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中国除草剂的发展现状及其在高粱上的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
笔者从中国除草剂发展的现状出发,浅谈了除草剂产业面临的问题及未来发展趋势。在此基础上,综合分析了中国高粱田除草剂的应用、研究及使用现状,指出了中国高粱田除草剂在引进开发新除草剂品种的基础上,急需发展短残效品种和抗除草剂转基因作物,开发用于高粱田的除草剂混合制剂并提高使用技术,研制和应用与之相适应的环境友好型除草剂增效剂和安全剂等,改进除草剂剂型,提高高粱田除草的灵活性和选择性。  相似文献   

对来自不同生态区谷子品种的农艺性状与产量性状进行相关分析,探讨主要农艺性状对产量的影响,挖掘适宜南疆地区复播的早熟、高产、优质抗除草剂谷子新品种。2019-2020年以不同生态区的13个主推谷子品种为材料,采用相关性分析对产量相关的12个农艺性状进行综合评价。结果表明,各品种生育期在78~109d,供试材料中6个品种生育期均≤88d(豫谷18,CK);有7个品种连续2年各综合性状表现优异,产量稳定,相比CK显著增产。穗重、穗粒重、成穗数与产量呈显著正相关;8个农艺性状对谷子产量影响依次为穗重>穗粒重>穗数>生育期>株数>穗粗>穗长>株高,说明抗除草剂复播谷子品种的筛选应首先关注穗部性状,其次是生育期与株高。通过综合评价,筛选出豫谷32、赤谷K1、冀杂金苗、豫谷31和冀谷41等5个较适宜在南疆地区推广种植的抗除草剂品种。  相似文献   

生物除草剂的过去、现在和未来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>(接上期)四、我国生物除草剂发展现状与存在的主要问题1.我国生物除草剂发展现状与成就当前我国化学除草面积已占其播种面积的60%,基本上形成了以化学防除为主体的杂草防除技术体系。特别是近年来世界除草剂的原药生产纷纷向中国转移,中国已经成为世界主要的除草剂生产国和出口国,虽然我国已经成为除草剂生产大国,但不是强国,因为目前市场上大宗的除草剂品种均为仿制国外的已过专利保护期的现成技  相似文献   

为了充分了解桉树林抚育过程中化学灭草(除草剂)使用情况,对其发展趋势进行分析。结合当地桉树林产业发展状况,对桉树抚育管理过程中的杂草种类和除草剂品种以及存在的问题等进行探讨。桉树是我国目前的主要木材树种之一,也是重要的速生人工林种植品种,种植面积较大,草甘膦是目前桉树林抚育过程中的主要的化学灭草(除草剂)品种,桉树产业当前已经步入调整阶段,发展中还存在人工不足的问题,桉树种植的专业化与大型化是今后的重要发展方向,除草施肥专业化队伍会不断增多,对于一些难除杂草的除草效果将不断提升。  相似文献   

<正>未来几年,除草剂中品种最多、研究最深刻、销售市场仅次于氨基酸类除草剂(草甘膦等)的磺酰脲类除草剂将以每年2%以上的增长率发展。应该重点关注和解决磺酰脲类除草剂的药害、混配(不同作用机理)以及合成中的"三废"等问题、这是在12月11日上海召开的2009中国磺酰脲类  相似文献   

优质稻新品种引种试验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年麻江引进13个新优质稻品种与主推优质稻宜香725品种进行对比试验,通过田间观察、测产验收和米质指标等综合因素分析,筛选出宜香10号、宜香1577、丰优香占、宜香3003、宜香1979和宜香2308等6个综合性状较好的品种作为当地今后优质稻产业主推品种,为“中国锌硒米之乡”——麻江的锌硒优质米产业健康稳步发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

中国花卉协会秘书长王殿富2007年中国花卉协会提出了发展现代花卉业的理念。经过全行业的共同努力,中国的花卉产业质量效益不断提高,培养出了一批具有自主知识产权的花卉品种,可喜可贺。2008年我们仍将以科学发展观为主导,加强自主创新,进一步引导花卉产业转变增长方式,促进花卉产业又快又好地发展。  相似文献   

1,我国农作物品种科研、推广和管理现状与成绩。《中华人民共和国种子法》(以下简称《种子法》)颁布实施后,中国种子产业进入了全新的发展时期,以品种为核心的科研、推广和管理工作随之出现了许多新情况。其主要特征如下:  相似文献   

现有研究表明,不同甘薯品种对除草剂的耐药性存在较大差别,而且耐药性大小是可以遗传的。因此,针对具体品种进行不同除草剂耐性的研究,对正确指导甘薯田化学除草的科学用药,无疑有着重要意义;同时可为甘薯品种的材料鉴定,筛选高抗除草剂品种的育种工作提供指导。1材料与方法本试验于1996~1998年在中国农业大学科学园进行,供试材料为17个国内外主要品种(系)。试验分为温室处理和田间试验。温室处理是将田间取样20cm长度的薯蔓(有生长点)进行盆栽,缓苗后,用5ml除草剂溶液涂抹叶片和生长点,观察叶片皱曲、生…  相似文献   

新疆苹果生产现状的调查与思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对全疆苹果园实地问卷调查和国内外市场分析,对近十年新疆苹果产业的发展历程、现状、产业发展中有待解决的主要问题进行了综合研究和分析。研究表明:新疆苹果面积稳中有升,产量持续增长;优势区域更加明显,以烟富6号、长富2号等为代表的富士系列品种已成为新疆苹果的主栽品种;名牌效应逐渐显现,组织化水平不断提高,外销逐年扩大。同时,病虫害和灾害性天气发生频繁、管理粗放、科技支撑能力不足等严重影响着新疆苹果产业的良性健康发展。为此,从提升苹果产业水平的角度,提出了若干建设性建议。研究结果对各地制定苹果发展战略和产业规划有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Recent developments in weed science and allied aspects have involved several interdisciplinary approaches. In this context, indiscriminate use of herbicides for weed control has become a questionable subject, which besides controlling the weeds, the chemical herbicides are harmful in many ways to soil, crops, other plants and the environment as a whole. Taking into consideration ecologically sound weed management, in modern days the reliance on chemical herbicides has decreased and a shift towards naturally occurring biological herbicides has received great attention throughout the world. Sunflower is an annual dicotyledonous plant, herbaceous, erect, and a native of North America. It is thermo and photo-insensitive, hence it can be grown year round in sub-tropical and tropical countries. Only two spp. Helianthus annuus L. and Helianthus tuberosum are cultivated for food, the remaining spp., are ornamentals weeds and wild plants. However, H. annuus is allelopathic and inhibits the growth and development of other plants thus reducing their productivity. Sunflower is a major oil-yielding crop in India and its cultivation in northwest India started 25 to 30 years ago in areas located in the plains. In this region, rice-wheat rotation became very popular owing to its high yields; however, these crops are highly infested by weeds, thus farmers use herbicides for their control. Hence, this rotation consumes a maximum quantity of herbicides in this region, which has resulted in several problems viz., environmental pollution, human health hazards, and development of herbicide resistance in weeds. Thus, serious ecological questions about the reliance on herbicides for weed control in this rotation have been raised. One of the alternatives to overcome these problems is with the use of allelopathic strategies, including the use of weed-smothering crops for weed management and for the sustainability of agriculture. The field, pot culture, and laboratory studies have shown that inclusion of sunflower crops in rotation and intercropping considerably reduced the weed population in the current and succeeding crops. Rhizosphere soil of sunflower drastically smothered the weed germination, population, and biomass. The residual suppression effect of sunflower also persisted in the next crop up to 75 days. Thus, it is conceptualized that the inclusion of such oilseed crops before the rice crop in the rice-wheat rotation may provide satisfactory weed control in the succeeding rice crops and may minimize the use of herbicides. Likewise, the replacement of sorghum by summer sunflower oilseed crops may also help in the control of summer as well as winter weeds. More studies in this direction may provide avenues for satisfactory weed management in agro-ecosystems and may help to minimize the use of herbicides and thereby pave the way to develop sustainable agricultural practices for biodiversity conservation and enhancing biological integrity.  相似文献   

覆盖作物及其作用的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在农作物种植系统中,田间杂草、土壤因素对作物的生长发育、产量和品质的影响一直都是农业领域关注的热点。大量使用化肥和除草剂可以达到作物增产、除草的目的,但其对土壤和环境造成的负面影响,严重制约了农业生产的可持续发展。种植覆盖作物是一种实现农业可持续发展的新策略,可以达到控制杂草、减少氮肥施用、改善土壤质量等目的。本文主要从覆盖作物的起源与发展过程、主要种类和作用及其种植制度等方面,总结了目前覆盖作物的研究进展及其在作物种植中的应用,以期为覆盖作物在我国农业生产中的研究与应用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

乙酰羟酸合酶抑制剂类除草剂的植物抗性机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乙酰羟酸合酶(AHAS)抑制剂类除草剂已被广泛用于农业生产,然而使用过程中可能对部分敏感农作物产生药害,因此创制对不同类别除草剂具有抗性的一系列作物新品种至关重要。本文将从AHAS抑制剂类除草剂的类别与特点、AHAS靶酶的特性及其在支链氨基酸合成中的作用、除草剂的靶标抗性与非靶标抗性机制等方面分析国内外研究现状与未来发展动态,以期为农作物除草剂抗性性状的遗传改良和开发应用提供参考。  相似文献   

The Exploitation of Crop Allelopathy in Sustainable Agricultural Production   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Crop allelopathy may be useful to minimize serious problems in the present agricultural production such as environmental pollution, unsafe products, human health concerns, depletion of crop diversity, soil sickness and reduction of crop productivity. Several crops including alfalfa, buckwheat, maize, rice, rye, sorghum, sunflower, wheat, etc. are affected either by their own toxicity or phytotoxin exudates when their residues decompose in the soil, that show strong suppression on weed emergences. Allelopathic crops when used as cover crop, mulch, smother crops, green manures, or grown in rotational sequences are helpful in reducing noxious weeds and plant pathogen, improve soil quality and crop yield. Those crop plants, particularly the legumes, incorporated at 1–2 tons ha−1 (alfalfa, buckwheat, rice by-products), which can give weed reduction and increase of rice yield by 70 and 20 %, respectively, are suggested for use as natural herbicides. Allelochemicals from allelopathic crops may aid in the development of biological herbicides and pesticides. Cultivating a system with allelopathic crops plays an important role in the establishment of sustainable agriculture. The introduction of allelopathic traits from accessions with strong allelopathic potential to the target crops will enhance the efficacy of crop allelopathy in future agricultural production.  相似文献   

直播稻田杂草发生与防除研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着水稻直播技术的推广,稻田出现杂草发生严重、除草剂用量加大等问题,而杂草发生种类、优势种群出现多样化,增加了杂草对除草剂的抗性,导致杂草防除困难,影响了直播稻的丰产与稳产;同时直播稻田除草剂的过量使用带来的生产安全性问题值得关注。本文从杂草发生种类、数量及成灾时期、发生差异性(稻作区域、种植方式、直播方式与播种期)、生态学效应及对直播稻生长发育影响等方面综述了直播稻田杂草的发生特性,分析了不同种类杂草的防除途径(化学除草、耕种制度与栽培措施),提出我国目前在直播稻田杂草发生与防除方面研究存在的问题,并对未来直播稻田杂草防治的发展方向进行探讨与展望,旨在提高我国直播稻田杂草的防除效果,促进直播稻生产的轻简高效发展。  相似文献   

Selective postemergence herbicides to control grass weeds in broadleaf crops have become available in recent years. However, the efficacy of these new herbicides in controlling grasses in sunflower has not been extensively evaluated. Field experiments were conducted to evaluate five selective herbicides for their efficacy on crabgrass ( Digitaria sanguinalis L. Scop) and barnyard grass ( Echinochloa crusgalli L. Beav.) control in sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L.) in 1983 and 1984. Commercial sunflower varieties, Interstate 7775 and Stauffer 3101 were planted on Calloway silt loam and Portland clay in 1983 and 1984, respectively. Herbicides were applied when sunflower was 10 cm tall, at 4- to 5-leaf stage, and target grass weeds at the 3- to 4-leaf stage. All herbicides, sethoxydim, xylofop-ethyl, haloxyfop, fluazifop butyl, and CGA 82725, gave good to excellent control of the target weeds. Herbicide injury to sunflower ranged from very minor to none. None of the herbicides greatly affected yield, test weight, seed weight, head diameter or plant height of sunflower. Difference in soil types tended to influence the effectiveness of herbicides.  相似文献   

油菜是中国重要的食用油料作物之一,在中国种植面积非常广泛,但油菜田的草害严重影响油菜的产量和品质.随着除草剂种类的增多和除草剂使用面积和剂量的不断加大,抗除草剂的杂草不断产生,并且生态安全问题面临巨大隐患.因此,加快抗除草剂油菜种质资源的创新与利用具有重要的意义.本研究从除草剂的类型及其作用机理、中国抗除草剂油菜育种进...  相似文献   

Total reliance on herbicides for weed control is unsustainable with the spread of herbicide resistance and the environmental need to reduce pesticide use. Strongly competitive wheat crops that have high tolerance to weed pressure and therefore maintain high yields in the presence of weeds are a low-cost option for reducing dependence on herbicides. We examined the feasibility of selecting for wheat tolerance to weeds by crossing varieties differing for traits associated with competitiveness. Competitive ability and yield potential must be treated as separate traits for selection. Current measures of crop tolerance to weed competition do not separate the two traits so that selection based on these measures is often synonymous with selection for yield potential rather than pure tolerance. We propose a new measure, termed Incremental Crop Tolerance (ICT) that reflects the incremental yield difference between genotypes associated with tolerance, over and above differences in underlying yield potential.  相似文献   

Intensive use of chemical herbicides and pesticides has raised serious concern about their effect on non-target organisms, plants, human bodies and the environment. Hence there is a continuous search for benign, harmless, non-hazardous and eco-friendly technology to control the growth of weeds which compete with crops for water, nutrients, light and space; thus reducing crop yield significantly. An attempt was made to control the weeds through smothering. This controls the weeds by cutting off light from the photosynthetic portion of weed plants by using black polyethylene sheets (LPDE film) which inhibit the top growth. Experiments to control the weeds in a lowland rice field through smothering were conducted in the high rainfall coastal region of eastern India wth eight treatments including smothering and conventional methods like hand/mechanical weeding and herbicides, etc. The treatment of smothering for one week + puddling + transplanting proved to be better than other conventional methods and may replace herbicide and hand/mechanical weeding totally with a better rice yield.  相似文献   

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