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Irrigated agriculture notably increases crop productivity, but consumes high volumes of water and may induce off-site pollution of receiving water bodies. The objectives of this paper were to diagnose the quality of irrigation and to prescribe recommendations aimed at improving irrigation management and reducing the off-site pollution from a 15,500 ha irrigation district located in the Ebro River Basin (Spain). Three hydrological basins were selected within the district where the main inputs (irrigation, precipitation, and groundwater inflows) and outputs (actual crop's evapotranspiration, surface drainage outflows, and groundwater outflows) of water were measured or estimated during a hydrological year. The highest volume of water (I = 1400 mm/year) was applied in the basin with highly permeable, low water retention, flood irrigated soils where 81% of the total surface was planted with alfalfa and corn. This basin had the lowest consumptive water use efficiency (CWUE = 45%), the highest water deficit (WD = 5%) and the highest drainage fraction (DF = 57%). In contrast, the lowest I (950 mm/year), the highest CWUE (62%), and the lowest WD (2%) and DF (37%) were obtained in the basin with 60% of the surface covered with deep, high water retention, alluvial valley soils, where 39% of the cultivated surface is sprinkler irrigated and with only 48% of the surface planted with alfalfa and corn. We concluded that the three most important variables determining the quality of irrigation and the volume of irrigation return flows in the studied basins were (i) soil characteristics, (ii) irrigation management and irrigation system, and (iii) crop water requirements. Therefore, the critical recommendations for improving the quality of irrigation are to (i) increase the efficiency of flood-irrigation, (ii) change to pressurized systems in the shallow and highly permeable soils, and (iii) reuse of drainage water for irrigation within the district. These management strategies will conserve water of high quality in the main reservoir and will decrease the crop water deficits and the volume of irrigation return flows, therefore, minimizing the off-site pollution from this irrigation district.  相似文献   

The analysis of long-term irrigation performance series is a valuable tool to improve irrigation management and efficiency. This work focuses in the assessment of irrigation performance indices along years 1995-2008, and the cause-effect relationships with irrigation modernization works taking place in the 4000 ha surface-irrigated La Violada Irrigation District (VID). Irrigation management was poor, as shown by the low mean seasonal irrigation consumptive use coefficient (ICUC = 51%) and the high relative water deficit (RWD = 20%) and drainage fraction (DRF = 54%). April had the poorest irrigation performance because corn (with low water demand in this month) was irrigated to promote its emergence, whereas winter grains (with high water demands in this month) were not fully irrigated in water-scarce years. Corn, highly sensitive to water stress, was the crop with best irrigation performance because it was preferentially irrigated to minimize yield losses. The construction of a new elevated canal that decreased seepage and drainage fractions, the entrance in operation of six internal reservoirs that would increase irrigation scheduling flexibility, and the on-going transformation from surface to sprinkler irrigation systems are critical changes in VID that should lead to improved ICUC, lower RWD and lower DRF. The implications of these modernization works on the conservation of water quantity and quality within and outside VID is further discussed.  相似文献   

The need for salt-tolerant turfgrasses is ever-increasing. Rapid urban population growth has put enormous pressures on limited freshwater supplies. Many state and local governments have reacted by placing restrictions on the use of potable water for irrigating turfgrass landscapes, instead requiring use of reclaimed, or other secondary saline water sources. In coastal areas, overpumping, and resultant salt water intrusion of coastal wells used for irrigating turfgrass facilities has widely occurred. The nature and extent of the salinity problem, followed by basic salinity issues and available management choices, will be discussed. Issues facing the turf manager using saline water sources are soil salinization, resulting in direct salt injury to turf, and secondary problems of loss of soil structure ensuing from sodium and bicarbonate effects, resulting in loss of salt leaching potential and soil anaerobiosis. Management choices for the turf manager using saline water are limited. Soil salinity must be maintained below the level deemed detrimental to the turf, by maintaining sufficient leaching. Sodium/bicarbonate affected soils must be managed to maintain sufficient permeability to permit adequate leaching. Finally, salt tolerant turf species/cultivars must be used. Long-term solutions to the salinity problem will require development of improved salt-tolerant turfgrasses. Progress in cultivar development, and future development of potential alternative halophytic turfgrass species will also be discussed.  相似文献   

All horticultural production in Botswana is irrigated, as average rainfall is less than average reference evapotranspiration in all parts of the country for all of the year, and most of the irrigation in the country is used for horticultural crops. In the main, the water used for irrigation comes from groundwater, and much of this can be classified as moderately saline. A survey was carried out of 60 cabbage farmers in five regions of the country to identify the level of salinity of irrigation water and the irrigation practices used. It was concluded that there was no relationship between the irrigation rate (average irrigation depth divided by average irrigation interval) and the salinity of the water used or the salinity of the soil, such that some farmers were over-irrigating and others under-irrigating. This means that water is being wasted and yields are likely to be reduced. In addition, there is a risk of long-term build-up of salinity and soil degradation.  相似文献   

It is difficult to quantify non-point contamination caused by irrigated agriculture. As continuation to the evaluation of water use on the scale of large irrigation districts, this second part seeks: (i) to quantify the mass of salt and nitrate exported by Bardenas Irrigation District included in the Arba basin (BID-Arba; 54,438 ha); (ii) to analyze the most influential factors; (iii) to propose agro-environmental contamination indices which can be incorporated into legislation.For this, salt and nitrate balances were carried out, assigning concentration values to each of the components of the water balance between 1 April 2004 and 30 September 2006. Saline and Nitrate Contamination Indices were also quantified which correct the mass of pollutants exported from irrigation return flows by geological and agronomic factors of the irrigation area studied.For the whole period of the study the exported mass of salt was 15 kg/(ha day), of which 65% came from geological materials in the area, 34% from irrigation water and only 1% from precipitation. As for exported nitrate, it was 76 g NO3-N/(ha day), only 25% of the quantities measured in other small basins (≈100 ha) of Bardenas district without re-use of drainage water for irrigation, but double the nitrate exported in other modern irrigation districts.Water and saline agro-environmental indices of BID-Arba resemble those of well-managed modern irrigation districts indicating little margin for improvement in water use and saline contamination. But, the nitrate-contamination-index was 1.5 times higher than well-managed modern irrigation districts indicating the necessity to change nitrogenous fertilization practices to minimize nitrate contamination.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the effects of irrigation modernization on water conservation, using the Riegos del Alto Aragón (RAA) irrigation project (NE Spain, 123354 ha) as a case study. A conceptual approach, based on water accounting and water productivity, has been used. Traditional surface irrigation systems and modern sprinkler systems currently occupy 73% and 27% of the irrigated area, respectively. Virtually all the irrigated area is devoted to field crops. Nowadays, farmers are investing on irrigation modernization by switching from surface to sprinkler irrigation because of the lack of labour and the reduction of net incomes as a consequence of reduction in European subsidies, among other factors. At the RAA project, modern sprinkler systems present higher crop yields and more intense cropping patterns than traditional surface irrigation systems. Crop evapotranspiration and non-beneficial evapotranspiration (mainly wind drift and evaporation loses, WDEL) per unit area are higher in sprinkler irrigated than in surface irrigated areas. Our results indicate that irrigation modernization will increase water depletion and water use. Farmers will achieve higher productivity and better working conditions. Likewise, the expected decreases in RAA irrigation return flows will lead to improvements in the quality of the receiving water bodies. However, water productivity computed over water depletion will not vary with irrigation modernization due to the typical linear relationship between yield and evapotranspiration and to the effect of WDEL on the regional water balance. Future variations in crop and energy prices might change the conclusions on economic productivity.  相似文献   

Water scarcity and increased frequency of drought conditions, resulting from erratic weather attributable to climatic change or alterations in historical weather patterns, have caused greater scrutiny of irrigated agriculture's demand on water resources. The traditional guidelines for the calculation of the crop-specific leaching requirement (LR) of irrigated soils have fallen under the microscope of scrutiny and criticism because the commonly used traditional method is believed to erroneously estimate LR due to its assumption of steady-state flow and disregard for processes such as salt precipitation and preferential flow. An over-estimation of the LR would result in the application of excessive amounts of irrigation water and increased salt loads in drainage systems, which can detrimentally impact the environment and reduce water supplies. The objectives of this study are (i) to evaluate the appropriateness of the traditional steady-state method for estimating LR in comparison to the transient method and (ii) to discuss the implications these findings could have on irrigation guidelines and recommendations, particularly with respect to California's Imperial Valley. Steady-state models for calculating LR including the traditional model, which is an extension of the original U.S. Salinity Laboratory LR model, WATSUIT model, and water-production-function model were compared to transient models including TETrans and UNSATCHEM. The calculated LR was lower when determined using a transient approach than when using a steady-state approach. Transient conditions and the influence of preferential flow did not have as significant an effect on lowering the LR as salt precipitation for a representative study of the Imperial Valley using Colorado River water (EC = 1.23 dS/m) for irrigation. A valley-wide LR of 0.08 for a crop rotation of alfalfa/alfalfa/alfalfa/alfalfa/wheat/lettuce, as calculated by both WATSUIT and UNSATCHEM, was concluded to be the most reasonable estimate for the entire Imperial Valley as compared to a LR of 0.13 by the commonly used traditional method. The reduced LR for the Imperial Valley would result in a diminished drainage volume of approximately 1.23 × 108 m3 (i.e., 100,000 ac-ft). The most significant conclusion derived from the comparison is that the use of the traditional steady-state model for estimating LR needs to be reevaluated.  相似文献   

Maximization of crop yields when the salinity of irrigation water is high depends on providing plant transpiration needs and evaporative losses, as well as on maintaining minimum soil solution salinity through leaching. The effect of the amount of applied irrigation water was studied regarding transpiration, yields, and leaching fractions as a function of irrigation water salinity. Bell pepper (Capsicum annum L. vars. Celica and 7187) in protected growing environments in the Arava Valley of Israel was used as a case study crop to analyze water quantity–salinity interactions in a series of lysimeter, field and model simulation experiments. Leaching fraction was found to be highly influenced by plant feedback, as transpiration depended on root zone salinity. Increased application of saline irrigation water led to increased transpiration and yields. The higher the salinity level, the greater the relative benefit from increased leaching. The extent of leaching needed to maximize yields when irrigating with saline water may make such practice highly unsustainable.  相似文献   

This paper examines the changing profile of water traders (both allocation and entitlement traders) in the Goulburn-Murray Irrigation District in Australia, and examines the efficiency of the water allocation and entitlement markets from 1998-99 to 2003-06. The results suggest that the profile of traders in the early and mature stages of the water allocation market differ greatly. In addition, the profile of allocation traders is significantly dissimilar from that of water entitlement traders at all stages of water market development. The decision to buy or sell water allocations was more likely to be associated with a farmer's socioeconomic characteristics and the type of farm, while the decision to buy or sell water entitlements was more likely to be associated with the extent of existing farm infrastructure and farm productivity. Finally, there was strong evidence to suggest that trading in the water allocation market has become more efficient over time, though there is no evidence to suggest the same for the water entitlement market.  相似文献   

Salt balance methods are generally applied in the root-zone and at local scales but do not provide relevant information for salinity management at irrigation scheme scales, where there are methodological impediments. A simple salt balance model was developed at irrigation scheme and yearly time scales and applied in Fatnassa oasis (Nefzaoua, Tunisia). It accounts for input by irrigation, export by drainage and groundwater flow, and provides novel computation of the influence of biogeochemical processes and variations in the resident amount of salt for each chemical component in the soil and shallow groundwater. Impediments were overcome by limiting the depth of the system so that the resident amount of salt that remained was of the same order of magnitude as salt inputs and allowed indirect and reliable estimation of groundwater flow. Sensitivity analyses as partial derivatives of groundwater salinity were carried out according to non-reactive salt balance under steady-state assumption. These analyses enabled the magnitude of the salinization process to be foreseen as a function of hydrological changes linked to irrigation, drainage, groundwater flow and extension of the irrigated area. From a salt input of 39 Mg ha−1 year−1 by irrigation, 21 Mg ha−1 year−1 (54%) and 10 Mg ha−1 year−1 (26%) were exported by groundwater flow and drainage, respectively. 7 Mg ha−1 year−1 (18%) were removed from groundwater by geochemical processes, while a non-significant 2 Mg ha−1 year−1 were estimated to have been stored in the soil and shallow groundwater where the residence time was only 2.7 years. The leaching efficiency of drainage was estimated at 0.77. With a water supply of 1360 mm by irrigation and 90 mm by rainfall, drainage, groundwater flow and actual evapotranspiration were 130, 230, and 1090 mm, respectively. The current extension of date palm plantations and salinization of groundwater resources are expected to significantly increase the salinity hazard while the degradation of the drainage system is expected to be of lesser impact. The approach was successfully implemented in Fatnassa oasis and proved to be particularly relevant in small or medium irrigation schemes where groundwater fluxes are significant.  相似文献   

王洋 《排灌机械》2004,22(5):46-48
为促进企业发展使之取得良好的经济效益,讨论了排灌机械行业贯彻与应用标准的情况,分析了标准的作用。自从我国加入世贸组织,国际贸易量日益增大,熟悉和掌握与之相关的标准,参与市场竞争更显得非常重要。指出了标准在市场与营销及生产中的制约作用和利害关系。  相似文献   

Adoption of more uniform sprinkler systems involves a trade off between increased capital expenditure on equipment and the benefits associated with reduced water application when application is uniform. An empirical analysis of the economics of lettuce production, grown using sprinkler systems under the windy conditions of the Swan Coastal plain in Western Australia is presented, where the yield response to water exhibits eventual declining marginal productivity. A range of sprinkler designs that have been field-tested for performance were examined. The optimal per-crop water application for the least efficient system was up to double the application rate of the most efficient system. However, the economic analysis demonstrates that there are clear incentives for adopting more water-efficient systems despite the higher capital cost, because of the yield depressing effect of over-watering. Sensitivity analysis demonstrates substantially poorer incentives for improving irrigation efficiency when yield relationships follow a Mitscherlich functional form.
Donna BrennanEmail:

A combination of high input management systems, high annual rainfall and deep, permeable soils in northern Tasmania create conditions that are conducive to high drainage and nitrogen losses below the root zone. An understanding of the extent and mechanism of such losses will enable farm managers and their consultants to identify and implement more sustainable management practices that minimise potential adverse financial and environmental consequences. Analysing the fate of water and nutrients in farming systems is complex and influenced by a wide range of factors including management, soil characteristics, seasonal climate variability and management history of the paddock/farm in question. This paper describes a novel farm system modelling approach based on the model APSIM, for analysing the fate of nitrogen and water in mixed vegetable-based farming enterprises. The study was based on seven case farms across the Panatana catchment in northern Tasmania. Substantial simulated drainage losses (>100 mm average seasonal loss) were apparent for all crop and rotation elements across all farms in response to the surplus between crop water supply and crop water use. Crop nitrogen demand was found to be close to crop nitrogen supply for all crop and pasture rotation elements with the exception of potato, which had an average surplus nitrogen supply of 89 kg N/ha. This resulted in potato having much higher nitrate nitrogen leaching losses (32 kg N/ha) compared to other crops (<10 kg N/ha). Simulations suggest that practicable management options such as deficit-based irrigation and reduced N fertiliser rates will maintain current levels of productivity while reducing potential offsite N loss and generating significant financial savings via reduced input costs.  相似文献   

The Central Asian countries face high water scarcity due to aridity and desertification but excess water is often applied to the main irrigated crops. This over-irrigation contributes to aggravate water scarcity problems. Improved water saving irrigation is therefore required, mainly through appropriate irrigation scheduling. To provide for it, after being previously calibrated and validated for cotton in the Fergana region, the irrigation scheduling simulation model ISAREG was explored to simulate improved irrigation scheduling alternatives. Results show that using the present irrigation scheduling a large part of the applied water, averaging 20%, percolates out of the root zone. Several irrigation strategies were analyzed, including full irrigation and various levels of deficit irrigation. The analysis focused a three-year period when experiments for calibration and validation of the model were carried out, and a longer period of 33 years that provided for an analysis considering the probabilities of the demand for irrigation water. The first concerned a wet period while the second includes a variety of climatic demand conditions that provided for analyzing alternative schedules for average, high and very high climatic demand. Results have shown the importance of the groundwater contribution, mainly when deficit irrigation is applied. Analyzing several deficit irrigation strategies through the respective potential water saving, relative yield losses, water productivity and economic water productivity, it could be concluded that relative mild deficits may be adopted. Contrarily, the adoption of high water deficit that produce high water savings would lead to yield losses that may be economically not acceptable.  相似文献   

Salt River Project (SRP) was established in 1903 to deliver water to farms on about 250,000 ac (100,000 ha) located in South-Central Arizona. While SRP continues to deliver water to the entire area, today only about 10% of that land is still in agriculture. The remainder has been urbanized. Urbanization of the vast majority of water service area has caused SRP to rethink and adjust every aspect of its business, from daily operation and maintenance to the overarching issues of liability and public involvement. Some of the issues being addressed and lessons learned are addressed in this paper.  相似文献   

从经济全球化的要求出发,为迎接国际市场的挑战,结合我国排灌机械行业的现状,提出了行业战略管理的若干设想。  相似文献   

This paper describes a multi-level drainage system, designed to improve drainage water quality. Results are presented from a field scale land reclamation experiment implemented in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area of New South Wales, Australia. A traditional single level drainage system and a multi-level drainage system were compared in the experiment in an irrigated field setting. The single level drainage system consisted of 1.8 m deep drains at 20 m spacing. This configuration is typical of subsurface drainage system design used in the area. The multi-level drainage system consisted of shallow closely spaced drains (3.3 m spacing at 0.75 m depth) underlain by deeper widely spaced drains (20 m spacing at 1.8 m depth). Data on drainage flows and salinity, water table regime and soil salinity were collected over a 2-year period.  相似文献   

Enhancing water productivity is often recommended as a “soft option” in addressing the problem of increasing water scarcity. However, improving water productivity, particularly through water reuse, incurs additional investment and may result in increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In this study, we analysed the water productivity and GHG implications of water reuse through pumping groundwater and creek water, and compare this with gravity-fed canal irrigation in the Upper Pampanga River Integrated Irrigation System (UPRIIS) in the Philippines.Water productivity indicators show that water reuse contributes significantly to water productivity. For example, water productivity with respect to gross inflow (WPgross) with water reuse (0.19 kg grain/m3) is 21% higher than without water reuse (0.15 kg grain/m3). However, there is a tradeoff between increasing water productivity and water reuse as water reuse increases GHG emissions. The estimated GHG emission from water reuse (pumping irrigation) is 1.47 times higher than without water reuse (gravity-fed canal irrigation). Given increasing concerns about climate change and the need to reduce carbon emissions, we recommend that a higher priority be given to water reuse only in areas where water scarcity is a serious issue.  相似文献   

The agro-hydrological model SWAP was used in a distributed manner to quantify irrigation water management effects on the water and salt balances of the Voshmgir Network of North Iran during the agricultural year 2006-2007. Field experiments, satellite images and geographical data were processed into input data for 10 uniform simulation areas. As simulated mean annual drainage water (312 mm) of the entire area was only 14% smaller than measured (356 mm), its distribution over the drainage units was well reproduced, and simulated and measured groundwater levels agreed well. Currently, water management leads to excessive irrigation (621-1436 mm year−1), and leaching as well as high salinity of shallow groundwater are responsible for large amounts of drainage water (25-59%) and salts (44-752 mg cm−2). Focused water management can decrease mean drainage water (22-48%) and salts (30-49%), compared with current water management without adverse effects on relative transpiration and root zone salinity.  相似文献   

Simulating root water uptake from a shallow saline groundwater resource   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Disposal of saline drainage water is a significant problem for irrigated agriculture. One proposal to deal with this problem is sequential biological concentration (SBC), which is the process of recycling drainage water on increasingly more salt tolerant crops until the volume of drainage water has been reduced sufficiently to enable its final disposal by evaporation in a small area. For maximum effectiveness this concept will require crop water reuse from shallow groundwater. To evaluate the concept of sequential biological concentration, a column lysimeter study was used to determine the potential crop water use from shallow groundwater by alfalfa as a function of ground water quality and depth to ground water. However, lysimeter studies are not practical for characterizing all the possible scenarios for crop water use related to ground water quality and depth. Models are suited to do this type of characterization if they can be validated. To this end, we used the HYDRUS-1D water flow and solute transport simulation model to simulate our experimental results. Considering the precision of the experimental boundary and initial conditions, numerical simulations matched the experimental results very well. The modeling results indicate that it is possible to reduce the dependence on experimental research by extrapolating experimental results obtained in this study to other specific sites where shallow saline groundwater is of concern.  相似文献   

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