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大豆对食叶性害虫田间抗性的相对稳定性 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
在已有的7年工作基础上,以叶面积损失百分率为指标,继续于2000年和2001年对51份大豆材料开展了对食叶性害虫综合虫种抗性的鉴定工作.综合分析1993-2001年历年各次田间抗性鉴定结果,发现虽然每年抗性鉴定的结果并不完全一致,但各品种的抗性水平还是保持了一定的相对稳定性.通过对各年抗性鉴定分级结果的综合分析,结合9年综合抗性分级结果,确立了10个较为稳定、并具一定代表性的抗感材料,作为大豆对食叶性害虫田间综合虫种抗性鉴定的标准品种.分别是,抗性材料:吴江青豆3、PI227687、沔阳白毛豆、通山薄皮黄豆甲、赶泰-2-2;感性材料:山东大豆、大青瓤黑豆、矮杆黄、商丘7602和皖82-178. 相似文献
中国大豆品种光温综合反应与短光照反应的关系 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
选取256份我国各地代表性大豆品种在南京分期播种与短光照处理。以大豆品种在不同播期下生育前期及全生育期标准差分别作为该品种开花期和成熟期光温综合反应的指标,以春播自然光照与11h光照下生育前期及全生育期相差天数分别为开花期和成熟期短光照反应指数。通过研究我国大豆不同熟期组类型及不同品种的光温综合反应与短光照反应间关系,明确大豆对光温综合条件中对光照的反应是主导因子。 相似文献
大豆重迎茬减产的原因及农艺对策研究——重迎茬大豆的根系分泌物与根茬腐解物 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过连续8年在黑龙江省6个生态区9个固定轮作场圃综合试验,试验区专项研究,框区、盆栽试验,实验室分析,以及大量的大面积生产调查,发现大豆重迎茬种植根系分泌物增加,且对大豆生长发育及土壤微生物区系有不利的影响,同时也影响到土壤微量元素的活化;根茬腐解物对大豆的生长和根系活力都有不利的影响,并使大豆的产量明显降低。研究结果表明,根系分泌物和根茬腐解物对重迎茬大豆的生长发育和产量有一定的影响,它们也是造成大豆重迎茬减产的一个原因。 相似文献
机械化大豆"三垄"栽培技术增产效果及经济效益分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
重点阐述了机械化大豆"三垄"栽培技术的增产效果及经济效益.16年大豆机械化"三垄"栽培技术推广面积达到53.4万hm2,占全市16年大豆总播面积的89.4%,平均产量177.1 kg/667m2,比对照(生产田)155.5 kg/667m2增产14.3%,总增产大豆16.993万t,总增收37 349.064万元,取得极其显著的增产效果和巨大的经济效益.并对该项技术的增产原因进行了分析和进一步阐明了机械化"三垄"栽培增产的技术关键. 相似文献
以蚜虫差异抗性的大豆品种PI567598B(高抗)、绥农30(抗)、东农51(中抗)和Williams 82(感)为试验材料,分别于接种大豆蚜虫0,7,14和21 d时采集大豆叶片,利用q PCR对异黄酮合成关键酶基因苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、黄烷酮-3-3羟化酶(F3H)、大豆异黄酮合成基因1(ISF1)和大豆异黄酮合成基因2(ISF2)的表达量进行分析。结果表明:蚜虫取食前高抗品种PI567598B中PAL、F3H、ISF1和ISF2基因的相对表达量均高于感虫品种Williams 82;蚜虫取食后,抗蚜品种PI567598B和绥农30中PAL基因在蚜虫取食14 d时显著上调,在21 d时达到最大,F3H基因7 d时表达量最高,然后降低;IFS2表达量于蚜虫取食7 d后显著上调,在21 d时达到最大;中抗品种东农51中PAL、IFS2和F3H基因表达量在7 d时增加,但不显著;而感蚜品种Williams 82蚜虫取食后PAL和IFS2表达量增加但不显著,且相对表达量显著低于抗蚜品种,F3H基因表达量不增反降;抗感大豆品种蚜虫取食后IFS1基因表达均诱导不显著。研究表明,感蚜大豆品种蚜虫取食前后异黄酮合成关键酶基因表达量都比较低,而抗虫品种异黄酮合成关键酶基因表达量高,且防御响应持续时间长,符合其抗性差异。 相似文献
Dejia Zhang Deloy G. Hendricks Arthur W. Mahoney 《Plant foods for human nutrition (Dordrecht, Netherlands)》1992,42(2):97-108
Effects of coprophagy and coprophagy preventing device on iron bioavailability were evaluated in two experiments. In Experiment 1, rats were fed diets with FeSO4, spinach, bran cereal or cornmeal as the iron source. The rats in each diet group were fitted with collars, sham-collars or not fitted with collars (control). In Experiment 2, rats were fed diets with FeSo4 or green peas as the iron source and were fitted with collars, tail cups, sham-collars or not fitted with any device (control). Preventing coprophagy reduced hemoglobin regeneration efficiency (HRE) of rats fed bran cereal, green peas, spinach or cornmeal diets by 26 (P<.05), 24(P<.05), 22(P<.05) and 11% (not significant), respectively. Preventing coprophagy in rats fed FeSO4 diet did not significantly reduce HRE. Sham-collaring reduced (P<.05) HRE of rats fed the FeSO4 diet by 12 and 13% but did not significantly affect HRE in rats fed food iron sources. It was more convenient and effective to prevent coprophagy with collars than with tail cups. Differences in bioavailability between food and FeSO4 iron due to coprophagy may be explained based on two gastrointestinal nonheme iron pools, complexed and highly soluble. 相似文献
长期轮作和连作对土壤中 大豆胞囊线虫数量的影响 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
在白浆土设计长期轮作和连作试验区,采取麦麦豆油玉豆6区轮作和麦玉豆连作, 18a内连续调查土壤 中大豆胞囊线虫( SCN)的胞囊数量,观察轮作或连作对土壤中SCN胞囊数量的影响。试验结果表明,长期轮作使 土壤中胞囊数量有减少的趋势,各茬口间胞囊数量变化幅度减小,轮作12a后土壤中胞囊数量达到动态平衡;大豆 连作的前2a土壤中胞囊数量急速增加,以后缓慢增加, 7a后有下降趋势, 14a后土壤中的胞囊数量在较高水平上趋 于平衡;小麦或玉米连作前3a土壤中的胞囊数量呈快速下降, 4a后缓慢减少, 14a后土壤中胞囊数量极少。 相似文献
G. Sarwar R. W. Peace H. G. Botting 《Plant foods for human nutrition (Dordrecht, Netherlands)》1993,43(3):259-266
The powder forms of soy-based infant formulas obtained from four manufacturers were fed to weanling rats for two weeks, as the sole source of protein in diets containing 8% protein, 20% fat, and adequate amounts of minerals and vitamins. The relative protein efficiency ratio (RPER) and the relative net protein ratio (RNPR) values (casein + methionine=100) of diets containing unsupplemented formulas were 71–81 and 78–85, respectively. Supplementation of the formula diets with lysine (0.2%), methionine (0.2%), threonine (0.1%) or tryptophan (0.05%) increased the level of the supplemental amino acid in rat serum but generally failed to improve the RPER or RNPR values. Addition of all four essential amino acids to the formula diets, however, caused a marked improvement in their protein quality (RPER or RNPR values=100). The data suggested that proteins in soy-based formulas could be marginally co-limiting in several indispensable amino acids.Presented in part at the 202nd annual meeting of the American Chemical Society, New York City, 25–30 August 1991. 相似文献
大豆抗缺钼缺硼胁迫的基因型筛选 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
通过溶液培养实验,从农艺学性状、主根伸长率、株高增长率、根系活力、电导率等对华东、华中和华北地区37个大豆优质品种进行了抗缺钼缺硼的基因型筛选,筛选出6个具有较强抗缺钼缺硼的基因型。对缺钼缺硼条件下大豆各性状进行了综合评价,确定电导率、植株生物量、叶面积和根系活力可作为大豆抗缺钼缺硼基因型筛选的重要指标,其中以大豆根系电导率最为适宜。 相似文献
利用高抗烟粉虱种质滑皮豆和高感种质齐黄26,组配滑皮豆×齐黄26杂交组合,分别在山东济南、冠县构 建了F_1、F_(2:3)遗传群体,调查亲本、F_1群体和F_(2:3)群体各个家系单叶感染烟粉虱的平均数,采用植物数量性状主基因+多基因混合遗传分离分析方法,分析各遗传群体抗烟粉虱的遗传模式.结果表明:大豆对烟粉虱抗性的遗传符合一对主基因+多基因的混合遗传模式,主基冈的遗传率较高,分别为61.86%和97.43%;多基冈的遗传率较低,分别为23.76%和0.88%;而且不同地点的主基因和多基因遗传率差异较大.说明大豆抗烟粉虱既受主基因控制,又存在多基因效应,同时受环境因素影响.改良大豆品种对烟粉虱的抗性应重点利用主基因,同时兼顾多基因的积累. 相似文献
大豆锈菌冬孢子在侵染循环中的作用 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
在自然条件下形成的大豆锈菌(Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow)冬孢子不能萌发直接浸染大豆,落入土中的病菌残体也不能引起大豆植株发病,说明在我国锈菌虽然能在自然条件下形成冬孢子,但不能成为大豆锈病初次侵染源。 相似文献
美国大豆遗传育种整体水平居世界领先行列,阿肯色州是美国南方大豆主产区,阿肯色大学大豆遗传育种居美国公立大豆育种机构领先行列。文中首先对阿肯色州大豆生产作简要介绍,而后系统介绍阿肯色大学大豆育种项目试验站设置、杂交组合配置、低世代推进、单株选拔、株行选拔、产量比较试验、区域试验、种子纯化、扩繁和生产的详细情况;并介绍了阿肯色大学大豆育种信息化、规范化的管理操作特征;最后总结出阿肯色大学大豆育种目标明确、多地点大规模育种模式对我国大豆育种的启示。为国内同行了解美国公立机构大豆育种情况提供信息与借鉴。 相似文献
I. E. Liener Z. Nitsan C. Srisangnam J. J. Rackis M. R. Gumbmann 《Plant foods for human nutrition (Dordrecht, Netherlands)》1985,35(3):243-257
A total of 600 rats was distributed equally among 15 diets formulated from mixtures of raw and toasted soy flour and casein so as to provide 5 different levels of trypsin inhibitor (TI) at 3 levels of protein (10%, 20%, and 30%). Animals were sacrificed at the end of 6 months and at 3-month intervals thereafter over a period of 22 months. Increases in the secretory activity of the pancreas, as measured by trypsin and chymotrypsin activities in the pancreas and small intestines, were associated with increasingly higher levels of TI and protein but did not change appreciably with time. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the pancreas, as reflected by changes in pancreas weight and RNA and DNA content, developed at an early stage (6 months) and were likewise positively correlated with the levels of TI and protein in the diet. Although the hypertrophic response remained unchanged with time, hyperplasia became more pronounced as the period of exposure to TI was prolonged. The peptide test confirmed the stimulatory effect of TI on the pancreas, but some functional impairment was noted in those animals which had been fed raw soy flour for 18 months of or longer. The appearance of nodules on the pancreas was observed by gross inspection after 15 months, and these became larger and more numerous with time. The incidence of nodules was highly correlated with the level of TI in the diet and was highest when the diet contained 20% protein. 相似文献
We determined whether nanocarriers can penetrate into plant roots and be transported upward, from the root to stem, as well as studied the effect of the physical state of the lipid matrix of the nanocarriers on their penetration and transportation in plants. Firstly, solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN), nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC), and lipid-based nanoemulsions (NE) with similar characteristics (particle size, polydispersity index, and zeta potential) were successfully prepared by the combined method of hot homogenization and sonication, with beeswax as a solid lipid, corn oil as a liquid lipid, and Nile Red as a fluorescent active-ingredient. Penetration of nanocarriers into the roots and their transportation to the stem were visualized using confocal laser scanning microscopy. The images of vertical sections illustrated that NE penetrated into the root and was transported upward at a rate faster than did NLC and SLN, because of its relatively higher flexibility. While it took only 1 day for NE to penetrate into the center of the root and be transported upward to up to 4 cm of the stem, it took 3 and 6 days, respectively, for NLC and SLN to achieve the same. This study provides an important basic background required to generate a new generation of pesticide formulations, where pesticides will be encapsulated in nanocarriers, which in turn will be embedded into a patch that will be stuck on the root or stem. This would minimize pesticide loss, resulting in higher commercial profit and better environmental protection. 相似文献
揭示干旱条件下植物耐高温的能力,可提高品种抗干旱的潜力。在土壤水分为8%~9%干旱条件下,分别在28和48℃处理耐旱的T7代过表达Gm HSFA1大豆株系,观察其形态基因表达和生理及光合指标的变化,并运用关联分析方法,筛选和确定抗干旱耐高温的大豆品系,为大豆分子遗传改良和基因聚合育种的种质材料利用奠定技术基础。结果表明:在干旱、高温条件下,过表达Gm HSFA1大豆株系目的基因表达量明显增高,其中T7-27大豆的表达量增加了22倍;植株中热激蛋白的靶基因HSP70、HSP22、HSP17.9的表达量明显上调,分别增加了46,7和59倍;脯氨酸含量明显增加;丙二醛含量受高温影响,株系间增幅不同;可溶性糖含量受高温影响均明显增加,增幅最高的为T7-27株系,增幅为91%;植株净光合速率降低,但低于非转基因大豆。多种指标的灰色关联性分析表明,过表达Gm HSFA1的大豆株系T7-18和T7-27的抗干旱耐热性较好。 相似文献