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The fate of applied N in soil and its relative uptake by black pepper vine and erythrina tree on which the vine was trailed, were determined using 15N-labelled urea. Rapid depletion of 15N from 0-50 cm root zone was noticed due to heavy leaching during rains. The isotope content of the soil fell below the detection limit within one month of urea application. Both the vine and support tree absorbed N from the labelled fertilizer applied to the soil basin of the vine. Fertilizer use efficiency in black pepper vine was very low, in the range of 6 to 12%. On the other hand, the contribution of applied urea towards N uptake by erythrina support tree was 24 to 40%. Poor utilization of the applied N by the vine was, besides leaching of the nutrient, due to the severe root competition from the support tree. The overall utilization of the applied N was 51.4% by the vine and tree put together when N was applied at the rate of 25 g plant–1 and 31.0% for the dose of 50 g N plant–1.  相似文献   

Summary A water-soluble lignin-carbohydrate complex (LCC) isolated from beech (Fagus crenata) MWL was investigated. Results from gelfiltration chromatography and the infrared spectrum of the LCC treated with alkali under mild conditions indicated that the LCC contained alkali-labile bonds. Decrease of uronic acid content and the detection of 4-O-methylglucose in the sodium borohydride-reduced LCC suggested the presence of an ester linkage between lignin and glucuronic acid in the glucuronoxylan. Conductometric titration also indicated the existence of glucuronic acid ester linked to lignin. From these results, it is concluded that the LCC contained an ester linkage between lignin and glucuronoxylan and that about one-third of the glucuronic acid present in the LCC was involved in this ester linkage.  相似文献   

We investigated the mortality of post-dispersal seeds and current-year seedlings of a beech species (Fagus crenata Blume) at the northernmost extent of its geographical range at Utasai (Kuromatsunai), Hokkaido, Japan. Introduced seeds that were protected from rodent predation by wire cages had a higher survival rate from winter to the following spring (mean ± SD: 84 ± 16.7%,n = 10) than controls without cages (mean ± SD: 12 ± 17.9%,n = 10). Unprotected transplanted current-year seedlings with almost fully opened primary leaves never survived more than three days (0%,n = 30), while more than 80% (n = 30) of seedlings within cages survived to the end of the growing season. These results indicate that rodent herbivory is a major mortality factor that strongly prevents the establishment of beech seedlings. In a natural population, we observed that 90% of seedlings (n = 197) disappeared within 10 days after their emergence and rodent herbivory caused this heavy mortality. A herbivorous rodent, the gray-backed vole,Clethrionomys rufocanus bedfordiae, was remarkably abundant in late June (101.5 voles/ha), suggesting that this species strongly affects the formation of the seedling bank. The presence ofC. rufocanus bedfordiae may be one of the reasons for the scarcity of beech seedlings and saplings and the rarity of recruitment in this northernmost beech forest.  相似文献   

During the summers (July and August) of 2002-2005, we measured interannual variation in maximum carboxylation rate (V(cmax)) within a Fagus crenata Blume crown in relation to climate variables such as air temperature, daytime vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and daily photosynthetic photon flux, leaf nitrogen per unit area (N(a)) and leaf mass per unit area (LMA). Climatic conditions in the summers of 2002-2004 differed markedly, with warm and dry atmospheric conditions in 2002, cool, humid and cloudy conditions in 2003, and warm clear conditions in 2004. Conditions in summer 2005 were intermediate between those of summers 2002 and 2003, and similar to recent (8-year) means. In July, marked interannual variation in V(cmax) was mainly observed in leaves in the high-light environment (relative photon flux > 50%) within the crown. At the crown top, V(cmax) was about twofold higher in 2002 than in 2003, and V(cmax) values in 2004 and 2005 were intermediate between those in 2002 and 2003. In August, although interannual variation in V(cmax) among the years 2003, 2004 and 2005 was less, marked variation between 2002 and the other study years was evident. Multiple regression analysis of V(cmax) against the climate variables revealed that VPD of the previous 10-30 days had a significant influence on variability in V(cmax). Neither N(a), LMA nor leaf CO(2) conductance from the stomata to the carboxylation site explained the variability in V(cmax). Our results indicate that the long-term climatic response of V(cmax) should be considered when estimating forest carbon gain across the year.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic induction responses to abrupt increases in photon flux density (PFD) to 800 and 1500 &mgr;mol m(-2) s(-1) from either darkness or 100 &mgr;mol m(-2) s(-1) were examined in situ in leaves of Fagus crenata Blume, Daphniphyllum humile Maxim., and Acer rufinerve Siebold & Zucc. growing in a gap and the understory of an F. crenata forest. Among the species studied, F. crenata exhibited the highest assimilation rate (A(100)), stomatal conductance (g(s100)) at the background PFD of 100 &mgr;mol m(-2) s(-1), and A(100)/A(max) (A(max) = maximum assimilation rate), in both the gap and the understory. Time required for full induction depended on both background PFD and maximum PFD. The induction period was 2-4-fold shorter at a background PFD of 100 &mgr;mol m(-2) s(-1) than in darkness. For the three understory species, time required to full induction was 2-3-fold longer when irradiance was increased from darkness to 800 &mgr;mol m(-2) s(-1) than when irradiance was increased from darkness to 1500 &mgr;mol m(-2) s(-1). Acer rufinerve showed higher initial stomatal conductance (g(s0)) and a shorter induction period in the understory than in the gap. Fagus crenata exhibited a similar g(s0) and induction period in both habitats. Daphniphyllum humile demonstrated lower g(s0) and a longer induction period in the understory than in the gap. These findings indicate that initial stomatal conductance is closely correlated with the photosynthetic induction response. We conclude that the photosynthetic induction response is affected by the light conditions experienced by plants before the sudden increase in irradiance and by the extent of the increase in irradiance.  相似文献   

Regions believed to be refugia are known to have lineages indigenous to the regions. The Izu Peninsula, where genus Fagus existed during the last glacial period, was focused on to survey chloroplast DNA of Japanese beech (Fagus crenata Blume) that grew there. DNA sequence analysis of chloroplast genome regions of about 14 kb revealed two new haplotypes, O and E-1, in F. crenata populations in the Izu Peninsula and adjacent regions. Both haplotypes were conceivably derived from haplotype E. The result of the genetic analysis in this study in combination with the result of pollen analyses performed in the past clearly showed that refugia for F. crenata existed in the Izu Peninsula, and that F. crenata now in growth are lineages indigenous to the region.  相似文献   

Regeneration of beech (Fagus crenata) forests depends on the formation of canopy gaps. However, in Japan Sea-type beech forests, a dwarf bamboo (Sasa kurilensis) conspicuously occupies sunny gaps. Therefore,F. crenata seedlings must escape the severe interference ofS. kurilensis in the gaps and persist beneath a closed canopy of the beech forest. We hypothesized that the growth ofF. crenata seedlings in the understory would be favored by their being more plastic thanS. kurilensis in photosynthetic and morphological traits, which would support the matter production ofF. crenata seedlings in a wide range of light availabilities. To examine this hypothesis, the photosynthetic-light response of individual leaves and the biomass allocation in aboveground parts (i.e., the culm/foliage ratio) were surveyed at sites with contrasting light availabilities in a Japan Sea-type beech forest in central Japan. InF. crenata, photosynthetic light utilization efficiency at relatively low light was greater, and the dark respiration rate was smaller in the leaves of seedlings (10 cm in height) beneath the closed canopy than in the leaves of saplings at the sunny forest edge. The culm/foliage (C/F) ratio of theF. crenata seedlings at the shady site was small, suggesting effective matter-production beneath the beech canopy. On the other hand,S. kurilensis both in the gap and beneath the beech canopy showed low plasticity in photosynthesis and the culm/foliage ratio. Because the shoot density ofS. kurilensis was smaller beneath the beech canopy than in the gap, the light availability at the bottom of theS. kurilensis layer was greater beneath the beech canopy. These results suggest that the photosynthetic productivity of theF. crenata seedlings would be enough for the seedlings to survive in the understory with a low density ofS. kurilensis shoots beneath the closed beech canopy.  相似文献   

The cultivation of ornamentals to produce woody floral products—the fresh or dried stems that are used for decorative purposes—may be an attractive option for southeastern landowners looking to generate income from small landholdings. Since many shrubs native to the understory of the longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) ecosystem have market potential, one possibility is the intercropping of select species in the between-row spacing of young longleaf pine plantations. The objective of this study was to evaluate how interspecific competition affects the fate of 15N fertilizer when American beautyberry (Callicarpa americana L.), wax myrtle (Morella cerifera (L.) Small) and inkberry (Ilex glabra (L.) A.Gray) are intercropped with longleaf pine. Nitrogen derived from fertilizer (NDF), utilization of fertilizer N (UFN) and recovery of fertilizer N (RFNsoil) were compared between agroforestry and monoculture (treeless) treatments to assess the effects of competition. Results varied by species, with NDF being higher for C. americana foliage and lower for all M. cerifera tissues in the agroforestry treatment. No effect was observed for I. glabra. UFN was lower for all species in the agroforestry treatment. RFNsoil was higher in the agroforestry treatment for I. glabra, but no treatment effects were observed for C. americana or M. cerifera. Overall, while it is clear that interspecific competition was present in the agroforestry treatment, the inefficiency of fertilizer use suggests that nitrogen was not the most limiting resource. Management interventions, particularly those that address competition for water, will likely be critical to the success of this system.  相似文献   

The temporal distribution of soil nutrients is heterogeneous, and thus the uptake, storage and later remobilization of brief nutrient pulses may be critical for growth in nutrient-limited habitats. We investigated the response of photosynthesis and the major nitrogen (N) fractions in needles of 2-year-old Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) seedlings to a 15-day nutrient pulse (containing 250 ppm N). The nutrient pulse (N pulse) was imposed in late July, toward the end of the seedlings' third growing season, and subsequent changes in photosynthesis and needle N fractions were examined over the following 3 months. Needles are sites of photosynthesis and putative storage organs. Thus we tested two hypotheses: (1) N from the N pulse is quickly synthesized from soluble non-protein N into soluble proteins, especially Rubisco, and (2) the N pulse increases photosynthetic rates and thus growth. We also examined an alternative hypothesis that Rubisco functions also as a storage protein, in which case we would predict increases in amount of Rubisco in response to the N pulse without concomitant increases in photosynthesis. Soluble non-protein N was the most dynamic N pool and may have constituted a temporary storage reservoir; however, the quantitative significance of soluble non-protein N is questionable because this pool was at most only 7% of total N. Concentrations of Rubisco were unaffected by the N-pulse treatment and there was little evidence that Rubisco served as a storage protein. Nutrient-pulse seedlings added twice as much dry mass as controls during the 3 months post-treatment (Warren et al. 2003a). Over the same period, the maximum rate of light-saturated photosynthesis (A(max)) declined to low rates in control seedlings, whereas A(max) increased in N-pulse seedlings. Nevertheless, treatment and temporal trends in N and Rubisco content per unit area were poorly related to A(max), and it seems likely that photosynthesis was limited by additional factors, perhaps thylakoid proteins or an inadequate supply of other nutrients.  相似文献   

Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) seedlings were grown for 3 or 4 months (second- and third-flush stages) in greenhouses at two atmospheric CO2 concentrations ([CO2]) (350 or 700 micromol mol(-1)) and two nitrogen fertilization regimes (6.1 or 0.61 mmol N l(-1) nutrient solution). Combined effects of [CO2] and nitrogen fertilization on partitioning of newly acquired carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) were assessed by dual 13C and 15N short-term labeling of seedlings at the second- or third-flush stage of development. In the low-N treatment, root growth, but not shoot growth, was stimulated by elevated [CO2], with the result that shoot/root biomass ratio declined. At the second-flush stage, overall seedling biomass growth was increased (13%) by elevated [CO2] regardless of N fertilization. At the third-flush stage, elevated [CO2] increased growth sharply (139%) in the high-N but not the low-N treatment. Root/shoot biomass ratios were threefold higher in the low-N treatment relative to the high-N treatment. At the second-flush stage, leaf area was 45-51% greater in the high-N treatment than in the low-N treatment. At the-third flush stage, there was a positive interaction between the effects of N fertilization and [CO2] on leaf area, which was 93% greater in the high-N/elevated [CO2] treatment than in the low-N/ambient [CO2] treatment. Specific leaf area was reduced (17-25%) by elevated [CO2], whereas C and N concentrations of seedlings increased significantly in response to either elevated [CO2] or high-N fertilization. At the third-flush stage, acquisition of C and N per unit dry mass of leaf and fine root was 51 and 77% greater, respectively, in the elevated [CO2]/high-N fertilization treatment than in the ambient [CO2]/low-N fertilization treatment. However, there was dilution of leaf N in response to elevated [CO2]. Partitioning of newly acquired C and N between shoot and roots was altered by N fertilization but not [CO2]. More newly acquired C and N were partitioned to roots in the low-N treatment than in the high-N treatment.  相似文献   

Influence of plant internal nitrogen (N) stocks on carbon (C) and N uptake and allocation in 3-year-old beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) was studied in two 15N- and 13C-labeling experiments. In the first experiment, trees were grown in sand and received either no N nutrition (-N treatment) or 4 mM unlabeled N (+N treatment) for 1 year. The -N- and +N-pretreated trees were then supplied with 4 mM 15N and grown in a 13CO2 atmosphere for 24 weeks. In the second experiment, trees were pretreated with 4 mM 15N for 1 year and then supplied with unlabeled N for 24 weeks and the remobilization of stored 15N was monitored. On the whole-plant level, uptake of new C was significantly reduced in -N-pretreated trees; however, partitioning of new C was not altered, although there was a trend toward increased belowground respiration. The amount of N taken up was not influenced by N nutrition in the previous year. In +N-pretreated trees, partitioning of new N was dominated by the fine roots (59.7% at Week 12), whereas in -N-pretreated trees, partitioning of new N favored stem, coarse roots and fine roots (24, 21 and 31.9%, respectively, at Week 12), indicating the formation of N stores. The contribution of previous-year N to leaf N was about 15%. The N remobilized for leaf formation had been stored in stem and coarse roots. We conclude that, within a growing season, the growth of beech is strongly determined by the availability of tree internal N stores, whereas the current N supply is of less importance.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of two fertilization treatments (N and NPKCa) on wood nitrogen (N) isotope composition (delta(15)N), water-use efficiency (WUE) estimated by carbon isotope composition (delta(13)C) analyses, and ring width of trees in 80-year-old beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stands in the forest of Fougères, western France. Four replicates were fertilized in two successive years (1973 and 1974), 20 years before core sampling. Unfertilized control trees displayed a decreasing delta(15)N trend with time. The N and NPKCa treatments both increased delta(15)N compared with the control treatment. Wood extraction by organic solvents enhanced the delta(15)N signal. Thus, N addition to the beech ecosystem, even in moderate amounts, could be traced back in tree-ring delta(15)N, suggesting that wood N isotope analysis is a promising tool for studying the long-term effects of N deposition on forests. Although WUE decreased for about 6 years after N fertilization, WUE in NPKCa-treated trees did not differ significantly from that in control trees. Results were similar whether based on cellulose or total wood delta(13)C analysis, suggesting that extraction of cellulose is not necessary when studying fertilization impacts on WUE. The NPKCa treatment had a large impact on radial growth, causing a significant long-lasting increase of 29% compared with the control treatment. Nitrogen alone did not change radial growth significantly.  相似文献   

本文对ABT植物生长调节剂在云南松种子飞播造林试验应用中表明,种子萌芽期可提前7天,苗全期提前8天,而且种子出苗整齐,根系发达,同时由于种子发芽期提前,减少了鸟、鼠、危害种子时间。  相似文献   

Prescribed fire is used in the Sudanian savanna-woodland of West Africa as a forest management tool. An experiment was carried out to assess the effects of season of burning, and different vertical probe positions on maximum fire temperature and temperature residence time above 60°C which is considered lethal for plant tissues. Seasons of burning considered were: an early season fire set at the beginning of the dry season (beginning of December), mid-season fire set at the peak of the dry season (mid-January), and a late season fire at the end of the dry season (end of March). The effects of these fires on the germination of buried seeds of three socio-economically valuable tree species were also examined. Results indicated significant differences in maximum fire temperature and residence time with respect to season of burning and vertical probe position (p < 0.001). The highest and longest lasting temperatures were observed at 20 cm above ground during early fire and at the soil surface during mid-season and late fires. This, in turn, affected germination responses of seeds buried at different soil depths. Implications of these findings in the current management practices are discussed.  相似文献   

Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco (Douglas-fir) seedlings were grown in a 2 x 2 factorial design in enclosed mesocosms at ambient temperature or 3.5 degrees C above ambient, and at ambient CO2 concentration ([CO2]) or 179 ppm above ambient. Two additional mesocosms were maintained as open controls. We measured the extent of mycorrhizal infection, foliar nitrogen (N) concentrations on both a weight basis (%N) and area basis (Narea), and foliar delta15N signatures (15N/14N ratios) from summer 1993 through summer 1997. Mycorrhizal fungi had colonized nearly all root tips across all treatments by spring 1994. Elevated [CO2] lowered foliar %N but did not affect N(area), whereas elevated temperature increased both foliar %N and Narea. Foliar delta15N was initially -1 per thousand and dropped by the final harvest to between -4 and -5 per thousand in the enclosed mesocosms, probably because of transfer of isotopically depleted N from mycorrhizal fungi. Based on the similarity in foliar delta15N among treatments, we conclude that mycorrhizal fungi had similar N allocation patterns across CO2 and temperature treatments. We combined isotopic and Narea data for 1993-94 to calculate fluxes of N for second- and third-year needles. Yearly N influxes were higher in second-year needles than in third-year needles (about 160 and 50% of initial leaf N, respectively), indicating greater sink strength in the younger needles. Influxes of N in second-year needles increased in response to elevated temperature, suggesting increased N supply from soil relative to plant N demands. In the elevated temperature treatments, N effluxes from third-year needles were higher in seedlings in elevated [CO2] than in ambient [CO2], probably because of increased N allocation below ground. We conclude that N allocation patterns shifted in response to the elevated temperature and [CO2] treatments in the seedlings but not in their fungal symbionts.  相似文献   

The sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) is a widely distributed and destructive agricultural pest on various host plants. The biology of two biotypes of B. tabaci: the invasive B and a new defined Cv biotype, on a range of host plants (hibiscus, laurel, poinsettia, collard, cucumber and tomato) were studied in the laboratory. Results revealed that the developmental periods of the B biotype immatures were not significantly different on the tested host plants except those between laurel and collard. The Cv biotype immatures developed significantly slower on cucumber and tomato than on the other plants. B. tabaci B biotype had the highest survivorship on collard (68.55%), and the lowest on laurel (33.24%), while the Cv biotype had the highest and lowest survivorships on laurel (61.63%) and tomato (36.74%). Host plants did not significantly affect the pre-ovipostion period regardless of biotype. The longest averaged longevity and highest fecundity of B biotype were both recorded on collard: 25.15 days and 143.0 eggs. The highest fecundity of Cv biotype was 196.49 eggs on laurel and its longest longevity was on hibiscus (19.62 days). The intrinsic rate of natural increase (r m) of B biotype on the three vegetables were all higher than those on the three ornamentals whereas the r m of Cv biotype on the three ornamentals were all higher that those on the three vegetables. Our research indicates that B. tabaci B and Cv biotypes have different host plant suitabilities. The three tested vegetables were more suitable for B biotype while the three tested ornamental plants were more suitable for Cv biotype. The potential mechanism for the different suitability of B and Cv biotypes on various host plants is also discussed.  相似文献   

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