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Paratuberculosis (Johne's disease) is a chronic granulomatous enteritis affecting ruminants and other species. It is caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP). In this study, surface enhanced laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SELDI TOF-MS) was used as a platform to identify candidate biomarkers from sheep serum. Multivariate biomarker models which aimed to differentiate sheep with paratuberculosis and vaccinated-exposed sheep from unexposed animals were proposed based on classification and regression tree (CART) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) algorithms from two array types. The accuracy of classification of sheep into unexposed or exposed groups ranged from 75 to 100% among models. SELDI was used to monitor protein profile changes over time during an experimental infection trial by examining sera collected at 4-, 8- and 13-months post infection. Although three different SELDI instruments were used, nine consistent proteomic features were observed associated with exposure to MAP. Two of the putative serum biomarkers were purified from serum using chromatographic methods and were identified as transthyretin and alpha haemoglobin by tandem mass spectrometry. They belong to highly abundant, acute phase reactants in the serum proteome and have also been discovered as serum biomarkers in human inflammatory conditions and cancer. Their relationship to the pathogenesis of Johne's disease remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine the sensitivity of abattoir surveillance of intestinal tract lesions for detecting ovine Johne's disease (OJD) under normal meatwork conditions. DESIGN: The design of this study was a diagnostic test validation. The three OJD inspectors were the diagnostic test and follow-up histopathological examination was used for test validation. PROCEDURE: Approximately 1200 sheep were procured from known high prevalence OJD infected farms. The sheep viscera were tagged (numbered) and then examined as they were processed on the abattoir line by three experienced meat inspectors. Their observations were independently recorded on a cassette tape. Specified sections of viscera were prepared and subjected to histopathological examination and these results were compared with the inspector diagnoses. RESULTS: The sensitivity of abattoir inspection for OJD varied between inspectors from 53 percent to 87 percent. The specificity varied from 97 to 100 percent. It appeared that the level of sensitivity for detecting disease was higher in lines of sheep where the disease was more prevalent. It also appeared that formal training was an important aspect in ensuring a high level CONCLUSION: Abattoir surveillance is a very economical and rapid method of assessing the OJD status of sheep. On the basis of these results it is reasonable to suggest that abattoir surveillance has a sensitivity of approximately 70 percent. This technique is useful as an ancillary to other testing regimes for negative assurance programs where a sheep identification system is used.  相似文献   

To compare the utility and diagnostic accuracy of BACTEC and MGIT culture systems, a total of 41 pooled faecal samples, each containing faeces from one sheep infected with the S strain of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis and four uninfected sheep was cultured. The MGIT culture system did not support the growth of the S strain of M. paratuberculosis from faeces within the time frame of the experiments, although a laboratory adapted S strain grew slowly in MGIT provided that sufficient bacteria were inoculated. In contrast, C strain grew rapidly in MGIT. The sensitivity of culture was calculated relative to the infection status of the animals, none of which had clinical signs of ovine Johne's disease. The overall sensitivity of pooled faecal culture in the BACTEC culture system was 21.9% (95% confidence limits, 10.5-37.6), a figure dependant on the proportion of multibacillary cases. The sensitivities of the BACTEC culture system for pools containing animals with multibacillary and paucibacillary lesions were 100.0% (95% confidence limits, 47.2-100.0) and 17.8% (95% confidence limits 6.06-36.8), respectively. The contamination rate of BACTEC cultures was 9.7% compared to 14.3% for MGIT. The effect of 100 microg/ml ampicillin on the S strain of the M. paratuberculosis was examined and in both BACTEC and MGIT media it delayed growth by about 1 week. The composition of MGIT medium, particularly presence of vancomycin hydrochloride, slowed the growth of the S strain. The low content of egg yolk was considered to be another possible factor. The radiometric BACTEC culture system remains the best alternative for the culture of S strain and is recommended in circumstances where the genotype (s) of the strains present in a region/farm is either unknown or S strain.  相似文献   

The sensitivities and specificities of an absorbed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and an agar-gel immuno-diffusion (AGID) test for the detection of Johne’s disease in sheep were estimated using data from six known infected and 12 assumed uninfected sheep flocks. Sensitivities were estimated for all histologically positive sheep, as well as by histological lesion score, lesion type (paucibacillary or multibacillary) and sheep body-condition score, with ELISA sensitivities estimated at 95 and 99% specificity. Logistic-regression analysis was used to test for significant effects of lesion score and condition score, with flock included in the model as a random effect.

Estimated specificities were 95% (95% CI: 93.4, 95.6%) and 99% (98.4, 99.4%) for ELISA cut-point ratios of 2.4 and 3.6, respectively, and 100% (99.7, 100.0%) for the AGID. Estimated sensitivities for all infected sheep were 41.5% (35.0, 48.3%), 21.9% (16.6, 27.9%) and 24.6% (19.1, 30.7%) for ELISA cut-point ratios of 2.4 and 3.6 and for AGID, respectively. Sensitivities of all tests and cut-points varied significantly between flocks and between categories of lesion score and condition score. Sensitivity ranged from 25 to 73, 10 to 47 and 9.2 to 63% between flocks, for the ELISA with cut-points of 2.4 and 3.6, and for the AGID, respectively. Sensitivity was highest in thin sheep and in sheep with multibacillary lesions. The effects of lesion type and condition score on test sensitivity were significant in the logistic regressions for the AGID and ELISA at both cut-points and the flock effect was significant for the AGID but not for the ELISA at either cut-point.  相似文献   

Our aim was to compare the efficiency of different surveillance strategies for detecting scrapie-infected sheep flocks in the Norwegian population using simulation modelling.The dynamic Monte Carlo simulation model has the flock as the unit. The input parameters include properties of the sheep population (number of flocks, flock size, age distribution, reasons for culling, breeds, prion protein-allele distribution); properties of scrapie (genotype-dependent infection rate and incubation periods, and age- and genotype-dependent prevalence of scrapie); properties of the surveillance strategy (selection of sheep for examination, period in which infected sheep are detectable, and properties of the diagnostic tests). For simplification, the prion protein-alleles were grouped into three allele groups: VRQ, ARR, and ARQ' (ARQ' represents ARQ, ARH and AHQ).Through either abattoir surveillance or surveillance of fallen stock, 70% of the detected sheep (compared to 33% in the underlying population). The model output was sensitive to the susceptibility of infection for the genotype ARQ'/ARQ'. The effect was large for abattoir surveillance (increased susceptibility increased the efficiency of abattoir surveillance).  相似文献   

The flock-level sensitivity of pooled faecal culture and serological testing using AGID for the detection of ovine Johne’s disease-infected flocks were estimated using non-gold-standard methods. The two tests were compared in an extensive field trial in 296 flocks in New South Wales during 1998. In each flock, a sample of sheep was selected and tested for ovine Johne’s disease using both the AGID and pooled faecal culture. The flock-specificity of pooled faecal culture also was estimated from results of surveillance and market-assurance testing in New South Wales.

The overall flock-sensitivity of pooled faecal culture was 92% (95% CI: 82.4 and 97.4%) compared to 61% (50.5 and 70.9%) for serology (assuming that both tests were 100% specific). In low-prevalence flocks (estimated prevalence <2%), the flock-sensitivities of pooled faecal culture and serology were 82% (57 and 96%) and 33% (19 and 49%), respectively, compared to 96% (85 and 99.5%) and 85% (72 and 93%), respectively, in higher-prevalence flocks (estimated prevalence ≥2%). A Bayesian approach incorporating prior knowledge on flock-specificity of pooled culture produced similar estimates and probability intervals. These estimates assume conditional independence of the two tests, and therefore might have over-estimated the true flock-sensitivities of the tests if the flock-sensitivities of pooled faecal culture and serology were correlated.

The estimated minimum flock-specificity of pooled culture when used for surveillance and assurance testing was 99.1% (96.9 and 99.9%). Surveillance and assurance programs in Australia are designed to provide a flock-sensitivity of 95% for an assumed prevalence of 2%. Pooled faecal culture is performing at close to this level—whereas the flock-sensitivity of serology appears to be lower than expected, particularly in lower prevalence flocks.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo simulation models were used to evaluate the feasibility and potential results of a proposed national survey of the prevalence of bovine paratuberculosis (PTB) in dairy herds in Norway. The expected herd prevalence was assumed to be 0.2% in the simulations. The low sensitivity of the ELISA test, the assumed low herd prevalence, the typical low within-herd prevalence of PTB and the small herd sizes all present problems in detection of the disease. Simulations with 500, 1000, 2500 and 6000 herds tested were done. Our results suggest that a national survey would not be feasible at present, due to the low probability of detecting infected herds and because of the high number of false-positive reactions that would be expected to occur.  相似文献   

One thousand three hundred and twenty-four adult beef cattle were tested for paratuberculosis using 2 antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), an interferon-gamma (INF-γ) ELISA, and radiometric bacterial culture of feces from 5 populations. Two populations of cattle (n = 226) had data available to calculate a ratio of humoral to cell-mediated immunity based on results from one antibody test and the INF-γ ELISA. Latent class analysis was used to estimate accuracy of the 4 paratuberculosis assays within a Bayesian framework. Determination of test accuracy and paratuberculosis prevalence in the latent class analysis allowed for estimation of predictive value positive (PVP) functions. The estimated PVP functions were used to iteratively assign paratuberculosis status to sampled cattle. Accuracy of the immunity ratio, an antibody ELISA, and the INF-γ ELISA were determined for multiple cutoffs based on probabilistically assigned paratuberculosis status. Area under the receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curves (95% probability interval) were estimated as 0.78 (0.66, 0.89), 0.81 (0.68, 0.92), and 0.59 (0.47, 0.71) for the immunity ratio, antibody ELISA, and INF-γ ELISA, respectively. The Youden index (sensitivity + specificity − 1) peaked at immunity ratios of 0.5 (J = 0.48) and 1.0 (J = 0.46). Sensitivity and specificity (95% probability interval) at an immunity ratio cutoff of 0.5 were 0.65 (0.44, 0.85) and 0.83 (0.78, 0.88), respectively. Sensitivity and specificity (95% probability interval) at the 1.0 cutoff were 0.55 (0.33, 0.77) and 0.91 (0.87, 0.95), respectively. An immunity ratio could be used to diagnosis paratuberculosis in beef cattle but requires further investigation.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORIES: Occurrences of adverse reactions in seven sheep flocks in Australia following vaccination against paratuberculosis where veterinary attention was requested are reviewed. All cases occurred within the 3-year period following commencement of use of a vaccine of a Freund's complete adjuvant nature, at a time when approximately six million doses of vaccine had been administered.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: In the first case, 26/58 (45%) Merino sheep vaccinated as adults had palpable tissue reactions at or near the site of vaccination; enlarged prescapular lymph nodes were palpated in 17 (29%), and nine (16%) sheep had both palpable lesions at the site of vaccination and enlarged prescapular lymph nodes. The reactions included caseous nodules up to 5.5 cm in diameter. In the other cases, fistulating or granulomatous wounds were occasionally found at the recommended site of injection behind the ear, and myiasis was rare. Occurrences of inappropriate choice of injection site were recorded, including injection into the axilla of two Merino rams, and lesions in the tissues of the maxilla and nose of almost 50% of 350 Border Leicester lambs. Four outbreaks of progressive paralysis due to injection into cervical musculature were reported, described as ‘OJD staggers’ by producers.

DIAGNOSIS: Granulomatous cellulitis and lymphadenitis associated with oil droplets typical of ‘oil granulomata’. Injection of vaccine into the dorsal cervical area resulted in progressive paralysis due to myonecrosis and suspected granulomatous leptomeningitis.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE AND CONCLUSIONS: Although lesions at and near the site of injection are common, adverse reactions to vaccination were rare and included mortality from cervical spinal injection, production losses from injection in the maxilla or axilla or if myiasis resulted, and potential marketing losses if animals or carcasses are discounted as a result of the lesions. Risk factors for adverse reactions included inadequate restraint of sheep, breed of sheep, experience of the operator, poor injection technique, and inappropriate placement of vaccine. Increasing attention to the proper restraint of animals, restricting vaccination to the recommended site behind the ear, careful placement of the vaccine into subcutaneous tissue to avoid drainage of vaccine material into tissues such as the spinal cord, and post-vaccination supervision to address welfare concerns should adverse reactions occur are recommended.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the sensitivity and specificity of an absorbed ELISA and an AGID test for the detection of clinical and subclinical paratuberculosis in sheep. DESIGN: By testing a panel of sera from 1257 Australian Merino and crossbred sheep greater than 1 year of age, of which 1137 sheep were not infected with Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis and 120 sheep had paratuberculosis. PROCEDURE: Sera were collected from 457 sheep in Victoria and 800 sheep in Western Australia. Presence of M a paratuberculosis infection in Victorian sheep was determined by histological examination of intestinal tissues, whereas sheep from Western Australia were presumed to be free of Johne's disease. The ability of an absorbed ELISA to discriminate between infected and uninfected sheep was described by test sensitivity and specificity, the distribution of ELISA OD, and the area under a receiver operating characteristic curve. RESULTS: The absorbed ELISA had a specificity of 98.2 to 99.5% (CI) and a sensitivity of 35 to 54% (CI). In sheep from infected flocks in Victoria, the AGID test had a specificity of 99 to 100% (CI) and a sensitivity of 38 to 56% (CI). The sensitivity of serological tests was higher in sheep with a body condition representative of the lower quintile of their flock of origin. CONCLUSION: The AGID test and absorbed ELISA are useful tests for the detection of ovine paratuberculosis. Although the tests had a similar accuracy, they detected different subpopulations of infected sheep with only moderate overlap. The AGID test had a higher specificity than the absorbed ELISA.  相似文献   

Testing cattle suspected of clinical paratuberculosis is an important element of surveillance of paratuberculosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic-test characteristics of microscopic examination of Ziehl–Neelsen stained faecal smears for acid-fast Mycobacteria (ZN-test) and serum-ELISA in cattle suspected of clinical paratuberculosis in the Netherlands.Results of all samples submitted for ZN-test and serum-ELISA between April 2003 and April 2006 to our laboratory were retrieved. Results from cattle for which both tests were performed were analysed using two Bayesian latent-class models for evaluation of diagnostic tests in two populations without a gold standard, assuming (a) conditional independence of tests, or (b) conditional dependence of tests in both infected and non-infected cattle. Sampled cattle were divided into two populations in different ways using four known risk factors for clinical paratuberculosis: region, soil type, clinical signs, and age.For 892 cattle suspected of clinical paratuberculosis, both ZN-test and serum-ELISA results were retrieved: 250 ZN-positive and ELISA-positive, 12 ZN-positive and ELISA-negative, 260 ZN-negative and ELISA-positive, and 370 ZN-negative and ELISA-negative cattle.With priors based on the available literature, the posterior estimates of sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of the ELISA were always higher than those of the ZN-test. Furthermore, lower limits of the 95% credibility intervals of the posterior positive predictive values of the ELISA were ≥99.7%, and of the negative predictive values of the ELISA ≥56.4%.We conclude that the ELISA is preferred to the ZN-test to confirm the presumptive diagnosis of clinical paratuberculosis in the Netherlands. Little diagnostic information can be gained by performing the ZN-test in addition to the ELISA.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare a DNA probe test with two cultivation methods for the detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis in goat and sheep faeces. DESIGN: Comparison of the results of the three methods with histological examination as the reference standard. PROCEDURE: Faecal specimens were obtained from goats and sheep originating from flocks known to be affected with paratuberculosis and tested for Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis with a DNA probe test and two cultivation methods (old conventional culture and new double incubation method in Herrold's and Lowenstein-Jensen medium). RESULTS: In goats, the sensitivity of the various tests were for the DNA probe test 17.2%, for the double incubation culture method 25.4% and for the old conventional culture method 22.8% using the histopathological results as reference. In sheep the sensitivity of the various tests were for the DNA probe test 13.2%, for the double incubation culture method 8.8% and for the old conventional culture method 5.9% using the histopathological results as reference. The specificity of the above tests was 100% in goats and sheep and the specificity of the double incubation culture method in goats was 91%. CONCLUSIONS: The DNA probe test is a rapid and specific test that could be used in a control program if the sensitivity of the test were improved and possibly in combination with another test.  相似文献   

Recent publications reported the existence of IS900 like sequences in mycobacteria different from Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (Map). The primers used for IS900 detection of Map have amplified these sequences causing false positive results. In this study, we have developed two new PCR assays for the detection of Map. The first assay is based on the IS900 sequence using primers different from the ones previously reported, the second assay on the f57 sequence. The specificity of the tests was checked by analysis of 190 mycobacterial isolates (74 Map and 116 non-Map isolates). All Map strains were positive and all non-Map strains were negative. Serial dilutions of Map bacteria were used to assess the sensitivity of the assays. We achieved a sensitivity of 1 CFU per PCR for both assays. In addition, a PCR-simulating computer programme was used to evaluate the specificity of the new IS900 primers.

The combination of the two PCR assays has proven to be useful for the identification of Map but validation on a large range of clinical samples still needs to be done.  相似文献   

Reducing the quantity of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) being shed by cows with Johne's disease should decrease the risk of spread of this disease to young stock. Previous work has suggested that monensin sodium decreases the pathologic lesions associated with Johne's disease, but the impact on shedding of viable MAP remains unknown. After serologic screening of 32 dairy herds in southwestern Ontario, 228 cows from 13 of these herds were enrolled into a randomized clinical trial. Fecal culture and PCR were used to identify 114 cows as potential fecal shedders, while another 114 cows were enrolled as ELISA negative, herd and parity matched controls. All cows were randomized to receive either a monensin controlled release capsule (CRC) or a placebo capsule. Serial fecal and blood samples were collected for fecal culture and serum ELISA testing over a 98-day period. On day 98 of the study, treatments were switched for all cows continuing in the trial. These remaining cows were followed for another 98 days with a similar sampling protocol. Mixed effect models were used to measure the impact of treatment on the number of colony forming units identified on fecal cultures over time. During the first 98 days of the study, cows treated with a monensin CRC were found to shed 3.4 cfu per tube less than placebo treated cows (P = 0.05). The serum ELISA S/P ratio was reduced by 1.39 units in cows given monensin (P = 0.06). However, treatment with monensin did not reduce the odds of testing positive on serology. Only the cows shedding MAP on day 0 were found to have a reduced odds of testing positive on fecal culture when treated with monensin (OR = 0.27; P = 0.03). Monensin sodium administered to infected animals at 335 mg/day marginally reduced fecal shedding of MAP in mature dairy cattle, but the biological significance of this reduction is unknown.  相似文献   

Transmission of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, the organism responsible for paratuberculosis (or Johne's disease) in ruminants, occurs through the faecal-oral route. As M. a. paratuberculosis has been isolated from rabbit faeces, cattle grazing rabbit faecal contaminated pasture may thus be at risk.A herd of 57 beef cattle was monitored on a farm in Perthshire, throughout the 1999 'grazing year', to investigate whether the cattle avoided rabbit faecal contaminated pasture and thus the potential for disease transmission. Grazing was measured every two days over eight rotations by sward heights on 40 marked treatment plots (0.5 m x 0.5 m) to which 0, 10, 50 and 250 rabbit faecal pellets were added. Cattle were also monitored by an active transponder system which enabled individual animals contacting two plots per field rotation (one control and one contaminated) to be recorded. During the monitored grazing year, grazing pressure was low with a net mean sward offtake of 18% of sward height per rotation. There were no significant differences between rabbit faecal treatments (0, 10, 50 and 250 pellets) with respect to the height or proportion of sward removed, or between the numbers of contacts made by cattle on contaminated and uncontaminated plots. Over 90% of all the cattle contacted contaminated plots, indicating that the potential for disease transmission was widespread among the herd.To our knowledge, this is the first reported instance of a lack of avoidance by grazing cattle towards swards contaminated with faeces, and implies that the potential for transmission of paratuberculosis from rabbit contaminated pasture is high.  相似文献   

Diagnostic inference by use of assays such as ELISA is usually done by dichotomizing the optical density (OD)-values based on a predetermined cut-off. For paratuberculosis, a slowly developing infection in cattle and other ruminants, it is known that laboratory factors as well as animal specific covariates influence the OD-value, but while laboratory factors are adjusted for, the animal specific covariates are seldom utilized when establishing cut-offs. Furthermore, when dichotomizing an OD-value, information is lost. Considering the poor diagnostic performance of ELISAs for diagnosis of paratuberculosis, a framework for utilizing the continuous OD-values as well as known coavariates could be useful in addition to the traditional approaches, e.g. for estimating within-herd prevalences.

The objective of this study was to develop a Bayesian mixture model with two components describing the continuous OD response of infected and non-infected cows, while adjusting for known covariates. Based on this model, four different within-herd prevalence indicators were considered: the mean prevalence in the herd; the age adjusted prevalence of the herd for better between-herd comparisons; the rank of the age adjusted prevalence to better compare across time; and a threshold-based prevalence to describe differences between herds. For comparison, the within-herd prevalence and associated rank using a traditional dichotomization approach based on a single cut-off for an OD corrected for laboratory variation was estimated in a Bayesian model with priors for sensitivity and specificity.

The models were applied to the OD-values of a milk ELISA using samples from all lactating cows in 100 Danish dairy herds in three sampling rounds 13 months apart. The results of the comparison showed that including covariates in the mixture model reduced the uncertainty of the prevalence estimates compared to the cut-off based estimates. This allowed a more informative ranking of the herds where low ranking and high ranking herds were easier to identify.  相似文献   

Paratuberculosis is a chronic infection affecting cattle and other ruminants. In the dairy industry, losses due to paratuberculosis can be substantial in infected herds and several countries have implemented national programmes based on herd-classification to manage the disease. The aim of this study was to develop a method to estimate the probability of low within-herd prevalence of paratuberculosis for Danish dairy herds. A stochastic simulation model was developed using the R® programming environment. Features of this model included: use of age-specific estimates of test-sensitivity and specificity; use of a distribution of observed values (rather than a fixed, low value) for design prevalence; and estimates of the probability of low prevalence (PrLow) based on a specific number of test-positive animals, rather than for a result less than or equal to a specified cut-point number of reactors.

Using this model, five herd-testing strategies were evaluated: (1) milk-ELISA on all lactating cows; (2) milk-ELISA on lactating cows ≤4 years old; (3) milk-ELISA on lactating cows >4 years old; (4) faecal culture on all lactating cows; and (5) milk-ELISA plus faecal culture in series on all lactating cows.

The five testing strategies were evaluated using observed milk-ELISA results from 19 Danish dairy herds as well as for simulated results from the same herds assuming that they were uninfected.

Whole-herd milk-ELISA was the preferred strategy, and considered the most cost-effective strategy of the five alternatives. The five strategies were all efficient in detecting infection, i.e. estimating a low PrLow in infected herds, however, PrLow estimates for milk-ELISA on age-cohorts were too low in simulated uninfected herds and the strategies involving faecal culture were too expensive to be of practical interest. For simulated uninfected herds, whole-herd milk-ELISA resulted in median PrLow values >0.9 for most herds, depending on herd size and age-structure. None of the strategies provided enough power to establish a high PrLow in smaller herds, or herds with a younger age-structure. Despite this, it appears as if the method is a useful approach for herd-classification for most herds in the Danish dairy industry.  相似文献   

Four classes of Bayesian hierarchical models were evaluated using an historical dataset from an abattoir survey for fasciolosis conducted in Victoria, Australia. The purpose of this analysis was to identify areas of high prevalence and to explain these in terms of environmental covariates. The simplest of the Bayesian models, with a single random effect, validated the use of smoothed maps for cartographic display when the sample sizes vary. The model was then extended to partition the random effect into spatially structured and unstructured components, thus allowing for spatial autocorrelation. Rainfall, irrigation, temperature-adjusted rainfall and a remotely sensed surrogate for rainfall, the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI), were then introduced into the models as explanatory variables. The variable that best explained the observed distribution was irrigation. Associations between prevalence and both rainfall and NDVI that were significant in fixed effects models were shown to be due to spatial confounding. Nevertheless, provided they are used cautiously, confounded variables may be valid predictors for the prevalence of disease.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study was carried out to evaluate the diagnostic potential of the previously developed direct faecal real-time quantitative PCR (QPCR) assay (Kawaji et al., 2007) for the detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) infected sheep. Of the 58 sheep, 38 were orally inoculated with MAP, while 20 controls were maintained separately from the infected group throughout the trial. All animals were tested by QPCR, faecal culture and serum ELISA pre-inoculation and at 4, 8 and 13 months post-inoculation, and were necropsied at 13 months post-inoculation. Eighteen out of 38 inoculated sheep were detected by QPCR to be shedding MAP in faeces at 4 months post-inoculation, while only one sheep was positive in faecal culture at this time point. At 8 months post-inoculation, MAP DNA was detected in faeces of all inoculated sheep by QPCR, while MAP organisms were isolated from only 34% of the inoculated animals by faecal culture. The QPCR results for faecal samples that were collected at necropsy demonstrated that faecal QPCR was more sensitive than culture of intestinal tissues for MAP. The QPCR assay was confirmed to be a sensitive and specific ante-mortem diagnostic test for MAP in sheep, circumventing faecal culture which is a less sensitive and highly time consuming test. Quantification of MAP DNA in faeces by QPCR may provide immediate information to estimate the stage of the infection as well as the risk of transmission from infected animals.  相似文献   

One of the most relevant aspects in the diagnosis of paratuberculosis (Johne’s disease) in cattle is the availability of a method for the rapid and sensitive detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) in order to facilitate the prompt removal of pathogen-shedding animals from a herd. To meet this requirement, methods for pre-treatment of bovine faecal samples and subsequent extraction of DNA for detection of MAP by real-time PCR were compared with MAP culture results. A total of 116 bovine faecal samples that showed weak (64.7%), moderate (18.1%) or strong (17.2%) growth of MAP on solid HEY medium were investigated.For PCR, supernatants, sediments or bacterial pellets were obtained from faecal samples by pre-treatment before extraction of MAP DNA based on silica membranes or magnetic particles. Samples then were tested by MAP IS900 and ISMav2 real-time PCR with an analytical sensitivity of 6 and 28 genome equivalents (GE) per mL, respectively.The best results were obtained by including a microfiltration step in the sample pre-treatment in combination with silica membrane-based mini-columns or magnetic particles for DNA extraction. This approach enhanced the detection rate of MAP in IS900 real-time PCR from 58.6% to 84.5% using silica membrane mini-columns and from 61.2% to 64.7% using magnetic particles.  相似文献   

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