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A saddle that does not fit either a horse or a rider correctly has potentially far reaching consequences for both horse and rider health. The saddle should be assessed off and on the horse, without and with a rider. The fit of the saddle for both the horse and rider must be evaluated. A well‐fitted saddle should distribute weight evenly via the panels to the horse's thoracic region, with complete clearance of the spinous processes by the gullet. The saddle should remain fairly still during ridden exercise at all paces. The saddle must also fit the rider to enable them to sit in balance. Signs of an ill‐fitting saddle include equine thoracolumbar pain, focal swellings under the saddle, ruffling of the hair, dry spots under the saddle immediately after exercise surrounded by sweat, and abnormal hair wear. If a saddle does not fit the rider, the rider may not be able to ride in balance with the horse, and this may induce equine thoracolumbar pain. A saddle of inappropriate size and shape for the rider may induce rider back pain, ‘hip’ pain, sores under the ‘seat bones’ and perineal injuries.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate property-level factors associated with the movement of horses from non-commercial horse properties, including the size and location of the property, number and reason for keeping horses.

METHODS: Using a cross-sectional survey 2,912 questionnaires were posted to randomly selected non-commercial horse properties listed in a rural property database. The survey collected information about the number of horses, and reasons for keeping horses on the property, and any movement of horses in the previous 12 months. Three property-level outcomes were investigated; the movement status of the property, the frequency of movement events, and the median distance travelled from a property. Associations were examined using logistic regression and Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance.

RESULTS: In total 62.0% (488/791) of respondents reported at least one movement event in the year prior to the survey, for a total of 22,050 movement events. The number of movement events from a property varied significantly by the number of horses on the property (p<0.02), while the median distance travelled per property varied significantly by both region (p<0.03) and property size (p<0.01). Region, property size, the number of horses kept, and keeping horses for competition, recreation, racing or as pets were all significantly associated with movement status in the multivariable analyses (p<0.001).

CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This study showed that there are characteristics of non-commercial horse properties that influence movement behaviour. During an exotic disease outbreak the ability to identify properties with these characteristics for targeted control will enhance the effectiveness of control measures.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of girth construction and tension on respiratory mechanics and gas exchange during supramaximal treadmill exercise in horses. METHODS: Six healthy detrained Thoroughbred horses were exercised on a treadmill inclined at 10% at 110% VO2max. Horses were instrumented for respiratory mechanics and gas exchange studies, and data were recorded during incremental exercise tests. The animals were exercised for 2 min at 40% VO2max, and samples and measurements were collected at 1 min 45 sec. After 2 min, speed was increased to that estimated at 110% VO2max and data was collected at 45 sec, 90 sec and every 30 sec thereafter at this speed until the horses fatigued. Horses were run on three occasions with the same racing saddle and saddle packing but using two different girths, either an elastic girth (EG) or a standard canvas girth (SCG) which is nonelastic. A run with 5 kg tension applied to a standard canvas girth was the control for each horse, with additional runs at 15 kg using either the standard canvas girth or using the elastic girth. The runs were randomised and tensions applied were measured at end exhalation whilst at rest. RESULTS: Increasing girth tension was not associated with changes in respiratory mechanical or gas exchange properties. Although girths tightened to 15 kg tension had short run to fatigue times this was not found to be significantly different to girths set at 5 kg resting tension. Girth tensions declined at end exhalation in horses nearing fatigue. CONCLUSIONS: Loss in performance associated with high girth tensions is not due to alteration of respiratory mechanics. Loss in performance may be related to inspiratory muscles working at suboptimal lengths due to thoracic compression or compression of musculature around the chest. However, these changes are not reflected in altered respiratory mechanical or gas exchange properties measured during tidal breathing during supramaximal exercise. Other factors may hasten the onset of fatigue when horses exercise with tight girths and further studies are required to determine why excessively tight girths affect performance.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the effect of girth materials and commonly used girth tensions on athletic performance of race-horses and to test the length tension properties of commercially available girths. PROCEDURE: Seven horses were exercised at speeds to produce 95% of maximal heart rates on 15 occasions using a randomised block design, and girthed with 5 different girths at 3 nominal tensions of 6, 12 or 18 kg. The girths used were a standard elastic race girth, an 'American' elastic race girth, an elastic race girth twice the normal width, a standard canvas race girth and a canvas race girth at twice the normal width. Tension in the girth was recorded continuously using an in-line load cell connected to a physiograph. Horses ran to fatigue on a treadmill inclined at 10% slope. Tensions were measured at peak inhalation (T/inh) and exhalation (T/exh), recorded at rest (rest) and during exercise (ex). An analysis of variance was used to compare the mean run to fatigue times (RTFT) between girth types and tensions, multiple pair-wise comparisons were then carried out using Tukey's test where significant differences were found. The length-tension relationships of five commercially available girths for training and racing of Thoroughbred racehorses were studied by the application of standardized weights in series to multiple samples of each type of girth. Measurements were taken in a controlled environment and analysis of variance was used to compare the means for length-tension of each girth type. RESULTS: The elastic and the 'American' elastic girths produced significantly longer RTFT when compared to the standard canvas girth (P = 0.01 and P = 0.001 respectively). Also girths tensioned at Texhrest 6 kg and Texhrest 12 kg produced significantly longer RTFT than when girthed at Texhrest 18 kg (P = 0.03 and P = 0.08 respectively). There were significant differences between the commercially available girth types at each tension (P < 0.05), but differences were not significant between girths of the same type. Girths with an elastic component reached their peak for maximum extension at 14.5 kg and thereafter their extension declined. CONCLUSION: The type of girth and the tension at which it is applied affects athletic performance. Lower girth tensions and the use of elastic materials in the girth would appear to optimise performance. However according to this study and our previous study, none of the commercially available girths studied would adequately protect against the potentially detrimental effects of overtightening on athletic performance.  相似文献   

Body weight, heart girth and condition score were monitored in 75 Boran cows over an eight-month period. Condition score was highly correlated with both weight and heart girth when these variables were measured at the end of the dry season. Over the whole period the correlation coefficient between weight and condition score was r = 0.76 and the relationship was linear. When the data were broken down by lactation status the correlation between condition score and weight of lactating cows was lower but was improved by adjusting for differences in cow weight. Heart girth and condition score over the whole period were linearly related as was heart girth and weight. A change of one point in a nine-score system was equivalent to a change of about 24 kg.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Sacroiliac joint (SIJ) disease is associated with poor hindlimb action, lameness and poor performance in horses. However, little is known about the biomechanics of this low-motion joint. OBJECTIVES: To determine in vitro the capacities of movement of the SIJ in the sagittal plane, and to test the effect of a sacrosciatic and sacrotuberal desmotomy on its stabilisation. METHODS: Six anatomical specimens underwent cycles of flexion-extension of the lumbosacral joint (LSJ) before and after desmotomy. Kinematic triads were linked rigidly to the sacrum, spinous process of vertebra L5 and iliac wing. Angles were measured using a joint coordinate system based on anatomical frames. RESULTS: The LSJ underwent regular movements of flexion and extension (overall mean +/- s.d. range 23.4 +/- 1.6 degrees). The only recorded movement of the SIJ was a nutation during LSJ flexion (overall mean +/- s.d. 0.8 +/- 0.5 degrees). Desmotomy induced an increase of that nutation (overall mean +/- s.d. 1.7 +/- 0.2 degrees). CONCLUSIONS AND POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Movements of the SIJ were small and coupled only with the flexion of the LSJ. The ligaments surrounding the SIJ have a strong effect on the stabilisation of this joint. Due to the limited amount of movement, its biomechanical study in vivo seems to be difficult. Further in vitro studies would be useful to determine the role of each ligament, to better understand the clinical consequences of the tears frequently observed during necropsy.  相似文献   

Lameness in herds during one year was commonest in the first month of lactation (15 per cent of all cases). Leg lesions were particularly common at this time (24 per cent of all cases of leg lesions) but white line abscess and sole ulcer were more common a month later. Foul-in-the-foot was one of the two most common lesions at all stages of pregnancy and lactation, and white line abscess the most common (20 per cent of all lesions) in late lactation. Both sole ulcer and underrun heel had lower incidence in the second half of the year than the first. White line abscess was particularly common in March and November although there were significant interactions between month and veterinary practice; foul-in-the-foot was most common in October. Susceptibility to lameness increased with age; 10-year-old cows were over four times more likely to develop lameness than three-year-old cows. This was due particularly to increased incidence with age of white line abscess and sole ulcer and, to a lesser extent, underrun heel. In contrast, foul-in-the-foot and leg lesions showed little change with age. Whereas these lesions accounted for 68 per cent of the total in cows up to two years old, they accounted for only 15 per cent of all lesions in cows over 10 years old. White line abscess was slightly commoner in cows with large heart girths.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: The exact relationship between the saddle pressure pattern during one stride cycle and the movements of horse and rider at the walk are poorly understood and have never been investigated in detail. Hypothesis: The movements of rider and horse account for the force distribution pattern under the saddle. Method: Vertical ground reaction forces (GRF), kinematics of horse and rider as well as saddle forces (FS) were measured synchronously in 7 high level dressage horses while being ridden on an instrumented treadmill at walk. Discrete values of the total saddle forces (FStot) were determined for each stride and related to kinematics and GRF. The pressure sensitive mat was divided into halves and sixths to assess the force distribution over the horse's back in more detail. Differences were tested using a one sample t test (P<0.05). Results: FStot of all the horses showed 3 peaks (P1‐P3) and 3 minima (M1‐M3) in each half‐cycle, which were systematically related to the footfall sequence of the walk. Looking at the halves of the mat, force curves were 50% phase‐shifted. The analysis of the FS of the 6 sections showed a clear association to the rider's and horse's movements. Conclusion: The saddle force distribution during an entire stride cycle has a distinct pattern although the force fluctuations of the FStot are small. The forces in the front thirds were clearly related to the movement of the front limbs, those in the mid part to the lateral flexion of the horse's spine and the loading of the hind part was mainly influenced by the axial rotation and lateral bending of the back. Potential relevance: These data can be used as a reference for comparing different types of saddle fit.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Endotoxaemia causes a disruption of gastrointestinal motility in the horse but there is no information on its effects on gastric secretion. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration is known to affect gastric secretion in other species. HYPOTHESIS: That LPS, a toxic component of Gram-negative bacteria, would reduce gastric acid secretion and that pretreatment with phenylbutazone (PBZ) would block the effects of LPS. METHODS: The effects of LPS and PBZ on gastric contents were investigated in fasted, mature horses, with permanent gastric cannulae. Horses were pretreated with either saline or PBZ 15 mins before a 60 min infusion of either LPS or saline. Gastric contents were collected at 15 min intervals for 3 h, beginning 15 mins after the start of the LPS or saline infusion. RESULTS: Lipopolysaccharide significantly decreased gastric acid output, [K+] and potassium output and increased [Na+] and sodium output. Phenylbutazone did not affect basal gastric acid secretion but decreased LPS-induced changes in the secreted volume, [Na+] and sodium output. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence that LPS affects gastric acid secretion in the horse and that these LPS-induced changes are mediated, in part, by prostaglandins. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Lipopolysaccharide administration can induce changes in the composition of gastric contents in the horse but further work is needed to determine the source of these changes.  相似文献   

In the absence of debilitating medical problems, the geriatric horse can maintain a normal body condition when provided with an appropriate diet, adequate shelter, and preventive health care that includes regular dental care and deworming. Failures in management can lead to inadequate nutritional support, exposure to adverse environmental conditions, advanced dental disease, parasitism, and failure to detect developing medical problems. All these circumstances can lead to loss of condition and debilitation in the aged horse. Weight loss in the aged horse should be approached with an understanding of the basic pathophysiologic mechanisms of weight loss and the factors that can predispose older horses to weight loss. As always, a thorough history and physical examination are critical in reaching a diagnosis.  相似文献   

Reason for performing study: During trot, the rider can either rise from the saddle during every stride or remain seated. Rising trot is used frequently because it is widely assumed that it decreases the loading of the equine back. This has, however, not been demonstrated in an objective study. Objective: To determine the effects of rising and sitting trot on the movements of the horse. Hypothesis: Sitting trot has more extending effect on the horse's back than rising trot and also results in a higher head and neck position. Methods: Twelve horses and one rider were used. Kinematic data were captured at trot during over ground locomotion under 3 conditions: unloaded, rising trot and sitting trot. Back movements were calculated using a previously described method with a correction for trunk position. Head‐neck position was expressed as extension and flexion of C1, C3 and C6, and vertical displacement of C1 and the bit. Results: Sitting trot had an overall extending effect on the back of horses when compared to the unloaded situation. In rising trot: the maximal flexion of the back was similar to the unloaded situation, while the maximal extension was similar to sitting trot; lateral bending of the back was larger than during the unloaded situation and sitting trot; and the horses held their heads lower than in the other conditions. The angle of C6 was more flexed in rising than in sitting trot. Conclusions and clinical relevance: The back movement during rising trot showed characteristics of both sitting trot and the unloaded condition. As the same maximal extension of the back is reached during rising and sitting trot, there is no reason to believe that rising trot was less challenging for the back.  相似文献   

The objective was to test the hypothesis that phenylbutazone (PBZ) alleviates lameness in an adjustable heart bar shoe model of equine foot pain. Eight Quarter Horse mares underwent 4-weekly treatments randomly: 0.9% saline placebo (SAL: 1 mL/45 kg body weight i.v.) with no lameness; SAL with lameness; PBZ (4.4 mg/kg body weight i.v.) with no lameness; and PBZ with lameness. Blinded heart rate (HR) and lameness score (LS) were assessed every 20 min for 2 h and then hourly through 9 h. At 1 h SAL or PBZ was administered. Jugular venous samples were obtained at hours 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 and were evaluated for packed cell volume (PCV), cortisol, and drug concentrations. Repeated measures anova and t-tests were used to identify PBZ effects at a significance level of P<0.05. PBZ-treated LS was lower 2-8 h post-treatment, and HR was lower from 2 through 6 h post-treatment (P<0.05). Phenylbutazone did not change PCV and had minimal effect on cortisol. Mean plasma PBZ and oxyphenbutazone concentrations 7 h after treatment were 7.2-7.5 and 1.6-1.9 microg/mL, respectively. It was concluded that PBZ was efficacious in alleviating lameness in this model. Cortisol and PCV were not discriminating enough to distinguish between PBZ-treated and SAL-treated trials.  相似文献   

As there is no statistical evidence that saddle fit influences the load exerted on a horse's back, this study was performed to assess the hypothesis that the width of the tree significantly alters the pressure distribution on the back beneath the saddle. Nineteen sound horses were ridden at walk and trot on a treadmill with three saddles differing only in tree width. Kinetic data were recorded by a sensor mat. A minimum of 14 motion cycles were used in each trial. The saddles were classified into four groups depending on fit. For each horse, the saddle with the lowest overall force (LOF) was determined. Saddles were classified as "too-narrow" if they were one size (2 cm) narrower than the LOF saddle, and "too-wide" if they were one size (2 cm) wider than the LOF saddle. Saddles two sizes wider than LOF saddles were classified as "very-wide". In the group of narrow saddles, the pressure in the caudal third (walk 0.63 N/cm(2)+/-0.10; trot 1.08 N/cm(2)+/-0.26) was significantly higher compared to the LOF saddles (walk 0.50 N/cm(2)+/-0.09; trot 0.86 N/cm(2)+/-0.28). In the middle transversal third, the pressure of the wide saddles (walk 0.73 N/cm(2)+/-0.06; trot 1.52 N/cm(2)+/-0.19) and very-wide saddles (walk 0.77 N/cm(2)+/-0.06; trot 1.57 N/cm(2)+/-0.19) was significantly higher compared to LOF saddles (walk 0.65 N/cm(2)+/-0.10/ 0.63 N/cm(2)+/-0.11; trot 1.33 N/cm(2)+/-0.22/1.27 N/cm(2)+/-0.20). This study demonstrates that the load under poorly fitting saddles is distributed over a smaller area than under properly fitting saddles, leading to potentially harmful pressures peaks.  相似文献   

Estimates of the weights of dairy cattle by veterinary surgeons (n = 53), stock handlers (n = 42) and students (n = 77) were compared with heart girth measurements, which were used as a predictor of bodyweight. Visual live weight estimation was variable in accuracy. Fifty-five per cent of weight estimates were >10% from the reference weight, and the mean absolute percentage difference for all estimates was 15% (standard deviation 15%, interquartile range 5–20%). Underestimation was more frequent at higher weights, and accuracy of estimation was lower as weight increased. Overestimation tended to occur more frequently at weights <150 kg.  相似文献   

Peritoneal fluid was collected from 15 clinically normal horses and was analyzed for nucleated cell (NC) counts and specific gravity. Six horses (controls, group 1) were subjected to abdominocentesis only, with a teat cannula, every 24 hours for 5 days. There were no marked changes in the peritoneal fluid of these horses over the 5-day period. Peritoneal fluid was collected from 6 other horses (group 2) with an 8.89-cm 18-gauge needle. The needle was then advanced until intestinal fluid was obtained. Peritoneal fluid was then collected with teat cannulas at 24-hour intervals for an additional 4 days. Peritoneal fluid NC counts from group 2 horses were significantly increased (P less than 0.05) at peak values 2 days after enterocentesis. Specific gravities of peritoneal fluid from group 2 horses were increased on days 1 and 2 after enterocentesis (P greater than 0.05). Peritoneal fluid from 3 other horses (group 3) was collected before enterocentesis (base line) and again at 4-hour intervals after enterocentesis. Peritoneal fluid NC counts of group 3 horses were markedly increased above base-line values 4 hours after enterocentesis and continued to increase for up to 12 hours after enterocentesis when the experiment was terminated. All horses that underwent enterocentesis remained clinically normal except 1 group 3 horse that had a fever (39.6 C) 24 hours after enterocentesis.  相似文献   

The influence of breathing various concentrations of carbon dioxide and oxygen upon minute volume, tidal volume, and respiratory rate were examined in acetylpromazine-tranquilized horses. Responses in the horses before (control period) and after tranquilization were qualitatively similar to increases in carbon dioxide and to alterations in oxygen. The quantitative responses to these changes were less in tranquilized horses than in the same horses studied in the untranquilized state. Tranquilization had its most prominent effect upon respiratory rate in horses breathing room air.  相似文献   

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