flexion of the right hock and stifle joints (spavin test) exacerbated the lameness. Response to intra-articular and perineural anaesthesia isolated the source of lameness to the tarsocrural area, despite an absence of tarsocrural joint effusion. Routine radiographic examination of the hock did not reveal any significant abnormalities. Skeletal nuclear scintigraphic evaluation revealed a focal region of increased bone activity in the proximal medial trochlear ridge of the talus. Flexed lateromedial radiographic views identified three discrete semicircular lytic lesions at the proximal articular margin of the medial trochlear ridge of the talus. Conservative management of the lesions was associated with a successful return to racing. The location and appearance of the osteochondral lesions of this report have not been previously reported and may be a manifestation of developmental orthopaedic disease and abnormal endochondral ossification. Nuclear scintigraphy and flexed lateromedial radiographic views facilitated identification of the lesions. This radiographic view is recommended when lameness is isolated to the tarsocrural joint and standard radio-graphic projections fail to identify a cause.  相似文献   

Trochlear arthroplasty was performed on one stifle in each of 18 Greyhounds; their contralateral pelvic limbs and the pelvic limbs of 2 dogs treated with sham surgery were controls. At 2, 4, 8, and 16 weeks, radiography, glycosaminoglycan histochemical analysis, histologic examination, and scanning electron microscopy of the trochlear surface were done. All dogs used the limb and walked without an observable limp within 2 weeks after surgery. Radiography at euthanasia did not reveal degenerative changes. Well-vascularized, highly cellular, loose fibrous connective tissue was reorganized with time into a dense fibrous connective tissue covering the entire wound. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the replacement tissue surface was rough, torn, and debris-covered. Differential histologic staining established that change to fibrocartilage had begun deep within the replacement tissue. Histochemical analyses corroborated those observations.  相似文献   

Five cats with large, distal extremity abrasion wounds were treated with an autogenous, full-thickness, mesh skin graft. Survival of the mesh grafts in all five cats was considered between 90 and 100%. Successful grafting requires asepsis, an adequately prepared recipient bed consisting of healthy granulation tissue, proper harvesting and preparation of the graft, meticulous surgical technique and strict postoperative care. Factors that are essential for the survival of skin grafts include good contact between the graft and the recipient bed, normal tension on the sutured graft, strict immobilization after grafting and prevention of accumulation of blood or serum under the graft. Meshing the graft provides more graft flexibility over uneven surfaces and allows adequate drainage. In contrast to previous proposals, the authors recommend no bandage change before the fourth day after grafting. Full-thickness mesh skin grafting can be used to successfully treat large distal skin wounds in cats.  相似文献   

A standardized cortical defect was created on the caudal cortex of the proximal portion of each ulna in 5 adult mixed-breed dogs. One gram of autogenous cancellous bone graft (ACBG) was obtained from the greater tubercle of the ipsilateral humerus. The cortical defect in the ulna of 1 limb was filled with 1 g of ACBG that had been compressed with 2-MPa pressure for 30 seconds. One gram of noncompressed ACBG was placed into the contralateral ulnar cortical defect. The compressed and noncompressed ACBG recipient sites were radiographed at weekly intervals. Dogs were euthanatized 8 weeks after surgery, and the ACBG recipient sites were harvested for histomorphometric analysis. Optical densitometry was performed on all radiographs. There was no significant difference between compressed and noncompressed ACBG with optical densitometry or histomorphometric analysis for total bone area. We concluded that there was no difference in osteogenic capability between compressed and noncompressed ACBG of equal mass.  相似文献   

The effects of 4 skin grafting techniques and graft survival on the secondary contraction of full-thickness skin grafts were evaluated. A total of 48 skin grafts were done on 12 dogs, with 2 skin grafts placed on both sides of the thorax of each dog. The grafting techniques included the sheet graft, sheet graft with continuous low-level suction provided by a butterfly catheter and evacuated glass tube, pie-crust graft, and nonexpanded mesh graft. Graft viability was assessed by visual inspection 10 days after surgical operation. Thirty skin grafts (64%) had a viability of 90% or greater. The final area of these grafts ranged from 73% to 119% of the original area. The secondary graft contraction followed a similar pattern for all graft types. During the first 10 days after surgical operation, the grafts contracted to 83% of their original area. Enlargement of the grafts began between 10 and 21 days after surgical operation. By 12 weeks, the grafts had attained a mean value of 96% of the original area. A significant difference in final area was not observed among graft types. Grafts with a high percentage of viability generally contracted less than those with larger areas of necrosis, but statistical relationship between viability and degree of contraction could not be proven. The results of the present study indicate that full-thickness skin grafts may be successfully done in dogs and that the grafts can be expected to undergo minimal postoperative contraction when graft survival is nearly complete.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of using a porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS) graft covered by a conjunctival flap for the surgical repair of full-thickness corneal wounds in dogs, cats and horses. PROCEDURE: All records dating from August 1999 to February 2003 from Purdue University Veterinary Teaching Hospital of patients that had undergone ophthalmic surgical procedures and received a SIS corneal graft for a full-thickness lesion were reviewed. Fifteen cases were identified including six dogs, two cats and seven horses. Requirements for inclusion in this study were that SIS was used as a corneal graft in a full-thickness corneal defect and that the graft was completely covered with a conjunctival flap. RESULTS: Of the 15 cases, one canine patient had received SIS following removal of an epibulbar melanocytoma. The remaining five canine patients had undergone this surgical procedure for the repair of corneal perforation. The two feline patients had been presented for corneal perforation following chronic ulceration. One equine patient had been presented for a deep melting ulcer, three for stromal corneal abscesses, and three for corneal perforations. Complications encountered postoperatively included aqueous leakage, conjunctival flap dehiscence, synechia, cataract and fibrin in the anterior chamber. Fourteen out of 15 patients were visual at the final re-evaluation. CONCLUSION: SIS is an inexpensive, easy-to-handle biomaterial that appears to be suitable for the repair of full-thickness corneal wounds in dogs, cats and horses. Results of our study support the conclusion that this relatively new product is an effective alternative to traditional implantation materials utilized in veterinary ophthalmology.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the radiographic methods that best predict the development of osteoarthritis in the hip joints of a cohort of dogs with hip dysplasia and unaffected dogs. ANIMALS: 205 Labrador Retrievers, Greyhounds, and Labrador Retriever-Greyhound crossbred dogs. PROCEDURE: Pelvic radiography was performed when the dogs were 8 months old. Ventrodorsal extended-hip, distraction, and dorsolateral subluxation (DLS) radiographs were obtained. An Orthopedic Foundation for Animals-like hip score, distraction index, dorsolateral subluxation score, and Norberg angle were derived from examination of radiographs. Osteoarthritis was diagnosed at the time of necropsy in dogs > or = 8 months of age on the basis of detection of articular cartilage lesions. Multiple logistic regression was used to determine the radiographic technique or techniques that best predicted development of osteoarthritis. RESULTS: A combination of 2 radiographic methods was better than any single method in predicting a cartilage lesion or a normal joint, but adding a third radiographic method did not improve that prediction. A combination of the DLS score and Norberg angle best predicted osteoarthritis of the hip joint or an unaffected hip joint. All models that excluded the DLS score were inferior to those that included it. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A combination of the DLS score and Norberg angle was the best predictor of radiographic measures in 8-month-old dogs to determine whether a dog would have normal or osteoarthritic hip joints.  相似文献   

Four autogenous osteochondral fragments removed from the lateral trochlear ridge of the talus were arthroscopically placed as loose bodies in a randomly selected middle carpal joint in each of 10 horses. The contralateral middle carpal joint, subjected to a sham procedure, served as control. Postoperative treatment was consistent with that for clinical arthroscopic patients. Lameness evaluation, radiographic examination, carpal circumference measurement, and synovial fluid analysis were performed before and at scheduled intervals after surgery. After a 2-month confinement, horses were subjected to an increasing level of exercise. Horses were euthanatized at intervals through 6 months. Gross and microscopic evaluations were performed on remaining fragments, articular cartilage, and synovial membrane of each middle carpal joint. Increased joint circumference, effusion, lameness, and degenerative joint disease distinguished implanted from control joints over the 6-month period. Implanted joints were characterized by grooved, excoriated cartilage surfaces, and synovium that was thick, erythematous, and irregular. At 4 weeks, implants were found to have adhered to synovium at their subchondral bone surface. The bone within fragments was undergoing necrosis, while cartilage was preserved. At 8 weeks, fragments were radiographically inapparent, grossly evident as pale plaques on the synovial surface, and composed of dense fibrous connective tissue. Synovial membrane specimens from implanted joints had inflammatory change characterized by mononuclear cell infiltration 2 months after implantation. Physical damage was apparent within articular cartilage of implanted joints at 2 months, and was significant (P less than 0.05) at 6 months after surgery. Chondrocyte degenerative change was significant (P less than 0.05) at 6 months after surgery. Focal reduction in safranin-O uptake was observed in cartilage layers adjacent to physical defects. Osteochondral loose bodies of the size implanted in the middle carpal joint of horses in this study were resorbed by the synovium within 2 months. Synovitis and significant articular cartilage damage were associated with the implanted fragments. Regardless of origin, free osteochondral fragments within the middle carpal joint should be removed, and methods to prevent residual postoperative debris should be implemented to reduce potential for articular pathologic change.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: No quantitative data currently exist on the relationship of the occurrence of cartilage degeneration and changes in site-specific biomechanical properties in the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint in the horse. OBJECTIVES: To gain insight into the biomechanical consequences of cartilage deterioration at 2 differently loaded sites on the proximal articular surface of the proximal phalanx (P1). HYPOTHESIS: Static and dynamic stiffness of articular cartilage decreases significantly in degenerated cartilage. METHODS: Cartilage degeneration index (CDI) values were measured at the lateral dorsal margin (Site 1), lateral central fovea (Site 2) and entire joint surface of P1 (CDIP1) in 30 horses. Group 1 contained joints without (CDIP1 values <25 %, n = 22) and Group 2 joints with (CDIP1 values >25 %, n = 8) signs of cartilage degeneration. Cartilage thickness at Sites 1 and 2 was measured using ultrasonic and needle-probe techniques. Osteochondral plugs were drilled out from Sites 1 and 2 and subsequently tested biomechanically in indentation geometry. Young's modulus at equilibrium and dynamic modulus were determined. RESULTS: Cartilage thickness values were not significantly different between the 2 groups and sites. Young's modulus at Site 1 was significantly higher in Group 1 than in Group 2; at Site 2, the difference was not significant. Dynamic modulus values were significantly higher in Group 1 than in Group 2 at both sites. CONCLUSIONS: Degenerative cartilage changes are clearly related to loss of stiffness of the tissue. Absolute changes in cartilage integrity in terms of CDI are greatest at the joint margin, but concomitant changes are also present at the centre, with a comparable decrease of the biomechanical moduli at the 2 sites. Therefore, significant cartilage degradation at the joint margin not only reflects local deterioration of biomechanical properties, but is also indicative of the functional quality in the centre. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: These findings may be important for improving prognostication and developing preventative measures.  相似文献   

Full-thickness, circular (4-cm diameter) cutaneous wounds were created on the metacarpi and metatarsi of 6 horses. Immediately after wounding, 1 wound on each horse received a meshed, split-thickness skin graft (0.64 mm) obtained from the ventrolateral aspect of the horse's thorax by use of a pneumatic dermatome, whereas a second wound received a meshed, full-thickness skin graft obtained from the pectoral area. In addition, sections of split-thickness and full-thickness grafts were refrigerated in a solution of McCoy's 5A medium, to which equine serum (10%) and gentamicin sulfate solution (16 mg/dl) were added. Ten days after wounding, 1 granulating wound on each horse was grafted with a stored, meshed, split-thickness graft, and 1 granulating wound on each horse was grafted with a stored, meshed, full-thickness graft. Areas of wounds were calculated from photographs taken of wounds on days 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 after wounding. Time course of contraction was determined by use of a first-order mathematic model of changes in area through time. Rate constants of contraction for fresh or granulating wounds receiving full-thickness grafts did not differ significantly from those for fresh or granulating wounds receiving split-thickness grafts. Rate constants of contraction for grafted fresh wounds, however, were significantly less than those of grafted granulating wounds, regardless of whether a split-thickness or full-thickness graft was applied.  相似文献   

Objective— To compare short‐ and long‐term outcome and complications of chest wall reconstruction in dogs using autogenous, prosthetic, and composite autogenous–prosthetic techniques. Study Design— Historical cohort. Animals— Dogs (n=44) with spontaneous tumors arising from or involving the chest wall. Methods— Medical records were reviewed for dogs with rib and/or sternal tumors treated by chest wall resection and reconstruction. Signalment, preoperative clinical features, intraoperative findings and complications, reconstruction technique (autogenous muscle flap, prosthetic mesh, or composite autogenous–prosthetic technique), and short‐ (≤14 days) and long‐term (>14 days) postoperative complications were determined from the medical records and telephone contact with owners and referring veterinarians. Associations between chest wall reconstruction technique and postoperative complications were tested with Cox proportional hazards. Results— Chest wall defects were reconstructed with autogenous muscle flaps (29 dogs), prosthetic mesh (3), and a composite technique of prosthetic mesh and either autogenous muscle or omental pedicle flap (12). Early postoperative complications were recorded in 8 dogs (18.2%) and included seroma (5) and pleural effusion and peripheral edema (3). One dog had a late complication (2.3%) with a mesh‐related infection 767 days postoperatively. Overall, complications occurred in 10.3% of autogenous, 25.0% of composite, and 66.7% of prosthetic reconstructions. Chest wall reconstruction with Marlex mesh alone was associated with a significantly increased risk of postoperative complications compared with autogenous reconstruction (P=.027). Reconstruction of sternal defects (3), 2 of which were performed with Marlex mesh alone, was associated with a significantly increased risk of complications compared with lateral chest wall reconstructions (P=.037). Conclusions— Large chest wall defects can be reconstructed with autogenous and composite techniques, but prosthetic mesh should be covered with well‐vascularized autogenous muscle or omentum to decrease the risk of postoperative complications. Sternal defects should be reconstructed with rigid techniques. Clinical Relevance— Chest wall reconstruction with autogenous muscle flaps or a combination of autogenous techniques with prosthetic mesh is associated with a low rate of infection and other complications.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare articular cartilage from horses with naturally developing osteochondrosis (OC) with normal articular cartilage and healing cartilage obtained from horses with experimentally induced osteochondral fractures. SAMPLE POPULATION: 109 specimens of articular cartilage from 78 horses. PROCEDURE: Morphologic characteristics, proteoglycan (PG), and type II collagen were analyzed in articular cartilage of OC specimens (group 1), matched healing cartilage obtained 40 days after experimentally induced osteochondral fractures (group 2), and matched normal cartilage from the same sites (group 3). RESULTS: 79 specimens of OC cartilage were obtained from horses. Ex vivo PG synthesis was significantly greater in the femoral cartilage, compared with synthesis in the tibial cartilage, and significantly greater for groups 1 and 2, compared with group 3. For groups 1 and 2, femoral fragments had significantly greater PG content, compared with PG content in tibial fragments. Keratan sulfate content was significantly less in group 3, compared with groups 1 and 2. Cartilage from the OC specimens had loss of structural architecture. The OC tissue bed stained positive for chondroitin sulfate and type II collagen, but the fracture bed did not. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Our analyses could not distinguish articular cartilage from horses with OC and a healing fracture. Both resembled an anabolic, reparative process. Immunohistochemical analysis suggested a chondromyxoid tissue in the OC bed that was morphologically similar to fibrous tissue but phenotypically resembled hyaline cartilage. Thus, tissue in the OC bed may be degenerative cartilage, whereas tissue in the fracture bed may be reparative fibrous callus.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was made of 335 dogs with elbow osteochondrosis that had been seen at the Royal Veterinary College in 1977 to 1987. The most commonly affected breeds were the labrador, retriever and rottweiler. Males were affected more often than females. The condition was bilateral in 50 per cent of cases and the peak age for the onset of lameness was four to six months. In rottweilers, the lesions found at exploratory arthrotomy were predominantly abnormalities of the coronoid process, while in retrievers and labradors lesions most commonly affected the medial humeral condyle or the coronoid process. A scoring system for grading the standard projection (lateral and postero-anterior) radiographs was devised and the score was correlated with the lesion found at surgery. Some cases were reviewed radiographically and any alteration in the degree of periarticular arthrosis, seen as an increase in radiographic score, was noted. The exact extent of the lesion found at surgery was recorded diagrammatically in 65 cases. It did not prove possible to predict from the radiographic score the nature and extent of the lesion and no correlation could be found between the radiographic score [and clinical degree of lameness. The scoring system did have some merit for reviewing cases because an increase in score indicated the extent to which joint changes had advanced.  相似文献   

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