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With the increasing emphasis to replace fish meal (FM) with less expensive protein sources in aquaculture diets without reducing weight gains, an 8-wk feeding trial was conducted with juvenile (15 g) sunshine bass Morone chrysops×M. saxatilis) to evaluate growth and body composition when fed diets with different levels of FM (0, 7.5, 15, and 30%). Six practical floating diets were formulated to contain 40% protein and similar energy levels, with various percentages of FM, meat-and-bone meal (MBM), soybean meal (SBM), poultry by-product meal (PBM), and/or distillers grains with solubles (DGS). Ten fish were stocked into each of 24 110-L aquaria and were fed twice daily ad libitum (0730 and 1600 h). At the conclusion of the feeding trial, final weights of fish fed diet 2 (0% FM, 29% SBM, 29% MBM, and 10% DGS), diet 3 (0% FM, 32% SBM, and 28% PBM), diet 5 (15% FM and 44% SBM), and diet 6 (30% FM and 26% SBM) were not significantly different (P > 0.05) and averaged 72 g. However, final weights of sunshine bass fed diet 1 (0% FM, 30% SBM, and 31% MBM) and diet 4 (7.5% FM and 54% SBM) were significantly lower and averaged 55 g. Specific growth rate (SGR) of sunshine bass fed diet 4 was significantly lower (2.14) than fish fed diet 2 (2.70), diet 3 (2.80), diet 5 (2.68), and diet 6 (2.84), while feed conversion ratio (FCR) of fish fed diet 4 was significantly higher than sunshine bass fed diets 2, 3, 5, and 6. Carcass (fish were decapitated) composition of sunshine bass fed diet 4 had a significantly higher percentage of moisture (70%) and protein (54% on a dry-matter basis) than fish fed all other diets. Percentage lipid was similar among fish fed all diets and averaged 41% (dry-matter basis). Results from the present study indicate that diets in which all of the FM is replaced with a combination of animal- and plant-source proteins can be fed to sunshine bass without adverse effects on weight gain, growth rate, and body composition. Further feeding trials are needed to refine diet formulations used in the present study and should be conducted in aquaria and ponds.  相似文献   

Juvenile hybrid striped bass ( Morone chrysops × M. saxatilis ) were fed one of eight diets to evaluate meat and bone meal as a source of crude protein and essential amino acids. Diets contained either 0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 or 45% meat and bone meal substituted for an isonitrogenous amount of soybean meal and fish meal. All diets were fed for 7 wk, followed by a 2-wk digestibility trial. Mean consumption, weight gain, and feed conversion ratio were not significantly affected by addition of meat and bone meal into diets. Intraperitoneal and liver lipid concentrations were not significantly affected by meat and bone meal. Fillet proximate composition was not significantly different among treatments. Apparent crude protein, phosphorus, and amino acid availabilities were significantly lower in fish fed 45% meat and bone meal compared to fish fed 30% and lower concentrations and generally lower in fish fed greater than 30% meat and bone meal. Based on these data, it appears meat and bone meal can be used as the primary source of crude protein and essential amino acids in practical growout diets for hybrid striped bass, comprising as much as 45% of the diet. Nutrient availability values were lower in fish fed greater than 30% meat and bone meal and may restrict usage in some applications.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the effect of environmental factors on timing and production of zooplankton populations would enable sunshine bass Morone chrysops × M. saxatilis farmers to stock fry when live food is most available and thereby increase fry survival. Relationships of morning water temperature, morning and average daily air temperature, day length, number of rain days and daily rain fall, and dissolved oxygen concentrations to time required for rotifer and copepod nauplii populations to peak in freshly filled freshwater nursery ponds was determined. Relationships of the same independent variables to concentrations of rotifers and copepod nauplii at the peak were also determined. For rotifers, day length, dissolved oxygen, and water and air temperatures were highly correlated with time to the peak density, but not concentration of rotifers. Time required for copepod nauplii densities to peak was associated with rain events; whereas, nauplii concentration was related to day length, dissolved oxygen levels and, to a lesser extent, water and air temperatures. Regression equations of the independent variables had very low predictive value for rotifer or nauplii densities or time to reach initial peak nauplii populations. Regressions of day length, morning water temperature, morning and average daily air temperature had moderate values ( r 2 > 0.7) for predicting time to initial peak rotifer densities.  相似文献   

Abstract— A pair of experiments were performed to assess amino acid supplementation of pet food grade poultry by‐product meal for utilization as the sole protein source for hybrid striped bass Morone chrysops×M. saxatilis. The first experiment determined the available amino acids from menhaden fishmeal and poultry by‐product meal for hybrid striped bass. The second experiment determined the efficacy of supplementing poultry by‐product meal with amino acids based on an ideal amino acid profile of hybrid striped bass muscle. The positive control diet contained 40% digestible protein solely from menhaden fishmeal and the negative control diet contained 40% digestible protein solely from pet food grade poultry by‐product meal. The negative control diet was additively supplemented with lysine, methionine, threonine, and leucine at 1.16,0.57,0.31 and 0.47% of the diet, respectively. Lysine supplementation alone did not improve fish performance based on any measured response. Moreover, the negative control diet and the lysine supplemented diet had lower weight gain and feed efficiency than the positive control diet. Supplementation of the diet containing pet food grade poultry by‐product with lysine and methionine; lysine, methionine, and threonine; or lysine, methionine, threonine, and leucine improved weight gain and feed efficiency above that of the negative control diet. The diet containing poultry by‐product supplemented with lysine, methionine, and threonine produced weight gains statistically indistinguishable from those of the positive control diet. Protein and energy retention efficiencies also improved with supplementation of at least lysine and methionine and were statistically indistinguishable from those observed in fish fed the positive control diet. Supplementation with lysine and methionine reduced the hepatosomatic index to levels similar to those found in fish fed the menhaden fishmeal diet. Intraperitoneal fat levels were similar among treatments (6.1‐6.6%) with the exception that fish fed the diet supplemented with lysine, methionine, and threonine exhibited lower (5.5%) fat levels. Supplementing the poultry by‐product meal diet with only lysine and methionine increased muscle ratio to levels equivalent to those found in fish fed the positive control (fishmeal) diet. In conclusion, amino acid supplementation of pet food grade poultry by‐product meal can be used to replace fishmeal in diets for hybrid striped bass without a reduction in fish performance.  相似文献   

Manipulation of the ratio of amylopectin (α‐[1,4] and α‐[1,6] linked glucose) to amylose (α‐[1,41 linked glucose) starches in the carbohydrate fraction of the diet has been used to improve carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in mammalian models. A 10‐wk feeding trial was conducted to determine the effect of dietary amylopectin/amylose ratio on growth and composition of growth of advanced sunshine bass (Morone chrysops × M. saxatilis) fingerlings (60 g, initial weight). Fish were fed cold‐pelleted, semipurified, isonitrogenous (35% crude protein), isocaloric (3.6 kcaVg protein), isolipidic (5%) diets containing 25% carbohydrate. The carbohydrate fraction of the diets was composed of either glucose, dextrin, 100% amylopectin/0% amylose, 70% amylopectin/30% amylose, or 30% amylopectin/70% amylose. Diets differing in ratios of amylopectin/amylose were achieved by adjusting the proportion of high‐amylopectin (100% amylopectin) to high‐amylose (70% amylose) corn starch. Diets were fed to fish in quadruplicate 76‐L tanks (seven fish/tank) connected to a brackish water (5‐7%v) recirculating culture system with biofiltration. Weight gain ranged from 195 to 236% of initial weight (60 g) and was significantly greater (P < 0.1) for fish fed diets containing 25% carbohydrate as dextrin or as 70% amylose and significantly lower in fish fed diets in which carbohydrate was composed of 30% amylose, 100% amylopectin, or glucose. Feed efficiency ranged from 0.52 to 0.61 and was higher in fish fed the diet containing the highest concentration of amylose and lower in fish fed the diet containing glucose. Hepatosomatic index was highest (2.71) in fish fed the diet containing glucose and lowest (1.401.45) in fish fed diets containing high‐amylose cornstarch. Intraperitoneal fat ratio was distinctly lower in fish fed diets containing some amylose as compared to those fed diets without amylose. Liver lipid was significantly lower (4.8%) in fish fed the diet containing glucose and almost twice as high (7.3‐8.9%) in fish fed the diets containing any starch. Glycogen content of the liver decreased from approximately 12% in fish fed the diet containing glucose to 5% in fish fed the diets containing amylose. Muscle proximate composition and ratio were unaffected by the dietary treatments. Fasting levels (15 h) of blood glucose in fish reared for 10 wk on the diet containing glucose were significantly elevated (5.5 mmol/L) when compared to fasting levels of those that had been reared on diets containing starch (3.4‐1.1 mmol/L). Fish fed the diet containing glucose exhibited maximum blood concentrations (14.6 mmoVL) 4 h postprandial then rapidly declined to nearly fasting levels within 8 h postprandial. In contrast, maximum plasma glucose concentrations in fish fed diets containing starch were roughly half (6.8‐8.1 mmol/L) those of fish fed the diet containing glucose. Blood glucose in fish fed diets containing dextrin or predominantly amylopectin starch remained elevated longer than that of fish fed diets containing glucose or predominantly amylose starch. Glycemic response appeared to decrease with increasing dietary amylose content. These data suggest that feeding diets in which a greater portion of the starch is amylose may be a useful strategy for improving carbohydrate use in sunshine bass.  相似文献   

The effect of enriching rotifer prey with highly unsaturated fatty acids on sunshine bass Morone chrysops × M. saxatilis larval survival and growth from ages 4 to 12 d posthatch was determined. Comparisons were made among larvae fed (1) rotifers cultured with Nannochloropsis paste versus rotifers cultured with Nannochloropsis paste and enriched with Culture Selco 3000; (2) no rotifers versus rotifers cultured with Nannochloropsis paste and enriched with Culture Selco 3000; and (3) rotifers cultured with Nannochloropsis paste and enriched with Culture Selco 3000, rotifers cultured with Nannochloropsis and Pavlova pastes and enriched with Culture Selco 3000, and rotifers cultured with Nannochloropsis paste and enriched with Culture Selco 3000 and Super Selco. The only differences in survival were unfed larvae with practically no survival compared to 55.4% survival for larvae fed rotifers cultured with paste plus Culture Selco 3000. Larvae fed rotifers cultured with paste plus Culture Selco 3000 were longer and had greater condition than those fed rotifers cultured with paste. Additional enrichment with Pavlova sp. or Super Selco had no affect. A canonical analysis of fatty acid contents of diets, rotifers, and fry supported evidence from harvest results. Distances between centroids indicated distinct differences among diets, less distinction among the rotifers, and little difference among fry. Enrichment enhanced growth, but additional enrichment beyond that done during rotifer culture did not increase survival, growth, or condition.  相似文献   

The biofloc technology production system is a production‐intensifying management strategy used primarily for culturing tilapia and penaeid shrimp, both of which can consume the biofloc. Other fish can be grown in biofloc systems because the biofloc serves to maintain water quality, metabolizing the ammonia excreted by intensively fed fish. A dose–response study was conducted in an outdoor biofloc system to begin quantifying the stocking rate production function for sunshine bass, Morone chrysops × Morone saxatilis, advanced fingerlings. Sunshine bass (2.9 ± 0.2 g/fish) were stocked into tanks at 50–250 fish/m2 in 50 fish/m2 increments. After 94 d, gross yields ranged from 1.4 to 3.1 kg/m3 and were independent of stocking rate. Harvested fish were separated into two size groups: smaller than 115 mm total length (TL, target fish) and larger than 115 mm TL (jumper fish). Target fish increased linearly from 62 to 93% and jumpers decreased linearly from 38 to 7% of the population, respectively, as stocking rate increased. The outdoor biofloc system offers potential for intensifying the production of advanced sunshine bass fingerlings, but feed consumption appeared to be impeded by high total suspended solids concentrations. Further research is needed to optimize stocking rates and solids management.  相似文献   

We evaluated production performance, fillet composition, and sensory integrity of sunshine bass (Morone chrysops x M. saxatilis) fed a marine oil-based finishing feed after being raised on a plant oil-based production feed. Two feeds containing either corn oil (CO) or menhaden oil (MO) were fed to sunshine bass according to different feeding regimens at the close of the production cycle: control groups were fed the CO or the MO feeds exclusively; remaining groups were transitioned from the CO feed to the MO feed at 4-, 8- or 12-week intervals. Replacing MO with CO yielded fillets with distinctly different fatty acid profiles; however, finishing with an MO-based feed for 4–8 weeks offered significant compensation for reductions in fillet nutritional quality. Production performance and fillet sensory characteristics were largely unaffected by dietary lipid source, suggesting fillet fatty acid profile can be manipulated to maximize nutritional value of cultured fillets without reducing consumer acceptance.  相似文献   

Compensatory growth (CG) or “catch‐up growth” is a period of super‐accelerated growth following a period of suboptimal conditions (i.e., lack of prey availability or overwintering). Little is known about the CG response in pond‐raised fish and whether hybrid striped bass (HSB), Morone chrysops × Morone saxatilis, might exhibit the rapid growth states or improvements in other production characteristics that may accompany the response. To evaluate the potential for CG in HSB culture, a 16‐wk growth trial in twelve 0.1‐ha earthen ponds was conducted. Approximately 2850 fish (mean weight ± SD = 3.2 g ± 1.1) were stocked into ponds and subjected to one of four cyclic feeding regimens. Treatment regimens included a control (0 wk, fed twice daily to apparent satiation) and cycles of 1, 2, or 4 wk of feed deprivation, followed by 1, 2, or 4 wk of feeding to apparent satiation. Fish in the 4‐wk feeding regimen were offered feed twice during the feed‐deprivation period (once every other week). Growth, specific growth rate (SGR), hepatosomatic index (HSI), intraperitoneal fat ratio, and condition factor (CF) were measured every other week, while overall growth, feed efficiency (FE) (FE = [weight gain/feed fed] × 100), and survival were calculated at the trial termination. The effect of these feeding regimens on water quality was examined by monitoring pH, turbidity, total ammonia nitrogen, nitrite–nitrogen, nitrate–nitrogen, soluble reactive phosphorus, and chlorophyll a weekly; total nitrogen and phosphorous biweekly; and dissolved oxygen and temperature twice daily. Cyclic feeding elicited CG; fish subjected to the 2‐wk regimen had a significantly higher SGR than 0‐wk controls during all but the final refeeding period. FE was higher for all fish in the cyclic regimens, although only FE for fish in the 2‐wk regimen was statistically greater (40%) than the controls. HSI was the most responsive measure and significantly decreased in the 2‐ and 4‐wk treatments during feed‐deprivation period and overcompensated during the refeeding period. CF also varied with feeding cycle and proved to be an effective nonlethal measure of predicting a CG response. No statistical differences in water quality parameters were observed. These data suggest that CG can be effectively induced in pond‐raised HSB and that the increase in FE warrants further research for practical application. Future pond studies with fingerling HSB fish should be conducted with emphasis on feed‐deprivation periods of 2 wk and refeeding periods of at least twice that of the feed‐deprivation period.  相似文献   

The digestibility of nutrients and energy in various ingredients to fish is affected by a variety of factors including ingredient quality and processing. Limited information is available regarding the digestibility of nutrients in feedstuffs for sunshine bass Morone chrysops♀×M. saxatilis♂. This information is particularly needed to improve the accuracy of diet formulations and allow appropriate substitution of feedstuffs. Therefore, a study was conducted with advanced sunshine bass fingerlings (50–75 g) to determine the apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) for protein, lipid, carbohydrate, gross energy, and organic matter in a variety of feedstuffs in extrusion‐processed diets. Included in the study were low‐temperature processed menhaden fish meal (Select®), meat and bone meal, fish meal analog (PROPAK?) dehulled soybean meal, cottonseed meal, corn grain, sorghum, wheat flour, wheat middlings, and rice bran. Test diets consisted of a 70:30 mixture of reference diet to test ingredient with chromic oxide (0.8%) as the inert marker. Reference and test diet ingredients were mixed in a commercial ribbon blender, preconditioned and extruded on a Wenger X‐20 to produce a neutrally buoyant pellet (5 mm). The digestibility trials were conducted in six 600‐L rectangular tanks connected as a closed recirculating brackish (5–7 ppt) water system. Diets were randomly assigned to tanks of 45–50 sunshine bass and fed twice daily to satiation. Feedstuffs of high‐protein and high‐lipid content were better digested by sunshine bass than feedstuffs of high carbohydrate or high fiber content. Organic matter digestibility ranged from 42% for both sorghum and corn to 96% and 98% for meat and bone meal and Select? menhaden fish meal, respectively. Select? menhaden fish meal and meat and bone meal appeared to be the best Ingredients for sunshine bass diets in terms of overall nutrient profiles and digestibility of nutrients. The fish meal analog did not perform as favorably as the other two animal products. Protein and lipid of cottonseed meal were highly available to sunshine bass with ADCs of 85% and 92%, respectively. Protein digestibility was high for soybean meal (77%), whereas the digestibility of organic matter (51%), lipid (54%), carbohydrate (25%) and energy (56%) in this feedstuff was moderately low. Energy in wheat middlings and wheat also was moderately available at 67% and 59%, respectively. Energy in sorghum and corn was much less available at 44% and 40%, respectively. Digestibility of nutrients and energy in rice bran exceeded 90%. Use of this information should aid the development of more efficient and economical diet formulations for sunshine bass.  相似文献   

Previous reports have indicated there are significant differences in both the dietary lysine requirement and the metabolic rate of striped bass and its hybrids. However, there is very little directly comparative data to confirm these suggestions. A series of experiments was conducted to comparatively assess efficiency of protein and energy retention between striped bass Morone saxatilis and sunshine bass M. chrysops♀×M. saxatilis♂ grown under identical culture conditions. In experiment one, a dose response study was conducted using digestible energy (DE) levels of 3,200 kcal/kg and 3,600 kcal/kg. At each level of DE, six levels of dietary lysine were fed to striped bass and sunshine bass. Ten sunshine bass weighing 3.48 ± 0.08 g or six striped bass weighing 3.23 ± 0.14 g were stocked into 15-L tanks supplied with single-pass flow-through fresh water. After 12 wk on the experimental regime, feed conversion ratios (FCR), weight gain, and % nitrogen (N) retention were determined. Nonlinear regression analysis indicated that the dietary lysine requirement of both bass groups was similar. The dietary lysine requirement was determined to be 2.0 ± 0.08% of dry diet (or 6.0 ± 0.26 g lysine/1,000 kcal DE), and 1.7 ± 0.08% of dry diet (or 4.7 ± 0.22 g lysine/1,000 kcal DE), for the 3,200 and 3,600 kcal DE/kg diets, respectively. A second experiment comparatively assessed growth, metabolism, and energy partitioning between striped bass and sunshine bass. Two diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous and isocaloric with a calculated DE level of 3462 kcal/kg and contained lysine concentrations approximating the published dietary requirements of sunshine bass (low lysine = LL diet) and striped bass (high lysine = HL diet). The diets were fed at an average rate of 2% of body weight/d to 25 juvenile striped bass or hybrid bass held separately in eight 2000-L single-pass flow-through tanks supplied with freshwater. In general, growth performance of sunshine bass was superior to striped bass. Both bass groups performed better when fed the HL diet. Mean FCRs were 1.19 ± 0.12 and 1.94 ± 0.29, respectively, for hybrids and striped bass fed the LL diet (P= 0.066); and 1.17 ± 0.07, and 1-58 ± 0.08, respectively, for hybrids and striped bass fed the HL diet (P = 0.011). Mean % gain/d values were significantly higher (P= 0.001) for hybrids (2.77 ± 0.85) than for striped bass (1-30 ± 0.27) when fed the LL diet. When fed the HL diet, mean % gain/d was significantly higher (P = 0.003) for sunshine bass (2.72 ± 0.83) compared to striped bass (1.51 ± 0.25). Additionally, when fed the HL diet, sunshine bass had significantly higher percent nitrogen (P= 0.006) and energy retention (P= 0.014) when compared to striped bass. These results further document that sunshine bass are more efficient at protein and energy retention compared to striped bass in freshwater.  相似文献   

To investigate potential use of increasing nutritional density of diets for rapid growth of warm‐water fishes, a feeding trial was conducted in which growth performance, body indexes, and whole‐body composition of juvenile hybrid striped bass fed diets comprising protein (49, 54, and 59%), lipid (16, 20, 23, and 28%), and energy (22.0–25.1 kJ/g) concentrations beyond established minimum levels were compared to those of fish fed a more typical commercial reference diet (37.5% crude protein, 10.5% crude lipid, and 19.6 kJ/g energy on a dry matter basis). A subset of the experimental diets and the commercial reference diet also were fed to juvenile red drum. After 6 wk of feeding, hybrid striped bass fed the high‐protein and high‐lipid diets showed much greater growth performance compared to fish fed the commercial diet. Increasing dietary protein level, but not lipid level, tended (P ≤ 0.1) to enhance weight gain and feed efficiency of hybrid striped bass. Hepatosomatic index (HSI), intraperitoneal fat (IPF) ratio, and whole‐body protein were significantly (P < 0.01) influenced by dietary protein level. The dietary lipid and associated energy level had significant negative linear effects on daily feed intake. Linear regression analysis showed that dietary energy : protein ratio, largely influenced by dietary protein level, moderately but significantly influenced weight gain, HSI, IPF ratio, and whole‐body protein of hybrid striped bass and red drum. Red drum grew very similar to hybrid striped bass in response to the experimental diets. However, significant differences in HSI, IPF ratio, whole‐body protein, lipid, moisture, and ash between hybrid striped bass and red drum were observed, indicating species differences in protein and energy partitioning. In particular, the excessive lipid in the diet increased HSI and whole‐body lipid of red drum but not of hybrid striped bass.  相似文献   

Striped bass Morone saxatilis under normal pond-reared conditions usually requires 14–18 mo to grow out to market weight. This includes a winter of comparatively slower growth which could possibly be overcome through hormonally induced acceleration of growth. Thus, the objective of this experiment was to test the hypothesis that bovine growth hormone and bovine placental lactogen increase growth in striped bass in a dose dependent manner. A secondary objective was to determine the effect of these hormones on body composition. Variables tested were weight gain, length gain, condition factor, feed conversion, and body composition. Fish injected biweekly with 10 μg/g body weight, bovine placental lactogen ( P < 0.09) or bovine growth hormone ( P < 0.11) increased body weight. Fish injected with 1 or 10 μg/g body weight bovine placental lactogen ( P < 0.10) or bovine growth hormone ( P < 0.10) increased body length during the 12-wk study period. Proximate analysis indicated that bovine growth hormone increased protein content (10 μg/g; P < 0.10) and decreased fat content (1 and 10 μg/g; P < 0.10). No significant differences occurred in feed conversions. We conclude that bovine growth hormone and bovine placental lactogen are effective in increasing body growth in striped bass.  相似文献   

Abstract— Grow-out performance of striped bass Morone saxatilis , palmetto bass ( M. saxatilis ♀ × M. chrysops ♂ ) and backcross hybrids [sunshine bass ♀( M. chtysops ♀ × M. saxatilis ♂) × M. saxatilis ♂] was examined in a two-part study. During part I fish (mean weight = 20.1 g) were stocked at a density of 56 fish/m3 in 1.8-m3 cylindrical fiberglass tanks connected to a central biological filter. Fish were fed a 38% protein trout ration daily and the study duration was 273 d. At harvest, no differences ( P > 0.05) in mean weight or feed conversion were detected among the fish types. However, there were differences in specific growth, with the striped bass having a significantly higher growth rate than the palmetto bass and the backcross hybrids being intermediate. The condition factor (K) for striped bass was also significantly lower (1.2) than that recorded for either of the other two groups. In addition, survival of striped bass (91%) was significantly higher than that of backcross hybrids (74%), while survival of palmetto bass (87%) was intermediate. The survival of backcross hybrids was adversely impacted by an infestation of the dinoflagellate Amyloodinium sp . During part II stocking density in each tank was reduced to 19 fish/m3. The study lasted 104 d. At harvest, no differences were detected in weight, survival, or feed conversion. However, there were significant differences in specific growth, length and K. Striped bass and backcross hybrids gained weight faster than palmetto bass. Length and K were inversely related with all groups being significantly different. Striped bass had the largest TL and the lowest K while, palmetto bass were the shortest with the highest K.  相似文献   

Relationships among total weight (W), and linear measures of body shape, visceral component weights, and fillet weight (Y) in market-size (>454 g) palmetto bass (Morone saxatilis female ×M. chrysops male, N= 138) and paradise bass (M. saxatilis female ×M. mississippiensis male, N= 134) were determined with the allometric equation: Y = aWb. Allometric analysis was used to compare traits of palmetto bass and paradise bass, and to identify factors influencing fillet yield. Paradise bass, an all female hybrid, had deeper, thicker, shorter bodies, and smaller heads than palmetto bass females. Male and female palmetto bass had similar body shapes. Values of growth coefficients (b) for body shape traits (range 0.21–0.48) indicated that shape was proportional across the weight range of fish used. Mean visceral fat and ovary weight were higher in paradise bass than in palmetto bass females suggesting the reproductive cycle was more advanced in paradise bass females. Whole fillet (skin and ribs intact) and skinless fillet (ribs intact) were larger for paradise bass than for palmetto bass, but trimmed fillet (skin and ribs removed) was not different between fish. Relative increases of whole and skinless fillet weights were greater than total weight in both groups indicating that the percentage of body mass attributed to fillet increases slightly as total weight increases. Therefore, small increases in fillet yield can be achieved by rearing fish to a larger size. Stepwise regression of whole, skinless, and trimmed fillet weight on body shape traits resulted in three parameter models with r2-values of 0.27–0.29 in palmetto bass, and of 0.37–0.43 in paradise bass. Addition of visceral components as independent variables in the models increased r2-values to 0.31–0.36 for palmetto bass and to 0.45–0.52 for paradise bass. Low phenotypic variation in fillet yield (CV = 3–5%) and poor predictability of yield from measures taken on live fish limit the potential for improving yield through individual selection. Identification of superior species or strain crosses or rearing fish to a larger size appear to be the best strategies for improving fillet yield of Morone hybrids.  相似文献   

A feeding trial was conducted to determine the dietary vitamin C requirement of juvenile hybrid striped bass Morone chrysops × M. saxatilis . Fish were fed a semi-purified basal diet with 40% crude protein and an energy to protein ratio of 8 kcal/g for a conditioning period of 2 wk. This diet which was not supplemented with vitamin C contained approximately 6-mg vitamin C/kg. Following conditioning, fish (approximately 0.55 g initial weight) were stocked as groups of 20 in 38-L aquaria and fed the basal diet and experimental diets supplemented with 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 75, or 150-mg vitamin C/kg as ascorbate polyphosphate for a period of 10 wk. Fish fed the basal diet and the diet supplemented with 10-mg vitamin C/kg exhibited signs of vitamin C deficiency including suppressed weight gain, reduced plasma and liver ascorbic acid levels, and abnormalities in isthmus cartilage formation. Plasma and liver ascorbic acid levels generally reflected dietary supplementation with the lowest levels occurring in fish fed the basal diet and higher levels in fish fed the supplemented diets. The minimum dietary requirement (±SE) based on non-linear least squares regression analysis of weight gain was 22 (±6) mg vitamin C/kg diet.  相似文献   

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